Friday Night Auction & Live

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welcome in party people part of you happy friday yeah it's friday it's friday and it's been a time dinner time what's up guys how's it going welcome in everybody how does that sound sound how do we look do we look shiny skin shiny or what yeah how's everything how's the sound guys hi cindy welcome back welcome back welcome back yes welcome back cindy that's the old dude good evening everyone it's cold out there is that not in california it's a beautiful day it was like what 65 70 degrees thank you cindy with sun all day it was nice no thanks robert let's see thank you guys please pray for my niece and her husband they both have covet prayers to you we've been going through a lot of that lately as well hey mississippi here hello that sucks tonight's gonna be a crazy night yes welcome man carla cindy tri-state picker mom um thank you tri-state for um definitely filling in where cindy couldn't thank you cindy for being here tonight happy friday jay's finest carla robert welcome in casual flipper what's up guys janiece woodvine betty thank you guys for being here danny there's a lot of people in there already yeah definitely i love you so um five dollar super chat what hi story soccer friends just wanted to support the channel thank you for the support we appreciate it a lot thank you thank you hi amy and shannon what's up with little mama in store soccer from quincy washington where it's only nine degrees outside right now holy cannoli whoa that is too cold for me and you right yeah my knee will probably crack and break off that weather well have a shot of something and it won't you won't even feel it okay so truth juice i feel like i haven't been on top of it guys i'm not gonna lie so i have tracking for uh amy and casual flippers i your shirts have been sent but i'll send you tracking uh probably if not late tonight early in the morning what's up john how you doing john lynch in the house we sent packers off right they got a little surprise you know everyone mom what dang what's that let's get this party started let's try state picker mom says let's get this where is it 19 degrees oh fun fact friday oh that that's funny i was gonna say something i'm not gonna say that you know what you're saying what i have fun fact friday is respect everyone else around you because you never know what the next person is going through it only takes that one thing to take that person off yeah i watched a really crazy video the other day and it just reminds you that we're in some crazy time so just be aware of that stay in your lane and don't bump into mine what's up joe see that joe novak what's up stalker family what up amen cindy says a man record low whoa minus one in austin texas huh texas yeah holy crap that's crazy that's that's cold but yeah thank you guys for being here we appreciate it happy friday there's no registration needed guys you can bid on what you're interested in uh please however payment is due immediately to either of those platforms scrolling across the bottom and don't forget to like and subscribe what else i don't know all that good stuff all that good stuff thank you guys sabrina tonight's gonna be a crazy night we have um some toys lots of lots of different things tonight i would say stamp stuff some nice glasses but i know a lot of you have faves so you know some gold definitely let us know what you're interested in maybe some records what is the snow fight shooting you saw oh my goodness no no what no we're just not going to talk about that i missed it don't don't read it because i'm pretty sure everybody knows what it is if you haven't seen it you don't want to see it oh yeah but just go with kindness guys that's all i say i got my package today yay so that's good we got something else headed towards your way uh probably after this auction which reminds me you do need to be in the us to bid and if you're not in the u.s email me so we can you know get get some arrangements so yeah definitely bid um and it does work because we do have a subscriber that is out of the us he's been buying and we've been sending it it's been working it's been working but tonight's going to be a crazy night also tonight i see a good number of the packages the people who buy they will be getting a storage stocker shirt we'll email you and let you know if you get it and or your choice story stalker or little mama but yeah little mama took it at your own hands and she is making our own shirts yeah i have a lot of shirts too so um i've been said if you guys want shirts that they can send the payment to the paypal so i don't know maybe we'll iron that out and have it ready for next weekend we are gonna send some off and tonight as well let me see him what's that him over there we uh the last video this guy right here we're going to give them away to someone tonight so later on tonight we'll figure out a way to give this to somebody but somebody terry email me you want a shirts little mama's the best sorry big daddy oh it's all good i know she's the best i'll take second place to her any day your head feels so smooth thanks 78 people in the house this is gonna be fun yeah really fun right you ready you're ready the statue looks like me laugh out loud says monster zero freebie i think it looks like me i don't know yes terry this one right here made in indonesia the bottom says hmm i think that's the only one in there right alex and liz email yep there it is put it in there twinning ah you do got if you wait just smile big you ain't right sometimes months ago and disappear so you're giving away shirts with the buddha so whoever does win the buddha do they get a shirt big daddy yeah we could do that too okay but we're gonna randomly put shirts in there depends how many locks we have we might be able to put a shirt in every lot what do you think oh catherine says hey guys i'm just popping in i'm on set filming right now well welcome in catherine oh you're gonna start email me so we can check you out we would love to support those who support us yes thank you watch the caps guys that is for our lovely mods so i can see what guys i need more space they're trying to communicate we're all the space jam dolls those were awesome like i actually kind of wanted to keep it i know space jam was like some of the best stuff hey alma look at [Music] all that you send me the link um because so yeah i sent you the link i should have sent you the link i hope i sent you the link did you send me so this board right here is thank you alma um is like something i like to put out messages and if you guys see the message and put it back out there um i like to give away you know nice things so definitely thank you terry i look forward to the sign sonic i'm i'm maybe having a brain fart we are good that man for 20. we're good um just hanging out for the this lovely friday it was a really nice day today in california well extremely nice maybe in the bay area i'm not sure about the rest of there but um i did lay in bed for this lovely friday [Music] and big daddy he cleaned the garage for me so that was nice happy valentine's week everyone oh yeah happy lovers weekend what do you guys have in mind what do you guys have in mind for what valentine's weekend whoa you want me to leave you out for a little bit yeah i got to grab a lot and i don't know what it's going to be first light of the night yes guys please do if you're just joining in there's no registration needed on our auction you just have to bid on what you're interested pay immediately and to either of these payment platforms scrolling across the bottom with the name address and the item that you won oh thanks guys i'm gonna have to start putting some interesting stuff up there then [Music] right alma she's a nice move alex yeah he knows that and i think this is most women the way to our hearts is to like do the dishes and you know things like that that really just make us feel like we feel special is that funny that's that's i think that's hilarious i feel special when you do the dishes do you yeah any coach person see we actually have that purse but i don't think big daddy wants to sell it a lot of people did say though that they confirmed that the purse was um authentic sweet pea in the house welcome in i hope you and lynn are doing good what up sleepy how are you ah yeah we actually had a little bit of rain coming through last night a little bit it rained for like an hour a working flip phone oh you know what i don't think we have any of those right now i really like to play with those when we get them though the flip phones mama okay lot one guys is star wars it's a bunch of these watches some are open some are closed i'll show you guys what's in them just watches got your email terry thank you single one star wars watch love the video today alex thanks two four six eight 10 11 of them and two toys these are pretty cool and the year on these toys are 1998 1998 two toys and 11 star wars watches that's a crazy big lot 11 star wars watches 11. thank you cindy lot1 star wars watches guys starting at 25 bucks if you're just joining in thank you for being here we have robert at 20 casual flip rat 25 looking for 27 guys these are 2005 the watchers some of the cans are a little bit like in some spots but some are perfect let's take the classic one there is let's see which ones we got we got yoda darth vader vegas adventures at 32 looking for 34 looking for 34. oh there's two people on each can yeah one on that side [Music] a we are at greatness mama that's where we're at vegas at 32 guys john comes in at 35 looking for 37 amy comes in at 37 looking for 39. this is lot 1 11 star wars watches plus the two is that two figurines two figurines 1998 on the figurines 2005 on the watches 2005 on the watches guys and 98 on the figurines no registration needed to bid bid on what you're interested in payment is however due immediately once you have won we have the high bid with robert at 41 looking for 43 looking for 43. john comes in at 43. looking for 45 guys looking for 45 this is lot one 11 star wars watches two figurines are vintage robert in at 50. robert in at 50 looking for 55 we are moving in five dollar increments [Music] can i get the chat somehow um yeah i'll give it to you right now baby that's just my baby mama and then my baby daddy enjoying my baby mama yep five dollar increments guys looking for 55 looking for 55. this is a star wars lot lot one 11 watches two figure reigns 1998 the watches are 2005 yes ma'am let me make sure i know what that one is all right any more interest guys darling shows out thank you john robert at 50 looking for 55 guys shipping is free on most of our items please be in the u.s to win and pay unless you have uh made prior arrangements guys going once going once big daddy need a new truck come on guys [Music] oh sorry sorry guys going twice going twice i think it's going to be so yes definitely you're more than welcome to bid let's chill welcome in tammy let's settle down this is lot one that's around watches with two figurines all right we're gonna sell if we don't have any more interest it's at 50 looking for 55. can you meet me no no we can't no one can see you right [Music] so congratulations [Music] was that robert oh that was yes congrats robert that was a good lock put both you guys in man what's that take me out you can see ryan what she wants to hide now say hi ryan hi again you hiding for you know your daddy is girl huh you know who your daddy's jordy's in the high anyone know any tips to save ice covered trees from losing too many branches we're taking 60 to seven let's chill let's settle down wow that's pretty crazy um they're saying hi ryan are you going to say hi again don't be mean to my subscribers yes i've been photobombing got your payment thank you robert silver tonight says money matt there's a thing that's like eight it says 800 on the back which means it's not pure silver but it's still got silver in it i believe um do we have any military like no i think so not tonight um let's chill but welcome in bruce okay oh you guys both got your new glasses on huh trying to look all cute and stuff on camera i've been wearing these all day lot number three is three boxes first one not number two i can't believe i really believe you too on that one it's a nice little box i like the inside right there and on the back it gots this whichever that is hey aaron welcome in any wrestler shirts says carla this no wrestler is pretty nice i don't think it's really no name or nothing it's just a little brother you've got a couple cutesy little boxes and then this one right here is nice look at that it's a music box in the back of this one this is the name of it right here guys waltz of the flowers or the name of the song all right i'm gonna give a copy written box tonight look at that though it's beautiful look at the glass it's like a pink tint to the glass [Music] all right so we have amy at 33 guys we have amy at 33 this is a lot too [Music] three boxes very cutesy little boxes and the hybrid is with aaron and comes in at 35 any chinese chopstone stamps saw one of your um the what you know i think i did have like something chinese new year but i've been keeping them but we'll see [Music] what well i'm gonna do that uh that statue tonight okay one where the guy is kind of riding on the um there's some i have some food yeah that's what i'll probably do tonight okay we have the hybrid with amy at 37 looking for 39 guys welcome in no registration needed just bid on what you're interested in payment is due immediately to either of the platforms scrolling across the bottom of the screen with your name address and the item that you won must be in the us to bid still at amy 37 looking for 39 guys looking for 39 going one looking for 39. those are three beautiful boxes those are really nice out says denise thank you denise uh we got 99 people watching and in the chats thank you guys for being here please hit that thumbs up and do share because sharing is caring sharing is scared sharing is caring all right thank you aaron says out going twice guys 37 we're at 37 looking for 39. looking for 39. so awesome congrats i just pulled him out pulled away yeah you yes congrats amy [Music] congrats i really like the one with the clear top that one was really pretty ruby ring that'll be later on tonight that will be later on tonight big nasty bro thank you for asking [Music] alma says hey miss lacenda yeah i hope everyone's having a wonderful night getting ready to um maybe get some r r for the lovely valentine's weekend something told me not to do this a lot but i'm doing it anyways man all right bring it in what is this babe a bunch of keychains a bunch of keychains canada a lot of them are from canada i think how many exactly oh um i'll count them all i'll count on my look at them one very pretty oh is mckenzie in the house i can't do that one two three four five six seven i didn't see her in here eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26. thank you cindy 8 30 there's 36. hi leanne welcome leanne that was a mickey one so about 36 key chains lot number three guys john comes in at 25 looking for 27. thank you guys for joining in please [Music] a little tightness from person to person is better than a vast love for all humankind no worries they look alike dang you see that one that one's deep eh i like i like not only to be loved but to be told i'm loved maybe you're loved there's a lot of quotes in there carry that keychain with you see someone looking down boom give him one of those we gotta chill that'd be a good idea yeah canadian flag why do you got the tags on them sir that's the mickey mouse oh look at that one looking for 27 guys this one is the roman bath maps of that okay that's nice that one's nice i like that one any more interest guys um this is a lot of 36 key chains no registration needed to bid if you're interested go ahead chicago get your bid on payment is due immediately to either of the platforms thrown across the bottom i bet there's more than 40. who you um no that's what someone said [Music] no current bid at 25 looking for 27. cliff comes in at 27 looking for 29 looking for 29 guys close your eyes babe oh okay close your eyes all right looking for 29. this is a very very cool lot of keychains about 36 of them says big daddy ice skate a skier and some hockey sticks and what is that one john comes in at 30 looking for 32. looking for 32 liz scent you get it uh what was that amy no you want to say that a little shoe a little heart and a purse those are cool those are some nice ones i like how there's more than one on some like this i was like this one are you taking all the dum dums all right guys hi bid payment sorry yes i got it thank you amy um