Frightening Farm Hoards: One-Hour Compilation | Hoarders | A&E

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[Music] I'm Hannah and I'm a cotton picking Ridge Runner stomp jumper damn proud of it [Music] I raise chicken ducks bees turkey goats and sheep all right I'm coming now yeah I hear you leanda I'll slap you you don't listen down dad gone you it's almost 4 and 1/2 acres and so I guess you wouldn't counted a little farm [Music] I don't throw away anything that I can use later I don't call it a hoarder I call it keeping what you need to BU gu and when you don't have money to go buy it later I'm Linda and I'm Hannah's daughter mom's been living in the single wide for about two years now with chickens mom's got about 50 heads of baby chickens and half grown chickens in the tubs that's what was happening last night they fight that W up killing you [Music] Dam she's got chick manure all over it garbage all over it it is bad really bad mom does not have heat in the single wide she doesn't have anything to cook on but a hot plate mom can't even get to her kitchen sink it's important to me to get out of that old raggedy Agy trailer back into my house where I don't freeze my bees off all went along my name is Becky and I'm Hannah's oldest daughter I get so pissed at my mother the way she's living and letting these animals live animals are suffering but I can't sit there and tell Mom that they're suffering because if I tell her that then she's going to get mad at me and tell me no they're not suffering the animals are being mored and tortured they're not having a life these animals are in prison they're all in the okay shape as far as I know if there's any of them there something wrong with them it's more than I know about she treats those animals the way she treated us kids and I can't stand that there was many times that the cops were called I was 16 years old when the state of Illinois removed us I only tolerate her because she is my mother I don't have to punish her God will I had 16 kids and 10 of them are still living if they don't want to have nothing to do with me fine if they do fine I was living before they born and I'll live till I die who in the hell ever heard a hoarding an animal you can't hoard an animal an animal will go where they damn well please I don't understand why she just doesn't say okay I give up on the animals I'm going to get rid of those I give up on collecting things and live a better life I don't understand that the way she lives I can't be around her I can't see Mom live like this anymore something has to be done my name is Dr Robin Zio I am a licensed clinical psychologist and I specialize in OCD and compulsive hoarding right now I ain't happy to see [Music] nobody it's quite clear that Hannah is an angry woman and she wasn't even interested in walking me around and showing me the things that were trouble her and where she was needing help you want to enter in here where my mom lives I do I do okay be careful because you'll step you'll fall through the floor there okay when I walked in the trailer I was almost speechless the condition was so bad in this trailer there's chickens all in these containers the air quality was overwhelming that's manure up this High yes that's manure it's all in this house nothing works in this place I mean this isn't fit for anything to live in no they too young Hannah's denial allows her to live in in there and say that everything's fine no one is going to make it through the winter in here there's no way told her that I told her that she says well I'll just have to put electroc heater in here and it's going to go up in Flames exactly that's what I told her Hannah's children were taken away from her and they've been gone for several years now and so they're watching her deterioration from afar I know that the impact has been very very hard on them this is not healthy this is disgusting gross I can't see my mom limiting this it's got to be hard the prognosis for Hannah is very poor she lacks any insight into the problem of her hoarding of the abuse and the neglect and her current health conditions she has all this health issues heart lung back she can't walk and look she she complains about walking in here well she complains about her health but she completely defends that this is a completely safe environment yes I don't know what's going to happen to [Music] Hannah good morning everybody morning morning we have got a lot of work to do today my name is Matt Paxton I'm an extreme cleaning specialist if we don't know already Hannah is in charge okay and nothing gets thrown into the dump trucks unless I tell them to loud and clear this is our animal safety team well I imagine I've worked with lifestle before Yun was ever born Hannah is very comfortable with who she is I think she's been a fighter all of her life we are not going to change Hannah not going to change who she is we're here to help the animals and we're here to get Hannah a safe place to live all right you everybody ready to go ready all right let's do it okay we can make some space over here for things she wants to keep out of the house that is all pieces I need to get more space for these goats and this is a great is it's enough space for for now I'll get the rest of it done myself later on we got a bunch of guys with a bunch of trucks that are free that's why I want to there ain't nothing going out of here I'm telling you half of this is CH I don't care what you're telling me I'm telling you I own it you don't correct she's a rattlesnake she just lets you know that you're bugging her she makes a lot of noise