Sausage, Egg and Cheese Burrito on the Blackstone Griddle

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hey what's up everybody hungry huh see here and it's a beautiful morning in North Carolina a little brisk you see a little bit of my breath man beautiful morning it's a little cool today but I thought let's get a little breakfast going okay a little breakfast for a family so what we're gonna do is what I'm gonna do I want to do something for myself and I'm gonna cook something for the family what I'm cooking for myself family don't quite care for okay so I want to do some sausage eggs and cheese something out in the woods I want to do some sausage eggs and cheese for them inside but I want to make mine into a burrito I'm gonna do a sausage egg cheese and hash browns in my burrito it's gonna be some good groceries now let me tell you so I can't wait to get to it what I want to do first is I'm going to get into the ingredients first and then we're gonna get cooking on this thing all right so y'all come back we're gonna do a breakfast burrito on the blackstone griddle all right let's get to the ingredients all right so our ingredients are we got our large burritos we got our nice e sausage I got 6 eggs in there got a little milk I put milk in my eggs okay if you don't want milk in your eggs don't put milk in your eggs okay do whatever you like I got a little bit of mushrooms some red red peppers some green onions and just some just a regular Vidalia onion so we got Vidalia onions now coming up from Vidalia Georgia cheese got a fiesta blend of cheese and then a Colby Monterey Jack cause y'all know I like Colby he's my boy and I got a little salt little pepper got a little salsa and this stuff right here I'm digging this a lot more than then sour cream lately it's it's the bomb and this right here there's a little bit of homemade hot sauce I'm a boy Jeremiah sent me Thank You Jeremiah M I'm going to just put you on there so yeah a little salsa in the background there okay little salsa and that's it oh I forgot the old Mike Lowrey put something up Mike Lowery's on them hash browns I forgot the hash browns and butter these aren't my hash browns I've been using these are just frozen hash browns I'm actually out of the dehydrated kind but I took these these are frozen and I microwaved them and just got them there they're not cooked all the way through but it seems to help when you put them on the black stone so we're gonna get them all we'll put them in our breakfast burrito and it's gonna be good all right whoo-whee boys I don't know if y'all remember now I did a breakfast burrito not long ago but it was just it was just really the stomp a mudhole on somebody that was Josh okay I did it was huge it was big it's not something you want to do all the time we're just gonna do an everyday burrito today and it's gonna be good all right let's get to cooking so I'm gonna put down a little ol little and I got say what do I got here what all got where's my infrared I've had this on for a little bit so right here I got 300 degrees 300 degrees I got about 300 left or right I have it on low but I've been kind of this thing are here runs hot it runs a lot hotter than my og Blackstone's so I got a got a kind of temperature manage things a little bit differently so that's why I was saying everybody that says hey what's your knob setting it's not always a bunch of knobs it's about your temperature at the griddle okay so invest in one of these this one has a thermo works brand down below there's a link don't have to buy that buy whatever you like but that way you're not burning crap all right so we're gonna get our hash browns down first because that takes the longest okay so I crank this side up over here and we'll put the hash brown over here on the right and we're just gonna put them there so the idea of hash brown is to get them in a nice thin layer okay and you want to make sure you just don't touch them it's hard for me because I just want to poke at it I'm bad at it so I'm gonna do a little bit of salt go ahead and season them because they do require some a fair amount of season and we'll go ahead put some Michael our ease down to by the way whatever I mean that's something you got to do every time every time that you use Lowrey season you got to say Mike Larry's alright so and a little pat of butter on those hashbrowns oh they're just and then you also have Browns they need a lot of oil y'all so we're just gonna let those chill well let those chill okay next item on a nice the sausage it takes a little bit of time also okay you got raw sausage okay so we're just gonna do about a half pound okay and then we're just going to break that up also want to get our onions our peppers our vegetables kind of stuff get a little bit of a yep a little bit more ole and this right here is just our peppers I've danced the boat a vegetables' okay I'm gonna fry those up [Music] all right we'll salt pepper on those well love those those green onions have a very pungent smell little pepper okay I put them up here actually all right chop this up right this right here will work a little bit better oh yeah I got one of these units from paper chip and it's just a breakup meat does really good all right there we go now while that's going got our shells there for our burritos wanna scramble up these they've got six eggs I got six eggs a little bit of meal a little dash of milk like I said y'all don't do milk that's fine so there's gonna be somebody out there says oh good out here just do what you want my mom always did this all right little salt little