[Full Episode] Could You Date a Man with No Car? Loni Says No!

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guys [Applause] yes hey what's up everybody [Music] welcome we've got a killer show for y'all so let's get right to it one of the funniest comedians out there the hilarious heather mcdonald is here now you know she's gonna keep it real plus we've got the scoop on the color that's on everyone's lips so let's turn things up and let's get real late okay okay i have something to talk about okay it's important i went out the other night met me a little honey you know since i'm on the wheel i'll be meeting them all right [Laughter] he seemed really cool we exchanged numbers he called me the other night and he was like uh so let's go out on a date and then he starts giving me his address and i said excuse me what first of all his address was in cucamonga all right that's far i live by the beach cucamonga is like egypt to me all right i'm not doing that so it's like you have a car he does not have a car it wasn't it was in the shop or something he just don't have a car i'm not a chauffeur okay if you want to date the love you got to put some work in that's what you got i agree with that i agree i i dated a guy in college with no car oh yes i did and that was horrible did you date him or you just said i dated him for two months i tried i tried well you kind of get tired of picking him up all the time exactly and then like i'm dictating it because i'm like he's like where do you want to go i'm like oh yeah right i'm the one that's driving oh yeah so where i come from a car is a luxury so i'm from san jose and santa cruz is right around the corner so i would always get picked up by boys that had skateboards they would roll by my house and be like let's go really you just stopped them just sleeping it's a different situation when you groan you know there is absolutely no possibility where exactly are we going what if he said well can you meet me somewhere would you would you be for the first day i'll do that yeah because i'm not sure if i want to stay okay would you date a guy if he had a ride but it was a hooptie no no what does that mean no no i don't think so not right now okay before events i dated this dude right uh-huh he was really established and he had a a porsche but it was a hope deport no not vintage it smelled like you know diesel okay i got out the car i got in the restaurant i'm like what the hell is this it's us smelling like gang that don't work for me i'm sorry i can't do that i bought my man a car once this is what i was much younger guys do you like that i was in love i was like 18 years old i just turned 18 got a little check yeah i have a question oh why not just buy yourself the call and have it i'm driving i couldn't drive so [Applause] so you thought she was buying y'all i got to ask the question where's your car now i don't know it's somewhere in new york it's his car why didn't you buy the car but put in your name so that if anything happened she didn't know i was like 17 18 years so if you think i was thinking that far ahead but not even that when you're 17 18 and you fall in love you feel like you're gonna be with that person yeah forever what a lie that was told i fell in love about 18 times when i was 18 years old what's the most expensive thing that you've got from a guy my husband likes to shower me with gifts yes he likes to buy me like he bought me maybe 11 carat wheat ring but i turned it back in and i put it into money in i've returned many gifts i've returned four luxury bags i've returned my own all my aunts and uncles buy me louis is there a reason why you return it though i don't like it you're diamond studs are those real no no oh she traps no these are like a volcanic ash rock that has a diamond cut to it but i just don't need to own expensive things because i won't be able to sleep at night what happens is you get expensive gifts and you turn them in and you put it towards something else like your bills and stuff yeah yes oh yeah but i would feel so bad returning a gift that my man put thought into getting but if it's my man and i married him he has to know that about me i'm like babe i don't need this oh my favorite very offended if i did yeah it took it back or something back and i said you know we should we should put this into you know the house or whatever yes he would be offended i was dating an older man named roscoe yes i've heard about roscoe yes roscoe gave me a whole case of brown liquor so you know [Applause] that is an amazing video he wants to stay around for a while so he knew what to do all right okay that's good so what would be your ideal dream gift or did you receive one mine was my engagement ring yeah i love it it means commitment yeah so you wanted to find it yes yes that was lovely and that's your also your wedding ring right yes so this was my engagement ring and then this was my wedding ring and then this was my what's that what is that shade right there she's just messing with me cause she i'm always talking about adam she's like i mean that's what she's doing i'm telling you i love tamara's ever called you on the phone but all day adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam adam girl now if he just got you a plain band would you have been equally attached yes absolutely and that one over there let's see that one i don't have my wedding