Hoarders: ARIZONA Hoarders - One-Hour Compilation | A&E

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thank you [Music] I'm Susan and I'm a truck driver and what is that is that right there is that an old Jack big hydraulic jack okay I don't feel that I'm a typical woman in the fact that I like things that guys like my backyard looks like a junkyard it's like Kevin for somebody that's a mechanic you know or that likes junk I'm Charles and Susan is my mom my mom's got cars boats trailers RVs and she's just buying more it's ridiculous when they give me excellent prices I don't care if it's something I don't need I just get a rush out of getting a good deal how much is the old toolbox all right no fast corners I'm Jennifer and Susan is my mom my mom buys things that she thinks she can fix and sell it for more than she got it for but that doesn't end up happening they just end up collecting dust in a junkyard I'm Mimi and Susan is my daughter I just try to do the best I can in the house I have my wheelchair and I've done so much all these years in my chair but there are rooms in the house that are so stacked up I can't get to them or into [Music] I'm Brandi and Susan is my aunt we've been here and they're going to lose everything she may declare bankruptcy and Mimi may have no place to go oh yes I have anger towards my mom because we know we knew it would be gone quickly it's Mayhem all the time I've yelled at her many a time before I'm like why is this I mean worthy than everybody else this is my only truck that I move stuff with so this one's definitely not going anywhere what about the next one my name is Corey Chalmers I'm an extreme cleaner specializing in biohazard and hoarding what are you saying you want me to junk a running vehicle is that what you're saying we can't even start until we deal with these cars he has to let go of some of these vehicles or we can't even get in the backyard is it running because I thought these were all I thought we were talking about pushing them and towing them because I just said I have some place I can put the vehicles foreign how many people have gas in their house just pouring out on the ground oh my God hold it I gotta put some more gas in the carburetor don't start until I tell you to we're all going to blow up okay go for it are you ready to start in the backyard yes okay I'm gonna get them back here and we'll start going through some of this stuff right here so we can make room to work around this car uh I don't you see a kid playing with us I guess none of that goes these are all rusted don't you think we ought to get rid of those no this was all the safe pile right here we're trying to haul off as much of my mom's stuff as we can can we get rid of this no I told you where to put it and Mimi's didn't tell me what it's for she's being pretty resistant to things that aren't worth anything I'm going through there and trying to be as nice as possible when you're putting it in the truck without me there that's not being nice where are you in all this humility where would you think I might have been Chuck I don't know not out here yeah right she just moves right over them with mockery sarcasm can you go do some big stuff with the guys instead of playing with the little stuff that I need to go through would there be any possible way of doing that Charles is the one person who's standing up and saying enough is enough well you're not keeping bed frames in the backyard who's gonna want these are you gonna you need to throw me away what's up [Music] dang it my knee is just split wide open no this is the problem he just fell on this and sliced and sliced my whole kneecap he's done now okay how many people in this family are gonna have to be affected by your mass before you will start letting it go instead of moving around and stacking it everywhere this is a serious injury to his leg we're gonna lose him now for the next few days he's not gonna be able to help us at all like he was the one person that was standing up to her showing her that he wasn't afraid and now he's gone oh my God this is all because of your not willing to let go of stuff when does it sink in like when does it start to affect you when do you shed a tear when all the rest of your family is when I haven't seen a bitter remorse from you yet I don't even know what to say I really don't cars need to be put on 100 whole they are not important until all this gets done this has got to be about Mimi and about the kids and about the people that is infected and stuff everybody's starting to get it that nobody is important really to Susan and the kids will not put up with it Susan is worried about her cars that's all she's been thinking about since she got here and all I want to do is get this place cleaned up that's why I came here and that's what's going to happen I don't give a what Susan wants Brandy has had a problem with me for a while and she feels like that I'm jeopardizing her grandmother's Life by having people over to help me fix my cars and bring my junk in and bring my junk out and stuff like that you you know what's going to happen in three days she's gonna lift on Craigslist every single thing that's at that house she's going to try to with on Craigslist and then people are going to be coming over here to Mimi I mean that same person would say Mimi you're not safe here I want you to have your own place I want you to be safe what we're saying is at this point in time after all these years we're not willing to trust you with Mimi's safety anymore because it's dangerous for her Mimi cannot stay here like this it can't happen Mimi has to move out try to let your heart go to this is for my mother Susan has never managed life completely on her own as long as Mimi was in Susan's life in Mimi's word it was like two people with one leg holding on to each other okay okay in just a little while okay all right thanks Mimi's going to go back to our hotel where we're staying and she'll probably end up coming back to live near where I live so I can take care of her this gives Susan a chance to stand on her own legs it is a huge challenge for her it is so important for Susan to see a living space