hi bid guys with john at 30 looking for 32 this is lot number 336 keychains no registration needed to bid just bid on what you're interested in um cliff comes in at 32 looking for 34 looking for 34. payment is due immediately to either of the platforms scrolling across the bottom guys please do not forget your name address and the item that you won yes thank you betty that is a very good point um invite your friends and family like i said sharing is caring yes when you're out please let us know that way that the auction goes by a little bit faster all right going once guys lot number three 336 key chains hi bid is with cliff at 32 going twice looking for 34 looking for 34. kiki what are you doing what are you doing to get going twice guys at 32 congratulations cliff the ghetto that's i personally am a person who has to tell myself not to put so much on my keychains because i'll just keep adding take me out [Applause] she's over here stretching what a big cell rise she's going to pull your sucker out your mouth get her kitty look at the death kitty but yeah we have some really cool things tonight huh babe yeah some barbies ooh and what else are you gonna do some of that water ford yeah for sure i gave away a shirt already to terry because he was so awesome and big daddy's also giving this guy away we found him in a unit so hopefully whoever he goes to he brings them lots of love and prosperity and luck baby yes sir thank you cindy for joining in thanks for the t-shirt you threw in my box last week i appreciate it says steve mariah looks so much like her mama so pretty says janiece thank you denise thank you my twins i think all of them look very much like me except for ree she looks just like her dad yeah i have a picture to prove it you ready we bouncing all over the place huh we went from key chains to crystals to star wars and everything yeah i'm ready big nasty bro thank you um but we did get a winner already for the friday night auction so definitely stay tuned um because i'm giving those doing giveaways always so what are these babe waterfall lot for watcher ford crystals are these um ornaments um they're nice yes they are very nice welcome in dusty the year on them says 2005. no who likes bubblegum those are beautiful no thank you i might could change my profile pic if i had a new shirt oh dusty i think i see a shirt in your near future all right do you have any interesting yes i do sorry betty at 20 guys these are from 2005. [Music] hey everybody hey everybody better later than never how much did i miss lynn we're on lot for right now but um yes better late than never so welcome in waterford is it pronounced waterford yeah okay i'm pronouncing it waterford like it's a ford it looks like water poor uh for tempo um yumiko comes in at 22 guys looking for 24. this is some waterford bird a lot number four is it three of them two of them okay it's two of them guys try to put it on here to make it look more shinier you're just joining in thank you for being here happy friday if you haven't already please hit that like button and subscribe to stay notified betty comes in at 24 looking for 26 guys no registration needed bid on what you're interested in these are still right here right exactly i know your mika would love them all right betty webb in at 24 looking for 26 guys yamiko says out thank you yumiko what's the bid on the bubble gum all right guys anyway about 24 looking for 26 looking for 26. this is a lot for two waterford waterford it sounds so weird saying that aaron comes in at 26 looking for 28 looking for 28. i got a lot of i got a lot of this stuff i got some baccarat uh some uh ski what is it called i don't want to say hello saborsky salvorsky i got some expensive swarovski too thank you betty we have aaron at 26 looking for 28 guys looking for 28. you know i was thinking for valentine's day i could really use a massage but i don't know just a hint going once guys going once aaron no aaron at 26 looking for 28. holy crap he's about to get still this is a lot four two water fern water burnt water betty comes in that 28 but he comes in at 28 guys looking for 30 looking for 30. and they're in the boxes i like the orange one here likes the orange one hmm mimi she always says she wants the orange one i like the blueberry one that means everybody else who got their packages got their dum dums oh oh want to chat oh hi to everyone sorry i think you should say hi to everyone at least you should be able to all right run close this out betty at 228 looking for a 30 guys looking for 30. john you always blame it on the dog you know honestly i think dogs far worse than um humans it's it's gross dogs should be ashamed of themselves that is horrible how they smell sometimes going twice guys we're going to close it out it is it's at 28 with betty looking for 30. how many people you got in the house mama i got 104 people in the house thank you for being here please make sure you hit that thumbs up on the way in or the way out and who was always asking us about that ruby looking ring uh we had a couple people asking about the ring hi hi liz and alex uh welcome in jail oh aaron too late already holy cannoli that was a steal bid long been wrong aaron make sure you get that bit in there thank you cindy that was a really good lot good um congrats betty yes guys whatever you're interested in get it get your bit in don't be afraid thank you all for shipping the buddhist it was heavy appreciated no worries i'm glad i'm glad i got there you guys always were uh we actually didn't make a dollar off a month no it's all good though um yeah when you guys get your stuff please come in let me know how things you know got there because big daddy prides himself on shipping some of the craziest items across the us and making sure they get there in one piece so let us know guys and thank you for being here 102 people please hit that thumbs up and share share share share what do you do when you care you share so you go you do have a bear bears are pretty nice to have i have one all the time hold on mama sack king says love your channel thank you sad kings yes sacramento kings they're doing their thing my beautiful brooch it was packed perfectly yes guys my arms gave out a long time ago so big daddy does all the packaging and he likes to um all my items arrived in perfect condition thank you shannon he likes to make sure he puts some good uh stuffing in there for you guys that's been more on shipping supplies than anything else yeah we're definitely have to take it out and during taxes must have a u.s address to bid and pay immediately thank you cindy for those of you just joining in we have lovely mods cindy betty and tri-state picker mom they're like the um on my channel or what i got a reaction out of you that's what all right bring us in okay lot five you have five oh can you see all that okay hairy knuckle time hey mary welcome i'm gonna show you guys good piece of paper a piece of paper yeah i believe it goes like this you put it in here hey wendy stamp it right and it comes out like that he makes them fluffy you see that yes terry oh those are nice okay so for all my hobby lobby heads out there did it grow back did your hair grow back yeah hi it's mamas oh welcome in babe thank you for joining in you see that what okay that's tony that is mariah sorry let me finish talking about these we got uh this is lot five one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and another thing these are not cheap these are all martha stewart what is it paper punchers i would say um pattern punchers yeah these things are great for rolling papers larry then you'd have holes in it and you wouldn't be up never mind try the bigger one see what happens oh i can't heather in at 30. yes whoa look at that one that is pretty so all of you guys that are so crafty out there making all those cute little thingies you know for weddings and when they fall down showers things of that sort this is your lot it's your time to shine we have the high bid currently with heather at 30 bucks looking for 35 ronald comes in at 35. these ones are cool babe watch this look looking for 30 seconds they're magnetized look oh i think you can switch it out boom looking for 37. oh no that's why you do that you put the paper on top do dads yes vote man get the stab and then you go oh where's justin picker's warehouse because every time i hear doodads i think of his channel heather comes in at 40 bucks guys looking for 42 better than them tiny scissors yes i would agree beautiful for cards i think she i think when we got this locker they were making really nice cards heather at 40 looking for 42. guys this is lot 5 a whole bunch of pattern makers martha stewart martha stewart they're all labeled um martha stewart on the bottom right here look in the handle on the handle oh that's nice sorry i'm out thank you ronald you know what i got some cardstock i'm going to make my card um so hybrid sales with heather at 40 guys no registration needed to bid if you're interested payment is due immediately to either of the payment platforms scrolling across the bottom along with your name address and the item that you won must be in us to bid unless you have made prior arrangements we have a five dollar super chat from tony thank you tony she says hi mariah mariah say hi hi hi tony hey martha stewart that's like fufu stuff i think it is so cute especially when you have the item you just create a card stock i found too i got boxes you know people like card stock too so heather is in at 40 guys looking for 42 looking for 42. oh butterflies oh look at you [Laughter] going once guys hi ben with heather at 40 bucks looking for 42 this is lot five how many of them one two three four five six seven eight nine eight martha stewart pattern stampers i wonder if you put them together you fold the paper remember like you said wow deal here time gifts yes no registration needed to bid guys and the high bid is withheld see how this turns out let's see how this turns out i know how to do it oh wait i think i did it wrong sorry [Music] valentine's birthdays these right here look at this they unfold we're done all right take me out killa stewart patterns congrats great locks this boss babe on tomorrow night i don't think so do you hear what i know um boss babe should be happening very soon so thank you for um bringing that up i made a mess over here you made a mess you're okay babe you sure but yeah thank you guys for joining in there's 128 people 120. almost says be right back don't go far alma great bye heather says ronald um yes no registration needed guys that was lot five for those of you just joining in thank you for being here we appreciate it so much and we're happy they're saying hello kitty we have lots of goodies tonight but if you're interested in something you know throw it out there so i can see what you guys are interested in we don't have any electronics i think i've seen someone asking for electronics we don't have any electronics tonight i might have some old playstations old playstation playstation once or twice and he might have an old playstation a couple of them no registration guys just been on what you're interested in but payment is due yes thank you tony hit that thumbs up guys i wish i had more knives thank you larry sorry guys but this is all the knives i got and i thought oh hey benji welcome man what up benji knives that's funny are you doing knives right now yeah oh someone just asked about knives i feel a little crappy but these are the only ones these are the only knives i have so don't beat me up please but i must auction it okay oh where are my steak medium well yes i know these are smith and wesson bull's eye knives there's two of them one smith wesson knives guys knives crystals says shannon baby we'll do some more crystals in a second okay those two smith and wesson knives and then this is just i think like a regular little fishing knife it says uh special hunter i don't think it's nothing really special but it's cool if you go fishing with that uh jail stay inside please don't go i'm the best knife ever i beg of you the best knife of the night would buy next mariah that's a sword that's mariah's baby it's a little baby okay so this is lot five guys gary's in that 20 bucks already um but john comes in at 30 looking for 32 smith and wesson target knives baby bullseye knives sorry yes bullseye knives smith and wesson bullseye knives currently at 30 bucks with john lynch looking for 32 guys if you're just joining in thank you for being here and a little bit here japan you are the ish um please bid on what you're interested in please been fast so that we can go through the lots quickly everybody can see what they're interested in gary comes in at 32 looking for 35 looking for 35 from john lynch looking from 30 looking for 37 now guys looking for 37 this is lot number six smith and wesson bullseye knives 37 with gary these two are smith and wesson it's just like a regular fishing night looking for 39. special hunter and then this little guy looking for 39. john comes in at 40 guys looking for 42 looking for 42. oh i can get in the chat now huh hey second chance you said mommy was in there yes she was and all the people in your chat girl gary at 42. we got friends friends my man shaving those guys how many of us have them big nasty bro all right gary comes in at 42 guys gary lechetti 42 john lynch comes back at 45 we have an auction when's valentine's day sunday valentine's day is sunday do you want to be mary comes in at 47. i'm looking for 49 guys looking for 49. what another knife is throwing no registration needed but you must be in the us to bid us unless you've made prior arrangements thank you thank you big daddy have you tried cherry monk i don't like well i'll try it all right john says out thank you john hi big guys gary at 47 looking for 49. this is lot six smith and wesson bullseye knives is v-day the same in canada i don't know is it going once guys gary is in at 47 looking for 49 looking for 49. hey daddy i hope you made it when twice really made what man i don't know that's what she stopped maybe she's saying i hope you got something for little mama for valentine's day i did it's a plane flight somewhere and you will see shortly don't get me excited all right knives we're gonna go ahead and sell it oh it's so loud number six yes lot number six don't be scared to bring that down gary oh all right you look so cute oh brian you look like my baby again we're chugging along chuck if you want all right guys please don't make fun of me if no one wants to buy these but i have to try to sell them you have to try right yeah it's pick and try truck dang someone got some big old woofers in their car holy crap you shook our whole house that's the hat from the last yes it is good uh that is awesome thank you big nasty bro kathy says congrats you ready to come on um sure am come on over come on over paper that's what it is guys yes casual flipper chug along and this is my email guys and for any reason you need to contact either me or storage soccer please hit us at thank you these are going to be a hardship oh well look at these paid shipped it hey someone bought these from the store thank when you gary these what's the date i don't think there are no dates on the plate okay so this is a lot number line number seven lot number seven what savorski is going up for auction says aaron i got uh if you want i can have big daddy show you after this did you get my paypal i will give you i'll give it a check thank you heather i take them all out i don't want to break it this is the name on the back sorry guys you like it i've seen these on ebay and i've seen they were pretty pricey so i thought i'd try to push them here first there is one two three four five six seven eight i don't think these are gonna sell though mama heather got your payment you hear me mm-hmm i should have never put them up they are beautiful they are the name look the name up on the back you'll see do we have any interest i'm gonna flunk i'm gonna fail no who is the maker says jill this person right here i'm i agree i agree cindy [Music] john says pass pass i'm taking them out i should have never put them up there they had a tag on the back of one of them i think they're not good i thought they would have been all right well we shouldn't be playing guys it's all right timmy says show them but i'm not excited that you bombed a lot but this is my thing go ahead and go ahead and look this way give me a second give me a second what do you know about me what are you doing what is that bomb a lot take a shot no they're not gonna buy them they're gonna make me bomb a lotta likes are you serious bomb a lot take a shot let's go bomb a lot take a shot you are not right so this was hiding under