Fried Squash - The Easy Way - 100 Year Old Recipe - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're going to be frying up some summer squash net summer squash is a really simple thing to fry it doesn't take very long and it's one of those old-fashioned foods that will really bring back memories and this is something that if you're looking for something different and dinner maybe something that you have had in a long time or maybe you've never had this is a really simple recipe basically all you need is squash some cornmeal some salt and some pepper and I like a little sugar in mine and my granny and my mom and all my aunts they always put a little sugar in it if you don't like it leave it out but I use a couple of teaspoons for every quarter cup of cornmeal that I use so all you do is you slice your squash up and I like mine kind of thin you do want to cut both ends off of it and I usually could about a squash per person you don't want to make more of this than what you need because it is best served hot it doesn't make particularly tasty leftovers so I just fried however much we're gonna eat at a time you want well I like mine sliced kind of thin you could slice your sticker if you wanted to thicker of course there would be less braiding and it would be a little healthier because less breading but you do it however you want I also like mine thinner because it comes out crisper that way and what I do is about two tablespoons of whole milk for each squash I find that that's plenty and our to squash which is what I have here you would need a quarter of a cup if you don't want to count out the four tablespoons that's a quarter cup of cornmeal right there and you can use cornmeal mix if that's what you've got because the baking soda is not going to hurt it any but her baking powder I don't gentleman kidding me baking powder anything in this when I'm fried and squash and the salt in the paper is just to taste I'd probably use at least a quarter of a teaspoon of salt than this much but you do every much you like and you can add other spices if you want to now I've seen people doing all kinds of crazy stuff to squash you don't have to do that you do want to mix this up before you put your squash in it and one of these handy gadgets right here works great and there's no mess to clean up when you're done of course if you were making a whole lot of squash you want a gallon bag but I people like I said they do all kind of like crazy stuff too fried squash they'll do recipes that have three four or five steps where they're dipping it in different things and you'd have to use half the dishes in your kitchen vegetables like squash and okra and stuff like that they have this for lack of a better word and naturally sticky SAP so you don't really need to put it in anything other than what you're coating it in just your bread and you don't have to make a batter and dip it first to dip it in egg or cornmeal or anything like our eager buttermilk or anything like that now you can you can do all those steps but it really is not necessary you get because of that SAP that's in the squash you get a really nice batter on them they come out really crunchy just put them in a bag and toss them in cornmeal with a few spices now here's your tip of the day and I put a little blurb in the Johnny cakes that I made in the last video but if you let them sit for about 15 minutes they fry it much prettier and they're not as crumbly they don't break apart around the edges when you're making something like this you want to let it sit for at least 15 minutes and I can't it's hard to let stuff sit for 15 minutes when I'm videoing it because that 15 minutes with the four cameras is like 16 gigabytes of data that the computer has to process it sort through an editing so I really can't do that when I'm filming but if you like this sit for 15 minutes all that cornmeal and all the salt and all the paper and all that sugar is gonna stick to it and it's gonna make a really thick and braiding element which is gonna make it fried really nice so what I did is I've already got some sitting over here waiting on us now you also have to have enough oil to fry these in and I've got about a quarter cup or I mean a quarter major oil in my pan one squash will fit in a pan you do want to cook them in a single layer and I've already got my pan on medium so it's hot and you can see here what happens to these in 15 minutes that's sad when I said for lack of a better word has come out of the squash and it's soaked all of my batteries or all of my braids that I had in my bag and I had the same amount in there as I have in here so once you go in it sit for 15 minutes very carefully place them in a single layer in your skillet and you do want to cook these in a single layer and you cook them for Oh three or four minutes on each side summer squash is already really tender so you're not trying to make it tinder or anything like that you just are trying to crisp it you can see these three here stick together so there's not any breading and all on that side I'm not going to frown like that I'm going to put them in with this give it another shake you do want to make sure that you shake it enough to separate them and get some reading in between them when you're done that's all the mess you've had you don't have bowls full of batter and dried egg and stuff dripped all over the kitchen I dripped a little cornmeal with that a lot but pretty easy and you can toss that away and wash your skillet and you're going clean it that's my kind of recipe right there but anyway we're just going to let these sit here and cook and I do have them on medium heat that's about where you want them and that's about where you'll keep them