tries to get you to go away I'd like to get it's going stay right where it is okay so we want to get we the goal was to give your goats more space you're saying this is not the way to do it no that stuff stays there what about if we just reshuffled it to here and and here no I said it stays there how many times I have to tell you that it's difficult to do a hoarding cleanup when the hoarder doesn't want to touch anything mom I'll get it y there are animals on this property that are suffering and we can't allow them to continue to suffer like that well I'll tell you one thing when you start out messing with I'll sue every damn one of you you know Hannah that's Now by God there's no damn sense of you getting out here sticking your damn nose in my business it's none of your business but we were called here and we were called here for a reason H and that was to make your life better right yes and taking my animals your H won't make it better okay but it also we need to make the animals life better as well I have been battling this damn bull for years somebody else got their damn nose stuck where they got no business W St with me St w w w you guys were supposed to come up here and help her not I'm not supposed to get phone calls while I'm at work calm down and she's upset calm down you know she's got no calm down my mother is nobody's going to start with her who's starting with her calm down one of the grandchildren was apparently calling Hannah's daughter and saying things that weren't even happening I get phone calls why that work okay calm down calm down who's calling I don't know who you are everybody's calling me here I'm not going to deal with my mother getting upset and having a heart attack she is fine no that ain't what I got give what you out please go that way she's right here we're going to do something no one Robin and I were able to stop her but she still ended up getting in a fight with her brother everything was going fine until her get over here don't do it she'll knock the hell out of him and flatten him out these children that she has raised don't have ability to communicate without yelling this is this isn't help this family is probably the largest family I've ever seen seen and it is by far the most dysfunctional family I have ever seen we did get Hannah to agree to let some of the goats go some of the ducks go the rabbit and a really really sick turkey before we leave today we will make sure the all the animals have food that they have adequate water that they are in the best condition and the cleanest cages that we can get for them and then we will be contacting the state officials on Monday morning at 8:00 it's trash trash this family decided that they were going to do whatever it takes to get this house safe for their mom and they've done that but the reality is this house will be full very quickly if you let it get this far man it's a real hard thing to change a really hard thing to change here we have offered after care services for Hannah she does not think that she has a compulsive hoarding problem she does not by any means see anything wrong with the treatment of these animals and she's refusing all help at this point Hannah's prognosis is extremely poor probably the worst of any hoarder I've ever worked [Music] with [Music] [Music] my name is constant and I live in a small country town they say I'm a hoarder they say I'm a redneck I'm going say you done right when you don't have nothing you give me something and I didn't have to work for it I didn't have to say yes ma'am no ma'am bend on my knees or get my back hurt then yes I'm keeping it I am Alicia I'm constant sister the house is horribly dirty clothes food everywhere never seen powdered mold before until I went to her house and I was like oh my goodness I'm darling and Constance is my sister the trailer that Constance lives in you can't even get in it because she has so much junk and groceries I told I said if I get it to the dough and I'm already tired and stuff that's where it's going to stay I'm Angela and constants is my mother my family said if she was to D house they would burn the house down they wouldn't even try to Savage anything out of it because that's how bad it is I want her to know that it's to the point to where I hate to say that she's my sister if my mother does not get helped this time I will call the authority to have her removed they want me gone I said well I'm still alive I'm not dead yet if you want me gone dig a hole I guess I'll jump in is way I feel about it right now I have about 15 chickens and several roosters and 25 guine I got three thanks they human and they going to sneak in there as soon as my back is turned Mama's in the house so got to be something good there so we going to go in there if you go get the eggs from the hands you have to go wash them and put them up in the refrigerator so they don't spoil well my mother has not grasped that concept yet where she grabs the eggs and just leave them sitting everywhere so it's like an Easter egg hunt and you don't know which eggs are fresh and which ones aren't my name is ANZ and Constance is my daughter I would not sell them to anybody matter of fact I sto getting eggs up there cuz I know how she's been doing things and I'm not going to get salmon theia I'm Stalin Robertson and I'm a certified professional organizer every surface is filled with perishables we have eggs like this all over the house yes why are they there like help us understand if you want a hatch egg you cannot put it in the refrigerator okay so your goal is that a little baby chicken was going to be born