Friends' Tiny Houses ๐Ÿค | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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[Music] thank you hello everyone I'm Evelyn welcome back to the channel I hope you're all having an amazing day so um I've now been talking today which I feel now um my voice gives out or however you put that let's just ignore it and continue to power through but today we are building two tiny house actually technically three I don't really know exactly we're building like a little like a collection of tiny houses on one lot so I started out building it on a 30 by 20 but and this is in Evergreen Harbor by the way but later on move it to a 40 by 30 in that outdoor Retreat great eye falls that's what it's called yes so this started out being actually based on a suggestion from one of you because I did a Frenemies Frenemies tiny houses build like a little while ago I think and so someone in the comments asked if I could also do one for for friends and I saw this like I saw this picture of I I don't exactly know what it was because I don't think it was a full-on community but it was like a little clutter of tiny houses that looked kind of like where's the other the Frenemies houses that I did were very like tiny suburban houses these were a little bit more boxy a little bit more I don't actually know what to call it because they don't want to call them contemporary but um they look like renovated trailers for example I converted trailers but they had a very nice Sleek look to them a little bit like an Eco touch as well and I thought the whole landscaping around the lot or around the the two tiny houses looked very nice so I decided to take some inspiration from that picture even though I could really see the shape of the house is but um and they only had two two that I could see so what I did was this is basically for there's two houses right or there's three but there's two houses with bedrooms and then bathrooms and then there's a shared house that has a kitchen and a living room and also a laundry room so it's kind of like a small community I don't know if I still want to call it best friends tiny houses probably gonna turn into that anyway because I don't really have another word for it but I feel like at the end it also kind of has like a vacation feel to it actually so I had some fun with this kind of just like trying to experiment a little bit with especially the Landscaping it started out being something that just completely evolved into something else um what it looks like by the end is not what the original picture looks like at all I just I just had some fun with it I just you know did a couple of things tried a couple of things and like how it turned out there's not a whole lot of grass like visible grass on the slot at the at the end which looks kind of funny in Granite Falls but then again you can place this on just about any 40 by 30 that you want to I think this 40 by 30 is also I don't actually know why I ended up building it in Granite Falls to be honest um but you could definitely just place it on any any like wide 40 by 30 because this is a long one or a deep 40 by 30. if you get what I mean so it's only 30 wide and that's why in the screenshot that is on the gallery the house or build the lot because it's more than one house but the picture will look a little bit funny but I feel like this means that I still kind of owe you a little bit I still kind of owe you like a friends a small cute Suburban friends tiny houses sort of situation so we're gonna do that sometime in the future this turned into a little bit of an experiment I hope you guys will like it though um I'm not sure how all like functional for gameplay it is but I'm sure you can figure out something to do with it you know and also there's a few like activities and stuff to do around the Landscaping as well because they had a lot of space to utilize as soon as I moved it to a 40 by 30. sure there's a lot of landscaping a lot of foliage but it's still I had some some space some room to play around with so you know you can always just add more as well if you want to so anyway also the two houses don't necessarily like lay out wise they are the same um the way that I've placed down the furniture they're also the same there's an overall kind of color scheme to all three houses so it's very cohesive but I did end up using different Furniture in both of the houses and on one of them there's an easel and on the other one I cannot remember what there is but I think there's like a reading Nook maybe or something on the on the patio so there's like a little bit of an indicator of what they like this was supposed to be like a a common area um where they could also sit and like do a little bit of work now and then if you if you want to use this as as a vacation home so they can still do like a little bit because some people do that when they go on vacation some people just that's fair so some people can't like Let It Go um and I get that fully by the way so hopefully get that so I needed to add like a little bit of like a little bit of a workstation as well so that's here in the uh the shared house too but yeah I think this is kind of like the color scheme that we end up going for overall lots of like warmer tones of brown and a little bit of white here and there a little bit of beige here and there um I can't remember if I add any like specific color right maybe a little bit like a peach here too but like subtle subtle Peach and lots of plants around the houses too because it has to go with the exterior which is very there's a lot of foliage so I've actually already built another house so hopefully I I I'll see if I can get that up tomorrow otherwise it will be Friday um but I'm gonna be super busy for the next little while so we'll see not gonna be like uh tons and tons of uploads but there also hasn't been for for a while I'm about slow building these days I actually want to tell you guys something very stupid and I can say it's stupid because it's regarding myself so I'm calling myself stupid um I'm not offending anybody else just myself so I basically have had some back issues for like the past months that I have purposely been ignoring because because I'm stupid and uh it's not funny it's just I I laugh at these things because I'm stupid so anyway um I don't like to talk about like health issues with anyone like parents or friends or anything I have this thing and I don't know if this is normal but if I if I have pain I'll basically just ignore it like I know that it's there but I just don't acknowledge it in some way um I think it's kind of like comes down to work it comes from the fact that I have a foot injury that basically hurts whenever I have shoes that I walk so I just kind of like learned to tune it out which is stupid but but I do but the thing is now that I have a a back injury that when I moved became so much worse than or I had like a back thing I I didn't know it was