Into The Dust 3 (Full Movie)

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[Music] my son and i had set a huge goal to become the first father and son to ever finish the baja 1000 iron man the longest nonstop cross-country race in the world each of us solo on a motorcycle to that point less than 10 riders had ever finished the race this wouldn't be easy [Music] yes 1000 and you made it to the finish line that is a huge feat yeah it's indescribable the feeling [Music] when he came to 590 he looked really fatigued i kind of knew i was going to be over but i didn't want to call it until he said when i heard that he was going to throw in the towel i was disappointed but i understood i kinda was relieved because we were so worried about him i can't hold my head up anymore that kink on his neck just never went away he rode for 400 miles with that neck pain it's pretty awesome that he actually got to 600. when you think about somebody who's definitely injured in a way that would have stopped anybody and he decided that he's going to keep going you could see the pain and you could see the ravaging of his body from what was happening and from the extent of the injury getting worse what an amazing man to keep driving and digging deep it's a huge accomplishment it's it's one of those things that you don't know until you ride that bar where the the edge is and he got to the edge and he was smart enough to stop he wasn't going to hurt himself or potentially die i think he found his limitations and he might be crazy enough to try it again so after the race i went and got x-rays and i had severe whiplash and i had four vertebrae off to the right and torn ligaments and so forth tissue around them my head had gone forward so much and it took a lot of work and my neck hurt for a whole year so in 2016 after finishing the baja 1000 i decided i will never do this again such a painful traumatic experience but sure enough over time you tend to forget the pain and only remember the positive aspects and here we are we are both gonna finish this thing father and son he did his part and i didn't if he's going back i'm going back this year's course would be different than the last two years which started and ended in ensenada baja california mexico those races were 822 and 855 miles respectively 2017 was going to be the 50th anniversary of them putting this race on and for the 50th anniversary they wanted to make it really tough so they made it 1134 miles and this was a one-way instead of a loop race from ensenada back to ensenada was one way to lapaz it's 1134 miles and last year i went 600 it's almost double what i did last year i'm not quitting now i will finish this race ensenada erupts in race mania on race week it's the only place in the world you can see 800 horsepower trophy trucks which are nowhere near street legal trolling city streets like they own the place [Music] [Music] wow it was 30 hours before the race was supposed to start and we're in this little restaurant and we're eating lunch and tanner orders fajitas he put a little hot sauce on his fajitas and as soon as he swallowed it he knew something was wrong you see he is highly allergic to peanuts he asked the waiter what's in this hot sauce and the waiter said oh peanuts that's the first thing that he said tanner stood up and he said we got to go and we went back to the hotel and we called the ambulance right away because tanner knows he's got one hour until he can't breathe off to the hospital we don't have a lot of time for tanner to recover and i just hope hope that tanner's okay that he worked so hard all year to get ready for this race so in about three hours we walked back to the hotel and we got back to the hotel tanner sat down and said we got to go back it wasn't right so we went back to the hospital and the doctor just observed and he didn't give him anything he said okay you know let's just settle down not a good thing to be an anaphylactic shock 30 hours before the longest non-stop race in the world this is tense enough to be here and worry about the suspense of what's about to happen we don't have a lot of time for tanner to recover we're hoping he will but on the other hand when they give you this medicine it is likely that it could have a lasting effect it was wednesday race day this year the race started at one o'clock in the morning how do you get a night's sleep when you have to get up at 10 pm with a 48 hour race in front of us i only got a couple hours sleep and tanner got none at all [Music] confidence comes from preparation and despite the length of the race this year i felt prepared [Music] [Music] this is the hurry up and wait part of baja rush to the starting line get ready to go and sit here for a half hour nervously awaiting your departure just going out to ride my motorcycle what could be better than that the best place in the world to ride beautiful we're going for mile 529 by dark our second ironman race [Music] 1134.4 miles in front of us there's something inside a man that makes him do something like this and it's hard to explain tanner would start fifth out of 19 iron man go son if anyone has got this it is you rolling up on the podium for the start of the longest non-stop