my desk guys some nice cold bomb a lot take a shot you are not right hold on hold on can i get a chance to re uh what you calling myself you trying to redeem yourself well i'll take one okay that's all gravy baby yep look joe says joe says shot shot shot spell the name i can't see it i think i think jill's interested so i don't know maybe big daddy doesn't have to take a shot i think jill might be saving you what's the name babe that's hard to say you know it's made in uh here you look that name up each plate's probably going for like did you guys see that [Music] go ahead and pour it babe made in portugal look at cindy said show them dang plates redemption round big bro big nasty bro i don't know how to pronounce it i know it says portugal okay so i'll put the plates back but you still have to um take that shot so here baby why are you gonna do me like that do me like that do me like that and you guys we don't want to see him tipsy before the end of the night yes thank you cindy cindy put the name of the plates great for easter yeah take a shot did nancy here you go [Music] yeah bring yourself in so that we can see you i can't believe you did this to me [Music] oh i don't care it's gonna cost me 50 to ship it good job that's what i'm talking about salted chill thanks jill nice okay but you can't still take the shot for us babe in a second okay he's gonna still take the shot guys thanks jill these are three so i'll still say that's number seven um the plates to jail 30 bucks so this is lot eight these are back back around and diet how you say baccarats um i don't know you owe me one alex that's jim she should get a shirt for that so she sure will okay so i can't pronounce it baby let me see this is a lot number eight guys background macaroni crystal yellow carrot celery and cabbage plates yeah that's what they are thank you big nasty bro yes thank you lot a baccarat ornament starting at 20 bucks guys did i get one did you i won the lot oh it says do i get one i want a lot betty definitely be on the lookout um you know what i do need your size so too betty please uh put drop your size if you can um tony's diet pepsi wasted all right guys lot eight baccarats ornaments don't sleep on the christmas um stuff too early i kid you not these are pricey too every time christmas comes around and slaps us in the back of the head because we sleep on it too early too late i mean i can't bomb started oh my goodness all right guys yeah big daddy can't bomb another lot that means he's gonna take a double shot guys this is crazy holy crap this is crazy [Music] all right lot number eight three baccarats guys ornaments i'm about to put some more ornaments on it until it sells 20 bucks with amy holy cannoli three of them yes looking for 22. looking for 22. these are beautiful this is lot eight get her big south down i guess it's not a crystal knight what do they say on them no looking for 22 guys looking for 22 thank you oh 93 93 no 92 and this one don't have a date on it but that one is pretty my ring is beautiful it says betty what is that i'm glad that you like it better we're at 22 attempt two looking for 24 guys looking for 24. this is a lot eight three baccarat ornaments they are vintage no registration needed to bid guys however payment is due immediately thank you all for being here on this lovely friday night please don't forget to share share share and hit that thumbs up on the way out all the way in and subscribe yep hit that notification thank you cindy whoa i got some expensive support out tip two 22 bucks guys let's sell it see it right here where's my uh lighter i'll show you guys where it says dd more alex huh um uh tony says dd more alex there are certain crystals that collectors like oh they quite like the other ones 24 with outstanding discoveries outstanding discoveries that is a nice name i think it uh definitely stands out um thank you for being here i haven't seen you in the chats but oh hi first time fitting thank you welcome welcome welcome yeah welcome in um like i said before no registration guys been on what you're interested in but if you win that payment is due immediately to either of the platforms scrolling across the bottom i did also pin it to the top so you can actually um go ahead and take a look at that guess we're gonna have to do some pokemon or some gold next [Music] um but when you do send the payment please do not forget the the message with item that you won your name and your address tip two comes in at 26 looking for 28 looking for do we have any more interest guys catherine says break time pop it in to check on things oh we're doing a great by the way how are things going with you catherine little mama any electronics tonight monster big daddy said he had a old playstation i like three or four amy that will be soon that will be soon she wants the gold babe i'll do that i'm gonna do that ring bring it on i'm gonna do that ring next going once guys going once we have the high bid with temp two at 26 looking for 28. outstanding discoveries comes in at 28 looking for 30. looking for 30. perfect for valentine's day says um benji these are beautiful parker says i want to be in the sun i found someone where you're in the sun i found some beautiful beautiful what is it called swarovski some 1995 six and seven i think it's six and seven them things are pricey and they are super nice that's good to hear catherine um hi bid guys with outstanding discoveries at 28 looking for 30. this is lot eight three baccarat ornaments vintage these are vintage guys no registration need to bid looking for looking for 30 guys looking for 30 tip 2 comes in at 30. looking for 32 looking for 32. let's make this a lot you ready blue triangle boxes says uh benji yeah yes what are you looking for there was some other crystals get down on it come on and get down on it really want to get down on it lot 7 paid thank you the bid out brother the high bid is with tip two at thirty looking for 32 there are 122 people watching and in the chats thank you guys for being here we appreciate it it appreciate it please make sure you stop by that thumbs up and give it like a little smack what's this slap whatever you want to do the high bid is with tim 2 at 30 i said that oh sorry twice guys twice been long been wrong looking for 32 i'm looking for 32 it's down to one degree now holy cow yes jail couple pairs of socks so so so sewed [Music] congratulations congrats tip and yes as outstanding discoveries thank you welcome in definitely a very welcoming community we have a lot of lovely mods in the chat they do type in caps so you can keep an eye out for them seven eight eight yeah so it plays for seven play for seven haha [Music] [Music] you know what i hear what you know what i smell i'ma don't even say that on there don't do that do not do that it's on tv called younger youngers take a look at that catherine you know what i smell the ring take the shot here we go here we go hope you guys are ready for this it is i agree aaron i agree it was confirmed that it was 18 carat and what was it babe the uh what is it called um synthetic rubies or man-made rubies man-made rubies yes okay it is 18 carat man-made rubies size five in a quarter and it is beautiful okay lot number nine guys an 18 karat yes i said 18 carat ring you said size eight and a quarter five and a quarter five and a quarter oh very small guys five and a quarter the rubies are man made i forgot what there's a fancy name for benji knows and it's four grams come on guys let's go let's get it in beautiful ring beautiful ring am i freezing i'm not you know what think i'm internet i think i'm on my phone oh wi-fi let me go on the internet i just learned it might work better will you send my t um is everybody um winning a t-shirt tonight a couple people right okay just a few people are winning uh attempt two but i'll let you know for sure um thank you cindy a lot number nine 18 karat man-made rubies size five and a quarter the gold is real guys it's the real gold ring we have the high bid with yamiko at 100 bucks so far that means we're going to be moving in 10 increments looking for 110 guys looking for 110 this is lot 9 18 carat ring size 5 and a quarter rubies are i think they're saying lab grown yeah 110 with benji 120 with jill looking for 130 looking for 130. beautiful john says out thank you john aaron comes in at 1 30 guys looking for 140 beautiful but small yeah catherine i was thinking that um i think it fit a little bit on my pinky huh no it didn't fit it let me see i would like to see drive on down the road all right guys we got benji in at 140 looking for 150 looking for 150. they are still really rubies yes big nasty bro um honestly they're beautiful to me benji says i saw the ring myself he's in with his very own uh eyes guys so you know he's not gonna play this is a beautiful ring don't sleep on it high bid with benji at 140 but jill says i'm interested at 150 guys 150 looking for 160 because we're moving in five dollars you can literally scrap this spring and get more than that if you're just joining in no registration needed bid on what you're interested but payment is due immediately to either of the platforms scrolling across the bottom with your name address and the item that you want benji says i'll give you 116. 160 with benji looking for 170 because we're moving in ten dollar increments now guys 160 with benji looking for 170. robert says 4 grams is it four yes it is that is a beautiful ring benji comes in at 160 guys aaron says out thank you aaron what is the scrap value says steve it depends um yeah who you sell it to yeah it depends on who you said i said two would give me more than that for sure it's a beautiful ring honestly it looks like you would never scrap something like this that would be perfect for valentine's day but um a little bit late but better late than never i always say do you use a professional hand model for those rings larry we have the best hand model there is out there his name is george stalker yeah yeah yeah okay guys um we have jill says out thank you jill hi bid with benji at 160 looking for 170 would it be would it be expensive to resize it possibly because it's 18k and um you'd have to get the 18k to probably put it in there huh that's on my pinky look at the movies but honestly if it's let's put something on it for you guys if it's for somebody that's worth it i would even i would just pay it if you want to get it resized oh my goodness that's a beautiful ring all right uh what uh this is a lot number nine guys 18 karat ring the size is five and a quarter looking for 170 high bid is with benji at 160 very beautiful ring 18 carat with lab grown rubies i don't even know why they say that because they're equally beautiful maybe not equally but they're still pretty to me about 45 to 50 to resize it yeah i don't think that's bad at all that would be that would be um a good choice i'd have to resize it to fit right there on the ring finger i think that'd be perfect going once guys sexy fingers says tommy wilson yes i would it would make a perfect v-day gift going twice guys big long been wrong this is a lot number nine 18 karat real 18 carat ring size five and a quarter and congrats benji benji you could've got happy today you came um shannon says where's the swaborsky crystals i've been waiting for you to find more um i think he's gonna do them next shannon correct yeah well i was having tell him shannon you you don't you look listen here baby number i was like number nine oh you're moving we're moving congrats benji now you gotta come visit us again looks like i'm driving to your home again right benji you're always welcome for sure make a sale drink some ale larry said you should play make a sale drink some l i'll take a shot if i every i'll take a shot for every uh every lot we sell over 100 bucks did you guys hear that you guys have a chance to get stalker no don't say that wasted he said for every shot that sells over a hundred bucks every lot every shot why did i say that every lot that sells over a hundred bucks he's gonna take a shot drunk in here yes bit up guys it's on says larry uh i don't know if that's a good thing but let's let's get it let's get it off i'm gonna buy my truck in no time if i start doing that huh challenge you all right lot number ten two swaborsky crystals crystals 2008 and 2006. very very beautiful very beautiful all right first one those are so pretty oh my gosh that's beautiful i'm gonna turn the light on let me give you my credit card just to get them drunk no no no guys i'm on a diet if i started then take a shot lot nine benji sold for 160 says amy that was uh so or amy's like what's going on lot 10 guys thank you cindy soborsky uh crystals starts at 25 2008 2006. yamiko comes in at 50 bucks on this lot guys that means we are now moving in five dollar increments looking for 55 looking for 55 looking for 55 shannon schweiter hey shannon she comes in at 60 guys looking for 65 looking for 65. lot number 10. before i touch this um i don't think you should you swore i'm gonna just say two saworsky crystals i don't even know how to pronounce it yes i agree amy all right so we have your mikko with the hybrid guys at 65 are there two or more there's two there's two i have more but um i haven't i kind of got them over there the other ones are not in boxes either people love their crystal like i do you okay kitty you have popped on to the right place on a friday night at the right time real on this lovely friday friday i would say happy valentine's week guys um i hope that you guys are awesome i miss it i hope you guys are all sharing the love and you don't have to love like a significant other maybe just love yourself i'm saying pour you a nice hot bath buy yourself some run you run you a nice hot bath buy yourself some chocolates [Music] and just love yourself [Music] great in sunlight yes larry but anyhow there's no red there's no registration guys needed for this auction depend on what you're interested in we do regularly check payments so the payments are due immediately after you win please make sure you send all the information needed so that i can ship your item as soon as possible name address and the item that you want this one is currently at 65 with yamiko looking for 70 yes joe i agree they are very beautiful very beautiful unique like um snowflakes speaking of snow i know you guys are all dealing with a lot of cold right now set up 17 in the box is a few bucks shy of two grand says big nasty bro thank you big nasty bro um but yeah looking for 70 guys on these beautiful swaborsky crystals been long been wrong looking for 70 bucks looking for 70 bucks thank you joe tri-state's already out going once guys oh tip two comes in at 70 looking for 75. i have an auction looking for 75. if it gets to uh 85 bucks i'll throw in a another one i think i have another one oh wait let me make sure did you guys hear that hold on hold on let me make sure no i don't whatever you don't no okay thank you lovely ladies and my mods i you guys do so much for us i have not forgotten about you guys usually i regularly try to send the mod something um i have it lately i feel horrible so be on the lookout mods be on the lookout tri-state betty webb and cindy uh yumiko says out thank you your miko all right guys uh attempt two at 70 bucks looking for 75 this is lot 10 two swaborsky crystals is this live team this is lot 10. wow don't sleep on it i love you too ladies cindy i'm a nurse i can pee fast i live in a state of confusion can you ship stuff there you know what i think i can dusty going twice going twice we're going to sell it guys looking for 75 looking for 75 two sworsky crystals they are very very beautiful snowflakes okay what are you doing we're gonna sell it we're gonna get it sold i think you should help are you are you kicking it oh so [Music] i had to i had to wake you up big daddy i'm up congrats him too either your nursing or your chair is a party right you want to say hi thank you when i was in high school i was the one with come on right kick it to be friends because i got rejected many times by the ladies it was it wasn't a pretty sight laughable um i tell my kids to just um in high school to just uh not really worry too much about people who act like that especially because it seems like the craziest kids in high school always end up doing the craziest things in life yes thank you tony 135 guys sizzix are you ready you know these are coach purse you know what these are those are stamps right no they are um they they want to know if you can do the coach first baby thank you tip too these are uh they cut it out like the other ones did but these are money makers on ebay right here this would be a good resell a lot okay so these are um cutouts patterns patterns uh the