M1 Carbine vs AKS74U

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In fairness I am genuinely curious to see how an M1 would work with a red dot. They make modern mounts nowadays which won't adulterate the original wood, so it might be worth trying.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/leadnpotatoes 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Cool video. Results weren't exactly surprising but it was a fun test.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/unclekisser 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why does Karl mention the .357 magnum in the conclusion? Did he just get confused and misnamed the .30? If not, why would he mention a pistol cartridge when talking about rifles?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/alarming_cock 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
thank you for tuning into an episode of in range we're out here in the increasingly hot but beautiful Arizona desert it is gorgeous it is and we have no other shooters out here to compete with gunfire because as it gets hotter they get fewer the flies increased the shooters turned out yeah people hiding their holes so I've been playing with an m1 carbine a lot he's been doing a lot with an m1 carbine lately I like this thing you know I've always liked the concept but I've never actually had so I finally got this one through in her ordnance because they brought in a ton of them from Ethiopia including one ones like this that are in all early configuration this is like early World War two configure right here yeah which has always been really hard to find in the US because the ones that were released officially from the US government had already been updated and reworked and refurbed huh this one I got the early small stock I got the flip site I've got the push button safety the small handguard all the early features really cool now the purpose of this what I find very interesting is it occurred to me this that the purpose of this is the same as the purpose of that namely a personal defense weapon for auxiliary troops that occasionally gets pushed in the frontline combat mortar crews helicopter crews tank crews yeah not not so much helicopter crews initially no bazooka crews talked about this drivers yes yes whether you're driving a truck or a hind right exactly but the rules don't change right so it occurred to me you have effectively a will called a cranked off hmm Bulgarian SLR QBC abc123 you are beat this is an arsenal Bulgarian SLR 106 you are that one I've had this for a very long time it is essentially in every way the the equivalent of the 74 you accept that it's chambered in 556 and before the audience loses its mind the reason I did that is because if I'm going to do an NFA tax stamp to SBR the gun I did not want to have a dubious ammo source and you've had that for a very long time I've had this for a very long time and before people freaked about five five six aks if you get circle ten mags oh yeah they're 100% reliable this gun has never melt on me the Bulgarians manufactured five five six aks for military and commercial export they did now I've configured this a little bit I do like the triangle folder because I like making it very small it makes it an incredibly compact gun yes and it's the reason I do have the red dot mounted forward like this which does unbalance I got a little bit but the reason for that is if you put a standard Russian rail or scope here guess what you can't do can't close the stock I'd rather have the red dot and have a little bit of unbalance and be able to fold the stock all right so our idea today is to run both of these through a force of fire with some closed targets and long targets and then a spinner mm-hmm and see does the a K actually fill this role better than the 1941 and one card well now of course the other thing we're going to do to make sure that we make this apples-to-apples is you're gonna run this with irons yep I'm going to take the red dot off it's just four screws this whole unit comes off we're gonna run this irons and then maybe for funsies at the end we'll put the red dot back on and just see how much a force multiplier a red dot might be yeah and some other stuff all right let's see let's just dig right into it all right little Mik really the spinners always the last target that way you can give up correct I'm all ready are you ready yep stand by not too bad 90.7 to I think I could have done it without the mag change if I had one more round yeah you were really close [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] No oh I was on the wrong side [Applause] / and another malfunction you're not getting that carbine anymore [Music] over seventy four point one six this thing sucks on the spinner this that's like half the impact on the spinner that the carbine does not half but we have paperwork to prove not have it feels like about half does feel like yeah yeah it's not actually half [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] time five nine nine four pretty dramatic the oft debated question of is a red dot actually better than iron sights it is right it's getting hotter are you ready stand by [Applause] [Music] [Music] over sixty five point two three / hit the long-range hit time 5 3 1-3 and hot losing my place out here even with forgetting the long-range and