Friday Night Life - Season 2 Episode 1

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[Music] so [Music] this [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] it's friday night and it's time to unwind [Music] it's been a week and i need my peace back so i'll lift up a song to you i'll dance for you say it rhyme with you cause i need you to restore me revive me give me new life it's friday night friday night friday night live it's friday night friday night friday night live [Music] i'm [Music] what i can do what i am [Music] [Music] one day at [Music] one day every time [Music] please give me the strength to do everything that i have to do [Music] yesterday's [Music] [Music] one day at a time do you remember when you walked among [Music] indeed [Music] people love pushing and shoving my mind [Music] at a time day [Music] to do everything that i have to do [Music] and tomorrow maybe [Music] one day at a time one day at a time [Music] to do everything that i have to do [Music] jesus and tomorrow maybe help me to take one day at a time [Music] [Music] is blessing me right now right now [Music] the lord is blessing me right now [Music] he woke me up this morning [Music] and clothed me in my right mind [Music] he didn't let me sleep too late he woke me woke me right on time [Music] don't you know [Music] blessing me [Music] he woke me up this morning [Music] [Music] he woke me right [Music] oh yes he did don't you know don't you know [Music] [Music] is blessing me right now oh right now [Music] don't you know the lord is blessing me [Music] don't you know the love is blessing me [Music] he's blessing [Music] me he's blessing me [Music] he's blessing me he's blessing me over and over and over again [Music] over and over and over [Music] and opening doors i could not see he's blessing me [Music] my family taking care of me he's blessing me [Music] for blessing me over and over and over and i want to thank you [Music] [Music] you're blessing me [Music] [Music] here we go three two one [Music] good evening it's important that we have a conversation about prostate cancer prostate cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among african-american men and is the second leading cause of death among african-american men in south carolina south carolina ranks fourth in the nation for prostate cancer deaths and is 16th for new prostate cancer cases however many deaths could be avoided with early detection and proper treatment a simple psa test each year after age 50 and younger if you are at high risk could be the difference between life and death if you aren't sure if you are high risk begin checking your family history of cancer occurrences of the men in your family in 2013 i was diagnosed with prostate cancer my initial reaction was fear but i thought to myself thank god my physician detected the cancer in its early stage yes the sound of the word cancer sent shockwaves through me but at that point i had to look at the positive i had to breathe and be reminded that god had it under control through much prayer and mapping out a plan of action with my physician and my family i can stand before you today and tell my story because of early detection and the grace of god i had options available prostate cancer is real and it does not discriminate but remember early detection is the key i learned through my journey to do my part and god will do the rest um [Music] you'll cry you're dying inside trying to understand why your life [Music] is the way that it is it seems that all of the good things you always miss breathe breathe i've got it under control [Music] for i am your kin the one who makes you whole [Music] you're growing you're increasing inside under the shadow of my presence you cannot buy and like easily with dry bones in the valley high blowing heavily my wind and my glory so brief [Music] i've got it under control [Music] you're increasing inside under the shadow of my presence you can abide in like ezekiel with tribals [Music] and my glory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you can breathe [Music] yes i am doesn't matter what you're going through [Music] [Music] i am [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] i am i can take all your pain away [Music] breathe [Music] breathe i've got it under control [Music] the one who makes you [Music] three two one my journey with concerns about my prostate health began a few years ago with a routine visit with my primary care physician who and he checked my blood levels noticed that my psa levels were rising and he recommended a referral to a urologist which i followed through with i went to the urologist he did several tests ordered an mri did a prostate biopsy and basically said you're a man in your middle 60s pretty good health prostate gland is not that large no no real big abnormalities i think we should do watchful surveillance which we did and we followed through on that for several months until the year of 2020. in 2020 in november of 2020 he noticed that my psa levels had risen and he recommended another mri and another prostate biopsy well we got the report on december 15th which ironically is the date of my wife and i's wedding anniversary a urologist said that he found some prostate cancer in my prostate and recommended that i take action well needless to say the news hit pretty hard and my wife and i prayed and we talked about it uh my urologist said that basically i had two choices i could have surgery i had the prostate removed or i could have treatment with a radiation oncologist along with testosterone reduction medication so i chose to do the treatment with the radiation oncologist ironically my son-in-law who's married to my oldest daughter is a radiation oncologist and he said to me he said dad he said looking at my records the type of cancer that you have he said we treat that all the time and i think you would be pleased if that's what you choose to do well you know concern about what should i do wonder how did this happen and all these things these thoughts start coming through my mind and i'm wondering my gosh what you know what do i do now and and during one of my times of devotions i was reading john chapter 9. and that particular chapter is when the disciples and jesus were walking by the blind man who was begging and the disciples looked at jesus and said master who sinned that this man was born blind was it his parents or him and jesus answer was amazing he said neither and then he put the butt word in there and he said but that the works of god may be revealed in him or manifested in him that verse caught me and the lord i felt the lord speak to me and said don't you worry about where this came from or what's going why this is going on you focus on that the works of god will be manifested in you so i took a deep breath and i said yes lord thank you lord and we made the decision to do the radiation oncology treatment with the testosterone reduction medication i started that treatment in february and i amazingly i just completed my therapy on the 19th of august this month and thank god i handled it very well i give all praises to the lord my physicians my radiation oncologist and this team kept asking me did i have these side effects the side effects so there are some major side effects that can occur with the oral medication as well as with the radiation treatment but thank god i didn't experience any of those major side effects and so today my i'm i haven't gotten my final official results yet that will occur on september 23rd when i meet with my radiation oncologist to see what my psa levels are now but i'm already giving god total praise total praise and i thank him for what he has done and what he's continuing to do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's friday night and it's time to unwind it's been a week and i need my [Music] cause i need you to restore me revive me give me new life it's friday night friday night friday night live it's friday night friday night friday night live
Channel: 3MBC Charleston
Views: 748
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 3mbc, mmmbc, the mount, mount moriah, mmmbccharleston, byron benton, baptist church
Id: Nzx2pRe2HKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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