little die cutters die cutters die cutters and make a big difference there is one two three four five six seven eight of them die cutters and they're all different some are stars some are tags stars is it how many are there there's eight of them eight guys exactly exactly but that's exactly what i try to tell the kids about southwark i feel like when you're in high school you don't you don't have too much of it it's like i'm a bomb on this one wow that's [Music] 500 i'm not sure what you're saying huh looks like a gift gift tag cutters yeah hey amber welcome in need a press to use them do you i'm calling all my hobby lobby heads even my ebayers because um these are these sell separately on ebay really good guys this is a lot number eleven oh i swallowed a bomb oh any entrance i'm just going to take him out and take this shot and leave it at that crystal animal says shannon perez she wants to see savorsky crystal animals amy says pass great resell lot you thank you um sydney great retail lot guys starting at 20 bucks take a shot you know what it's bad all right you know the deal take a shot the other way you take a shot is if something goes over 100 bucks so you know what you've done both tonight how about you just take the shot all right you guys ain't playing coach steve take two shots which coach purse you have we have a coach purse oh you know what i'm thinking about the louis vuitton actually steve but you know what i think i did have a coach purse i just don't know if i brought it in did i bring it in here we go okay turn it around come on you ain't right kill it [Music] take that shot nancy i love you cindy here we go we can't see you come on salute oh wait someone i'm just playing we can't see you take the shot oh okay there we go [Music] forget that thank you big nasty bro it's the red louie that's what we're trying to get him to sail guys what he what is he taking shots of tri-state picker bomb dawn julio um since he doesn't have a lot we'll wait for him to have a lot back there this is what he's taking a shot of oh you know what so um we actually had this bottle last week because we were just hanging out for the super bowl and we didn't finish it i don't know who does things like that but we didn't finish it so looks like stalker has his money a run for his money because either if he bombs a lot or if he sells one for more than a hundred bucks you have to take a shot so let's see how it goes you guys ain't right her face is glowing or was it apple juice says jean parker uh it wasn't him oh no betty you're tireless they try to get a drunk thing no i can't do that betty my stomach's not feeling very um it's a little upset right now don julia with a fresh lime juice and a squirt soda that's crazy noe because that's one of um the squirt sodas one alex's favorites all right here we go screw me back i'm gonna make up for that we have i tell you what brady didn't bomb any wow big nasty bro that was a crazy game pokemon we have 63 pokemon it looks like 30 something but each pack has one on each side we'll bring them in later on um lot 11 pokemon guys no definitely not tammy they're like 2014 right 2 000 and um where's that one 2016 2019 some are new some are older but there are 63 of them i'll go through them with you guys and then we'll go through the back side 11 pokemon cards in sleeves 63 starting bid at 25 guys do we have any interest we have 130 people thank you guys for being here we appreciate it john comes in at 25 please hit that like button on the way in or the way out also sharing is caring so shoot that over to your friends and family so they can come join in on all the fun the best place to be on a friday night especially since you can't be at the bar and if you are at the bar you probably shouldn't be there yeah i'll show you guys the back side right tammy no i would out that's definitely a place i don't need to be bring him up a little closer baby i've got money for crystal says shannon uh we definitely have a couple more shannon we'll try to bring them in i know big daddy likes to give everybody a little something different and then switch it up alright guys we have john at 25. he's not double john at 26.52 because that one's not double looking for 27 looking for 27. if you're just joining in welcome in if you've been here um you're the real mvp thank you for sticking around thank you for all the support if you have just joined in like i said there's no registration needed none at all all you need to do is just pay as soon as you win whatever you're interested in the payment platforms are scrolling across the bottom make sure you send in your name address and the item that you won mid long bit wrong bluegrass comes in at 30 bucks guys looking for 32 looking for 32. john comes in at 32 looking for 34. this is lot 11 pokemon do you have more pokemon a lot of pokemon you have a lock let me throw some more in there um i would say give it a second needed this last week when pokemon collectors was in dang it tony said i had three shots of diet pepsi i'm throwing a couple more a couple more for you guys these are not double-sided but these are beautiful a couple more these are all hollow look come on nova look at hollow big daddy is throwing in a few hollows a lot of hollows up that bid currently at 32 looking for 34. bluegrass comes in at 35 looking for 37. i'll keep making this a lot fat prices keep going yes holograms yes cindy john comes in at 37 looking for 38 looking for 38 guys or 37 that works that works as well john thank you john looking for 39 show closer to the screen and give some years please 2017 2011 uh 2016 2009 yeah let me see 2010 2016 2016. 2011 2013 2011 2012 2009 that's a nice 2009 card right there alex is john lynch bluegrass at 40 guys looking for 42 this is lot 11 pokemon with a couple of hollows in there how many hollows did you say i don't know one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 13 14 14 with about 65 regular cards guys don't sleep on it high bid with bluegrass 40 bucks looking for 42 looking for 42. my life is a hologram my life is a hologram going once guys this is a steal looking for 42 bucks looking for 42. this is no pokemon fans in the crowd tonight huh i don't know sometimes you get the pokemon fans and then sometimes you don't get them twice guys looking for 42 looking for 42 this is lot 11. pokemon with about i think you said 14 holograms yeah hologram holographs hologram carla says dusty i'm not giving up on you i'm not giving up i got some hitter ones in here too boy sold sold so so to bluegrass at 40 bucks congrats bluegrass bluegrass for steal i have to go to bed curses or no said steve oh i'm not gonna he said get your together i would i wouldn't feel the right sounding um big daddy's still on the table i'm sorry steve about the the red purse yes congrats bluegrass well i was that mama that was lot 11. um and i think he's so much on the fence about this one because he wants to make sure if he's selling you guys an authentic purse versus a non-authentic purse show steve the purses um i thought we did have more purses babe i'm still out right yeah um i thought we had more persistent if you want to go ahead and call at night i i don't blame you i know it's probably late um but what i'll try to do is have more purses for next week as well because i thought we had some person purses but we've been cleaning out and clearing out a lot lately so same here in florida i love the gong yeah it's so soothing sometimes all right mama here we go we have 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 i believe these are napkin holders which are very nice about 12 and then we have the 12 days of christmas this will be on tomorrow's video when it comes out you'll see where when i found these 1990 what was this cigar seagull canada i think that's what it says oh well good ish bluegrass good ish i love to hear about the hustle i will check it out steve if you want you can message me and we can um communicate on it if you're really interested all right so this is lot number 12 and that's the 12 days of christmas correct baby napkin holders so you have 12 napkin holders and then you have the ornaments that are the 12 days of christmas and then what are what are the other ones baby knocking honors these napkin holders as well these are nice starting bid 25 bucks guys vintage very nice i like that one though because it's like a whole band each one something different like that's the trumpet all right are those angels silver plated i believe amy and i'm 25. i believe they are silver plated i couldn't i know they're not silver i see no mark on them but it was hard for me to decide that but no worries monster i know some of you um well a lot of you are not from our the west coast so i know our hours are definitely different it wasn't nice we got a full experience of that when we went over to virginia huh we're at 25. we would try to call the kids and it'd be too late or too early these are cool right here these are extremely cool do some research and look that up looking for 27 guys looking for 27. do some research and still look that up and you'll be like okay let me grab the thing you're gonna grab the uh you'll meet go in at 35 that one says 92 seagull canada looking for 37.12 over 12 days of christmas we have uh yamiko in at 35 looking for 37. look at looking for 37. thank you cindy that's the contact guys please our message here if you have any questions or comments concerns whatever they are real silver color says dusty um hi bid with yamiko guys at 35 looking for 37. these are nice on the on the left you have a few napkin holders they're all of them vintage huh yeah and then on the on the sorry the right you have the 12 days of christmas on the left you have the napkin holders any interest we are at 27 with wood buying girls thank you woodbine thank you amy we're at 35 with yamiko looking for 37 looking for 37 going once i know this set right here is like each one is on ebay for like 15 bucks yeah so this is either a good collectors or a good seller lot because piecing them out you'd definitely be making money back um collecting them if you already collect things like this this is a very good lot all of it then and that's uh yamiko right [Music] um we need crystals next some crystals all right i think i've got some over there yeah i think they're i think shannon's interested in she said the animals you have animals do you have any animals oh i thought you did okay bit long been wrong guys hi bid at 35 [Music] so oh what lot was that sold sold so so that was a lot 12. congrats you're mikko all right oh and guys i did wait sorry i'll take you out and guys um sorry cat bit me no worry cindy i hope you're okay it's crazy because cats can be a little crazy a little crazy yeah no they'll be like you'll be like oh good kitty good kitty what the sh my goodness but yes guys i'm not a you know the word so here goes salute oh my goodness sometimes you forget how strong tequila is but yes salute that's to it being friday solely to it being friday it being friday friday that face after though my face always it's so funny you ready so i threw him out yeah oh cindy i hope your leg feels better betty these are all waterford waterford waterfalls we have a five dollar super chat from karla thank you carla always enjoy your options we'll keep your family and prayers thanks betty cindy and tristate love and prayers to you all the chat good night night carla so this is lot number 13. waterford and i i believe i'm like 99.9 percent sure that these are waterford as well waterford waterford as well 1988 and 1985. thank you amico got your payment i believe they're waterford as well but all these are waterford waterford see it right here look 25 bucks starting big guys no registration thank you for being here guys 124 people watching it in the chat please make sure you hit that thumbs up and sharing is caring so definitely share that link to your friends and family tell them come hang out for this lovely friday night betty webb comes in at 25 looking for 27 looking for 27 guys i wonder who this lovely little fat buddha is going to go to i don't know is he going inside a lot or are you just picking someone to give it to you we're gonna pick someone 1988 and 1985. thank you cindy a lot of waterford crystals and that's uh five of them to be exact right i've been with betty 25 guys looking for 27 looking for 27. woodbine says night carla thank you for joining in carla have a good night have a wonderful night all right guys we're gonna close this one out danny welcome in danny i feel like it's been forever joseph oh my gosh joseph i think i forgot to email you i'm sorry he says hello guys all right we're gonna close it out this is uh at 25 with betty guys five one i see the back again on which one this one order for it on the bottom i barely can see it oh thanks joseph no i have 27 dollars is that a big danny is that a bid that's what i said tri-state that sounds so good tony copy of a painting in a book oh my gosh that freaking little shout out tequila didn't want my tummy already what in the heck i'm like a lightweight i got some others some vargas no other swavorski but it's like super pricey so do you want to start it and give us a starting bid because shannon perez is really interested in the swarovski i'll show him but they're gonna i gotta start him off okay shannon he said that he'll show him but he needs um a bottom okay so with that 27 with danny guys looking for um 29 twice guys danny at 29 well i'm 27 looking for 29. all right so it's also danny at 27. [Music] congrats danny well i was at 13 yes that was not 13. [Music] do it every saturday um joseph do you think it's a chance you can send me um i wouldn't say the loot maybe yes congrats danny i got four of the swarovski pieces but they're extremely so show them and then we'll put them out of bed if they don't sell don't worry you don't have to take a shot yeah all four so yeah put it at a certain price what are you going to put it at 40. what what no way or like a thousand dollars in crystals seriously yeah holy crap so then we have to like up this bit yeah and they're selling real good too uh danny is gifting me them to them too betty and i'll pay extra okay thank you danny you're not so sweet of you i'll put that on there so send to betty thank you danny i think i want to do these ones mama um if they're going for what you're saying they're going for put them all up there and start off at 500. what do you think yeah if you want yamiko says list them that's what i was thinking listen yeah so i'll show them to you guys if you guys are interested you guys can definitely bid but um i'm going to say at least 500 yeah these are 19 98 1994 and 1997 and this one's two thousand but not one of these on this thing is listed for less than like a hundred dollars two hundred dollars is a beautiful two four six eight um she said shannon says split them up if we split them up what do you want to do like 100 bucks on the top on the bottom bin these are absolutely beautiful they're really pretty all right the video does these no justice guys i collect figurines so shannon beautiful says i think it's because the years on these while they're so pricey but that's like showing someone some food and not letting them eat it do you prefer cash up or paypal honestly you can cash out me danny that's fine and i have betty's address so just cash app and we'll figure it out okay so yeah i'm gonna take these out and we're not gonna count as a bomb because it was a request no white boxes says benji honestly i think the boxes are inside boxes make a difference they're inside the unit still boxes are in the unit i gotta go through the universe okay so pull these ones out we're just showing i guess just a preview guys no i gotta take a shot for that no that's why i said you didn't have to take a shot because it was a request right yeah okay all right oh my back is killing me anyhow uh guys the super bowl last week very interesting i i loved the weekend's performance by the way um super funny because now you're just seeing a whole bunch of memes of him running through the back of the um stage i would say take a shot anyway big man says big nasty bro um no worries shannon no worries go boxes david um you ready no okay these are huge but at least they'll be suck says tony yeah yeah uh game wise i think it could have been a better game to be um considered super bowl worthy love brady suzanne yeah brady's definitely a legend um but i would have preferred a better game me and big daddy we just spent it here kind of just hanging out making food a fresh water salt yes i know so joseph can half time show sucks says joseph i think it was okay i've seen better i preferred when um you're ready what's the names boob slipped with uh who