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happy tuesday welcome in if you guys can let me know how the audio is [Music] oh and i seen a while ago that we got a 20 super chat before it even started hey clan big nasty bro cindy let me see if i can find this super chat really quick thank you guys for joining in sorry we um we're so late 20 super sticker from nick gordon thank you nick that's so awesome uncle krog welcome man what's up waiting on the star of the show you're here hey tom you're you put out that video already the one we did last night yeah oh so if you guys watched this video already you got a good um understanding of what we kind of have right now hi mom's got deals i know pirate's still going huh yeah but he should be closing in right now what's up hey mr legs um a lot of packages got shipped off so i'm a little behind on invoices but those will be coming out this evening no worries try say hi sorry it's angela i've never been to one of these before how does it work how do you pay need to register anything let me know and thank you roy thank you for joining in welcome to the family we are a very uh lovely community um i have my mod cindy right now tri-state was in here but it's usually cindy and betty webb but if you pay close attention to their comments they kind of will let you know what's to get down um get down what's the get down what up guys what's going on everybody on a wonderful tuesday um terry said he got his shirt loved it hope it fits hope everything went well quality we're trying to bring it up but we are a independent people so we like to keep all of it in house and little mama is the is the maker brando was the designer and i'm just the model all these beautiful people in here juicy boo and dogma mr yes super different on tuesday but life for resale you don't have week weekends or weekdays or anything like that yeah you just go with the flow yes quick update quick quick quick quick wait kenya what up kenya liza's cousin from um where's he at um atlanta yeah atlanta what up kenya kiss the baby say we say hi that's my cousin slash adopted son but yeah a quick update guys the pictures we had the little meeting today i will check it we actually met what was her name mama uh christine and michelle lasho big daddy has on same price but you know what i haven't um gotten a chance to put that link up so if you want to just purchase the regular link i'll send it right now and then just put a note in there and say hey i want a black one but like i was saying we met with two people one of them happened to be a singer slash actor in her days and yes she was we looked it up on youtube she was awesome she might be in the house she wanted the link but it went great the meeting went excellent gave back a lot of personal we came to agreement on everything else and you know what that's going to be disclosed until further date another video another video what's up big daddy hey how you doing but yeah it went it went excellent it went like better than i thought it was gonna action auction auction hey amy yes auction auction auction today we have guess what we have avon a lot of avon jewelry some coins we have a nintendo nes we have a bunch of other old games we have some games that we are willing to uh auction off but there's going to be a reserved on him like we found a handheld sega genesis with some games it's pretty nice we found some some nice stuff it's been a good good couple days right it's been a busy couple busy couple days the big unit we are literally 75 done pretty much garbage run and it's been like wake up early go to sleep late wake up early go to sleep late but i guess that's the life of a reseller that is the life of a resell you know what don't mind because why alabama money says big nasty bro that's going tonight we have that in here today well not tonight today yeah we have a nintendo nes with some fire games like these games a couple of them i know are pretty expensive today is going to be a wonderful day today is going to be a great day today is going to be the day where we sell right what is that what's the word that was like getting us prepped to make some some dough some moolah baby baby what else do we have we have some beanie babies we could draw them we have some pokemon you could try him thank you kathy she says hi liz and alex hi hey how you doing how you doing oh wait was that the first person that did it okay no did what champagne cookie unit uncle krog in the house what up tom in the house what up okay i think yeah champagne cookie email me your shirt size so you can get a shirt champagne cookie mega unit love look up there oh mega unit love mega unit that unit is crazy crazy pack um yeah but we're almost done with it sorry champagne sometimes it happens like that but bear with me yeah okay yeah right american photos fantastic fine yes and honestly i'm glad i listened to my subscribers and they said you know what hold off do a little research and your wife noggin oh yeah she was there too my goodness the thing about those pictures is it was a time where nobody really understood the capacity that was actually taking place at that moment in time because you have people like marvin gaye patti labelle um maya angelou yeah and those are like original pictures you can't you don't get those yeah the ladies she i think she danger came to tears looking at him she was she was and and what brings me more joy is the fact that a lot of this stuff is going to be set in the museum in san francisco so we do get to go see it and can you can you imagine something i found is going to be sitting in a museum somewhere like what that's pretty crazy that is extremely crazy like whoa whoa i'm excited for that i'm super excited for that can't wait i know we have i know who all those people in the pictures were i knew it was an awesome find yeah it was it was it was awesome it was really awesome i was happy too though was able to give back his he had a whole album filled with pictures of yeah personally like him his family and they were saying that the guy was a super super super neat everything perfect type of guy and judging by those pictures from his color coordinated suits from his color coordinated ties to his color coordinated hats to everything his house he had pictures of his home where every room was just like perfect everything just tied in perfect and like the joy that it brought her because she actually was able to go back to that time and kind of get a feeling where she you know the things that she was going through every and it looked like she was having a good time i'm like those must have been some really good times i mean to hang out with marvin gaye and she was saying too she was like yeah i remember that day richard pryor she's like we stepped out and and she was like i stepped out winning got some food from lucky chicken or lucky some she's like yeah patty wanted some food so i took her we got some good food i'm like whoa right it's crazy yeah it was it was nice it was very nice very nice people to talk to so now we're just waiting to get rid of them but mega unit 75 a little bit of garbage left some awesome things in there still um what else you got going on mama um this is the link to buy shirts like i said before if you i'm only doing white and black shirts so if you want a black one just let me know the color and the size and the size and um we have two options you can either get a v-neck which i like because i'm a bigger guy and i like a little bit of room around my neck or you can get the other one and sits regular on your neck either or but just when you put that email when you do order a t-shirt please put in there what do you prefer and your size keep your head in the game big uh big nasty bro love richard pryor so funny right oh that was awesome picture he's got a notification i'm live huh i think you just got a notification no no that was just an email all right i'm gonna go set up my area we're getting ready to get this going come on let's start with a bang see we got going on all right should we do what the garage open today first sunlight no when you turn on the when you open the garage you get a really bad glare okay all right yeah i got your email champagne i will definitely hit you back after the live all right did you get paddy to sign anything no but we did find one of the jackson signatures in there we will definitely keep you posted connie that's like something that we're gonna have to definitely follow even the lovely ladies um we were expressing that it was a good connection that you know we got to meet them and they got to express um how they're connected to everything so they definitely said they're going to keep in touch even after the transaction is completed and one of the ladies actually kind of connected me a little bit so i was excited about that think i'm missing mine hey girl you keep him on st man i knew i married you for a reason i knew it come on champagne all right here we go all right you set the link to will i have fake that rip right here okay i understand megana great says sarah yes that mega unit was bomb.com thank you cindy i did my hair today [Laughter] usually i'm not gonna lie i just like um wet it out real quick and then throw the rag over it because it's cute and i don't have to do my hair but today i actually did it guys [Music] all right what do you guys want to start with today not the staring contest so cindy what are you guys gonna start with today let's start off with some bang start off with a bang start off with a bang how about we start off with something that i never seen that they might have seen and they might like but you got to be a real yeah hi smile time welcome to even know what these are and i feel like if i start with these i'm going to flunk so i'm not putting those huh let's put this hi georgine welcome in temp i'm actually like in the middle of all that goodness right now i've been talking with a few um brokers you ready for that yeah oh you know what bruce wanted that holy crap well let's see if he's in here take me out there sorry oh good one we gotta communicate with me i know i thought i had told you that last one last auction hi guys just love your shows you make my day our pleasure kathy well let's start off like this let's start off with some of these we said we were having a vintage so we were not playing um that's a good good question angela she was saying can she pay with debit card does she have to have a paypal [Music] yeah you know what you could do um i don't know if that would work angela if you're interested in something just let me know and we can work something out come on you ready yep vintage jewelry one two three four five six seven of these the year on thank you kelly [Music] 19 and they are all very very beautiful and know that we can see them all 1972 is the year on that one this one is it's um 1974 pendant necklace necklace necklace look at that that one's nice let's keep going let me unpack these pretty fast is a neck a must if it's a list oh okay what i'm just being serious oh look at that one looks as if somebody took my pin sorry you're usually pretty good at that yes i am let's open another one look at that one okay so we have lot one guys vintage 1972 avon jewelry starting 25 we have jason in at 25 looking for no big nasty comes in at 30 guys look at that one don't mix up the lid says julie sure pull the camera back a little alex okay let me um let me watch this real quick oh kathy says my mom was an avon lady from late 60s i love that one amy at 32 guys looking for 34. this is gonna be walking like walking down memory lane says kathy hey cliff you showed that one necklace today it was white and orange so pretty big nasty at 40 guys looking for 42. looking for [Music] and she's gone beautiful beautiful okay sorry you know this stuff uncle craw got 50 guys which means we're now moving in five dollar increments looking for 55. looking for 55. um connie comes in at 55 guys looking for 60 looking for 60. this is a beautiful lot yes these are statement pieces i have one piece oh i will grab it that is going to go up as well my mother yeah this the avon i feel like back then was so much prettier or is it just me you buy modern neighborhood i don't but the modern avon that i see doesn't compare to the older you spark it out all right we're gonna get ready to close it out guys we have the high bid with connie at 55 looking for 60. it's like a little fish jason i'm stating my butt out la fella are you staying your butt out hey mookie she says arnold she must just came from a pirate auction hello john we got from the uk what up we got 131 people in the his house right now what can't wait to get to this grateful dead t-shirt and his nintendos and these orange we still got so so so do you post to the uk congratulations connie um no we don't unfortunately kept the boxes together as well so we do post with um prior authorization meaning you message me before the auction you go ahead and send over your shipping deposit and then we'll get it started like that but that needs to be prior to the auction so i'll drop my email if you're interested in that hey mike welcome in what up mike lot one sold for a million bucks yeah yeah aren't you lucky opening bid on the next item will be 1.1 million please everybody don't bid at once well it's gonna be a lot of work thank you cindy all right hi will those vintage shirts be up for auction dream kid yes they will be yes they will i'll have a little reserve on some of them because i know they are pricey pricey pricey pricey i have probably three grateful deads and i have some ticket stubs to go with some of them all right now my turn to ask you for something hey where'd you find that at in my drawer in your drawer really i've been looking for that thing for a month can i have a sticky notepad oh my goodness i can't believe you really just did that to me it's all good baby i should have pretend like you're crazy and it's been there the whole time huh yeah i probably would have thought that too that's what i was wondering cindy i'm making a blind bid for 25. i'll take it said that jason flores we'll take it one bit for 25. all right next item up is starker's dirty socks that works bring bring it on big daddy i don't even know where to go with this stuff just bring it on just grab handfuls of it come on nancy oh oh okay you and cindy start with me today okay all right it's all good baby i don't know how many lots we have a 20 super chat thank you julie she says so happy for your blessings you are good people thank you julie we appreciate it all right here we go this is gonna be fun unwrapping you ready yeah let's do it i'm just gonna grab piles of this off my table and we're just going so this is lot too these are these are necklaces right necklaces pendant necklace pendant necklace i'm gonna open them here we go first thing i kind of gotta open these because i've been opening them a lot first one look at that nice little gold tone uh bracelet for one boom i liked it that bracelet there we go hi ronald fashion jewelry well we have the bid still at 25 with jason guys looking for 27. nice all this invention for the year on this one we have the year is 1977 on that one all right let's keep going beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful everybody heard our um dryer all over the world sorry we have mookie at 30 guys looking for 30 seconds we have another oh another bracelet another goldtone bracelet i hate when i do that when christmas comes don't forget about it sure all right okay necklace see what kind of necklace it is oh look at that dirty little bow type thing very pretty necklace all right so we have um hi bid with mookie guys at 44 looking for 46 we have a five dollar super chat from angela thank you angela and we have a two dollar super chat from deb thank you deb love you guys hope you score tonight okay i think the hybid yeah the high bid guys is with connie at 55 looking for 60. and uh sapphire rhinestones right here oh look at that that is dirty see that beautiful attack says nothing on it the box says avon galaxy oh that'd be a good idea ashley take the bracelet and get get him engraved oh that would be a good idea just don't stop it just don't stop there's piles of it in here okay the pen says friday auction guys just if we got a friday movie going on on a tuesday so going up the auction's going up on a tuesday how much is the deposit to you to post to uk um [Music] definitely depends but email me john you can email now and she's on the computer so yeah you can email me now just please email her now and then we'll let our mods know that everything went through we'll go from there yeah i'm trying to keep up with the bids but we have the high bid with connie at 55 looking for 60 guys because we are moving in five dollar increments holy crap i'm gonna open every one of these i am going to and you know what big nasty bro that's exactly what i was thinking when i seen all this initially and if you are anybody that's smart you should definitely be planning for christmas the day after christmas he said you can say christmas can you say christmas presents definitely like you buy this lot you're definitely taking off a few people off your christmas it's sitting place to me plan now save later guys mike says alex and i have been discussing doing a dual live auction in the future stay tuned guys looking for 65. um marilyn says pirate don't you have enough fun oh we never had too much fun right cindy you like i said if you are somebody that knows you should be definitely be planning because if you do your christmas shopping ahead of time you're saving yourself the headache and your mom my mom would totally do that in july and anybody knows retail they put the price up slightly more than usual because it's a software item buy it beforehand guys for every lot tonight easter and mother's day is coming very well for every lot that goes over a hundred dollars of this stuff i'm going to throw on one silver piece that i got so if the latch reached over 100 it's a silver i'm gonna throw in a silver uh piece is that a super chat we got a five dollar super chat thank you tony um frisco says hi stalker family all and kitty says hi to everybody i'll bring her out here later i have eight girl grandchildren i shop all year denise you need to be shopping christmas day for next year when my grandma passed she had um close towards his 62 grandchildren john lynch what are you talking about that's horrible what happened talking about fleas in somebody's crotch oh no 12 items in this auction how many items are right there baby 12. yes or what um i think we're gonna close it out guys hi bid is nick at 75 looking for 80. do we have the ipad out here yes we do you know what i have tonight too is a killer killer silver bell it's a lady it looks like a dress but she's a belle and she is awesome so so so to nick at 75 congrat congratulations nick