on the side of the table no I put you got together so many to be able to pull your incubator up do you have your incubator set up where's it set up it's on top of my bed but it needs to be cleaned up there is so much rotten food in this house that's Apple pieces of fruit that are petrified a freezer filled with meat and supplies she's stockpiling for the day that she may not have anything and we have new clothes have never been worn I wonder if she even tried them on New we need to give constant a visual of the amount of stuff that she has this is a good thing to see because she's complaining that she doesn't have enough money I'm talking about she's going to have to have one of those like Oprah Winfrey closets that's the idea I'm Dr Melva green a board-certified psychiatrist specializing and anxiety disorders and hoarding behaviors I could just dive in and grab and I could have a $300 worth of brand new clothes with tags on it but you're concerned about going hungry make that make sense for me represent me trying to be available for any situation that I might go in from now until I die okay but I'm telling you this is five lifetimes miss Connie is really searching for an identity this is a woman who arrested in development somewhere around 15 years old would you consider take those to a consignment shop so that you can can get the money take them all if that's what the case would be no that I asked you a question that take them all back these are my winter clothes I will be cold take them back these are my work clothes take them back I'm not going to be a to work these are my summer clothes take them back I'm just hold it time out let's have a plan now will you trust your sister and your daughter to take from the old things the things that are ratty Tatty soiled those can go is that fair that's right okay that's the plan you're not going to replace that they don't make them no more the sight of miss Connie looking at the junk truck shaking her head feeling pretty disgusted about the whole process it says that she's barely in the game with us now I'm kind I said right now I said I need two more things and I won't buy no more clothes for 10 years Miss kind that sounds like an alcoholic saying they need two more drinks before they don't get sober right this is a woman who is incredibly attached to all of it and still focused on getting two corduro skirts to complete her wardrobe this isn't working that's way cuz I say I'm going do I need to go butt naked is that would make them happy well let's go over and look at the clothes and and find out who's trying to make you go go butt naked I'm these are my clothes I I need miss Connie to connect the dots here that her living under these circumstances is not safe we got short sleev long sleeves all here and we haven't been through that last room of clothes why don't you just donate rest of your clothes and go with these clothes you have here still trying to keep everything you can't keep everything I need my shoes I definitely not going through my all over there she can't wear all of them shoes [Music] I'm tired this is it's over with as of today we can be agreeable or we have other Alternatives that your daughter wants to do we've been here for two days cleaning out we only got two rooms clean this is ridiculous if you don't feel like you need to clean up and get rid of stuff you you are going to the nursing home that that's it we can't do this anymore what's it going to be I'm accepting the help otherwise I would be acting fool okay well then we I would be acting fo if I'm not helping sney come help us you need come do what you're physically able to do so bed's going yes these three boxes we're going to let that go yes she said it can go [Applause] [Music] angel I want to say this to you I want to honor you not giving up on your mother that's big yeah you're a strong young lady she's lucky to have given birth to you thank you baby I love you I did need the help and I appreciate the help and I was not able but I appreciate you being there for me oh my God okay it got really emotional for me cuz I know what it took for this family to stay together despite the odds you trusted and you believed it's a very big deal miss Connie underneath all of the stuff we're finding a trailer that is not structurally sound for her to live in anything could come in here snakes I did not know that FL was there it was home but it was not livable but I was living there anyhow I am worried about where I'm going to be now going to look at Alternatives because the space is just not [Music] safe my name is Dave Selman and I'm the owner of Stark manufactured homes I have the abil to come up with a home that was traded in I would be willing to bring that home out here and set it up okay so Davis brought us this amazing news that he has another home Hon's new home is on its way here she has no idea that we're doing anything I'm really excited about it I will be interested to see how she reacts to this I think it's going to blow her mind oh miss SC I think this is coming for you D coming in here come on what do you think about them getting it in this place it'd be wonderful wonderful two bedroom dang [Music] okay oh my goodness your closet all your I love it [Laughter] yeah look at the back [Music] this come here I need to hug you come over here a group hug look what I got [Applause] that Honey's had a lot of wins in my opinion this is a woman who was quite fatalistic when we started out with this to see her make this huge turning point it gives me [Music] chills I'm Linda I'm a land lady and a farmer I have an inherent