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[Music] [Applause] didn't get a really good look last night in the dark I'm back baby love castles and cathedrals and this is one of the most beautiful castles in the world the cats is about to close and 20 minutes I want to see the Cathedral that's really what I'm like cathedrals I want to see it so right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the st. Avitus Cathedral Mass [Music] and that's one of the original Christian sanctuaries love sites like this this is like the reason I come to Europe this is where you see something beautiful [Music] finally gonna grab some authentic Czech food and this place supposed to be amazing I'm not gonna try to pronounce that [Music] I'm really here for a couple things pork knuckles in dumplings and of course I don't drink alcohol but he said this no alcoholic beer is delicious so Wynnum frog gotta have some beer this is what I can have dumplings oh thank you thank you oh my god this is massive over a kilo pork and fat and meat and juice this is the thing to eat in Prague the picnic Oh some horseradish some mustard that's all you need in this big massive knuckle with some dumplings yeah that's that's that's how dumplings are here and probably is some tender tender pork I mean this thing you can almost pull this apart with your fork and look at the juice juice question I didn't check so far brands have had a lot of stuff question I have a wash that down with a little alcoholic beer yeah I don't like very much both dumplings outside I was thinking I will have some sauce on this bed I guess we order a whole pig leg you can kind of tubes dip to dumpling into the sauce there you go [Music] they're still waiting I think I still prefer a Chinese dumplings better but this is definitely up for filling a food item get a piece of skin some horseradish it doesn't look the prettiest Jenny's just woke up chewy very fatty very gelatinous goes perfect with all that mustard and horseradish at this is my type of meal I love simple rustic foods like there's meaty porky fatty what is not so love about it nothing little pork dunk a little dumpling this is why ever like a bar now I'm happy I feel like I mentioned let's go climb this thing sort of okay [Music] that was like an hour standing on top of a tower freezing cold squished by the other he's gonna do the same thing I was my luggage finally got here I can't wait to actually go work out now I actually have worked out clothes so that's a telltale working out I think wanna bet so my local friends love the sleek they said it's like a cantina you just grab your tray you get a little slip and there's tons of foods oh my gosh this hurts here sweet cruising over their salads we'll skip that line okay so this is the main food over here got our food got a pork schnitzel and a goulash with dumplings Brenda got beef with mushrooms thank you this place I was thinking what a reminding me of reminded me of a dim sum place they just take your sheet they dig they run out and get your food and you title it up later I mean it looks like a giant keep your mess which is just how I like anything to go with my with my carbs and this of course the traditional dumplings and pork schnitzel spicy goulash by the way this is great I love this little sup it's really quick it's like a cafeteria style food is actually really really good pork schnitzel - delicious these dumplings remind me of the Chinese Monto which is basically I mean it's essentially the same thing as the Monto it's just a steamed bun basically and it soaks up this sauce goulash is like it's like a spicy beef stew really tender beef not sure I really like this without with this schnitzel because completely different texture I mean one side is it's pretty soft and saucy and once I just like once you know it's delicious I will have to say it out that is so happy I put here so happy I wouldn't be able to do like you need jumping around restaurant food stores in this country one place is just gonna sink me delicious sinking feeling vital central yeah we got fruit dumplings these are two separate different types of fruit dumplings as as with most food here it is super thick and heavy I mean this is basically a bow a Czech version of a POW I do my workout routine will have to double if I ever lived in this country oh that's a very tangy plum the outside that's kind of what I expected semi soggy steamed bun I'm very dense incredibly dense and you kind of need this this cream because there's really not much flavor on the outside of the dough and the filling is a little too tart for me so this is orange plastic wow that's very doughy choke honestly not my thing is way too doughy and way too way too thick don't you doubt without tea or water or something I have to get middle burger every plum out of here and the only page to do it is this mossy place there's a lot of blacksmith shops in this town so I think this will be the safest city whenever a zombie apocalypse happens a cooking course I've been working on for over a year just went live the people who helped me made it just texted me of course just one life you don't know what the heck I'm talking about I'll put a link down below like a Leo cooking cars and the rinsing cores and then like pictures if you want to check it out authentic made easy calm I'll put the link down below but pretty exciting people already messaging me about it Oh check it out I left the burger place because well how I was in line someone's going about this place and also I remember like a couple of you guys messaged me about it so this is kind of similar concept with another butcher shop do you order your stuff while more seating dawg this is actually a restaurant self-service