here we go so fast soccer could pack some stuff up all right guys payment is due immediately after winning so please send your payment to either of the payment platforms scrolling across the bottom please do not forget to include your uh name address and the item that you won i'm getting you that email address right [Music] now um let me check it really quick my phone's dying already oh what yeah it is well not not my main one we got about 10 phones what i miss what i miss help lost track of time no worries kelly we're actually on lot too so you didn't miss much um and it's a little bit of avon we should have some more avon coming up oh we have plenty of ava so not much and i noticed that there's a 167. it was just 170. but thank you guys for being here we appreciate it please make sure you hit that thumbs up on your way out or your way in whenever have it make sure you share because sharing is caring with all your family and friends we appreciate it share with a random stranger that's your task today yes there you go no registration needed if you're interested in bidding and you don't bidding and you don't live in the u.s did i hear more phones oh no dogma he was just talking because i have this phone and the other phone she has too many phones i have two phones that's only two too many um anyhow one is for storage stalker should be quiet um so you couldn't get me off bring some goods or what oh bring on the just bring on some good string on the goods all right guys opening bid on this i'm gonna need to be at least 75 bucks and i'll start it there then you guys go from there it is a size extra large there is oh i thought it was already put me on oh sorry besides extra large there is one tiny little grip right here and it's earing soon cherie very nice grateful dead t-shirt um nick you can also drop your venmo guys if you have a hard time finding me on cash app or venmo or paypal drop yours and i can invoice you and that makes it a little bit more secure do you have and have a ny toy car new york toy car maybe yes you said starting bid at 75 75 yes okay all right guys this is lot three grateful dead shirt you can see this was in denver colorado um i'm gonna say they had lots of fun and if you weren't there you could probably use the shirt so starting bid 75 guys what size jeremiah wells comes in at 75. extra large guys hey monster zero he says hey little mama storage stock shirt pokemon cards says ronald all right guys we have uh what year was it baby 90. the shirt i believe it says 90 clear thrifts uh but we do have jeremiah at 75 moving in five dollar increments so we're looking for 80. old magic the gathering cards the magic dragon i'm gonna make some boxes while i'm sitting here because i have a feeling i'm gonna need him clairthread's in not a hundred guys looking for 110 looking for 110 yes we are now moving in 10 increments this is a vintage grateful dead concert tee currently at 100 with clear thrift looking for 110. yes we will do the pokemon shortly we will do the pokemon shortly but um for those of you just coming in thank you for being here for those of you for those of you that have been here you are bomb.com for everybody that's in here we love you we love you more if you go and hit that thumbs up no registration need it guys bid on what you're interested in but payment due immediately we have all of the payment platforms scrolling across the bottom of the screen along with a blue pen at the top of your chat please click on it and it will help you a lot i've got a whole bunch of little pretty thingies in here huh mega unit auction oh look at that says bff are you my bff you better be oh yeah i'm sorry going twice guys bid long been wrong hi bid with clear thrifts at 100 bucks and he's gonna take it he said mine my germs this is a pretty ring i'm a crying kid i'll grab it yo you're gonna grab it yeah yeah sold sold so to clear thrift congratulations clear thrift that was a really nice shirt i thought it was one of the best ones we found and give big daddy two seconds or so what year was the shirt um i think it was a 90. give him a second he went to go um they were going at it because one kid called the dog ugly and the other one said it's not that way okay what year was that shirt 90. but crazy coney island kid i'm sorry if so but i think we do have some more i have a crazy i have two with the ticket but i liked it that one the best to be honest with you i liked it the tie-dye and the teddy bears did you yeah it was really nice let's move along i have a stack of coins over here we could do ah yes cleared wrists do you still have the alabama money yes bring it on we're gonna bring it on in a short minute here i'm that is funny people always asked us why we did go to so many concerts i would always say because we didn't remember the last show wow hi all from croatia welcome in welcome welcome welcome in want to do this yeah we can do that big daddy there's a little jewelry lot you might want to do right here some more jewelry yes that's not pretty all right pretty too look at that ring guys all over the place right now that's really pretty we're having a rainy night in georgia you know honestly it's not rainy in california but i was hoping big daddy could make me some chicken soup tonight [Music] also me and my family say hey little mama and big daddy hello guys welcome in i will try it again you ready big daddy yeah bring me in all right here we go we have you guys remember we found the rolls of coins this is a stack of them and they are just a mixture of a bunch of different coins the storm in texas these are canada 65 canada 1965 canada 1968. connie i have not received it canada 66. what does that mean elizabeth um canada 61. these are all canada canada 57 um canada 63 this one is a what is that is that canada oh yeah canada 5 6 1922 holy crap cash app yes i did check the cash app um it's money b l i z z y eleven moneybelizzy11 i didn't receive it connie if you want you can send me um your your name and i can france the year on this one is um darcy you're not 20. these things are old looking for 22 guys looking for 22. and michelle i don't know if you're watching but i hope you are welcome in five sets these are really pretty from the year of 1905 um i will i sure will nick um nick gordon i got your payment thank you nick 1901 a one cent 1901 from uh canada one frame oh connie canceled france there's some good coins here people oh and i think that was good that you cancelled that connie because it was actually sent to the wrong um it was into the wrong cash out where's this one 1943 rfi breaks um thank you for um that information uncle krog guys i think i have the high bid what is this 24 20 okay yeah 24 guys looking for 26. yes thank you cindy that is a very good point guys we have a new paypal a new paypal it is storage soccer19 talker19 gmail.com i'm hoping it's a lot more user friendly than the last one and if you do happen to send it to the last one it's okay but we are converting fully over soon to the new paypal denise says out dusty says out hustling the hustler says 27 guys so we're looking for 29. looking for 29. i have a whole bunch of pretty stuff over here and i didn't even know how come you're not telling me these things all right guys looking for a silver sport and not 30 guys looking for 31 looking for 31 these look real these earrings over here they are don't talk to me like that what they are because you're saying that they're real and you're not you know for sure if they are look yeah seriously yeah these ones too yeah all right guys we have sharon in at 32 no worries connie no worries i'm glad when people communicate so we can you know get to the bottom of it you know what i found what you found what was that my life yeah oh see what what and you're just not pulling that out guys should i throw something at him i won't do that you're such a handsome man this looks real silver baby all right we got desmond cooper at 40 bucks guys looking for 42 looking for 42 looking for 42 this is lot number what did i miss t-shirts julie nothing um you didn't miss the grateful dead t-shirt i'm not gonna lie things are warming up yes looking for 55 guys looking for 55 because we've got desmond cooper at 50 uh mary comes in at 55 looking for 60 looking for 60. i know i'm sorry hon this is really pretty you know what you can do my my bucket if you want it's a whole bunch of pretty stuff well what do you have envelopes over there um let's put these in the envelope oh my gosh look at that bracelet no i don't think i can do a cup i went to a million times i'm just looking nice stuff in there you can have whatever you want leave me alone oh look that's a silver quarter all right desmond and at 70 guys looking for 75 a bit fast lots of lots to do lots a lot and lots of lots guys clear the riffs it's mine now says claire thrips um you know what money talks julie money talks just what to say i just want to say i love you guys says mookie pookie thank you nooky yes julie if you want you can get clear thrift um contact how many chords is that that's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hey great i'm staying now says julie should be a time limit per lot it'll go faster 14 15. sold sold sold to desmond at 70 bucks envelope um let me see that's amazingly great use that it's only one we got lots more well i'll pull out some more for you okay thank you okay so if you guys have been hearing little mama my money tells me goodbye yeah and big daddy probably says that because i get the money and i distribute it to the bill so at you know we from when we get the money he's like hey babe how much money do we got none how much money did you do ah life of an adult but yeah i've been going through this bucket guys and it's got some really cute stuff in it i'm thinking big daddy should auction it off a lot of it's just fashion jewelry but then you have and it's also like bits and pieces the state of alabama you know what that bucket is mama what a bucket is full of stuff that i was unsure of if it was real or not so we just left it in there yeah oh thank you alice last time i went in that i found a pair of diamond earrings last time you went in the bucket yeah you ready yeah let's do it all right this is lot number five guys old alabama money um where do you see the data alabama damn you can't pull this with this in the water i wouldn't fold that um guys i hope we're not in the chats being mean to each other because we have enough meanness in the world i'd hate to see it here repeat says knock knock who's there all right guys this is lot number five let's go uh big nasty bro comes in at 30. [Music] is it signed hi shannon welcome in oh i think this is silver flip one of them over to see the other side uh repeat comes in at 50 bucks what happened is it set to private what's that terry aaron at 40 guys is that real my granny has some reprints back in like 70s um big nasty bro at 60. we found this in the mega unit right it came out of the mega unit yeah with the other old money uh they want to see the other side as well okay so yeah guys big nasty bro at 60 looking for 65 looking for 65 guys this is lot number five no registration needed to bid but payment is due immediately we also do real-time checks so please pay immediately back side front side was yes my screen went blank i'm sorry to you try to refresh terry aaron at 75 guys that means we're looking for 80 looking for 80. terry says hello what up daddy how are you doing uh back up terry terry back up jerry terry back you guys haven't seen it it was a video that went viral a couple quarters below his back and the guy tried to light the firework in his electric wheelchair and he turned it off and put it back up it was pretty funny he lit the firework and start blowing up everywhere and his friend was like back up terry terry oh my goodness my screen is blank that's weird says uh terry close it out and come back in and see what happens um all right guys queer thrift says and not a hundred so that means we're moving in ten dollar increments looking for 110 that locker is a hoarders paradise or a resellers air nuts what are the other oh it's a lot of garbage though i think we found close to a hundred tire and rim and if you know those are expensive to dump no matter where you're at seven's fall said click on screen once terry all right i have officially almost gone through all of this cut all right aaron in at 110 guys looking for 120 looking for 120. next up is a hand signed storage auction pirate that is pretty it's beautiful that's not just pretty that's beautiful that's really pretty i'm over here just shopping in my own garage ouch they are they were well worth the money thank you clear thrift can you take the rims to the scrap yard for cash says connie alex for the dates please did you have dates what's your pass oh sorry i couldn't find it i think it's right like 18 something 34 because it's just 34 right there 34 yes she said there's a lot of reproductions these came with that other money that was in the uh what was that that envelope we found member with the money management yeah you know i couldn't call it but this guy looks like he would have the original of everything yeah man man things we found in his unit all like even the clothes these clothes are nice yeah oh they're very nice actually tell if they are real no jennifer going once guys is the year 1864 is a year 120 with repeat guys that means we're looking for 130 looking for 130 we are moving in dollar increments looking for 130 if it is a copy wouldn't it say copy on it that's a good ques that's a good uh point denise and um aaron comes in at 130 guys if it's real signatures or in will be in real ink you want to look at with my them glass uh 140 guys 140 looking for 150 not always says uncle krog they are like i'm scared to even like fold them or anything because yeah all right guys we're going to close it out bid long bid wrong 140. i'm gonna bring in my um confederate treasury notes you really want me to sell your bucket no i'm not done going through it all right aaron comes in at 150 guys we have an option 150. so we are now looking for 160 do we have any more interest let's move it along repeat says pass don't fold says connie all right going once guys to aaron at 150. are we doing these pokemon cards tomorrow uh we get we're getting a lot of interest in them yeah they look like regular pokemon though they look like a [Music] different type so have you look you haven't looked them up huh yeah i don't think they're really i don't see them they look weird but maybe that's good right now right all right so so so can i get an envelope congratulations erin um i don't know if i have any envelopes oh no do you have some scissors for me oh no no no no no yeah all right give me a second guys i'm gonna take the mcdonald's you are gonna take those you broke it no and that was like cinco um that was lot cinco all right we're gonna roll right now mama lot six let's go live six let's go all right um oh i wanted to take a look at these i found some really pretty earrings guys you guys let me know what you think of them these are some of the vintage um right bring me on you ready yeah i'm not doing this well i got a box with some necklaces in it i'm just going to grab like say about maybe i don't know just think like that much babe that much uh maybe a little bit more than that more than that what is it it's just is it sterling silver or no no it's just necklaces and stuff grab a couple more all right is that me more that many yeah all right that many thank you connie i thought they were really pretty all right i gotta open every one of these i thought they were so pretty bear with me guys here we go and we are off vintage avon here on these are um they all vary but i know these are 79 let's open this up i'll do it fast i promise oh everybody wants more more big daddy more more more more yep serious okay don't play with them all right that means i gotta open all those love yeah you know we're looking hot with all that jewelry over here i'm over here just playing with the jewelry not my hair or a big daddy or what sure do you want a couple more here see we got in here oh indian head i mean arrowhead yeah what are you talking about sorry arrowhead batman beautiful these are all necklaces all right we got genie at 25. we're opening everyone mama um i'm pretty sure they would want to see him but it's up to you hey justin jennifer that's what i said i don't know are they sterling says big nasty bro no i had some sterling in here and the other ones julian at 35 yes this is in sterling but he does have some sterling so if you're interested definitely don't go anywhere all right we're with julia 35 looking for 37 guys no registration needed but you do need to hit that thumbs up on the way in in order to bid i was waiting for you to catch on to that but you didn't okay i said no registration needed to bid but you do need to hit that thumbs up on the way in that's pretty i love that blue 50 bucks with genie guys looking for 55 because we're moving in five dollar increments i do however guys have the payment platform scrolling across the bottom of the screen connie thank you for your payment oh mama well baby i'm gonna open all these it's gonna be soaked okay so take my word for it guys it is beautiful stuff connie nick oh that's tight add a tip jar qr code oh nothing all right guys we have high bid with repeat at 60 bucks looking for 65 these could be used as christmas presents b-day gifts you are exactly right mookie [Music] um thank you aaron i just got your payment desmond lot4 we are waiting for your payment yes guys please remember that um the we have a new paypal storage soccer19 gmail.com welcome man bluegrass sometimes my mind wants to say something else bluegrass [Music] what's that no oh that one's beautiful some really pretty stuff really pretty stuff the dates on them are super old you can get these at the store do any say elizabeth taylor 1984 all these are necklaces all these in here oh that one says these are great for all your side chicks perfect that one says mom on it that's pretty um also guys i just dropped the link right here and that is for t-shirts please go check them out hello hello looking for coins and notes also smash that thumbs up thank you so we have this high bid with repeat at 60 bucks looking for 65 guys we're going to close it out if we don't have any more interest 181 in the house what that's crazy thank you guys for being here we appreciate it on a tuesday going up on our tuesday one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen sixteen seventy eight nineteen twenty necklaces uh jennifer says if you have that many side chicks you have bigger issues um i agree jennifer but to each his own if you have that many side chicks you are a very good person at multitasking or something and mookie said and stamina man i just want to cuddle i'm i just want to cuddle i've