Repeat Hoarder Shocks the Clean Team | Hoarders

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can't believe I've done this again this is a hoorde this is rubbish hoorde this is and for some reason it always starts off in the kitchen going on Sally okay let me have a look at the kitchen go on then Sally yes or no Sally I know are you shifting me right now no oh Sally [Music] [Applause] [Music] 47-year-old Sally Anne lives in an 18-story Council owned block I feel very very relaxed in flat I knew it was mine the minute I walked through the front door great views I just feel comfy in the place she's been here for the past 17 years and shares it with her petat custard and a few other things we're in the hallway at the moment and as you can see it's got bit quite cluttered everything in here is as you can see shopping I've got cakes I've got biscuits these are for visitors more cakes when I have people come around I always like to give them a biscuit or a cake when we have a cup of coffee you and we're having a chat air fresheners I love my air fresheners I just love the smell of the orange air fresh now with just custard the cat sharing Sally's two bed flat there's plenty of storage space there's actually two bedrooms which are down there the reason why I can't get down to the back there to sort out any the hoing cuz obviously you can see there's a fridge freezer parked in the way got a living room and to the left there's a kitchen up here Straight Ahead as you can see is the toilet and then around the corner here is my bathroom because I'm not in the bedroom at the moment my bed's still in here I didn't realize even had this many of these cakes to be honest my bed's a bit untired at the moment but because I can't get into the kitchen I've done food in here like sandwiches which I'm a big fan of anyway and they're still sitting here beetroot it was Smoky bacon crisps and beetroot and then what I did notice which forgot to put there you look a loaf of bread this has actually gone mold day I don't understand why that happens to be honest so I don't think he's that I can't throw stuff away it's I can't be bothered [Music] to living alone and unable to work hoing started taking over her life I think it's when I first moved in on my own you know I mean my place used to get un tidy anyway like everybody's does and then all of a sudden I thought I need to put the bin out and then I looked and I was thinking oh my gosh look what's happened I class myself as a hoard in the sense of rubbish hoarder and I did read an article that they reckon that some people who are hoarders in the sense of collective are actually quite um very bright and very um intelligent people so I'm not saying that I'm the intelligent person I'm just saying some some form of whism um is to do with being too highly intellectual but you know it hasn't been proven I grew up in harborne with an older sister and a younger brother we were very creative um my father used to do creative stuff and he was a carpenter and Joiner but I used to spend more time on my own you know do my own thing I was born with pathes disease which is a problems with the where they didn't grow so from the age of 0er to five I was in splints I used to get picked on quite a lot so when had a couple of friends anyway um but that didn't bother me anyway cuz I was quite a loner poor health continued into adulthood due to health issues they kind of like medically retired me this isn't the first time Sally's hoarding has spiraled out of control I was living in pure rubbish and I mean pure rubbish you couldn't see my bed from the floor to almost the ceiling was piles and piles of black bags dissolving with cat food in it it had rotten food and cat litter waste and um feces and all sorts and I was actually living in all that and on top of that we also had carpet bugs so they were crawling all over me in the bed I couldn't get to the toil in time so have to climb over all the rubbish I ended up starting urinating bottles and then obviously I'd have the cats you know sleeping around me as well and then they would end up messing in certain corners of the bedroom you know once you started going down that road if you couldn't stop to get it all sorted on your own you just created um a hell basically to live in conditions got so bad that Sally had to accept an intervention by the council or face eviction I was scared because I knew that I was waiting for that knock on the door or a letter through a door to say um people are being complaining it took 6 days to clear the flat and specialist counseling was put in place to support her after we did the caim I had 18 month after care so they came on a regular basis um and then last year it all finished and then it just all crept up on me [Music] again once you're a hoarder you're always a hoarder it's like once you're an alcoholic once you're drug addict you can be clean for 5 10 years and then something happens it's the same with whism of any form Sally has refilled her flat in less than 2 years but there are some who have hoarded for a lifetime a very warm welcome to my humble abode here at westcot to which you are cly invited to have a look around and ascertain my lifestyle [Music] 69-year-old Richard has been hoarding magazines and newspapers for over four decades well there's literally one of each paper you know like the mirror the sun the star the times and Financial Times you know the whole lot well overall with stuff that's up in the roof we we go back to 1976 I'm probably the only person in the entire country that's doing this so it makes me unique over time they do tend to lean susceptible to collapse should we put it that way if you can reach the ceiling and wedge it into the ceiling then you you you won just [Music] how hoarding becomes an issue when it affects daily life it's believed