From Dread to Excitement (Powerful Mindset Shift!)

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this first idea when you wanted protection when you go into caretakers when you go into managing the energy of everybody else and just hoping to make it through the day what happens is enough days of that and this connection from the future this dichotomy starts happening this challenge this thing here Dredd vs. excitement even great leaders can start to feel dread about the day oh now I'm gonna have to go manage more complaints from other people oh I'm gonna have to manage the attitude of my snarky husband ah I'm gonna have to deal with that grumpy person over here ah I gotta answer all those emails ah so even in the context of abundance joy the good positive energy you can have when everyday can start to feel a little Groundhog Day it can start to feel like dread even Bill Murray one of the most fun people on the planet in Groundhog's Day starts temp Dre and I want you to be attentive to your energy over these last seven days how many days did you feel a little bit of dread and I want to share with you it's okay because you might not have been aware of that dread it's not about your life the Dre it's not about the kids it's not about the husband the dread is not about your help the dread that comes that existential dilemma that comes in in times of turmoil is actually not anything happening right now it's a disconnection from the future sometimes we get it wrong we think everything around us is wrong actually we just don't have a connection we don't have something to be excited about when we don't have something to be excited about when we don't have that compelling future that thing to look forward to that thing to celebrate that thing to be excited about the week the day feels like a slog even when it's good even when it's good you got a good husband you got a good job you got some money coming in from the business you got good opportunities but in times of crisis when it feels like a slog when there's dread there it's not that the opportunities are the husband or the kids or the house is wrong sometimes you lost connection with what to look forward to and that was the missing thing and that was a piece of psychology I mean I know because I've talked with many of you and we've been doing these lives I know that sometimes you're just dealing with the stuff right now and so how are we gonna win the year today's a pivot today you are going to design back into your weeks back into your months and back by the end of this year you are going to design into your days on purpose visualization of the future everyday visualization of the future every single day just as you might meditate every day I want to turn that into a purposeful deliberate visualization of something that you are excited about you are thrilled about you can't wait to happen I don't care if it's next week I don't care if it's a big thing or a small thing I don't care if it's December 31st 2020 we've got to find those things and we need more of them than you have been granting yourself in the last 60 days many of you have not granted yourself anything to be excited about in the last 60 days it was more like god I gotta figure out how to work out here now at home that kind of sucks and oh I gotta figure out this homeschool thing that kind of sucks and I gotta figure out how to do with this grumpy spouse that kind of sucks and there's all this there's this that's like you know you're dealing with these things like ah and dread we need to build an excitement we needed to build in anticipation optimism thrill adventure we need to build those things back in that's how you are going to win this year you're going to make a pivot right now to institute a new protocol of daily connection with the future that's your new protocol daily connection not just listen this is different than just running a goal down no I want you to see it feel it think about dreaming visualize it see it and build in every single day or week or month the win the reward that thing to celebrate now this can happen on small terms and big terms let me give you some examples you know well so some of you just had that right yet some of you who looked forward to Cinco DeMayo like crazy okay let me tell you about a little wind we had this week Cinco de Mayo down here in Puerto Rico we've been locked in for so long and a local store a local restaurant said you know what we're going to put together a Cinco de Mayo offer for our community you can come over here and you can pick up a huge tray of tacos and a whole glass bottle of margarita I would tell you you thought this place just 154 NBA championships 74 Super Bowls and a hundred lotteries all in the same moment when that email went out in this community got that it was a the whole place was but something to look forward to we can we don't have to cook we can go pick up stuff cuz I'm not in a place where there's a lot of stuff that delivers to your door so denise has been cooking and cooking and we've been a home and also we get to go get some stuff come back home and celebrate I have a margarita simple win we look forward to that for three days simple not a big thing not a big thing but maybe all week you could talk about how with the kids hey on Saturday we're gonna go to the park what toys should we let's bring a picnic what would you like us to bring in the picnic basket oh when we go to the park how long do you want to stay at the park what games you want to play at the park these conversations of anticipation it's gotta be built-in and listen I know the mistake sometimes it well Brendon let's wait and see how things for now oh yeah okay I like this idea but let me plan for October let me plan for November come on Brendon and nothin gonna happen till 2021 no this week the next seven days was something you can look forward to and no wait for it to hopefully happen build it in you got to build in the rewards the vibrancy the adventure the fulfillment the daily connection of conversation with your spouse with your partner about something coming up even in moments of delay I'll give another simple example when we came to Puerto Rico and my dream as many you guys know I know some you knew the community but since I was a teenager I wanted to live in the Caribbean I had that dream of living on a white sandy beach with some palm trees riding overlooking the ocean taking daily walks on the beach running on the beach swimming in the ocean I wanted that my whole life I thought maybe one day I'll get to a point and I'll retire down in the Caribbean somewhere you know because I thought you had to leave the country and I thought you had to go down there it's like you know what Puerto Rico is a u.s. territory so we didn't have to give up the passport we still under the same federal guidelines and laws and I thought okay you know what I came down here I fell in love with the place well is we've been down here for two years and we've been trying to figure out well where do we live what's our vibe what want long story short there was a new development being built and Denise and I decided okay let's let's get on that it was new construction it was a new building gonna be built and so we purchased and as you can imagine it takes a long time to get things done in the Caribbean and so we've been waiting and then the pandemic hits and in the meantime we've been renting places trying to figure out where women and waiting for this new construction to finish well of course construction completely comes to a halt on non-essential things like new construction down here and so for the last sixty plus days there's been no construction on our future home and so it's like we're not living where we want and we're just kind of you know we're waiting it out and yet instead of having that as a sense of dread Denise goes into Oh planning mode now we don't know when we're gonna get