revitalized open free is as simple for what life could be like for her [Music] wow it's hard you know I think the family is really happy that we fix up the house wow I didn't even know there was a fireplace but at the same time the fact that we did a makeover in our room might Inspire her a little bit but I think it's going to be very temporary and I think she's going to fill this house up again a lot of mending that needs to go on in this family right it's this idea that there could be another way normally they could be another way to live life without bringing along pain after pain and to really have life that feels good it will take a while for Susan to realize that the family is not going to succumb to manipulation [Music] it's so important at this point in time for the family to have the strong boundaries so Susan is allowed to have the space she needs to continue to grow this is great now I do feel that this openness and the chance of a normal life it could be there I think it's just what's in my mind is that I'm going to eventually have a large yard sale and make a bundle of money foreign [Music] and I'm an artist I love to paint most anything but my favorite subject is the female figure they're vulnerable but yet they're at their most feminine when you see the whole body your model is the inspiration for the painting and the subject to the painting all wrapped up in one beautiful body I'm Kat and I am Charles model I would say that Charles has probably got hundreds of paintings of of naked ladies [Music] when you walk into the studio now I don't have that much open space anymore because like here I started filling it up with stuff it's perverse because it defeats my original purpose in buying that big building painting is the primary motivating force in my life and I've lost the space to paint in I'm Bo and Charles is my father this stuff is just like prison bars they're just getting Tighter and Tighter that's gonna mess with you mentally I'm Bonnie Charles is my father my dad wasn't always a hoarder when he and my mom were married the house wasn't cluttered he definitely had a lot of books and art supplies but they stayed in his Studio I'm Ginger Charlie's ex-wife when we were married the Clutter never was an issue we were very happy together our early marriage was the happiest I'd ever been foreign he couldn't handle seeing me in pain and he withdrew from me he barely spoke to me I sought attention from somebody else when I confessed that I had done that he really flipped out well it started my father down this morning path was just the uh losing his family and I think hoarding became the new way to make himself happy the hoarding does affect my dad's well-being because he can't create and that's such a core thing for him painting is the Bedrock like the Grand Canyon hard and it sustains you and it seems like the hoarding is taking my purpose away from me I'm not gonna let anything get in the way of my dad's painting if I gotta wreck that place I get if I had to take a bulldozer to all that that's in there right now I will Harding has taken up all on this Pace in my life I don't have any room to operate foreign I'm Dorothy brenninger I'm a professional organizing expert and I specialize in hoarding the challenge is that we're going to be facing on this particular day is his books and his art are everything everybody is going to get to work we've got a team of 20 outside so let's do it I had no idea that the hoarding was this bad I can't get over how many books he has I'm just really glad that this is getting done now not just for Charlie's sake but for the sake of my children that would have to deal with his estate someday I love mirrors you know they give you a depth and a painting that's another mirror I can keep that one right I'm Dr Michael Tompkins and I specialize in the treatment of OC Spectrum disorders like OCD and hoarding Disorder so how many mirrors does a guy need as many as you can get Charles is in his illness he's showing the classic signs of difficulty letting go because every item is unique the bed frame and actually it doesn't take out that much space and it's an antique but it's lovely it's been sitting and it's not a question about lovely and it's not a question no you can't give away beautiful things all right Charles so then if you let go of a beautiful thing what do you believe happens to you you're diminished your song was diminished beauty is a deeply held personal value for him and so letting go of that thing is like actually letting go a part of who he is I touch that every day you touch the bed frame in my studio yeah it leans up against the wall I don't have my family here these things are substitutes for them things to keep me company that thing keeps me company shut the door inside the house we start having a conversation about who's responsible what parents did or didn't do but I was just thinking when they were kids we were going through a stage where Charlie and I were avoiding the subject of our pain and we were just keeping it in and pretending like we were still the same happy family I realized that I was clenching my jaw all the time it really was I was scared to death every day what would you just like to say to him dog gone at Charles if you could have been you weren't there for me when I needed you some of the big decisions in his life have been decisions about the solitary artist's life versus being a husband a father and he has never been able to actually balance that out in his life so that he could have both I'm sorry I know but you couldn't we were neither one of us very strong and I was bad to you and I'm sorry I've been holding that inside for 40 years for them to open these lines of communication and start talking about this and start clearing the air it is actually a wonderful thing it's not a lot we can do about that's happened no you can't but we are here now and we are here to help you I would be here I would drive here if they didn't fly me here I would sleep outside if they didn't give me a hotel and I would try to make your life better you made it better we cleared the air with a lot of stuff now that our emotional baggage has