cross-country race in the world the baja 1000 with my son is still an incredibly special and sacred experience last year baja beat me but this was the return of 714x tanner was going for a podium finish i was going for a finish i would be the oldest starter in baja 1000 ironman history and if i had my way i'll be the oldest finisher [Music] four blocks in you hit the dirt and it's game on a critical part of the race was already over starting it i was rolling i had 1134.4 miles to go over some of the toughest terrain imaginable and 48 hours to get there i felt great and my confidence was high [Music] tanner pulled into his first chase truck stop in first place barely having fun so far you're home but you're doing good it's a really dangerous part of my 97 the force just immediately shifts to the left and if you continue going straight at 50 miles an hour like me smash through three feet of silt and then into like a giant rain ditch so far so good ride smooth don't make a mistake conserve your energy we're at our first check we're waiting for larry to come through get a quick visual if he needs anything we'll make any adjustments like that get him on his way at mile 74 i met my van and team for the first time since starting both my team and i were encouraged okay so next stop is just uh 108. all right go for it it's early conserve your energy don't make a mistake ride smooth find the flow tanner's up there stay with them [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you need yeah i do tanner had taught me that chia dissolved in a water bottle with a little sugar was a great high calorie slow burn drink for the race it was like chewing frog eggs but i knew it was good for me i blew a turn like a little bit and i won up in a ditch and it was all silt getting out those other motorcycle tracks trying to get out we were pitting and we heard a motorcycle cartwheel into an 18-foot deep ditch right next to us yeah he's down better go help him it was an ironman rider from australia we were sure he was very hurt remarkably he walked away did you lose the phone out of here no that's just that stupid bloody gps thing oh this one there's mine the other one should be close to it then we gotta get my kind of line going hey you good all right go for it the guy out okay holy [ __ ] dude and he freaking just drove off the road he lost two gps's oh really the bike wouldn't start geez 100 miles man man you kidding me i noticed it was getting markedly colder we are at a higher elevation now on a high plateau over the valleys my body temperature was dropping and my hands were getting very cold my fingers began to stiffen and ache i wondered if i had made a mistake not adding a layer or putting my cold weather riding gloves on in the bag 1000 there are many classes of motorcycles i wasn't concerned about any of them even my own class i needed to finish in motocross when another rider comes up on you you race him not in the baja 1000 as an ironman rider you run your own race keep your own pace and don't charge into the dust and make a mistake [Music] baja pits are essentially gas stations set up every 50 miles along the course our race bikes have an 80 mile range with fuel tank that they have if you miss a baja pit you're going to run out of gas in the middle of the desert about 40 percent of the baja pits coincided with the same location that i would meet the chase truck i'd pull into the baja pit first pull out and immediately see the chase truck [Music] starting at one in the morning wasn't too bad because you get four hours of riding in and then the sun comes up you can see in color you can see what's around you and you feel like new life being able to see well and getting a perspective on the landscape really helps our brains wake up when the sun comes up a dry lake bed is flat as a pancake and you can open up the throttle 95 not a hundred percent and risk blowing the motor but even a dry lake bed has its hazards ruts sinkholes and assorted mounds things happen very fast at 90 miles an hour [Music] coming into san felipe running in the front of the pack i was feeling pretty good when i started the race i wasn't sure how much the peanuts were going to affect me during the race i didn't know if the reaction was going to start again and make it difficult or impossible to breathe i didn't know how my body was going to react given that i had eaten them so soon before the race and my body seemed to be holding up okay so [Applause] far [Music] so [Music] [Music] my first chase truck stop during [Music] daylight the chase team split the duties arturo and andrew took care of the bike and the other guys took care of me [Music] yeah there's a baja pit right here somewhere yeah right about half hit [Music] you guys know where the baja pit is okay thank you terrain changes can be extreme and abrupt you've got to be alert at all times paved roads are used as transitions from one dirt section to another to avoid time penalties you better obey the speed limits [Music] [Applause] at mile 524 over 14 hours into the race tanner was doing great at the front of the iron man pack but he had slipped to second place this section was really fast the problem is you're just sitting there shaking and