Bought 50$ storage unit and found this | Unbelievable the profits we’ll make| #Abandoned#Pokémon

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what's going on today guys my dad just bought a unit today when right now that was yesterday stinker and you weren't even there neither one you guys was there but she did have it right i did buy a unit and i came by myself like i usually do to the auction sometimes little mama comes with me pay 50 bucks for this unit is a five by 10 i believe and you know what i don't think i'll make money off this unit but there's one reason why i bought this unit i'll show you real quick she is one of the reasons and hello miss lady she's stuck on the unit she is one of the reasons i bought it because of this toys little training bike little thing this that [Music] [Applause] yeah this is the deal guys you don't just go in and start grabbing stuff first we have to name stuff what is this what's the plan in a bowl a bowl nice platter you know what you think with the water gonna come back to life mm-hmm we'll just it's a cactus it might yeah that's my life still i don't know but that's a nice thing that's nice that looks you know what the case is kind of nice too ah is that party how much did you twerk [Music] how many dollars five jealous if you can get five dollars then you in charge of selling it anyway this is like one of the main reasons i bought it i really do like this thing right here yeah i remember getting raisin or littler and playing with these in the front yard with my brothers and sisters you know what this is guys a crocodile well you're right but it's a titty time you sit on one side no anyway you gotta face that way go and then you sit on that side no over there like this look punch your booty there collect your booty there and then sit down okay come on get up stand up let it go [Laughter] somebody almost want to keep it hey who put your boots on mom did yes oh you put them on okay that's explained so i think you bought this unit solely for the kids yeah [Music] come on babe come on in i think you're stretching [Music] want to get in the box no why most kids like playing with the boxing of the toys and the tote we have oh hold on it just got serious comic books no that says pokemon pokemon you know batman spider-man batman these are kind of crappy condition though they look like they're older though you know what i mean you know what pokemon do you see what that is oh that's a bite is that a pokemon what oh snap oh baby we might be in some money pokemons are hot right now what year are these things oh wait 2 000 it seems like pokemon always 2014 would look popular huh these are not popular they're just like trainer and energy cards look at all energy cards don't excuse my language be quiet i didn't do that 2012 2012. look it's packed oh but i don't think they're that good because they're not that old people say the older ones are better oh that's like a whole binder i wonder how much would be from our oh they're expensive you ain't even seen they've been hot lately i've been waiting to find some good ones honestly i haven't really been looking i don't think these are that oh look at this i don't think these are that good but they're doing a pikachu pikachu is that it and pokemon pikachu oh those are cool okay another binder what is this though is that like a sticker that's a pokemon that's a big sass that's a big card mm-hmm you know that's worse though i like five ten bucks though you know to be honest with you i don't know too much about pokemon me neither what's this one oh yeah that looks good i don't see anyone that don't put card any kind of cards inside of a plastic that are not worth much let's just grab a bunch see what they are are those holographic they are i know that this is like a reverse holographic where the rest of the card is shiny oh oh oh nice ones in that box no babe we might have this i might have made a good decision buy the unit for the kids and you get kid themed okay it's not that old 2011. that's kind of old about 10 years it's oh look at they're all holographic though look holographic holographic holographic holy cannoli that one's ain't but look they're all like pictured cards i wonder if these are medium media mail you already plan on selling these things now you know the reseller life it doesn't stop it keeps on look you guys dividers in them like look at there's a divider right here right here in there right here look so each one's probably different huh let's see let's go this one right here oh baby look at that what what oh that's probably money right there holographic pikachu how old is that thing 2016. [Music] what the hey get over here kids look at the noise man i think we might have hit some this is over a couple hundreds only paid 50 bucks for this one you're all kid buy more kids [Music] i might just sell these on auction maybe i'll look them up huh see if they're really worth a lot of money look at omg uh what is that electrode gx oh uh man i think honestly i'm kind of more excited to find something like this than baseball cards right now cause all you see on the internet is pokemon pokemon pokemon resellers pokemon pokemon pokemons like what the heck that's a lot of pokemons these things anymore boxes in here man i'm hiding behind these i'm gonna say it's a uh it's uh well should we just come here these are what our kids are running the mud we kind of just throw them to the side i know don't worry they're