From the Depths - Building Better Turrets

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hello everyone om here back with a video on turrets today why turrets because destroying or losing your own turrets can dictate the way the fight will go and hopefully I've got some advice for you and tips and tricks to help the odds go into your favor and avoid losing your own turrets so as usual there will be links down below as well as timestamps so you can navigate the video as you want and there is also now a Discord laying down there because I've got my own Discord so feel free to hang out ask your own questions directly to me or to other people who are good at the game people who are not so good at the game um hangout post or just have some real talk with us whatever you feel you see fit so I'll be waiting for you in Discord and on with the video all right first things first the actual turret blocks themselves you don't necessarily need to pick that at the beginning depending on how you build but it's possible to build around the turret block itself in which case changing your mind later might be difficult so what should factor into your decision for picking a different size thread block well aside from the obvious that the bigger ones are tougher but also more expensive is the fact that the bigger ones can also hold more weight before their rotation starts to slow down and that's important because obviously if you're going to use a really small turret block and then build a huge turret around it that's really heavy it's gonna have issues tracking a Target potentially Now using a bigger turret does not necessarily a bad idea it does make for a bigger Target but it also means more connection points because the small turret is a small Target but if you do this it's gone whereas if you do the same thing with the three by three you're fine now obviously you can have blocks on the side which is going to help there's also the strut blocks which might help if the turret doesn't necessarily have a proper Connection in One Direction uh there's ways to get around that but obviously you want your thread block to be tough itself and you want whatever it is attached to to be tough as well so I would generally recommend setting these down on heavy armor if possible at least one piece of heavy armor or metal or alloy depending on the way any weight restrictions for your vehicle but yeah bigger for heavier turrets obviously I find it three by three to be a really good middle ground that's just uh performs really well in pretty much every scenario it connects to multiple blocks it'll do what you need it to do uh basically all the time uh it's not a huge cost difference but if you use the five by five by default it might waste a little bit of space a little bit of materials and on smaller vehicles or in vehicles with a lot of turrets it will add up and it might not really be worth the materials that you put into it anyways moving on all right the next thing you'll have to decide is the size of your turret uh now if this leaves you scratching your head basically these are squares and the alloy that you see in the middle of the square basically represents everything that's going to be mounted directly on the turret block the empty spaces need to remain empty otherwise the alloy or your turret basically won't be able to turn in that space and then the metal could be anything you could have uh I don't know engines there whatever whatever you see fit most likely armor but it could be anything and the turret will rotate as long as you follow these shapes now bear in mind this is something I've built myself a long time ago but right now oh wrong one if you go into sub-objects you'll have a list uh with different sizes it's slightly different from my own but it's basically the same thing you'll have these templates up to from seven by seven up to 17 to 7 by 17. if you want to go bigger I believe there are some steam guides that specifically show you where you can build and where you mustn't build for a turret to rotate and the reason you want to follow these is because well if you don't you're just wasting space and wasted space potentially means wasted materials and such it's just it's just better not to waste right and how do you pick a turret size well it depends on the shape of your vehicle if you try to build like my hover tanks I'm going to favor a larger turret where I'll be able to fit a lot without needing a lot of height although this is technically more wasteful you'll see as you get more or not more but if as you get bigger or more bigger you'll have more empty spaces to allow for rotation so ideally you don't want to go for the really big turrets but it's definitely a possibility if you've got um size or I don't know shaping concerns the other thing I've calculated myself you can do it on your own but it's the number of blocks you have for one slice of turret basically so a 15 by 15 lets you 177 volume essentially cubic meters to build into per meter of a height of the turret a 17 by 17 is going to be 221 a 13 by 13 if I could see I'll remove the build mode uh is going to be 137 and 11 by 11 is going to be 97 cubic meters a 9x9 is 69 cubic meters a 7x7 is 37 then the 5x5 which is cutting the corners so 25 minus 4 21 and the 3X3 is full you can apparently rotate a three by three Square in the three by three square hole you've learned to hear this is something I've learned from from the depths I do it all the time in real life somehow it doesn't work I don't know why please help me but this is what you can do in the game and the reason this is helpful especially these days with the stacks card is because you can build this