there's a freshly cooked meat here I mean this way is just the carnivores paradise and then you go and go to the butcher shop which is here sort of like the last one look at that steak my god this is my table no oh here we go thank you so much feel like I should be helping so on they head right now yeah steak with a set of burger yeah thank you so much oh good god look at this burger steak grilled perfectly the only two medium-rare so this thing is gonna be a little bloody [Music] so I so much meat today I feel like I need some of these veggies I just smell the dry aged ma'am I happen that is so good smokey laggy burger everything you want the perfect burger juicy BP slice right Alma I know this is not like a traditional shake we come to rock it yourself a burger you died this place when the under torture shop burgers rule in this city they give you this little sauce for the steak little spicy chili thing basil garlic chili peppers lettuce your stick way more fragrant I think both of these butcher shops like if you want to country [ __ ] now this is the place for you I think meet Polly the new style is pretty much similar you can't go wrong with your one about you always get a side of burger this burger alright I only got this one hey thank you thank you well I think this is a pre-award party I mean just a lot of really famous popular people here we're slowly being called into something you guys ever seen the island like welcome to the island I'm gonna follow her she doesn't look like she's taking me to the island I'm a suppose open the door by myself this is about as Hollywood as I'm gonna get right now thank you thank you no ideas get out so there's people posing all over the place Mr Graham people tick-tock people bunch of people well this is like an event this is where everybody is oh okay thank you okay thank you okay gotcha all right thank you reading on text as my face it's a text hopefully it's working Ross show's over I gotta say this year I went to a couple of board shows too shorty this and then Archie's short one at le s cool upgrad Wester first year but already I mean shorty was just a boring showing nothing was born Oh me you saw this place show I'm really sneaky I got a place more I wanna go back that may be working back in New York today breakfast Airport as much as I enjoyed Prague in such a beautiful city had a great time at the event I'm ready to go home because I'm moving to Seattle and literally three days three days counting this flight yeah I'm moving again across the country driving a lot of stress a lot of excitement this route is gonna be really fun I plan a really fun food grab you know what I just kept thinking about this burger what I love about this place that not only is it amazingly delicious they're open for breakfast at 8:30 in the morning if you want a nice kind of steak or a burger at 8:30 in the morning you can come here for that oh I got burger in a bone marrow finally got my bone marrow breakfast of champions I think so burger bone marrow 8:30 in the morning how we eat this any day of the week I I absolutely adore adore their burger and so glad I'm able to eat it one last time before I leave and the bone marrow this is always sold out whenever I ask for it I'm so happy so happy to have it so happy well what it is soda up there this is everything good in life spread over toast and the burgers for you look at this deep cooked perfectly tell me you don't want to fight at this 8:30 in the morning 3 a.m. in the morning whenever this thing comes a-callin you're gonna want to take a bite yeah this is why I don't go for traditional breakfast things like this Oh I'll miss this place there's my favorite place of Proctor 8:30 in morning where else can you go 8:30 morning getting delicious like I'm not talking about like a deli in New York that's open 24 hours where can you go 8:30 Oh morning gets such quality burgers Noah's can you bone marrow and certainly if you ask for stick it's not gonna happen but here so quality I mean every single bike listenmi chooses your rupture your mouth I'm hearing get this this is gonna be a great last memory of Prague before I leave [Music] [Applause] that's really cool it's a capsule sleeping pods inside Russian Hotel in the Lion King is planned [Applause] [Music] I'm supposed to be hairy 11:30 it's now 2:00 a.m. now the tribe home because I miss my bed I fell flat and died last now soon they got back down back at 4:00 in the morning oh I don't even know if I'm awake now but I gotta go in the city I'm gonna do one last livestream before I get out of New York and then tomorrow driving to Seattle I got to see Ben though I haven't seen Ben is so long it's not let's talk in a bit [Music] so I finished on my ramen video my New York City Robbins for number three part 3 video last week but as someone told me about this not Chamorro just opened this place called Miche it's supposed to be amazing especially Mazda man which is a broth less ramen but it's closed it's now open till 5:00 people will just go to Nakamura which is buddy we're doing man you ready for some ramen yeah sorry I places closed till today what's up with that this place is really good you like before where you like chicken you like ramen you wanna go you burgers instead they have two noodles here that I have been high last time so you can have a suit came in in a ton time man I'm gonna try the outlet you guys don't worry this is so good there's a powerful bra this thing should come with a little softer that would've liked this is my type of thing I'm really it's a heavily seasoned and Bob I know it says Nakamura on the bowl tell us a quarter Mike on the ball this is definitely my thing everything is too salty me some veggies how about it's