everything's hurting it's like being in a blender riding a dirt bike in rough terrain can be extremely physical at the same time there's only a small range of motion like a rowing motion the same muscles get used over and over again and they don't get a break and not allowed to stretch out they start cramping up and hurting more and more as the miles ridden click up so does the pain while i was riding i started to feel a little bit weird while i was going 75 miles an hour my eyes started to involuntarily start to shut it took a lot of effort just to force my eyes open so i didn't crash based on this last section i was getting nervous about the next 500 miles and how that would play out [Music] [Music] i was two hours ahead of my race plan in 30 more miles i'd be halfway through this race i tell you i feel better now than since i started the race really i feel great this was an important van stop in my planning i thought if i could get here by one hour past dark i would be doing good and the sun was still up my plan was to finish in 41 hours and the time limit was 48 hours so i had seven hours cushion for you know any little thing to go wrong i had 83 miles to go to saint ignacio from pre-running i knew this was one of the two hardest sections of the entire course and it would get dark on me on the way [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah two miles all right [ __ ] buddy you're not injured are you okay we're just trying to look out for you you know that can take your goggles off all right thank you so much here sit up tanner just came in he is extremely tired very distraught he's hit the wall we had to pretty much help him get in the van take a break he just has to uh get a little rest because he didn't get much sleep before we started so once he gets some rest we'll see we can get him across the finish line supposed to be a 548 it scared me thank you buddy [Music] [Music] the ruts were very deep and filled with powdery silk silt is the most challenging terrain in baja for a motorcycle [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] um [Music] when i went to get up i was stuck to the ground ah i look and i had fallen into a cactus and i pull up and i've got these plates of cactus stuck to me i had a side pouch on my belt luckily on my right side that was facing up i reached over unzipped it and pulled out my wire cutters one by one i cut the long needles coming out of the cactus between it and my skin i freed myself of one plate of the cactus after another and now i've got these needles sticking out of me sticking through my jersey and i didn't know what would happen if i tried to ride like that would it really hurt [Music] [Music] we're about the 600 mile marker and larry's running a little bit behind from what we understand the section he's in right now is the toughest one last year he pushed himself regardless of how badly he felt to get to the 600 mile mark which was the longest ride he's ever made so if he makes this mark he's equaled it and it's only about 530 miles left [Music] okay oh my god that was the worst piece of terrain i've ever seen in my life everybody was having a really hard time and i went down in the silt and i landed in a cactus here's the really bad news the gps is out out it's stuck i had to wait for a guy to come past me because i was at an intersection i didn't know which way to go my gps is out i'll follow you all right are you able to lift your arm or because it's stuck what do you want to do just pretty smart bringing tweezers huh ask me how i know i need to do that now there's two kinds of needles in me there's the big ones that are like a needle you would use for sewing that size and they pulled those out but there was hundreds of these fine little hairy needles in me and they tried pulling them out one by one but you could hardly see them and so finally someone had the idea let's shave them off so that's what we did we just took a shaver and shaved those needles right off flush with my skin so they didn't rub against my jersey and be really irritating gotta get it all out oh man it's still fuzzy as hell we're all loaded up on the gps now oh nice hear it i wonder who it is mccarron what do you think oh where's tanner how's tanner he's good we know he came in we tom come by he went down to his check how long ago yeah he also said that was the worst thing he's ever run yeah once they pulled the cactus needles out of me i decided to take a rest since the trophy trucks were coming through now all right i'm gonna lay down half an hour how about that you got it every trophy truck that passed me while i was taking a rest would be one i wouldn't have to deal with on course it was just a therapeutic reset from my body let my muscles relax and get up and get back on that bike half an hour that's it all right promise i'm leaving you here [Music] all right i hope my boy is okay he's still resting he's still down so i'm gonna pass him yeah because he didn't sleep last night he needed a breather he maxed himself out most every time i saw my chase truck so far in this race i had asked how's tanner where's tanner and they would tell me oh he's doing good he's at miles such and such he's in second place he was actually