How to sing REALLY low. A short Tutorial.

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Oh for those of you that don't know me my name is Jeff and I sing bass with voice play and these are some of the things that I use to sing super duper low it's probably important to say that this is by no means a definitive list everyone's voice is different so if you're gonna try any of these things make sure that you stay relaxed drink plenty of water and if at any time your voice starts to hurt take a break try again later how do you sing really low well number one it helps to have a low voice already if you sound like ariana grande and you want to sound like James Earl Jones it may not be in the cards not to say that you can't benefit from a couple of these techniques I'm gonna show you but your mileage may vary okay to the growl I first saw this performed by Tim Foust the bass for home free and it literally blew my mind I had no idea how he was singing that low and Tim is the master at it I don't know where he picked it up but he is just perfect at this technique and there's really no way around the fact that the first 500 times you do it it's gonna hurt like hell and you'll probably only be able to like sing one note really without pitching it around too much you're just gonna have to really really practice it but with time you'll get better and better you'll be able to control where you are in the scale and it becomes something that you can use in your singing on a regular basis and it won't hurt quite so much here's how you do it if you think about how you clear your throat like there's a there's a moment in there where you're actually engaging this technique and you want to focus on that it's like a it almost feels like you're you're rattling your vocal cords around a little bit and you want to really just hone in on on that feeling and then you'll be able to do it on command and then control the pitch you're on the first time you're just gonna splatter everywhere but so it sounds a little like this like so that's the that's the sound and the feeling you're going for so I don't even know what pitch that is hmm hey no I find it easiest to start higher and then slide down the scale so and it sounds like a little gnarly just in the air once you get on mic and EQ the air out of it there you have it the growl 3 vocal fry' now what is vocal fry why is it important okay so vocal fry sounds a little like you're like a creaking door or like somebody's whining about something it's a it's a really like unsupported buzzing of your vocal cords mmm mmm mmm my vocal coach years ago used to have me do this up and down the scale to work across my break working on connecting my my head voice and full to my full voice and you can do it all the time you can do this you'll never hurt yourself doing this but the reason why this is an important technique to have is because I find that the lower you can vocal fry' the lower you can sing you can do this all the time you won't hurt yourself and it's important because using the vocal fry' lets us get into the next technique which is the sub harmonic register no the sub harmonic register is something that I've used to hit some incredibly low notes notes that I never thought I would be able to hit in a million years and I think it's the most impressive and natural sounding register to use when you're trying to sing really really low here's how you do it so start with a note a low note that's comfortable for you like for me it's a hmm like a G G and then you want to slowly relax and slip into your vocal fry' so might be a little higher for you B flat B G as you start to relax your voice whoa [Laughter] you will slip into that into that low subharmonic register and what you're doing is you're humming are you singing the pitch above the note you want to hit it's a perfect it's an octave above it I don't know really why that works but it does so same note same thing so just keep practicing that and you will miss this again and again and again and again and again it's really hard to do and if you notice like I'm not moving I'm still I've been doing this for like two years and I still I'm terrible at it so mmm so there's that there's a G mm there's a little F so you can get an e mm it's a little froggy a lot of times I have to like really warm that up and for the recordings I have the benefit of being able to sit here and do take after take after take until I get it right sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't it's a lot harder to do that in a live situation although I am getting better at it so that's the subharmonic technique there's obviously a lot more to these techniques this is kind of just a surface level introduction to some of them if you have questions hit me up below I think it's important to say that it is far far far better to be a better singer than it is to be a lower singer so while it's fun to have like low notes and have this in your bag of tricks definitely always focus on tone and pitch rather than being so concerned about singing the lowest notes you possibly can okay thank you guys for watching and all right stick around I'll see you the next one
Channel: Geoff Castellucci
Views: 1,628,370
Rating: 4.9789295 out of 5
Keywords: geoffcastellucci, range, bass, sing, tutorial, howto, lowvoice, growl, subharmonic, throat, singer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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