Cozy Craftsman Family Home for 4 Sims 🀍 | The Sims 4 Speed Build

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foreign I'm Evelyn welcome back to the channel I hope you're all having an amazing day so I am still in my new apartment um we're building just in case you didn't watch the last video I have moved which is why the sound might be a little bit different also my computer is currently standing on my desk so if that's causing any issues for you let me know like if you can hear a constant computer working in the background or something let me know and I'll have a look at it although I kind of really like that it's on my desk because it's currently covering my screens a little bit from the window outside so like you can't actually I don't know how to explain this but the setup is to like you can't see through the window and see what I'm working on and I prefer it that way I just I don't like people seeing what I'm working on while I'm working on it um it's different on like a stream or showing you guys a video but like like say that I'm just like sitting here chilling while building or something I don't like people looking over my shoulder at what I'm doing I just I've never enjoyed that and also when I'm editing blocks for example I just prefer people not seeing me editing I don't I don't know what it is I just don't like it so my computer is currently kind of like standing as a bit of like a wall between the window and my monitor so you can't actually see my monitors if you walk past outside so I hope it's not costing any like sound issues or something let me know though um just give it to me straight it's fine but also the echo in here might be a little bit different this room is slightly bigger than my last office also my bedroom is slightly bigger the other room in this apartment is slightly bigger than my old bedroom but then I have like a smaller I'll do not a tour but you can see it in some blocks that I've put I've been losing my voice great good timing I think I just realized that I haven't really talked much today um but you can see the new apartment and some Vlogs that are going up on the other channel so like my booktube channel um so if you want to check it out at some point feel free to head on over there there's a link to the booktube channel in the pinned comment but it's it's pretty cozy here just having some internet issues because I still don't have internet over here so what I've been doing is using my phone as a hotspot but that is not really it doesn't work with like um uploading because my upload speed with my phone is like three megabit per second or something um it and no it doesn't work it would end up taking like two to three hours to upload just the Sims build and the Vlogs for the other channel are the files are much much bigger so I was supposed to have gone internet yesterday and it didn't it didn't happen so today when I will go I was like hopefully I'll have internet today hopefully they're not just like hopefully they're just asleep you know activating it but no still no internet so I had to call them and now there's a whole lot of other issues like I've already paid for my internet how do I not have internet it doesn't make any sense so yeah we'll see I'm just a little bit stressed out over it because I like I'd plan to upload this video uh Sunday actually but then realized that I was going to get internet yesterday so I pushed it just to see that I didn't get internet yesterday and so I was like okay well I guess I'll wait until tomorrow so I can upload it here in my apartment because it's just a little bit easier than having to drive back and forth between my apartment and my mom's apartment because currently I'm uploading videos through her internet but it requires me to be in her apartment with my laptop and my hard drive and everything um but unfortunately still no internet today so I gotta do what I gotta do I'm driving to my mom's to upload this and after I'm done doing the voiceover and editing it I'm gonna drive there hopefully they have some food none of them are home like neither my mom or my brother are home at the moment so I'll be alone in the apartment I'm gonna eat their entire fridge that's what I'm gonna do it's fine I got permission like I'm not doing it's it's not I'm not rude I'm not rude or anything still got permission after all I am her daughter so everything that she buys for her fridge I can have she even has like ice cream and stuff in her freezer that I know for a fact that I have permission to eat so I might attack those as well while I'm hanging out there just slowly uploading my videos um but yeah that's causing a little bit of stress at the moment because it's causing me to actually my key lights are not activating I can't turn them on and that means I can't really record anything with camera in my office which is I had plans for this channel when I came back like everything set up and stuff I had plans I wanted to do FaceCam for uh speed boats and stuff but unfortunately we're gonna have to push that a little bit it'll be happening though I just we're gonna have to push it a little bit it's just it's just not happening right now but soon soon as soon as my internet issues are are covered fixed we're going into that you know or we're gonna start doing that I don't I can't English today it's fine um but yeah none of that today though not today I like I really want to I'm sitting here with makeup on and stuff but I can't my key lights don't want to start until they've uh connected to Wi-Fi and I don't have any Wi-Fi so unfortunately it's just not it's just not happening right now