pepper salt pepper all right so it's been about a minute or so and we're going on we're gonna flip our hash browns [Music] you're looking for a bid in pan layer thin layer a little bit of oil and a little bit of my clouds a little light Larry's on this side right here all right little Lowry's ok button hurt it's a little bit more oil just want to make sure it's it's nice and width okay you don't want a lot of oil you know all the swimming but uh yeah our vegetables are done okay I got a little girl got a little girl here making a little breakfast mayor bear all right so I think it's time all right black salt and keep your warm watch out it's a splattering a little bit so yeah it does alright we're ready for our sausage and eggs okay we're gonna take our eggs make sure nice and scrambling okay and then we're going to just we're gonna come in here just pour it like this yep and you want to make sure your top is a real hot mine mine it's kind of hot right now but this will cool it down a little bit alright just let it run let it run just don't that run to the back and be alright now we're gonna take our cheese I'll take our cheese and sprinkle it around okay come back here come back here come back here egg yeah so we're just going to sprinkle it with a good little amount of cheese oh yeah all righty I'm gonna do it just like that okay then so we're just going to flip it over like that flip it over like that flip it over like that flip it over like that flip it over like that flip it over like that that's just what we're going to do that's how that's how we do it it's kind of like a big omelet okay so yeah those are some hashbrowns over here yeah okay now we're gonna let this cook a little bit over here okay how's it still where we rolled it it's got this a little it can be a little raw so you want to cook it your mama likes to make sure she her eggs are nice and cooked okay in the meantime I'm gonna cut this burner on cut this burner on I'm going to get a tortilla soften for me yeah we'll put a little tortilla right there this is a yeah and what's going on yep it's gonna create a little steam yeah and what that what that does is it makes that tortilla nice and pliable so our tortilla is nice and pliable called we want to make sure we make sure that we we can fold it nicely in it okay all righty now we're gonna get the burrito down I'm going to add a little bit more cheese a mine let's just just the way I want to do it so I'm gonna come in here I'll put a little bit of this a little bit of this egg mixture okay we'll get a nice hearty amount of eggs okay I want to make sure want to make sure that you leave room on the on the sides yeah yeah a little bit of vegetables yeah we're gonna do more cheese gonna do more cheese all right so I forgot to hit the record button again so I just put my my eggs my vegetables some more cheese some hash browns on there that's what it looks like and now yep I want to put a little bit of like a little salsa in my burrito because yeah and I'm gonna take some of my buddies green I think it's got garlic probably jalapenos I'm gonna go ahead and hit it with this too all right now we got to try to fold this bad boy bring it in yeah bring it in and bring it bring it in like that and then we roll it okay now we're gonna put it on here and we're gonna take our press and we're gonna press it okay just like that what about doing this y'all about done see where we're at nice and crispy I just want to make sure you press it all right yep it's okay well look at that looky there looky there all right I'm gonna put that right there no pair right there and then let's call slice this bad boy look at that that's good yeah Blackstone's on off off off off now like a little bit of crema I didn't put any inside because I didn't want it to get get runny or nasty so let's kind of come here like that look at that love that so I'm gonna take a little bit more Jeremiah's hot sauce we'll put it right there don't give it a try oh man once right so the hash browns that's what I get first and then the creaminess of the eggs come through yeah those vegetables are so good to add a nice crunch yeah I forgot something huh forgot to cheer why what was I thinking what was I thinking silly boy you know Sam well y'all this breakfast burrito is fantastic hmm I love the hashbrowns I taste the Michael Larry it's good a hot sauce Jeremiah I love it man it's good stuff appreciate you sending that to me but uh y'all y'all try this breakfast burrito okay it's easy easy peasy put whatever you want inside of there doesn't matter this is just what I felt like today so do whatever you want doesn't matter to me just make it just make it you always make it awesome okay I'm sure you will cause everybody crushing it I get there I get all the messages and stuff and people so keep those things coming too I love them well y'all that's it for today I appreciate you I love you until next time folks hungry hussy is out
Channel: The Hungry Hussey
Views: 64,615
Rating: 4.9233894 out of 5
Keywords: The Hungry Hussey, Hungry Hussey, Blackstone Griddle, Outside Cooking, breakfast burrito, breakfast ideas, blackstone griddle breakfast, blackstone griddle recipes, outdoor cooking, breakfast recipes, breakfast burritos, blackstone griddle cooking, breakfast burrito recipe, sausauge and eggs, blackstone griddle breakfast burrito, eggs and sausage breakfast, blackstone recipes, breakfast burritos on the blackstone, sausage, eggs, cheese, breakfast
Id: icdp8HFCBtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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