15 Hour Day Of Clearing And Burning

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so this area right here raked out pretty good back at it this morning and uh there's my pile of pine pulp wood so just kind of lightly ran over this with the rake yesterday and kind of got all the big stuff out so now all that's left to do is uh hopefully burn this pile letter today there's some rain coming so it should be a little safer to burn actually looks like it fell a few drops maybe that's just a dew or something but uh i got a lot of stuff to burn so i hope it does start raining but i'm gonna go up here this morning and clean up all the logs that i cut yesterday and get those in a pile right here and ready to load out friends coming back for another load this morning and then i'm gonna go ahead and start taking more trees down along that property line over there so uh yeah pretty much got everything pushed over here and ready to burn once the weather allows it and i got all that cleared yesterday and kind of raked over so you can kind of see that a little bit better now coming here at the end and knock this dirt down once all these logs are out clean all this up and he's gonna move his scrap collection over there that'll really dress this backyard up nice and have a nice view of the pond once the burn piles gone down up here at the house so all these are sweet gum trees and when i tried to leave that oak tree there i left a poplar tree there the sweet gum trees are like the nuisance tree of the south they they provide good shade but other than that they are a nuisance they will you can cut it off at the ground it'll sprout right back they drop these little they call them gumballs but each tree probably drops a thousand of them or more and they're about the size of gumballs but they have a little prickly spikes all over them and they hurt your feet when you walk on them and when you cut the grass they fly out like rocks everywhere it's like pine cones but like an eighth of the size on pine trees but the woods are not good for anything they're just i hate them they make row ties out of them that's about it and pallets [Music] where is my nose right now okay i'm gonna hit it come a on more leverage here we're gonna have to do the old-fashioned swing and lower momentum and boom down every time when it doesn't work you do it again and since that one had plenty of sunlight it's got a billion branches and i am not trimming all those off what's up we're gonna break them off hopefully not get hit but if we do we're not gonna lose anything because our windshield's already broke [Music] there's a little clay down there after [Music] all but i am going to cut one log out of each of those let's not swing around and knock the windows out of the dozer that would just be the highlight of my day right there i want these over here where it's nice and open because i'm tired of crawling over logs to cut logs [Music] so i'm pretty much just cutting enough to make one more load and then i come to the conclusion that it's not worth the my time to sit here and cut more because i'm pretty much doing it for free and i'm not sure they're sitting here and it's about to rain so i think i can finally burn we had a pretty good little do last night so i'm probably going to go down there i stirred the fire around a little bit just to see which general area the area uh i guess the way the wind was going to blow and it's kind of blowing this way but towards the back so i may throw a little something on there just to kind of keep a little hot spot so when it does start raining i'm not out there in the rain trying to get a fire going trying to keep just a little small campfire going there pretty much it'll just make life a little easier [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i want to get those three i think i can drop them back behind that oak tree i'm trying to save [Music] i want to run down there and throw a little bit of stuff on the fire keep it going and then come back up here and take some more trees down and i have cut all of the hardwood pulp wood i should need to finish the loadout the rest of it is going in the fire we got to get this knocked out quit wasting time saving pennies but since i had already cut enough i wanted to make sure that i had enough for a load if not then i really am wasting time cutting all that furniture i did get the fire back going which did not take much effort at all i just pretty much raked it around and piled up some stuff and while i was over here clearing it started back pretty good so uh that should keep that going so when it does start raining later on this afternoon i can really pile the stuff on there and start getting rid of all the stuff that is adding up quickly [Music] since i throw these a few times it knocks what's left of dirt off of them before they go into the burnt pots [Music] so trying to get that branch off of it trees are after me on this job for some reason [Music] [Music] [Music] come up grab that last one there we go got it that's probably what i needed to finish the load i got another probably grapple full over there just as extra it's probably gonna all fit on there though [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well he'll be here in about 25 minutes so i'm about surrounded by brush piles now [Music] and i've cut a few more trees up over here i'm going to clean those up real quick it's finally starting to sprinkle but unfortunately the wind is blowing the absolute worst direction that it could possibly blow this has been a aggravating battle the whole time i've been here right up there towards the house oh well once it starts raining keep adding a little to it came a little rain shower there's more on the way later on but it was enough where well not really enough but it made me feel a little better about putting more brush on the fire