From the Depths - EMP: How to (but really, why?)

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EMP three letters which really sound like a missed opportunity for an AC DC song but more importantly it's a damage typing from the depths hello everyone om here back with another informational video but in this one I'm also going to come out with a really strong piece of opinion and that is that EMP should probably be removed from the game devs have removed uh features from the game before and I think EMP is a candidate but to understand why we first got to understand how EMP works all right so EMP can be delivered using any weapon except lasers so crams here deal EMP damage if they have EMP pellets APS can use EMP Warheads missiles also have EMP Warheads and particle accelerators also have an EMP setting so pretty straightforward you hit something with EMP on it and once it hits the target hopefully it will deliver the EMP charge now the EMP will try to find a path through the enemy vehicle that deals the most damage and this can be visualized pretty clearly here so little tip here but since the patch last year the stats of different blocks have changed and in this case heavy armor is a perfect conductor of the MP it has no resistance to it it doesn't reduce its damage and it doesn't take damage from EMP so it's basically a lightning rod now we have the EMP tool here which I set to a thousand damage now remember EMP tries to do the most damage and it will damage any block that is susceptible to it and you can find that out Simply by hovering over the blocks now I'm not going to list every block but basically most AI components detection local weapons controllers acbs breadboards um the basic Jets and ions take damage I believe propellers also take EMP damage there's quite a few anything that basically sounds like it might have Electronics or anything electric controlling it or whatever probably takes EMP damage so that's how you know they are different um susceptibility levels and they have obviously different HP for instance this Shield has 75 hp but is only 60 susceptible while the AI has 200 hp and is a hundred percent susceptible so if I hit this Rod every single time the result is going to be the same because it tries to do the most damage and boom okay so fun fact I just discovered that EMP cannot go through a block more than once per hit right so I was surprised because when I first did this uh test before recording the video I got one result and then later I added more rubber to make sure that this Shield couldn't fall off if this Shield was destroyed and that actually altered my result because it gave empa path to go around so uh yeah apologies about that but anyway let's see what happens if we hit this pole and there we have it right so this has more Health EMP cannot backtrack so between the choice of two Shields that add up to 150 Health EMP chose the 200 Health AI Mainframe that's because it tries to deal the most damage now I'll lower this to a hundred to demonstrate what susceptibility does right these have 75 hp each but they only have 60 percent susceptibility so if I do this with 100 damage well this one took unsurprisingly 60 damage that's what susceptibility does but the leftover still kept going and hit this one for 60 percent of the 40 that was left and then the rest didn't have anywhere to go and so the EMP basically stopped existing now moving on let's put this back to a thousand EMP damage and let's hit these three poles twice why twice because whatever I want to um so here we have two individual blocks of wood with 15 plus 30 EMP reduction each here we have a single two meter beam of wood same stats obviously and here we have a single block of rubber which has twice the resistance of wood what are your predictions here well once and twice once and twice once and twice what happened well the two pieces or the two surge protectors that are basically protected by wood well they took the same amount of damage this means that using individual blocks against the MP is not better than beams EMP loses damage per meters of materials it has to go through not per block so really no advantage to using single blocks even when it comes to EMP now with rubber you'll notice it has a tiny bit more health and that's because the reduction of wood is not 15 plus 15. it is 15 of the current amount of damage so if you reduce the damage once then reducing it by 15 means you're taking from a smaller amount which means you're technically decreasing the damage a little bit less than with rubber so the reduction for damage of EMP when going through materials is going to be looking more like a curve that kind of keeps going down because there's a flat amount of damage associated with every block but it'll look kind of like a curve right because the lower the damage gets the lower the percentage actually reduces the damage because it's the current damage and then I've got a different test for you what do you think will happen here I'm going to hit it with uh wait that's the wrong thing a thousand EMP damage now this can take a lot more than a thousand this is only 200 but technically metal as a small reduction but remember EMP will not go back right so what's your prediction for a hundred or a thousand damage is it going to hit the AI or the surge protector and if I lower the damage to a hundred is the result going to be the same and which one is it do you think which block will take the damage how do you type your comment yet well here goes nothing a thousand damage hitting it that's right it tries to do the most damage and it can't go back so it went for the surge protector because it could deal all of its damage or practically all of its thousand damage to the surge protector and the AI is completely unharmed 100 health and this took basically whatever the surge protector reduction is I think it is 95 percent so five percent of a thousand is well 50 but there's a little bit left because the metal offers a tiny bit of protection now watch what happens if I stick a hundred damage oh oh yes it hit the AI why because even though this could also take a hundred damage it wouldn't because it's behind metal which has a tiny bit of reduction so in both cases the target block can take the full 100 damage but this one wouldn't because it has to go through metal so that's basically how EMP works now obviously if you have a lot more connections here EMP has different paths to go through you might have more than an AI Mainframe here so do not I repeat do not Shield your search protectors from EMP if you want to actually protect the pieces you want to keep because chances are you might actually direct EMP into your AI Mainframe or whatever is susceptible to EMP rather than in your surge protectors if you protect your surge protectors that's a lot