was it how old was that guys do you guys remember that year jennifer jackson's with um justin timberlake no janet jackson with justin oh wait that's intimidating one team did not show up for the game i agree amy he's going to repeat next year i hope not though dan because i honestly i like to see a little bit of like uh diversity if someone coming out someone else winning i love brady but it's time to let someone else win i don't like underwear on the band's faces i don't like underwear on anyone's face cindy all right yes thank you lot 14 holiday barbies they're all vintage guys we're gonna start this one off at 35. um let's see what barbies we have big daddy yo let me grab all the barbers just put them in at once uh i got like five more boxes like this special millennium barbie special 2001 edition barbie 1997 got a millennium barbie right there yeah you got a millennium barbie guys 35 bucks would would buy i'm looking for 37 and then you have a holiday barbie a two holiday barbies throw on the package too special edition oh look at that right disney that barbie year please oh is that one beauty and the beast 2001 this one is 2 000. this one says 1997 on this kmart now they have a couple second delay because of it they want some recovery time right joe 97 yeah 1997 on that one and then this one is puppy power thank you danny i got your payment 97. the two in the back are 97s two in the background are 97 so they're they're both equally um i mean all four of them are vintage guys bluegrass at 40. looking for 42 looking for 42. no worries danny no worries better late than never when buying comes in at 42 looking for 44 guys this is a lot of four vintage barbies you do got the millennium barbie in there she was afraid that the computers weren't gonna change over and everything was gonna go dark everybody was freaked out so uh be careful when you buy the millennium barbie she might be a little crazy 45 with catherine looking for 47 looking for 47. holiday 2001 on ebay like 300 holy cannoli that means you guys got a big fast big fast car comes in at 50 bucks car comes in at 50 bucks yes so now guys we're moving in five dollar increments looking for 55 this is a lot of four vintage barbies we have um is the one in the back is she beauty and the beast yeah can we see her yeah beauty and the beast okay so we have the millennium barbie holiday barbie they're beautiful beauty and the beast barbie are you showing you right there no worries lisa and then 97 97 2001 and 2000 so they're all vintage they're all over 20 years old yeah i did with woodbine at 55 looking for 60 55 looking for 60. great deal since small time gives pat welcome in welcome in on this lovely friday guys what a place to be with all you lovely people if you were just coming in thank you for being here if you've been here you're the real envy what's the better mama hi ben 55 with woodbine girl looking for 60 looking for 60. um no registration needed guys middle of what you're interested in but i'm gonna need that payment as soon as you win to either of the platforms scrolling across the bottom with your address name and the item that you won must be in the us bid this is um four vintage barbies lot lot number 14 or vintage barbies you have the millennium barbie holiday barbie i think another holiday barbie in the back and then you have beauty and the beast they're old enough to date they're over 20 right john going once guys 55 with wood buying i'm looking for 60 this is a steal great reseller lot or collectors lot a couple of people didn't hit the like button what the come on guys i think it's working they just have to make sure they go back really quick hit that like button right i love toy units so so so so to woodbine girl at 55 congrats woodbine congrats and big daddy had the um and voice me liz um yes definitely but please drop your um your paypal so 55 bucks baby so thank you pat wow what can i say says smile time gifts what um he's saying that's a deal guys don't sleep on it do not sleep on it hey should we jump over to ebay for a couple months or what i don't know [Music] well that was that love that was a lot w-40 on the door right ronald number 14. and it's so funny because um if i'm working late or big daddy's working late um you can hear the door all night yeah yeah thank you pat i was actually kind of sad i'm not gonna lie why mom she said my hair looks cute ah so your hair stylish wasn't there yeah my hair's i i scheduled appointment with my hair stylist and this morning i didn't feel so good so i was just hoping things would go according to plan but that it's life whatever i'm over it so you guys know when you dye your hair blonde you need to definitely cut it every now and then because the blonde just kind of dries your hair out so i'm like all right i'll get a cute little cotton flat iron but my hair stylist wasn't there long story short she wasn't there i had to go to someone else and she kind of didn't do a good job so i appreciate it thank you guys hi mckenzie i need underwear size small do you have any no danny i don't have any underwear that doesn't sound right yeah no underwear right now butter in spray can last longer than wd-40 i didn't know that big nasty bro that that does sound plausible though i will definitely and our door is going to smell good right and then you're going to be getting hungry every time you walk past the door um i smell oil i smell something fried all right let's go more barbies all right more barbies guys more barbie this is a lot 15. we got the elvis presley collection elvis live on stage and a dancing barbie you've got the elvis presley collection dog licks doors yes thank you cindy someone's car just backfired you heard that yeah i heard that um lot 15 barbies vintage you got the elvis presley collection then you've got elvis with his beautiful um girlfriend um sidekick whatever you want to call her side chick and then you've got the baby she looks like a dancer you just threw her in yeah just a room we should have just did the two elvis that's fine no underwear are you going commando dusty i'm currently no i we were just talking about it john comes in at 30 guys looking for 32 looking for 32 98 oh money mac um mia long is very beautiful 1996 on the elvis and his side chick um barbie and then what was the other one just elvis by himself penny at 32 guys looking for 30 john comes in at 35. wait catherine's in at 40 guys so we have the hybrid at 40. looking for 42 looking for 42 no registration needed guys no registration needed this is lot number 15 vintage barbies elvis by himself elvis with a side chick and then some very beautiful um ethnic lady that dances to whatever you will play i can't find the exact year on this last one right here 42. look at this the years right here is like unite it says 19 in 1992 1994. no sweetheart you know it says 92 94 i'm unsure why it says both no go inside when that while oh you're just gonna go up there and give her one huh you want a lollipop you can have all the lollipops out says john catherine are not 45 guys looking for 47. looking for 47. you're welcome have a nice night we'll grab some butter if we can put on the door right yeah i'm all shook up go ahead all right guys hi big with captain at 45 looking for 47 i'm looking for 47. it does huh that thing sounds horrible i gotta go potty i think it's a good thing that that door lets you know who's coming in and out no yeah i'm just saying well let's leave it like that forever we gotta leave it like that forever but all right so hi big guys with katherine at 45 looking for 47 john says out sorry i was only joking says ronald didn't hear him he was only joking no worries ronald but like i said um i think it's good i like to know when people are coming in and out the sound got so clear right shannon and you're gonna hear it even louder because i'm gonna go potty and leave it to you guys to go ahead and um going once guys high bid with katherine at 45 looking for 47. all vintage barbies all vintage don't sleep on it i guess i'm taking the camera over let's see where we're at all right going twice we're at twice any other beds going once going twice so my 15 katherine for 45 hours where's your here [Music] so that was pretty loud sorry guys let me see let me get back over there elvis presley look at that watch on too that's cool so lot 15. all right that was fast yeah [Music] i just had to go potty all right oh you did it like 10 times sorry congrats catherine you're like multitasking right now at the working and auctioning at the same time oh no thank you baby girl i got less delivered to you don't no i can't i think you know thank you very much put it in the microwave i got green bay packers guy coming in my shop tomorrow live video on that his number is 28 on the dream bay team are you going to you are going to miss it i'm joseph i will definitely look up your your facebook i am interested i would definitely want to see those elvis presley dolls would have gone great with my elvis presley records and why didn't you win are we ready for the next one um yeah would those sell for 45 45 i thought it was more than that catherine yeah catherine sorry a little brain fart guys it's all right my brain all right i'm coming in all right here we go you ready all right guys i got a little box that i just threw together i'm in the garage this is a mystery box guys first thing first this thing right here whatever this is it says something on the back i'm sure let's see i'm a bit hungry that's what it says on the back it sounds a bit hungry on the back then we have a little egg thing with the little eggs in it and we have a empty calculator box is there a calculator for this all right lot 16 mystery box guys whole bunch of miscellaneous items um looney tunes watch i believe this is a john and at 25 guys a little watch we got uh what the backstreet boys tape back straight back taxis on my page okay all right so same name and same profile picture joseph you know what i'll just put it in there i'll just continue grabbing out the box back streets back we have some this is cologne some clone we have some coca-cola things i think there are something in there we have a jar of seashells is that an mp3 player that that is a um mp3 player guys the apple mp3 player okay so 25 guys have been 25 looking for 20. flare gun i believe yeah priceless big nasty bro priceless what's in here oh oh dusty tell them to wake up i took my daughter to backstreet boys concert i would have loved to went to a backstreet boys concert amy comes in at 27 guys looking for 29. looking for 29. a zippo [Music] zippo uh okay a random key a random key all right we have high bid with amy at 32. is that a wallet yeah victoria's secretary that is cute i would have did that oh another key 35 with john lynch guys another key 35 with john lynch a little ipod another little ipod and i believe i went to the new kids on the block mix tape 37 with amy looking for 39 looking for 39 guys they've long been wrong 40 bucks with john 40 bucks with john this is lot 16 miscellaneous lot guys there's a whole bunch of different things in this lot you never know um you've got some cutesy little mp3 players some keychains some vintage coca-cola advertisements calculators things of that sort we have the hybrid with amy at 42 looking for 44. john comes in at 45 looking for 47. we you took a limo penny where were you at when i was into the backstreet boys like what i'm gonna take libero to the backstreet boys concert 47 with amy guys looking for 49. cheers to little mama hey her being the hello hello you're still live on my channel hello you got peanut butter on your beard oh my gosh oh my gosh love the pin cushion since tri-state picker mom i took a limo to hot atlanta to see the backstreet boys backstreet's back the backstreet boys do like what do they call it they were just out here not before all the epidemic can they do a um like a tour i don't know hey we're out here a while back i used to like howie why hey howie how you doing [Music] howie long sorry big daddy closer look at the flare gun please sorry can i see the zippo going once good evening alex and liz at storage doctors what's up west side liz always dropping work here alex like this is my channel chill girl right joe what do you say the flare gun what's the flare gun hey new england fish hey this thing probably could shoot like a 12 gauge around or something yes and they were starting to get back together then coveted that sucks back hey sabrina welcome in mama i should got in my beer no you're good to go all right um all right guys this is a miscellaneous box filled with different goodies um we have the hybid i believe with amy 47 looking for 49 looking for 49 edvard looking for 49 if you're just coming in hey how you doing um no registration needed to bid bid on what you're interested in but pay me immediately the payment platforms are scrolling across the bottom please do not forget your name address and the item that you won so i can ship to you immediately edward comes in at 49 looking for 51 guys looking for 51. hey thank you amy thank you amy back streets back back portal thank you for being here we appreciate you um they say do you mail out of the country back portal we do not mail out of the country unless you have made prior arrangements i have a good friend by the name of edvard shout out to you because he has properly emailed me and made prior arrangements so he's always more than welcome to bid on what he's interested in back portal if you are interested on bidding i am dropping my email now [Music] i don't think you can ship cologne internationally says tri-state pick her mom if he gets over places yeah it will uh thank you tristan i appreciate it because if he if edward no throw it away okay thank you edward we will do that so so so to edward [Music] congrats edward and that was at 49 that was lot number 16 miscellaneous box just love those little voices right tim too and she just like came in really quick and she was what was she saying babe she wanted something she wanted something and then last 16 yes last 16. he's talking about the flare gun okay so what i'll do edward is i'll message you to make sure everything that's in the box is shippable and whatever is not you know we'll discuss it but i think if anything it probably is the cologne and the um the the flare gun why not we'll figure it out awesome joseph i don't have a facebook will you be live on youtube west side gary i think he said he was going live um on facebook and why didn't you have a facebook i understand because facebook can get a little bit draining sometimes i want to buy the flare gun so john what i'll do is i'll keep you updated what was a lot number lot number 16 miscellaneous box yeah john what i'll do is i'll communicate with edward if he doesn't want the flare gun we can decide something then i can do both it depends on what he says um to go live on youtube you might need um you might need a certain amount of subscribers facebook has more drama than youtube oh no oh man are you ready yeah i'm ready okay this is a very old scrapbook it's not all the way filled but there's more pieces that are just hanging around and this was the first thing in there i don't know if they're in this article or what but it's from like 1937 which is very old and then the scrapbook just has like cards and stuff old old cards look at this very old then each page like they're coming off the pages it's like so old but each page has them like this i think there's like six pages deep and then the book and the rest of the book is thank you cindy and for the rest of the book being blank i'm going to throw in some bruce comes in at 20 he said this is what i've been waiting for my time to shine some old photos i'm gonna throw in because the book is not all the way filled but it's still very nice about to fall apart doesn't it oh yeah look this one i'll show you right here watch this you see this yes baby they took they cut out the wedding or whatever of the person yeah this person right here i think the name is jeanette right jeanette like jeanette that's her uh-huh these are more pieces that go into the scrapbook that i guess they took out right here how old is this it's old look you see it it's like all the the things like little cards but right it says jeanette right that's her watch this this is right here i believe this is janette yeah let me see her little cute self she's a cutie she's a little fat little chubby okay here she goes again when she's getting a little bigger 22 with amy guys looking for 24 looking for 24 at least they saved this you know crazy nowadays bruce you when you find our stuff from like you know 40 years right here babe you're going to find instagram that's what you're fine glitter toy oh that's crazy i love seeing stuff like this honestly i feel like if there weren't stuff like this there'd be no proof of the way that people used to live but it's like a whole history of this person because there's like older pictures of her so maybe if that was a waiting they really wanted to um no everything like christmas who says my students love this i don't know who wouldn't love i could play i read like a researcher and find it no she's probably gone just like i need to do it um the readings of like i said the diaries that i'm if you guys subscribe to my channel because i'm definitely going to do it i feel like if you don't have something like jeanette mother and dad oh wow especially trying to research the person oh wow that's that's awesome 1920 says dan i would have to write them a storyline about it yeah like i said you don't have stuff like this in hell fourth to right top row go back to your time but time otherwise gone whoa look at this one watch all their names in the back and third right in the center row lisa not 32 guys looking for 34. i bet they wish they had a youtube back then right joseph story of jeanette i'm in that 40 bucks run it looking for 42 guys bruce is in at 40 looking for 42. it's like a hollow pitcher that's crazy yeah it's really crazy because like you can get a story of somebody that's famous all day every day but just an ordinary person to live during this time it's interesting i find it very interesting this is for the kids i'm looking for 42 guys looking for 42 bruce is in at 40 bucks that's a lot of memories say shannon looking for 42 looking for 42. look she was in the paper left is a alternative bride whom sister miss marin smith was her only attending the bride is the former miss jeanette smith daughter of ernest arthur smith and mr fink the son of mystery that is so awesome what's up tom cruise welcome in thank you amazing some people throw this stuff out right she has a whole article of herself in here right bruce sorry out no worries lisa that's crazy every picture tells a story going once guys we're doing all this stuff because it's greece at 40. looking for 42 going twice this is really nice look at that for your wedding wishing happy future to the happy couple best which was congrats bruce lot 17. i don't even know how to pronounce it guys from uh to bruce at 40 bucks congrats bruce don't you have some more gold baby 1937. 