and um it's causing me some issues for the other channel as well which is super annoying but we gotta do what we gotta do it's like we're still I thought I was done moving but I feel like I'm kind of still in the moving face like I'm not completely settled yet because of the internet thing so it's just kind of bothering me in that way but anyway now we're like six minutes into the video and I've only talked about the moving situation I know that some of you guys appreciate those updates anyway so those were for you but as for this house for building today it's for it's a Craftsman house it's built in Willow Creek only because I want it you could have built this in or I could have built this in San Sequoia as well that's kind of where Craftsman houses go nowadays but I wanted a longer lot instead of a wide one because I wanted the backyard to be behind the house instead of next to the house that I feel like or I know that a lot of the Lots in San Sequoia are wide they have a lot of nice like uh different sizes there when it comes to Lots but they're just wide instead of long so or deep I don't know what you would call that I call them wide and long I don't know if that makes any sense like if there's any logic to it but that's just what I'm gonna go with that's what I've been doing for the past many years so it's habit by now can't break it but I just I needed a long thought so we're building it in Willow Creek instead it's on a 30 by 20 and we have room for two parents and one kid and also a teen the teen has the room that it's kind of like sort of in the Attic but not really it's not under the roof either because it is a proper room up there it's just under the roof still in some way I don't know how to explain this these curtains piss me off like I don't I'm sorry I've had to place down those curtains like four times I don't even know I made the mistake that I built the shell and then I started doing the floor plan and then I started to decorate before actually doing anything on the exterior so no wallpaper no flooring no terrain paint or anything I just went straight to decorating the interior which causes some issues for some of the like looser placed items inside the house some clutter pieces tend to go missing some curtains tend to go missing and then I have to I still have this like shutting down bug where now it also applies to the Book Nook kid stuff these bookcases right here some of them just appear when we shut down the game and they go where they don't disappear they end up in your Sims household inventory which especially they're still there but it's just kind of like I can't remember how I placed down the Clutter exactly so I have to replace it all you know it's it's kind of annoying um so the same bug or glitch whatever you want to call it it's also happening with the dream home decorator the modular items especially the actually I think it's only the shelves it's like none of the kitchen stuff or the living room stuff or anything I think it's just the shelves but for some reason the curtains also disappeared when I shut down the game so I had to replace those while I was taking screenshots of the house I can't remember if I managed a couple before I actually noticed that the curtains were gone but it happened so I just want to just want to let you guys know those curtains super annoying but feel free to change them swap them out with something else if it keeps happening when you're playing the game I actually don't know if you if you play one of the houses with either Book Nook kid used or dream home decorator does this do the shelves also disappear when you close down the game or is it just like a building thing because technically I can't see why it wouldn't disappear that's what I mean like why wouldn't disappear if you're just playing like it's still I don't know how to phrase this but hopefully you get what I mean like do they still disappear isn't that super annoying because it's super annoying when you're building like when you um I tend to build and then I shut down the game and I do screenshots on the same day that I do voiceovers because I tend to finish a little bit late and I don't like doing voiceovers very late I have like a very short window during the day where I like to do voiceovers it's between 2 p.m and 5 p.m if I if I finish after 5 PM I don't like to do the voiceover I I'll tell myself I'll do the voiceover the next day I don't know what it is I just prefer doing voiceovers in that window so sometimes it gets a little bit later than that but like no later than 7 P.M I mean there are exceptions because sometimes I've done a couple of am as well never before 12. um past midnight you know back kind of am but I prefer between 2 p.m and 5 p.m so um I just feel like that's where my brain is working the best at communicating my my thoughts even though it's never really up to par it's like it's never really good is it I kind of think I have to change some of my habits here as well because um my neighbors I live in an older but not an old building but like an older building than the other apartment that I lived in before so it's a little bit less soundproof than my old place was and my upstairs neighbor listens to radio in the morning very loudly and we're talking like only she started two times but like two days out of how many days have I slept here now ten two days out of ten so I feel like this night turned into a habit and now we're talking new neighbor Behavior I remember when I moved into my old apartment the amount of times I've complained about my then neighbors the three young people that were partying three times a