been working hard [Laughter] [Music] we have style at 65 guys looking for 70. hello yeah bring it over but we're auctioning right now so we'll probably be done in a few hours age with that me science holy crap there's a lot right denise open every single word you're so lovely bring it over choker bracelet oh my goodness jennifer are you guys going to start this early because i'm gonna start too dabnammit stamina please send it my way if he has that much i'm not going nowhere i mean same buffalo buffalo's on the nickel all right guys we're gonna we're gonna close it out do you charge for shipping let's see um we mostly don't charge for shipping unless so so sold to style at 65. congratulations style um go ahead we got you big daddy big nasty is funny john outbid me which john hmm oh that did come in right before shoot so what do we do um will you guys let me know are we closing that out john if you're interested we have a couple more avon lots thank you connie honestly i was hoping that i could give them away to someone and look i even have the pin that goes with it so cute right john did bid before seoul okay john let us know if you want the bid at 70 we'll just close it out with 70. if not we will let it go back to style i know okay cindy says john uh put it in after sold boy there's plenty more of it right okay yes marilyn it is so yeah sold to style at 65. congratulations style but yeah my it is definitely no it's okay we'll just give it to style and um if john's interested he can definitely um stay tuned because there's lots lots lots more i'm telling you guys like you know what i'm just gonna post them off my best for reference okay and this is right in front of me while big daddy's um getting his stuff together and that's um that's a necklace very pretty and i'm telling you this stuff is like six it's not scarce um that was lot six yes here's another one um oh you know what i also put away another giveaway so even though these are really pretty guys i am gonna do a giveaway so with the brooch and the earrings and i have another one look how pretty that is so if you guys are just trying to buy presents mother's day is coming up making you know the special someone an easter basket like take advantage of it guys for real i wanted to show you what i was also look at that are you kidding me that is so pretty i have i have to try it on okay like i didn't close it all right bring me back mama okay we on the road guys let's pick up the pace let's get up out of here yeah you're beautiful be quiet okay first thing is a royal azure choker oh oh blue razor that's nice it's actually very nice i think all these might have been beads and stuff hey mika welcome because this one in look at we have a i showed this one on video another beaded one very nice with the ends everything's beautiful in it that right there thank you cindy lot seven guys oh yeah these are beads look let me go grab my um my um robe and grab the uh the which we'll call it out of it the giveaway okay [Music] freshwater pro rope nicholas from 1986. birdie you got here you guys are looking at that the first time with me [Music] all right what are we at did tiffany and cole work for avon at some point yeah so we um angela we had someone in here was it shannon i think it was shannon who was saying that um avon was tiffany and co but that was back then when you can tell like you know i feel like it had a better quality all right guys do we have any interest in this one this is lot seven vintage avon jewelry starting at 25. connie said 25 let's move it along guys looking for 27. no you know i think these ones are more pricier than some of the other ones um no registration needed guys but payment is due immediately i love flipping through my mom and grandma's avon catalogs yes i feel like jewelry had so much more detail jeannie at 27 guys looking for 29. can you do some beer steins yes amy we'll do some beer signs tomorrow's like the perfect day for beer stein fall saint patty's day julian at 30 bucks guys looking for 32 looking for 32. i believe that wasn't that bad hey i love you today you always do oh so you want me to stop no i want you to tell me that especially it is special it's special every time connie and at 34 are looking for 36. so go ahead really what i'm waiting come on elizabeth yes i love you oh thank you i love you too don't take someone to love me back georgina 36 guys looking for 38 looking for 38. and this all all these ones right here are the same um like basically the same what is it what is it called um same catalog like the same selection oh yeah they're like all part of the same collection terry also sleeps is the bike sold um what bike is that david the chrome one that came out of the mega unit oh or the blue bike my blue bike the one i got with the fur unit oh the furry unit bikes are not sold i still have that one we still have them and they're still taking up space hey what about my stuff i really like them i wish we could you know it's called a cargo bike and they're specially made in florida specialized okay where do you have that that's in my stores oh i thought they're talking about the furry ones i got the furry ones too yes the chrome one we still do have that one's gone the chrome bmx actually sold for uh close to three hundred dollars seriously yes chrome bmx sold for close 3000 wow super chat thank you julie we have a five dollar super chat guys she says what a beautiful love story alex and liz lizzy it's just getting started yes it is this crazy guy sometimes he makes me want to spank him but sometimes what keep that for later oh do you want to sell this box you got so much jewelry on right now i know how many necklaces can little mama get on her neck tonight congratulations connie at 45. okay i'll give you some time i'm guessing it was a mongoose dmx yes it was nice yes julie that would probably be a good idea what's that mama she said spank him alexis marilyn that's funny that's what i wanted to name our daughter alexis i thought that would have been a really nice name but big daddy told me no every time but yeah i got a whole bunch of jewelry on guys and i'm thinking about doing this this lovely lot right here this is like a really pretty ring look at this brooch i thought was really pretty and it's got like a i want to say a chinese tag right there really pretty though sorry mama i'm moving this back to that just woke up my alexa that's funny hopefully i don't wake up my alexa nice little trinket box so i'm just showing you what's getting going in this cup hopefully big daddy will auction it off so nice little trinket box to lovely silver quarters thanks connie a pretty watch and this is just a bucket that's just been collecting it just sits here and every time big daddy puts something in it so those were earrings really pretty earrings looks like old toy jewelry um i i think some of it's um how do you say vince right yeah some of his vintage some of it's fashion jewelry but nonetheless very pretty that's very pretty necklace if i can get it to say stay still oh and then the bff 180 watching thanks guys for being here you guys are all here for us you guys are here for the good stuff it says love bff and then all these pretty rings oh this one looks like it's real listen silver we're gonna have to start this lot off at please is that the nintendo lock yep okay guys please do not be afraid to bid this is a very nice lot sports card says david hi jim you let me know when you're ready you let me know when you're ready let's let each other know we're ready you ready here we go and yes with two controllers oh wow terry says do you remember the barbie and can i bought i had them restored and they are 1960s my age and i'm keeping them that's like the stories i love to hear thank you terry two controllers but i just realized this controller has some tape on it like they redid it says amy don't play with me she said she's gonna jump through the power cord and last but not least holy crap i will have him do them after this okay you ready yes are you ready are you ready i'm ready hello from australia when will pokemon be up jason and at 25 guys looking for 27. um when are they gonna be up baby um sorry the second year no they're not regular so give us a second we will do the signs and the pokemon [Music] i thought you were starting this off at something baby i was gonna call the games and start off the games are expensive okay here we go guys don't be afraid to bend does it work alex did you test it untested we have t2 terminator 2 no worry desmond thank you for communicating mario brothers so i thought you were bringing those in next um no i used to put him in we have spy hunter guys these games are crazy 29 with jason guys looking for 31. all right so this is lot number eight guys don't sleep on this lot it's a vintage nintendo system along with a couple of games the games themselves are worth um a very beautiful penny uh jason floor is at 33 no registration need it guys bid on what you're interested in but payment is going to hold out all right here we go look at these last two games smash tv and skid kid sky kid come on guys these are some crazy good games right here crazy good games pricey games look that up on ebay and look that up on ebay and we'll see you guys and see that these two alone right here are some pricey games suzanne i reduce into uh international countries as long as we have made prior arrangements so you would need to contact tv sky kid t2 super mario brothers and spy hunter ronald is in at 55 we are now looking for 60 because we're moving in five dollar increments now what's up storage soccer sister ghost do your research yes lovey [Music] no i'm sorry sweetheart as much as i would love to all right jason and not 60 tracy comes in at 70. uncle silver where have you been uncle silver he comes in at 75 so now we're looking for 80. jason in at 80. now we're looking for 85. not even close to the money um guys do not sleep on this right here easy exactly easy and then silver hand says out clear thrifts and at 100 that means we're moving in ten dollar increments looking for 110 looking for 110. this is the all-time lot right here uncle silver and at 110 looking for 120. hey stalker fam sorry i'm late joe didn't i see you in the chats earlier or no where's little mama same thing looking for coins and notes uh mr suki we're gonna probably do the steins um and pokemon and then we'll do some more coins after the um the signs in the pokemon out i can't type today no worries um so what where's the hybrid hi big high bid hybrid uncle silver at 110 guys 120. looking for 120 liz do you ever get any nautical stuff honestly monster zero we get a lot of different stuff tracing at 120 looking for 130. you know had like one of these games on ebay for like like a thousands because it was brand new and the package never opened i bet i think it was this one was like two thousand dollars is crazy there's some awesome games two controllers power cord in the system what was this guy doing he was just collecting collectibles you're right mama bear hold on okay sorry jason but we're looking for 130 guys looking for 130 i would love that terminator game says connie welcome in uncle mike what up uncle mike all right guys we have the high bid with tracy at 120 looking for 130. we're going to close it out we're going to close it out we still have the game she gets her money back and she has three extra games to play and a system right we have 180 people in the chat watching hanging around thank you guys for being here we appreciate it please make sure you hit that thumbs up on the way in or out no registration needed but video whatever you want to do yeah either or uh but payment is due immediately to either of the payment platforms scrolling across the bottom please do not forget to include your name address and the item that you want this is lot number eight currently at 120 with um tracy looking for 130 guys looking for 130. i want to play my golden zelda game all right we're gonna close it out it's already twice oh it's gonna be so yeah i like how you write without even looking that's pretty cool this is there any dvds so so sold to tracy what kind of dvds you want i got a bunch of concert dvds i got uh regular dvds i got a dvd galore right now matter of fact dvd galore right now oh man okay so while big daddy gets that together guys this giveaway round is gonna be for the faithful you and don't worry everyone that's not a faithful few i will definitely get to you as well so faithful few what was storage stalkers first choice in the name drop it in the chat if you remember drop it in the chat and then i'm going to show you what you want where's that oh it's right here let's go we have some faithful few in the chats original name guys what was it mods you are more than welcome to play storage shooter says smile time kips nope repeat that please okay so when storage soccer first started youtube he had a name storage avenger you know what clint he had a name both of these are one of these i would say one for now one at a time well it depends on how you would do shipping so it's up to you yes he had a name that he was going with at first but he changed it we have a five dollar super chat thank you theresa what was it you don't know it nope storage vine no it's something stalker but what's the name before it something soccer come on guys am i gonna have to skip the giveaway little mamas little mom little mama's a minion locker hunter that's funny that should have been a big daddy stalker taco soccer clothes what i got it right here wait where'd it go in pittsburgh locker stalker that is awesome so what you want is something really pretty and i thought it was really pretty is a locket what if it's a guy you want to lock it well if it's a guy then there's i know there's a special lady or something or a present so email me so that you can get your present all right let's move on to number nine thank you everyone who participated in relax not even ever open in pittsburgh says so nice yes my wife will love it yes here's my email as well thank you cindy nine avon stein starting bid 30 bucks baby mama stalkers says lucinda all right jason in that 30 bucks guys looking for 32 looking for 32. amy comes in at 40 guys looking for 42 looking for 42. this is a lot number uh nine two signs you know i've seen plenty of steins but i haven't seen them all wrapped up in cutesy like that um thank you tracy i got your payment is he looking for you is it storage pirate juniors why we have to pay if we're from the uk john it's mainly because shipping internationally is very expensive shipping the us is expensive in itself our flat rate is like 20 bucks but more than it said it adds like an extra 30 bucks on top of it to send it internationally so it's a deposit so that i know that you're serious about buying and it's also deposit just to help with shipping so i you know i wish we could just you know make it for everyone but unfortunately we can but we do appreciate you being here we have amy and at 40 guys looking for 42 free beer with the stein says monster zero you got you know what that's it if you want free beer with the steins you got to come drink it here we can't let you leave looking for 42 guys looking for 42. you like this don't throw nothing at me don't throw the don't throw desmond i got your payment but it's well i'll message you how do i register for bidding theresa great question no registration needed bid on what you're interested in but the payment is due immediately because we have a lot of people that will love you know to pay if you won't so definitely also include your name address and item that you won well i'm always telling me you trust someone once it's all good hi penny going once guys amy at 40 bucks looking for 42 we're gonna close it out guys so we can move this auction along let's go jason comes in at 42 looking for 44. hey boatman boatman are you still interested amy at 44. amy comes in at 44 guys looking for 46. jason in at 46. are you in at 46. we're gonna close this one out guys we've got some auctioning to do let's go [Music] [Laughter] oh my god oh my god amy not 48 guys looking for 50. looking for 50. brand new signs in the box brand new oh thank you desmond that's what i had seen uh seen on the thing letter let amy have it thank you jason we appreciate you communicating um connie i think i may have your address if you want you can send it as well and thank you desmond i appreciate it my long charges right there if you want to charge your phone for when this one goes dead no my phone's charged okay twice guys we're gonna close it out uh five dollar super chat from tony thank you so much liz i get my first coven 19 vaccine shot tomorrow tony keep us updated let us know how you feel please congratulations amy at 48. congratulations amy you said you wanted to do these pokemons next yeah if you want to yeah definitely keep us updated on that guys that was a full unit um i mean tony i had uh who told us they just took the vaccine well the lady well the lady that we met she said her second round already and she feels great yeah brown said he gets his first one on friday wow bring me in these are not the regular pokemon pokemon cards but they are pokemon cards and the years on these are i think um let me see their tops what is like a whole sheet of them then here is uh what was it here on this got your email joseph thank you 19 is that 95 i'm doing my life let me see real quick 98 on this row right here but they are some nice looking cards there's some shiny ones penny says is the unit cleaned out we got our first shiny ones in here mewtwo i know that's always a nice one pokemon are hot and if you see a different pokemon that might be even harder than you think um that shipping deposit is refundable john if you do not buy it is refundable charizard i don't think it's a full book dive but there is cards behind cards but it's packed this thing is packed with hearts all right guys this is lot 10 pokemon thank you connie got your email 35 to start 1998 tops guys we have flutter by soon at 35 looking for 37. looking for 37. yeah it's not a full boat probably one two three cindy said she had the moderna no side effects at 37. um to the uk would be 35 john all right we have the hybrid with connie at 39 looking for 42 here ronald comes in at 42 looking for 44 guys looking for 44. this is lot number 10 pokemon dylan i'm not sure if that's a valid bid it's extremely high and i've never seen you before so um if you want you can do 50 and we can work your way up from there please don't play with us do it is yes yeah i'm very curious about that as well let us know dylan we do love the power bids it means you're not playing any games all right bill dylan has went silent so we're going to say the high bid is with ronald at 46. um connie comes in at 50 looking for 55. uh we're moving in five dollar increments away from 50 so looking for 