been cleared out now we can work on the physical baggage my feelings when it comes to the books and clothing that I rid myself off today that was one of the pleasantest experiences I can remember you know just toss toss tops Thomas it was great now you could tell so Charlie's handling this really well I think he's cooperated remarkably well all right so let's go in and see the gallery let's do it all right [Music] [Applause] [Applause] there were tears just of complete joy and acknowledgment of gosh what he's gone through and to see him have his artwork and his family back right here today foreign overwhelmed with love and support and that's exactly what I was hoping I mean thank you there has been a change here for Charles I really do deep down think that he's learned some things and really reaching out to his family and saying I want to be here for you in addition to you being a remarkable man I've enjoyed every minute of my time with you you have let go of a ton of stuff um it was actually quite amazing I am very proud of my dad now he can do his art and create and I've made him happier which is my whole thing just want you to be able to paint again and feel you're free to to paint and express yourself and get back to this is truly a miracle I can paint now and capture that beauty that I see in the world and that I love to express okay I'm done [Music] okay all right absolutely have to eat something or you're not going to school so there's your fruit my name is Julie okay you guys we have 10 minutes I am 45 years old and I'm a mom and a photographer put your seatbelt on Taylor take the ball I had never heard the word hoarder until two days ago um do I believe I am now yes I am disgusted it almost makes me want to throw up I mean I it's sickening my name is Jennifer and I'm 26 years old and I'm Julie's oldest daughter the house is the best word that I would use is chaotic when I was there I was very very lost and I was wrapped up in her world and enabling her to continue to live like that and I was drowning in her chaos horrible it's embarrassing and the fact that I try to do something about it and I can't makes me feel worse about myself foreign [Music] my name is Mark I'm 48 years old and Julie is my ex-wife things really started going downhill fairly early in our relationship we definitely would fight you know about the the mess definitely led to some pretty you know severe arguments foreign of four kids with no job all of a sudden everything you have becomes important it becomes what you have and all you have and so it's very hard to let go I feel in my heart that the one that has hurt the most is Jason my son I'm Jason I'm 17 and Julie's my mom [Music] I moved out because I didn't have a room since it was so messed up it's just a bad situation for like a couple years she said every day that she would clean my room and then for she's been saying that for like a year and it hasn't been clean over time it started in Saint Wilson you need to stay with your dad for a week so I can clean your room and then he would call me crying and saying I want to come home but I couldn't get it done It's just sad because I love her and I hate seeing her like this if it were up to me the kids would not be staying there now in the condition that the house is in I mean they're fantastic kids I just think their lives would be a lot better if they didn't have to live in that mess [Music] hello everyone how are we today good good glad to hear it my name is Sarah barika and I am a certified professional organizer Dr zazio is going to work with Julie my name is Dr Robin sasio I am a licensed clinical psychologist and I specialize in compulsive hoarding and I also want to emphasize the respect that we need to have for the items that we are going to be moving in the house okay these belong to Julie and the girls and I don't want anybody to disrespect these items thank you and there's a lot of valuables in junk so yes it's um it's I apologize for that but that's the way it is yes exactly ready all right let's do it thanks everybody [Music] sick okay absolutely the white couch goes um all that I mean obviously it's gross it has to go so it's going [Music] well I know I just I just need to go through it the bag is disintegrated that's why I have them I know yeah I just feel good if I go through Carol it's fine to bring it up and she can go through it that's it yeah I just don't work at it like letting people do things for me right right and you know what that's why this process is so important for you because you can't do it all are they not able to start in there because Sarah and I haven't gone through the front people are getting started that's where all the valuable stuff I would die let's shift and let's go I'm sorry that's where all the breakable stuff is is in the pile the clothes so that it wouldn't break is everybody I don't know foreign [Music] lenses were in the piles of clothes that are out there okay so that's why I'm freaking out sorry okay what do you have in your hands right now the most valuable things okay why don't you hand them to me I feel badly for her but I know that this is this is what needs to happen but at the same time I feel I feel it too I feel really uh overwhelmed at the same time do you want to have a seat just want them out of my living room for a second until I can find my wedding I'll do that okay I'll take care of that okay guys come on out foreign [Music] do you want me to do that in there yeah I'll go through I'm really upset everything's fine I'll go through everything you know I'll go through everything my cameras were on the floor my lenses are in there so what's going on well I thought we were I said we need to go through that stuff because my wedding ring is in there okay my six thousand dollar photo lenses and my cameras are in there okay who's in the living room right now everyone was every single person that is here was in there picking up my piles but my stuff was in see I put it in clothing so that it wouldn't get broken okay Julie oh yeah so I'm so upset I know come here though I don't know where my lens is Julie is getting increasingly anxious she's overwhelmed she is