week oh my God I can't so this is not really party friendly interior you can't really throw parties here um you can in the yard but you have to be quiet after 11 otherwise they're gonna get trouble so you know don't do that um but it's fine as well like if they wanna I don't work that late anyway so if they wanna you know sit out there and play a little bit of music from eight until eleven I do not follow them for that it sounds cozy I wish I was a part of it but no I I make houses in in The Sims instead so um but the whole like playing party music early in the morning through the radio I'm just not there mentally when she starts the radio like I'm not I'm just lying in my bed like really are we in that mood right now I don't get it I don't get it so I think I'm gonna have to change my habits a little bit maybe move my voice over window a little bit earlier you know so we're gonna figure something out and also I live very very very close to a gym now so I'm gonna have to find I literally have no excuse at this point like I live so close to a gym it's so stupid if I don't go work out I literally no no excuse would not know I could not cover my butt with any kind of excuse I live that close to a gym so I'm gonna have to um but I also like working out when I get in the habit of working out so I'm gonna have to start like making a program and then figuring out when I can go in my day in my day to day like when does it fit and stuff um so I'm just a little bit excited to change up my day-to-day plans just a little bit I feel like it's time to just you know when you just you just need like a change of pace or something that's me I need a change of pace or something people are walking by my window please ignore me talking to the camera or there's no camera talking to the microphone waving my arms around like I always do anyway I don't think they're watch like not watching through the window that sounds super creepy I don't think they're looking through the window that sounds less creepy for some reason I don't really know why it feels like watching is like a thing you constantly do whereas looking is something you quickly do do you get what I mean so watching is super creepy but looking is just like an accident I don't it probably doesn't make any sense but that's just my brain it's it's the way that it works in my brain so anyway we're almost done with the interior I'm sorry for talking through that whole thing but apparently I have I have thoughts to share you're welcome for this completely useless thoughts but um I hope I entertained you so we're decorating the teens room as you can see it's kind of like under the roof but not entirely on under the roof because like um there's still there's still a proper room up here it doesn't cause any issues with um like frost or that's not what it's called snow well I suppose Frost as well that's just temperature it doesn't cost an issues like that because it is a proper room but it's just I've split up the roof so I think I might have covered this in a in a tutorial at some point how to do these kinds of rooms but I'm not entirely sure that I did if I did it's in the A-frame tutorial I think no or no maybe not the A-frame well yeah yeah that one the A-frame tutorial it's the same kind of concept you just split up the roof and then make sure you have a room inside so like when you remove or not remove the walls but like um you know you have three different wall settings when they're on the middle one the the roof won't actually cover up the entire room so you can still you can still play with the middle setting the middle wall setting that's how I use to like to play um I don't like when the walls are completely down because because you can see through the entire house I don't know it just confused me for some reason I don't know but um I would usually use the middle setting so I feel like this kind of attic room the way that I've built it works best with that setting that specific setting hopefully you get what I mean so you know like you have the walls completely down walls completely up and then you have the middle one where they're like down in the front and then the back wall is still up that's the setting I'm talking about so anyway I'm pretty sure that it's the same kind of uh to go or method not to go I don't know where I was going with that but method of making um as making an A-frame house the same kind of method you just apply it to the second level of the house the second floor so anyway we are making the house I'm actually glad that I didn't do a color scheme before doing the interior because I usually like to match the exteriors with the interior it doesn't completely match today but it does a little bit I think if I started doing the exterior color scheme first it would have turned into something like green or something and I actually like how the interior is very cozy these like warmer Browns a little bit although I did try to go for this very very saturated warm warm Brown and I just couldn't find a floor that fit that's why I changed the Colors theme earlier in the interior because it just wasn't it I don't know I used to use that color all the time and I can't make it work I don't know I'm gonna have to try again but glad that I changed it for this house because I feel like the color scheme that we ended up going with for the interior actually worked out pretty well as for everything else as for the uh the foliage final I did not update my build by Tool just want to say in the last video that I did I mentioned that it didn't work and I couldn't find vehicles for example for some reason I did not update