1937 guys was on the on the date i got another ring yeah let's put another person from the last um oh you know what if you're gonna sell that ring let me do um let me send some money back so that somebody doesn't feel like they're not they're getting cheated or something oh sorry david i will definitely try to do that a little bit quieter i've been trying to do it quieter ephemera thank you grandma jay just me oh okay you ready for tomorrow night yes definitely you guys um i don't know if you have already figured out tom cruise and west side gary do a really good option so if you guys haven't already go check them out lot number what that was a lot number 17 to bruise that 40 bucks you want to do some records um it's up to you never looked at records just are you doing the ring though because um huh are you doing i gotta remember um bruce said alex melendez that's batman the flipper he does option too no it's cool caught me off guard that's all laugh out loud what can yell except credit card has to be one of three on the bottom gonna be fun can't wait who has auctions tomorrow says sherman you got records so tom says either let him buy some records or give him to him so he can do his thing always westside gary we're also waiting on um you know a little collab option let us know gary okay got it right this time yes thank you no worries bruce and sometimes the payments will get mixed up but for the most part everybody looks out for each other so i know one of our payments got sent to storage legends and they were you know it like i said it's a it's a really nice tight-knit community i really appreciate it if you guys haven't checked out um robin did a charity what was that two days ago but i'm pretty sure that she's still accepting stuff so go check that out too guys the two sexy beasts have an auction tomorrow that is that's gonna be so awesome she's actually what right we're down west by gary here's the link guys to website is that what's that gary's channel i got your payment thank you bruce i am so hungry guys that's the ring yeah okay let me weigh it he is weighing it all right guys um this is another this is a uh gold ring uh authentic gold 14 k 14k lot number 18 14 carat ring three grams three grams opal opal okay it did sell last week but um we had some issues we had some issues with the payment so that's okay no worries i know you guys are definitely happy right now give me a second you ready 14 karat gold opal homemade pepperoni sliders dusty don't be doing that to me all right guys lot number 18 he's an opening bid yeah opening bid 50 opening bid 50 bucks guys lot number 18 14 karat ring three grams size eight and a half thank you cindy beautiful beautiful ring and amy comes in at 50 bucks so we are gonna just move in five dollar increments looking for 55 who tell alex since he found those grenades for me last time i'm looking for training clay more mines for my vietnam unit we will definitely keep a lookout for you bruce um i have the hybid with amy at 60 bucks looking for 65 looking for 65 vicky comes in at 65 looking for 70 guys because we're moving in five dollar increments 75 with amy looking for 80 guys looking for amy amy looking for 80 guys looking for 80. the stone appears to be opal it is text is it tech scale or tax gal vicky comes in at 80 looking for 85 yes betty this is a very beautiful ring lot number 18. 14 carat ring size eight and a half three grams vicky and at 80 looking for 85 looking for 85 amy comes in at 85 looking for 90. looking for 90. no registration needed to bid depend on what you're interested in payment do it immediately if you win vicky says out amy in at 85 looking for 90. amy in at 85 looking for 90. this is a very very very beautiful 14 karat opal ring three grams size eight and a half size eight and a half high bid with amy at 85 looking for 90. that sounds so good joseph apple oatmeal with warm milk i shouldn't have the girls make me some oatmeal oh guys 15 more bucks in storage house store soccer has to take another shot i believe in you guys let's get that last shot or the next shot maybe we can get another shot in him before the night is up so high bid 85 looking for 90 guys this is lot 18 14 carat ring [Music] beautiful opal three grams size eight and a half size eight and a half looking for 90 looking for 90. benji comes in at 90. looking for 95. don't sleep on it guys it's a very very very beautiful ring that opal is just like it's breathtaking amy says out thank you amy benji in at 90 guys benji says i'm not gonna sleep on it i want it i've been with benji at 90 bucks looking for 95 this is lot 18 no registration needed if you're interested bid now cliff comes in at 95. i'm looking for a hundred looking for a hundred lucky five hundred [Laughter] you think that's funny yeah that's hilarious come on guys um two shots and i'm one to see big daddy get there let's go guys you can do it dusty i'm pretty sure you're not that ugly all right this is la 18 14 carat ring yes it's real gold 14 carat size eight and a half three grams opal benji says ouch ouch out out high bid with cliff at 95 cliff is gonna take it guys looking for 100 looking for 100 right joe i'm like anticipating come on guys looking for a hundred looking for a hundred benji says out do we have any more interest we're going to close it out high bid with cliff at 95 la 18 14 carat ring three grams they gotta be blowing them off going what how i was like 125 people it's my uh camera glitching looks good to me baby 122 people in the chats okay two people left because now it's 120. why'd you guys leave or twice anyhow get that thumbs up guys i like pinky ring as well says westside gary shot shot shot if it sells for more than a hundred i don't think it will so gotcha is your phone charged yes it is okay congrats cliff we were just a couple bucks shy i don't think you're gonna have no hundred dollar thing i'm purposely grabbing all the little stuff whatever big daddy is playing us guys he is playing us he's gonna grab all this small stuff now so that he doesn't have to take shots hey do you want to do like a humongous box of just a whole bunch of costume joy i could do that gonna do it five bucks short says big nasty bro you want to do it yeah um no i mean like humans sure no way guys if you haven't already subscribed to my channel what are you waiting for yes please do go subscribe to little mama soccer i haven't put out videos in a while but some really good stuff is coming i know we say this all the time but i'm telling you i've got some stuff brewing which is the reason why i haven't put out in the really it will kind of like a long time but like i said subscribe guys thank you tom for dropping the link and congrats logan cliff logan congrats beautiful ring by the way beautiful ring i can't do this i have time looking at them yeah that's what i said oh sorry what you got right next for a big day what you want um we'll try to do some more plates again you know if you bomb you know what happens bomb a lot take a shot all right i'm not bombing oh man i gotta start making shorts videos we all do come on yep no bomb in here we have a plate all right lot number 19 vintage plates i think that says bowed let me read it happy land all right and there's another one that is a good night it's 15 minutes midnight and i turn into a toad no worries thank you for joining in we appreciate you have a wonderful week and a great valentine we love you lots and take care oh not the bomb just keep adding look another one just like it it's the same one as that same brand but you can't get around bombing if the lock that you would originally put out there doesn't sell it's still a bomb no oh sorry here's the back lot number 19 guys vintage plate starting bid at 25 collector plates yes thank you cindy collector plates guys starting at 25 you know what i got to grab some heat that's to go what no registration needed bid on what you're interested in only rule is payment is due immediately after you win the payment platforms accepted are scrolling across the bottom of the screen if you win please send your address your name and the item that you won and we do ship we kind of put more places go ahead we do ship on sunday so expect your tracking to be there on monday sometimes i'm late and it gets their own tuesday but i still love you and i hope you love me too thank you cliff got your payment just dropped the loot for his auction tomorrow guys you know what nope i'm just gonna bomb i'm single on valentine's my heart's empty but i'm looking says joseph alright guys there it is joseph said he's looking and joseph i always say valentine's day is not for those that are couples it's just to love valentine's day reminds you to love love somebody don't matter who it is he don't want a bomb but he better watch if he reaches a hundred it is it's same as bombing shot says big nasty bro so you're gonna bomb i'm gonna i'm gonna take this one on the chin he's going to take it i got a bunch of little ones too but i don't want to put those in yet got a bunch of those i'm just going to bump he's going to bomb guys oh wait i think you got saved by texas gal what and then you got saved by texas girl at 25. all right no bomb not a bomb big nasty no we were waiting for you to bomb why did you say so are we just gonna say sold for lot 19 to texas yeah 25 because big daddy what is it what a bomb tx gal tx gal sold 25 bucks plates and they'll fit in a lovely large flat rate so whoa it'll be fine well that was that that was lot number 19. congrats texas gal there's a couple of them right there um joseph says payday on friday auction on friday shipped on friday um and shipped on sunday life out loud yeah saturday is dedicated to the kids what life is that um we tried so i'm gonna be as transparent as possible and yes things do get shipped out on sunday and not choosy because we wake up tomorrow on saturday and a lot of times we have to work many saturdays we have to unload and load record and sift and then you know sunday's our days to this is just a big old mixture of barbados 21 now and dropping down what that's some cold weather mikko 19 to 29 monday is a holiday oh that's good to know thank you right here all right lot number 20 lucky lot number 20 guys um more barbies this one looks super special so we've got the beautiful first we have the pet doctor barbie let us see her so this is lock 20 starting bid 30 bucks guys and the year on her is 1996 pet barbie with their pets in 1996. vintage barbie dolls again 2000 special edition celebration barbie oh this one like the other one huh and then this one right here is like i don't know why they do this one so fancy but look at this watch she's wrapped up like a present what is that holiday barbie oh look at this certificate of authenticity oh how do the girls not did the dolls yamiko because they have enough it gets so crazy sometimes that i actually have to toss things out from the girls hey this is nice look at this that is so pretty why are you even unwrapping it babe before you can see it what do you want me to do she's beautiful all right starting is 30 bucks guys last barbie is for breast cancer since grandma j woodbine girl comes in at 30 bucks crazy crazy for being a fool welcome in pat dees i hope you uh got my comment i said happy birthday a little while ago it's your birthday happy birthday it was it was like a couple weeks ago oh way behind there no you're way behind i told him when it was his birthday janiece i'm not 35. james comes in at 35 guys looking for 37 yes last week yes right i hope you had a wonderful birthday party a rapper all the way woodvine girl comes in at 40 looking for 45. you know what i'm about to do babe yes i might just throw a big old ben barbie's in here throw the band in watch this roll the band in drop it like it's hot drop it like it's gone this whole bit all right guys denise is it at 45 holy cannoli babe you have to think about shipping i know well let's just keep this lot worse no it's fine these are old ones too oh what does it say on the barbie box wood buying at 50. this barbie says 1966 on its back oh my dad okay no worries would you like mine please give us a second guys i gotta give big daddy my phone and i don't remember where the link is it's in heaven hey apple sucks got it yeah [Music] hold on hold on hold on let me see that thank you for sticking around the storage soccer options there you go perfect what's on me how do i switch around put another shrimp on the barbie aaron right there we go and we're back at it there we go all right look guys that's what's going on that's a bratz doll even the doll but you have a bunch of barbecue so the box doesn't come with those barbies right no that's a wine box that's a wine box that box don't go in there but all these barbies come with it 60 bucks guys looking for 65. 