taking a long time to get the first hits you're still faster yeah you actually ran this quite well I have to say let me tell you before the audience I've always had derogatory things to say about the m1 carbine you never get to touch this gun again ever here's the thing I am NOT against the concept not against the cartridge in fact I think one of the things that's wrongly said about the Allen carbine is the cartridge is actually more than sufficient for what its role is 357 Magnum or more it's actually little more than that this is not an underpowered cartridge for the range this is designed to be engaging act so that's nonsense but lightweight the size of this handy absolutely my problem is they always malfunction when I shoot well I'm gonna keep I'm not gonna let Carl touch it because it malfunctions when he shoots it and it runs fine when I shoot it I barely angered the m1 carbine spirits yes yes yes so at any rate we both got through the course of fire even though had a couple clearances I have to make now how did it work out all right so this actually I don't think is what I expected but I'd prefer this to that but your times are slow now I was slightly slower on this yes lightly faster with bickering what I found is the sights on this are substantially better than the current they are I don't that's got a very short sight radius and it's got actually I find it to be a pretty narrow little notch on there it is that just didn't I felt like I was being handicapped by the sights now you've also gotten a lg trigger in it that's fantastic yes the m1 carbine had the opposite setup it had I thought fantastic sites that were this has a little more rise to it well from you know from recoil but I found it faster to get back on the site because of this rear aperture gotta say the follow-through on this is pertinent and omnipotent for me important because the trigger weight on that original World War 2 m1 carbine is heavy I'm gonna say I don't know did you measure this I have not disc feels like this is coming in at 10 I mean 10 pounds I don't think it's 10 I mean I guess like 800 it's it's heavy heavier than an m1 garand it's a heavy trigger yeah that was a problem with some of the early production of the m1 carbine they redesigned some of the spring components to reduce the trigger weight and I should probably look into getting some new Springs for this one but this has a very heavy trigger no it's not a it's not a squishy trigger no no it just has a very heavy brake on it it breaks well it breaks clean it just breaks heavy yeah so I could my thought is I would rather try to clean up the trigger on this then try to clean up the sights on that five five six and five four five guess what Flattr cartridge yes so I was adjusting my sight here huh between the long range and the short range yes I found I could pull up the long range sight and basically get a sixth of our cold on that 200-yard target and hit it nice and reliably mm-hm with the close range target I had a little too much drop these are intended to be one hundred and three hundred well we got a target it too so that means either I have to aim high with the 100 site and by aiming high I'm obscuring the whole target with my front sight and I have trouble figuring out exactly where I am yep or I can aim low with the long range and that was the user option actually does the same thing that are we saying for more precise site picture at distance you used a six o'clock hold no no I'm not saying that at all okay so I'm using 15s for this because that's that's how the gun was originally built originally envisioned totally um and it makes it handy and the 15s are more reliable in general no that is absolutely a fact so then we went to the red dot yeah and we were both faster yes not shocking yeah but this is not surprised now one of the things that you don't have on this because it's a legacy design that you do with this is all sorts of first multiplication doodads right can put lasers lights red dots the suppressor on this which I don't have on it right now but you could yeah and those are all things you can do on this which in modern combat applications is necessary for some people you know what they have one Imperial War Museum what do they have they have an m1 a1 carbine so it's this but with the sight folding stock yes that the Norwegian resistance put AZ f41 on a Ford mounted low-power optical sight you know what's so funny the ZF 41 one was put on the car 98 it's better we've shown that on the channel but man you put a CF 41 on this and I could see that on this being almost a perfect application of that optic with that gun and in a modern context you can basically do that because this is one of the guns that ultimate mhm early on came out with that style amount for yeah clamps onto the barrel replaces the upper handguard gives you a piece of Picatinny rail and you can drop a low-power magnified object or a red dot on that Bible this was a little slower but not that much slower not that much but if I would still take this good yeah you
Channel: InRangeTV
Views: 336,199
Rating: 4.9527826 out of 5
Keywords: m1 carbine, AK74, AK74U, SLR106, SLR106UR, PDW, gun jesus, mccollum, kasarda, inrange, inrangetv, forgotten weapons
Id: DN4e86O86WA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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