ring on today standing over there we are not separated get your life together okay vince get mad if you don't wear it yes he does he gets offended but you know i keep telling him like you know when it's that time of the month i can't fit it so you know it doesn't work make you feel better i could wear it no i'll wear it for you in the meantime i've always felt that a man because i don't need a big rock but i mean like men who put the big rock on that's their way it sounds weird but it's their way of like like a fire like a dog marks their fire hydra i truly believe that that don't mean they love you though right they marked their territory on you so sometimes those women like a lot of famous celebrities they're carrying a big ass rock on their baby it's just that they got a lot of money i mean they can get a really big ring a person with a coin that's the difference right right yeah but does the person with the coin always have to buy a big ring that's what i'm saying yeah that's why they got the money well moving on do you guys feel that sometimes okay your your man has got it together right and then you start getting it together say you've got the show that sometimes you feel like you have to like kind of dumb your shine they call it dull yo shine because for your dude so like you you're getting better than your dude yes i don't say it i don't i know that i think that that's just ridiculous in my personal opinion i feel like a man that wants to be with you wants to see you shine and shine bright and they want to see you be successful i think it takes a man with real confidence they oughta but they all are not like that but they absolutely should they ought to be so proud of you that's a big big big problem in the relationship yeah so my husband was from harrisburg i'm from la when we got married we moved in together right when he moved here his business he had to move his entire business to l.a he doesn't know like he's a country boy so his business took a huge transition i dulled my shine off my own choice because i saw and i respected that my man felt more of a man when he could bring something you shouldn't have to dull i want to make this clear he doesn't know this like this is the first time i've ever talked well he knows i don't want him to feel i can't you know what i forget the cameras are on though and i talked to you guys so yeah well do you want me to say it yes because look at that now she's serious too because her eyes are up like this just say it girl say it i think it's more of his issue than yours i think he has a little bit of insecurity and maybe instead of dulling your shine you should help him feel just a little bit more secure in just who he is as a person at alone end of the day it's like even if you would try to dull yourself down right you are the star that you are point blank and period you're going to draw more attention to yourself right and it's just the truth right you know i mean it is what it is and you are who you are you know what i mean you you can't pick who you are destined to be i want to make it clear he never made me feel anything right no i know a little bit of a people yeah you i do i'm just like you just so i did it so it's my fault however you guys don't think for a second a little bit like it's it's a little humility we could always be a little bit more humble and not have something out of somebody else's feelings well it ain't like you're walking in the house [Applause] she was being considered of someone else's feelings when you come home to celebrate your success it's about you guys getting a successful exactly that's good i like that i learned it so don't dull your shine just make it that you all are shining together because when i was i said inspiration and what is your issue coming from a person who's been really really trying for their whole life to get to a certain point i know right and you make me feel bad once i reach my goal it's hard for us to have a for real for real sit down conversation because now i'm questioning your love for me and your dedication for me do you really love me because if you really love me you would celebrate in my happiness and you were celebrating in my goal so that means hold on hold that means guess what you would be in my book what a sideline hater oh sorry charlie i have to say do you know what that is what it is tell me a sideline hater is a person who sees you and watch you work work work work and wait for you to fall flat on your face and as soon as something negative or bad come out about you they'd be like oh girl is that your real ain't nothing funny like you know because a real friend and a real person really is down for you be like girl that is really messed up we're not even gonna talk about it or not even bring it up at all exactly but i've noticed in hearing this conversation about the sideline friendster it's that person who's on the sideline you've only met a couple times you're not really sure you know them but this as soon as something good happens for you they want to be your friend hi you want to hang out oh my god we just talked about this we have a mutual person in common that jeannie was like oh my god isn't she one of your really really good friends that's what she told me i'm like i got a girl started telling some names because i was like once in my entire life not only did she try to say she was best friends