really low commitment mock-up basically where you just get the performance you want you get the stats that you want you don't care about the shape and then you go in here you go into the stats and you see the volume so in theory assuming I could connect all of the blocks this would fit entirely in a single layer of a 17 by 17. it would fit in approximately uh two layers of an 11 by 11 because I believe this counts the magnets and the firing piece and the gauge that you can stick in the cap or in the neck but uh it gives you an idea of uh the size of your turret basically so it's a good idea to plan and the other thing you'll want to consider is the arbor you'll put in your turret I'm going to insert a cut here and give you some examples of what you can do because while this is the functional components you might actually want some armor directly mounted on the thread block but om how do I keep my turrets from exploding asked someone hopefully because here is the answer and the answer is either you use something like this which most people would refer to as a third well where you have the armor on the main hall and the turret rotates within it or you have something like this where you have the armor on the turret now are there the pros and cons of each well in this case it's either more expensive or you're spreading your materials over a greater area which means you have less protection in a single direction that in this case but you are protected from every angle so if you're fighting multiple Targets this might be the choice for you if you're finding a singular Target then this can work definitely because the threat will track point that your only Target and take all of the fire head on where you've concentrated essentially the whole cost of armoring every side into a singular side which essentially means almost four times the armor for the same turret now you can do both obviously there's no reason not to do that you can have a turret Wheeler around this and I have at least some extra protection from every angle and have major protection against your main target the one thing I would recommend you don't do is put all of the armor on all of the sides on the thread block because when you think about it there's really no reason the turret will rotate and if the front plate is damaged and you have Armor All Around it's still aiming at the Target it's still showing the front side so it's still gonna get damaged so you don't want to do that I might have done that in the past myself but please do as I say not as I do although hopefully I haven't but yeah so these are the main differences here obviously putting armor on your turrets also might add weight something to consider when you're picking your third block as I mentioned before moving on all right so we've discussed picking you know your base turret block how to armor the internals of your turret and now if we keep moving up there's a neck and typically you want a narrow neck so probably three by three or five by five so you avoid you know putting a huge hole in your deck armor and that way it gives you space to put more armor without exposing the neck itself that way you can for example in this case have the neck well covered by the thread tap which further protects it but you do want to be careful because I'm going to make you a quick demonstration this is a continuous block of metal this is metal that is slightly separated because it's a sub-object right and these guns are loaded with heat here's what happens this is expected punched right through left a hole this might not be entirely expected some people might think that heat and hash can jump through even small air gaps or at least through very small air gaps but they can't jump them at all even the small space is enough to trigger the heat to go off and create fragments and we can see this block took damage because it's darkened but what happens if you make a sub-object flush with something that's on the main hall surely it's a sub-object it's not going to go through right there's a lot of discussion about that well it does go through so if you put your neck flush with the surface or even um clipping through it then heat and hash can actually go through so do be mindful to have some level of spaced armor or maybe just an open Gap around the neck or something even though it's covered by the turret cap to avoid something else sneaking in at least it'll prevent side shots of heat and hash from sneaking fragments into your turret neck and potentially destroying single gauge that might be snuck in there but I would disconnect your firing piece and even though that's a very inexpensive loss in terms of materials it's a single gauge piece it could be a very expensive loss in terms of Firepower and if that piece isn't repaired quickly it could cost you to fight so do be mindful of that and then the third cap is the same deal essentially you've got the firing piece sure uh an APS firing piece is only 100 materials right it's very inexpensive compared to a big APS turret but if you lose that firing piece same deal you can't fire the expensive gun anymore even though the repair itself is cheap you might lose the fight because you've lost a huge chunk of your Firepower so what you do something like this this is the one place where you can be liberal with heavy armor and especially wedges and slopes and all of that you can shape around it afterwards but doing this lets you put as much health and hit points and effective Health in a smallest space and then you can use partial blocks to also prevent a stray hit from a heat or a head shell producing fragments inside because normally you'd have more blocks around this those