From The Depths INSTANT Tutorial: Efficient APS Tetris (With Ammo Ejectors)

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I'm trying to make a hetzer type vehicle. it's so hard to do all this horizontally

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from the depth it's the tutorial hello and welcome to Jim lessons instant tutorials worm from the depth and today we're going to talk about APS Tetris APS is the old name that has stuck for advanced canons and in the advanced canons we can align the different components in a way that is more efficient than other ways and that's basically what APS Tetris is Apex Tetris mostly consists of having your you know firing piece and stuff like that connected up to coolers that go down and provide cooling for the system and connect together autoloaders ammo clips ammo intakes and ammo ejectors and also recoil absorbers these are parts that almost any APS gun will need all of these guns have a RPM of 13.4 the difference between these guns is that this is only Auto loaders this is a stacked design and this is the maximum amount of Clips you can have and thus the maximum efficiency why do we have ammo ejectors well if we don't have ammo ejectors the shells will blow up when it gets damaged when the ammo clip or the osloader gets damaged the shell inside it will blow up thing that's only outloaders and they will also blow up if they get damaged for example there you can see the explosion of the shell that was inside this outloader however Clips are more volatile if you damage Clips the explosion will be bigger now um why do we have these ammo ejectors well when this get damaged the shells are ejected when we are using this type of setup we will need to make sure that our shell does also have an emergency ejection diffuse otherwise they will be quite dangerous when they blow up because then you might eject your shells into your vehicle so if we do this again you could see bomb we damaged but you can see no shells are coming out and that is because there is no need for them to come out when we have an ejection defuse you can see here nothing comes out so all these turrets are the same in terms of stats but some have more ammo clips and some have less and some have none why is this the same turret then well on this we have 10 out loaders on this we have three outloaders and the rest ammo Clips amounting to 10 outloaders and clips combined and this is two outloaders and eight ammo clips and that is also 10 units so this and this has the same stats of course have um ammo ejectors on to the outloaders themselves too to just have it like that um but the reason why we want to use ammo Clips is that if we go near we can see the six meter ammo clip it costs 280 materials and the autoloader costs 420. so having clips can reduce the cost a lot and you can see that well Clips or Clips are cheaper and auto loaders are more expensive so the more Clips you can fit on your design the more cost efficient the turret will be however say that we didn't have these ammo ejectors here in your entire turret becomes a powder keg you really want to have ammo ejectors because when you do the shell gets ejected and with the defuse you don't even see them but you really want to have am ejectors there is there is no circumstance where you should not have ammo ejectors you should always strive to have a design that has ammo ejectors injectors and your shells should always have a ammo ejection diffuse so if you haven't done this before you should start doing it from today there is one exception and that is if you're having a real gun basically your shell doesn't contain any gunpowder because gunpowder also blows up inside the ammo if this gets damaged so if you have a railgun that uses kinetic rounds that is solid stuff sabos kinetic solid Ward bodies just like that no payload at all then you can have you can skip to have the am ejectors Purell gun but if you have the slightest amount of gunpowder in there you will need to have the ammo texture and the ejection defuses so that is basically how it works and do remember that these shells they they contain explosives but this is not the most dangerous shell if we would have frag shells if this got damaged with the frag shell it would still blow up the entire turret because frag do a lot of damage internally now I will say that you don't have to have the emergency ejection defuse if you build your turret in a way that the ejected shells that come from out of here gets ejected into an area that is uh not like dangerous so if you just do like that and just update this if the shells can be ejected into a direction that causes no harm you don't have to have the defuse but if you will eject your shells inside a turret as I will show you in this tutorial you will need the defuse so why do we bother with having ammo Clips because as I showed you they can become a complete powder kick and these do less damage well the reason is that outlet risk is more expensive this entire system costs 5200 materials while this system cost 4 400 materials and they do the exact same thing however this setup is a little bit safer and since the um our outloaders can be replaced with an ammo clip connected to an ALT loader this is not more space inefficient either this and this has the same space efficiency when we're dealing with stacked turrets they can provide almost the same um like cost efficiency it's four thousand four thousand five hundred so this one is of course a bit more expensive than the one here but it does the same thing and it's easier to build this type of setup the stack is a really good setup for a lot of turrets this is my preferred method in most cases just having a stack like this so I'm first going to show you how to make the stack this is just bad inefficient and not a good idea so just ignore this this is just to show you that we can replace every outloader with enamel clip instead uh and this is the most efficient method and it's very well suited for very big turrets first I'm going to show you the stack Design This is a 7x7 turret design and we're going to do it with some armor in the front so I have outlined this front as where we will have armor blocks because this is the minimal armor we can have on a turret like this and do remember that as we're using the ammo ejectors our turret will be much less volatile than it would be if we had skipped this part which you shouldn't do one note however is that if you are making a turret that uses build fed autoloaders your only option for fast fire cannons really fast fire cannons that are not huge um well you cannot actually have the ammo ejection diffusers so we have our one meter turret we have EMP insulated the all-in-one weapon controller so it's safe and now we're going to go to Advanced Canon and decide what type of outloader we want preferably we should probably decide the shell size and then decide the well outloader length we need so design your shell and come back with the well what size you need for that so let's say this turret will be a four meter outloader setup so we're going to add a stack of outloaders we can add a couple of them and we can add more or remove them to balance it out because of course we'll need to match this with the recoil absorbers and the cooling and when we just added this stack you might guess we will need to add ammo Clips there are the ammo Clips where which you can see the shells and ammo Clips where you can't if uh it doesn't have a aesthetical like if it doesn't matter just choose the one where you can see the ammo clip because that saves on resources for your game when you've done that you will need to have ammo ejector either of these work fine as we're going to eject our shells into the turret so it doesn't