Fridays Are For Fires!

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well it's a rainy morning so we're gonna have a fire today friday equals fire day so i'm gonna go down here and make a little spot in this big brush pile this is the one i cleaned up probably about two weeks ago and managed to accidentally delete all the videos and cleaning all this up so uh all we're going to have today is a video of burning it and it should burn extremely good all this stuff was cut back in i wanted to say like january or february of this year so it's had a good eight nine months to really dry out yeah i don't think it's gonna take much to get that going should make a nice fire though and i got a new camera so maybe people can hear me better i splurged and got a hero 9. [Music] since i'm not going to walk around with a microphone maybe it uh record some sound a little bit better all right well i'm going to get this fire started so i'm going to get this giant brush pile started with this one little paper bag two gallons of kool-aid that's all it's going to take guaranteed i'm going to start it right here in this spot right there it should uh flame up in between there so all right so the fire started going pretty good as you can tell it's not going to take long for it to really take off i'm going to pile up some of this stuff that's around it before the fire gets too big to be around it i expect this to get really hot pretty quickly if i don't put it out like i just almost did it'll catch back up and uh it'll get so hot that i don't need to be around it with the machine if you don't crack the windshield or something so should get back going pretty quickly and won't let it catch up for a minute and then throw the rest of that right there on there starting pretty good now go down here and throw the rest of that stuff up near the pile so i have room to dump on the load over there at the borrow kit some of those thumbs up and bring those up here to burn as well when i get over here the wind is blowing the ashes about right where i was sitting come over here and just scratch around a little bit supposed to make a little bit of a fire break not that it's going to go anywhere as well but they like to see a 10-foot ring around the pile so [Music] so i thought this stuff was the crap i dug out of that pond so it's got those little maple trees have a lot of root mass on them that held a lot of well it was mud at the time so i'll throw these over here at the side kind of let them dry off a little bit mix one in there every now and then pick through it and get the stuff that'll burn out and just get rid of the rest down over the embankment here [Music] [Music] that's about it i get a couple more little grapple pulls i'm gonna head down there and finish getting the pile cleaned up around and there's another couple grapple pools of good brush down there i need to grab the rest of this can just get kind of spread out over the ground here getting a little fire break to put in like that not that it's going to go anywhere but somebody does come out they like to see a little upper area around the pile plus that'll give me access to kind of come in here and push it up and i'll pop these little stumps up like that so i don't knock the track off out here twisting and turning around [Music] [Music] so by the time i get this stuff here cleaned up that fire should be raging [Music] easy [Music] [Music] all right well let me get this cleaned up and we'll go up there and stack the box all right i got my little i don't know to go get i don't know if you can see that but uh from the other side it's going to be pretty impressive looking this is literally as high as the 250 will reach the brush piled up got one more grapple full over here that they were supposed to get and hitting a little log there's just crap everywhere without digging up too much stuff can't even get any dirt without getting stuck whatever that stuff so bend the track pad on that a little bumpy so trying to get the bulk of the stuff out and this will do it right here all right we're gonna lay this oh you can probably there we go now it's burning now you can see it drive around to the front get on out of here i'll let it burn down then i'll haul that stumps and everything over here cool down enough i can get close enough to it stack it up the only reason i get this close because i'm on the back side away from the heat but it won't take long for that to come through it all right let's not get run over by logs go around to the front i'm going to say that that's burning pretty good it's a little toasty look at that good gracious that's pretty impressive okay that's a pretty good fire it's actually a little too hot to be standing right here so i'm gonna go move [Music] this kind of puts it into perspective a little bit better that tree right there is about i don't know 70 feet tall the flames like i don't know 20 feet from the top of it at least it's burning good no smoke fire's still burning that is probably one of the cleanest fires i've had in a long long time if only i had nine months to leave everything sitting before i could burn it just trying to get the big stuff hauled over there before it gets too wet just you know slip and slide with the dump truck around here when it gets wet so i'm going to take a minute load up a couple loads of this stuff and get this cleaned up it's easier just to haul it than to try to track it way over there across that minefield of stumps so so wrong way it's a good very wet day today good day to burn though that's one good thing about this type of work is you can save stuff like this for when you know the weather's going to be be a little inclement