Have A Seat With Chris Hansen ft. Billie Discussing Onision

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I'm gobsmacked. Hansen's team is working with the FBI to nail Onion Boy and his husband with child porn charges.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 47 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Toward the tail end of the video Hanson confirms that he has been talking to the FBI about Kai and Greg's cult.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 38 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sniperkitty666 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It feels like weโ€™re reaching the end of it all now. Gregโ€™s meltdown. Kaiโ€™s disappearance from the internet. Chris Hansenโ€™s involvement. The multiple victims who have come forward. We might see this all end very soon.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 29 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kaiiscrying ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is the sunset of his pedo cult, I feel it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'm happy with this announcement of the feds getting involved ๐Ÿ‘

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I havenโ€™t. Thought about his dude in ages but saw someone mention him today in a comment section on YouTube. I went to see if he even uploads still and his vid from earlier today was.....idk if heโ€™s kidding or actual having a breakdown like he was crazy in it. He said something about his own discord and patrons calling the FBI on him

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kz_kandie ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 22 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Can't wait for this fucker to be brought down

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ThatAussieBitch ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Onision needs to burn , i really pray they nail him.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/offence ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 23 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Chris Hansen here from New York City on my youtube channel and show have a seat with Chris Hansen as you know if you've been following us and many of you have and I appreciate that we are intensifying our investigation into the YouTube streamer oniisan otherwise known as Greg Jackson and his wife Kai who have allegedly engaged in a series and a pattern of very disturbing grooming and sexual impropriety with the young women around the country the allegations are honestly quite shocking they have used their YouTube channel to sort of recruit a number of young women into what can only be described as a cult-like environment sometimes trying to force the girls into signing contracts shaving their heads keeping them away from their families and at least coercing them into questionable sexual relationships we've had some of the alleged victims on in the past few weeks and tonight we continue on this program which is sponsored by stream yard our sponsor which allows us to broadcast this show on this venue and many others if you are interested go to stream yard comm and you can learn how to broadcast your work on multiple platforms at the same time tonight's guest is a young woman who I spoke with for the first time yesterday but it has been on our radar for a long time Billy who knows firsthand what it's like to get wrapped up in this whole world of a nice Jana and Kai the very disturbing dark world of an easy on Akai Billy thank you so much for joining us live tonight on have a seat with Chris Hanson of course so take me back in time a little bit Billy how did oniisan first come on to your awareness how did you first realize that onii-chan was was was even a presence on YouTube um I had seen one of his like seeing Kid videos posted videos yeah like just reading their like hair or style back when like there was like a lot of seeing kid youtubers so it popped up and my recommended so you were surfing YouTube basically and you just saw this and interest you how old are you at the time Billy I was a 15 15 and what were these videos these seen kid videos what was Aneesha and doing on these videos that that was so of interest to you um well I was really interested in like the whole big hair piercings type seeing kids stuff back then it was like a really big trend so he would just kind of like show photos of other seeing kids kind of like raiding their hair or their style and um just kind of all that so it was kind of one of those things to just like get inspiration for whatever like look I guess did you consider oniisan Greg Jackson to be somewhat of a celebrity on YouTube oh yeah so it was a big deal like yeah and what else did only she can do on YouTube that that got your attention um I had seen like some like body hair videos some like kind of eating disorder videos and just out of interest like clicking them just you know like they look interesting so I guess just like those types of videos too and Chi Onishi on Greg Jackson's wife was in on this scene to correct I'm sorry Kai who is a Greg Jackson or niece Ian's wife was in on this scene - you got to know her how did that happen oh yes I got to know Kai in like 2015 whenever they like first message to me but the first time I was aware of them was whenever they had sent me like a like a public message on Twitter just like telling me that I was cute and that was like kinda the first time I like found out who they were so they reached out to you because you were a fan basically Ryan um see I I wasn't like very public about anything