matter where it goes you can just add this stack to the turret right there so each of these outloaders have an ammo ejector onto them on the three spaces you can go and put some ammo input feeders I remember that each ammo clip needs an input feeder and each outloader requires one so for example for this uh set up here you can see that the ammo intake limit is 13.4 because each outloader has one on here you can see that the um ammo input limit is also 13.4 because each ammo clip here has one and each ammo clip back here have one because they can't and the autoloader doesn't have a connection for them so we have extra on the ammo Clips on this side instead you just need to make sure you have the right amount of ammo intakes where you put them matters less they will magically refill and restock the turret in order anyways and like each ammo intake adds to the pool but you can see even though this is the case even the though these has two it's beginning with filling up this ammo clip so it's a little bit like that so you don't have to care too much about where you put them just have enough of them and each of these outloaders doesn't have to be connected to a block like this they connect to each shutter as well so they can just stack up just like that and of course the shell we select will decide how many coolers how many recoil absorbers we need so this is the flat stack design Tetris it's uh basically just select the shell assign them and you will need to balance out where you will have the coolers and where you will have the gauge increasers and recoil absorbers exactly that amount of coolers we will need to have in order to make this setup and then we'll just have to add some recoil absorbers I just selected the shell we already used for these cannons here and I scaled up the gauge to 330 because that means I will actually need to have these large outloaders the absorption is 2 000 per second and The Recoil is 1 800 per second so we could actually armor this turret up and uh well this could actually be a finished turret it's not the too bad design there we go and of course go in there edit make sure it has a ejection diffuse there we go perfect and we can see this is a finished design which fire is a pretty heavy shot every four seconds and doesn't get blown up if it gets damaged very nice next up we're going to look at the maximum efficiency type of design which uses four Clips per autoloader and to do that we usually have them vertically like this and not horizontally here you can see the kind of basis for this Tetris design we have three colors like this we have an auto loader in the middle and we have four ammo Clips protruding like this and an ejector so we're going to build this inside here and same as before the red areas is symbolizing where we're going to need to have armor so I'm going to build this unit a little bit backwards perhaps but we're just going to try and do it with the eight meter shells just because I want to show you that so we can really get it to its extreme and we of course need ammo like this ammunition perfect the ejection yes and then we'll need to add ammo input feeders so we have one there one there and one there that's three we of course need four five two more so where can we put them well it depends a little bit but we can put them like this so we have one there and one there and then in the middle we can have some gauge colors because we need coolers and we need coolers to connect these up to each other so one two three and you see I have built this in the exact middle and that is because we might want to have some sort of room for having a recoil absorbers if we need to like everything depends a lot on the shell you have so before making your Cannon you will need to decide what shell you want because otherwise you don't know how many coolers you need you don't know how many recoil absorbers you need and remember that railguns produce a huge amount of recoil for some really weird reason that's just how it is and um having vertical spaces like this for real guns can be great to have recoil absorbers and of course railgun Chargers now you will take your prefab tool and just capture this prefab and you can see we can spawn this so dependent on the tetris you kind of need if you want that free space in between you can just add these blocks so you have like some free space if we want the maximum density instead then we can build a pattern that is as closely packed as possible and then you can actually let things extend over the the edge here and then cut it off if we want to but it basically goes like this we add a unit and then we just add another one without the ammo Clips colliding like this and you can kind of see we can kind of build a sort of pattern using this method and that will be super efficient very very very compact Tetris and for the next layer we'll need to align it up we can't have them closer to this because then they will try to share ammo clip and only one has you know the connection so it won't work so we need to offset it like this and connect it up later and just as before you can see it's colliding with nothing and add another stripe there like there and they are and there and the things that are sticking out well we'll just have to cut that off so we can add armor later and you might get a small imbalance with the ammo inputs when we do type of super compact pattern so then you'll just have to try and add more inputs wherever you can I would in general have more free spaces but well this is something we can do and say we can just connect these up a little bit quickly here by doing like this make it a 500 millimeter turn now this this shell won't be uh it will be not as long but whatever assign it to all intakes and we can see that now we have a cannon that shoots pretty big shots every um two seconds and of course this is the limit is the cooling limit so we'll need a lot of cooling units and The Recoil as you can imagine is pretty big so in the gaps that we have like for example here's a gap you can see this one here we can actually add a recoil absorber 8 meters down like that perfect let's see if we find some other gap here is a gap there is a gap and you kind of get we have some free space here we can fill it up with more materials and stuff like that and we of course need to add armor around the turret um yeah but if any part of this turret gets damaged but um stuff won't blow up it's all fine we have the ejectors we have the diffusers it just works so I hope this helps you dealing with some APS Tetris and it explains the outloaders and ammo clips and that's how you can set up your turrets do a stack like this or do this type of pattern and you can get these type of chains just connecting them up and having a very efficient type of setup if this did help you doing some APS Tetris well do indeed like this video and do subscribe for future tutorials if you want to get some new tutorials that you haven't seen in the playlist below well then you can suggest them in the comments this has been your host jiminism worth signing out from instant tutorials foreign
Channel: GMODISM
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Keywords: From the Depths, ftd, ftd tutorial, from the depths tutorial, instant tutorial, ftd instant tutorial, From The Depths Instant Tutorial, pc games, pc game, how to, brilliant skies limited, APS Tutorial, from the depths aps tutorial, from the depths aps turret, from the depths aps guide, advanced cannons, from the depths advanced cannon, ftd aps tutorial, APS Tetris, from the depths aps, from the depths aps tetris, ammo ejectors, emergency ejection defuse, gmodism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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