with you and that's why we should go to dinner she said you got to get me i have this face i already have a meeting with vince so you need to get me on the show wait she told me that wait she told me that wait messing down get this out here because we are about to get messy yeah we're cleaning out rumors [Applause] she told me this she didn't [Applause] so here's the issue here's the issue i just want to speak over there with your wife go over there with her don't stand over here we're talking about what i said you know somebody name you know if we're going to talk it takes one at a time can i just show you a text the other day about they actually did you want to be on uh yeah yeah exactly so you had a meeting with i didn't have no meetings so she tried she tried to have a meeting so she exaggerates i met her the one time i am not her bestie for the rest but see that's why i'm what i like but see that's why and everybody questions why she like that that's why i'm like that with my teddy websites because they be trying these thirsty helpers at the end of the day why would you tell you that this woman was using your name to try to get to me to work on the show because she said she'd already talked to her i'm never gonna question vincent d herbert because i know he has my background yeah exactly easy he ain't gonna never sell me off with no scallywag no i watch what i do though that's what i do know but the code of homegirl okay okay what it is what is girl called one person tell me the reason is the moment that you hear anyone else mention your man's name you say tell your homie girl okay girl [Applause] that's why we got more coming up on the real but it's shade around here [Applause] i don't know about you all but after that girl chat i definitely need a drink please what most of you may not know is what you're sipping on actually says a lot about you that's right we've all got booze anality and today we're going to learn a little bit about ours thanks to the help of our mixologist jamie hi hey jamie this is going to be fun now i'm a brown liquor type of girl so i pack a punch i also love a good savory drink like mmm bacon vodka what oh so jamie what you got for me oh [Applause] it's heavy on the brown liquor with a splash of bacon infused vodka oh nice yeah i'm also feeling that jamie is giving us like chippendale's tea right now right yeah enjoy that but you know my favorite drink is vodka right but don't get it confused she's far from boring i like my vodka with a little sophistication so i like to marry it with a little cognac to keep all eyes on me what classy drink do you have for me jamie i call this tamar's gold mine [Applause] [Music] our drinks are different it says so much about us but jamie i'm looking for something crazy because i like mine to be stylish but like a total rule breaker i'm loving me some mezcal will you please give me some mess what's this this is the famous genie teeny with mezcal agave cranberry and even some basil this is so used because it's so pretty it has agave in it that's like extra healthy i see some greens hanging off you get healthy it looks a little like beet juice okay let me try it i don't drink everybody for my drink everyone thinks i'm always so prissy and all i drink is wine well no jamie i'm actually i'm a little feisty my husband will tell you i'm a lot feisty so what do you have that says i mean business when it comes to drinking all right this is a twisted tamara right i twist it tomorrow oh it's so cute oh look at the licorice can i use this as a straw oh you have to it's got a whole lot of honey whiskey in it and a little tiny bit of juice oh my goodness this is so cute thank you that's thousands wait honey whiskey is very very very very very very very very sweet that's good i'm boriqua puerto rican so you know i love my rum but rum doesn't always equal a party sometimes you know i like to embrace my chill side and sip on a little something as i wind down okay so jamie what do you have for me everything adrian it's got your uh coconut rum everything adrian i'm gonna get it for you cilantro and even some melon liqueur special this is delicious you mashed adrian's drink to her drive wow i wanted another drink what you adding me to bill for all right i'll help you out a little bit yeah i like you oh this is so good you look like big tempers so you just [Applause] not getting stuck with that bill taymar you handle this you got the david thank you coin making these cocktails based on that parents these drinks are definitely spot on and you're not so bad yourself baby all right thanks for info on our booth analogies head to the real.com don't touch that remote we'll be right back in a splash with more of them [Music] [Applause] she must have been looking at me like i can't believe she's mocking me in front of my phone [Applause] all reds are not created equal have your lips looking like you've been making out with a maraschino cherry ooh nice this is nice our guest today is one of our favorite comedians she's the best-selling author of my inappropriate life and has her own comedy special on showtime called i don't mean to brag please put your hands together for the lovely heather mcdonald and you better answer the questions on there and you have to answer the question okay i'm ready oh my god embarrassing drunk moments okay well there's a lot to choose from right okay drunk