55 looking for 55. angela says dylan is legit well there's a couple of these in there only one of them is hollow though looking for 50 guys looking fi looking for 55 guys high bid is 50. flutter bike comes in at 55 looking for 60. how many lots do you have john honestly we will probably go until um either the bidders get tired or the um only because we have a lot or the storage stalker gets tired either or thank you amy okay thank you angela i appreciate it uh connie and at 60 looking for 65 dylan in at 65 looking for 70. carl comes in at 75 looking for 80. right they're really nice okay where am i at i think i lost the chat guys sorry okay dylan in that 80 guys call comes in at 90. thank you flutterby dylan says i got that hundred still hello um he did a power bit earlier but he's he's uh serious about his big guys so that means we're looking for 110. carl comes in at 110. looking for 120. [Music] pokemons over there should i put him in um jason it's just us being cautious because sometimes when we get you know power bids like that we don't know if they're serious or not and we just want everyone to have a good experience at the auction so dylan said 130 guys which means we're moving in ten dollar increments so we're looking for 140. i'm a big fan brinley samples well thank you we appreciate it and welcome on the live carl and at 150 dylan at 160 we have an auction we have an auction so 160 guys 160 looking for 170 dylan does hold the high bid looking for 170 let's go let's close it out i got a couple little straggler cards oh my phone's already going dead ami bama says i'm a huge fan too that jewelry fine was crazy congrats thank you ami these are a couple of stragglers that were just sitting around the garage i'll throw them in i think they're newer but i'm still just um let me see if i got yes john if you do pay you uh you may bid um but just know i will be checking to make sure the payment did come over whoosh um you know i hope people don't get offended but i just honestly we have to make sure things are set in stone protect these in the back right here guys wait do i know who the wayne b is because that definitely sounds i thought there wasn't a full book there's a whole bunch of them in the back what are you talking about remember i told you i thought it was a half a book look all right it stopped right here right all right big daddy look no look seriously look i'm gonna take these empty sheets out right look at this the whole back is packed with them too um wayne b is that bryce i'm just saying look at that i don't even know these were in the back wow [Music] holy cannoli wow sometimes you got to look a little deeper big daddy all right guys we have the high bid with carl at 170 looking for at 180. um so carl reminds me of walking dead i miss when walking dead was like the it to watch look at that are you all okay all right we're gonna close it out guys oh oh well i was thinking about doing another giveaway what do you think i'm thinking you are the best you funny these are cool i like how old they are too all right i guess i'll do a giveaway it was probably sold here oh it is sold sold sold sold to carl congratulations carl that was a good buy and and daddy didn't even know there was extra stuff in the back all right all right so this giveaway guys is for the newbie news so the other one was for the faithful few this one's for the newbie news so that those of you that are new i'm still waiting for chicken soup sounds good monster zero um i'm hoping big daddy will make it for me but he never makes chicken soup i always make it and he just kind of enjoys it so let's see how that goes um so for the newbies yes let's do the newbies um i'm not gonna do a trivia question because you're newbies but i want to see some love in chat so if you're a newbie drop a heart if you're not a newbie come on let the newbies get a chance guys and like i said if you are newbie thank you for being here drop a heart if you're a newbie oh my goodness that is so cool what you're getting in the chat yes chat attack you know what clint oh my goodness so many hearts terry you're not a newbie that is so awesome you guys okay now i have to pick a newbie would you like to pick one put your finger so like this yeah and i like that one right there which one all the different colors right there ashley mcgaha i might have put you your name but you won this round of the giveaway so let me show you what you want um we are doing avon so i hope that you like avon very beautiful necklace so send me an email so i can get that right over to you you got one more and then big daddy's gonna come in with lots 11. so you won the two that i did show earlier congratulations ashley and thank you for being here we appreciate you so much you will never know i i'm sorry i like doing the giveaways all right it's interesting three the vintage avon but this is all sterling silver so first you have a sterling silver necklace so this is sterling silver avon but sterling silver then we have another sterling silver necklace this one's just the chain which has a little bit of weight to it did you see or hear about the fireworks show is it not near you guys fireworks show i'm not too familiar with it um sterling silver and then the last thank you linda is a listen linda listen sapphire pendant necklace sterling silver 16 inch is the side little stack sapphire in it sterling silver genuine sapphires susan mercer says my first time watching thank you we've got a whole bunch of people in here just enjoying it your tuesday auctions are phenomenal says clint um 40 with julie looking for 42 guys storage auction pirate says npw tv i don't understand catherine in at 42 guys looking for 44. if you guys like thank you ashley you know what you got the pieces of the van here but we never found them okay crafty garage make it real loud where are you going you got to grab that very nice piece of super car hey i'm not used to stepping out of these days i know i get that a lot julianna 55 50 looking for 55 guys out says catherine that's awesome actually [Music] five dollar increments we've got some natural light in here you look beautiful with your natural light on you um well since the sun's not doing too much right now oh john did you want me to check did you send it over i bet you guys there were fireworks that went off in ontario california it's on twitter i want to go take a look at it now materials far from us it was explosions oh wow [Music] what if it was like um a firework warehouse it was a property well let me see if fresh air feels good though um it's up to you it doesn't really do the glare but that's because the sun's not right there because the sun's usually right there yeah that's all thinking so it's up to you it was at someone's house holy crap i gotta go take a look at this i want to see what this is okay so um terry didn't back up oh my goodness back up terry becca oh that's 177 grams of silver all right guys we're going to close it out 100 and who 77 grams of silver that's a lot of silver big daddy where's the high bid hi tammy welcome in high bid is with julia 50 guys looking for 55 sold sold sold to julie at 55 congrats julie no it was a house fireworks tearing it back up buddy huh what julie said liz please send to cindy send to sydney that was so nice of you do have a major um glare right here let me shut it now it's not related right um one a.m in the morning in the uk wow if you want to show this real quick i'm not going to watch something real quick and bring me in yeah i'm bringing you right now look guys this was just literally found the other day 925 bail extremely nice thank you desmond beautiful we're probably gonna do that a little later on tonight so stay tuned all right bring yourself back in okay so far i'm waiting on carl's payment and i think i got tracy connie's i got tracy and connie's mom i believe i just got amy thank you all of you that have been yeah that's extremely sad um says it broke windows a mile away it wasn't just a small explosion oh wow put a crazy big lineup do i have to open all of them carl says she paid okay i'll check it right now carl thank you what'd you say do i have to open all these up i can't see where you're at that sucks i hope that was shooting in at atlantis in atlanta at spa seven dead just now whoa that's crazy yeah amy got your payment carl what platform did you send it on you ready i am all right guys doing it overall i can't see what you're talking about well people like to see them all right they'd like to see what they're bidding on a very nice necklace we have a romantic expression necklace express yourself oh look at that beautiful beautiful necklace let's put the fur on the bottom and like the lips on the top put that on the bottom keep it close the locks could be bigger if i uh didn't have to put them all in we have a very pretty another necklace i think this whole box is like necklaces and stuff um another one rings please yes we do have rings want me to add some to that one this is the heart i got plenty of it very nice right that's pretty crazy here i got plenty mama okay i'm over here trying to force him on you huh i got plenty of them over here right you're gonna take these rings right now oh these are all necklaces right here um carl what platform did you send your payment for the pokemon i have not received it uh bobby comes in at 25 got it carl look at this one no worries it's funny i think um mr croc was just saying that blind bit of 50 hoping you will add more all right guys so we have the high bid for uh 50 bucks with style up the world connie at 35. any more pokemon you know what i think he might cross nicholas spencer says carl goodbye i saw some nice ones in there thank you spencer oh that's a pretty one look at that all right guys this is lot 12 beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful vintage avon yeah one two three four five six seven eight so four nights at 13 boxes 14 boxes um silver sport i don't know do you have any more pokemon baby um i don't think so okay silver i mean it's not silver but it's silvertone mustang we have a classic drama necklace let's see what drama looks like oh my goodness are we going back into another um what you're going to call it what about 55 guys looking for all right 60. style coming at 60 looking for 65. oh look at that snowflake yeah what do they call it a retrograde i'm telling you last retrograde i don't even know if it's actually a thing but we've had something some pretty crazy things happened all right guys looking for 65. oh this heater felt so look at that it's a little boot that is a cute little boot [Music] and that's just what they'll do walk all the way how do i feel like a booger is bothering me no it's okay you sure i got you yep [Music] that one's fun panera or all right guys style at 60 we're going to close it out we are looking for 65 no registration needed yeah is style selling style people want to know if you're selling if you are definitely dropping contact um why not do a lot of ten mixed pieces that way we get a few of each type then you don't have to open so many at a time you can get more sold says kelly that's a good idea all right i'll do that football football um i believe so tracy i will double check it's a heart oh that's so beautiful so it's also to style at 60 congratulations style all right mama bear take you out yeah yes congratulations style yeah that's super crazy tony yes zaddy in the live comments zaddy who what are you talking about spencer who's that zaddy they call me oh zaddy69 make sure you are on live chat oh no style up you don't have to um after what maybe it's my hair no something's bothering me hopefully it's like a spider on my face and i can't find it oh my gosh what is that what what is that something is that on your face oh my gosh oh my gosh oh wait that's just beauty no no smile i don't know what you're talking about i said oh my gosh what is that on your face and i said oh wait that's just you know what before the live starts guys i'm gonna just start putting stuff over here to throw out here i woke up to a big spider on my hair this morning spencer i would have flipped out and moved and moved without the house that's it i'm done i'm moving that was a daddy long way i'm outta here i would have totally flipped out and moved alex would have woke up to me packing my hey hey sorry girl and no it's funny because he lives in a house full of women and we all freak whenever we see spiders especially the babies these kids freak when they see mosquitoes it's a big mosquito yeah for sure here are you awake luckily we got you to protect us from the um the huge tarantulas that run around the house financially i can't believe you called him fran linda said your hubby is a keeper all right what love was that he better be right was my 12th that was yes thank you cindy style says paid so the next one is lot 13 and i'm gonna go in and drop that link for you guys because we do have the website but um the link is also a lot faster a lot easier and it's coming in the chat right now spencer did you scream like a girl i'm gonna be sad here's a trivia question from roy clayton for you for you a year or a little longer big daddy and somebody else was opening a big gun cabinet who was the big guy that had a little bar and a big bar that would be jeebus for 55 right that's the link guys go check out the shirts and if you do order please leave in some um notes for you know exactly what you want the size and then all that good stuff do we have any beatles fans in the building many beatles in the building we have two beatles books beetles illustrated lyrics and veto's illustrated lyrics the beatles edited by that person no matter where you go you're never farther than six feet from a spider thank you for letting me know that now i'm gonna be a nervous wreck all of my life hard work thank you cindy big nasty bro you can um you can request either the v-neck or the regular neck yes beetle says genie all right guys so this is lot 13 or is it two beetles books two vintage video books and yes these do have value if you want to take a couple seconds look it up on ebay and then you're welcome back to bed here on the books um i believe it's like um i had it yesterday i looked at the old oh loki annan i watched and reminded rewinded over and over again the spider box at the bad units with the shoes and fake burst published and great british in 1969 oh thanks loki look at there's some dates right here copyright 63 but i believe it says right here first published in great british in 1969 looking for 27 guys i guarantee you these books are pricey and the glasses set i believe on ebay no worries tay it happens the pictures in here are crazy and they got the paper cover with them well at least they'll be um what do you call it media mail medium house shipping oh i keep forgetting that i have um panera and bread open beautiful looks a crazy thing would you like anything another breath yeah um maybe a cookie or something damn how trippy that is there's like stuff inside of all the pictures ah thanks loki got any stickers says javier zavala stickers yes the grateful dead stickers went last week but we do have some grateful dead shirts that are going to go with the grateful dead ticket stubs loki annan says very recently binged on storage soccer the past couple weeks thank you loki we appreciate it for real he said he's been what is going on in there i'm telling you this trip look at this picture his whole face is made up of women you see it oh my goodness this isn't this is interesting the art in here is crazy these books are pricey on ebay oh no oh no no no no she says uh her dad was stationed in japan and they uh they had baseball-sized spiders and her mom locked her dad out until she killed the spider something i would have did carl in that 30 guys looking for 32. can you read us a story from it um mike i don't know if that would be a good story when is the grateful dead shirt says kathy what are you doing the grateful dead shirts baby the graphics are beautiful we have carl at 35 guys looking for 37. it's uh very detailed that's for sure if i want a shirt can i go to venmo um georgina if you want a shirt and you want you don't want to pay uh via paypal you can send the money to um just attach the message and say yeah just attach the message to the venmo payment definitely bid fast guys you guys don't want to lose out should we do some coins next these are some really um yes i would do some coins next i think we have a lot of people that want to see some coins so drop it like it's hot and we're getting ready to close this out guys carl at 35 looking for 37 no registration needed payment due immediately please make sure you include your name address and the item that you won so we can ship to you immediately yes coins we have everybody in here saying come on with it come on big better all right we're gonna close this one out going once carl at 35 i want a t-shirt mike you can always come pick one up or i'll drop the link as well mike wants a shirt next item up for sale one of a kind from the man himself so sold sold sold congratulations carl 35. on that very detailed book [Music] not surprised you know what that's why see it's still bothering me right here by my nose looks like sweat dripping down from your glasses my glasses are sweating it's like 13 that was lot 13. yeah perfect perfect perfect perfect we're going to say some coin sticks um yes coins i thought they're over there i just threw them down somewhere holy crap just freaking mess hot mess express but i guess it wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't a hot mess express right we'd probably be bored if we didn't have anything in here just a little boogie right and they i feel like i keep going like this and it keeps coming back or something i don't know what's going on you ready um yeah okie says did y'all get the 3 carat diamond tested and yet wasn't real um linda says probably it wasn't if we uh we can't remember because yeah we'll remember if it was okay it was a good one look guys it's how i got this box right here i'm not gonna do the whole box i'm just gonna grab some stuff out of it about 14 guys coins are they um us coins are international so international [Music] don't know why this guy had his coins like this but you know what this is how he has oh thanks darius figurine says amy okay first thing is a champion i don't know some type of pirates hat design kind of reminds me of some united states what 1.19 you're not a 49er fan that thing has a weird color to it but that's how it came from the dude uh this is just like a flip coin tails yeah this has a weird color to it it says one dollar on it it's just a head-to-toe coin oh sorry this coin is a weird like um night uncle krog thank you for joining in and then he had let's see what this is a couple buffalo nipples the year on it is open here uh andy shirley not 25 guys looking for 27. we have a five dollar super chat from flutterby soon she said kitty needs a new toy 1973 1974 um he says 76 76 terry and at 27 guys looking for 29 76 another coin i don't know why this guy did this but i'm gonna throw this in mr sookie can say i can't hear him you speak up looks like against i don't know why inside of here but if they're regular nickels i won't even sell them because bicentennial um loki says when you split unit with others how do you split any any profit sorry just been wondering 1940 nickel these are old that's why he hasn't been there 1940 1940 is there silver 1940 nickels flutter by at 29 guys looking for 31. 