From NOOB To King Story In Minecraft

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foreign I guess I have to go Harvest more from the farm okay I've had a bad Harvest recently hey I found something amazing amazing come over come over here oh what's up hmm what's with all the people gathered what's going on I heard that whoever pulls that sword out will become the next king what they become the next king well that kind of thing never happens to people like us JJ have a little confidence you have to give everything a chance right if I pull out the sword I'll use my new power as king to make you family okay oh [Music] wow good luck Mikey okay go get it yeah okay here I go huh what no what why not it's not coming out oh it's totally impossible I guess me becoming King was crazy from the start sorry Mikey yeah I guess I'll try too good luck JJ thanks okay all right if I pull the sword out you can do it I'll be king here goes nothing three two one whoa wait the sword came right out no way awesome wait that means you're the next king that's our Castle now we get to live in a place like this wow I'm glad you used your new authority to make me part of your family what kind of life will we live here well Mikey let's go in and find out good idea yeah so from now on oh wow this is home this is exciting let's open it up three two one open oh whoa it's even prettier inside wow amazing it's so extravagant look guards wow man let's go to the throne yeah elegant whoa fabulous yeah oh that's right Mikey now that we're Royals we have to dress the part right let's get changed let's go foreign these clothes are cool I feel like a real king now here you are wow here I am sitting on my Throne nice oh JJ the royal family has tried treasure wanna look for it really I get treasure yeah let's find it yeah let's go apparently it's hidden somewhere in the castle huh a royal treasure that must be really something by now let's see I guess we just have to look this door let's check oh wow this is cool where is it which way do we go oh hold on this path goes further down well let's try it let's go where is that treasure the Royal Family's treasure I'd like to see that where is it it belongs to us now yeah this place is like a maze is it down here what a treasure oh it's a dead end maybe this way oh wait this area has a security system there's lava and lasers that's pretty sus totally let's go Mikey we can make it across this lava we just need to make a running jump yes oh hang on that door looks suspicious let's try it all right this must be the treasury right yep this is the hidden Royal treasury definitely let's open it open [Music] huh it's a mountain of cash and gold whoa wow this is unbelievable I wonder how much it's worth a whole lot this is even more than I imagined it's crazy and it all belongs to us Mikey who with this much money will be set for the rest of our lives yeah but how do we know no one will steal it is it safe yeah oh I just noticed look behind you yeah there's some great security here oh wow those are turrets whoa Mikey I think the turrets must shoot non-royalty if anyone not in the royal family enters they're the target that's great [Music] yeah wow there's so much food here whoa so much awesome and everything is so fancy too all this delicious food is the best yeah oh fried eggs wow this much oh there's even cookies we got to eat like this every day yeah let's eat it all all let's try eat up I couldn't eat another bite I think we over ate a little bit Mikey definitely we're done eating let's go exercise let's play The Royal way let's go ready Mikey Yep this is Royal entertainment wow jet ski awesome jet skis look like a lot of fun huh let's play Mikey here we go luckily oops our property plenty of water whoa awesome this is fun [Music] oh nice amazing this is crazy seriously just fantastic this is the best can we go back up so much fun wow oh nice oh all right this is super fun totally jet ski time let's keep playing um [Music] what a great day yeah this is the bathing area really even the bathtub is huge this place is the best I'm glad you became kid I never even dared to dream that we could live the rest of our lives like this so yeah [Music] another peaceful day let's play on the jet skis again JJ what's that what's going on [Music] what's happening what's this sound oh this is bad Mikey what is it is it well yeah in one hour 100 wither skeletons will attack the castle what Mikey if the castle falls in the attack we'll lose everything in an hour how is that possible I don't want our fancy lives to end I must be a true king and protect my country we can't defeat an army of wither skeletons you're right Mikey we don't have enough troops but hold on Mikey what is it there might be a way what way Mikey yeah this room has something we can use look around huh see them oh these the turrets this is our security if we put them at the entrance they'll fight off the Invaders right right they can do the job good idea all right Mikey let's place them by the bridge like this for starters they can go around here see that's good let's put some on the walls next like this I see yeah all right wow here and there on the ceiling there top top but we need to have even more we can't let anything through let's put a couple along the bridge another turret over here and how about a couple more all right that's good we're only using turrets with this many I think we have enough to hold off the army of wither skeletons well Mikey it's time to wait we're ready oh they're finally here wait they're skeleton army yeah already here they come ready for a fight [Music] whoa here they come oh I'll take them down with a sword that made me King the turrets we can win we can win yo there are some stragglers run away no whoa oh we won we beat them all right yes we save D if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 3,609,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: 31yX2EJHNxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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