would trip the hash or the heat and then the fragments will spawn on the other side and bounce off the slopes that's the whole idea uh same deal with a kinetic shell slopes reduce damage it's not necessarily ideal because it's still left less Health overall and suppose we're changed a little bit to care or less about slopes than before but still if it's a an AP round or a heavy head it would lose a lot of damage or potential damage hitting a harsh slope like this or wedge or even the beam slope like this it's like a 50 reduction so against a typical kinetic round this is almost as good or sometimes better than a full beam and it still offers protection against heat and Ash so something like this it's going to be really good just be careful though especially uh given this example here something like heat or hash coming from above could hit it obviously the front is the place where that might get hit the most but if something even a small hash shell heading the top here from a really shallow angle like this it's still enough because of how it works it triggers perpendicular so kind of like this it would go up and down straight up because it hits a flat surface like this perpendicular is straight down boom it goes into your turret so do be mindful if you're worried about a hash being fired at you at all then you might want spaced armor on top of your turret as well and then let's talk a little bit about making your turrets look better so hopefully what I've said so far has helped you make your turrets more functional and survive longer Under Fire but what about making them look better well there are a lot of things I could tell you or explain to you but there's a few things and one of those things is that personally I experiment experiment a lot words are hard I experiment a lot with shapes and such and sometimes even though the shape might not look particularly inspiring a little bit of paint and decorations can make a lot happen in terms of you know making it prettier for example here there would normally be a hole leading into a barrel or into the mantlet from the barrel to the mantlet and using decorations you can hide that um so yeah don't give up on a shape just because it doesn't quite look right when you're done with it start paint try painting it uh putting camo or something logos decorations all kinds of stuff functional blocks are often really nice um they spice things up another thing that I don't do nearly enough is to Simply go on Google Images and type in those keywords and look for something to either inspire you or to downright copy I mean no one's going to sue you for making a turret look like something you've seen in a movie unless you try to monetize it of course then they'll sue you but anyway feel free to draw inspiration even if you don't copy it block for a Blog or every little detail for detail it can be really nice it's just something to give you ideas and yeah don't be afraid to experiment like I've done here for example using decorations you can make fake mantlets like this uh uh basically beefed up pole here that looks like it's it should Elevate or allow the barrel to elevate is one way to go putting in fake cameras uh covering up textures and putting in fake detection things fake antenna and if you're building something orky for example something like this here you know you can put in all kinds of crazy stuff for decorations and the decoration function now allows you to even hide certain things so truly the worlds are always there here you can do the same thing with uh missiles obviously any kind of turret it works you can hide functional components or create fake gantries anything feel free to go nuts you can even use something that is functional and then Spruce it up with decorations and make it really cool and finally one more tip uh about decorations is that it can be helpful for paint this is an inverted triangle but I've added a triangle on top of it that is ever so slightly wider and you can't really see it you can see that it's really that it's wider unless you really zoom up on it like this but as you can see the front part is orange and the side part is black that is one thing you can use the decorations for as well if you put decorations on the barrel it will elevate along with the barrel so let's see can I showcase this yep and I would need to update it because it pokes out like this but yeah this is also something you can do create fake mantlets and Barrel whatever they're called shrouds Barrel shrouds there we go and do all kinds of things like that uh this is one of my favorite things to do is just put in uh coincidence range finders on my turrets and detections and then hide the connectors the AI physical connectors and all of that so hopefully you found this video helpful if you did please leave a like consider subscribing uh go down in the comment below and leave any questions feedback or just encouragements for further videos and to help with the algorithm if you haven't joined already there is going to be a link to my Discord Channel don't be pressure to join but also you know it's not only about from the depth it's also about hanging out with fellow entities intellectuals who enjoy uh building games and such and just to have fun maybe real talk or just posting whatever you want so feel free to join links are below as usual take care and I'll see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Ohm is Futile
Views: 4,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ftd, FTD, discord, from the depths, youtube, gaming, tips, tricks, tutorial
Id: jKcv4ZjYAeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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