as many as one in 20 of us could Harbor a serious hoarding problem I think there's a a bit of a hoarder in most people in that they keep things but some sufferers have taken their behavior to the extreme 69-year-old Richard has been hoarding newspapers for most of his life this is what counts for a kitchen which is considerably better than it once was but obviously nowhere near as it should be be but I mean you know it's the things I do to achieve what I want to achieve it's not just newspapers that Richard collects those labels come from different fruits mainly apples I've got to thing about packaging and various containers this is a throughway to the L and bathroom you can go in there if you want to but it's up to you so this is uh a master bedroom there's one bed there and another one underneath that it is possible to get reasonably comfortable in a chair what i' like to do is to look at it all collectively and then make an overall decision and then implement it rather than just throwing things out every day or every week is that the aim to kind of clear up a bit oh yeah yeah ahead of you is where the sitting room is or was but um the entire content of the hall was moved into that room so that really is quite densely packed I used to have to allow 20 minutes to half an a to get to the front door but time anybody who's visited gone eventually The Horde outgrew Richard's Bungalow and then his hoarding went public when the first lot of retained material found its way creeping outoors people had a a full view of what was going on whereas if it had been the walls stayed put then obviously they wouldn't be aware of it quite so much so that attracted attention so I find myself in my own papers that I was trying to keep as it were so that got interesting I had multiple copies of what I appeared in Richard became known as Britain's most extreme hoarder and successfully defended his right to keep his hoorde through the courts the human rights situation is such that Everyone's entitled to the um the enjoyment of their possessions I think is how it's worded so that helped me win the [Music] day it's a labor of love [Music] really Sally from Dudley has been struggling with her rubbish hoarding since adulthood she escaped eviction 2 years ago but there's concern that Sally has regressed charity worker Lucy has been supporting salian since the last cleanup right but it's not always an easy job it's been a while since I've been it has got quite bad hasn't it yeah so what's been happening that's caused caused it to get like this he started off with the fridge freezer when I went out and got himself a secondhand freezer which is in the hallway they delivered it and then I found out that my fridge freezer was still working the freezer was due to go to Sally's sister who lives in the same Tower block she lives downstairs s she lives a few stairs down yes I'm going to speak to her tonight or tomorrow so it just sounds like excuses this is how it started before weren't it I didn't have but the excuses gone sorry you've got to think like out jumping if the council were to come tomorrow and knock on your door you could end up losing this property all because of a fridge freezer that doesn't really need to be here I we don't know that yeah I mean it's a piging IA isn't it so we'll put that into place by next Thursday don't forget I've got to go from to my fathers so I'll be back Wednesday well maybe you have to think that you need to make an exception and and be here instead of at Dad's I'm sorry Lucy but don't go there I don't mean to be horrible but don't go there no you're all right but you've got to think you you're going to lose it not being funny but nobody has an idea what I had go through with my dad I know but you've got to think about you Salah as well I'm sorry but Dad has to come first what about you but don't pick on me regarding my father though Lucy okay please don't okay okay Sally's hoarding was triggered when she lost her mother and caring for her father since has accelerated its growth and I've been to grieve yet because I'm looking after my father to make sure that he's all right it was devastating that what happened over the Last 5 Years things just built up built up built up and you know I'm not asking for help and you know how St an night am I just try and deal with it all on my own till eventually can't cope anymore and then I have to scream for help but you've got to remember you you know your mental health dipping yeah you know that when your flat gets to this condition that you need to be asking for help no one else is going to know yeah yeah Sally and Richard are not alone with over 1.2 million problem hoarders in the UK today one could be your neighbor so this was a brand new apartment when I moved in brand new carpets brand new painted walls it was such a clean new tranquil apartment with a nice Courtyard outside 40-year-old Fay moved into her flat just over 7 years ago when I moved in I had every intention of this being the apartment that I was going to keep really really clean and tidy and you know joy to live in but OCD had other plans until recently hoarding was classified as a category of OCD but is now becoming recognized as a disorder in its own right it's not a way I wanted to live nobody wants to live like this like many sufferers though Fay has a spectrum of mental issues it's a bit of a vicious circle with depression because you'll do whatever it is to just give you that little glimpse of joy and I'm not somebody that turns to alcohol or drugs or anything else for their High mind is buying things so I would go online and I would buy to get that High um and especially I love a bargain so I will buy eight of the same item I can't resist it but as soon as they arrived and the excitement of opening the box um then they come into this apartment