Shot Show 2019: Forgotten Weapons & InRange TV

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hi everyone Polybius brownells here today I'm joined by Ian and Carl from in-range TV thank you gentlemen for joining us they cover another way we're doing a quick shot show of debrief I guess on day one I guess give it picking your brain on what you're seeing so far what you like about the show what you don't that sort of thing so shot show 20 and what are you seeing that you're excited about if anything well we have to say brownells retro rifles yeah I know don't have to they didn't tell us - yeah it sounds like a sales pitch with us that is absolutely the truth I mean you guys are putting some really cool stuff and it fits into our historical interests as well as modern interests so for in range it's a completely perfect fit in terms of what you're doing so your resume your range day videos are gonna post here shortly ya know what are some stuff our our viewers can look forward to that you're gonna post ain't p1 a CRO actually yeah that's true so we've been playing around with and the industry has for quite a while Red Dawn sided pistols and it really is the evolution of a practical pistol my opinion but the red dot sights that we've been putting our pistols have been problematic you've got our Mars and have battery issues then you have to change to take the optic off to put it be new battery in you've got the Delta plan Pro which is durable but it's a big optic and a scoop their pain points got the new acro p1 which is completely enclosed - and I think that's gonna change the whole thing what's to do different batteries it's classic gameplay and runs for 50,000 hours they said on setting 7 brightness setting 7 it lasts a year to a year and a half constant on ok but one of the big differences it's a completely enclosed tube so like with a delta point or an arm or you just have a piece of glass it's exposed when you're moving through a practical environment or dirt those things literally become like dirt shovels yeah and therefore hard to clean and if they get occluded by rain or mud or can't really use them the new aimpoint unit is a completely enclosed tomb you've just one if the dirt off or even if it's included you can look through it like vinden sight and still use the red knob so it's n points gonna change the pistol game again I love to do some ugh what's the format of the cut its proprietary I think it's their own thing but they said they were gonna have a bunch of different mounting please alright I'll have to get on that for our Glock slides for sure yeah it is tragically ugly but what they call School Bus on there but it's also built to be a point because he was talking about you know using it as an actual charging tool beating on it it's a name point off their functionality before it looks yeah something you wouldn't necessarily do it with Delta point I love the Delta point but I'm not gonna beat it on the side of a rock to read like to clear a gun or charge it either it seemed put you clear so that's a theme you're excited about red dots on pistols is there a theme at this year's shot show that you're not excited about or you see stuff that's going the wrong way see as much tragic derp is to be honest this is pathetic Durham we were actually saying this at media day we're walking around we're like my gosh we're like hitting one after another kind of interesting product like more so than any year before this which is I don't know if the audience is gonna like that because they kind of like when we find some of that weird stuff but you think that's driven by what you guys put out there and just social media in general just giving feedback that manufacturers hear about quicker or I just love this year I think that market is largely driven by people being willing to buy stupid things I would love to think that we can be part of helping to educate the gun buying community to be a little more cognitive slightly whether yes like you know make some better decisions but I wouldn't it'd be cool you know it is only day one who knows what we're gonna uncover in the next couple days look I have to take some pleasure on those videos we have not yet found a trigger activated light for snipers but we might find one you never know we can make that yeah there's somebody already trying on some awesome the whole corner of the show dedicated to magic gun oil oh yeah so it's for shot show itself when you show up what's your goal like what do you want to accomplish is there you just want to see cool stuff to get it out there for your viewers to see or is it what are you looking to get out of it we typically have two parallel goals and one is one is to look at things that we knew about in advance that we knew would be here that we were curious about and the PIA one falls into that category and the other is then just to explore the vast wilderness of shot show to see what other interesting things are out there you know it was shot show a couple years ago that was the genesis of our what would stone a new project it is looking at like everyone who makes a our parts is here we have access to all of it let's see what we can find that we can put together and keep in mind it's not always the big guys that make the most interesting thing if there's a little guys they have up with the compelling arguments or items or project yeah the next area upstairs you see stuff from manufacture you've never heard of and it's just wow that's that's I would see my interest a shot show is pretty divergent right one of them is acting the historical part would seem like and we already mentioned this like your retro guns or like I today I was drooling over some of the patter solely the Whitworth like that's amazing fascinating gun right that's something I get to see here or some of the stuff that's coming out this big reproduce I also want to see the most modern things where are the trends things going where what can we do to make better more practical games because I like to Thomas shooting Federer I've run to good action challenge match I want to see what's coming to the to the world for that too what can we do to make our our shooting capabilities and skills better with deer and what's what's changing as far as the gear that's gonna enhance your shooting capabilities is there anything besides the aim point that you saw so far and along those lines actually you know what there was another one we saw at media day someone's asking some of our Q&A is about digital rifle scopes and I don't know if this is a good product or not yet but what we saw of it was kind of interesting it's moving forward a little guy a little company that I think it's a little company that was