moment but i think it's um you know we have kids so peter invited some my husband lonnie's favorite husband and um he invited some people over a couple over with their kids and it was like a pool party it's sunny and my favorite thing is to drink in my pool so i'm starting at 4 30 total respectable time to start drinking right yeah the mom kept saying oh my kids go to bed at 6 30 which freaks me out when anybody has like a really strict time like that because i never understood so anyway it comes to be eight o'clock they're still there i'm now drunk i kind of take a little mommy nap in my like in the playroom and the woman was like horrified she's like there's something wrong with her i'm like no nothing's wrong with me i'm drinking in my own eyes and you were supposed to be gone at 6 30 with your nerdy kid i can't feel bad for you yeah so anyway now whenever i see her at school i'm like hey and she's like like i'm some like weird like swinger alcoholic serial killer like i'm like listen i just had a cocktail at my house okay well you guys are we've worked together yes seven seasons chelsea and now you have your first comedy special i don't mean to brag how excited are you now for your stand-up special i'm i was really excited to have it it was i was really happy and then people you know just see us on chelsea lately you know or myself for like 10 minutes so they had no idea i do a whole hour and i do reveal a lot as i'm doing today right yeah so um yeah i was i was thrilled and it's on show time all month and you can get it on demand too so heather you've done a lot in the comedy world have you had a made it moment yet um i think i think doing the special is great oh yeah absolutely i think occasionally getting recognized is really nice like i know some people will come up and they want a picture and they'll go oh i'm sorry i know you're with your family this must be annoying and my kids were like it's not annoying let me take the picture like they know that i like it because it's taking a long time to get here you know so that's right and i so appreciate when anybody says they've seen my special or read my book it's so flattering i'm like oh my gosh comments because they try to say females aren't funny what do you think about that i think what's amazing is i've i and i bet you've noticed this too and when i do stand up in the club this past weekend in philly i had two straight bachelor parties come to my show before going out like as a part of their fun night so it's not all girls and gay guys that like female comics though they're great fans the guys are growing up guys in their 20s where they're just like what's funny is funny and i think that's what's really cool is they're not being it's not about your sexuality or your gender you know anything it's just about being funny so i think that part is when it comes to wearing red lipstick all reds are not created equal a lot of women shy away from wearing it but if you find the right shade it'll bring out the inner vixen exactly finding the right red for you is really all about your skin tone and knowing what works for you so let's find out how to rock your red yes all right now each of these beautiful ladies here has a different skin tone so we can show you how all of you can wear red seriously anyone can pull this off so our first model has light skin so this is for anyone with ivory and light beige skin tones if your skin is fair i mean like porcelain doll fair then a true candy apple red will liven up your color and add contrast so our first model is wearing lipstick queen vesuvius liquid lipstick in red i love that name it's a pigmented liquid shade with blue undertones it'll have your lips looking like you've been making out with a maraschino cherry oh nice that is beautiful beautiful very parisian it is now for my medium skin tone girls you need a brick red the best one would be something that hydrates and plumps to make your lips even fuller this color by ellis foss creamy lips in the color l101 blood red so pachara i love that all right now you all have skin tone girls like me trust me we've got you covered too pick a red with pink undertones for olive skin like ours the brightness of fuchsia and raspberry based reds complements the natural warmth of our skin so this color is saint wine by lipstick queen it's a translucent buildable red that can be worn sheer or more intense depending on the layering and now these lips are popping for my brown skin tone gals darker skin tones can handle more intense color like deep reds and reds with a hint of tangerine we love this color metal red by lipstick queen how cute is her power so cute she's so cute right here these all look absolutely amazing so you guys go get up the real.com where you can purchase all of these lipsticks brought to you by joyous and while you're there check out the joyous shoppable videos featuring real experts using real products i love a great demo and all of our studio audience here is going home with a shade of red lipstick from lipstick queen and a 25 gift card from joyous so now you can lock your red so we want to see how you do it so post your pictures on our twitter by typing in the real daytime with the hashtag rock your red guys [Applause] you know how girls sometimes get caught all in their feelings and they can't see things straight and even when it's obvious to everybody else around them