Watermelon Wine, Strawberry Wine and Strawberry Watermelon Wine - The Only Recipe You Ever Need - 1

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here is just one of his Stars at the Today's Show I just can't wait so welcome back to the channel I got something special for you today I'm going to show you how to make watermelon wine strawberry wine and strawberry watermelon wine I can't wait to show you so many have asked me how do you make watermelon wine or how do you make strawberry wine we're going to show you three different kinds today stay tuned and let's get right into it [Music] oh so a lot of views have watched all my videos and thank you very much please if you're new to this channel like And subscribe but a lot of requests came in for watermelon and strawberry wine so I'm gonna combine these but I'm going to show you how to make each one of these separate if you just want Strawberry or if you just want watermelon strawberry watermelon I'm sure I'm gonna get confused at some point in this video trying to keep these three different wines separated but I got the recipes in the description for a one three and five gallon of each one of these different kinds of wine so if you get lost with me in this video just look in the description for the recipe so all the difference is is how much fruit you put in for each one of these kind for watermelon wine you want about a medium sized watermelon which is what I consider this one you need one of these per gallon today I'm throwing a three gallon batch so if I was doing just a watermelon wine I would want three of these so if you want to make strawberry wine which is still probably one of my favorite wines I've ever made strawberry just plain Strawberry Wine it is incredible but to make strawberry wine the frozen strawberries work the best here I got a four pound bag so you need one a four pound bag for every gallon of your wine you're gonna make so if I was making a three gallon batch I would want three of these four pound bags of frozen strawberries since today I'm going to show you how we mix it all up I'm gonna put strawberries and I'm gonna put a watermelon in there to make our strawberry watermelon now I'm gonna forewarn you when you're making watermelon wine what does watermelon really taste like well it tastes like water with a little bit of sugar so when you make watermelon wine it's not going to be that bold watermelon taste you think you're gonna get it's gonna be a very mild one so I just want you to be aware of that that's why when these when I talk to these professionals they said you want to add something with your watermelon to give it more flavor today that's why I'm adding the strawberries to make strawberry watermelon wine I'm hoping at the end I get a little bit of the hint of the watermelon when this is finished everybody thinks watermelon wine is great but if you're gonna do it I would definitely add some maybe watermelon extract or very strong watermelon juice so let's go over additive you know these are the only additives you will need for any wine you're going to make you need pectic enzyme wine tannin acid blend yeast nutrient Camden tablets sugar and don't forget the yeast so I don't want to bore you here but how to sanitize because I got a whole video on it but I use star sand I'm going to put a half ounce in this bucket fill it up with two and a half gallons of water and get all my equipment in here again as we use the each one of these I'll show you what they're for I love squirt bottles here so you're going to see me fill up a squirt bottle I use this for everything again any piece of equipment you see in this video I'm gonna have links to the description for all of it get a squirt bottle all right let's get our strawberries opened up our frozen strawberries make sure you're sanitizing everything it's key here here's our strawberries let's get them in here they're still a little bit Frozen but that's what we want remember frozen strawberries gonna release a lot of juices here's the other bag remember two bags for this strawberry watermelon wine for this recipe you need about two pounds of sugar for every gallon since we're making a three gallon batch I want six pounds of sugar let's get this weight out six and if we go over that's just fine it's gonna make us for a stronger batch of wine so now we got our stockpot here we want to get this sugar dissolved so here's my six pounds of sugar just gonna add it to the stock spot and then we're just going to add water to this in about the same amount so this is not an exact measurement at this point because when we check the ABV that's when we're going to dial in the water there's the water you can see I just got an equal amount now we're going to turn the heat on on this and we just want to don't bring it to a boil because you don't want to burn your sugar we'll just stir this until it's completely dissolved not going to bore you with this because I've shown it in many of my videos this is just making a simple syrup that's exactly what it's called fast forward I don't know if you can see that but I can see the bottom now and it's almost to the boiling point you don't want to boil your sugar so make sure you shut off the heat before that happens but it's getting clear I know it's done I'm going to shut the heat off and we'll let this cool to room temperature let's cut some fruit up so now it's time to get our watermelon prepared you see I have this in a cookie sheet my cutting board so we want to collect all the juice we can so what I'm going to do is chop off the ends to this watermelon do the same to the other side I'm going to spin it around there we go and then we're just going to slice this and we just want the red for this we just want the Meat part of your watermelon now here is a great tip when you are making watermelon wine you'll see a lot of videos out there on YouTube that tell you to cook your fruit in wine making I'll repeat in wine making I have never had to cook my fruit you're going to see when we take this watermelon out of the fermentation stage at 10 to 14 days there's not going to be any watermelon left it will have all turned into water at that point so we got our chunked watermelon and we got our strawberries I'm gonna Mash these strawberries just a little bit to release more juice so we don't want to do too much to this because it will break down itself but I'm just gonna give a gentle and this is with anyone that you make I do it with my