like that like I never like mention them or anything I think she kind of just are I think like sigh I think that he kind of just found me on Twitter or maybe Instagram and just decided to like message me so I don't think there was any relation let me just just clarify here for everybody watching I think most people are up to speed here but Kai when you first met Kai identified as a woman now identifies as a man correct so that's where the the pronoun confusion sometimes come in comes in and the story tell you this so so Kai reached out to you is that correct yes and what did Kai say um the first message was just asking if I was interested in girls and I said yes so it didn't girls in what way like interested in dating girls dating girls and what made her reach out to you was there any other connection there besides you being a fan interviewer this content hi I don't think so I think maybe he might have just stumbled upon my Twitter I saw like a picture of me or something and decided to like message me I think that's like the only thing in YouTube or anything back then either right and you responded to kind oh yeah and what was the conversation like from there like after the whole kind of of talking about if I was interested in girls it kind of just started into like a and I like a potential relationship type thing where it was like oh my husband or I have a husband he wouldn't be involved in our relationship you know if we have one and kind of just talk about that and flirting for the most part and how old were you at this point I was 18 you were 18 and were you okay with this was this something you were curious about was it something that that Chi first introduced to you or explain that part of it to me um it was definitely like new to me I like new what like a three-way relationship was but I never like been in one or really anything like that sorry like before it the three-way relationship wasn't introduced until like we had met for the second time it was just originally supposed to be me and Kai and how old were you when Kai first reached out to you oh I was 18 you're 18 okay so was she aware of this Kai he kai at the time were they were they kind of keeping track of your age from the time you first started viewing their their content or how did they I'm honestly not sure I just know that I mean I have like my birthday public on everything so it says like 97 on there so I think maybe she was kind of like already or he just kind of already knew that I was 18 I'm not sure about prior if they knew who I was before then um I only spoke to them when I was 18 though did I ask you to send pictures no how did it finally get to the point where you went to Washington State to visit Kai and Anisha um we were talking for about like two weeks and um Kai I had offered to like fly me up to like hang out and you know kind of see if like things would work out and just kind of get to know each other better so yeah like just two weeks into like knowing each other I already like was flying up there what made you decide to go um I mean I was definitely like interested like I thought that Lainey oh sorry I thought that Kai was really cool and it goes right me just to just to clarify for everybody like what tonight right kai and Lanie of the same people okay so you thought it'd be interesting to go check this out to see it you fly out there did they pay for your flight hmm and what was the scene like when you got there um well Kai picked me up from the airport and we just kind of like started driving and went to Panera just first to like talk and you know get to know each other a little more before going back to the house and me like meeting everybody so it was like really nice like it was just like you know chitchat getting to meet each other kind of nervous type thing we worried it all that you were leaving the comfort of your home and the family you were living with and heading out to Washington State oh yeah watch the country I'm yeah I'm like in an entirely different area it was definitely like a very nervous thing because I had never flown before it was my first time ever flying so like that was like also my other fear because I was like I've never been on a plane and I don't know what it's like um so yeah it was like it was pretty nerve-wracking but I told my family I was flying up so they knew where I was and I gave my mom the address and everything what did you tell your mom about we were going and why um I essentially was told her I was going to meet like a friend that I met on the Internet and she is kind of like fine with that only because I had traveled like the east coast before like going on tours and stuff so she was used to me going to different states clearly not that far but yeah she was fine with it did she have any idea did you have any idea what you were getting yourself into no no were you prepared for that no was it what you were promised or what you bargained for you get to the house describe what you saw um it was like I don't know kind of like pretty cleaned up like I'm sure you know the first impressions they wanted to keep everything but the the dogs were unlike a baby gate I don't know why they're just kind of like in a corner it was kind of weird it it I mean it was kind of just like awkward generally being in somebody's house for the first time but I don't think it was like overall too bad when did you first meet Greg Veneziano like a few minutes after get into the house and what was that interaction like What did he say to you would you say to him it was it was really awkward I came in and I still had my shoes on and the first thing he said to me was take your