i know all of us have been there and done that correct yeah yeah indeed so when something like that happens you need to come to us so we can help us to stop [Music] so that's what we're doing today our girl marquita is here and she told us that she's at a crossroads in her relationship yeah that's right she's wondering if her boyfriend of five years is serious about her relationship because he's treating her like a side chick now those of us who don't know what a side chick is that is called for the other woman okay miss marquez what is going on with this dude and why do you think that you might be the subject we've been dating probably for about five years and um you know everything is great but uh because of financial reasons he ended up moving in with his ex-girlfriend no no way not just his ex-girlfriend but with two other guys so that they can split the rent so um i was like okay cool because i really do feel like i'm fabulous so i'm like okay you can still be friends with your ex that's cool whatever lies you're better than me go ahead read on i'm sorry okay wow so anyway uh some things kind of started coming up you know uh like when i would come over to visit i kind of would get the side eye like she would look at me funny okay wait hold on i just gotta pause you for a second you're saying your man lives with his ex yes just out of curiosity when for financial reasons when he had to move in with the ex instead of moving in with her why didn't he just move in with you because i don't go for that i'm a single mom but you go for him living with this wait man let him finish honey well because i just feel like at the end of the day we you know in a relationship but not that serious where i feel like he has to move in with me being a single mom with my child i totally understand that but did he want to move in with you he did kind of mention that and kind of throw that out there but i just kind of made it clear you know several times that that's just something that can't happen have you met his family well no but five years five years you ain't met the mama you ain't met a cousin you ain't met a auntie what about holidays because for me holidays is a deal break christmas thanksgiving presidents day valentine's day what we got halloween what's t any holiday holidays i have not spent an actual holiday with him in the five years that we've been doing not valentine's day okay i i have a valentine i have a big question to ask you do you love this guy do you really love this guy um i love him um but i love friends too what about a birthday has he done anything special different for your birthday how does he treat that oh he has done special things for my birthday does he bring his friends in the sense that he introduces you and says i'm doing something special for my girlfriend's birthday how does he introduce you to people that probably would be more like friend he says you're his friend i think you deserve better man like anybody that doesn't spend a holiday with you what are you trying to figure out is we're trying to come up with you know there's a checklist of things so go ahead what she just said something yeah what'd she say what you mean he go out of town well i mean like he goes to visit his family like that's kind of like a tradition yeah well but you have to realize this is five years this is not five months you're right it's a little complicated because i have a child yeah right i don't want to fight and that's why you're not gonna waste your life you don't have time this is five years investigation because you have certain values because you have a child and you're a single mother right so okay i get that but then there are certain things when you're dating over the time that we're trying to figure out so i don't want you to think like we're ganging up on oh no way yeah no way i told you y'all's energy is like really that support me i'm not here to break you down i'm just here to actually as your girlfriend or girlfriend at the end of the day because this is what we all are here for well you're keeping it real yeah so and i have to keep it real with you i think it's time for you to call homeboy and find out the situation are you okay with this i'm ready okay you ought to be five yeah yeah good for you you need to know y'all be quiet he ain't even answer the phone he ain't that busy i wanted to leave a message but i ain't gonna do that but you know what honey i really do think it is really more about how you feel about yourself other than how you feel about this relationship if this is your man of five years this phone's supposed to be calling back by now you need to think about you and you need to think about your baby and think about somebody who wants to be invested in your life and in your child's life and say you know what five years you have got to at least meet my mama to see where i come from yes and i just want to button it up because sometimes as a plus-sized woman i know what you feel and a lot of times we let things slide because our self-confidence start working on your self-confidence as well as with your child and then you can think a little more clearer and you know what you're starting to do it today because you came on here and you asked for help so i'm proud of you all right and if he doesn't see you for the value that you hold that's his loss absolutely so if you guys need our help with an