leading the race for 200 miles tanner was going for it he was trying to win the ironman class well this time they told me just as i'm ready to go tanner is one mile ahead he's supposed to be 100 miles ahead of me at this point what's he doing one mile ahead i knew something was really wrong you can stop there and talk to him if you like where is he they're going to be down by the pharmacy on the right to see him thanks andrew i took off a little rested and rejuvenated and went down the road to see tanner [Music] hey see how you doing good took a nap no and i said tanner what's the matter are you okay and he said i couldn't hold on anymore he said i i felt like i was gonna pass out going 70 miles an hour and so he's done and i said well are you okay and he said yeah i said no no are you okay with not finishing the race he said yeah i'm okay dad he said you go finish [Music] it was on me now it was up to me to finish this race all of a sudden it was more important than ever i had to make it happen there was nothing more for me to do here tanner was okay i had to go [Music] a surge of resolve and energy filled me i was reborn i felt strong i would finish this race [Music] my next goal was to go 177 miles to the physical checkpoint at mile 784 by dawn it was 10 30 p.m i had all night to get there and still be on my race plan i had done so much right and i felt good i went about 25 miles and there was the deepest river crossing of the entire course of any course in ba that i've ever been in in fact our guide when we pre-ran it fell down in this water because the water was up to the sea and there's boulders underneath there and you can't see where they are and if you hit one boom you're down so which side in the middle yeah so it goes down so i just picked a line and i went for it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey andrew i [Music] [Applause] let me think now i i don't think i got gas in san ignacio i don't know how i don't know if there's a way to give gas to somebody [Music] i wanted to discuss some options but the call was dropped all i could do was wait i had it written right there on my tape on my fender the gas pit was at 607 where i had last seen tanner was at 606 and a half the gas pit was right there in san ignacio where i was fist bumping the crowd i didn't pull it more than four feet out of the way of race traffic because i wanted to be seen maybe someone would stop and help me hey yeah i'm out of gas man [Music] i knew i had seven hours cushioned i was gonna be okay i mean how long could it take him to get here i was only 37 miles away from where i had last seen the truck and part of it was paved road so they could get within 30 miles of me juice [Music] gas can to help hold it maybe put that on and then zip that in between you [Music] why the heck is this locking up now come on man satellite phones are really unreliable you know you can't get a full conversation in that they're cutting out they cut the call off on the sat phone that means you still ain't going nowhere maybe unless he got fuel from somebody and yeah try you won the pride or not keep trying man how far out is he 30 miles 30 miles you say 46. is that 646. [Music] up [Music] arturo's coming i'm gonna have to really go like crazy i'm over halfway there i'm at mile 646 i have about 23 hours to go 450 miles so i decided you know this could actually be a good thing i am going to lay down in the desert and take a nap i try to sleep because it's taking three hours for our turtle to come but i'm shivering so bad i i can't sleep it's about 40 degrees out here and i'm wet from a river crossing my socks are wet and my shirt is wet from sweat my gloves are wet these trophy trucks are whizzing by at 80 miles an hour coating me with dust i'm gonna lose over three hours from the race from this i hope i can finish still still waiting for arturo i'm freezing i gotta get moving so i don't freeze to death it's five in the morning and arturo's not here yet he called the van a couple times sandy's having a really difficult time he's trying desperately to get out here to me but he's carrying a gas jug in between his legs and that's got to be so hard and the trophy trucks and buggies keep coming through every few minutes and you got to pull over and get out of their way and then let the dust clear he had a river crossing to do with a jug between his legs i may have just screwed up my whole race by missing a pit lost six hours so far [Music] the sun's coming up and i'm still here [Music] in order for me to finish if i got gas by six in the morning and an hour um i'd have to do 28 miles an hour average um with no breaks and i i've slept 30 minutes in the last i don't know day and a half or whatever two nights um i don't even know what to say or think finally a four-wheeler that was in the race slowed down and stopped and he says hey you're larry janeski i watched your movie your movie is the reason i'm here your movie is the reason my wife let me come here and enter this race and i said well that's great do you have any extra gas and then his buddy pulls up on another big arctic cat four-wheeler and these guys were just in it to have fun and to finish and they have these huge gas tanks on