shoes off and I didn't hear what he said I was like right one use like your shoes I was like I'm so sorry like I already felt really awkward like walking in and then like it wasn't even a Hello it was just yeah your shoes please so you're there basically to be with Kai and maybe maybe not have a relationship with her now him Greg is living there as Kai's husband they have children at this point right oh yeah they had one um at this point at this point and this starts off how do you have a relationship with Kai does that happen right away is there some sort of you know grooving or conversation or take me through this um so it was like the first day Greg was already trying to get me and Kai to like kiss even though like we you know didn't know each other that much yet and we both I mean it was Kai's first time like kissing a girl so like he was really nervous and I mean I was just nervous because I didn't really know them that well either so it was definitely very pressured into like us kissing and what year was this 2015 2015 so 2015 you're 18 you've flown for the first time across the country and now you're in a house in Washington state with Kai Indonesian yeah and Anisha and Greg is suggesting that you have a physical relationship with Kai and he's watching this yeah like our first kiss he was like trying to be like right there so it was kind of weird to creep you out at all yeah like literally I'm almost positive like our second kiss he took a photo of and posted it on Instagram on Instagram yeah do you think looking back that they flew you out there just to exploit you um they're definitely have been times where I feel like they've yeah started some type of drama just to get something out of it posted stream it take advantage of it profit from it for sure how did the relationship progress with Kai after that um we you know spent like that week together and you know it seemed like pretty okay like other than like the told pressured to like kiss and everything like we had like a good time we just went out to eat and got to know each other like a little more and yeah it was it was like you know pretty pretty okay for like the first trip didn't you think that it was weird that you're out there to hang out potentially have a romantic relationship with a then woman who's married to a guy they have a child and they live all together with you in a house yeah yeah is definitely like an interesting like thing noted it definitely like sounds weird but I I don't know like I was just interested in like going and being with Kai and then it's like I don't know just kind of turned into like the whole three-way thing and um I I really don't know how to explain it honestly it just kind of like happened and it's not really like much of something that was discussed he just naturally evolved or was it forced or between I guess it like yeah like a little in-between like it was kind of I want to say like pushed a little bit because it really wasn't talked about before and then our like second trip up he was like oh I thought this was going to be like a three like Wade type relationship and you know it was just like one of those things where I was like oh like I didn't know that's what I was like signing up for but he was like isn't that like what this is and we were just kind of like I I guess like pop maybe like so it kind of just like slowly trans just and transitioned into that and there were like less rules in the beginning and it became like more like it it used to be like oh I was dating Kai but I could also like talk to guys if I felt like it since she had a husband and then it quickly escalated into I am just dating like Lani and Greg or Kai and Greg sorry how long until you actually slept with became intimate with Kai um I I can't remember an exact date but I do want to say it was in 2016 like later that year cuz we didn't talk for like a good maybe four months of 2016 so yeah round like then so how long was that first visit when he went out there um it was just like two visits one in November and then one in December why did you come back and were you afraid to come back after you left the first time I was definitely nervous but like they seemed Lanie seemed sorry I seemed varied so much like they missed me and they really wanted me to like come back and you know I like missed him too so it just seemed like things could possibly get better if I went back and it could be different what did you see in Kai what was the attraction um I I don't know how to explain it other than just like the type of girl that you're like interested in because there's like I don't know like the alternative style the like short hair type look yeah sorry I don't know to explain another than don't need to peel do you in a way yeah I was like oh like cute style we had like common interest we'd like you know goof around have like dumb conversations when you came back what happened the next visit um so I'm trying to like gather because I'm not exactly sure if this is like the last not the last visit but the first time we broke up and I want to say like December early January is whenever Greg like gave me like a full body massage and Lanie wasn't okay with it and KY wasn't okay with it and I didn't like know about it and didn't like consent to what happening this is back when everything was fresh and there weren't like set rules on like the whole three-person relationship so like he found that like super like you know not okay and it started like a whole thing of them like potentially like getting a divorce at that time and talking about like kyv leaving and everything sorry it just became like a really big mess