FRIENDS REUNION (Especial do James Burrows) - Legendado PT-BR

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here's Andy : the 10 years America tuned in to watch six very attractive singles navigate relationships and life in New York City Rachel Ross Chandler Monica Phoebe and Joey were not only friends with each other we all wanted to be friends with them and if this next clip package we're in an episode of the show it would be called the one where we watch our favorite moments from friends to be single okay I just I just I just want to be married again and I just want a million dollars if I were omnipotent for a day I would want um world peace no more hunger and bigger boobs hey do it what would you do if you were omnipotent let me kill myself I'm nipa tenth you are I'm girl ate Monica shut up the camera adds 10 pounds so how many cameras are actually on you give me back my sweater or a tan bag marinara my best friend and my sister I cannot believe this we're not just messing around I love her sorry but it's true I love him too my best friend I can't believe I even thought I'm getting back together with you we are so over Oh fine by me just so you know it's not that common it doesn't happen to every guy and it is a big deal I'm telling you that girl totally with you ladies and gentlemen Matthew Perry hello everyone I wish I could be there tonight celebrating the incredible career of Jimmy burrows with you but I'm in London doing my play the end of longing and now please welcome to the stage my friends who just happen to be the cast of friends Courtney Cox David Schwimmer Lisa Kudrow matt LeBlanc and Jennifer Ann's is smooth I just want to speak on behalf of America and say we all love seeing you together and it's very cool seeing you together we would do anything for Jim Burroughs because he really gave us the opportunity of a lifetime and probably the best ten years of our acting careers that we will forever remember and we experience friendship family heartbreak babies everything together and we also sort of had a wonderful experience with the world loving us as well they connected to them we're right in the right in the right in the very beginning he really encouraged us all to sort of get along and get to know one another and be kind to one another and support one another and watch one another and help one another and play poker and play but you play his room he gave us his dressing room cuz it was big and it should have been that's you know fine but and they wrote an episode about it actually all right Cincinnati no blinds everybody in yes or no all right your money's mine green your fly is open Geller we all who are fans of the show we love that you all are friends in real life talk to me about the bond that you all have as a result of the show well I have to say it at the beginning it was not a hard thing we really just wanted to hang out with each other we it was not a we have to do this we really just fell in love and adore to each other instantly and would hang out in each other's houses and you know watch the show together and we did at the beginning we watched you did you watch the other at the beginning yeah the first year yeah we would all sort of like watch each other's like scenes that like scenes you weren't in you would watch and kind of like sit and kind of go try to think of ideas for one another go what if it you know it's rude everybody was real supportive of who gave each other notes yeah oh no or suggestions not like hey that's great but that was also because Courtney started off saying I'm listen y'all I was on Seinfeld and they all help each other so just let's help each other you you talk about being encouraged to bond I have to ask you about a rumour that went around did you all sign contracts saying that you wouldn't sleep with each other hold that thought we'll be right back cast of friends so guys is it true did you all sign contracts saying that you wouldn't sleep with each other there's so many hours of it up I was not asked to sign anything like you're not asking me who had the best chemistry of the group I mean you all had such great chemistry as they all had the best chemistry together except for the three girls we had lunch together every single day well the three guys ate together - yeah you did and we ate the same food what it's Jennifer salad Oh Jen the second what was it it I tossed anything no no but she has a way with with it did you all audition for the roles that you wound up getting I was called asked to play I'll just Romana qey yes and I her Rachel and I think we both just thought the other was better for the other part but I auditioned I had to come in and audition for Jimmy and I just like did you i'm remember meeting with Jimmy before that's not auditioning did you me you had to audition for July edition but not audition but I did okay so thank you Matt do you have a favorite Joey moment from the show I have a remember the episode where the boys went to a ranger game and Ross was hit in the face with the puck and we're sitting in the emergency room and Joey of course has the puck because he gained somehow got it and Schwimmer's got the bandage on his face and Jimmy goes hey LeBlanc and I look up and he goes and I and it was it's just that little sort of seed that he gives you that's the thing about him he doesn't say a lot he just kind of knows he gives you credit for being an artist and he and I kind of went oh okay so it became this issue and I'd been then I look at David and he's pissed off and that was the downbeat for the scene and it was and it was great but it was it was his idea thanks Jimmy forgot about that episode yeah it was great so let me tell you little more about it Courtney do you have a favorite episode one of my favorites was The Blackout episode I loved that I loved the cat hunger bag Jimmy said just keep going with a cat on my back you just just keep doing it keep doing it until I yell cut I mean and I'm just never better you just never believed Jennifer the episode where rachel gets drunk and marries Ross yes amazing yes one of your favorites this is it we're gonna get married are you sure you want to do this hello mrs. okay no that was really that was actually a very fun episode but I always loved it up the flashbacks I always loved when we would have think like flashback to VAT Monica and Rachel pre nose job and Ross with his afro dad turn it off with the red light does it ever explain to how you afforded the apartment I know this is something that's yeah oh well thank God how did I miss that control hello clan control night control David you you went on to direct a few episodes of friends did you ask him for advice who Jimmy yeah no I mean look I mean I I asked him if I asked him if I could watch him and follow him and he graciously took me under his wings and I tried to join you watch him it's amazing to watch as you just learned so much but he also by the way I mean we all knew who James burrows was and really I felt like we were stab brand new show and you know there had been taxi and Cheers and he went around and told us like you were married for Mary Tyler Moore you're the hub you're Reverend Jim like I'm okay great Wow oh my god she's right she's right I remember him saying to me goes your Danza I was like okay he said your Danza yeah that's great tell me what Jim burrows legacy as a sitcom director is I'm a look at the room look at the road here's his legacy I mean there's there's nothing that I don't think anyone in this room wouldn't do for him you know and I think he taught us everything that we we know about comedy timing support collaboration you all right we thank you he's our papa thank you all so much really appreciate coming
Channel: Daniel Silva
Views: 12,188,629
Rating: 4.9199457 out of 5
Keywords: friends reunion, james burrows, jim burrows, chandler, monica, ross, phoebe, rachel, Friends, event, special, legendado, pt-BR
Id: oUiphkwsDkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2016
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