of words and protect in anyway moving on so what does this mean defensively well the ideal scenario would be to have basically the whole outer shell of your vehicle made out of heavy armor with surge protectors on the inside so anywhere you hit it's going to go into surge protectors and then have your insights connected via materials that are more resistant so basically anything that's not heavy armor that would be the ideal scenario right but it doesn't have to be perfect as you can see here there is some resistance but EMP is always going to go through the surge protectors just make sure you have enough surge protectors because they will break eventually right and then your AI goes so yeah heavy armor heavy armor spines just you know the lightning rods so that there is a quick path to your surge protectors can help short of not making the whole vehicle out of heavy armor obviously it's going to be really expensive and really heavy but even if you use other materials let's say you build out primarily out of metal then alloy will provide well five times the insulation which means if you attach things to your vehicle or at least things that are vulnerable to EMP with alloy and everything else is made out of metal EMP will go quite a bit further away to hit a surge protector before deciding it's actually worth hitting whatever it is that is connected via alloy because metal is that much less resistant so keep going through the tiers of materials so if alloy is not enough then wood and stone and those are going to be your favorite options honestly especially Stone it has decent health or it has the better amount of Health between wood and stone whereas rubber is more expensive than either it is heavier than wood not have you ever done Stone but it is heavier than wood and it just doesn't have the amount it has less Health than wood even though it's three times the cost and fifty percent more expensive than Stone so wood and stone are going to be your main options to insulate things even if your vehicle is built entirely out of alloy or metal these materials have fairly significant uh EMP installation that if you have surge protectors spread out around your vehicle EMP will almost always go for the surge protectors as long as those vulnerable pieces are attached exclusively through insulated materials remember EMP will go around a resistant block if there is a path so don't forget that uh offensively what does that mean well if something is built right you're pretty screwed and that's part of the reason or at least it's not part of the reason is the main reason why I think EMP is a bad mechanic and should be considered or is a candidate to be removed entirely as a feature it's kind of a gotcha mechanic right if you protect your vehicle right you're gonna have to destroy a whole lot of surge protectors before you do anything with EMP but if you don't it's gonna absolutely wreck anything functional on your vehicle just just kind of bad and sad and not just look visually right it's like if you're looking straight at it fair enough but look at this turret it has these vulnerable components and if it's on the surface you can kind of see it but if it goes inside you quickly lose sight of it it's just not looking very impressive you'll see one or two blocks fly off because they're the functional blocks it's just not great to look at but anyway I'm getting lost in my rant here how do you use it offensively well assuming the vehicle is somewhat protected or not protected if it's not protected I mean just hit it with EMP right if it is somewhat protected then rate of fire is going to be one of the main things most blocks that are destroyed or damaged by EMP have very low health so rate of fire and just spreading those hits across the vehicle in the hopes of hitting somewhere where something important is more accessible than a surge protector is going to be your goal so that makes crams less than ideal it's not bad to have a little bit of EMP on your cramps but it's just if you want to deliver EMP there's better ways APS is going to be pretty good though you'll want more than like a hundred EMP for sure there's no clear break point or threshold you should hit but if you have very low amounts then single block of wood or rubber is going to be quite the obstacle to overcome with 15 reduction plus 30 flat right that would already have the damage of that APS Warhead missiles are going to be pretty decent and practical accelerator cannons are also pretty decent especially since they're uh their hitscan weapons so just make sure you know you don't have to go for a massive damage per hit just get that sweet sweet rate of fire have your aim Point selection change regularly to spread that EMP around and that'll do you best anyway that's going to be it for this video I hope you found this helpful and well maybe this video will be needed in the future if the devs actually decide to remove EMP but that's my opinion I think I think it's a it's not a great mechanic it's not visually pleasing and so on so I just cut and the gotcha anyway I'm not gonna get into it again editor ohm here um so there's been a lot of talk about EMP on the server between now and the time I made the recording and in case it wasn't abundantly clear apamp is terrible it's not going to be better than just pure EMP in 99 of cases and if you tell me well I tested it test it home it works and yeah it kind of does except I don't know what you tested it against but if the defenses aren't made properly yeah it'll work to some EXT to some extent but so will EMP just regular old EMP in most cases case in point this is the hypernova one of the more recent Godly designs from the Scarlet Dawn and look what happens a thousand EMP you hit this little doodad at the back and oh are those ring Shields yeah I'm repairing I'll turn that off uh hit the turret cap oh oh are those local weapon controllers why yes they are so uh yeah currently EMP works against just about anything you fire anywhere and detection will fall off even laser pumps will fall off if you just hit the skin yeah there you go it'll work so there's no need to deliver the payload inside the Target and if something is built right whether you hit inside or outside the target same result so please don't do apmp just just don't thank you but uh yeah I hope you found this helpful if you did please consider subscribing and liking the video consider joining the Discord Link in the description and thank you for watching I'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Ohm is Futile
Views: 1,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ftd, FTD, discord, from the depths, youtube, gaming, tips, tricks, tutorial, emp
Id: 7aNcZUWO7eU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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