at that point it sounds like they're almost trying to drag you into a reality show of some sort am I wrong I mean he definitely are Greg definitely would post a video every time after something like this would happen so I definitely think like a little bit was like exploited how long until you became intimate with both KY and Greg how did that oh um the first time I wasn't intimate with KY first the first time it was both of them like already so it was like were you coached into this were you comfortable with it in the middle it kinda is just again one of those things where it kind of just happened like we were just hanging out and they like started making out and everything and Greg like would tell me what to do - like KY instead of like kind of letting us do our own thing he would just like be like oh do this touch her here kind of thing so it wasn't it wasn't a comfortable first time at all we weren't like ready for it it was definitely too early like again just yeah just the first time like being intimate with like a girl too is so all this was hitting at the same time it had to be and don't let me put words in your mouth here and you're certainly in the no judgement zone we're just trying to get a you know in understanding what was going on in this in this world but it had to be a bit confusing a bit overwhelming it sounds like you're a bit vulnerable young certainly inexperienced in this area did you feel exploited uh yeah yeah for sure looking back now mm-hmm and how did this physical relationship evolve what happened as time went on um it I mean it would turn into like you know an everyday type thing like whenever we would all like be together we would just like you know do like whatever like different sexual things like if it wasn't always just like sorry I'm trying to like be kind of vague because I don't really like no I understand and I want to be sensitive to you - I mean you look back now with years of perspective and you know it's got to be a little painful weird and bizarre you know kind of uneasy feeling because it's like uh just like thinking back on it like the whole thing was just kind of uncomfortable like furred very clearly for me and KY both just not being ready for the situations that we were like in did Greg force you into any sexual activity um no I wouldn't say like forced yeah definitely like pressured are kind of like would talk you in to something but not like you have to do this you know did he ever break the law with you in any way do you think um not that I know of I think he tried his best you know walk that fine line yeah so Stara who was on our show a few weeks ago who really had you know a harrowing story to tell and and you know started contact with Greg Oden easy on and Khai at a very early age and there is some indication that perhaps laws were broken there because there was enticement of photographs back and forth prior to her being a teen she did travel out there there was a relationship there as well as you know you were there during some of the times when Sarah was there as well yeah how did that work out um oh honestly a lot at the time it was like Sarah was like I would say like babysitting and like cleaning up the house but if it was both of us that's like what we were doing like babysitting cleaning up helping like cook food just you know helping with like whatever general grocery shopping kind of thing so thank you did you get paid for this no they paid me for I'm sorry I'm not sure how to explain it but just like and you did some internet work you did some work on the internet for them yeah yeah there's like a certain name for it but I can't think of it you were a moderator is that fair to say yes and moderators lingo myself Harry so thank you for being a moderator was so what was the relationship between you and Sarah um I'd say like you know we were just like good friends whenever we were there we would like watch anime together just like talk about whatever at home life things we were doing or like you know sharing like whatever stories we had it was just nice we had like you know we're like friends and when you were there what was Sierra's relationship with Kai and Gregg with Sony's yeah I definitely like felt very much so like she like Sarah was there to like help clean up or at least so it's kind of like what they like tend to get her to do a lot of babysitting a lot of like just helping around the house and everything like that yeah I'd say like that's like a big part of it like we are mainly they would help with the kids a lot and did she get into a physical relationship with either Gregor or Kai when you were there or did that happen after no um that happened after like in so I'm not sure like the exact timeline right that happened after you you had left what made you finally leave for the last time and when was that um it was in 2016 and I want to say like around like October November ish uh there was like this we've had like a lot of breakups so this is like one of the bigger ones where there so I'm trying to figure out how to like word it properly right Kai it's just it's a really like long story um but there was a district was it a disagreement between you and Kai Kai and Greg all three of you did they want you to do something you were uncomfortable with were you just done with the whole scene yeah it was essentially just a miscommunication or a lack of communication between them and it put me in the middle of it all so a essentially Greg told Kai that he was going to do like whatever he wanted in this three-way relationship and if that's like to want to have sex with me outside of us being together then like