there so i'm like i'm gonna get some gas and so i took the hose off my hydration pack that i normally drink out of and i siphon gas out of his atv and i got sat phone out and i called and i said andrew andrew i got gas from some four wheelers and i'm taking off now and he said wait wait arturo should almost be there by now and i said oh now i finally got gas and i gotta wait even more because if arturo couldn't find me he had 150 miles to go back to the truck so i didn't want to put him through all that he would really get lost out there so i waited and 20 minutes later sure enough arturo pulls up topped off with the gas that he brought and i was gone we joined forces now with larry's team because tanner's out of the race so here we are seven hours later trying to get our butts over to laredo so we can pit larry and we're going to get him to the finish line at all costs [Music] it had been 13 hours since i saw my crew we're so happy to see each other i was so happy to see that tanner was okay [Music] i was at mile 784 the farthest i'd ever been on a motorcycle by far 34 hours into the race it's good well it's good that's good that's good it's still still pretty clean let's save the last two we got i was completely wasted from being overheated but after cooling down getting hydrated and eating some i had new energy so i got i think 43 miles to go to the rental dump i asked tanner if it was mathematically possible for me to finish the race he said don't worry about it you got 43 miles to go i know it's really close even you know but i can't i wouldn't be able to take any breaks just do 10 miles four times he was right take it step by step ten miles that's all i had to do right now ten miles get me to let me be safe i can't guarantee that okay it's about one thousand there's no safe i knew from pre-running that coming up was the worst part of the course this next 43 miles would be hell and i got back on that bike and i said i am going to finish this race dang it and i took off out of there and that is when the course got really hard [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] ah [Music] i was really really fatigued and the heat had drained me and i caught my pinky on a tree branch and i didn't know if my pinky was ripped off i didn't know blood was coming through my glove but i didn't want to look at it because there was nothing i could do anyway it was tough and i got to the truck through now the two hardest sections of the course and i was really really spent i thought my my finger was pretty hanging off it was just happening did you catch it on a branch hanging out yeah big a branch like this yeah yeah and it grabbed my pinky oh it might be broken i knew there was a really big hill climb coming up and then an equally steep descent but after that it kind of got a little easier for a while and i thought well if i can make it over the hill climb i can go farther and i pondered that and based on my body felt i thought it was gonna be really dangerous for me i had used up all my cushion time i couldn't finish this race in the 48 hour time limit and i thought to try would be really dangerous i was running good and i thought about how i had to finish this race i just had to finish this race before i die you know but i couldn't i had nothing left two years ago i would have finished time it was 1822 like two years ago why do i tell you this story my personal mission statement is an extraordinary life of shared experiences i'm no different than anyone else i struggle i search if i've discovered anything about myself and therefore all human experience my wish is to share and inspire and empower as many others as possible heaven knows i've learned so much from other people those that have come before me and my contemporaries if i can be part of the chain of people who pass on the human instruction manual to a fulfilling high-performance life i am eager to do my part [Music] if you're enjoying these into the dust stories join over 20 000 others and sign up for my short message of the day at think daily messages are about living a successful fulfilling high performance life it's free and i pledge to never share your email address with anyone for business people you can also get think daily for business people a second message each weekday at and don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell so we can tell you when our next movie comes out thank you for watching [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Larry Janesky
Views: 174,334
Rating: 4.9409375 out of 5
Keywords: Business, Business Coach, Success, Larry Janesky, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Baja 1000, Desert Racing, Tanner Janesky, 714x, Off Road Racing, Ironman, Mexico, Moto, motorcycle racing, motocross, Chris Haines, Dirt bike, Trophy Truck, Race Crash, motorsport, Documentary, Baja Racing, Inspiring Story, Extreme Sports, Score International, 775x, Enduro, off-road motorsport race, Baja Mil, Race Accidents, Janesky Racing, Inspirational True Story, Emotional True Story
Id: oPPEz0I__4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 38sec (3218 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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