very sesame the meat I love but meat has all the flavors required up at some time and spicy is nothing I'm very I think as long as you use some noodles with a meat we get that gift flavor of the spice and not meanness the noodles itself it just tastes a lot of that sesame flavor not a lot of the spice actually not at all displacement not all the pepperiness so out of these two I definitely prefer those who came in so close but nicely no big famous now yeah he woke people come up to you now right I got stopped on the street once yeah that's funny that's funny you know as you grow older you like I feel like you have less less friends because you know that gets no way friends getting married and whatever there's like my my one friend right that I still have though I've known for about 15 years like he's like the only person I ever hang out with and that's not even that often [Music] I'm gonna go scream for about four hours if you don't know I'm streaming on Twitch slash you with Mikey I'll put that link down below if you want to watch a stream livestream I do it several times a week check out that channel stop drama I'm stopping at King's dumpling out this is a place where if you remember back then I said I had a favorite dumpling they just took a poll on me I had a favorite dumpling place in New York - it's called prosperity dumpling he's way over there around the corner then they got shut down for making dumplings in the alley which I think it's totally fine eyebrows McConnell's leave this space it's a space not like they're making on the ground so then they finally reopened Kings dumpling but I'll tell you if it's justice Cadets diversion okay so these are you still get four dumplings but before he was a dollar for five now it's a dollar for 150 which is still a good deal I'm not sure I remember these be incredibly meaty which they look at and crispy on the bottom soft on the top and a very very big filling it's supposed to be really juicy as well as way I remember it oh my god that's everything I remembered it to be what's so great about these dumplings and the person to like over high places like with missus was that you guys see the wrapper is really really thin and the meat is humongous so you don't get a very dopey fight like a very light bite and you see fight as well so yeah Kings don't play does where you go for dumb things down guys come to New York Kings don't play there's no how ok that's something bummer think there's no hot oil there's been a dervish those stolen nice Jack look like I remember that recipe didn't change a bit these are so a guy so I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow I just found this place this is kind of like the food Cod working against me it's almost too good my favorite favorite favorite dumpling is store in Queens but oh my god turn me on you got all these best fried dumpling I always paired these two up dumplings with sesame B pancake a massive pancake stuffed with well maybe I shouldn't say stuffed with beef inside from this angle it was like a sesame pancake crocodile dessert coconut with gold I really didn't want that going it's one of the coconut but do you want the coconut it comes with the gold and that makes distinct eight bucks I don't really feel like this is worth $1 at all is the dumbest thing it's good now worth $1 I don't never get us again friends good now I really wanted something coconutty I didn't know was $1 before I bought it I just got the smaller do I $8 actually asked him if I give it this kind of I don't have to go down there it's roomy down all right back again second it's time to go to niche it should be open this time we're here okay this place only has a try ramen like I said massaman so brockless ramen and this is the specialty steak Maas Mandir I mean $21 is a little steep even for New York Robin but imagine you're paying partially for steak I wish you are you needles are exactly what you think they should taste like so true it's perfect I don't suppose because any thinner romney videos came home last night pastel right away luckily I got I got a special delivery day before breakfast balsamic fig chicken beef carnitas tacos worth ragout spaghetti hmm yeah let's do the hog goes again [Music] thirty minutes I've kind of become reliant on this hello freshservice hmm they're really the perfect sponsorship for me they measure out ingredients for you they're send it to your door really simple recipe six step photos follow that you got yourself a hot delicious meal and trust me when I tell you to those delicious three plans to choose from classic becchi family I always get the family there's not expensive either meals start from $6.99 per serving so if you guys are like me hate going to the grocery store you want your stuff just deliver to you fresh ingredients simple instructions day you can just whip it up and eat it you can get started with eight free meals that's $80 off your first month's quarters just got to go to hello fresh com promo called Mikey Chen 80 if you know me you know I'm not gonna endorse a bad product this is actually something I use even when they weren't sponsoring me so I was paying for this service myself that's how much I love it alright guys thank y'all so much for watch this video [Music]
Channel: Mikey Chen
Views: 450,763
Rating: 4.9002557 out of 5
Keywords: prague, czech republic, czech food, pork knuckle, traditional czech food, czech food in prague, prague travel guide, things to do in prague, prague things to do, what food to eat in prague, dumplings, wagyu, wagyu burger, steak, dry age beef, dry aged steak, bone marrow, burger, burgers
Id: 4h6pi9tNCMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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