From the Depths - Laser Tutorial 103

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greetings and welcome back to from the depths with me om we can all wish right anyway what I've got for you today is a video on lasers not the basics if you need that please look into my playlist the old videos are still very much relevant and they do cover the basics however there's been a small change not so recently or not recently at all and that is that storage now counts against AP now what that means is well not much if you're not using any doublers the base amount of AP is still very much the same but if you're using any amount of doublers then storage now counts against that and what that means is pretty simple I've got two laser setups here and you'll notice I've replaced two storage cavities on the other one with these stabilizers and this is now objectively better and let me show you this setup has more storage yes it has this much Firepower 6.82 and it has these statistics material per fire power of 1045 and volume per Firepower of 17. now if we go here we have material for Firepower of 925 and volume per Firepower of 14.91 uh lower numbers are better this means this is less expensive per Firepower and smaller per Firepower and this is pretty obvious right uh this is smaller than this but because these stabilizers make this use more of its storage it's essentially just replacing the storage without adding storage so the other thing you'll notice is uh the Firepower I believe is well 0.02 difference but it's essentially the same however this one has just a little bit more AP naturally this is a small design at larger sizes this can make a not insignificant difference besides why would you waste anyway so yeah first part just use more destabilizers they're much better now previously you know more storage just meant you could potentially burst and blah blah blah but now it's just more expensive for lower AP moving on next I present you a Tetris or laser Tetris that goes very well with the previously mentioned information this is a 1x3 that works very well with 0q 1q 2q and even three Q switches and you can just have like so 2D stabilizers along the line you use a regular cavity to have two pumps up and down and some single input cavities for storage and then once you have a decent amount of storage or a good storage to pump ratio and your 2D stabilizers you can start putting in doublers for AP and if you're wondering well this is one by three and as I can see here there's not room for three Q switches well you can do it like this and yeah you're gonna have Dead Space where you have the connectors but this isn't still much better in my opinion than having these little sticks at the end of your three by threes and it's also I don't know I find it more convenient than having dedicated doubler lines you can put them along there you can also put them with doubler lines dedicated doubler lines to increase the overall AP and if you're wondering how that compares to our other Tetris it Compares very well this is lower Firepower and low volume which means that things like the cavities and the multi-purpose block count for a greater percentage of the whole assembly the whole cost and it's still very good it's actually a better volume per Firepower than this one already even at that small size it is a bit more expensive but that is because doublers are not well represented in terms of Firepower right this is much higher AP um I'll turn the UI back on this is 53.1 AP and this is 44.5 so just a very good Tetris this will work very well with a lot of setups unfortunately not with 4q but still it's very very effective and you can have your laser output regulator and you can do a little a neat little trick that is also enabled by a not so recent update but that definitely wasn't available before when I made my previous laser tutorial so let's show that off so I've gone ahead and increased the size of our assembly just a little bit and as you can see the damage is pretty high however if you're decent at math you also notice that we are not able to sustain this amount of damage now this isn't a terrible thing the whole laser is getting used which is really good but we are wasting about in this case a thousand materials on an extra Q switch that we can't sustain however let's think about this for a moment at this time it does 16 000 damage per shot which is pretty good and could be even higher and this would be good for bypassing thick armor with every shot now here's the thing the extra Q switch is not wasted why even though this isn't perfectly sustainable we can make full use and bypass armor now if we change this and have that and it's not going to work because I've already set things up but basically if we have the damage we would do about 8 000 minus attenuation which is enough to comfortably one shot a piece of a large custom jet through a piece of metal or a metal beam so this could be pretty good for anti-air Duty and how do we achieve that well we need a pretty simple breadboard and I really mean really quite simple and one ACB in this case we are looking for the size of the target so we're using the target here and it's volume and right now I'm saying between 0 and 2500 you can pick whatever size you think is let's say appropriate for the damage change right this is the cutoff so if it is between those values it is pushing a key right now it is set to push down this is just a way to communicate with the breadboard there's a lot of ways to do this you could do this with the which I'm gonna call it the brain please uh the dries the drive control so let's say primary drive secondary Drive tertiary drive whatever you can send different signals like that and I think you can even do some pretty cool stuff with um basically drives that you create because now you can actually read custom drives using the breadboard which is pretty cool anyway getting off track so you've got one ACB and based on whether or not the value is true the breadboard will do something and that something is change the damage and let me demonstrate that currently this is untrue so let me just invert the condition for demonstration purposes and suddenly we are doing 8 600 damage per shot this is sustainable and this is what we'll use for anti-air and the way you achieve this I've already shown but let me explain it we have a complex control I believe reader that is not true it is a uh I'll see that's the custom propulsion I'm using the regular propulsion I'm using a printer with two outputs and then two math evaluators why because we're trying to change two properties of the laser and it simply checks if a is greater than zero in both cases meaning is our breadboard signal active or not if it is then I'm doing five two the laser output regulator and the cavity discharge rate this is this thing all right and I'm changing also the minimum shot damage why because as I said before it's unsustainable at maximum power and you don't want it to waste power firing underpowered shots that might not get through the armor so we're setting the minimum shut damage to different values based on our Target let me do that again and it's back yeah this time it's saying 15 000 and these are the numbers here right if the signal is on then we're trying to do a a we want 6000 at least damage per shot if we're firing armored targets or at least presumably armored targets we want fifteen thousand and that's all you need really uh presuming that you have let's say lambs also on your vehicle you could absolutely filter it right you could go like pew and pew and then using shift n naming this pew and now if you do that and you have a Lambs with another output regulator that is not named pew then this will not affect it and mess with your lamps why because it is filtering for only the laser output Regulators in our name pew and that's it so hopefully you found this helpful uh please leave a comment knowing or telling me what you'd like to see in the next videos from the depths videos what you'd like to see from the channel in general because I've been pretty quiet and I do have a growing list of tutorials but I've certainly not covered everything I will see of yours if you ask me for something like a cram tutorial or whatever it's not my specialty but I might look into it but anyway leave your suggestion in the comment leave a like and consider subscribing if you found the video helpful and thank you for watching I'll see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: Ohm is Futile
Views: 729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ftd, gaming, tutorial, tips, tricks, guide, from the depths, FtD, FTD, laser
Id: BpR_tcU-7T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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