getting very very distracted by a lot of emotional issues that she's having in here okay so here's a box that we can use you know for the first hour I got an A and right now I'm getting an F no you're in a D minus right now everybody hold up for a second it's okay does everybody stop can you imagine what these people think of me [Music] there's a few friendly neighborhood spiders okay we highly recommend you use masks this smell I can smell it through my mask it's extremely strong the garage uh smells really really bad it's I mean it's full of poop whatever else it is that I'm sure we'll find it smells really bad really bad it's not as the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life ever this is why I hate cats we don't have cats but they came in here I'm speechless about how much stuff is in there and I knew that it was so I I was just paralyzed with absolute I was overwhelmed completely trying to take care of four kids at a house I couldn't do it and I felt like a failure okay oh you found your wedding video yeah okay good ready I mean I I think I need to let go of it all it's the only way to get better Jennifer this is taking every ounce of trust I haven't I know and you know that right Jennifer did you go through this yeah are you sure let me get through this no it's fine Mom this is not from the garage right it is from the garage yes I swear to God on my life that's my underwear this is from first grade no it's not Taylor and this is that my sister this is up in the garage no it's not I put this here that is not those underwear were in line in the garage I wouldn't leave and I wish someone would respect I say at the moment I can understand that you're upset no you can't no I I can see that you were physically upset I understand that you were upset don't argue with me when I say I'm not I'm not I'm not arguing with you it's just that I've been so good about letting everybody do everything and I say one thing and I get this it's incredible you've got all your family here I don't want my family right now because they're the ones that embarrass me but that wasn't intentional right eight it wasn't that my underwear was in the truck or my stuff was in the truck it wasn't that it was thrown away it's that they no one trusted me enough to believe me you know what I would love is if I came over here and you're right you're like right if my mom says that that's not from the garage then she knows it's not because I do know I was really nervous that she was going to walk away because we're so close and and we've worked so hard and I and I understand where she's coming from but I was scared foreign [Music] part of the problem is just relocating stuff which we don't want to do have you walked through here yet um I don't watch right now though because I want to appreciate it as much as I really want to okay because I'm just in a very bad place at the moment okay let's keep working here with the time we have left [Music] there is a lot of garbage that we forgot on the side can we get it out let's go okay thank you okay okay good my mom wanted things that she didn't want anybody to touch in here and it was just her safe room to keep stuff I feel like your room is the one room that's been neglected it's up to you but I want to know if you want us to go over or you to go over and to tell her mom it's time to work on my room and I'd like you to focus on that Jennifer begged me to do this really fast and then I will okay right after this this is all garbage no it's not can you not I need you to not come in here and start directing things okay I need you to just let me do this so yeah because it's important to Jennifer yes I am going to do your room [Music] she has to promise me that she's actually gonna do it and get all of her if you don't tell me now and we'll go let me tell you what my concern is is that yesterday you said you were going to take care of it and nothing happened you know why because I've decided I needed to sleep because I hadn't been to bed for three days so I thought they'll understand that I can do it today okay will you be confident that I really will do that my mom promised me that she was going to clean it so it's going to get cleaned just like the rest of the house [Music] my concern about Taylor Jason and Kylie is that they're really hoping that this is going to be the end and we're not at the end certainly we made remarkable progress but there's a long ways to go I haven't seen the closet in a long time I'm just looking sorry there's a closet closet here huh I'm really happy with my room I was surprised that because I've never seen my room clean in three years and it's all set up and yeah I'd be happy to stay here hopefully she's taken something from this and and we could move forward with it but I know that it's I mean nothing No One's Gonna Change in two days I don't have any question at all about my being able to keep it clean I mean that's not an issue for me what the issue is is the emotions that this brought out I have to get help for my final role with Julie will be to ensure that she continues to follow up with Aftercare with and a specialist in compulsive boarding but also to work in conjunction with a personal organizer to keep her house in order Dr zazio very effectively removed the block but removing the block also removed all those emotions that came with it and so right now that those are right here and that's what I have to from this day forward get seek help for I don't need a maid I need a psychiatrist foreign my name is Chris I have so much stuff I still have toys from when my 17 year old was a baby I have everything because I just I I can't part with it but I know I need to I am Mary and I'm Chris's mom and she was just a normal kid never any serious problems of any kind except in terms of cleaning up she she was always a problem with that do we have any glue oh I want to see those when you're done my name is Alex I am Chris's oldest daughter I don't actually live with my mom I must just stay with my dad you look like a soccer mom there yeah every time I go over to my mom's house she starts with the phrase oh don't mind you know you're gonna have to step