and uh now that the fire is nice and hot it's kicking the smoke up in the air straight up so it's not really lingering on so i'm stacking it on there pretty good not getting crazy with it but i want to go ahead and get rid of this pile right here and i'll probably hop on the dozer later on when i clear some more of that up kind of before all that rain comes tonight kind of run over all this and get it pushed up as much as possible because as you can imagine it's a little easier to rake when it's dry versus when it's all mud but kind of right now my main focus is getting rid of as much of this mess as i can and it is a lot a little more than i anticipated of course when i priced this job it was raining every day so i kind of figured on uh burning as i went i was able to do that some but we had that dry spell and i just i didn't want to leave a big fire unattended for days at the time [Music] but it's going to be a good burning day today this evening well it's already one o'clock 1 30. i'll be here well into the dark [Music] [Music] the only bad thing about that sand is when you push it with the dozer you get a fair amount at the bottom of the blade end it was almost like a row of dirt where you stop pushing that brush see it right here and i gotta rake it out [Music] [Music] [Music] you can tell i've got everything laid in here just perfect to grab it you lay that stuff in there all crisscrossed oh it'll make you want to pull your hair out trying to grab the stuff later on [Music] apparently i packed it in here pretty good too [Music] i'll stack the fire up good and now i gotta itch to go play on the dozer now that i'm talking about it i like my dozer it sounds like a honda civic going about 40 miles an hour in first gear from what i've heard they all sound like that so i know a few people that have them so i don't think the motor is about to blow up in it but it definitely sounds a little different that is for sure [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so all right well i'm gonna throw a little more over and then goes back the fire back up burning good burning good got a nice little sprinkle nothing major i know it's kind of hard to tell the size of the burn piles but excavator brush pile so real nice and hot right there i'm trying to keep putting the brush towards the other end so the fire will maybe try to spread down that way towards the hole i dug over there but fires do weird things and really don't want to travel through piles but uh i keep stacking it on there and getting all this crap burn up probably grab another grab a pull or two of that put right there on top of it and i think i'm ready to hop on the dozer and push a little bit [Music] so what do [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] he's so so so go so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] so this is [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so it's starting to open up now just took the dozer and pushed all the piles down there i left a gap in between those so that uh i can get back in between and pushing with the dozer once i move that big pile a lot of stuff i've been busy everything i've pushed down here i've gotten into a pile and most of it is on the fire i'm gonna let that burn down some i'm gonna hop on the dozer before it gets completely dark push that stuff over here in those couple piles and that'll be everything that i have cleared hopefully i can get burnt because i don't know what the weather is going to look like next weekend when i get time to be here because i've got to probably clear another quarter acre half acre or so over there so there'll be more stuff to burn but i'm trying to eliminate how much i have to burn all right last video before dark here stacking the fire up i burn a lot of stuff there's still a fair amount of stuff left but i'm gonna burn uh pretty much everything i can grab right here and get rid of as much as possible [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so after the past year we had i never thought i'd be wanting it to rain but here we are barely had enough rain to make it safe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] let's put this one on here and then i'm just going to kind of break through some of that stuff and sort it out while it burns down some more about going to be enough stuff for it for right now [Music] maybe one more [Music] [Music] so all right let that burn down some more well it's just kind of a waiting game i got a little boy you can't even hardly see it a little bit more to put on there i was gonna kind of let it burn down a little bit and hang out with it for a little while but uh yeah should burn pretty good in fact it is burning pretty good now that's a toasty fire luckily it's a nice drizzling rain gonna keep everything soaked down there's a lot of embers well there's always that many embers you just can't see them during the day stay here for a little while longer and let that die down some well that's a wrap for tonight volvo's got good headlights though fire's gonna burn down good i just walked in the woods everything's nice and wet so it'll be all right about a 15-hour day so i've had enough for today see if i can walk over here without a ember landing on my neck about two or three hours that'll be burnt down to pretty much a pile of coals heck the ashes are four foot out of the ground all right hope you enjoyed
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 126,936
Rating: 4.9694061 out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volvo, land, clearing, grading, root, rake, raking, komatsu, bulldozer, dozer, crawler, tractor, heavy, construction, equipment, fire, burn, burning
Id: EvrRcRmvZAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 58sec (2518 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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