1941 i'm not sure if there's silver in these nickels but i'm gonna say this whole roll right here is like 1940 nickels the guy had him in here don't know why i'll take some more out i'll take them all out let's look at them all right let's see 1948 uh 48 48 1948 1948. [Music] muffled 1948 i don't know what happened okay give me a second i'll try to fix it for you guys sorry say something 1949 i don't know if 1940 silver i don't i think someone's telling me nickels have like a certain percentage of silver scott said he didn't think that they made silver nickels i'm not sure this will go in with that lots of stuff water buy soon at 35 looking for 37. hey edward baby keep talking baby keep talking all right how's it now no it's just it's just that he's talking away from the microphone sorry i'm looking down i know let me see if i can scoot it over to you a little bit more and see how that works it's all right love well i want to make sure everybody can hear you how's that 35 buffalo head nickel 1935 buffalo head and this guy just had random quarters and dollars i'll throw them in but they look so random let me know how that is guys better you got a whole bunch of you know what i should do i should just grab all the the coins that the guy had left and just put in one big lot quarterback soon at 45 you could do that baby um looking for 47 guys sound is perfect hi kitty cat perfect look she wants me to hold her come on big baby all right so we got terry at 47 guys teddy at 50. that means we're moving in five dollar increments now flutter by soon at 55 looking for 60. somebody wants to say hi this is her standing guys okay say hi say hi mama you're right here right here said no sound how's the sound guys teddy alan at 70. terry comes in at 75. thank you marilyn yeah she's such a sweet girl right here mama right here thank you to her yeah her birthday's coming up as well no um alex isn't talking teddy and i 80 guys she just likes when people hold her she's a big old baby she's in a house full of girls so all she does is get baby [Music] terry said out thank you terry thank you connie all right so we have the high bid with teddy at 80 looking for 85. no bluegrass she is just straight standard poodle we had just got her um what you call her um genetics back from petsmart and she's 100 standard poodle come on she wants me to carry her come on come on okay i'm not gonna baby you stop we'll close it out guys yeah this is the poodle that alex wouldn't buy me for the longest and now he cuddles with her i'm why not baby kitty she loves doing bloat both um bluegrass blogs what's up baby uh mr sookie and at 85. all right guys that means we're looking for 90. georgina i got your payment thank you i think that was for a shirt so i'll make sure i put that down 1942-1945 nickels are 35 pure silver known as war nickels thank you uh vintage oh wow so some of those are nick are silver then a little bit yeah everybody's making fun of my um [Music] my mishap a little bit of blow you guys are so funny all right we're gonna close this one out mr cookie at 85 we don't have any more interest sort of silver says carl so are you doing more coins after this first time i laughed all day so should i do all the rest of my pleasure all the rest of his corner should i just break keep breaking them down um that's totally up to you how many more coins do you have left he has a lot of coins that he just had to sit around he has boxes of old pennies just laying around okay well we can ask the um i think we're gonna have this one sold yeah it's like weird country carl says yes to them all and that's all i was gonna say hey casual is asked to chat and see what they want to do all right so i think that sold to mr cookie oh wait teddy comes in at 90. oh wow rings please we'll do some rings right now uh big daddy's gonna do some after this walk thanks for the package says casual you're welcome um hold on uh cindy i think we have to me separate as lost yeah that'd be a good idea vintage um let's see let's see let's see teddy allen i've seen you came in at 90 bucks right here are you still um steady on that because we're gonna close it out guys do american and foreign separates that's the thing he got some all just mix when once going twice 90 bucks with teddy we're going to close it guys look at that nice package right so 90 bucks teddy congrats teddy yes my phone's gonna be cutting out pretty soon here is it really yeah are we charging oh let me start charging oh wow start charging let's go back in the chat an hour ago i said baby mama please it's charged all right would you say some rings yeah they want rings [Music] boxes all right so i think i've gotten all of the payments so far thank you guys chains that soul you're pulling out the rings yeah i'm looking for him as you speak over here i have a couple in that silver box as well all right that i just stashed in there we'll get to it plug it in plug it in here we go bring me back there go some rings right here in this box we'll do three we'll do the whole all of them we'll do all those we'll open them up candy apple ring oh it's a candy apple ring phone's getting ready to go okay well i'll pull wait are all these candy apples theresa ain't not 25. thank you clint it is a star stalker times brando design and if you guys don't know who brando is it's baby jeebus nasty bro at 28. thank you lana phone's going my big old baby [Music] oh wow look at that treat oh pretty pretty there's a box of what that one looks sterling two four rings in that one up and this they are 30 bucks clipped babe okay all right give me a second guys i'm gonna and let me have never mind i'm gonna pull myself in lana is in uh 35 catherine comes in at 40. so we have the high bid at 40 guys here to put that on the charger i could bring it back i'll be able to check payments but not the venmo or the cash up but i'll charge your phone so i can get back okay all right okay let me give me a second got me all right guys sorry about that brief intermission all right and we're back okay when we lost signal 90 teddy when we last signaled these right here one two three beautiful rings and then with the fourth one right here for a second i thought you had a sister right and then we have this box says find electrical plate so it's 18 gold plated look at that that's pretty that's actually really pretty sorry guys i'm getting rid of that echo seems like every time we change it over echo echo echo these big ones are nice rings fashion accessible brilliant satellite ring what are you doing let's see we got in there it's inside of a case okay oh you got money big daddy dale's received ninety dollars hello big daddy someone says oh look at that a little diamond ring so we have a 18 carat electrolyte we have a marquis like ring which is just fashion jewelry ring another ring the four rings and there's a lot of rings in this one teddy pretty penny ring who's pretty penny where are you at okay so look it's a little baby penny i thought that was adorable um we have the high bid with janiece at 65 looking for 70. trying to get them all out for we can go over what they are looking for 70 guys take a closer look guys here we go get that phone charged up beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful so there's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen four about 15 rings in this lot thank you the truth welcome man all right we saw the high bid with maryland at 65 guys looking for 70 because we're moving in truth thanks for being here five dollar increments what sizes are they holy cannoli here you go big daddy oh i don't need that this says in the box oh bam the genuine onyx the size 10 18 karat gold plated this one right here is a size come on eight the diamond one is size eight that's a size eight those are some pretty rings this one is a size the box is right here for your size at size eight as well on this one and these little ones are like little sizes ring come on 1980 though these are old stuff i found the beatles books okay um all right hi big guys with john at 70 looking for 75. looking for 75. you just sit back here and you just chill you big girl these are pretty this one right here if man ever asked me to marry him he better bring something like this what are you talking about all right simply stunning we have the high bid with john at 70 looking for 75 guys looking for 75 we still have 173 people watching and in the chats thank you thank you for being here we appreciate it please make sure you hit that thumbs up on the way in or the way out or while you're watching it doesn't matter also sharing is caring so please go ahead and share with your friends and family your favorite place to be which is the storage soccer auction not friday but it does feel like it a little bit janiece said at 75 guys looking for 80 and no registration needed but payment is due immediately um [Music] you drop that ring and sound like a wine glass shattering laugh i love uh back did i miss the grateful dead tease no you did not i'm doing one next you're gonna do one next i'm thinking about putting a whole lot up and started off like at least 250. what do you think i'm interested you see this big old baby yeah she's just about as big as you sitting on your lap i know i know all right we're going to close this one out guys janiece at 75 going twice so so to janiece bring you and kitty back here at 75. congrats janiece [Music] this ain't even you know we're gonna be selling avon for like the rest of our lives nothing wrong with it yes congrats to me bluegrasses hi mike coyne says tracy bring out the coins bring them out bring them out bring them out bring them out yes please remember guys we have a new paypal it's storagedocker19 gmail.com your girls look good together are you talking about this one and that one she's a big old baby she sits right here right here and stares until i pick her up and you're just holding her like a baby too look at her she's all comfy you know what roy you might be behind he's probably not even going to see this until it's later sorry roy so we're dropping the chat roy and all he's doing beautiful he's not going to see it until it integrates live 15 right um that was lock 15. just got here says empty wallet have any t-shirts have any t-shirts been shipped um yeah right um yeah they are getting shipped out empty some things i am going back with though on a lot of people's shirts is making sure that if you want them signed so if you do want them signed make sure they are i mean make sure it's stipulated in your message because if not i'm going to send it as unsigned hello congratulations your car insurances dude all right john bring out the toys do you have any toys um does alex shave his fingers not it no more i used to used to you do have toys over there which one one's over there they're not toys teddy bears um those are beanie babies you're not gonna um do the beanie babies you want me to do some beanie babies people want coins grateful dances carl all right grateful dead we'll do a grateful day i put a special family signatures were um was your um paypal name walter empty wallet because if so yours did get sent out with the signatures uh-oh what's that baby what's that nothing you almost ready yes empty wallet yours did get sent out already i'm just looking for this other uh where is the grateful dead shirt and that is the link cds all right you gotta go come on what did i do with them before that shirts they're right here baby are they you smell like little fishies under the sea kitty cats she got off my lap and i immediately smelled all three of these are grateful to flounder my goodness girl i just gave you a bath oh it's three grateful dads i was smelling some good grilling then i realized it was me cooking all right look guys baby i'm gonna need you to say this what's that there's three grateful dead shirts right okay then i have some a bunch of grateful dead ticket stubs from when they went to the concert i want to carry i want to do it all in one lot but i if i can get an opening bid for at least like 250 300 we'll go from there but i'm going to show you if not we'll break it down later okay so he's putting all the grateful dead shirts together and the papers and the ticket stuff together yeah well basically putting everything together if you can get a bid for it we're just gonna go ahead and go with it if not um we have to break it down these are the ticket stubs right here these are grateful dead um you got money big daddy dale 75 hey okay grateful devin miller high live concert these are all grateful dead grateful dead grateful death the opponent bottom grateful dead 1985 on there these ones right here are all grateful dead 1985 ticket stubs you see this ticket stub right here this ticket stuff goes with i believe um clear thrift said 250. open it up let's go 250 and um that's what it is right now so i think 250 we move in 25 increments i forgot about that and then we have more grateful dead 85 all ticket stubs there's a couple stickers in here but i think they stuck them to it but look at this people this is crazy all grateful dead and then these ones right here are empty in the back empty in the back so we have like one two three this one's not stuck this one's not stuck that one's not stuck these the whole page is not stuck there's like four of them there that one and then we have all of the ticket stubs okay now that you guys seen that we have the one let me raise this up one grateful dead right here grateful dead 1984 tantrum t-shirt the tag on it t-shirt right there extra large i'll fold it before we can see it while we're selling that's one all right so two is look at this old tag on here hangs look at boom grateful dead dance for this arraignment jerry garcia make your heart phil lash like san francisco county fairgrounds 75 guys looking for 275 then we have which is my favorite one right here grateful dead 1982 long sleeves no holes beautiful shirt no holes look at that long sleeve grateful dead [Music] uh oh little mama ran the house we're at 275 with 360 throwback oh you know what else i got grateful that i'm gonna throw in there it's just right here [Music] i'm gonna throw this in too it's a grateful dead pen so that is like one heck of a lot guys one heck of a lot these are some nice nice shirts sleeves are long tags are like it's crazy crazy crazy crazy where's him hi bid quick rips at 325. can you show it again pirate says all right pirate here we go you ready grateful dead pin one the long sleeve i believe pirates seen this at the market grateful dead long sleeve shirt very nice okay that's one that's great for dead shirts extra large hangs look at that boom boom dance for disarrayment then we have the grateful dead 1981 the tag on that one hangs looks like the san francisco some new year's party grateful dead and then we have the album the album has ticket stubs ticket stubs ticket stubs i believe this ticket stuff goes to that shirt that is so good grateful dad in 1985 he wrote on there grateful dead 1985 this dude was at all the concerts and then it goes to the stickers i believe that one is stuck to the paper but there's some stickers in here that are not stuck like this whole page of stickers is not stuck to the paper these are all ready to come off 1987 on that sticker these stickers are like super nice and then those two those i believe are off the paper and that's it for that book you know what i do have is a couple other concert shirts that are in there all right guys we have clear thrift at 3 325 looking for 350 looking for 350 and um also i do see a little bit of networking in here guys it's definitely okay with us if um you guys are in here networking together especially if like say christmas does get this lot and somebody's interested definitely contact him guys what's this one ld money i believe so whoa awesome lot you know what chunk it up as justin would say going twice we're at all right we're gonna close it out guys we're going to close it out nope carl comes in at 350. throwing this one in too right here i'm pretty sure that is a concert one more person mike told me that was a nice one right there it's another shirt but the tag is not on this one looking for four hundred but it is a nice one you know in the midst of all this i really could use some food for my baby i thought you were gonna say something else huh nothing what you're mine i know i'm yours girl eddie money here we go eddie money that's what it is all right guys 375 but clear thrifts looking for 400 no registration needed any money shirt this is a lot uh sick this is lot 16 grateful dead shirts along with the stickers and stubbs guys this is a lot you're not gonna find the shirts with the stubs themselves like this is somebody that was definitely we're at 400 but carl what i would consider hey you think they would like these ones these type of shirts to look a connoisseur shoot out in reno that's the four by four it's an old oh it's his vintage shirt okay extra large i'ma throw it in anyways shoot out reno super if you got a hot one take it out and pull it that's a that's still a nice shirt that's vintage i'm throwing that in with it whatever i don't think that's a bid um but terry don't throw numbers out there babe cause we're gonna think you're bidding okay babe huh i'm gonna use the restroom real quick you gotta go poop no i don't gotta go poop don't tell everyone that squeeze it out fast you know ain't nothing fast coming at me all right guys we have the hybrid with clear thrifts at 450. looking for 475 no registration needed but payment is due immediately we have the payment platform scrolling across the bottom please do not forget your name address and then and the item that you won this is lot 16 the grateful dead few shirts and some stickers and ticket stubs going twice guys clear throats at 450 looking for 47 475. one side gary said drop it like it's hog drop the bug is hot yeah he doesn't do that very fast so he must have to just go potty sold so congratulations i can't seem to get the new coupon to go through so i sent the last one to the no worries um and that's totally fine i knew that once we switched over the paypal we were going to have a you know a couple of stragglers that um it's it's easy for you guys to send it over there because you you know i'm pretty