like a full-on injury at the time but I had a back thing that became so much worse when when I moved because we were carrying a lot of stuff from one apartment to another and like I have a lot of books so for example and just a lot of stuff I have a lot of stuff so um I talked to my mom around that time and mentioned that I had some some backache but I didn't really go into specifics about it but then I sat down with her last week I think it was and actually mentioned it again because I was like maybe I should because now I'm thinking about starting going to the gym and stuff and I don't want to risk making anything worse so I talked to her about it both her and my parents have been doing high like High Level Sports when they were younger and also my mom on top of that as a doctor so she knows a little bit about what she's she's talking about you know and I went into First Step first off I told her so I have this like needle pain in my back and she was like you need to go to the doctor and get an MRI but she has um she has a friend who's unfortunately gone through some very serious health issues so I think she jumped to the worst conclusion possible first and I was like okay let's just dial it down a little bit listen these are the other things that I feel is wrong with my back and she's like oh well you have a herniated disc then so like a discus prolapse or whatever um in my lower spine because I can feel it running down the nerve in my left leg and I'm like yeah that sounds about right so I've been walking around with that and sitting down with that for months now and it really really hurts like now that I've acknowledged that it hurts I have to acknowledge it every time I like change my position and stuff because I need to not sit in a way so that it hurts a lie in a way so that it hurts so like I'm fully aware of it all of a sudden whereas normally I just been tuning it out so these days I'm taking a lot of work breaks my point to this is don't ignore like listen to your body okay and don't sit down for too long during your day either because even if you're not of like super sporty person or you do a lot of like Elite Sports or whatever you can still end up with this sort of situation from just sitting down um and it hurts a lot so yeah that was that's my point just like listen to your body don't be like me don't be dumb um it's not it's not good so hopefully with some exercises and stuff and like being a little bit more careful to not sit down for hours and hours at a time I also have one of these desks that I can raise up um so I'll probably I am doing that a lot more not just I will be doing that but I am doing that a lot more than I usually would um but yeah it's just it's been a thing so um just thought I would share anyway like I know it's like long rant about real life stuff but thought I would share anyway because just just listen to your bodies guys like don't don't be like me and just ignore it it's it's a it's a fancy uh ability to have to just tune out pain but like it's also not smart you know it's not good um so don't do it unless you just literally do not have another choice in that case you are an exception and don't don't listen to me um but yeah luckily she did say that uh the best way to sort of work on it and get it better is actually to exercise so I'll be starting the gym anyway which is good it's not gonna put a stop to those plans so um yeah that's that was the whole thing that's been like bypassed my past week just kind of like trying to figure out like when to stand up and work I get really dizzy when I stand up and work like because the camera movements I'm not used to it I'm sure that I'll get used to it but right now I'm not so I just like I move with the cam when I'm moving it around you get what I mean um I don't do that when I sit down but I do that when I stand up and I get really dizzy so I have to figure that out as well it's been a whole lot but also just like acknowledging that you can't lie on your back in bed and read for example that sucks because it's it puts a lot of weight right on your lower back when you do that and that hurts when you you gotta move again so um anyway that's that's a whole thing so that's my life right now I hope yours is a little bit better than that but luckily this is just hopefully temporary so I'm not you know it's it's it's worse for other people it's just it'll go away for me so anyway but what are we all right we have the whole like the rest of this video is just going to be Landscaping like it took me so long I think I also cut out a fair amount of the Landscaping actually um just because it got a little bit repetitive with placing down basically the same plan silver and over and over in the same way but you see at the end you get to see what it looks like for um or when it's like done you get to see what it looks like you could also see it in the thumbnail picture I suppose and you get to see it from above by the end of the video as well because they always include floor plan pictures even though for this one the floor plans are pretty simple and the houses are pretty small so it's mainly like a like a landscaping picture if you will a landscaping plan picture I don't know but yeah so for this little bit over here I think I don't do it right now I think I actually saved that bit for the end but I noticed in the pictures so none of this Landscaping looks like the original picture and I wish I still have the original picture but I built this over the course like two days last week so I don't have it anymore and I'm not going through my history because my history is trash and there's a lot going on there there's a whole lot going on in my history so no no weird stuff I just want to click well I watch a lot of True Crime I suppose but no like weird don't don't get ideas no weird stuff it's just there's a lot because I visit a lot of pages so um we're not doing that but in the original picture it had like this sort of like uh heightened platform situation with not a fire a pit on it which is what I end up placing on this bit right here this wooden Terrace patio area but it had like a little bit of it had a tent on it actually it had a tent and I'm not sure how they'd fasten It To The Ground if they just like used nails or whatever to hammer it into the floorboards but it had a tend on it which was like a round one around just round it was around tent I know very original but it looks so cute so I had to come up with something else I ended up giving them the fire pit but it's on I'm sure the wood will be fine but I feel like in reality without work like I don't know I feel like just went from talking about me being stupid to actually being stupid in in the voiceover um but I don't know if fire pits can stand like it's a it works since hopefully the lot will not be set on fire is what I'm trying to say I hope everything will be fine I did not play as the fire pit but I also don't really know how the fire pits