over some stuff to get through the door which inevitably I do my younger daughter Riley is 10 she's in fourth grade it's really messy and everything's in a way we can't do anything my girls never really say anything to me about the house because I know they don't want to hurt my feelings but my older daughter she spends a lot of time at friends houses and I don't blame her I mean I wouldn't bring anyone back here I have had no one in my house for over a year no one [Music] early Sunday morning I went into labor uh put the car seat in the car packed up the diaper bag his little outfits and blankets and diapers and went to the hospital his heart wasn't beating [Music] they brought him to me and I held him he had a little gown in the Hat and he's wrapped up in a blanket and he just looks like he was asleep he's he's perfectly healthy fine baby he just was dead for no other reason that the cord wrapped around his neck [Music] after Aiden died she kept having the nurse to bring him back and it got to a point where I told the nurses don't bring it back again because he was obviously decomposing I believe that's when she started going downhill even more [Music] for a long time it was just anything to keep my mind busy that is cute I think I was over compensating for my my other two kids that is my daughter's size she wears a five six and this is brand new I can tell just give them whatever they want because [Music] it's now a reality that they could die tomorrow I'm Randy I'm Chris's ex-husband it was my place for 15 years and then when she moved in basically just trashed it within a few months and it just sickens me or makes me mad you know kind of both things so I'm just disappointed but kind of how she is during her both sleep on couches in in the living room they used to have a bed in the bedroom but there wasn't enough room for it and it was never used so they ended up getting rid of that my sister also has a room that she never uses because the ladder is inaccessible I'm sure she'd like to have a place to play bring her friends and uh very rarely does friends go over there because I love the mess and whatever to use the restroom we have to go through a set of doors which usually you kind of have to put your full weight against it because there's always something behind the door blocking it we don't brush our teeth in there though because there is no sink we brush our teeth in the kitchen great turn it off [Music] that doesn't look like Pookie does it no I think she has lived in fear that somebody's going to report her especially Randy because he would do something like that I do my best and what's best for the kids I try to put them first all right have a seat ready it just terrifies me the thought of someone taking my kids it would kill me to lose them day one we got a lot of work ahead of us yes I'm Matt Paxton a hoarding specialist how are you feeling are you anxious excited a little bit of everything a little bit of everything I'm ready to get started and a little apprehensive of people touching my stuff but I know it's for a good reason okay Chris's place is kind of just a mixture of her past and her future she doesn't really have any now part of her life she's just saving a lot of stuff from the past to buying a lot of stuff for later if you get nervous you pull one of us aside okay and the guys will not bring anything out of the house while we're stopping okay again you are in charge yes we need her to be able to focus and and really enjoy this process so we have a whole second day of cleaning if we should if we push her too hard on the first day we'll be shut down the second day and we don't want that [Music] stay here go stay what about this one yes I want to keep that what about this I'll keep it okay this one oh yeah I want to keep this yeah yeah and your grave digger so about this keep it really I'm hearing a lot of keep it oh but she has a whole bunch of giveaway I'm Renee renardi I'm a licensed clinical psychologist I specialize in obsessive compulsive disorder compulsive hoarding and trichotillomania it's very frustrating for some therapists and certainly for professional organizers I can imagine when people want to look at every single item that's not at all unusual with hoarding Behavior yes so I'm hearing Riley a lot of keep keep does this still fit yeah okay they're doing a good initial sort here was there a shirt that went with this or was it just pants just pants okay it's just not a fast process to be done in a way that she's going to learn from so we want her making the decisions not somebody else flowers you said could go correct well let me see which ones they are as a cleaner you want to get the whole house done and midday we just had to make the decision that's not going to happen Chris has found a pace that works for her oh I need this these two I'm keeping this I need it has a bucket it says keep oh yes we're gonna keep those it's a train track okay look just focus on all the stuff I'm getting ready you're doing awesome but I'm look behind you [Music] Chris has the the OCD issue where she needs to touch everything I believe most of you please can go because of sheer time she can't touch everything in this house how about this is a test let's look through five items in here okay and try to make a decision on the whole bucket real quick yeah things that we can't see let's open them up okay this can go okay yep that can all go that can go it's beautiful but I don't need it great reasoning there we're not guessing is it nice or not because I know it's nice okay so five items all five you said could go can I take that whole bucket to Donut because we've had five out of five we're done she is a control freak I can't really say get rid of it if I don't know what it is if refocuses her control somewhere else somewhere real like a relationship with her daughters and she got confidence of having control in that part of her life she would no longer have this need to direct the control somewhere else you know what I'm saying I do know what you're saying is in your house and put stuff in a box and you didn't know what it was you say do you need it you're like well what did you put