he was going to do that and Chi agreed to it I guess to him but then later on told me that like he wasn't like I wasn't okay with that and that's not something that they like want to have happen so like later I went downstairs I still like talked to Greg and it was like almost kind of immediate like he was already trying to like get me over to the bed to like have sex with me right and I I had you know would tried to bring up like the whole oh I don't think I would you know really be okay with this and he was like oh why like we talked about it and I was like I I just don't think you know it would be okay and he was like oh yeah I know it'll be fine like we had a conversation so we did end up like you know being intimate and right after I ran upstairs to tell my best friend because she was visiting with us too and I you know I like cry to her about the whole situation and I guess right after Greg went up to Chi to to tell kind about everything that happened and it just it became like this whole big mess of like all of us kind of like separating and going into different rooms and Greg like walking around trying to like talk to all of us and figure out what is kind of going on um he ended up like making us sign a contract to stay like a week longer to try to figure out made you sign it so he coaches you into having sex with him outside of the agreed upon relationship you feel horrible about it it all turns out to be a big mess you tell your friend who's visiting about it you're in tears and he's running around trying to get you guys to sign a contract yeah he trying to get you to sign a contract so stay longer to try to figure out if we could like work things out all together a contract mm-hmm what does this guy think he is running around this house running it like a harem I I'm sure he has a folder like I have signed countless contracts like this isn't even the first one like there have been so many words contracted Griego and easy on him you sign I want to say possibly four or five four or five and do these have any legal standing whatsoever I know you're not a lawyer but I mean I didn't say this yeah but now I realized they have to be notarized to be real and they he it's just something he would type up on the computer and put like a little sign here thing on and like call it legal and what were these contracts for to stay yeah they would be like oh like you'll do this in order to yes day or in order for us to forgive you forgive you yeah why would you have to be forgiven after all this they should be apologizing to you am I not even know yeah even like to this day like it's just like I I mean for I haven't spoken them and forever but I still get emails and it it like differs from like oh I'm sorry too like this is all your fault to like Oh your fault yeah like it's I've whenever that whole situation happened it flipped on me somehow and KY blamed me entirely for the whole thing that happened and then Greg blamed me for the whole thing that happened so it like the whole thing this became my fault so so when you and Sarah were both there was this a situation where you and Sarah were doing work around the house babysitting grocery shopping cleaning as domestic help or as girlfriends um in this relationship I honestly like to be fair Greg doesn't do like anything around the house so I don't know if it's just one of those things where like I definitely felt entitled to us helping for sure like if we didn't help then there'd be like some fit or some like ignoring bland text messages that we'd get sorry could I get the question again yeah I mean I guess what I'm getting at is did they treat you like you were you know indentured servants or was this like you were in a relationship with KY and Greg and you helped out just as if you know your boyfriend and girlfriend I want to say like a bit of like it it definitely felt like sometimes we were like made to like not made but push to kind of do these things just because one time I remember me and Sarah went out to the mall with um Chi and Chi was getting a haircut but like had they both the kids with him so it was like difficult but they the kids don't like to be separated from your mom so we we couldn't do anything to like help like we couldn't take them with us to go shopping and we couldn't like you know like sit there because we were supposed to be buying presents for Chi and Greg and like everybody it's yeah sorry this was like around like closer to Christmas I guess like still October or November ish but it sounds like they treated you like the help and the help was expected to service them sexually is that fair uh yeah like I feel like the dynamics just really weird like do all the work around the house take care of the kids cook clean and all by the way we're ready to have sex now so come on upstairs and do that because let me know I definitely don't want a discredit kai because they definitely like would clean up around the house and stuff too but I just feel like whenever we were there we were like more so like expected to help around the house other than you know it being like a nice gesture to help them did you ever think that they broke the law with Sara yeah what we're I mean just from like some like the I just think of like this one very specific thing where I like walked upstairs and like I was just completely naked in the tub and Sara was just like sitting on this like high chair like pretty close clearly like underage with someone that they had a crush on and it just like seemed already normal at that point like it'd been happening for a minute and it just like I don't know it clearly isn't okay and didn't like sit