work in The Sims so I hope it's okay over there but yeah I like this little that little area I just they have a couple of plant pots over there too but there's a lot of like clear space as well so you can add some like a chess table for example if you want to some more easels less of these like areas around this lot that you can just fill up with stuff that you want for um like skills for example this is where I started doing foliage started doing landscaping or I wouldn't say Landscaping because I've been doing that already as you can see it's all like planned out with areas and stuff but like that little square is when I tried to place down plants and see what I actually wanted it to look like so I started out wanting these squares these lowered platforms to be filled with plants and then have some grass around so that it looked a little bit more realistic and then add a lot of these like potted plants around too but then I think for me the problem was that that exactly the uh the line was too harsh the platform line or the sun can down you know what I mean it was too harsh so I ended up wanting to cover it up and then it just looked a little bit weird with the Rocks so I ended up adding plants and then all of a sudden these plants were like flooding out of this little sunken down area and it just turned into something completely else but I like the look of it so this is kind of what we end up going with there's still a lot of plotted plotted pot of plants not plotted plants that I don't a lot of pants what that sounds like a Band theme or something anyway I do end up placing a lot of those potted plants around the lot as well but um I ran out of like unique ones at some point so I had to reuse some of them but anyway I like doing this kind of landscaping not that you can really see there is the sunken down area at all like this lowered platform um you can't really see it from afar but I know that it's there so like I like it you know like I don't know how to like I know it's there I can see it but if if I hadn't shown you from the start you might not actually be able to spot it if you didn't know that these sunken down areas were here made from platforms you wouldn't necessarily know right it's like our little secret yeah unless you download the house and tear down stuff and then you'll notice but like we can pretend that it's our secret right okay and then I just ended up covering up a lot of the grass as well with some of this gravel I think it is actually it's a newer it's a newer terrain paint I think I say newer because it's not new like we didn't get it yesterday if you get what I mean um but it's one of the newer ones or at least it's new to me I didn't open my eyes for this for this uh terrain paint until recently I think so I've been using it quite a lot but I like I like the tone of it I like the gray tone of it some of the other Grays in the game end up looking very gray beige but this one actually looks nicely beige so this is what happens when I end up getting a notification on my phone while I'm doing the voiceover I say the wrong thing I'm in nicely gray just want to clear of it nicely gray it looks very nicely gray anyway I've talked about this before but I get very very distracted by phone notifications my phone is usually upside down when I build or when I do voice Silvers or just record uh most of the time anyway but always when I do voiceovers however my mom is coming to visit today because I'm cooking for her and I'm trying to keep an eye out for a message saying that she's either left or that's just not coming because it's raining outside it's been raining for like five days straight like I don't know how is how is everything not flooded by this point um I had a guy come by earlier to the postman before you get any ideas okay a postman a Post delivery guy but he came by with a bicycle well a bicycle buy a new bicycle I'm a bicycle girl now how cool is that and um I was standing on under the roof here at my Terrace and he was just like yelling from a fart like oh so you don't like the rain because I didn't walk up and meet him I'm like no no I'm sorry but like I know sorry that I can't help you I am not allowed to lift stuff anyways but I wouldn't I I wasn't gonna start that whole thing next or like listen I have a back injury I can't really help you anyway but like I just stood there like and waited felt a little bit like a little bit bad it was just like oh so you don't like the rain no not really not when it's been going on for five days to know you know you know in a row you know it's a bit much we actually got caught in it the other day because we went out for my brother my dad and I go for walks quite often and we went out um I think it was like two Monday it was Monday and we had what we basically call like a break in the sky in in Danish uh scoopal so like a sky break where it just starts to rain like absolutely nuts like it just goes a hammer you know crazy and we were caught in it and it was great um one of the dogs kept hiding under the trees which is fully understandable she was so cute but also she looked so miserable let's just understandable because it was a lot of rain so I'm just gonna stay indoors until it goes away again until the sun comes out to play again even though I never thought I'd utter those words because I don't like the sun either but I don't like the rain either it's all it's not it's it's very difficult in this household isn't it yeah anyway we are at the end of the video so I hope you like this build if you do you can download it off the gallery my ID is Evelyn YT and you can also find it under the hashtag Avalyn or Evelyn YT and as always the tray files can be found over on my patreon which will be linked to in the description box down below as well as in the pinned comment where you can also find a link to my booktube channel so if you like to read a lot and you like to watch videos or people talk about books and recommend books definitely go check it out but that is all I got for you guys today so I hope you all enjoyed it please like And subscribe and all that good stuff if you did and I will see you all in the next one bye oh baby love me like you did last night I wanna hold you till the morning [Music] [Music] [Music] to have found someone who is just as crazy as me or is it yours in my mind [Music] [Music] oh baby
Channel: Aveline
Views: 19,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aveline sims, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 family house, sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build, sims 4 build, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 family house, the sims 4 house, the sims 4 build, aveline, sims 4 save file, the sims 4 gallery, sims gallery, retro family home, mid century modern family home, mid century modern, one storey family home
Id: s_jnKe89h0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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