sure you just put a couple of letters and it pops right up what's that um could just paid the old uh paypal but i told him it's fine that's all yes so clear thrifts 4 50. um and carl good run mr suki said congrats she's a peach welcome man lily's life is there more rings coins and figurines you know what we should do the figurines amy's been asking about them what's good is it over oh the three boxes yeah all right let me uh make some more real quick hey what's next sega sega what hey robin welcome in maybe he went to shave his knuckles maybe i should shave him robin please do not egg him on yeah what's up robin glad to see you on robin i lost my hand again you're not getting mine i keep losing mine what here huh give me the thick marker this one i found it but i'll take the marker stuff a lot was that that was lot 17. would you say do what next coins oh the that's what she wants yes all right um we can try to do the coins next geez right now homo crystal trinket box these are all figurines but this slot would have to start off because we had to charge extra for shipping mama you hear me okay [Music] i came for the saga but they keep selling me everything who's that ah clear threats that's funny open up a bed and we'll pull it out i think it's like a 3 400 game in it all right left let's go [Music] okay um these are three right here fine collectibles classic car collection 1950s sports convertible what see we got in there where are you at where are you ugh oh damn no which sega says big nasty bro yeah you have a sega babe i have a portable sega expensive rare portable sega well with andrea said you're gonna have to drop it like it's hot really um yes in clear threads send me your size your shirt size please it's a card convertible little figurine it gots a little stand on the bottom so you can put it up in there and this one is a what is it porcelain oh sorry precious moments porcelain christmas bell let's see what it is clear dress i need a new work shirt come on claire you can't work with that baby yeah these are so pretty baby we got a lot of this type of stuff in there too uh-oh we have some creepers kenzie wants to come out and help you say come on man hi beautiful and she got all party put her hair in a bun she just like her mom don't let you don't make your dad feel bad too much little mama thank you what is this one let's see what we got here what does the box say am i humble crystal trinket box thanks for the support see you later carl have a good week crystal trinket box um they will not be here john no the comics aren't going to be here those are pretty huh i'm going to get you clear we oh done packing um mike can you come over here no it's a drinking box drinking boxes you get a bunch of little like you pack that earrings and stuff like that mama are we selling this what's that this stuff um that would be a good question avon classic car collection 1930s roadster well we haven't gotten any bids i'm gonna stop taking them out all right guys so if we don't get any bids we're going to pull this one back these are some avon figurines i see a car a bell what is that one a trinket box a crystal trigger box and then another car all right we got casual flipper in that 30 bucks were you adding on a shipping to this no i'm just doing this it's uh it's cool they're a little they're not that big okay i'm going like a medium or okay flat rate john lynch came in at 30 as well well um we're looking for 32's these cars are cool look they got the little bottom on it right here right and you place the car on there oh look at it what's the letter 35 with john 1930s roadster is it the same as the other one look at that little figurine okay that ain't that long though baby 1935 how long what was that add it up babe um no how long was it so go from 35 to 2 000 and then just add 21. you got it come on you don't got you don't got any fingers very nice it's nice more uh 40 bucks with john lynch guys okay about 120 30 years that is a long time these are cool all right we got john at 40 bucks guys looking for 42. looking for 42. casual flipper comes in at 42. these remind me of the damn berries but then emerald and danbury that was crazy we still have 173 people this one said crystal but i don't know if anyone made it that's a lot of people i know thank you guys for being here uh 45 with john lynch 24 full lead crystal 1980 or 93. ninety-three that's not already looking around top needed little chub rock ain't no bad baby oh bad baby a little fair baby little bit four pieces is casual more pieces and more pieces oh four pieces you can set more people seem to be expensive to ship put more in there what you think will we here hold this that's my my library on as soon as it sells and you write the name down 174 people i count as two people oh me where you going baby she's waiting for when you say so she's going to wreck the line so you can go over there baby yeah you're going to stay with that thank you betty oh all right seriously thank you casual 18 18. we're playing a drinking game every time they get a benji we both have to drink all right guys let's get robin hey i didn't cuss holy crap i didn't cuss babe kenzie excuse your mother okay jesse i will also send your number don't put it in any bathroom stop twice guys all right so so to john for 18. number 18. that was like 18 yeah how about 17. 17 was the shirts 16 what's the shirts oh so 16 wasn't shirt slows off that's what i'm thinking does alex cuss at all big nasty alex does guys um so um about 16 was the shirts um cindy can you go back for us please and see um if we're up to date on the lot numbers because he's thinking that this is lot 18 when i've read lot 17 and the the grateful dead shirts was blocked 16 if you guys are 16. yes john please don't forget guys that we have a new paypal it is storagedoctor19 gmail.com yeah we're waiting for mom to figure it out right now don't worry it's coming hot 16 was the shirt that was locked 17. oh sorry it's okay baby it happens thank you cindy all right so the next lot is lot 18. so i guess we're not cooking dinner are we you don't have to write that name baby just put uh 17. let's put the number 17. we'll put it right here and then write me a sixteen you can look into that old bmx bike alex clearcoats they actually sold that for about almost 300 yeah so good deal on that one i hope it was a good deal yeah casual we're missing dinner right now so we need to figure that out for the kiddos because rivie already told me she wanted cheese pizza pizza let me see what your phone is at because then i can take my phone back and order it from my phone yeah that bike was pretty nice sega had the best commercials so i think he's trying to say that he wants it was fun gotta go for now you guys are like eating popcorn can't stop watching thank you flutterby soon we appreciate it have a wonderful week and we hope to see you guys soon um big nasty bro says sega i had a massive breakfast platter for dinner you know what plant that's right up my alley 17 did you write me a 16 up breakfast for dinner number 16. okay now everybody's making me hungry okay what do you want me to do this sega everybody wants to do this baby this is pricey exactly that one yeah you don't remember this one i do remember it now are you gonna start it off i don't need i don't even do no research or nothing on this game okay so maybe you should i'm not gonna bring you in go ahead and do it right now i'm not gonna do it i'm just gonna say um i don't know open it up at feed liz a cookie and keep on going open it up at uh here how about we open it up at christmas at 100 to start keep us updated flutter bye soon i wonder if it even works we didn't even try it love going to everyone taking the vaccine right now i'm hoping soon we can all get it and be casual animals not casual sorry social animals again are you ready i've always started off at 100 and i know the game alone was going for like 200 bucks wasn't it okay off at 150 150 yeah if you don't want it we'll just okay keep it all right guys put the camera down a little bit baby that is a really nice sega now that i remember what i was seeing yeah um do we get right click can you hold on do we get to see it um christopher said 150. does it work since big nasty bro i didn't plug it in it's the first time i literally opened this box since we found it i cannot believe it's a portable sega with games game galore 160 which storage auction pirate died i knew it robin drinking stargate um does that mean you have to drink extra superman justice league 200 now um sega gen spiderman warlock batman and robin okay then we have um let's see we have right here [Music] desert demolition the adventures of mighty max jurassic park rampage edition x-men 2 top gear 2 then we have the sonic knuckles whatever that little piece is then we have um revolution x wolverine and the battery pack to it right here wow that is one cool freaking thing yeah look at that all right guys we have the hybid with pirate at 160 looking for 170 looking for 170 guys no registration needed don't be shy it's only pirate let's go no registration needed payment is due immediately i have the payment platforms that's a chunky council um no because she's just gonna start bugging me to hold her and i don't feel like holding her right now does it have a charger says money mac money mac that's a nice name i don't think it has a charger it's a dc charger though put the dc in it'll be good take the battery they usually have a okay battery goes on like so yeah it's a straight throwback you imagine just sitting somewhere like oh i didn't we'll be back on friday it even has a hookup for another controller controller number two sword action fighter says out thank you mike um robin says we'll be back friday um are we gonna be here friday um you know what friday is mom it's a possibility we may not be here friday oh look at a vintage fly in the box a what a vintage fly did you find a fly in there for real a vintage one there you go that's one yeah it's a it's a good possibility we may not be here on friday guys but don't worry if we're not here on friday we'll definitely make it up may even have to run it back another tuesday again fly is sold with a game you got that right cindy he will be packaged in there give pirate the chocolate box put chocolate coins in it for him all right guys we're going to close this one out we're at 100 bucks when no it's past the hundred more oh 200 bucks sorry well you know now it's old so hey he's crazy huh sega i got another vintage game you guys probably haven't even seen but i'm not doing that one congrats claire did we even find that one on the camera i thought we found that one on the camera you know what i have a lot of videos that you haven't gone through so if you don't put them out then i will good job willy you deserve a raise yeah when we are recording this unit i was recording so much that i had big daddy's phone the phone that he has now which is my phone and then we have this extra phone that we use just for storage and we were um oh no mom's got deals comes in last with 225 bids sorry i'm so sorry that sucks um but make sure you're refreshed um mom's got deals what are you doing your phone is tripping up i know it is all right willie stand up here you can better open these boxes or no 10 battery don't talk about it be about alex let me see i can't do that that's funny filters me calling you out um but yes refresh mom's got deals and uh make sure you get that bid and fast babe because i want you to get what you're gonna have to read them too and you're gonna have to speak up all right we have a rookie here doing the next item come on babe you got this speak up we got a fashion jewelry bite avon avon and it is i believe to be sterling silver i believe let's open it up and let's see i don't know betty it seems like all the boss fates have been really busy but i'll definitely continue okay can i add that i really do like those those are so pretty i believe these are sterling silver i looked in the loop right those are sterling silver i think i remember let me read it oh yeah right here uh brilliant paris earrings in sterling silver then we have a sterling silver black onyx ring right here let's see sterling silver black onyx ring boom sterling that looks cool that looks cool huh it's too big for you to try it on this is what a man has to do with you one day get on one knee and say will you marry me well first of all and then you tell him how to get a boyfriend you tell him no way ask my dad do you hear me no ask my mom no ass both ask them they gonna jump you then we have a pair of fine jewelry by avon pure brilliant whatever 16 i think these are sterling as well poor and randy's a little bit behind oh sorry randy oh yeah this one was sterling as well so it's some sterling pieces they're all beautiful and then the last sterling silver butterfly earrings let's see what we got going on here sterling silver butterfly earrings upside down betty you have a one of those sterling silver onyx rings on the way sterling silver butterfly am i right baby i believe so we have uh one two three four pieces of sterling very nice pieces kenzie pick them and put them right here real slow and let them see them there you go show them this one um robin says says you keep your knuckles shaved i'm trying that's a black onyx with a sterling silver i love your black onyx sterling silver come on mckenna very nice next one we have a pair of earrings sterling silver earrings there you go come on you got it there you go john lynch and at 30 bucks that one is sterling silver two as well so that looks like it might go with the earrings or not i believe so it looks like a set and then we have a set of butterfly sterling silver earrings looking for 32. good job you deserve pizza tonight with extra pepperonis you know what i'm choosing my pepperoni so babe would you like to take your phone back so i can give it a second maybe like another one more lot okay because i need to order pizza from my phone okay i get good discounts what she ordered a lot yeah can you order from somewhere else besides uh that place so where do you want me to order the pizza from i don't know the round table straw hat no uh yeah pizza guy's the best one pizza guys is the best pizza to be honest with you we've even ordered mountain mics and that one wasn't that good i wish i had a friend who made delicious barbecue tips barbecue tips barbie he makes a delicious barbecue pulled barbecue uh baked potato who's that some guy i know oh i think his name starts with a p i'm hungry look at willie since the since the bid is climbing right you're at 40 bucks grab that sterling silver chain right there this one oh no right here randy's still like super behind someone shoot our email real quick all right guys looking for 42. we're going to throw in one of these right here it's the sterling silver genuine sapphires we had another one like this there is some repeat pieces in here so we'll throw this piece in as well we can do a mod um some mod no you don't like mod huh just do regular it's all good baby no worries don't cater to me the babies whatever they want what do you want cheese you know she wants cheese cheese light sauce 45 with money mac looking for 47. babe get extra cheese extra cheese mike said he's about to order food himself after ordering after packing today's auction he's out of energy um tell them to send half this way mike where's he ordering food from i don't know i like melos that's his favorite you know um olive and garlic [Music] um me personally i like the white sauce on my money back at 45 guys looking for 47. looking for four sound off what's that the cord oh yeah so it doesn't echo echo echo melos is awesome omg chicken parmesan i don't think it says parmesan says something else but i'm not gonna read that word it's crazy crazy crazy all right we're gonna close it out we're trying to put parmesan right ah lot 19 so so money mac congratulations uh 19. okay all right we're coming to the store stalker um threshold where we gotta go past it yes we gotta go past it babe let's go past it this is lot 20 coming up 19 right am i the only one who has a personal chef who's your personal chef can you just let me in on this white sauce pizza is the best king gallery i do like white sauce pizza there you go sometimes though it's a bit um rich rich yeah a little flavorful all right we're just gonna hang tight while they finish up and i've been highly thinking that i'm giving these away at the end okay you write it up what do you think big daddy what'd you write 19. i can sign you up liz wonderful food for what melos um no um he has a personal chef really really clint hey i don't think nice clinton i want a personal chef right a personal chef would be mad at me though because i would just lay in bed and be like all right [Music] all right eggs where's the sterling bell at says big nasty bro let's open the sterling bell up at a hundred bucks and we will let it go i'll do it right now matter of fact well mama you always hungry all right here we go guys opening bid is gonna have to be please at least a hundred dollars on this bill 925 on the bill very nice bill here we go let me see let me show you guys the 925 right there 925 there is a maker on it i don't know who it is but it is a very nice very old piece still works and the weight on it is oops 177 grams 177 grams you said 100 bucks to start baby yes just because it is beautiful and it's 177 grams yes ma'am if there's any interest if not i will keep it and save it she is roughly measuring take willie [Music] she is 177 pirate and she's is four inches tall um i didn't know that mike i thought you had one and the bottom of her is two and a half inches the top is gonna be one inch with four inches tall and the name on it uh i try to get the name off but what i got from the name babe what was that name i text you you have my phone big daddy oh i do uh what's in my phone as well because i text you oh okay if not i think i'm a keeper um okay give me a second it's beautiful it's heavy shannon perez 100 what was it write this down hold on uh shannon comes in a hundred guys looking for 110. t t m a t o sorry sorry robin you're going to be drunk tonight the name of the maker is that this is what i kind of read out of it but all i kept getting was tomatoes when i googled it but this is the name that i kinda could see from the bottom let me see why don't you put the magnifying glass over it let me see huh i gotta look closely tm that one says gorham tm or is that j no t-m-a-t-o-s-r that's what it says i wish i could show you guys a little better let me see i might be able to there we go right there oh no that's really hard to depict i'm getting t-m-a-t-o-s-r as well um pandara silverhand at 110 looking for 120. hello gorgeous 177 grams oh i'm sorry is she being mean to the baby yeah shannon says out thank you shannon um pandera silverhand you seem like a new