in there I totally get it that's why I'm pushing you on this because it's hard well it's impossible I can't tell you yes or no if I don't know what's in there [Music] foreign [Music] s wow I don't remember even remember those maybe I did see him but I don't remember God look at his little hand yeah it's a group of items that she's really been avoiding and it's something that she does need to address in order to move forward with her grieving process for like um probably about a month afterwards I slept with this because the blanket smelled like them yeah if we're in a pharmacy for example she can't go down the baby aisle she can't smell that the baby lotion it just brings it right back it doesn't smell like it doesn't smell like them anymore I wish that smell stayed forever but I'm still gonna keep it thing to remember with hoarding is that if it were so easy to change they would have changed it on their own so it has nothing to do with how much they love their children it's a behavior that they haven't been able to change on their own and so it requires oftentimes the assistance of others in order to move forward a little pig Riley pay you hey hi oh my goodness we went through Aiden stuff that was hard yeah I know baby she did great I knew that would be hard she has an enormous amount of therapy that she needs to go through and she doesn't really think she needs it what can I do for you nothing and you cry it out I'm pretty sure she's gonna fill this house back up he doesn't go to therapy this house be filled right back up and the kids will be yanked within the year all right come up here real quick and look at this you can't put any go any higher because of your defense but this is your Aftercare this is what you really got to work on if we had a day we would not do this no I'm sure without any concern whether I liked it or not well I think you're going to go through it in a couple days on your own anyway yeah exactly have the tools now so now instead of looking at it thinking oh gosh now I'm looking at it going okay that can say that goes that goes that goes exactly you're more action-programmed Chris's internal script hasn't been as well rehearsed for some of the hoarding thoughts and acquisition thoughts so it's easier for her to change them for other individuals who have been rehearsing this script for many many years it's a little bit more of a challenge just because it's so familiar man we can make her some room you've got enough tiles to finish it so we've got the space now and you've got the ability yes she's so enthusiastic about it now she's really grab the concept oh man jump right into let me get bags hold on a second I ain't got time to wait for you yes ma'am I do think she'll follow through with it I'm very proud of her dressed okay we're getting a lot of trash now yeah I'm just which is great scooping it out yeah I wanted it for me of course I wanted it for me but I also wanted it for my kids so they can have their friends over and feel comfortable spending time here without being embarrassed or ashamed close but most of them Riley's room is done and it is really cool I mean this is a kid 10 year old kid that's never had a room and tonight she's got a room what do you think it's awesome she's like Mom can I invite someone over she is never ever asked me that before it's totally different huh it's better than tools laying around and half put together stuff huh it's beautiful it's beautiful it feels great and I want to keep that feeling you know if not being ashamed it takes so much energy to hide a big secret and not tell and don't let people in your house and if they only knew I hate that feeling I don't ever ever this feeling is so much better I've never seen the floor Riley have you seen this much floor before no no no no no try this one yeah I'm really happy with how she did and now she feels able to have some fun and entertain both for her and her girls time I'm at a store and say oh that's cute tell myself okay which feeling would you prefer you want to be happy and show off your house or ashamed and try to hide it keep that in my head [Music] [Music] foreign I'm 29 years old I'm a serial hobbyist I have a problem with organization my name is Robin and I am Todd's girlfriend you walk in Todd's house and there's magazines there's books there's dirty towels there's garbage there's things that have probably been there for for years you know if you were to ask me where something belongs I couldn't tell you like I don't I don't know where anything belongs the bathrooms uh I mean I wouldn't even go there in there with a Hazmat outfit on there's leftover food containers he's been into computer games he's been into video games he's been into Warhammer the little figurines I would say that on average each new hobby cost me at least a thousand dollars he went and has material probably to make about 50 different knives you joined a knife Club he's gone to shows you guys supplies all this stuff and I'm not sure if he's even made a single knife data at houses and currently is acceptable it's acceptable to me I just sort of you know take it or leave it this is this is me this is how I live my name is Tim and I'm Todd's father I've often struggled with why he does us this is trash but he doesn't seem able to throw it away and I don't know why how do you form an emotional attachment to a empty bottle of hot sauce I don't I don't get that I don't know if he has just a lot of anxiety about throwing things away if it just makes him feel a lot safer to have that stuff my name is Kathy I'm Todd's mom I really don't know what the root of the problem is you know when he's a little kid he was a messy little kid a little lot most kids are messy that didn't raise any warning signs particularly I think it's always been just something that he's done and I think it's getting just progressively progressively worse [Music] these Tendencies if they're not addressed can get out of really out of control and you end up with people who become basically Hermits I've lived here for three years and I think I've only had six people in my house it could get to that point where he doesn't have friends or close