FSLTL Settings Guide | Microsoft Flight Simulator

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foreign [Music] [Music] hello there guys and welcome back to the channel many of you have been asking me about my FS LTL settings for this Sim so in this video I'm going to show you all the settings along with my recommendations please do note that this is meant as a guide and your particular situation may be different than mine so it might be worthwhile tweaking the settings until you hit that sweet spot the main aim when setting up fsltl was to get enough AI traffic for maximum immersion but at the same time maintain good performance without stuttering and jittering let us now understand the current situation I am currently running dx12 on the ultra setting the scenery we're using in this video is JFK by any scene all the features are currently turned on with the exception of static aircraft we are obviously in the pmdg 737-800 currently no traffic is being injected into the Sim and we are getting about 75 between 75 and 80 FPS of course this is going to change as we pan around the camera as you can see the fbans will fluctuate but we have a very good latency here about 15 it goes up to 20 milliseconds which is perfect that means we will not be experiencing any lag or stutters what we're going to be doing now is we are going to start fsltl and we're going to note the effect on performance let's go ahead and do that let's go ahead and start fsltl the command prompt is asking us if we want to change the settings we're going to choose yes and we'll go through the settings one by one Max active IFR aircraft is currently set at 90 which is the default this is a good number you can experiment with this number but I've found between 90 and 120 is a good number to have sufficient AI in this Sim Max active VFR aircraft when setting this at a number other than zero I haven't been really able to see any VFR traffic so I'm going to disable this feature at this point and say zero additional Airline parked aircraft this is the number of static aircraft and it is calculated as a percentage of the available spots so if you have a hundred spots at your airport and you select number three that would be thirty percent of those positions will be filled with static aircraft now I have set this as 10 and let me tell you that this will affect your performance quite significantly but I do place a cap on this in the next setting so we're going to leave this at the maximum number which is 10 and that would mean that a hundred percent of all available positions will have static aircraft the absolute Airline parked aircraft Max bear airport this is what I use to limit the number of aircraft so I have it set at 50 which will limit the number of aircraft here at JFK this is particularly useful as JFK is a very dense airport with a lot of parking positions the next one is additional GA parked aircraft again we're going to use zero and disable all the ga Park aircraft the absolute GA parked aircraft maximum pair airport this works in exactly the additional Airline parked aircraft so we're gonna set this to zero the max radius to inject Airborne aircraft is by default to set 150 anything above 160 kilometers will automatically be removed I have found that this will actually cause your FPS to go down the current setting I recommend that you actually set this to 100 for the max radius to inject ground aircraft I think this is very important to leave this at the maximum because you don't want incoming aircraft or aircraft that are taking up to disappear from The View so leave this at 150 kilometers the blocked aircraft removal time is between 240 I would recommend 120 or 180. let's go ahead and this set this to 120 180 seconds I highly recommend that you get the flight Clan database API for better routes better in Route traffic use it for departure Navi graph only I recommend that you select yes for this and this is going to if you have Navi graph navigraft airac database installed for Microsoft flight simulator then it will use the SIDS and the Stars based on the matar information for the Ico airport that you are currently parked at so I'm going to use yes for both the SIDS and the Stars blank liveries always choose to disable the blank deliveries as you don't want to have white aircrafts parked at your airport and this is an immersion killer so go ahead and always disable the blank deliveries and disable the generic models as well prioritize just flight FS traffic models if you have FS traffic um and you want to use the just flight models you can select yes to prioritize them over the fs LTL models they seem to consume a little less compute power at the expense of the visual quality I believe the models by fsltl look better but that is just my opinion and now we are connecting to msfs now you have to give it a little bit of time before you can actually see the results now we game it sometime and fsltl is now stable and you can see the effect on performance we are getting about 70 FPS now down from about 80. so we lost about 10 FPS and I think for the amount of traffic that we've injected is reasonable we still can see the aircraft here but let me switch to the external View and show you what the airport is now looking like now just remember that I have turned off the static aircraft in um in the scenery and this is everything being injected by fsltl as you can see the airport isn't filled but it's got a reasonable amount of aircraft around the airport and again remember that I have capped the number of aircraft to be shown to 50 aircraft so the maximum you'll see on ground is 50. as you can see here a good amount of AI traffic at both static and IFR flights parked here at JFK and the FBS is still pretty good there are no stuttering and no Jitters whatsoever here and this is these are the settings