where I've already got far too much clut and it just get added to the pile and that would make me feel depressed and anxious and therefore I would want to then have that little high again of buying [Music] something for all intents and purposes I was practically housebound for a year and a half I didn't want to do anything I didn't care about my personal hygiene my eating well um that's why I put on six stone in weight um and being isolated with all of this junk around you anybody's going to be impacted by that with her flat over over flowing with the bargains phas hoarding is becoming harder to hide behind closed doors I've got a pillow which I pop here and I always make sure the blinds are close cuz I don't want my neighbors to know that I'm sleeping on the sofa my neighbors know I have OCD I'm certain they don't know the extent of it I don't think they have any idea that I haven't slept in my bedroom for almost 3 years I worry that anyone who comes into my apartment is going to judge me is going to have misconceptions that I'm dirty OCD and hoarding is very much a secret illness so this is my boiler but because I feel too humiliated for a serviceman to see all of this stuff it's just too much anxiety for me to get him to come and fix f it the anxiety of having somebody in far out weighs the luxury of having hot water and so for the last four five years I've been having stone cold showers FaZe OCD has also affected her personal and professional life throughout adulthood when I was in a relationship my OCD was really bad but because I had a partner it would keep me in check I was married for 12 years and and it's been 10 years since I've been living on my own I used to be a very socialable person when I was in a relationship I used to be very much the life and soul of the party and I love to be the center of attention now I've become very socially anxious I have such a lovely home and to not be able to have people into my home to enjoy it I've become very very isolated and very lonely 69-year-old Richard's life revolves around his obsession with newspapers he doesn't just collect though he delivers too the round I suppose has diminished by about a third I suppose since I first started Richard had to pick up the paper round to help fundis hoarding well I've got a thing about newspapers and uh they had a sort of vacancy of a paper boy so I said well I'll deliver some papers and that will pay my paper bill as it were so that's how it started it was only meant as a temporary measure but uh here we are 13 years on I'm approaching 70 years old having lived in the village all my life Richard is the third generation to live in the family home which he shared with both parents and grandparents obviously one passes and then another then another so here I am on my own for the last 15 years or so my father used to be quite fastidious in that he would be sweeping the paths and just for the sake of tidiness one tends to rebel against what the previous generation did Richard was the home carer for his mother in the final years of her life the hauling started in Earnest about the turn of the Millennium it wasn't a problem at all just gradually escalated but it's only in last 10 15 years or so that it's got like it has that is literally one of each the problem with this flat it's kind of like an obstacle course the only way to reduce a horde is if things are thrown away faster than they're collected Fay is fighting back in her flat before her home is completely taken over this is the section of the room that I've completed so this for me I know a lot of people will look at this room and still see a lot of clutter but to me this is a piece of success like many OCD sufferers Fay has a specific process for doing even routine activities because of my OCD anything that needs to go into the bin I have a ritual that it needs to be opened up fully so I can have a look inside I have to touch the sides then I have to shake the item 30 times and then it can go in the bin so for most people throwing away a rapper would take them less than a second for me that one wrapper could take me 10 minutes it's not about money or the importance of a document or receipt it's about certainty certainty that for me I haven't thrown anything away because certainty equals control control is the way that I manage In This Very uncontrollable and spontaneous world and that can go in there done okay done the next on my list was obvious items that will create a great impact which is this big item this and a chair that I won in a competition and if I got rid of those items oh and there's a table behind there which I need take over to give to my dad and then whoh that whole area is going to be clear apart from this box which is full of food it was short dated so it would be like 70 80 90% off the date on this is the 1st of January 2011 the element of it being such a bargain kind of takes over and I then start to make up a logical story in my head that it makes sense for me to buy it and I'll somehow squeeze it in when discarding even the smallest item is so difficult there is one room in phas flat that poses the biggest challenge nobody's seen that bedroom as it stands I feel so overwhelmed because I just I don't know where to [Music] start and people will say to me but why don't you just stop and I know when they say it they're well- meaning oh my goodness but in my head I'm I want to say back to why didn't I think of that the OCD at the moment is bigger than me it's the whole spectrum of feeling angry frustrated but mostly regretful and and disappointed about everything I've lost in life because of it in the Midlands Sally has raised the alarm and called in some emergency support to help her with her horde extreme cleaners Cass and T have known Sally since her first intervention two years ago I'm looking