family or or our relationship I don't want to live like this anymore and I don't want to live I don't want to have a future like this because the future my future of living like this I don't think is a very happy one it's got to the breaking point where it either gets fixed now or it's never going to get fixed and it's only going to get worse hello it's nice to meet you nice to meet you I'm Sarah my name is Sarah barika and I am a certified professional organizer is there anything in the home that you know right off the top of your head that you're going to be okay with that can go in the trash I know Todd has the potential to be a very serious hoarder it is a progressive disorder and so there could be a point where Todd may be at a level where there is no turning back okay let's go I'm feeling this morning there's a little trepidation I know that there's people in my house they're touching my things okay what's the tapping about oh I don't know anxiety anxiety I guess 96 so this shirt is 13 years old deeper alrighty when we started the morning off Todd had to go through a lot of his clothing so this will keep keep yeah let's keep I was willing kind of to just let Todd decide whatever he wanted keep that definitely keep that my name is Dr Robbie Ludwig I'm a psychotherapist and I specialize in working with people who have anxiety disorders what are you noticing what's coming up for you big memories and a lot of anxiety about getting rid of stuff and be like but but you know like I remember stuff like where I got the shirt so maybe that's something you could work on the shirt doesn't hold the memory the shirt doesn't hold anything special it's just simply an object that the memory is within you and the experience is yours I think Robin is going to need to be the voice of reason because these are really habits that he's developed over a lifetime and so it might creep up on him when he's feeling anxious holding on to more things and having difficulty getting rid of some of the things that he's acquired you know just seeing how all you interact with Todd kind of tiptoeing around a bit it's very easy to get sucked into Todd's World which is how we got here in the first place until he really gets a sense of that Robin is going to need to make many interventions along the way some of this isn't going to be comfortable for Todd so we may need to take a little bit of a confrontational or tougher love approach to not get sucked in I don't want to have to be that person that's like okay you have to do this you know standing over him and telling him what he needs to take care of and when he doesn't can we just toss that whole thing no maximum trash law school trash this is an interesting poster trash I notice you seem to be able to make decisions a little bit quicker about what goes in the trash I want to get rid of the stuff that I want to get rid of I want to keep the stuff I want to keep I want to move on Todd was on this uh disposing high he was getting rid of everything and it annoyed Robin because Robin felt that he wasn't really thinking about what he was doing go his new focus is now throwing things away I'm just going to throw everything away he's going to go through all this and he's going to get rid of it but then once is he actually processing like the emotional attachment that he has you know tomorrow is going to be like gosh like I really wish I wouldn't have done that because you know everyone leaves but I'm going to be here do you feel you know him so well you feel he's avoiding something I'm tired of this stuff being here I feel like we spent a lot of time talking that we could be working he didn't really understand that he gets stuck in an All or Nothing kind of frame of mind and and prior to us getting here it was keeping everything and then after a period of time it was getting rid of most things one of the reasons why he never sat down to address it is because it does make him irritable it does make him angry and if he could somehow avoid it all together either by getting rid of everything or keeping everything then he doesn't have to feel annoyed irritable or deal with these unresolved issues that are really paralyzing him you're thinking oh my God this is so annoying I don't want to do this right now but this is the exact reason this is how we're going to fix it I think this is kind of like a turning point I just don't care anymore I just want to get it done the problem is that if we push you hard enough you're going to do whatever we want you to do but is that really solving the problem Todd definitely has this idea or needed to have this idea that you know once he got the concept he was good to go and he was all cured you keep saying I just want to get this done I just want to get this yeah stop talking I just want to get it done yeah but the whole part the whole reason we're here is to do the talking for me it's about the process and making sure that this goes well and that later on you're not you know upset that we got rid of you know 17 boxes of stuff I just want to you know I want to deal with it now as opposed to doing it when there's not professional here to to talk through it I don't understand why y'all want to take victory for an answer like I don't need this stuff like like this stuff like I can't replace that the rest of this stuff if I want it again I need to buy it again you know it would be very easy for Todd and Robin to feel like they have had a victory which in some in some ways I have that they've resolved the issue to some extent they have a clean house they're moving towards their goal but the danger comes with did we really address the symptom of the problem and the symptom of the problem is something we can't always get to in a short period of time foreign [Music] had a lot of accomplishments today we tackled the upstairs and went from 17 boxes to one box ing boxes done Robin's face is priceless right now Jason I'm so happy you tasted him a smile before we couldn't live together we couldn't do activities in his house together so this is really just transformed our relationship together I think this is totally going to move us on the next step in our relationship