Southern Squash Casserole | Yellow Squash Casserole Recipe

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[Music] power with accompaniments and I have the great accompaniment for your Thanksgiving meal today this one is a family favorite every year I ask my kids and I don't know why I know the answers but I ask them anyway what is something that I just have to have on the Thanksgiving table that makes it feel like Thanksgiving for you it was one of my favorites as a kid too but this one is my family's recipe for squash casserole I do it just a tad bit different because I mean I'm new school too so I added on my own little Flair to it it's got bacon and it's creamy and cheesy and delicious I think you're gonna like it and if you do go ahead and like this video and keep them coming let's get into it here is everything we need to get started the ingredients and measurements will be listed in the description box here I have two tablespoons of butter I'm just gonna let this get melted make sure my pan is nice and hot and then I'm going to add in about two medium sized onions that I've diced here I'm just going to let this go for a few minutes just until it gets nice and soft I just want to make sure that this is translucent and that there are no kind of bite in it just make sure it's like I said very soft before we get it into the casserole as I'm sweating this down I want to go ahead and season it because I like to season my foods and casseroles especially in layers to make sure that all of the flavors come together so this is going to cook down a little bit more and then from here I'm going to go ahead and take out The Onion just so I can cook the squash in the same pan okay so get rid of all of this but I am doing this with a slotted spoon so I can kind of leave a little bit of butter in it foreign wasn't much butter left so I'm adding a little bit more hey little butter won't hurt and then I'm gonna add about half of the yellow squash that I got here and all I ended up having about four pounds but I'm cooking this in layers because I don't want to crowd My Pan and make it mushy but also not let it cook at the same time if that makes sense if I have too much in my pan either it's all going to get mushy or it's not going to get cooked all the way so like I said about half of it here salted again like I said because I like to season it in layers and then again I am going to let this cook down now I do want to cook this down until it's soft but I don't want it to be too watery okay so we gotta watch it now you saw add some pepper and then I'm just going to keep tossing this around so that the bottom bits can get over to the top and this is about how I like it as you can see it's soft without being too mushy the Integrity of it is still together it's not coming apart this is important for this casserole because mushy squash just does not taste good in the casserole so I'm gonna go ahead and pull this out and then I got the other batch going in there while I'm chopping up my bacon this is a few pieces here I like to do them you can actually go smaller than this on the dice but this is about the size that I like where every Spoonful gets several pieces of bacon and then I'm gonna Reserve this for the top now back I'm going to add all of this together to go into the squash casserole now you see I got a sleeve and a half of crackers I bought a whole package of crackers guys but I got six kids and they ate it so this is what I got left but I crushed those up got that going in the pan and then I am going to add those onions that we sweat down earlier I added half here but you'll see that I added the rest of them later so giving this a toss and like I said it's important that we season this up good and mix it up good okay now got that mixed a little bit I am adding in here some American cheese now this is important also for this recipe because inside of the squash casserole I want it to be creamy I don't really want that cheese pulled that cheddar cheese leaves but you definitely can add whatever you want now I'm going to add in some sour cream that is going to help it to be nice soft and creamy so now I'm going to mix all of those ingredients in really really well here a couple turns around the pan and this is a lot of squash so it might take some time now I told y'all I'm one of those people who like to taste it so at this point I do have to taste it for seasonings and it ended up needing a little bit more salt which I added in some more Pepper too of course like I said we like to see our pepper in our food here so keep going now since I've tasted and adjusted my seasonings now I can go ahead and add back that onion remember I mentioned earlier I ended up using all of it and also want to add the sour cream in this is going to cool down the squash which will help if you can see the egg they're not curdled so that's an important step you don't want to add your egg into the hot food so I scrambled it up a little bit you got the egg in to add it in here I did two eggs for this size and you can always cut this recipe in half remember I have six kids I feed a family of eight so most of my recipes are according but like I said you can scale this down and it would be just as delicious but as you can see here it is creamy and this is the consistency that we want to get into the pan so I have a 9 by 13 buttered dish here I'm gonna go ahead and get this all in and then smooth it out on the top [Music] just like that it's looking good already my goodness push it over to the edges and then we're gonna get ready to get this in the oven but the last step here is to go ahead and put cheese on top now here is the cheddar cheese this is the part that I want that cheddar cheese pool not inside of the casserole so I'll sprinkle that and then that bacon that we chopped up earlier that will go on top too so it's really no Rhyme or Reason or no patterns or anything how we got this on here we're just going to kind of lay it on top I just find any open space and put it in some of the pieces were kind of thin so I ended up folding them over but it's all a preference and now we're going to get this in the oven and cook it until it is nice and crispy on top the cheese is a little crispy the bacon is crispy and oh my goodness can you see it bubbling at the edges take my word for it this one is so good but you don't have to go home and try the recipe for yourself and then comment and let me know how you like it
Channel: Accompaniments
Views: 47,051
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Id: fBgwmNfj93g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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