and we have something to do so let me go dump that and come back and i don't know if i get all that one load but i'll try i like it all the flames are about as tall as the tree now oh it is now we got a 70 foot flame well sometimes you need the off-road truck to haul your firewood oh yeah all right let's get out of here before we melt the tires off toasty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] that's about two and a half hours since i started the fire a lot of stuff has disappeared i almost forgot about this big log i'm supposed to throw on there i'm gonna do that and kind of pile up everything and just let it do what it's gonna do and that's going to be you burn everything up pretty big log here so this is going to take a little while to burn down so we'll go ahead and put it out there in the center throw all this other stuff on there they'll always kind of burn the center out leave the stuff around the edges grab it throw it up on there kind of keep everything piled up more condensed you keep it the better it'll burn and cleaner won't have all this stuff left do this and then grab those couple loads of stumps that i hauled over here get those on there and then i can run around that side and grab the rest of that before the fire gets burning too good uh pushes me away from it even though it looks like i put it out it'll be right in here in a minute all right stump go there we go it is muddy out here now well i don't want to hit and hold that stuff this mess right here ain't nothing but a pile of roots i don't know if it's gonna burn but i'll throw it in there like it's going to just let that dry out some this stuff will smoke a little bit let me go ahead and back up get this log out that way i'll grab it and fling up and knock a window out that would make me a little eel muddy it's all right there's enough dry stuff over there on pile on top of it all right i'm gonna finish cleaning this up and then run around the back side of the pile and get all that stacked up onto the fire should be burning pretty good i'll let it burn down through lunch probably come back one more time and stack it up i shouldn't have to do anything else to it all right let's see if some of this stuff will break up a lot of stuff was tree length when i threw it in here and hopefully it's burnt the ends off of it that's why the pile was 70 feet long that'll get those pile of stumps back burning so people ask a lot of questions about does the fire mess up the hydraulic hoses and all that stuff well it's kind of like waving your hand over a candle if you throw it kind of swing through the fire you don't even feel it i mean it's hot but if you keep it out there and and leave the stick it in the fire it'll probably melt them off but no i've never had a problem with the hose even getting remotely hot enough to the point where it would melt or bust or anything the only thing you got to take uh caution is make sure you don't keep machine too close to the fire because the windows will get hot and uh you'll break the windshield so i'll uh yeah i'm kind of to the point right now i need to get away from it that stupid safety glass they put these things it'll get so hot that it'll uh i guess expand and then shatter or not shatter but it'll crack so i'm going to throw this over here and then get away from the fire for a little bit let the glass cool off and then the damn log will get out of there let it cool down then i'll come back over here and go around the yeah this stuff burn up nice just a little bit of stuff left around the edges and that's it all that loose stuff hill it'll burn down right there where it's at i'm just pushing up a little bit low get a little heat away from me get all these loose ends i think some of those are the logs that i drugged they are easy don't flip over stay up there where you'll burn stuff i drug out of the woods i'll let it burn on down some more and it'll burn in half and i can stack it up on top of whatever's left that hasn't burnt and there we go let that burn down and i'll come back later on this afternoon and restack everything up that's left that should pretty much be it i'll just let that be it'll burn down some and not have so much to worry about looks like everything burnt down it's a little after two o'clock now so it's had about six hours of burn just a few loose ends there i'll run around this side throw it all up into the pile and let it just sit over the weekend roll this on top of that pile of stumps that should get it hot enough to finish burning those up [Music] just trying to get the majority of it the rest of the small stuff will rot down just trying to have a giant mountain of stuff out here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's kind of hard to see what's going on i'm downwind to the smoke i'm trying to stay off to the side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] reach it [Music] while the wind's blowing in the opposite [Music] direction [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right well that's it well that'll catch back up here in a minute quit smoking so bad got everything piled up the pile did go all the way to over there so all that's burnt back and restacked up so it'll sit there and burn on down shouldn't be much left when we come back next week
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 180,364
Rating: 4.9549913 out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, huge, brush, pile, fire, burning, burn, campfire, bonfire, logging, cleanup, land, clearing, heavy, construction, equipment, dump, truck
Id: -VE6kRq1m_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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