forward to seeing Sally I haven't seen her in a while so um it' be nice to see her catch up with her have a cup of tea from what I can tell everything should be okay I do ask every now and then how's the flat how's things going so she always says that there's a bit of shopping in the hallway hopefully everything is smelling of roses hello hello stranger [Music] hello ons s [Music] okay it is getting Clos now I've got to S stuff out so what's going on let me have a look at the kitchen go on then Sally yes I know S I know hold on let me have a look s yeah are you me right now no oh Sally the battle with hoarding can be a lifelong struggle like any addiction a a relapse can occur at any time it's plates of cat food I know what happened was I bought a bean I got that all sorted that Bean's there has been there since just before Christmas that a brand new be yeah but just I've been dealing with a lot of other stuff and I wanted to sort that out myself rubbish hoarder Sally is having an emergency clean of her flat less than 2 years after the council last intervened you know what I'm I'm upset with you there's no excuse cuz you you're just a phone call away I know it's baging there and I should have asked you but to be honest that's the only second time it's ever happened as we stepped out the lift we could smell the f s you know that hasn't been like that for a long time yeah but as soon as it started to go like that s that's when you should have called Sally's kitchen has got so bad it's classed as a biohazard dealing with it is an emergency I've been dealing with a lot of stuff for me dad cuz Dad you never once mentioned the kitchen was like that s you never the K wasn't that bad there a couple of weeks back no but that's only happened in the last x amount of weeks if it doesn't look how we left it if you can't get to your sink it's an issue no can't get to your counter it's an issue you want know that I want know that I'm not I'm not stupid I mean to know that but you never said the thing you kept us in the dark it seems as though you've lied to us sou cuz you've not mentioned it no I mentioned yeah I wasn't lying but I hadn't mentioned it yet let's just go and get our Blues let's just get our blues and crack on [Music] she didn't want to disappoint us I suppose and she didn't want to um upset us or feel like she's let us down in any way and we don't feel let down because she is a compulsive holder and it is a mental health condition what we're upset about is the fact that the help is there for her and she hasn't accepted [Music] it oh do you want any fix for your nose for the smell Sally's one of our clients that we've had for such a long time and she's really triying but sometimes she needs that little extra [Music] help I don't know I make excuses and I shouldn't [Music] oh there's maggots there Sally yeah there's a big group of maggots right there oh those are little compared to what's been in there's some caret bgs in there as well floating around Sally why can't I lift this up here because obviously [Music] gravy can't believe I've Eed up again you got everything yep right thank you when I look in there I see um relief you know that I've uh got it what we've got it rid of there's a a wave of calmness over me now all the rubbish is gone the kitchen may be safe again but Sally will have to pay to have the rest of her flat cleared and made safe before the risk of eviction is removed Sally is a very warm loving caring person and this is her only Vice is is that she's a compulsive hoer she just needs a a good support network and she's not really getting that from anybody else at the moment like she was before yeah so if the support networks in place and people are checking on her um I think that will give her more of an excuse to try and keep the flat Tiding knowing she's going to have visitors hoarding is an isolating mental illness with sopas often living alone but today F has a rare visitor who will hopefully help her on her road to recovery hello pleas to meet toet Joe is a declutter consultant with eight years experience helping people with their hordes I think that the root cause of why I have OCD and hoarding and depression is to do with childhood things like my dad leaving and I felt very much out of control that I couldn't fix these things it was a coping mechanism for you with every all this chaos going on you know in your family life so I very much was trying to find a mechanism to feel in control but my mom ironically she's an absolute minimalist and she declutters every 3 months so her home looks like a show home it's absolutely beautiful you may be rebelling slightly they may be a little bit of you kicking out and saying right well because she's so particular about where everything is that you're going to you know rebel against that and almost be do the opposite I understand what you're saying for me I don't think that's the reason okay I very much aspire to be as my mom is okay um so you've done the the first stage of it you've actually become aware of it you know like you said all the theoretical stuff of it so the next step is to actually physically start doing the Practical side of it how would you feel about us doing a little tour I don't particularly feel comfortable with it but I know that if I need to get the help then I need to deal with the discomfort okay shall I lead the way yeah I've done this section yeah okay and it's amazing how that little bit of floor space can make you feel amazing hold on to that feeling because that's the start of you continuing the good work you've already done thank you well done this box is full of food okay you could work out potentially how much of that you could get through in realistically uh before it expires oh it's all expired ah okay so this is your bedroom so where did you sleep um since well it's been