Full Conceal?

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I'm trade with fool conceal go ahead and we're gonna demonstrate this a collapsing folding block thing look like of a better term so let's talk about this so this is our full conceal in three what we what we've done is we made conceal carry a lot easier the conundrums of concealed carry is easy to have a big pistol that looks like a pistol underneath your clothes or you have a small pistol that doesn't print but it's a small caliber or a less less magazine capacity this is our full concealed in three 22 rounds a 9 mil comes with a custom trigger it doesn't matter where the magazine is that it always seats to the right place it doesn't matter as long as that rounds still held by the feed lips it'll still it still works because what's happening inside when you deploy the grip the magazine is seating from the top down and it's seating against the parts of interacting with inside the pistol so other things going to be correct my pistol has got over a thousand rounds through it it's with a police department right now and I told him I said look up use a pistol this week on that shot Show and he text me last night they put like 700 rounds to it the first couple days they had at no issues so it's rugged reliable we've dropped it kick that feed on it I tried to break mine and I have it broken yes you're modifying a standard Glock Ram no are you making this frame a lot if I find that we're buying the complete pistol and then we do our thing okay so you are modifying it except we are working towards manufacturing the whole entire piston okay so do you do you modify them for people or do we send them in or no sell them as we sell them as is now we need us so we can sell a frame here you can take 743 and then this is our m3s 13 rounds of 9 mil same concept same custom trigger but we've got 13 rounds in a pistol that when it comes from the factory is 6 so the people's complaint is a small capacity yes and then people the grip is too small so we fixed both of those problems with our prototype this will be out in production by the early part of June it is cool that there's no there's no reason to have this any shorter than the frame so you - and then you know or anything with long run concealing purposes that's 34 rounds of 9 mil in my pocket that prints like a phone so if you're on a personal security detachment executive security or something like that you've got basically the same firepower as a mac-10 or newsy that fits in your pocket it's super cool yeah so alright so hear that that's what are the MSRP on these things what are we talking about here cost money MSRP is $13.99 for the 43 for both okay same price alright you have a map that's 1199 that we protect so if you're a dealer we're gonna protect you so let me ask some questions about practicality here okay so so I see this in terms of not printing and for a non-permissive environment in which we should not be able or cannot be detected as having a firearm right and that in that guise this folds away in your pocket kind of disappears right however in that guys fold away in your pocket just like a pocket pistol it's not ready for action it's quicker but it's still something you got to get out so before a normal person that's concealed carrying for the purposes of self-defense they have to proactively for a moment know that they need their gun before they need to exactly they need any left the bank yeah exactly so in a situation in which you've been attacked or assaulted you're not going to get this out and be able to apply fire until you've got this out of your pocket and brought it to action right so that's something you're considering in this I'm assuming okay so here we go practice I suspect you could do that here appears we're very close to having a holster that's those three things it holds the gun it keeps the magazine retain and it keeps the grip retain them they're all stroke is just this so I've got the gun in a holster my draw stroke is that right there alright so if he's attacking me yeah okay so the purpose of having it in a holster then why watch is carry a standard gun I mean I mean it prints a little because of the because of the signatures and I'm sitting in a vehicle yeah it's not this where I'm digging against the tourney alright fair enough and that's that we're we're developing is it's going to be a shoulder holster so it's up out of the way the the the host will have two straps one on your shoulder along your belt so it's it's tell me about this weight then when you do your draw stroke you put the tension on it you're going to reach up okay because I personally have a very hard time recommending pocket holster guns in general because they're in practicality of actually bringing the gun out when you need it you don't generally know you need a gun in 30 seconds you need it now that's the problem with that right so in a holster environment like you just demonstrated where it comes out and becomes ready right that makes more sense to me I've always kind of really lucked in toward pocket I'm a gun guy yeah I when Mike was developing on this I said look the guns got to be able to do this this this yes yes so that's why when I got mine I tried to break it I'm shooting that I want to get to ten thousand rounds through that to serve and if we're not going to have a holster that's gonna be a problem so we're answering all those things mm-hm and now can you carry over the round of the chamber absolutely and I'll show you alright when the grips all the way down let me take the magazine out of it the trigger shoe is pulling away on a way on the on the trigger bar some time away from this year there's no way that's going to discharge no way it's impossible okay so you're gonna carry one you're gonna carry with 1 in the chamber but it's a gun safer like this than a traditional right so you're not you're not relegated to condition 3 there's no yeah there's no way the gun can discharges it's impossible we try do so when you flick that thing out you're just putting your essentially indexing the magazine into the feed pad would you have a round in the chamber so here's one here's another argument there's a lot of people that concealed carry that will not carry with one in the chamber yeah well they're wrong I I know I can I can deploy our pistol just as fast with one in the chamber and the grip folded then I could if I was drawing the pistol and then chamber an Arsenal so and you know it's a bad thing I'm sorry is there any sort of I don't know if this can happen or not but what is there anything to prevent the trigger from being inadvertently pulled during the unfolding process it's a beep the grips gotta be too about right there before it okay I figured you probably would have but it's a question lutely it's some of the things we have taken if someone's actually under stress it's not going to be as smooth as as I practice it at home okay if someone can do that eventually that's a great point and my thing is it's a reliable rugged pistol and if you're not gonna train with it you're not going to be effective under stress but if you're going to train with it like you would any other farm in my opinion but if you're not training or you're not trained and you're not to see no no that goes with anything right that's about it I just don't want to pocket carry on 94 Nambu so yeah I mean when that's you have to have the magazine index but at that point you just kind of well and I didn't do this this is a yes this is a prototype the magazine on the home that s is going to be the same as the anyway it's gonna be the same it's gonna be smooth it's always gonna index the right way all the parts on it are gonna be anodized black it's not going to go out until it's perfect one of the other things are running into Carl is that the tag on it oh yeah no I'm just trying to I'm trying to be cool guy here so out and just yeah it's practice alright so oh you were doing it by the mag and you need to do it straight up okay all right fair enough that's something that would take some iteration some drills see I need one of these to go with my Hotchkiss but alright oh yeah that's 34 rounds of 90s yes Dee you've got we talked about that earlier oh it's hard to do with who magazine you're designing so you're actually grabbing by the mat interesting yeah it does fold up small it's just and that's while it's in the holster because it's retained you can just flip your photos through the gains yeah you need some levers right now you kind of need two handed but if it's in the holster which cannot walk yeah ian is pretend that's the holster shirt and then episodes of draw stroke is that interesting well why thank you for your time you have any other questions and at this point I don't think so oh all right well thank you freezy fellows thank you so much thank you you
Channel: InRangeTV
Views: 116,406
Rating: 4.9370008 out of 5
Keywords: full conceal, glock, concealed carry, ccw, kasarda, mccollum, inrangetv, forgotten weapons
Id: f9824yYfVqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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