passion to be who I am and I usually do whatever I do big [Music] time [Applause] I inherited this Farm that's a big blessing I was the garbage lady and now I'm landowner I'm Angela and Linda is my best friend and my rock well she was the bad lady because she would go and pick up everybody's garbage because she didn't want it laying around and being ridiculous my saving increased when I inherited this farm and I could see that I could use these things here there is Lumber there is Hardware there are doors there are toilets there are sinks you mean is there I think God is working through me the religious beliefs really do play a lot in everything that she does I feel like I'm a Chosen One I'm Dean I work at The Farms my friend Linda is the owner and I love her very much oh the property is a mess if you go up on the hillside and you come rolling down that Hill it looks like sh I'm like a squirrel collecting my nuts for the winter but I'm collecting them for the future which doesn't look to be most [Music] bright [Music] I believe in Reading Revelations that you know the end times are just going to be nasty social unrest rioting pillaging plundering throw in maybe a few natural disasters along the way like all the suu volcanoes will go off at once Armageddon kind of deal the finance markets are going to crash there's going to be nothing no grocery stores no hardware stores no dry cleaners if you want a nut or a bolt you better have it anything that you might need or want I'm sure could be found on that property I would imagine if there's an emergency people come knocking at my door so that's what I'm all about here on this Farm trying to gather all the resources I can while the Gathering is [Music] good Dean and Angela had been working in the barn had put all of her stuff away for the winter he was re refinishing some wood he went they have lunch I went in the house and I was going to get some loving and I looked out and poof I believe it was spontaneous combustion Rags that uh imploded millions of dollars worth of items destroyed that fire you know the Lord gives and the Lord takes away he gave me this farm and he took away the [Music] barn my issues with the health department came to a head they told me I needed to get rid of everything and when I asked to talk to him about he said we don't need to talk with you you just need to get rid of everything just totally insane situation where if it's not under cover then were taking it with property the way it is and the value of the place there are many farmers out there that would really like to get her to stumble and swoop in she needs to clean up her mess she need to get the trash on there I believe that if the health department decided to come and really attack her that she could lose of farm I've experienced my local government as the real form of terrorism and I'm sick of it [Music] good morning Linda hi my name is Corey Chalmers I'm an extreme cleaner that specializes in biohazard and hoarding Linda really believes the end of the world is coming and she's going to be the place to go for whatever anyone needs I'm excited about getting some work done that I need to have done particularly because the barn burned down she's already had one Barn that's burned down on her property she could have the same thing happen to her house very easily my concern after looking at this property is that danger is real still would you agree with that no I don't have any fire fear that's exactly what okay well you have the worry and the anxiety okay like I said all we can do is point out our concerns I know I've heard that over and over again so I really don't want to hear it again so we're only in the morning meeting and Linda's already being resistant this is going to be a tough one I can already tell why do you need this stuff just so I know like that bag right there that's falling apart and there's I don't even know what's in it well this I think this is a scrap insulation and sometimes I just need little itty bitty pieces of insulation to stick in a little crack what about old broken wood like this particle board this kind of wood I take into the house and I burn it what about this old basketball H what what would we do with that I don't know I think this is a good piece of metal that can be used everything I ask her about on this property she has an answer for it she's going to fix it sell it there's no way I can look around and see a bunch of these things this table right here that I really don't want to be subjecting myself to your standard it's about clean up and organization and saving I deal with a disorder known as hoarding you can agree that this is a hoarding problem or not but that's my I look at hoarding as a problem I look at it as a virtue mhm she loves being a hoarder she'll admit it how am I going to adjust justify taking St away from someone that sees value in being a hoarder we can't help with the crisis of the county coming in and mandating that you do it then or we can't help another Fire Starting and burning down another barn I don't live my life thinking about Peril and danger and what if and what if and if and if and if and if and if and if and if and I'm really not here to talk about fire and safety excuse me I'm leaving all right you know sorry this is not working for me this is not how I want to spend my hours in my morning why is it bad when people care about her I I can just consider mostly both and you're wasting my time I'm just trying to help her understand that she's in danger I actually really wished you weren't here thank you the problem is this is a hazard I mean this