Microsoft Flight Simulator 2023 INSANE REALISM RTX 4070 ti

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welcome to Allison airport alisand is located in a remote part of Norway and provides access to many tourist attractions such as City walks museums hikes and fjords like the Garen gear field considered one of the most beautiful Shores in the world due to its mountainous terrain strong winds coming from the sea and the runway measuring only 1.8 kilometers Landing here can be quite challenging for Pilots the local weather conditions also play a major role in The Landing process as strong winds can cause turbulence and make it difficult for planes to stay on course in this video we'll look at how Pilots manage these difficult conditions When approaching our Airport we will be departing from Berlin Brandenburg with three Terminals and two runways Berlin Brandenburg is a busy airport serving over 100 000 flights annually we will be flying using the Microsoft flight simulator 2020 one of the most advanced flight simulators and with third-party add-ons which will make this journey a breathtaking experience [Music] thank you cockpit preparation checklist give heads or covers removed fuel quantity two eight seven three kilograms a days Naf Barrel breath one zero one three one zero one tree seat belts on cockpit preparation checklist completed foreign thank you very one zero one three set one zero one tree set thank you hello Captain we are ready for pushback torture track completed I have been inserted Beacon on release parking brace commencing push all engines cleared started with starting engine two okay equipment and mobile phone should be switched off as we are now about to start our pre-flight safety briefing we are now going to take you through our safety procedures and equipments as this information is for your benefits we ask you to watch and listen carefully safety card in your seats area shows details of Escape Routes oxygen masks and lifestyle it also shows the bracing position which you must adopt in an emergency landing on the main deck there are two exits at the rear of the First cast cabin and two at the front and rear of each other cabin on the upper deck there is no starting engine one okay let's go to parking great waiting your confirmation for a good engine start [Music] high-heeled shoes now ensure that your table is start you can disconnect left is clear right is clear pitch trim checked engine mode selector normal flaps three Rudder trim neutral your table is folded away your seat back is upright with the armrest down and fastened fastened and adjusted like this and unfastened like this distance and must be switched off during takeoff and Landing phones must be switched off while the aircraft engines are running as this is a no smoking service the no smoking size will remain on for the duration of the flight smoking is not permitted thank you [Music] take off runway take off runway confirm approach path clearer traffic for takeoff take off check none Flex SRS Runway Board of trust blue checked thrust set 100 knots checked V1 rotate [Music] positive time Gear Up [Music] Gear Up Flats to speed checked flaps one speed checked flaps zero speed checked foreign foreign checked collapse to speed checked gear down gear down collapse for Speed checked two thousand five hundred one thousand four hundred two hundred quite slow flight slow continue checking 30 20 retards minimum spoilers reverse green D cell 70 knots
Channel: 4K Flights
Views: 177,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tGBL0SPsoFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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