blueberries my mixed berries anything you want to to kind of just break down a little bit these are still a little frozen so I'll just do this a little and we'll be done that's good enough for me again this will all break down you're going to be surprised when I take this pulp back out how this is literally going to be broke down that's it let's get to the next step all right it's time to get some additives in we're going to start with Camden tablets we want one of these per gallon so three gallon batch I'm gonna use three Camden tablets and it's best to crush these between two spoons and you're gonna find in my videos I always put them at the bottom of my bucket do you have to do it that way no do I want to spill a whole bottle of this stuff in here no so that's just why why I do it all right there we go three Camden tablets the next thing we want is pectic enzyme we want to use a half a teaspoon per gallon so I'm gonna use three of these and the picnic enzyme will help with your hazing in your wine next thing we're going to put in is some wine tanning we want a half a teaspoon per gallon so again I'm just going to use three of these all right the next thing yeast nutrient when we put that yeast in 24 hours from now this is just gonna kick started and make it motivated to get going and the last thing acid plant gotta add Ison blend we want a half a teaspoon of this for every gallon so for our three gallon batch I'm gonna do three of these all right and when you're making wine from fruit I highly remember recommend using these mesh bags it's just gonna make your life so much easier just put some watermelon here on the bottom so here we go watermelon chunks going in make sure you get that watermelon juice we don't want to waste any of that it's time for strawberries I'm gonna just slowly put these in here I'll just dump them in [Music] all right let's see if we can just dump the rest in here oh my goodness this is gonna make the best strawberry watermelon or strawberry watermelon wine you ever have I promise it's my favorite I'm gonna rinse this out and put the water in there we don't want to waste any of that juice there we go I just rinse that added a little bit of water because we're going to add more water on here to test that ABV all right it's time to cinch this bag up here I've used this bag so many times I don't know how much life it's got left in it you see me do it many times here I like to put a twist tie on this just to make sure nothing gets out and it's gonna make it easier so I got a sanitize twist tie just put that on cut that off and we'll get on to the adding our water so we got our twist tile on now you remember the simple syrup we created it's time to add that here remember make sure it's cooled down to room temperature before adding it here oh it's a little warm yet now remember we're making a three gallon batch and with all that water and this fruit in here it's only coming up to the two gallon part of my bucket I know we got about a gallon at least a pulp so this is where you want to add water and you want to do it very slowly and check the ABV along the way so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna add a little bit more and now what I'm going to do is remember we got the additives at the bottom we want to stir this up before we take any reading so I'm sanitizing my paddle here and I will just get to the bottom of this and get this mixed in as best we can we're going to mix this every day for the first five days during fermentation so if you don't get it all down there don't worry about it you're going to get it within time now I can tell you we don't have a near enough water in this because my bag is not submerged yet so before I take a reading I'm pretty sure it's going to need to come up almost probably close to this Rim I like to get my ABV somewhere around 10 12 I like it a little bit stronger now remember if you're making watermelon wine you may not want to add this water because if you're doing fi you know if you're making a five gallon catches and you've got five watermelons in here you're gonna get a lot of water out of there so less water may be better if you're just doing watermelon but I know I got watermelon and strawberry here so let's take a reading and see where we're at so I got my sanitized hydrometer I'm just gonna let it down in here and I'll get you a close-up of this but the potential right now is about 16 so that's way high we want to get like I said get the potential down somewhere between 10 and 12 would be perfect for this one so I'm gonna add more water again you might want to do that for the watermelon so I probably added about another half a gallon we're going to give it a stir again get that water mixed in and we'll just take another reading and this is what you're going to do until you get it where you want it you want a 16 ABV you can stop there but I know that's too strong for my wife and I each time I'm doing this I'm putting it in sanitizer yeah that's exactly 12 I'll just add a little bit more maybe I can get it to 11. so I just checked the hydrometer and weren't really like right 11 and a half percent I'm gonna let it go because I know that watermelon is going to turn into a lot of liquid so I don't want to get it too low of ABV so that's it we're ready to get the sanitized lid on here the airlock and then we'll wait 24 hours to get our yeast in it all right there we go let's get this lid sanitized make sure you're sanitizing everything on all your equipment I got a sanitation video so even through the outside you can do that it's no problem especially that hole so here we go I'm gonna get that over here and get the lid on and there now we gotta put this in and there's the airlock so that's it we're gonna let this air lock on here let it go I'll see you in 24. get the yeast in get this bubbler going and then we can say we're making strawberry wine strawberry watermelon wine and watermelon wine if you just went that route it is time to get our red star champagne yeast into this batch it's been exactly 24 hours so let's open this up oh man it smells amazing we're gonna give this I got my sanitized paddle here but we're just going to give this a quick stir and scrape the bottom a little bit wow it's incredible now when you're using champagne yeast or any yeast one pack for three to five gallons so I got a three gallon batch we're just gonna sprinkle this anywhere I see liquid no need to mix this in at this point so there we go