issue that you're having trouble resolving we want to hear from you go to thereal.com and send us your story we have to take a break but stay with us we will be right back right here on the road [Music] life is all about picking and choosing our battles and sometimes we say things when we really shouldn't well tamar doesn't but sometimes you show against your life stop coming for me i'm when i intend for you but other times it's okay to speak up and say what's on your mind so we're gonna give you some scenarios and try to find out what is appropriate or not in a game called speak up or shut up so let's try one now your friend is staying at your house for over a month and hasn't helped financially before you guys tell us what you think what would you guys do it actually has happened to me before i actually had a friend that stayed on my sofa she wasn't contributing to anything no groceries nothing would quite messy and then one day she came home with isabelle morant sneakers these sneakers cost 655 dollars at first i thought they were my size i thought it was a present i thought this was like thank you so much for your kindness for allowing me to live on your sofa not once did she contribute to the groceries or cleaning up or anything what if they don't have any money that would change whether you speak up or shut up is whether or not they have money i would have to have a certain agreement yes if they didn't have any money what i would say is you know what you can stay for about three months you know i'll i'll i'll take care of you i don't let nobody stay with me because i have too many men over my house so you ain't gonna be there anyway but if if they break the contract then i would speak up no yeah okay so i'm dying here with the audience things you guys speak up or shut up everybody ladies speak up all the way okay your friend owes you money and post pictures of things they brought yes this happens to me all the time really yes they owe me money you know and i'm like nice because i have a 500 thing that i loaned to people and if you give it back then i can give it to somebody else but this one particular girl didn't and then she put one little louis vuitton purses or whatever all on instagram was it a real video was it i don't care it was a purse i don't know what it was i mean what does the audience think what do we think definitely speak up right there we've got a couple of shut-ups though though really yeah i'm gonna go off my own experience okay okay you hate your sister's boyfriend what do you do well my sister and i were we're twins obviously and we are very vocal with each other so if i don't like her boyfriend i will say something and tia will too really yes we have to be very honest with each other because we're going to see it because we can read his mind let me explain something sometimes people don't even want to hear the truth okay so therefore i say shut thine mouth okay so audience what do you guys think girl i say i say speak up i think shut up that's your sister let her know that ain't your business yeah she's my sister and i love her and i want everybody to split like us you know i i don't have a sister so it don't matter to me i'm just playing general i feel like i might say something one time but after that i'm just gonna shut up you gotta sleep with him not me yes but you have to say something i think yeah but when a woman is in love or a woman really likes a guy they're not thinking they're not there and then they think you're jealous or that you're hating on that oh that's my i would try to catch him doing something if i catch him doing something i'll go run her and tell you i love it all right what about this one someone you don't like shows up to your birthday party your birthday party yes let me tell you your choice because they're trying you okay because they already know that you don't like them personal experience yes this is very expensive but it's all good yeah and my 30th birthday i'm not even gonna lie i had several people that i specifically did not want there and the people at the door knew not to let those people in so i spoke up oh really yeah so what do you guys think what do we say i say speaking on you to the future party and i cry if i want to shut up i say shut up take that birthday present and enjoy it that's right they didn't come with it ain't no good gifts though if they don't come with a present then i should speak up hopefully we help some of you guys figure out when to say something and when to zip it now it's time for us to shut up but don't go anywhere we'll be right back with more of the real yo i swear i do not know where the time goes we've got to say goodbye for today you guys but don't pout you can stay up to speed by following us on twitter at the real daytime thanks to our girl heather mcdonald for hanging out with us today for all of you guys for watching the real until next your time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: The Real Daytime
Views: 200,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real, daytime, talk show, women, tamera mowry, adrienne bailon, loni love, jeannie mai, therealdaytime, garcelle beauvais, adrienne houghton, jeannie mai jenkins
Id: byDM8rtLYvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 25sec (2245 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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