is I mean for all of her environmental Consciousness she is contaminating give me about 10 minutes I'll be back where are you off to Dean I'm going to go talk to Lon Hey Dean why don't you hold up hold up hold up you guys are going to get her and she's going to have a migraine and have a heart attack or something uh I I'll be back in 10 minutes this is the problem if if we do this not as a united front and with a with a systemic plan or something what's what's going on with you through this process what's going on with Dean I don't know if there's brainwashing here they're just afraid of her for some reason we really need to figure this out let's have a little talk okay whole thing was about safety and safety and safety I love you and I think you're badass this has a bunch of we're talking about working they're supposed to come out of me and supporting me that they're just putting up roadblocks to so they can't handle it you've got these people who have a vision of the world and it is us against them and for Outsiders like me and Cory to come in immediately everybody's defenses go up she does have respect that that's fine to be honest whether you whether you feel respect or not it is not doesn't change how my day goes those are really cold words that that that's what's offensive so what I what I will say you could go ahead and go everybody either argues denies or storms off all right yep I don't know how we're going to accomplish anything under those [Music] circumstances with tried it our way and yeah obviously that's not going to work so let's put you in charge at this point and tell these guys what you want we're hoping that this little Act of you're in charge we'll get some trust back with her we're not about throwing out anything or discarding anything it's not what it looks like it's what can it be Linda started describing her plan to the junk guys to the organizers and everyone was confused what do you want us to do with the things that are not recyclable that are not donatable that I really don't want to you all get into qualifying what you know should let's just organize the make it calm down take it down a notch okay there's a lot of people trying to understand your method which your method is not the norm for them we're just filling up the space that we emptied yesterday that's all we're doing right now is filling up the exact space that we emptied I feel like I'm becoming just like Angela and Dean becoming one of her minions moving stuff around Angela can I can we talk to you away from Linda please yeah this is stupid I'm sorry Angela we're just moving stuff from pile to pile to pile and then we're going to move it right back in tell me this doesn't make sense to you it only makes sense because it makes sense to Linda okay thank you for saying that you know that's the problem that I have with doing this it's it's not going to make sense to everybody Angela I know you don't want us leave because we're helping you but we're not helping her this process that we're going through with nothing being thrown away way is just enabling her and if she's not careful she is going to actually become just like Linda cuz we already see it you're becoming her do you hear yourself you are becoming her I I live here I work for her I I am I'm I'm you know you're part of the problem well sure I am oh well then let's change that if you know you're part of the problem let's fix it you don't bite the hand that feeds you you're beholden to her Angela is a puzzle sometimes Angela sounds like she recognized is there's a problem here but as soon as she starts down that path she flips and she becomes Linda's Yes Man Angela has definitely drunk the Kool-Aid [Music] here yeah this is what I've taken off of the floor of the barn there was a little spark I thought maybe we could build off of and start cleaning again so that's exactly what we did we called everyone back and started to go through piles that's progress better get my gloves back on are we friends again oh nice wherever you think you can put something else in here I'll go I'll follow you to the moon and back back could go to tr yeah trash trash thank you let's talk about this cuz these were jeans at one time but there's nothing left of these pants yeah there is there's a zipper I take the zippers off and if you're to sit there and Shred up a pair of pants and save the zipper save the snap because someday there's not going to be zippers and snaps how do I even reason with that you think people are desperate I don't think they're going to be this desperate I'll have to ignore you for a while so we can get the job done what are we going to do with these bags that are full of stuff where do they go yeah just don't har me anymore could you where these bags no where do these bags go if I have to be harassed I'm not even going to be out here doing this that's kind of childish um you could stay there and be childish yourself my 10-year-old does this but how degrading and insulting you can be it's too bad you have the that quality to be just degradating there's just no reasoning with Linda she's fight ORF flight all the time so if you don't agree with her 100% she fights you and when she can't fight she runs I'll meet you guys up top this is an epic fail we didn't help ly there's two outcomes to Linda's story she dies in The Horde or the city or county comes and takes it away from her neither one's good so sooner or later she's going to have to address this there's a high level of victim mentality on this property I just know when we leave she's going to be able to sit here in the midst of all this stuff