my build by Tool like I did not do anything I just opened my game and it started working again I don't I don't know I don't know like I have no idea but I just started working again so we're back to using debug items for landscaping because I just like I like that these are a little bit darker green for example they're a little bit more foresty I like that they're not like super flowery for example and they're just I like to start the green for landscaping so I tend to I tend to use the debug items a lot more than the actual the actual game items I don't know how you you know what I mean um and also I I gave them a car because the course I had to you know I just I was struggling finding a car for the last build I kind of had to work wait I did take it out and then I put it back in because I did that what I took because I I took out better I took out better build pie it's a lot of bees just want to say very hard to say um I took out better build by when I took the thumbnail screenshot for the last video because I couldn't find Vehicles anymore they were gone I know how to find vehicles in my game by the way but they were gone like they were just gone so I took out the mod and then I put it back in after I was done taking thumbnail screenshots because I had the car now did that fix it that's weird that doesn't make any sense like this that makes no sense the mod is still the same mod I don't know what happened it's a mystery like it's still the same version as the other one so I don't know unless I've somehow managed to get my hands on another version of it without noticing that would be super weird but you never know you never know anyway um so yeah I gave them a car because they deserved one and it was cute I spotted the Swatch when I did the last build and I kind of wanted to use it for something so I went with it there's a third one as well I think it's it's a red or yellow it might be yellow with like a stripe on it or something it's super cute still I kind of want to use that for something as well but I don't know I feel like I kind of see like a teacher kind of type when I look at that car like a teacher who wears glasses and kind of like old-fashioned clothes a little bit that's what it reminds me of and I have no idea why so anyway for the backyard kind of had a little bit of fun with it later on it turned out pretty simple to start out with so I can't remember exactly how I came across them but I found these rows of light rope that sure were um they were not easy to use um they were kind of clipping with everything and also they were a little bit lower on one side than the other so what I had to do instead of using a half wall I ended up using oh yeah I also closed off this area with uh wall dividers but I ended up using a different fence so you'll see in a little bit I pull out these wall chain I hope I or light ropes I hope I did that on km it would have been awkward or it would be awkward if I did it off cam but I don't think I did it off cam but they end up having these like super cute light ropes hanging over the dining area they don't work if you turn off the light or you just go to night mode they don't actually light up anything but they look nice if you don't like the look of them though feel free to delete them it's super easy you just delete them separately like just click on the Bob bulldoze tool but the the hammer tool yes and then delete them and then you can change the fence that I add later on because otherwise I got annoyed with these like poles they just look dumb so I changed the fence and you can change the fence to the back if you don't like them that's completely finals because I know they don't disappear when you go into live mode so just a little bit of uh of a tip if you will um that's that's what I would do if I didn't like them but I thought they look cute for for the setup here so I just kind of have to test them out but anyway we are nearing the end of the video though so I'm gonna wrap up this voiceover now but if you guys like this build you can download it off the gallery my ID is Evelyn YT and you can also find it on the hashtag Avalyn or Evelyn YT and as always you can find the tray files over on my patreon which will be linked to in the description box down below as well as in the PIN to comment where as I mentioned earlier you can also find a link to my booktube channel so if you like to read definitely go check it out but that is all I got for yesterday so hope you all enjoyed it please like And subscribe but all that good stuff if you did and I will see you all in the next one bye [Music] is in the air like a drum sniff s are bursting Pew tea for green it's like a love scene with waves are flirting seasons change [Music] maybe it's just me and mine we're Thunders had its way when kindness is portrayed as blind and glitter to the race [Music] strong a piano playing wind chimes swaying I'm longing for Summer Nights [Music] by the ocean High emotion licks covered in mosquito bites oh seasons change [Music] maybe it's just me and mine where Thunder has had its ways
Channel: Aveline
Views: 8,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aveline sims, sims 4 speed build, sims 4 family house, sims 4 house building, the sims 4 speed build, sims 4 build, the sims 4 house building, the sims 4 family house, the sims 4 house, the sims 4 build, aveline, sims 4 save file, the sims 4 gallery, sims gallery, retro family home, mid century modern family home, mid century modern, one storey family home
Id: A0WAzp3ssa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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