having fun there's a lot of them in here you guys want to see more of these you got to come to the auction because i'm about to sell these these ones these ones dang these are in good condition but why would this has to be like an adults collection unless this kid really was like a real life hardcore collector or something you know all i can hear is what you know how kids are look these are all the same though it looks like crazy kids look they're holographic holographic holographic holographic why's that one in the plastic it's all messed up look at these are probably the good ones look at gx whatever that means [Music] holy cannoli cannoli but honestly 2014 2015 they could have just grown out of there pokemon and mom just kind of didn't even think about it these are i see these at walmart all the time these things more cards more cards you know every man must put his childish things away oh these ain't carts these aren't things unfortunately oh oh these might be good they're not trainers look you got me upside down sorry mama then i'm upside down look like regular cards huh i don't see no shiny ones in there i know the shiny ones are worth more money they still look good look at that both sides this side and that side's car that's a lot of cars and the kit was organized all purple all blue all red and we found the kid's name there goes the kid's name carlos sorry guy yeah oh more come home i'm kind of excited but not too excited because i really do feel like newer cards are not really worth nothing so i don't know the kids are over there busy acting up so you know what i'm gonna do did i go through that one already let's open these uh i'll open this one i think you didn't no you didn't look there's a binder right there so you didn't go through the bottom one let's see what we got no hollow ones just regulars look regular regular regular regular regular purple blues you sure can go to this one these look good still too though i'm not gonna gonna sell these on the auction i gotta look them up though look up the ones that are shiny and not all of them what else did i have did i look at this dice you're right baby holding down there things tell them stop hey cut it we're trying to record got it good job you want to be a youtuber you got to sit down take notes and see what your dad's doing got that yeah give him some camera time what else do you what are they supposed to do during the video um get a unit what are they gonna do to help us yes yes what are they gonna do help us no what are they gonna do the subscribers what do you tell them to do [Music] you don't know give it a big thumbs up alright what else and subscribe subscribe oh hey you know what sorry guys i bought you a unit but i'm taking this stuff yeah if you don't mind you don't mind was there a top to this baby bam right now i'm excited about this box right here that's going to be some stuff i thought this was metal oh it is metal it's a fire pit i told you that oh in there is it heavy a little bit let's see and okay uh jesus found a bunch of this stuff okay okay okay somebody got tired be careful babe there's a lot of hooks in here old fishing stuff i would say new that's what it says today huh what is it i'm just saying oh i'm just these are new though those are new new lures it's actually kind of money babe we could sell all this on the auction [Music] it's fake it's fake that was the face of tear i'm sorry i apologize guys it's fake look sorry all right let's see what's inside something stung me come on baby sorry lois that's a nice box though that's a waste nice box i like how it's so organized empty empty but how much is the box going for it i think they're 20 bucks i'd say more okay maybe like 40. 30. but the stuff in it we're going to auction up on friday okay oh another one of those balance bikes because this thing is like everybody what kind of bike is this guys um a unicorn it looks like a cow to me unicorn here go ride it watch out for the spider on the bottom just play just play oh look at this one oh this looks like ribe size oh there's a spider let me kill it no we don't kill spiders you just grab them he just jumped through and this is actually cool we just bought one of them one of these for christmas yeah we got it we kept it on the other unit but it was like 100 bucks for the little bike but look you guys have matching bikes now who has the blue one me me who has the pink one okay really here you get the pink one and i see if you know how to write it go well you're good your children's buy was a goodbye [Music] oh there you go speed up you know what today's whole video was kind of based on getting out the house getting away from all the cooped up coronavirus and all that i bought the unit purposely to bring the kids out today and we got blessed hopefully them pokemon cards are worth money fishing stuff worth money 50 bucks invested but honestly spending time with the kids chilling with wifey they got a new choice it's priceless thank you guys for being here appreciate you guys being here until next time peace out don't forget 100k road to 100k share share share like like like subscribe subscribe subscribe and what else and give it big thumbs up big thumbs up peace out people
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 7,157
Rating: 4.9910812 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: z6uNhXUcz_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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