at you today at the media day called sense psyched and it was like a combination of a smartphone in smartphone and digital rifle scope she had this you know LCD display which means there's no eye relief concerns because you're looking at a screen and then there was a screen below it where you could do digital zoom from 4 to 20 changed between day/night and I are you have a BDC built in you could program it and it's all sitting there on Picatinny rail for like a living here bucks for $1,200 I think that digital rifle right there it's not not maybe not there yet but we saw for example the tracking point a while back now you see this at a consumer level of like $1,200 I think there's a whole new world coming of digital rifle type scopes and optics I think night vision too that's the way night visions going digital so as far as your channels I'm sure everyone knows you from both channels but let's backtrack I just a quick history lesson when did one forgotten weapon start out time frame and how develop and then in range what's the history between you two forgotten weapons goes back to about 2010 Canada the really the early genesis of being range was when Carl and I first met up it was because he saw a youtube video of me shooting one of the late war German World War two guns at a really pretty mediocre three gun effect up in Phoenix and actually comment on YouTube hey I see you're shooting that up at this lame event you should come shoot it at my match because it's a lot better and I showed up at his battleship which is the two gun action challenge yep yep so I've been running the two good match for a long time I didn't to cut you off if you weren't done yet so so I was I was actually looking up some some world war ii german experimental rifles and i found your video of you trying to shoot that FG 42 at this three gun match and three guns turned into three guns it's nothing wrong with it but it's a different environment it's not a place where you're gonna bring a historical right very gear-driven yes and an FG 42 doesn't fit into the heart about the right care and so i sent you that message going I think I got a better venue for this and then lo and behold you showed up and then it turned naturally into this idea of why don't we take the two gun action challenge match and not only shoot modern guns but take some of these oldest work guns and compete against one another with them to try and get on the clock how does these things really handle and that's kind of what turned in in range because it was it was the genesis of it yeah like old guns are they using modern shooting competition and concepts but to look through it through the lens of history etheline and vetting those guns concept in mind so a speaker that fg42 caught my attention have you that's an SMG guns yes you still have that your possession are you doing any Content not on that particular gun in the future they are getting very close to releasing their first pattern release further cemented so there were a bunch of changes the the original first pattern guns had milled receivers the obvious distinctive changes that the grip is a very sharp angle I'm really excited to get my hands on one of those is that gonna retail for about the same like 55 I believe it's 55 so I have two guns from Rick at SMG and I love them both one is one that we played with which was just a concept was modernizing the FG 42 so it's got a Picatinny rail a short barrel it's got an ar-15 pistol grip on it okay and that's pretty cool and compelling but it needs work it was just something we just played with other parts yeah and then I also have and you have one too I have one of his DPM team took the DPM and made it a semi automatic and then the RP forty-six belt feed conversion kit on it oh my gosh like I'm not usually the guy that goes to the range and just dumps rounds that gun I love that that's seven sixty by fifty four it is and it's the Bell feed system that they took the DPM the Soviets took the DPM and turned it into their Bell thing what's appealing about it is it this soft shoot it's mild but you know what even in a semi-automatic format you can run that trigger fast enough you're getting about 90 percent of the feel of the real gun and there's something too compelling about a semi-automatic belt-fed that runs reliably but is close to the real rate of fire it's it's a lot of power so are there any guns you haven't see at the show that you'd like to see reproduce that maybe are feasible that would be short leaps for people maybe not a famas which is I have oh whenever people ask me that I've always said that the purchase folding shotguns are I think there's enough of a market to actually justify someone reproducing those boo-bear t guys but you know most of the time and I think you recognize this better than most people reproducing an old gun is much more difficult and much more of a commercial challenge than people recognize you're able to do it with some of these things because they are fundamentally based on the AR platform that's well thought out and available taking some weird gun that you know they only made a thousand well there's probably good reason they only made a thousand and you're gonna have problems and that's gonna be hard to bring into the market the Burgess was bought out by Winchester and shut down because it looked like it posed a real competitive challenge and I think with Cowboy Action shooters and people who are just you know the internet making it possible for people to be more interested in obscure and interesting guns and it's a folding 12-gauge like it breaks apart at the barrel and folds in half and they originally actually made a belt holster for the price it's just cool I picture a a like gun show special nylon holster for that Uncle Mike's purchase holster so I maybe I'll give it away some ideas but I hope I am because I'd like to see someone do this with the with the advent of red dot sight and pistols one of the things we're always fighting with is the locking systems on pistols tilting our barrels and all that have an effect on the ammunition you're using with the red dot in terms of your zero or accuracy I think the the most perfect wonderful red dot sighted system would be one with a fixed barrel and a gas delayed blowback system like in HK p7 if you were to build something if someone were to build something like that that was proper modern capacity I think it would take the red dot and then you put in a crow p1 on it you're now taking the red dot sight at fiscal to a whole nother game HK I know like literally we were joking around with them was like where's the p7 m18 red dot sight and pistol right because this is we're all building these on platforms that