that I use for fsltl the ultimate test would be is as you start moving your aircraft how much fps are you going to lose and are you going to experience any stutters with those settings all right so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to give the aircraft full power and we're going to depart JFK we're going to make a few turns and we'll monitor both the FPS and the experience in this Sim all right let's give it maximum power and so far so good no stuttering so far as we roll down the runway but we can notice that the FBS has dropped to about 60 FPS 64 FPS which is still pretty reasonable we can see the eye traffic to our right and let's go ahead and rotate and positive rates gear is going up here's the external View as you can see as we pan around the camera no issues there we can see some AI traffic there in the distance and as you depart JFK no starting whatsoever good FPS so the tax or the expense for having fsltl is approximately 10 FPS in this case and of course as you fly away from the airport your FPS is going to increase now of course this is all relative you guys know that I have a very very capable machine with the 4090 but um this is again very relative so in your particular situation having these settings will probably tax your system by another 10 FPS so you can make the adjustments to your settings accordingly as you can see here the departure is pretty smooth let us now perform another test with one of the most demanding aircraft in terms of compute power B any builds A310 I've also selected any scene Los Angeles as it is also one of the most demanding scenery for Microsoft flight simulator if we look here we are getting about 71 FPS we don't have FSL TL running right now I have all the options turned on for the Sim including static aircraft for any scene Los Angeles so here's what we're going to do we are going to turn on fsltl and take a look at the performance hit currently at 75 FPS let's go ahead and start fsltl we're going to say start and we're not going to change any of our settings now so we're just going to say enter and now we're connected to msfs and we can see that the aircrafts are being loaded here at the airport we can actually see them popping up in the distance here as well as here and now we have a lot of aircraft and we can see that the FPS has gone from 74 to about 57 56 and that is going to go down a little more um and and by the way the reason why you see this is because we have a lot of parked aircraft so before we take off let's take a look at the aircraft now at Los Angeles and you can see that there is a number of aircraft filling up really the airport some positions are still empty but we have reasonable amount of aircraft in the airport vicinity and we're going to go ahead now and depart now the FPS is still doing pretty good but the taxation at Los Angeles with the with fsltl is quite significant so we went from 74 to about 54 56 that's 20 FPS loss and again that is an indication for me that my settings maybe need to be toned down a little bit for fsltl so maybe we can reduce the number of aircraft the maximum number of 50 we can take that to a maximum number of uh probably 30 and that would be a good number to have at an airport such as Los Angeles all right now we are most interested in seeing what happens as we roll down the runway so we're going to release the parking brake and give the aircraft power here and see what happens as we begin rolling down the runway and as you can see we're still not having any stuttering the FPS is maintained about 53 Now 52 but still pretty reasonable and as we roll down the runway we're getting no Jitters and starters and again Guys these are my settings and you may have to tone down your in Sim settings for the Sim um in order to maintain the same FPS as you can see now we're down to 48 44. um definitely we need to reduce the number of parked aircraft but still the Sim performs pretty well and we're going to rotate and positive rate years going up there was a little bit there of a pause or maybe a just a Jitter there but nothing too serious here and as we depart Los Angeles again you can see the AI traffic there in the skies and good performance thus far all right so there is one more thing that I'd like to show you before we conclude this video which is the traffic settings of Microsoft flight simulator from the general options go to traffic then note the settings that I have here airport vehicle density is set to 50 ground aircraft density is set to zero worker density is set to 50. and for the Leisure boats is 50 64 road traffic ships and ferries 50 and the fauna density is set to 100 of course this is not going to affect the FPS in this particular in the situations that we've tried out and for the AI on multiplier traffic I have all of this turned off if you require any help installing FS LTL please be sure to check the link to my tutorial video in the description section of the video this pretty much brings us to the conclusion of our short show I hope that you have found it useful and insightful if you have any questions as usual please do post them in the comments section below until next time please take care of yourselves and each other and I will see you all very soon thanks for tuning in and bye bye for now thank you foreign
Channel: Q8Pilot
Views: 26,799
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Keywords: q8pilot, fsltl msfs 2020, fsltl update, fsltl vatsim, fstl msfs, fsltl traffic, fsltl vs fs traffic, fsltl settings, fsltl setup, fsltl traffic msfs 2020, fsltl ai traffic, fsltl, ai traffic msfs 2020, fs live traffic liveries, real time ai traffic, ai traffic msfs, ai traffic, fsltl setup guide, ai traffic msfs installation, fs2020
Id: W3LQIykEobM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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