right with me either so I told Greg about it and he kind of made a deal of a big deal about it it was like okay so they're not gonna do that anymore and I was like okay cool but then he started being like kind of mean to her all the time too so I don't know if that was just to show me that he I don't know didn't like her or something but did Greg manipulate and try to control you yeah for sure did he blackmail you sorry I'm not entirely sure what blackmail is I mean he threatened to hold something over your head if you didn't do what he wanted you to do um no no your parents anything put anything out on the internet so embarrassing pictures to people who wouldn't understand what was going on if you do what he asked he did never threaten to he just kind of did it like it was never like a threat it was just like oh here's this embarrassing video of the information about you or here's this you know just you know and he put that out there those videos oh yeah there's there's like a lot of videos of like just my information or information about our relationship you know I want you to to know here that you know no one's judging here I know you're a little anxious to talk about this and we're really just trying to get inside this this world which has caused you know allegedly and and certainly from the interviews we've done you know a lot of damage to a lot of young women and you're very brave to come forward and talk about it none of this is your fault you know you went out there for one thing and it sounds like he just got in over your head is that fair to say yeah we've heard stories about him shaving girls heads did he ever do that to you um no but he wanted to he wanted to and and and what's the purpose of this um I mean he told me it was to be able to be forgiven to like prove that I like love them and I'm not like sure I'm sure it was to you know make me like embarrassed or make me like not like myself as much because I do care a lot about my hair and he very clearly knew that like I want to be a cosmetologist so it was just one of those like you know just like a jab at you shave your head what's the worst thing he posted about you online I am not really like entirely big on like talking about it right I know if you're uncomfortable don't don't go there I don't want you to I don't want you to to have a bad experience but I do want people to know what he's capable of doing you know so as far as you're comfortable characterizing what he did it sounds like he gained your confidence got some deep personal information about you and Exploited it is that fair to say yeah in a very hurtful way yes unlike several occasions he things that you told him in confidence because you trusted him and you wanted a relationship of some sort with KY is that fair yes and he exploited that and blasted that all over the Internet yeah in some of the most personal information one could imagine that fair what was it Billy that finally made you say I'm out of here I can't do this anymore I'm done um so it had like graduate kind of like gotten about points like over probably like two three months whenever they like started you know being more like that like I felt like there were like more problems more like things that he would like sorry that Gregg would do to try to cause more drama like what just give me an example of something um there'd be times where he would like tell me that KY was upset with me and would like tell KY that I was upset with him so then we wouldn't talk and we'd get into this like really awkward like saying we're we're like avoiding each other and you know then he would like try to talk to us separately and sometimes it would be like about things that we didn't even like say or things that were worded differently he would like reword them to make it like seem worse he was trying to create drama tension and take advantage of the whole situation mm-hmm and me and KY had caught on to it at one point because he was like oh like yeah you are ky is like feeling weird about this or like you're I can't remember like what the exact situation was but it got to the point we were both in the car and I was like so like why are you like mad at me and she was like oh he's like I'm not mad at you like Greg told me that you were like you know mad at me and it just became this like oh so we're both not mad at each other and there was literally no problem are you afraid of Greg as we sit here tonight and talk yeah I've been seeing some of these like messages pop up but I don't know like what exactly it's like what do you fear most about Greg and what he's doing um I just feel like he's not really much like predictable so they just like I don't know like I just don't know what he could say or I like I know I'm really far away so it's not like he could like do anything to me other than like be really nasty on the Internet have you threatened you at all no and do you speak with either Chi or Greg at all you know what's the last thing you said to them ah I'm pretty sure I sent like a in all caps fu and then block their number and like never spoke to them again um but I still get emails it's been like three years and I have like over 20 emails from Greg like what what are they trying to get you back out there oh yeah it's like yeah yeah for sure like oh we're just kidding this is fine now please come out and have a relationship with us yeah like it'll be like oh I I said I have like a list of them it goes back and forth from like we want to see if things work out and then I didn't respond so I got another one like Kai doesn't think things will work out so we're not gonna try to pursue this but like I