bidder babe if you do win this lot please pay it immediately or it will go to the bottom bidder which is shannon perez at 100 bucks close-up of the face on the bell please yes 177 grams of silver you like my necklace it's pretty huh is it pretty yeah [Music] oh thank you pandera long time viewer we appreciate you looks italian it's beautiful very beautiful all right we're going to close it out guys 110 with pandara all right here money mac i'm sending you the email back up a little bit is it a woman with a mustache um babe after this one we are going to one of a kind for sure oh thank you cindy so let's go ahead and switch that out right now all right after it says we'll switch it up okay no it's about to be sold right now i really need my chat back my chat and me to be able to check things twice uh coins put all of them up says mr cookie ah silk is sucking now oh um where's the closure thing for the the dung oh right here although you need one there's a cup yeah going twice so lot number 20 panda 110 sold sold thank you so much so sorry we did not recognize the name in the chat you've been a long time viewer and we do appreciate that because everyone that does youtube know that views and subscribers and loyal people do not come along that easily thank you for you here babe lot 20 that live 20 that was lot 20. right just right congratulations can you say congratulations it's a family affair [Music] how much charge did you give me um check it is that enough oh yeah and now i can order riri her pizza yeah what kind of pizza i want cheese pizza thank you pandera i got your um [Music] are you in yeah okay oh cindy says hi everyone oh wow okay if you have okay you're so cute betty can i overnight her are you ready babe um yeah let's do it hey sugar booger i'm gonna just grab a stack of these and then we'll just go from there see what we got here oh i don't even know what that is queen victoria she said i was being mean no she said i made her sad 18 65 holy crap okay well the question is 1865. man she just closed the door on me that coin says 1865. thank you money matt got your message i need to put those on here [Laughter] 1865. um my phone too yeah i'm killing tomorrow 1959 uh what is that second queen elizabeth i need to finish what i'm doing if you want you can sit right there do you want the chair [Music] why because i'm trying to work these are weird-looking coins money mac what payment platform did you send it kenny there's some huge pennies are the u.s or foreign says terry i think it's a mixture looking for 32 guys high bid with 360 at 30. looking for 32. um i think it's like four that one's four that one is two you can see here let me get the lights uncle silver comes in at 34. connie says 14 it'll be all right love yeah you'll be okay baby as soon as i finish i'll give you big cuddles and stuff okay elizabeth what are you laughing for one shilling big nasty bro 40 bucks guys 20 fleur filler one's a mexican money but it's all old 1912. right here 25 cents from 1964. one cent 1941 with the elephant on the front which is weird yeah let me see i'll bring it over here uncle silver at 42 guys 1941 looking for 44. right there okay is that cool no five sentence whatever that is looking for 44 guys you're saying not saying what they are but you're killing me liz 1958 big daddy big daddy big daddy big daddy was that the word 19 now i'm trying to remember what i've been saying because 1976 um 1965 dime she's in very good shape 1975 but it got a little gold tint to it a little weird um don't know why he has a penny in there pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza cheese pizza 1862 from some foreign country a picture of a lion on the front 1862 that's all another one oh that's 1972 un peso that's a dollar well there's some in the bank i think one big guy is enough no what is that somewhere corn yeah you said yeah no i'm saying yeah those are the coins uh 360 at 50 bucks which means we're moving in five dollar increments guys looking for 55. connie says order that baby two cheese pizzas you want two or you want one cheese pizza you want three huh you want three why is she eyeballing me come here my love she's been come here baby come here sugar booger you know i think she's emotional because she's hungry you hungry are you angry if i was here i'd be hangry right now you want chippies thank you uncle silver she definitely gets babied a lot come here love going once guys come here my little my little 360 i'm 50. looking for 55 looking for 55 guys you want pizza okay go wait by the door the front door and when the pizza man gets here say give me my pizza you don't wait for him tell him to drop it like it's hot you're not getting in the baby anymore oh i'm a big girl she's like grandma betty will cook her some food when betty cook you some food you guys better be glad you don't live close because i would be taking you guys up on all your offers well we are traveling i sure hope so don't fall don't drop her don't fart 360 throwback at 50 bucks congratulations [Music] and that is the coin collection and if you can see the baby right here i need to uh you're back in your chair nobody can need a bag baby girl congratulations anymore says mr sookie go get your cheer baby so everybody can see you there might be more okay if you did mommy's chair you have to stop crying you know mommy doesn't like it when you you cry baby oh write the lot number i believe it's 21. let me put it on here okay and we're also ordering pizza okay i know which one you want wait wait give me a second you don't want that one no [Music] you want cheese i know i won't you want all cheese who's the beautiful girl says lynn this is the youngest of all four girls how old are you three three yes you are three you're you're a beautiful three and this is mckenzie how old are you mackenzie so they're both their birthdays are coming up how old are you going to be so if you're gonna if you're three you're gonna add one more not both hands you have one more that means no no no you're gonna be four on your birthday three you're three right now i thought you only had three girls you have four yes and how old are you gonna be mckenzie on your birthday mckenzie's birthday is actually coming up first and then it's mine and then read me tammy says hello sweet girls what we got 150 still in the house thank you guys here we go let's do this mama a couple hours later these are some necklaces avon let's see what we got oh beautiful one necklace yeah thank you two necklace see we got a next one oh look another one of those three necklaces oh all right so this is lot 22 guys that is not it everybody said mix it up so i just grabbed a bunch of random boxes we have a pendant necklace which is a 1878 so i got a large cheese and a large pepperoni with some wings get the pepperoni with sausage and all that good stuff there's a ring in there is that silver nice little ring in there with the blue stripe through it and let's see avon jewelry clap earrings let's see what you're looking like oh it's a little clap on earrings with the blue on them there's a lot of blue in this one connie and i they're 25 guys you got money on your card right um yeah i should have earrings let's see what else we got this thing i'll tell you what this is all right so this is lot 22 avon vintage avon necklaces guys very beautiful and i think big daddy's over here adding more to the lot so don't sleep on it i ain't at 25 looking for 27. um clap earrings gold tone oh look at that those are nice little clamp on earrings you gotta have a piers here trying to keep all the boxes together man there's so much of this avon literally if i was to auction for 24 hours straight it still wouldn't be gone yeah i do like the big necklaces as well try saying how old is the oldest girl susan she will be 15 this year james comes in at 27 looking for 29. looking for 29 guys oh look at the turtle dove um i believe i got your payment 360. should i keep adding to this lot or what mama bear if you want babies i'll reach into this box over here one more mama little baby baby 32 what is this size 18 ah 360 are you freedom apparel two look at that let me know that's pretty okay i got your payment thank you what is this fashion jewelry pendant necklace go tone 17 inches see we got here oh look at that old tone 17 inches with the is that a wishbone on it that is a wish phone huh that's cute man christmas time coming around we are looking for 34 right now we have the high bid with connie at 32 looking for 34. looking for 34. should i just keep adding to it or what i um maybe just hold off a little bit i don't know how to i know i'm i'm pretty aware that necklace key to my heart you need to sell avon mystery boxes oh that's a good idea amy i really like that idea um so the hybid is with connie at 40 bucks guys looking for 42. looking for 42. that's a nice looking lot lynn says wow that's one heck of a lot we have piles of this we haven't even touched what we brought home the first no we haven't that stuff is wow we got boxes of colognes and perfumes and powders and makeups and the more you add the less you make i agree i like him to beat them up a little bit because we love you guys but also to be a little bit more conservative sometimes style up the world at 50 bucks guys that means we're moving in five dollar increments now looking for 55. but i know what's name might follow her out um moneymaking at 55 guys looking for 60 looking for 60. betty says been long been wrong guys and it's true you know a lot of real quincy i love those chunky pieces says should we try some a box of colognes yeah i would definitely try it um 60 bucks would style up the world looking for 65 guys looking for 65 no registration needed getting thirsty come on benji you know what i like your style robin i think i need a new drinking buddy because alex is being responsible [Laughter] now we did a lot of drinking over the glass uh someone asked if you could make a big coin lot next it's up to you you stop a lot of coins left got a couple okay no but to be totally honest because we have been you know drinking a little bit more than usual my body's been telling me oh easy sauce on the pizza pepperoni no no no no no no i didn't i'm sorry i'm not gonna lie to you we got toms we do i'm heartbreaking tonight all right so sold so to styles congratulations style 50 bucks up there i believe grab it 60 bucks right here i think one of these are empty over here babe these little ones over here over here right here right here this table right here right over here right here no right here see the little ones see if they're empty all right give me a second guys i'm gonna you gotta bring yourself back in mama yeah i know see how fast i could load this all up i wonder what the secret word is to drink i you know i really wanna learn it so that i can say it a bunch of times thank you susan and thank you pirate how's the diet going for you for hawaii lynn it's becoming more of a struggle a month and a half later so so much for that oh uncle mike what are you saying take care of myself it's been it's been nice definitely um but my liver is definitely yelling at me i you know honestly uncle mike i'ma tell you the truth when we get together it's on baby we got up at eight in the morning with patron shots holy cannoli that's all they say and that's when i went to sleep at seven in the morning off of patrons i went to sleep at seven no i went to sleep at four they woke up at five and bounced so yeah fun times but i do like when people can match um my energy because i do that my energy does get like that sometimes your energy sometimes your energy is a little much though did you just say that i'm just kidding big daddy i'm just kidding it might be big daddy the drinking word might be big daddy say big daddy three times big daddy big daddy big daddy um or it might be shaved knuckles uh it doesn't matter you'll still have a bottle a ball those people don't know you and you'll have fun yeah the diet was more so because when i get there i want to i want to have a little bit of wind and energy and stuff because i want to do some hiking and stuff out there it's beautiful well that was lot 22. what was right and big guy also wanted me to nope says robin no i wonder what it is he wanted me to be a little bit more comfortable in my skin because every time i'm like shy about taking pictures and things of that sort which is understandable but i like ice cream and pizza and burritos and cheeseburgers so it's gonna be hard hi i'm new to your channel says janiece right welcome man chinese welcome in avon is the drinking word well i hope not because that's all we've been selling avon avon avon they must have been getting now toasted then now we're like slowly gonna try to figure out what the drinking word is you want to try these mama i'm so curious huh wanna try these yeah give them a try oh thank you cindy i love ice cream and pizza too right all right bring me in these are oh these aren't even beanie babies these are avon little beanie babies i've never heard of avon beanie babies well they're beanie babies but they're avon so they're not beanie babies they're watery drinking words right one two three four five oh look at that one six seven eight other heroes a regular beanie baby a little ostrich tammy says sell that avon by the cage no i'm tired of seeing avon i've actually been thinking about that already tammy 11. definitely thank you 23 avon beanie babies that i've never heard of me neither that's a new thing oh thank you connie what's that what you've been telling me all along and you're gonna be like told you liz take it from me have fun take the pics you're on vacation nobody cares even at your worst you look better than most boom hmm thank you connie i appreciate it i hate that us women are so hard on ourselves big nasty bro at 27 guys looking for 29. i think we can be our worst critic at times oh but we do still have 150 people here watching in the chats hanging out thank you thank you thank you appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it guys we love you thank you for being here but i'm gonna let you know this now might be a shocker sharing is caring so go ahead and share that link with someone holy crap 32 at pandara what baby these little beanie babies yeah yeah in the package they're like 20 and 30 and 15. yeah can you show each one says big nasty bro all we see is a big old clump of teddy bears i do it the prices on them pretty cool they're averaging full here we got um a doggie in the package fulo beans is what they're called uh red teddy bear full o beans these are cool is that a camel a blue camel hmm this is just a regular beanie baby just in there uh ostrich [Music] this is an elephant a rainbow elephant usually a rainbow colored beanie babies are a little pricey oh look at that a little turtle yelling a frog all right guys looking for a 44. looking for 44. i love that red bear says cindy we're gonna have avon for freaking years to come another rainbow elephant so there's how many was there will be one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve twelve and if they average fifteen dollars a bear what's twelve times fifteen you got it twelve times fifteen [Music] um you seen it girl just say it so somebody buys this lot for forty dollars and they put it online and they average fifteen to twenty dollars america oh we love you too awful my 180 to 200 and something dollars it's called reselling are you over here um uh what is it called gaming her up lacing her up lacing her shoes turn up your shoes you don't want to be a reseller baby um yeah sorry i'm totally tripping out five hour increments guys fifty-five minutes for 60. what does she want why is she crying on the toilet i'll help your sister i try to help you she says go help her go see what she wants please it's like once once 20 lots are up the kids to start going crazy i'm pretty sure that's how it works that's probably why we always only went to 20 because after a while we just start getting kids crazy yeah i don't mind i love them pizza here yet no the beast i just ordered it my goodness is it pizza area you and alex and your beautiful girls and kitty should go to hawaii it is beautiful up there i was stationed there for four years you will enjoy the vacation and put it on youtube says jose that would be so nice but i don't think they'll let kitty on the plane what take the ostrich head out please what yeah why sounds so so bad why i'll tell you later she said she's crying because pizza's not here yet [Laughter] well that's a good reason to cry when you got the box for these yes [Music] that was um they sold for how much money oh put it back turned out we will definitely put it in your um we will put it in your box babe don't worry it just didn't look kind of um look right it didn't look kind of cringy okay go put that box um over there somewhere set it down write the lot number on it don't stack it over here um so it was brought to my attention and then i had to assess the situation big nasty bro but i'm glad we took care of the situation oh my goodness all right guys lot 24 we're moving along thank you guys for being here this is a lovely lovely tuesday auction especially because we are being able to just do this just try it i would try it it's just columns right i threw the whole box oh i never even took you out you never even took me out look at that i'm right back in they still want pokemon oh i don't think we have pokemon pokemon but like i was saying thank you guys for being here we appreciate it please make sure you guys hit that thumbs up sharing is caring i like tuesday's better yeah tuesday does that come on guys come by your father some uh extra special male deep woods after shade deep what are we really trying to say this right now but you know what's crazy is if you can't judge anyone for something that they like avon the red sentinel deep woods after shave okay maybe i should just put a lot of this stuff up oh you could do a box put the camera up close so we can smell the corn can't ship cologne by air oh ground only so it would have to be a ups package which is okay because you can get your grandfather or your father his favorite stuff when he was younger thank you pandara i got your painting honey stay cologne soap on a rope slope on the road if we have no interest we will yeah do we have any interest guys i should have did the whole box you should have probably did the whole box the counters are cute yes i definitely agree connie coins please this one is uh what you call it look it's a magnifying glass oh and it's still full hmm that's cool wait no i don't think we have no interest man i don't even feel like um did avon go out of business yeah pull that one out baby okay what are you over there being secretive about right willy oh girl don't ever agree with me when i talk about your mother oh look at oh you see that look she just gave you really wait will we hi