the house has never been in a condition where she could move in the dog maybe kids in the future like that couldn't have happened here two days ago and now it can Todd has a long road ahead of him this is the hardest part this is where the tough stuff begins he's now got to do this on his own he has Robin so that's a benefit you know he's going to have to work on this over and over and over again it's going to be like being an alcoholic every day I have to think about I'm not gonna do this and I think maybe it'll become more natural it becomes like a habit I don't think it'll ever be something that I won't have to think about and I won't have to deal with I don't think Todd's cured but this was a really big victory this this is amazing this is transformed where he lives and it's now made a space for us to live together thank you so much for your help thank you Robin will be moving in and two months I want to look exactly like it does now this clean [Music] foreign [Music] all right we'll get a sage and I'm a fortune teller there are energies all around us some people are more inclined thank you to understand what that energy is than others but the moon sound on the path you'd like to know about I don't know how to explain that It's just sometimes I know things I shouldn't know and this is from now to the first full moon of the new year I have lots of feng shui books and Zen things I appreciate the donation but for some reason I can't seem to get it right in this house I am Mary Jane I've been a friend of Lisa's for over 20 years the last time I was in the house it was overwhelming it's like an avalanche it's really really overtaken her she has two bathrooms in the house and one she does not use and the other one this isn't safe or healthy at all I'm pretty good at wiping out the roaches in my bathroom one road at a time next time you have jasmine rice and one of the little microwave cups fill it with soapy water so they all drown and guess what it works oh see this is what happens when you put look I'm Gene I know Lisa 24 years I haven't been in her home in years because she stopped allowing people to come in I had a feeling that she was a hoarder from the stuff out in the yard and I asked her one day I says are you a hoarder she says no this is reusable stuff for her business and her artwork and her jewelry that she does I'm Dina stewart-hitsky I'm with administration of resources and choices Elder services we put her in a hotel but we exhausted our funding and having to keep her in a hotel for this longest day she has three more days before she's going to be homeless I can't be in this situation I know that if I don't have this home I have no place to live and I will die on the streets foreign [Music] I'm a licensed clinical psychologist and I specialize in OCD and hoarding disorder whoa wow that's an interesting welcome we have there my art studio okay this is your art studio yeah okay Lisa's stuff is literally coming out of the seams of the house there are just walls of stuff making it dangerous for anyone to be there oh my gosh Dorothy holy cow I need to talk to you I'm Dorothy brenninger I'm a professional organizing expert and I specialize in hoarding there's been an emergency alert on all the phones okay Monsoon the streets are completely flooding I'm gonna need to bring 15 crew members in to work on the inside I know there's nowhere to stand but I have to do it we only have two days and if anybody can do it you can okay hon thank you everybody come in it's going to be tough but find a spot to stand we've never done it like this before but we're going to do it we're just packing everything up getting it out into the carport to create a space inside the living room for us to work is this a keep or not that's a keep I use the fortune telling top on top of that what about these are these trash Oh no I use those in my business that's all business I want you to head over here sweetheart oh my game board [Music] hey oh my that black thing no no no no no no no I'll get it oh my God I'll get it oh my God I use that for my fortune telling there's actually two of them I got it oh my God they're throwing out the bottles with the the Nets yep don't throw them out because those are my kachinas for this year's project for All Souls well you saw the Chinas in my bedroom what do you have space for this guy that stays out in the carport an art piece oh I saved that for two years okay keep that please for now oh my God whoa why are you just throwing out all my papers that's what I make my stuff out of is those recycled papers my business is over oh my God they're throwing out the stuff I use code enforcement is asking that we get rid of the back half of everything in that yard clear let's go this was in a gold thing with my other ducks foreign foreign this was put on the door before we got here yeah and the news is it can come down oh that's fabulous everything's in compliance your house is in compliance [Music] your bathroom's in compliance you've got the backyard in compliance yeah I appreciate you guys it did all this it's just you know there's lots of issues that are still going to be going on so well mostly we want for you to be able to wheel around with your wheelchair in here use some of the furniture as it's meant to be done you've got at least two spaces to create [Music] this room gets too hot I specialize in hoarding disorder and many of the times people are thrilled at all the help that they've received in Lisa's case she is so focused on what she's lost that she can't see what she's gained if we didn't pull this off today she had no place to live I know I should be really excited because the red tags going down the the joy of being back in the house enjoy the house being the way it is is overshadowed by what I've had to give up hi thanks for being a fan of Hoarders And subscribe to a e for more videos and click the links around me to watch more
Channel: A&E
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Id: M2bkmdvemiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 12sec (4272 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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