the whole time if you were using an iron skillet you might have to turn it down just a little bit these are almost ready to turn you can see they kind of start floating just a little bit even if you're cooking them in a skillet these can also be deep-fried if you would like and they deep-fry pretty easy I just always use a skillet but when they start to puff up a little bit and float a little bit they're getting close to being done enough to slip over ok just flip them over kind of easy when you're ready to flip them these are one of the very few foods that I would eat when I was a kid I was a super picky eater and I don't know how in the world I survived because I was a picky eater in the time when you ate what there was to eat or you went hungry and people pitting mothers aunts grandmothers they really didn't have time to cook a separate bill for each picky child so like I said I don't know how in the world I survived but this was one of the foods that I would eat and if you have a little kid he was a picky eater they might like this because it does come out so crispy and little kids who are picky eaters usually like crispy foods and if they if they're super super picky you can always add a little more sugar to it even though they're getting a little sugar in it they're not getting as much sugar as they would get like in box cereal or something and they are getting some fresh vegetables so add another teaspoon of sugar in there and give them to your picky toddlers when I'm trying little kids also like them because they're small you know when they can hold them so if you've got something that's crispy and small sometimes you can get those little kids to eat it these make a good side dish like I said with any dinner I mean they would literally go with anything just a little something extra with dinner there are also good appetizers or sometimes I'll even make them for a snack because it doesn't make that big of a mess you're not mixing stuff up and Bowl after Bowl after Bowl after Bowl and you can pick a healthier oil the Fryman like the grape seed oil which I've talked about a lot on here you could even fry these in coconut oil if you wanted to I think that would be good on them so you know that's some options and again it's something for those picky eaters who are living off potato chips okay and I say it sighs it's starting to get brown now and you can just lift them up a little bit and kind of look and see and if you flip them over and they're not as brown as you want them you can always flip them over more than once because there's pretty much submerged in the oil just be careful not to rip your brain off and I don't really like to drain these on paper towels because the paper towels can stick to them if you have a little rack that you can sit them on that works best and so you do want to serve them as quickly as you possibly can because they're certainly better hot than cold I wouldn't eat them right out of the pan because they're very very hot where they've been down in that grease if you're going to be giving these to a little kid definitely break them in half or break a couple of them in half and check the center and make sure that there's cooled down because that hot breeze can get in there and cause some really bad burns but you just keep putting them in your frying pan in a single layer until you get them all cooked and we'll keep repeating that process until they're all done okay you can see there how crispy and how Brown these are they have very hot grease on them right now they're way too hot to eat just quick out of the pan but they have a really really nice crunch and they will stay hot long enough we get fry a couple of pans but that is something you might want to keep in mind you're only going to be able to get out three pans before they start getting to that point where they get too cold and they're not really really good to eat but if you're gonna cook them for a whole lot of people you can turn your oven on about 200 degrees leave them on the rag stick them in your oven and that will keep them warm till you're ready to serve them because you really don't want like I said reheat them and you don't want to serve them cold so if you want something a little bit different for a snack maybe something different to serve for an appetizer if you're having to get together are you looking for something special for dinner that is that you have had for a long time or you never had give this recipe a try it is really really easy and it is really really good advice if it's one of the few things I would eat is a very picky child so I really appreciate you joining this don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave so you don't miss any of our videos and here in the make sweet persona we're going to be uploading some old-fashioned apple butter and show you how to make that start all the way to canning process and we've got some really good giveaways coming up til next time remember put God first [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 578,331
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Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, bret and becky, squash, fried squash, fried squash recipe, how to make fried squash, fried food, recipe, gluten free, egg free, dairy free, vegan, vegetarian, frying, how to cook squash, how to cook, learn to cook, cornmeal recipe, easy recipe, 100 year old recipe, fried vegetables, vegan recipe, vegetarian recipe, home cooking, hands that cook, phillis stokes, Zucchini, sauteed, sauteed squash, sauteed zucchini, garden recipe, zucchini recipe, easyrecipe
Id: 1msZm-lKX-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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