pat what up pat oh it's steve i called you nancy oh they're trying to get out of them oh johnson he'll give you 20. all right um it's in the flat right huh yeah bring it back i don't even know what i'm just going to leave it right there what's up baby girl put it back on so you can see it alex has it all now your hair pretty much thank you oh i don't suck up to her now i don't even know what you meant when he said oh oh look at little baby stein those are cute ow pat i'm 25. that was a really good throw why are you picking on me i'm not picking on you that's me i'm not picking on you i'm just defending myself that's mean let's see where this pizza is at pizza pizza all right guys we have the high bid with pat d's at 29. we are currently looking for 31 john lynch comes in at 31. looking for 33. i wish i could throw another bottle at you you have anything you guys been doing it for like almost four hours yeah no it's not it's about to be four hours you know why we do this before you can have pizza where's that pizza every time we actually have pizza because that's all we pay for his pizza and we're broken and then we're broke again all we can pay for is pizza the fire truck is cute i thought it was as well all right so pizza guy says they're baking our pizza right now and we should expect it between um 7 50 and 809. which day are you located we are in california those are all right that's enough big daddy shake shake it mama shake it darling what you smiling for you ain't never seen your your parents get down like that or what congratulations john 31 that sold well we got plenty of boxes of that if we can average thirty one um they wanna see coins to be totally honest with them here oh it's too heavy for you let's put this over here did you write the thing i'll write it down right now what 24 right yeah stick it right there over here on top of the fire truck oh they wanted to see the fire truck oh sorry connie there's plenty of stuff where'd you get the pizza from i we got the pizza from pizza guys spencer oh you know what the lottery is singing at the top of her world no it's over there baby okay we're good with that so what do we have next coming up on the auction some more stars more strings more signs guys thank you cindy she just dropped the shirt link guys if you're interested in shirts and we currently have these are steins little baby signs guys little baby these are pretty big lot 25 there is a total of five of them this if you if you buy a baby stein it will help you monitor how much you shouldn't be drinking so up one time and that's all you need but put some beer in each of them we want to see the ear on them 82 um 1983 1982 1982 and 1982 so three 482 and one is 1983 and they are all beautiful stones like really beautiful actually let's open this one up yeah mama what's up baby i can't believe my baby was on the toilet crying because her pizza wasn't no that's funny 25 with jason guys 27 with amy looking for 29 cool rants doritos says hey storage stalker and friends cool ranch doritos made me hungry again bean dip oh you want to eat that on the late night be quiet you want to cuddle and just watch movies with me please we're going to have to work yeah in the morning you guys always i know see your kid just told us we always work what you guys do you know why we're teaching you a good work ethic and we want you to have a good future that's why we always work there you go okay so when you get older and you start to always work remember now i know why my mom and dad always work or you could be super successful in whatever you do and you don't even have to work as hard you make people work for you well you don't make them you ask them nicely got that what you want to be when you grow up an artist uh 32 with amy guys well if you want to be a artist with casual flipper about this week you draw up an art a piece of art and we sell it for you next weekend how do you feel about that jason comes in at 36 looking for 40. babe you hear that huh i told her if she wants to be an artist she should draw a picture take all week to draw it and then as soon as our auction comes back around she can give it away or even sell it to somebody yeah that'd be a good idea they work so hard so you can eat baby girl you can eat and um that iphone you got in your head that beautiful iphone that you have in your hand and that beautiful room remember how warm it is at night time yeah that's like called the heater we pay for that as well jason flores and that 40 guys looking for 42 shot glass drinking steins that's exactly what i was actually bigger than shot glasses they're pretty big can i see the size reference they're they're not tiny they're like four inches tall they're about four to six inches tall each one you see what betty said what what she said then why is she all green how tall are those this one's like six inches tall five and a half inches tall on this one oh my goodness he optional laughs out loud all right jason at 40 guys looking for 42 looking for 42. he's not optional small time gifts because mama big a little mama's always cold so i keep the house warm this is going to be fun to oh my gosh you know who said that [Laughter] you know what we got to start locking the door oh my goodness we look like bad bears i don't know when you look at it like you're after on the candy taking the dudes oh my goodness that is hilarious i can't wow okay we gotta get back to shouting guys so to jason congratulations jason he said he's been trying to win all night long good job jason on the shines the baby shines what'd you say you guys are hilarious poor kid in there starving on a toilet um that's mckenzie who wants to be the artist she's been doing a lot of hold the bottom uh drawing lately go set it down yeah i'm actually using a space heater right now it's below my desk right here and it has it like all toasty right here i'm so you are crazy jason um yeah big daddy gets mad because i usually have it too hot oh my goodness betty i'm gonna get you everyone let's take up a collection so we can feed that poor baby was that 24 man ah thank you flutterby soon that means you must have watched the video really quick and came back thank you i really appreciate it what was it um they came back and said uh congrats little mama on your real estate license medicare call cps you know what betty i'm just sending you the kids oh cool ranch doritos said i'd be on your daughter's arm where'd she go big man always run hot i should know yes randy uh big daddy's like a a heater so if you're like cold and you stand next to him you won't be cold any anymore oh we got a five dollar super chat from connie thank you connie she says speak the children [Music] um it's crazy because usually when we're going going like this i'll usually have them some food ordered but it's already eight o'clock and we still haven't eaten huh don't bring me in yet okay see what i got here i don't even know what this is i haven't looked at this yet we brought a bunch of stuff for me and look at alex i know has indian head nickels do you have any more indian nickels i think so that's a cool little set of knives uh my neighbor was just we're just messaging back and forth and she has five boys five boys so she said they went ahead and tried again for another girl it's another boy so now they're having their sixth boy like sorry it happens that way right gary said he has three take mine i will pack food and water same year i will send the kid prepared my niece graduated with a full ride scholarship for art oh wow you hear that kenzie you better get on it now oh jason sorry i'm just like totally lost right now it's okay um let's do this is lock 25th correct is it 26 i got a big old ah i got a big old box of pennies we found boys are so much fun but they can be a little icky sometimes but i'm not gonna lie to you mia she's kind of like a little boy sometimes song kinda yeah she's a little crazy but ree she's totally like a girl's girl how about some decorative plates oh wow yeah pull them out keeping the tammy said i put a stop to that i'd be the one to get fixed if all i had was boys although i do love my two boys yeah i wish i had a you know mixture but i love my baby this is my first time seeing these as well as your guys more big signs big signs i might i got i got so much stuff in there it's ridiculous i'm just literally grabbing stuff out of boxes right now that i didn't even know was in there okay for avon christmas memories uh 1981 porcelain plates connie says make sure you sign your art mackenzie leanne okay um mr cookie i don't know if he's doing any more coins tonight oh look at that maybe i really don't i'm not gonna lie to you all right decorative avon vintage plate starting at 25 bucks guys no registration needed these are all the same i'm gonna figure it out payment is due immediately i need some coffee i do too i'm hoping my pizza will come and i know they're all different look we have 165 people hanging around in the chat thank you guys for being here we appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it please make sure you stop by that thumbs up and give it a couple pounds just enough and sharing is caring so go ahead and share this link with whoever you can wow robin says i chose the wrong drinking word you two are too nice to each other i love you babe babe i love you babe now we're just trying to get robin completely wasted this is not good no i need bigger signs for coffee oh that's actually a good idea why didn't i think of that to put your coffee is there any interest in these um sorry i don't think so yeah i don't think so any interest guys we're gonna we're gonna take this one out how many says tri-state picker mom four nineteen eight four three eighty-one what do you want for a big box of cologne john go ahead and message me and we can work it out we'll send you a couple boxes if you're interested in them if anyone's interested in a certain avon give us let us know because we have a lot of it a lot of it um so yeah if you guys just heard big daddy right now i really love the first ones you auctioned email list give me a second betty um where did the first ones go to what to amy definitely contact amy guys first one the two sides the first two signs oh yeah they probably have more we got a wallet okay i got it betty you have to get her size if you wanted to be like a um like a surprise or something so let me know buddy um kelly says what are the dates big daddy 81 82 and 83 and 82. yeah message me guys but like i said before no registration needed please bid on what you're interested in but payment is due immediately to either of the platforms scrolling across the bottom yeah i kind of like the tuesday auction yeah it seems like it flows a little bit better so not so late at night no interest on those more awake no interest on those no we don't have any interest i'm sorry i'm just like you know what i think the pizza might be on this way give me a second i'll check it right now yeah i don't think we have anything that's a big whole box of pennies dude okay we're gonna take that out all right i got you willy that's what you call a flunk that's what you call a bomb um thank you robin [Music] okay moses i got a plan let's do one more lot of just humongous lot of avon like just a big pile of it and i'm not going to open it all there's stuff right there if you want to take get that off it's up to you baby what mom what's up so we'll do the last our last thought will be lot 27 last lot guys but have no fear um still here no i don't bet if you can send it to me chris the goo says hey hey everyone welcome in chris uh like i said have no fear lots of avon here we can definitely put the price for the boxes if you guys are interested and i will drop my email but we will also be doing more options no it didn't sell them like i said though um good possibility sorry jason we took that out about mystery lock yeah that was a good deal since bobby sorry young if they want avon mystery boxes i'll fill up a medium flat rate and send them you know what i can do so just like i did with your shirt and i can even post it now just like i did with your shirt i could post a link to the um avon mystery box and they can go in there and buy them you want to do that we'll figure it out okay but for now we gotta get this garage cleaned this week um lily can you go bring me in mama sorry can you go and um okay we have a diamond loop necklace 14 karat gold filled genuine diamond these are like just crazy nice if i could find it in there there it goes look at that it's nice but what i'm gonna do is this right here i am going to excuse me sorry put that back in there close that right there close that right there okay you see how nice that one was right here we go we're gonna do one of those gold tone diamond diamond loop necklace 14 karat gold filled boom another one uh polished pendant necklace the collection by avon that one's heavy that's so heavy that's why okay i'm just gonna throw like say 11 12 13 14. let's see what's in here 15 another one of those 16. these are the bigger ones right here guys these are the bigger ones jason if you're interested just send me an email seventeen check that out i'll leave those ones out you guys can see hey jack welcome seventeen style at forty 18 what we got down to buy at 45. 50 guys come on bait it up and i'll make this lot huge guys huge 1974. okay 60 with flutter by looking for 65 let this let this lot reach a hundred and i'm throwing in a massive pile beautiful just beautiful beautiful pieces everywhere oh we are moving and shaking we got flutter buy it okay never mind you meet a lot of hundred guys that means that she hit the key words i told him i was gonna make it fatter as soon as someone said a hundred so here we go let's see where do we grab from 110 with kathy earl's looking for 120 because we're moving in ten dollar increments guys no don't know five six seven more pieces all vintage eight nine ten eleven more pieces oh my goodness it is going all right so we have flutterbye at 1 30. looking for 140 looking for 140 guys trying to see what i got we'll throw in a couple more pieces sterling silver teddy with birchstone pendant was this the one where you could pick your color burst thumb and you put it no it's not look at that sterling silver little uh pendant we'll throw in that one just because the price got so high a sterling silver neck chain and a sterling silver oh thank you silver triple who piercing earrings with surgical still backs holy crap so three pieces of silver threw in there was that a good offer okay all right so marilyn 160 guys looking for 170 sound just went haywire don't tell me we're stopping there we stopping there uh jason i did see one for 240 but i think it was a mishap because um cindy says are you drunk alex no alex just got manlier i just got a yeah hello yeah sometimes it's our what do we have mama okay la la la la how's that guys i'm back just in time to hear the deeper voices laugh out loud um let me see so we have the high bid with maryland at 160 we're looking for 170 yamiko says out thank you you're mikko going once going twice holy cannoli this is gonna be a lot of packing all right we're gonna close it out so so talk so to marilyn at 160. all right that was the last slot right yep congratulations marilyn did we do we did 26. hey we can't ever get past that threshold no it's okay it's all good babies take me out ice me out hope you guys oh okay oh so that's what that was thank you big nasty bro we have a ten dollar super chat we sent it directly to the paypal so we appreciate that thank you thank you thank you big nasty bro [Music] i'm super mad because why well i was thinking that we could if you want to um do a medium flat rate mixed mystery box and i can drop the link right now or whoever wants to buy one okay well if you're interested guys just give me an email what i'm gonna do if i could be i'm gonna drop it be more a little efficient i gotta go through it more i gotta clean my garage like you guys haven't seen the half of it oh you guys watch the video you have a video i made today were you two more t-shirts oh thank you bro we gotta go through everything get everything going but yeah it's been a crazy unit appreciate the support from all you guys look at 139 people still in the chat crazy i don't even know how to say bye to that i feel like staying for you asking for the mystery box next yeah well um we got to figure it out we got a lot of stuff to think about we will figure it out though and i'm not sure if we're going to go friday probably not because it's a special day on friday and we're gonna we'll let you guys know we'll keep you guys up style if you want to pay for at the end with you know a little bit just yeah that's fine for those of you who buy multiple lots if you'd rather wait to the end that's totally fine just make sure you get the payment into in a timely manner because after the auction i'm usually going through payments and combing them out and such so we're going to work on a price if you're interested definitely hit my email guys and right now i'm gonna kind of be stagnant at home for like the next couple days right we're gonna clean this garage i know but still let's don't forget my order mix don't worry amiko they're on the way yeah i got you i just had to uh i didn't want to just pack them in your way because then things are so fragile i go to unit so right here guys right here because we're on a live we haven't discussed it i don't want to sit there and um just you know make you guys uh pay for a mystery box uh let's discuss it more but email me so we can definitely get you guys those mystery boxes um or maybe even be like 50 to 100 pieces and we'll think of a price or something but that's something me and little mama have to figure it out and once we do figure it out for sure what i'm doing my giveaway oh [Music] okay what's the matter baby she's a big old cry baby eating pizza without you and not sharing pepperoni great options and small time thank you smile thank you guys for being here we appreciate every single one of you guys thank you cindy and to all the mods thank you so much we appreciate it so the giveaway guys for the brooch and the beautiful earrings they're going in a lot somebody who bought today so congratulations to you thank you guys for being here we appreciate it so much thank you for all the support that you guys have um given us for our videos our awesome we're gonna follow up with the uh the pictures that you guys know a little bit about what's going on but without you guys that would be know us and thank you guys so much we appreciate you peace out pizza time
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 4,087
Rating: 4.9072847 out of 5
Id: f9R3e-9nofg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 267min 36sec (16056 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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