with the perverse satisfaction that she's been screwed over yet again for the greater good than to your trucks to go off with to waste I'm trying the best I [Music] can my name is George I'm 63 years old I'm a registered nurse the house itself is clean and um normal but we have a couple of rooms that are just uh pretty much filled with stuff I would guess that there's probably between 5 and 10 tons worth of miscellaneous everything there my name is Debbie I'm 54 and I'm George's wife the items come from George bringing something home probably almost every day for the last 20 years George is collecting projects but yet he doesn't work on them and he has so many projects that I don't know if he knows where to start at kind of devastating to me especially because it was a yard and none of it was mine I mean I just felt like I never even contributed any of it but because my name was on the house I would have to go to court the problem is is again the officials wanting this to happen or or else my name is Tracy I'm 31 and I'm George's youngest daughter everything in it my parents handmade built-ins um my mother stenciled and everything was made with pride and with care and with love and you look at that now and you're like what happened thinking about it could even be like a loss of control in that situation and you over control in another way and I think that may be part of what hoarding is about just you can control what you have but you really don't he was a little messy in the beginning you know I mean like a guy thing the first couple of years everything was just the way it had been before there was a time when he had 10 projects and it was okay and then he built a garage and he had a couple hundred projects and then he filled the basement and the and his own fourcc car garage and he had a couple hundred more projects and all of a sudden it was like where do you look where you don't have projects and how can you possibly in one lifetime complete any of [Music] those good morning everybody morning morning my name is Matt Paxton I'm an extreme cleaning specialist George everyone's here today because they love you we want to help you out as the day gets tough and gets challenging remember we're all here because we love you George is a classic hoarder we see it all the time we call it the fixing to he's fixing to do this he's fixing to do that in any hoarding situation it really starts with good intention Pastor Randy will you lead us in prayer sure will okay thank you let's pray Lord we thank you for this day my name is Dr Elizabeth Moore I'm a clinical psychologist specializing in anxiety disorders and compulsive hoarding we have the very good fortune of having about 40 volunteers from the local church all right we ready to go everybody all right let's do [Music] [Applause] [Music] it we're giving him that top Barn the top of the property that's his limits if it fits in there he can keep it if it doesn't fit in there he can't keep it I don't care if he fills it with chickens he can do whatever he wants to do but that's the space and the limits that he has tools over here well I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed but so far it's going pretty good we're clearing a lot of stuff out so um things are seem to be going pretty well 45 minutes we cleaned a the barn awes that is pretty amazing George started out really strong uh I think we were all impressed at the decisions he was making he was getting rid of some really big items things got a bit harder when we moved into the garage don't throw it away him but I'm asking you what does it go to a plastic post which do we have I don't have right now you have to say goodbye to some stuff dad keeping a lot we have made a commitment to the family as a whole not to hoard anywhere else not to touch anywhere else we're staying on a 1 acre plot of land which is his to make decisions on okay so I didn't consider taking stuff down and putting it in a trailer to be we promise not to touch any other property at all just stay on our one acre right that doesn't sound like great option to me the only option you're willing to do is the option that we're not allowed to do that's the only option you're willing to do that doesn't sound like compromise at all it's the only when to makes sense to me are you confused about why you're not permitted to use the other properties at this point or yeah I think they're being real pigheaded about something that would really simplify how this could be right now you're being pigheaded I'm sorry you are imagine if I came in here and I told you I'm going to park my car car here Dad and you're never going to use your garage ever because I'm going to keep my cars here and I know you're my father so I'm going to do it and you're going to like it and you're going to be okay with it for 60 years and you're going to be okay with it you would say absolutely not there's no way in hell get your car and put it in your own garage do you agree know you have to put the stuff back in the room or whatever but I just don't think it's a good way to do it okay the whole weekend was about helping him and US loving him and supporting him and the one thing the one only guideline he had to stick by he couldn't do it dump it get out of the way here's what I know about change change is hard really is and Lasting change is even harder to do [Music] family's at church we've got about 3 hours everything's happening very quickly this morning we've all the Landscaping is going right now cars getting picked up coup guys up in a if I didn't accept people's advice if I didn't listen to