there but we can still plan so she's already designed every single room she's already showing me the layouts and everything Ben still moving forward the pieces that you can ordering.this getting that light getting that fan doing things and same thing listen how many of you had a trip or vacation cancel anyone yeah yet you had something you were looking forward to you how to cancel it you know we were looking forward to going to a certain foreign country this year and had to cancel but guess what we can still go okay we don't know we're gonna do that in September now is that gonna happen October we don't have a date but guess what we can still do well when we get there what are we gonna do when we get there so we're still researching what are the cool activities we'll do when we go there what are the adventures we'll have when we go there who might we get to invite when we go there we don't know the date but the trip is visual it's real we know things we're gonna do there and that is a that is a post into the future that we can look forward to talk discuss dream up it can be that simple it can be that simple it can be a place you're going to go a family outing but here's what I want to know listen the difference between what I'm talking about this is not hope and inspiration this is coaching you to sit down today with the calendar and every single week build something in that you can look forward to and talk to with your spouse your partner your family your team build it in talk about it discuss it get excited about it that's what you got to do its tactical it's everyday I want you to sit there you know for me it's when I wake up in the morning when I wake up in the morning I lay in bed for next a couple minutes and I just visualize and think about things I'm excited about think about the future think about things I don't even know how it's gonna happen you know we're working on a documentary I have no idea when that's gonna get done no idea when it's gonna come out but I sit there and I imagine scenes it might be in it conversations might be in it places we might air it just sit and dream about it I don't get attached to does it turn out exactly as how I wanted no no that's called flexibility babes that's adaptability my friends that's your Billy's a high performer to pivot to make things happen to manifest you can do that the manifestation comes after visualization and if you're not manifesting what you're wanting and if you're not manifesting the energy that you want in your life I promise there's a disconnection with the future and it's not because the future doesn't hold promises for you is because you haven't made the plans for the future because you're scared they won't come true I want you to visualize a bigger future for yourself than you ever have before not because it's disconnected of the reality of the pandemic right now but because you have a choice and it's right here on this card if you're going through the motions Dredd will be there if you're not visualizing the future Dredd will be there even if you have good things in the world and you got to do them every single day Dredd will be there but if you build in excitement and you got to figure out what that means for you psychologically you got to figure out what that means for you your family your spouse psychologically emotionally spiritually you got to know the answers I don't know the answers my job is your coach is give you that prompt bag you cajole you cheer you on give you that impetus to say ooh how do I build excitement back in because dangit I've been in too much protection zone Brendan you're dang right I've been a little bit myopic focused right now to handle things which is good but listen I talked to a friend last night who lost everything laid off 30 employees been building his dream for 17 plus years lost the business lost the business in this the dread was there the drag was there it was real day before that dear friend of mine lost a family member to coronavirus the dread was there the grief was there both people had to cope both people had that feeling of oh my gosh so when I talk about visualization manifestations and hopes and dreams I don't do it disconnected from reality I say if we don't touch space with that future if we can't see ourselves moving on when we lose family if we can't see ourselves rebuilding if we can't see ourselves with a better future then what's it going to feel like and who owns the fact that it feels like that because we have that choice we sometimes would just forget the choice and we forget the ability to build that excitement in to build that in because even in the person who lost family members they could start thinking about how how are we gonna honor this person how when things come around when we can get together to celebrate this person's live how are we gonna get together to celebrate this person's life let's do that let's get together and celebrate this person's life how can we build things create things share things together to celebrate this person's life oh I lost my job or I lost my business okay what can I be excited about starting a new because now there's all this white space what can I learn I wanted this learn these things for years I wanted to do these specific things and let me try them now I may get excited about those things I'm not saying that the loss isn't there and I'm not saying detach from the loss being aware try to stuff it down I'm saying that can be there an excitement an adventure enjoy the human being is capable of holding extraordinary amounts of emotion extraordinary ability to expand and feel like there's this myth that you can't be you know angry and grateful at the same time I'm like oh that person has never studied emotion ever ever that's not true it's not true it's a nice thought and it reminds of as a dichotomy of a choice that we get to make but we can simultaneous and feelings because they do linger sure you can absolutely I can be grateful that I had my father and mad in the same instant that he's dead sad he's gone I can be grateful for an opportunity and sad that I'm not capable ready for it yet it's okay we we already immense inside you can it's so I'm what I'm saying is it's okay if you feel vulnerable or sad or loss or you're struggling with capability and coping and that is also though why I encourage you to build in those touch points with the future hey all I hope you enjoyed this episode if you did would you please smash that subscribe button and also post any questions you have down below because it's these questions that you're all asking that inspires these episodes I'd love to hear what you think about it also if you would love to join us on our next upcoming live training we call it our high performance experience coaching program if you like some coaching and have some perspective and get some two hours of live with me every single month then click the link in the post down below so you can join us in HP x coaching I'd love to give you some more strategies more insight and more interaction to help you reach your next level of success until next time again please subscribe to share this video with anybody who could be inspired by it today and thanks one more time for being part of my community
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Keywords: personal growth, motivation, inspiration, motivational video, motivational speaker, inspiring videos, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, life quotes, high performance coach, success strategies, the motivation manifesto, brendon burchard, self help, self improvement, personal development, how to deal with dread, how to feel excited again, visualization, manifestation, creating your future, life coach training, mindset shift, powerful mindset, visualizing your future
Id: tmPkoq-_PBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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