we're gonna get it in and that's it get our paddle back out of here and we'll close it up and we're gonna see bubbling in here probably in 24 hours we'll be back look at this it's only been 24 hours with putting that yeast on the top it's already bubbling when we get this third opened up we should start to see some foam for sure oh yeah look at that but after we give this a stir tomorrow this will be gone a lot faster now we're just stirring it up we're getting oxygen in here make sure you're watching that Oxygen video oxygen is very important in the first three to five days you want this yeast to bloom that's it we'll close it back up and we'll check it again and stir it tomorrow look at this bubbler after 24 hours of putting the yeast on it's going to bananas on this strawberry watermelon wine let's get it opened up I wouldn't suspect we're gonna see a lot of foam today and that's the case look at that and look at that color oh my goodness this is gonna be incredible I use the wrong out end of my paddle because I'm so excited but let's try and get all that off of there we can this is what you want to see in wine making foam and fermentation that's it we're going to cover it back up I'll do this maybe for one or two more days I'm not going to bore you with that we'll just fast forward till when this is done and I'll show you how you know when it's done too day three look at this thing bubbling oh man I just lost my cap oh definitely got still got a lot of foam going on that's a good thing all right so fermentation is came to a crawl when you're seeing this go about every minute you know it's time to test it so we're going to test the ABV see where it's at and see if it's ready to get rack let's get it open oh let's see I can't wait to smell this too the strawberry watermelon so there we go ah so I hope you can see that it smells amazing I gotta sanitize my hydrometer here and we're going to drop that in we want to see a specific gravity of 1.0 that means it's about ready to rack oh look at that there we go it's sinking all the way down which is what I expected I'll get a close-up of this but exactly 1.0 it's time to get it into our car boy our secondary now remember when you're making one you should probably be drinking wine this is that white zinfandel I made I'll tell you one thing that wine from a kit it was amazing you gotta try one of them kits I gotta taste this again white zinfandel don't miss that video but let's get this opened up and get it wrapped oh my gosh you should smell the strawberry in this all right I got my sanitized racking cane I didn't show you how to sanitize again I got a whole video on that but let's just get into the meat of this so I got my sanitized racking cane and I'm gonna put the hose down here I got my sanitized Carboy three gallon down here because remember this was a three gallon batch and let's just get the siphon going there we go and it's going down into my car boy look at this collar it's like pink like strawberry and watermelon mixed together or something but it's beautiful I tell you this strawberry watermelon wine is gonna be fantastic I think I'm gonna have more than three gallons here just depends how much of that watermelon turned into water and look at this so much of this watermelon turned into water I had to get a one gallon Carboy because I think I can fill that one up too that's the problem you want to have too much wine now one thing we're going to do here is this gets to the bottom I I want to show you this bag when it's done there is hardly anything left in it so that means the watermelon is in this water now so you see what I mean there's not much left in this it's nothing but strawberries there's no watermelon at all now you can see I didn't have them enough to fill up this one gallon so I don't usually don't recommend this but I did it in this case to get this up I squeezed the bag just a little bit to get some extra juice out just to top this off to the level I want which is right about there look at that we got three gallons and another one gallon batch so I got my airlock in temporarily and fill it with water yet but again remember oxygen is your enemy at this point you want to keep as much out as possible but look I poured a little bit don't be afraid to taste your wine in these different steps it's not gonna hurt you let's just taste wow I taste just like wine again it's going to be very dry because you followed this recipe we don't want a sweetness until we bottle it that's the easiest way to do it if you get anything from this video make sure you're back sweeten before bottling unless you like it dry you can just leave it like this that is going to be a great batch of wine for sure look at this strawberry watermelon wine that we just got in our secondary it looks like a strawberry milkshake I hope you can see that in this video so there we go we got everything in our secondaries here I got my airlocks filled up to see this one start to Bubble again because we probably started some of that yeast backup but that's okay that's why it's called secondary because you're gonna get a little more fermentation but now what I'm gonna do is get this down in my cool basement or anywhere out of direct sunlight or covered up I've covered these up with towels already and kept them up here but I like to put them down there where all my wine stored so I'm gonna see you in 30 to 45 days I'm gonna let this settle now stay tuned for part two where we're gonna get our Bentonite in here our filtering agent and then we're gonna bottle this strawberry watermelon wine and I can't wait to try it make sure you're not missing part two because it's gonna be exciting you're gonna see what this turns out like I just can't wait baby this is our time [Music] American Dream [Music] foreign
Channel: HowToDoneRight
Views: 14,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: watermelon wine, watermelon wine recipe, how to make watermelon wine, strawberry watermelon, strawberry wine recipe, how to make strawberry wine, watermelon, fruit wine recipes, fruit wine, easy wine, juice wine, How to make homemade wine, how to make wine from fruit, wine recipe, diy, strawberry wine, homemade wine, Wine recipe from fruit, How to make fruit wine, Wine making, fruit wine recipe, How to make wine, home made wine, wine from fruit, How to make wine from juice
Id: EseEaTZsozE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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