people who loved me and who said hey Randy guess what you've got some blind spots I would never grow 2 you see change begins to show only when your faith is turned into action Luke 9:25 Jesus said this for what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and himself is destroyed or lost how was the service wow awesome good wonderful all right always you're going to see here in the next few minutes why I wasn't there we got a lot done this morning if you look around the grass is all cut yes we've got all look at your front Hedges they're all Trend back whoa I didn't you can see the house yeah Debbie and George just got back from church I was able to walk around the property and they were both really excited they're really starting to see after all this hard work they're seeing things follow through you have a backyard now good Heavens we're ready that does look different what do you think yes yeah now here's the issue your barn is almost full and we still got to go through the basement and the garage so we've still got some hard decisions to make keep keep oh that should good in a little Playhouse even though it's broken yeah we'll get it fixed wheel um keep keep and same with these keep and when we got got to his dad's uh water boots he told me that he had thrown them away and then I found him tucked up in the shelf so these are your dad's boots these have been used they're leaking but they were my dad's I kept them you don't keep your dad's boots because they fit you keeped him because you Lov your dad yes George did get a little emotional today in the basement which was good I wanted to see him have some type of emotion other than happy he finally he finally started to let go they have served as a memory for me this point time I think I'll let other things serve as a memory that was the thing that was needed for this there had to be a change in my feeling and attitude towards all this in order for it to go in the first place here we go kind of feel yourself going with them but I know there's other memories and we had a lot of time together the memories are still there I'm proud of you that's a big deal you come a long in four days man still thinking of my dad at the time though make room for grandkids memories and I have one grandson that looks just like my dad and I think that's a better [Music] memory I think George has discovered that he's been a bit too liberal in what he's taken on he's now identified and prioritized a few main projects I had a total of about four projects we discussed about and first and primary one was getting the truck out getting going on it which a lot of these parts have been collected for years and years and years George really likes that truck and uh he was excited I mean he's excited to get going on that project and we got all the parts to it I just found my plate for the truck it's a 1932 plate so I have to clean it up repaint it it's great seeing this thing I haven't sat in it in quite a a while in many years probably about um 15 years that's a big part of what this whole thing was about too that's like the Saving Grace of it all I hope he stays focused on that truck if that's the one project he focuses on I I think that'll keep him busy for a year or two all right so we got to pull this thing out today and we got an hour to do it okay George yeah it's been more than 20 years since I actually saw that the complete truck or could get in the door to it I'm leaving at 30 minutes let's [Music] go there is a garage here I love you oh that looks good the most shocking thing that's happened is my dad's happiness is back I mean I can see the fire in him again I can see him smiling and laughing and really enjoying himself and he hasn't been like that in a very long time you can park your car in the garage I could open a door and not hit something you sure get in the house should I try it you can find everything dead it's something to be able to see the corners of the garage again and to be able to pull two cars in that was a good feeling it's about time they were that's what the garage was designed for [Music] outside citations I think we've hit them all the officers are going to come in and they're going to see that you know the family did every single thing they could and I think he's going to get an at least an extension uh if not fully passing Dave we had a lot of fun yes and uh we got a lot of metal out and we actually have a check for over $11,000 in metal money that you can put towards restoring that or whatever you want thank you wow you guys I'll tell you you guys were Lifesaver he got $1,000 from some of the scrap metal we probably got another thousand coming tomorrow and U I mean George is he's going to make some money off of this I think he's getting excited he's starting to see the light now and he's very pleased with what's happening she's great I do think it's crucial that George gets treatment moving forward if he doesn't I'm afraid we just gave him a whole bunch of space to fill up again the real question is when we're all gone and he's you know on his way home from work and he can make that turn into the junkyard is he going to do it it was time to get rid of some stuff and just go on the memories and I have a lot of [Music] them hi thanks for being a fan of Hoarders And subscribe to A&E for more videos and click the links around me to watch more four
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Id: tIh7hGNZ5nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 28sec (3268 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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