clearly was never trying to pursue them ever again so that's why it was just weird that they were like nevermind kai doesn't you know won't want to do this anymore cuz I was all like I clearly don't want to do this anymore like I don't see I just have a lot of emails I I don't know just I have dreams about you or I've had dreams about you guys had dreams about you and I'm like cool like I'm not so you're not even responding to them at this point oh no like I haven't responded and like over like however long it's been two or three years now there's no wrong answer to this and I'll drop it if you don't want to pursue it I promise but it seems to me that that you're a little anxious about some aspects of this and if it's a matter of private stuff I get it and I'm not going to drag you through it but are there things you're afraid to talk about because you're afraid of Greg um no I don't think so I'm honestly just pretty nervous because I haven't really talked about any of this and like I appreciate you doing it and I honestly you know quite unless you talk here in a second but it does a lot of good for a lot of people to hear you say this no I I definitely I saw everybody else like coming up to talk and it really helped me want to like come up and be able to talk about everything too because they're really brave and I just you know wanted to be able to help out also was there a part of you that didn't want to come on the show tonight they didn't want to talk about this they didn't want to air your soul in this painful way um no I definitely think that it's the right thing to do and I'm you know I still am NOT gonna like regret ever talking about it because it needed to be done it's definitely something that sorry needed to be addressed finally did they damage you um I yeah I definitely have liked it some trust issues now and everything so I am NOT like the best when it comes to trusting people in relationships and seeing their true intentions and everything what did they take away from you um oh boy really no digs planing uh a a lot of confidence I was pretty anxious and uncomfortable for like a while about posting on the Internet I mainly just felt like I was gonna get like a bunch of hate for anything and everything I did because of how much he like got everybody to you know harass me before so I was just afraid of it kind of happening again because of how intense it was when you say got everybody to harass you he goes out makes a video post it either on YouTube or other social media platforms and basically wages war on you trying to damage your character make this all out to be your fault what a horrible person you are saying things about your you know your private personal history that's very exploitive yeah I for sure um sorry it's just like a lot it's hard to have people go after you in such a public way yeah the first time was definitely like a lot like I had probably thousands of messages just like on like my Instagram telling me like a lot of awful things I got like so many home record messages I still like get those occasionally oh you're the home wrecker in this deal yeah yeah I got called a home wrecker for like a long time because of the first time when Greg had given me the full-body massage it became like a just like a thing to call are these people that say this stuff to you um well it was a lot of its just how Greg worded everything it made like a lot of them think that everything was my fault and it definitely I feel like it's gotten like a lot better now but it was it was mainly just you know like his followers and um everyone who watched his videos would come and like message me and it's a cult um I I'm not sure but I definitely think there's cult-like things that he's done or head-shaving contracts intimidation public attacks on the internet character assassination sorry I'm not sure like what really like categorize is like a cult type characteristic so they've been like trying to like collect people and keep them in like a type of like close-knit group type thing how many other Billie's Sarah's Regina's Shiloh's are out there I have like I have no idea there's probably like a lot more just because I know that like KY is one to like flirt with people so I'm sure there's been like a lot of instances is Chi just as bad as oh nice young Greg yeah for sure and if Greg is listening right now what do you say to him what do you tell this character who goes by the name of Anisha definitely I know it was like a trending thing but please get help none of this is okay the situation is you put people and the things you've done like none of it he needs help for sure should a person like this have a form on a platform like YouTube oh no no not at all he definitely abuses all these platforms when it comes to anything honestly all I feel like from this day one all of this stuff has been very like just not good very sorry I don't know to explain it other than just not helpful whatsoever for anyone just not good content and what do you say to Kai if I'm losing tonight boy a little harder there because you had feelings for hi yeah I my first reaction was to say get out but obviously at this point like the situate he's done really bad things so it's situationally like you did this to yourself you knew better it was definitely a parent that she or he was in on this so you knew better what about those kids yeah I sorry I feel really bad for them like they're there at home life I'm sure I I haven't like seen either of them in a really long time so I'm not like sure how it is now but I sorry it's like hard like talking about them too because I did like really care about joy also um