about 3 and 1 half years now I've been sleeping on the sofa right okay so again that's another incentive isn't it this has become my Norm yeah that's right and it's only when external sources come in and they're like they ask the question where' you sleep and it's like on the sofa and I just think that's such a sad story I've had an idea and I wondered what what your opinion is I was actually going to bring everything from the hallway into here everything that's left in the living room into here so that the the hallway and the living room are 100% done and everything is in here I would strongly advise not to do that only because it's almost like picking up things from one room putting them in another and then you've made one room very overwhelming to deal with and in reality although you think you may well deal with it after quite often what happens I've been to places where 10 years later that door I went and got some boxes from the local supermarket what I'm trying to do which I've started here as I've got a big box there box there I'm trying to put everything into boxes boxes could probably end up becoming part of the Clutter if you're not careful it becomes just a pile of boxes then in a room instead so it's just it's just delaying the process I think when this was at its worst it made me feel like I was literally in a tomb I felt buried in all of this um and it just felt so like it was kind of coming in on me and just yeah I I would do anything to distract myself for faay to conquer her hoarding it's essential she avoids delaying the disposal of unwanted items try and do a little bit of decluttering every single day if you can but just focus on one room at a time every time you pick something up think do I want this and if you say yes just dig a little bit deeper as to why you want it and do you need it and the other thing is if you do want to keep it where am I going to home this yeah everything has to have a home if it has a home even if things get a little bit untidy cuz you know we're all like that then at the end of the day whenever you have a little tidy up think oh right yeah I know that goes there and you've got somewhere to put it but if you haven't it's just going to end up staying on the floor it's true love well done well done thanks for coming Take Care by bye see you later I'm really pleased I feel like we've made a lot of progress today and she's got a lot of self-awareness and I think the important thing is she's actually raring to go and she's already started the process which is brilliant and I'm glad I was there I could give her a few tips and and homework to do as well and I feel like if she does a little bit every day she's going to progress quite quickly as well and see some good results with the accumulation of 40 Years of Hoarding in Richard's home there's a whole neighborhood that would like to help him clear it we been shifting papers this morning have we uh not in the sense that you mean no but in the skip no to have this banter between us regular banter well I've got to know Richard I think it's over seven years I rich Rich has been to my house for Christmas dinner we're trying as a community to try and help him the oldest part of Richard's horde is the thing he's more passionate about than his papers with me it happens to be classic cars and of course they take up the room that they do and I think effectively 17 broken cars around this land here if we could just get one car done up i' would love to see him driving around in his old vintage Jag just having a life if I was push gums to shove which would I choose obviously the cars are a greater love than than mere newspapers I mean it would be nice for to deal with both but there you go after a lifetime of hoarding it's possible things may never change I would not like it to be just people coming in and just ordering up a number of Skips and then the whole lot just disappears because that represents a pretty much a life's work just gone to waste an englishman's home is his castle I've built my home and and you can call it what you like but um it's it it's an extension of me it represents what I am and and and don't sort of interfere to the thing Richard's happy that's the way he wants to live and we have to respect that and work with them at the same [Music] time with The Biohazard hoard in the kitchen cleared Sally is expecting extreme cleaners Kaz and te to help clear the rest of the flat I'm slowly getting buried alive in here with the freezer out of the flat access to the bedrooms reveals the full extent of Sally's horde this morning I was suffering with a lot of stress because I know when kin te come today they're going to look and go Sally what have you been doing and they're going to tell me off because you know I've gone back to my old [Music] ways go away I've changed my mind hello two years ago the flat took weeks to clear but Sally is optimistic this is a simpler job as you say so of this was behind the fridge the goal is to create a usable bedroom the last clean I was in the hallway they bring bags out I'd sort it and they were shoveling all the rubbish away but because this is a completely different type of clean I think we'll go through that that bedroom pretty quick it does look worse than it [Music] is so I was going to do the clean myself this year but when they came um and we did the kitchen I made um a decision to have them come and help me this way I'm forced to do it it means now I can get my bed after been two years in here into the small bedroom so that's my goal half of me wants to throttle you know and half of me wants to smile yeah I know what are we going to do with you what are we going to do with you I want all this gone today [Music] see I'm not sure but I can smell I I can smell urine usually got a good memory with things and I just for some reason