19.95 on this barbie there's even a bratz doll in here in 1999 i think yeah 1999 little bratz is all i'ma show you all these dolls look at this one looks groovy whoa where you at lady oh that's a bratz little 1990 let me see your phone so i can charge it it's right here let's see what else when we got this person mattel 1997 mattel so you've got a lot full of vintage barbies along with barbie 1966 on that one dang their hair be tossed 1995 on that one said tom poor barbies they look like they had a hard time and you just keep showing booties i gotta see their thing look like they had a rough time on skid row that one says 1963. thank you texas girl what is no this is you said 1963 skipper it's 1963 it's a date on that one can i see that's one lonely boy 1963 skipper all right so you know what we're just going to say lot 20 vintage barbies a whole bun where are his arms i don't know half a guy i didn't even go to the bottom of this another barbie this year is 1993. what's over here so the box is filled with vintage and then you have um the ones in the box the ones in the box which is the one and the two holiday barbies this one talks i just bit the cat laugh out loud this is not but that's how it has to go sometimes 1993 on that one barbie just got a storage prison 95 on that one you know what's funny is if these guys are anything like toy story you know they're like having a ball in the storage units enough is enough right cindy tell that to be nice 100 bucks with steve guys 100 bucks with steve so that means we're moving in 100 100 we're moving in ten dollar increments now guys and there's clothes all in here too moving in 10 increments now this is lot 20 whole bunch of vintage barbies oh look at these three of them as you see to the back are in boxes untouched big nasty bro says you know what time it is oh 100 bucks same thing with shannon perez she said run it big daddy don't be no kitty cat now here comes the bride uh put your clothes on girl why are you okay the bride is 1966. she got bees on her butt everybody you finally getting a buzz says edvard you know what i think it takes big daddy more than two shots to get a buzz um west side gary i agree i'm gonna show you guys how i take a shot i agree as soon as we're done high bid would see about 100 bucks guys we have any more interest we're going to close this one out with steve if we don't have any more interest we are looking for 110 liz did you bring in pity yeah um kitty was in earlier if you want to see her tom i could bring her out she was hanging out a little while ago um big nasty girl said i don't drink so take an extra shot for me big nasty bro if we took an extra shot every time someone said that we'd probably need medical assistance i got you alex looks like he's done that before [Laughter] i think the shots are getting to you liz joe they've been getting to me seven months sober says bruce congratulations [Music] so so so [Music] to steve congrats t you want a load of um barbie dolls a whole bunch of pretty ones and crazy ones naked ones ones without legs and arms old ones old ones they're not new so really old ones i'm gonna go ahead and check oh you have my phone huh yeah is this lot 21 that was a lot this was lot 20. what's for dinner says erin we're on a diet yeah we've been on a diet i'm down 10 pounds [Music] but i do need some dinner i was hoping for some keto tacos from el pollo loco tony you did say that what oh she's allergic to alcohol oh wow that crazy barbies should i even be taking this one right chris gravely you should take a shot bro come on you guys you got this way to go alex says cindy come on um where's the uh the market i'll buy everyone a drink round on me laugh out loud says raymond that was a lot what liz is that your brand t-shirt love it oh yes i love little mama ah that was a lot 20. tom says woohoo 10 pounds is great yeah i'm super proud of him the crazy chicken yes you ready let me see it let me turn my camera around oh you're taking a shot well i just i'm a man you said alex i did all the diets eventually had to do the gastric sleeve but from 450 to 225 congratulations 220 is my uh my goal 220 is his goal he can get there i know he can you've got this come on big daddy only because i'm a man of my work i'm a man of my word no i'm going to say something else but namit i'm a man this tequila is to you and to you watch this oh well that was a shot all right take the camera back amy how did you know take the camera back okay take it off yeah okay how did you know that is my all-time secret amy i'm not even gonna lie well then nothing you didn't read the comments and you don't need to know mama jesus oh anthony what's up anthony what's up mama g oh thank you cindy she said she has to get up in four hours to go to the hospital cindy thank you for being here i know we missed you a lot the last no go ahead babe the last uh previous fridays but if my mom's you guys know i love you but if you can't definitely let me know i want you to have your time that's a beautiful thing jill what are you talking about babe get it alex dawn the marbles right the marble was in the other one was on the same one um yeah exactly alex you know what did it for me i wanted to walk my daughter down the aisle one day that's right have to see hey thank you thank you bruce that is that's the dang it i'm sorry are you done no you coming in love you hey big daddy what's up little mama you got a man hope you get that big dog big guy that's a healthy weight good luck on setting your goal that's why i'm drinking don julio there's no carbs right this is a lot 21 custom jewelry congrats monster it's not easy guys it's not easy and if you do it congratulations and let us have some inspiration please share your story i hope you do anthony i think this is the coolest piece in here that i don't know why they didn't want this slot but hi mama g this piece has mama g says hi babe hi mama g how's it nick oh my gosh sorry all right guys it has a piece of 1936 nickel buffalo in there 21. janiece said i'll give you 25. let's go open the bid fashion jewelry lot 21 guys thank you thank you for the blessings uh joe comes in at 30 guys looking for 32 looking for 32 no registration needed bid on what you're interested in this is lot 21 fashion jewelry lots of very cutesy items you also have a a necklace with a buffalo nipple in the center this clear my nose out feeling better yeah alex i will call the pope and have him bless you i'm gonna need it jenison at 40 looking for 42. i thought your name was tri-state pokemon i'm gonna have to put my root beer down now chris put down the root beer and media adjectively texas girl comes in at 42 looking for 44. janiece and at 44 looking for 46 guys looking for 46. this is lot 21 very nice fashion jewelry very nice fashion jewelry like i said uh earlier you have one with the buffalo nickel in the center of it and some monet alex sneeze so much my antivirus software kicked in just wondering why do people sneeze in twos big daddy sneezes in like tens all right guys we're moving in five dollar increments now guys we have the high bid with janiece.50 looking for 55 thank you texas girl um this is lot 21 fashion jewelry no registration required bid if you're interested but pay immediately the payment platforms accepted are scrolling across the bottom please make sure you send along your address the name and the item that you won hi bid with janiece at 50 looking for 55 looking for 55 going once guys thank you tri-state picker mom going once we're going to close it out if we don't have any more interest twice what the heck is that someone paid 100 bucks okay perfect right bruce all right guys we're gonna close this one out if you're interested looking for 55 looking for 55 lot 21 fashion jewelry hey stalkers sorry i'm late sold sold sold so congratulations and no worries jack better late than never um but also mr chestnut yes it is what up jack um we know that as resellers we all get busy so it's fine we just do appreciate the support so thank you for stopping by nutty jack in the house and tom cruise drop dropped his link again guys please don't forget to check him out i forgot it was friday jack how do you forget it's friday you know honestly i'ma tell you how you forget it's friday when you're a reseller and you work all the time there's no monday through friday through you for you it's just work through work for you work through work work through work through work that's all in it um okay jill [Music] that's so sorry i'm over here yes definitely that was lot 21. are you going to keep going are you going to close it i like two more okay seven days a week exactly so when you're a reseller you don't have monday through friday you just work but what's good if you need it you take it and you throw it it just sucks though because i think a lot of resellers don't tell themselves that they need breaks that was lot 21. locker nuts opened up an ebay story to purchase those items for my classroom and kids oh wow that's cool jack does say hi everyone how's it going on this lovely friday and if you live in california it was a well i don't know how to tell the size of a carrot i want to say these are like a quarter northern california it was a beautiful day i'm gonna do these little diamond earrings all right you're gonna do some diamond earrings hold on let me see let me make sure they're both late for valentine's day but better late than never guys right but if you don't have anything at all i don't know about that you might want to get out go get a card and some flowers for now or you can get some nice diamond rings from stalker or you can get some nice diamond rings from soccer ohio weather sucks says mama g it's all right mama g that's why you got the internet i would say california weather sucks but it's like we'll get like a couple days of rain and then like don't lie today was like 70 degrees and beautiful today was like what was yesterday yesterday was raining hey papa smurf all right bring me in i see these diamond earrings 14 karat look at it lot 22 diamond earrings guys um he's unsure of the carrots he's going to be honest they're kind of little but they are beautiful but they're very beautiful this would be a this would be the chair the cherry on top of whatever extravagant valentine's gift you get babe i know what's out there because you already got something nice and then you order these or win these we send them and then bam the icing on top mama g comes in at 35 looking for 37. amy says i'll give you 50. so we're gonna be moving in five dollar increments now guys looking for 55. he said they were super clear 10 to 20 points each says dan high bid at 55 looking for 60 amy comes in at 60 guys looking for 65 looking for 65. watch out quick no registration needed watch how quick the dollar tester jumps if you're interested go ahead and bid payment is due immediately to either of the payment platforms scrolling across the bottom do not forget your name address and the item that you won shipping is i'm probably about i'm gonna say monday or tuesday since monday is a holiday correct chris get your hind under that bed now get under the bed wow amy comes in at 70 guys looking for 75 good color says dan looking for 75 wow that's awesome nearly there nearly freaking there guys let's get bluegrass figure to 1k if you haven't subscribed already here's the link go do it get him the 1k tonight guys hi ben with amy at 70. looking for 75 looking for 75 this is lot 22 beautiful diamonds right now warm it up big daddy i'll rub it lot 22 diamond earrings high bid with amy at 70. looking for 75 looking for 75 no registration needed if you're interested go ahead and bid payment is due immediately we're going to close it out going once guys been long been wrong last chance last chance [Music] amy at 70. i got to get the vintage clothes out the vintage aaron says out thank you aaron hello aaron i'm aaron [Laughter] [Applause] so thank you nice bye congrats amy oh i haven't been putting prices down that's not good i can always go back we still have 100 people what you guys really like us lot number 22. they're about worth 450 thank you dude 22. um about 22. yes all right now what um listen to you big daddy wanna try to do these guys mm-hmm let's go yeah did this guy or just one at a time i'll try one at a time all right where did they say this was they told us on their own live okay i don't think i remember let me bring them in yeah we have a very nice piece of art that i forgot what they told me it was man i can't just sell something i don't know what it is i totally forgot it's a nice pizzar the bottom says um mexico you said the bottom says mexico yeah the guy riding the dog john lynch says the guy it's a is it ivory no it's not oh john lynch is talking about that one the food dog the warrior writing the food on yeah i don't think it's irony no it's not no it's a nice piece though it's not ivory but it's a very nice piece i found it in the same unit that i found the uh the uh the other artifacts and the very expensive chairs and i'm a bomb again huh mm-hmm if you can remember what they told us it was i'm gonna go along ivory is illegal it's not ivory maybe bone he looks like he has the answer to everything he'll be like am i taking the right career ivory is illegal to sell so it's never ivory since uh mama cheat unless it's antique right aaron resin says vintage treasures i don't know if it's resin is it a little heavy says texas gal yeah he looks like he has all the answers you should make cheeseburgers for dinner oh thank you mr answer guys manchu quinn dynasty someone told me what it was i forgot is it cold to the touch alabaster i think that's what it was yeah it's cold to the touch pineapple chairs unit yes joseph yes it was a chinese temple god the other one um john thank you no i've messed i gotta i have to message him back because he needs pictures well he said he wants pictures so i'm gonna have to send him pictures of what actually was sent but thank you for joining on thank you amy can't find it aaron said i'll give you 20. and he said he's just being nice because he doesn't want to see you drunk it's all right maybe i should do a little more research on him before anyway oh wait i think i know what he is are you going through your thing your phone if it has a little weight to it more than likely it's alabaster not bone thank you texas girl bruce said i'll give you 25. all right is it a quan yin god statue no we don't want to see that little mama na big nasty bro you don't you don't alabaster that's what someone said yeah that's what people are saying alabaster oh my god we still sound like what are we doing well we have the hive day with bruce at 25. all right well then it's gonna sell a million dollar piece we don't know what it is we're selling it lock 23 million dollar piece selling for 25 bucks but bruce looking for 27 looking for 27. alabaster made in mexico show the bottom again show the bottom right john i know i know but you don't have to go back and get the screenshots i will um do that yeah don't worry about it john hey man i told you should have stole it it's all gravy did you feel the bottom baby yeah okay guess the weight you have to put it at like four maybe five four maybe five pounds oh we a hot mess see what happens as soon as we go over 20 lots we turn into a hot mess give it a second big daddy's gonna weigh him right now we still have 94 people up in the house thank you guys for being here he's three pounds 14 ounces best place to be on a friday night because you can't go to the club all right well just come on let's sell sell sell it how much will shipping be i'll put them in a flat rate i probably won't make much off them you can probably stick them in a shoe box tell you um i think we're gonna go ahead and sell it yeah don't have the uh 25 with bruce so you want to do the asian warrior guy or no no that was a long marine line oh i should have typed sold because aaron came in at 30. okay ship with my other order um we still have aaron in at 30. it's not sold we're no aaron came in at 30. oh you didn't type soul so what am i doing uh well we'll close it out but just if you're gonna bring another um la and bring another lot and we'll just close it out right here how are you oh okay yeah so aaron's at 30. huh and so does the other guy were 25 we're off i just told you that oh they're still bidding on it you want me to show it still what the heck you do baby mama baby mama should you know okay john if you want you can also email them to me as well email me the pictures i'll drop my email he says sold um i thought it was so too okay it's the right thing to do mama yeah sorry all right sorry aaron yeah it's okay just give it to bruce yeah sorry aaron big daddy said it sold to bruce so we're just gonna give it to bruce sorry about that bruce so guys so that was lot 23. um alabaster yeah was that what it was [Music] thank you aaron congrats a bruise too on the statue you guys want more pokemon or crystals um give me a second new crystals no no pokemon no i would say give it a try fishing no pokemon no what did the chat say bruce says put it back for auction i was wrong huh um no bruce it's okay if it's paid for already don't worry about it yamiko says crystals are fine crystals are fine i'm gonna do these little what does the ancient warrior look like which one the guy probably am i riding the full dog oh he's nice i'll show you guys next afternoon all right here we go this slot is six crystals and the name on these this one is if i could barely see it back there but it's back there you see it right there says leave it says gorham box of gold next please joe cramer joe don't worry that box of gold is coming right up pour him on that one no worries bruce what we'll do is we'll just pull the whole lot all together so a lot 23 didn't really sell unless aaron you're interested in it at 25. these ones are this one is it's called uh lorna's i believe right babe can you see it right there see it you said what baby go to the other end um see there it is lindx l e n o x all right right this one is the same thing linux on that one and then these three right here these three are uh what's the name so we have you mikko with the hybrid at 30 bucks on this on this lot guys i'm looking for 32 this is lot 24 crystal ornaments is that a ora o r r e well i don't even know how to pronounce