sorry I don't know if like name-dropping was okay you cared about the kids yeah yeah I like cared a lot like I definitely had like you know a bond with their like son um since I was like up there a lot he knew who I was and yeah I was this is a it's an environment that sounds like to me and you know we've interviewed obviously you and Shiloh and Sarah and Regina and and when you're in an environment where it starts with an honest attempt at a relationship a friendship perhaps something more which is how this got started with you and then all of a sudden there's rules about clothing haircuts contracts chores initiating sexual contact that wasn't part of the initial agreement you know not being able to contact parents or family members or friends that to me sounds like a cult is that consistent with the way you were treated when you were at their house in Washington's name yeah I definitely I felt like he was trying to kind of collect because of part of the agreement also was like if I was to move up there then my best friend could come too so then I guess it would be like me my best friend ky and Greg silly you you you guys were not alone in this sorry you weren't alone there are other young women oh yeah yeah um like so I'm like a little confused no that's that's fine it's it's a lot to handle well listen you've been very brave to come on we're going to stay on this story continue to investigate continue to talk to people were a long way from being finished here and he has Onision Greg as you know put videos out and said some just off-the-wall bizarre things both on social media to us and email it started with a demand for three hundred and fifty thousand dollars to do an interview which is you know literally saw that and like died laughing I was like there's no way that actually happened no years and you know it appears that he's deluded on some ways and my heart goes out to you and everybody else who had to go through all this nonsense I mean I look at this you know not only as a journalist hoes to talent but as a parent to and it breaks my heart Billy it really does that you had to go through this and so I thank you from a lot of different angles here in and I know that by coming out and talking about it just like Sarah and Regina and Shiloh it's going to encourage others you know to do the same thing so thank you for being so brave thank you for putting yourself out there there's there's a you know in all these things it's a there are a hundred reasons not to do it that's the easy way but you know I'm just as much as I can monitoring the comments that come across during the show and without exception everybody is saying that that you're extraordinarily brave and and again I just appreciate the difficulty of doing this and being live and doing the right thing here so so thank you very much Billy I appreciate it we'll be in touch I hope you'll continue to to speak out when appropriate and when you feel like it and know that we're right here with you the whole way I should let you and our audience know that I did have a conversation with the FBI yesterday a little bit breaking news here and obviously there is evidence that some of the young women have that could very well be of interest to investigators and contact is being made within the bureau between the different field offices involved here across the country including Washington State where a lot of this activity took place but again a reminder that even though Greg Jackson Denise Yan Kai apparently were very careful about ages in terms of having a woman visit sexual relations everything else what many people in these cases don't know don't think about aren't aware of is that the transmission of sexually explicit pictures of people younger than 18 is a federal crime it can either be enticement it can be the transmission of child pornography it is a penalty which carries a sentence of 10 years per image if it's a video it's 10 years per frame so there is a very good chance that there's going to be a criminal investigation here and we will keep everybody posted on this so thank you again Billy I appreciate it everybody out there thank you for tuning in thank you for your support your encouraging comments to Billy to the others please know that I will stand Thank You Vincent Okocha as always for moderating all the other moderators out there tonight thank you very much I appreciate appreciate the comments the support we've really took us begun to scratch the surface on this Christmas go ahead Vincent what are we on mentioned some of the youtubers who are supporting the victims and some good ideas so a number of YouTube people have spoken out and supported you know the people who've been on our shows Sara Shiloh Regina Billy tonight and I appreciate all that - so from New York City we're signing off thank you for tuning in we'll see you on the TV along the way and we'll be back here next Wednesday and I don't have a seat with Chris Hansen thanks so much guys have a good night Thanks
Channel: Chris Hansen
Views: 896,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Onision, Onision shiloh, Onision kai, Onision shane dawson, Onision chris hansen, Onision book, Onision death note, Onision strange ๏ฟฝons, Onision sarah, Onision andy biersack, Chris, Hansen, Chris hansen, Chris hansen onision, Chris hansen billie, Chris hansen to catch a predator, Chris hansen vs predator, Chris hansen best moments, Chris hansen predator, Chris hansen indian guy, Chris hansen repairman, Chris hansen goes after 64-year-old
Id: QhoEY4MtmV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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