weren't meant for this and if we built a platform that was meant for this it would be an even better thing the other thing I'd love to see which is this is Fantasyland but like reproduction lever-action guns like the 1866 so the what was the Winchester rifle but in 44 centerfire like the actual 44 Henry round 44 40 not 45 Kohl like chamber and the real thing that's now that would become 70 some kind of amalgamation between ammunition reactors and the rifle it probably doesn't have the demand in the market but I bought one I think we'll put that on the list right after my mag poll show shot man exactly doesn't mean doesn't mean I wouldn't want it and you know actually there would be a cowboy action market for that yes and I said Center fire because it'll be reloadable as opposed to Henry rimfire but I'd love to see that so you mentioned the show show what do you what's going on there you have one you have - I have - I have an eight millimeter labelled one and I have a thirty on six one alright and you have more content coming out on those with you're tweaking it and getting it to run yes well both I gun to actually run I had some magazine issues with the thirty-aught-six one the magazines for the optics show Shah are extremely rare and I'm very lucky to have managed to get four of them but they were dented kind of beat-up and so some guy named mark novak fix them up for me nice so what's it what's the appeal there for the show show for you Oh for me it's a combination of I'm very interested in early self loading firearms and the show shy is very much that it's a long recoil system I'm very interested in world war 1 firearms the show Shah was the most numerically the most produced machine gun of World War one and of course I have a very deep interest in French military firearms when you combine that you know having the French one to school and then having the version that the American army contracted for and bought that's super cool is there a hint of myth-busting that's appealing to like about going out there and putting some of that to rest room a little bit but I if I if I push that much I always run the risk of people trying to run it too far so like the show shot is in fact especially the 30.6 oh I'm like one of the worst machine guns of World War one but that doesn't mean that it's without value but it doesn't mean it's without historical interest we're comparable to its peers at the time exactly I like to compare them to stand out like the Sten is also one of the worst fielded submachine guns of all time but it's also one of the most important just because it's a cheap gun that was thrown together in order to be manufactured very quickly and has you know all sorts of issues associated with it that doesn't mean that it's a it's done against a bad gun in every way it's still a very interesting on a very relevant gun a significant gun the show shows to me much the same if I get speak to that just a moment even though it's like it's so what happens is lore gets turned into some sort of unbelievable real like absolute truth yes and if there were nothing if it is the number of it was the most mass produced light machine in a World War one it did work and had to have worked it was not something they we're not going to issue the most machine guns of all time in World War one that were just completely dysfunctional they do work now there's problems with the gun there are better guns at the time but that doesn't mean the show shots worthless and that's what the lore goes and that's what people tend to take things in that spot and we see it to the most commonly seen one with the ar-15 with the retro stuff you get the comment I best a piece of junk like the original it's like no with its improvements and its development it is fine and exactly not not not to to uh to blow our own horn that part but I do think that's one thing we've been able to do within range to a degree is we've been very good with our videos of when we went with the mud tests on the dirt test but the air 15 series of content on the channel in general I think that if you look at our content there we've demonstrable proven that this is an incredibly resilient durable design and the lore is based on other data that happened that's not the design of the gun other things happen to the ar-15 in the m16 during Vietnam that are problematic but the design of the gun is genius oh yeah absolute genius yeah ill - our show proves it I think yeah well thank you thank you both very much sorry to cut you off I did want to plug one thing you said this day I don't know if this is even a shot Richard laid his upper so here's the thing that where would that both of us are excited yeah Richard lage lage manufacturing he does a bunch of conversion uppers for the m11 m11 and machine guns and he's got the m11 a one out now the a one is coming it's going to ATF for approval but he's taken the 380 machine pistol of nonsense junk and it's now an open bolt five five six select fired machine which is like the most entry-level plaster II type it is the lowest price most available on the registry what does one go for now I'm an iOS like I don't know the market either probably eight thousands range they've gone up depending on which type I would say five days the m11 a ones are kind of some of the more the pricier ones now because as a trigger pack they're the most compact but but it's so exciting that you now have this m11 a one with a 380 machine pistol you can put his conversion on a turn into a nine-millimeter submachine gun or a salami drum fed and now soon a five five six that's really compelling you think that's obviously to crank the price up on this you think it already has we saw that the same thing with the beer intense the I've had people collectors comment at the ar-10 prices have gone up they're gonna go anyway yes but they've shot up the past yeah Richard lage and later manufacturers completely altered the m11 market forever because he's made it into a viable gun it's not something else that's the stuff that's great in this industry you get those guys that focus in on that one platform and make it take it to the next level yes and he's another example that he did it right he put in the time he did the development and the things just work they're sleek and well-designed and they work alright well thank you both I appreciate you stopping by doing a quick video with us enjoy the rest of the videos anyway so they're always great thanks for coming by
Channel: Brownells, Inc.
Views: 46,545
Rating: 4.9644618 out of 5
Keywords: Shot Show 2019, Brownells, Forgotten Weapons
Id: hJw3X_TWspo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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