I haven't remembered what it looked like in there so no this is really throttl me [Music] what's in here that is my young computer or laptop the cat urinated on the bag so God knows if the computer still [Music] [Applause] [Music] works Fay is tackling her rubbish too I'll keep the lid just with a slight section of Jar just about that much so that it minimizes the possibility of anything accidentally falling in with her ocds to contend with even a few items can be a slow process the irony is that I can't even think of the last time probably not even in the last 10 years where I have actually done the check and suddenly found a receipt or a bit of money and what have I lost as regards time and mental health and everything else for doing this and then as soon as that's done that needs to be closed and go out to the bin if that stays in the flat for too long I'll get too anxious about it and I'll empty in and go back through it again throwing out even the smallest amount of rubbish is a challenge oh I want to go through it what to do what to do phase disorder can mean that performing her rituals once isn't always [Music] enough I've been making such good progress and I'm disappointed ick [Music] it I should have left it it's just [Music] rubbish you know's going on who cares [Music] after 4 days hard work and an estimated ton of The Horde removed Sally's flat is habitable [Music] again it feels absolutely wonderful it's really hard describe so much so that I was actually crying today when we were you know talking about it cuz I've been wanting to be in this bedroom since I moved in I'm glad after 13 years of now wanting to be in here I'm here how s can help herself is just set goals every day you know small things like making sure that the catalyst is clean getting rid of her daily rubbish so that's all I can encourage Sally to do is to keep a daily routine of more jobs Our advice is everything in your home has a home home yeah if you put it back in its home it will stay there and you won't lose anything and it will stay tidy there is a bit of concern when people talk um are we going to go back to my old habits I believe once you're a hoarder you're always a hoarder but you have to fight I think it could happen again if she doesn't have the right support network around her no but I know she enjoys the fact that we're around and she sees us as mates we're like family now we'll come back and check on there regardless we're going to have to throwing away unwanted items proved a painful way for 40-year-old Fay to reduce her hoorde today she's donating instead I've got three items I need to take to the charity shop I tend to keep the numbers of things to take down because too many causes me too much anxiety especially when I get to the shop for me especially books this is not fun so I have to check every single page before this can go into the bag the goal I have is to give away 10 items a day and I figure that equals 300 items in a month the first stage is complete the items are out of the flat but we'll be able to let them [Music] go after Decades of filling his Bungalow Richard's home has become a time bomb dangerous for his health had I appreciated earlier on what I was letting myself in for I would have approached it much differently than I in fact did so unfortunately a bit late to actually Implement what I've learned but um I get through it get by so I'm me me [Music] happy hoarding is a problem that just grows if the sufferer doesn't take action and the result is inevitable space will eventually run out there a trouble it's um sort of piles of stuff Here There and Everywhere waiting to be processed trouble is that you got to carry on with ordinary life in between times you know it's very difficult day today is um just going through the normal domestic routine of um keeping Body and Soul together as it were and and also trying to prevent the inevitable um bit by bit accumulation of things Richard's home is now so full even the basics are becoming impossible you have to hold it out like that because if you don't the chocolate melts and you get it all over your fingers or if you get chocolate fingerprints all over the papers and that will never [Music] do I'm getting Slimmer and Slimmer I don't allow myself to get to the point where I'm literally starving I have sandwiches and um donuts and things of that nature and then that's supplemented with the fish and chips and sort of dinner for ones in the oven there uh so yes I me I get by thank you for Fay she's working hard to shift the balance of her hoarding habits I've got a few items for you thank you very much I've got OCD so I'm just going to give them to you one by one if that's all right so that goes on there so so that's some leggings okay so nothing would you mind just checking them thank you three more things out of my flat so slowly but surely thank you so much thank you for understanding I know it's a bit weird it's something wrong with my brain so thank you I just feel that if you came back to me in 3 months I'm going to have that flat clear I feel something has triggered Take Good Care thank you bye yeah good place to be [Music] h
Channel: Hoarders
Views: 92,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maids, house cleaning, house washing near me, housekeeping, hoarding clean up, hoarding assistance, help for hoarders clean up, help with hoarding and clutter, hoarder helpers near me, hoarders, hoarders sos, hoarders full episodes, hoarders a&e, filth, filthy flat, extreme cleaners, hoarders uk, before and after, hoarding buried alive, filth hoarders, hoarders filth, hoarders tv show full episodes, uk hoarders show, a&e full episodes hoarders, reality tv series, a&e hoarders
Id: Z1D74DOzcYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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