that baby um joseph and we did it for them checked out we have actually sold a few of them actually what mama these three are they no worries mama g and the thing about auctions is nobody's perfect things happen it's fine don't worry about it that's our fault yeah it was my fault not to have being sold and then you know it's just miscommunication understandable um but this is lot 24 guys with yamiko at 30 bucks looking for 32 crystal ornaments i know this guy right here is at least like 80 bucks alone all of a vintage 1986 that's old it's a year before after i was born this one's 2 000. a year after you and a year before me 87 there you go right there you're the snowman i'm the snowman 1990 on that one these are some actually pricey pricey right errands any more interest no we're gonna go with seoul yeah we're gonna get what sold uh sold to uh yamiko at 30 bucks we all need shots now that's right once and those are the uh 35 with betty webb oh 35 with big win betty webb comes in at the last minute guys she said i'll give you 35 crystal ornaments guys 35 looking for 37. lot 24 35 looking for 37. i'm going to the tomato garden mama g i'm gonna meet you there amigo comes in at 37. so beautiful betty and at 40 who said sold i don't know all right twice then aaron then and 35. yeah it's at 40 with yamiko with mine said i'll come with y'all um 40 with betty sorry out to betty okay thank you yamiko sporty with betty guys alex send the statue to aaron estrada my bad i admit my mistakes i will eat it there's no problem we'll figure it out it was our fault we shouldn't have put it up there not knowing really what we were doing i did i say salt no sorry it's getting low a little later than we usually go already there puff puff puff said john lynch all right we're going to sell it today you're hi big with betty at 40 bucks guys we're going to sell it amigo says the heart is beautiful it is beautiful you guys are awesome [Music] all right so i think we're gonna close it out with betty we don't have any more interest you gotta say that go on once not going twice yeah let's do the whole make sure we do that because i feel like when we say my beard is soft past that i didn't say the real one i said c-h-i-t that's when west high gary put on the thing twice guys betty webb nope i'm being sinji stingy and so so congratulations betty congratulations betty yeah and no worries guys um i honestly just appreciate you guys being here sometimes me and alex can be a bit of a all over the place i'm gonna say a chip show um but to be honest with you it's life nothing goes perfect and if you don't figure out a way to weather through you're always just going to be a nervous wreck bottom line so your best option is to kind of just be resourceful figure out what you can and try not to be a you know a nervous wreck if things don't go right i mean honestly this morning when my hair cut didn't go right i probably could have pulled the knife out of my purse and did all my [Laughter] you know but it's not being logical logical thing is to kind of you know wait it out and enjoy the cut move on with my day anyhow like i said thank you guys for being here we appreciate you guys putting up with us 104 people still here hanging in uh there's some more you want to stop it's up to you it's up to you or a pokemon want anime books you want so you're the one who stole my night right you started now no um like i said thank you guys for being here every friday well the fridays that we are here you guys are here hanging up hanging out with us great auction as always and alex your hair looks great thank you woodbine thank you new england fish statue please you guys you guys are trying to see the dog food the statue guy on the um what he's writing is he writing a dog food yeah i'll show him i'll show him but it's not good the barbies i think are the only toys we have this week don't know if i'm gonna sell him but i will show him to you guys that is him he is beautiful right website i'm doing this because i need some information if anyone has any on this guy who gold coins knife silver cards i will take notes aaron this is the what do they call him uh warrior writing food dogs i forgot what kind of word it was rise up says i love him wowza the only thing that's matter with him is his tail right here it look like let me take it off it look like jill um we do have cds huh yeah we do have cds jill it's beautiful look at the background got any beats my daughter broke hers joe i freaking lost my air pods i'm sorry so bad the little chip on his fingers that's alex to drop in the mic looks like he's passing gas yes thank you tri-state this is a preview guys unless we get the proper bid on this guy this is like definitely one of a kind neat stuff yes boat man he's on a dog foo it goes on i guess it's like a warrior that that like they'll put on their house like on the front and then benji was telling me that they put it on the front and it's to guard your house because the food dog ashria something alabaster chinese ginseng thank you gen c um he is beautiful he's beautiful what ben um if you guys want to open them like out at least 175 i would let them go but i would have to open them up at like 175 because i know he's worth some good money feel like i haven't seen you in forever rise up how is everything going on your end says gary them are in the thousands says gen c yeah yeah guys so this is the lovely one that we have i looked them up and i found some like them and they were around six and five but the conditioning is in is like beautiful that's why i figure open up around 200 in it hopefully he goes for around five four five i feel good at that price i love his base too his base is nice huh yeah and he just looks so majestic he's going to go whoop somebody's ass hey too much for me but thank you for showing guys i'll just show you guys thanks for learning thanks for the info i appreciate it i'm still new in the business and i don't know certain things what i don't know what's going on all right yeah you good i'm good are you good big daddy i'll get you an autograph joseph whose autograph are you getting i want joseph the details neat pieces gary that time after auction what are you talking about betty webb what's going on after the auction some late night groaning sexy after that red light spin show all through the night you guys cracked me to pieces um i'll give you my autograph says chris is that the don julio says joe yeah john don is over there singing holy crap i'm good westside gary i have been kind of sick since getting my first of two cobia vaccines oh wow i didn't fare well afterwards afraid to take the second vaccine i don't blame you rise up but definitely keep us updated when praying for a speedy recovery you ready let's do this fast mama okay pokemon card says john we'll do some some of those next mortals i believe these are vintage i found them in a unit where everything in that unit was extremely old okay so this is lot 25 yes tom definitely please let us know if you're ready to come through a lot 25 marbles starting 20 bucks these are vintage marbles guys not gonna lie to you and say that they're just like some random marbles these are vintage joe crabby said there goes my marbles i was wondering where they don't sleep on them joe even if you found these ones i think you're still missing a few hahaha you ain't right like that and i we're all missing more than a few um jill at 20 guys looking for 22. um john at 22 looking for 24. i just got over covid i thought i was dying joseph is definitely becoming apparent that it's not nothing to play with 25 with jail guys ah you got it right joe i feel like if you live in today's society if you have marbles left there's something wrong with you what something wrong you mean mommy i think in order to cope with what's going on you gotta lose a couple marbles show close-up says tri-state pick a mom yes you may have applesauce 25 guys with jill looking for 27. john says out look at your 27 guys looking for 27 this is lot 25 lot 25 vintage marbles very nice guys uh nope i shook my head and there are no marbles rolling around in there i lost my marbles and think i just found them once guys with [Music] jill at 25 looking for 27. looking for 27. gary says out gary were you even bitty oh gary what sorry gary thank you though i appreciate it if you're just joining in guys no registration needed been on what you're interested in this current lot is 25 high bid 25 looking for 27. looking for 27. going twice guys we're going to close it out we're going to close it out bid long been wrong oh no don't tell me alex got a manicure no he needs one joe he needs one all right i think we sold this one 25 so give me a second is that what you're saying all right i think we're gonna close it out with 25 little mama's back is done you don't want to do it on pokemon you want do you want to do the last lot pokemon congrats jill she said hooray hurry hurry congrats to on the marbles i have four big jars of marbles i'll show them in my video tomorrow how does noon look says tom no tomorrow yeah tomorrow we're open all day yeah you're not tomorrow at noon is good tom good to go i gotta go buy my unit i got a big box with some 45 i gotta grab out of there and he said he's gonna grab some more i think that much records only want um well i'll message you tom too if you want what was that you all pokemon cards that are left says aaron estrada that was a lot number 25. i should have grabbed this sweater you know what oh we ain't like this long in a while i know i know never mind and what never mind and what you're gonna put my sweater on yeah you know i like when you wear my sweaters yeah but it's crazy because your sweaters me whole yeah my sweater's like that big daddy sweater guys it's huge should do a spa day video oh my gosh joe you know what if you're following my channel we did a spa day video in mexico we did huh are you ready thank you joe we sure tried and this is some more pokemon let me count it real quick one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 3 4 5 16 17 8 9 30 that's good to know joseph 7 38 39 40 41 42 42 44 45 46 pokemon and there is some hollows in there 46 pokemon guys last lot of the night lot number 26. that pokemon is 19.99 that's old one pokemon you said 46 yep 46. some new some old some new and some no first editions i don't think that's super old aaron comes in at 25. john comes in at 27. all right guys looking for 29 john comes in at 35. aaron at 37 looking for 39 this is lot number 26 you said 43 43 thank you tom for stopping by we'll see you tomorrow aaron at 37 guys looking for 39 looking for 39. this is the last lot of the night no registration needed 84 people still watching it in the chats thank you guys for being here we appreciate it don't forget to hit that thumbs up on the way and or the way out good night see you next friday have a nice valentine's you as well yamiko john comes in at 40. for all of you for all of you leaving out already please take care be a superhero save a life wear a mask joe i can't stress this enough um john a at 40 bucks i'm not gonna lie i do have a grandma currently in the hospital with coven so i got a grandma i have a dad a grandma and an aunt all in the hospital kovid um this is life as we know it if you can wear a mask not if you can wear masks dab name it if you want to we're not telling you to do nothing johnny at 40 looking for 42. looking for 42. thank you everyone for being here tonight was greatly appreciated can't wait to see you next week thank you betty webb thank you joe i appreciate it it's definitely been um it's been a tough couple weeks going once guys going once hi bid with john a at 40 bucks looking for 42. um i have not yet seen an emoji with a mask on that is good to see that emojis are now wearing a mask guys if emojis can wear masks you can do it too twice aaron says out thank you casual thank you woodbine oh we didn't give away the statue um the statue is going in the package no or you're just gonna going to one give them away that brought his package right now aaron so it's also to john a at 40 bucks [Music] congrats john holy crap what was that baby i just found a whole ton of hollows inside that box i'm jill i'm not able to check payments right now because um big daddy is using my phone his went dead earlier right john i've seen that that really tripped me out i haven't seen that yet what um emoji with a mask wow i just look suddenly there is a mask emoji in my phone had no idea it says pickers warehouse me neither so it's crazy where did it come from right we've been we've been asking about justin he must have been in the tub congrats john congrats john on the um on the lot number 26 um yeah it's crazy i didn't know it either and now we're all gonna go look at our phones to see if it's there are you gonna come join us yeah i'll be over there right now yeah take me out take me out take me out no worries pickers warehouse i think we all do it i think we'll be working and we'll just like put on the stream for a little bit sometimes we pop in sometimes we don't but no worries just glad to hear that you're here and lurking thank you john try saying said thank you all for an excess sex a sexful action successful action oh my gosh it's getting late and the glue on my eyelashes is starting to make my eyes stay open like this america no i haven't changed the paypal but give me my phone baby i'll check the payments right now while while you're coming come on over come on over baby right joe i'm telling you that's exactly what i was thinking what up guys liz you need food i need food for real um it is 10 o'clock you ain't getting no kilo tacos i know you might really get a keto pizza at this moment i don't even care what it is i'm just hungry come on over come on over are you ready to get wild for this valentine's weekend must have wow you want to clean the house i must clean the tub going all in this valentine turning me on now keep on talking i'ma wash your laundry i'm gonna mop the floor i'm putting the toilet seat down all weekend i'm just playing i'm just playing oh my goodness i will flip okay so jill yes i got your payment betty bruce amy james texas gal um i just got bluegrass thank you bluegrass attempt to attempt to jail if we um heather betty we didn't get your payment for sure contact you look out for email and when you lucky buyers look out for this guy because he's gonna be in your pack we're gonna slip him in a box he's kind of big so he's not gonna be easy to slip get her honestly our we're adults so our good turn is like laying the bed and watch netflix until we fall asleep sounds like fun and that's a wild night right now saying i'm late yeah maybe i'll go watch the movie that storage legends is in don't forget to even um send me a friend request okay i'll look i did look earlier joseph and i didn't find you but i'll keep my facebook in there mama well the facebook is storage stalker 2.0 but a lot of you guys are already following him i believe but definitely you guys store stalker 2.0 look for it on facebook [Music] i want the fat man laugh out loud says amy hmm i think we're gonna put everyone that buy into a hat in this cooler name yeah maybe try say it says goodnight and take care thank all you guys we love you guys we appreciate you guys thank you for supporting our thing we got going on if we didn't have you guys we wouldn't have new ones buy your first unit together i'm trying to get my girlfriend to buy one with me anthony as much as i want to say yes when big daddy initially started buying units little mama was a teacher and that's what we did i did my job he did his when we had after we had baby number three three two after we have baby number three i stopped working oh yeah after we had baby number three i stopped working to help big daddy full time and i love it he's awesome but honestly now i'm his boss whose car backfired i'd be interested in the chinese dog statue what were you thinking for a number no you you were saying 175 to 200. that's what i want to start at i'll let you know i'm gonna do a little research josh i'll drop my email he does have little chips on them so i want to make sure you know whoever i sell them to if they're reselling it they can make a good profit off as well but try to spread the wealth all the way around we'll let you know we'll email you thank you appreciate you guys so much it's time to put some food in our bellas goodnight peace out we're not going anywhere we're staying right here
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 3,200
Rating: 4.9224806 out of 5
Id: tu5Bcb9Pomk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 36sec (14316 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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