Trent Alexander-Arnold: "I Owe Everything To Klopp."

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so we hibernated whilst we were building stick to football the main interviews and we are resuming them again and it's quite an exciting one it's uh with the Liverpool do I call him right back I don't think you can call him a right back because he's no ordinary right back Trent Alexander Arnold obviously one of the most talented or one of the most talented Defenders I think you'll see in the game I can't make any higher compliment for him than saying this this is David Beckham Kevin De bruyne playing at fullback am I here you don't see fullbacks playing football like you see him ever walked out at Old Trafford and it was the biggest it was I couldn't believe it I genuinely come obviously when we're coming out there's booze and that and I'm like I've never experienced that cuz I haven't been booed before but I was like oh I like it's never end it's you just like that when we go to anfield it's exactly the opposite there's no space there there's no room there you literally would take a touch and you just have to deliver it down the line or else you was getting absolutely smashed do you know you have the same problem as no no but you know what I hate United when you come off the pitch and it slopes down that's dangerous that that's dangerous that little nudge down yeah the nudges they always think when you speaking to a current player it's always a little bit more reserved rightly so because they're a current player who have obligations to the the club you know I'm not looking for any glorified headline out of Trent Alexander Arnold I don't want one and he won't look to give me one what I'm looking to talk to him about is the position um his challenges on and off the pitch being at a big Club the demands of being an academy player at a big Club um yeah I'm looking forward to it really looking forward to it did you play that a lot no so this D B been just put up for us as you got that sort of fair fact yeah has he yeah there's been times when I've needed the bhood and there's times when like I've not need I've kind of need a little bit of love and guidance and and he's been there for me he wants us to be the hardest team to beat that every team fears thinking to beat this team it we have to do something very special you're going to be sat on the edge of your own box low block playing like me talks about ygen klopp the influence as a as a sort of mentor coach boss that he's had on you incredible really I think I I order everything to him really from a um as a as a player I think I was thinking about this recently the the only thing you can ever ask for as young players opportunity what you can do is just hold that when you get to 18 19 you've got a manager that's willing to give you the chance and I was fortunate enough to have that and not only that he was put his arm around me and guarded me through it through the ups and downs the winning of stuff um losing losing things good games Bad Games your first bad game is you think you're never going to kick a ball again you know you think I'm done um does he shout at you the players does he shout at you when you're a own player has he had the Bolin at half time yeah know the good thing is he he he knows when a bolan's needed and when a little bit of Love's needed yeah I think that's very important um to be able to see who needs it and when they need it but yeah there's been times when I've needed the ball um and there's times when like I've not needed it I've kind of need a little bit of love and guidance and and he's been there for me and there's someone I can go into his office and even if it's not football related go and speak to him and vent and get off me chest he's always there always encourages the lads to come into his office um and speak and give them answers and be honest about about decisions really that's all you want as well yeah if you're going to go and ask questions you neither Gaff is going to be honest yeah is I mean I I had a manager that was massive respect for like huge Mentor but you would you could go and knock on his door you could go but you would do that as a last result because you just you know there was still that element of almost like almost like your dad when you're younger bit a fair Factor as a young Club got that sort of fair Factor has it yeah um yeah it's not it's not like a fear is like he's scared to be around him it's just like presence yeah he's got that presence and that like aura about him that is one of if not the best manager on the planet and he shown that so when you're a young player or even come first into the team you kind of on your toes around I'm thinking how's he reacting this that and the other how kind of getting his good books in it and um yeah I'm just everything to him really to be honest what was it like that morning when he came in and said I want to sit down with you all weird because we never have a meeting at that time never so it was what time was the meeting normally we normally get in for like 10 after 10 and then we'll have a meeting at like 12: just before we go to train um and then when we get in he we have a meeting at half 10 the first time it's the first time I've ever had the Mee at half 10 he's like everyone changes everyone's in there and then he's just there then like you can just see the lads all looking around like what's what's going on and then he just said look it's I just wants to let you know it's breaking now so it broke at the same time um just kind of done not done done but I can tell it and this is it really yeah he he kind of knew that I think another season would be too much but he has enough in the tank to get us to the to the end of the season and that's something he always always taught us and that's something that I've adopted as a player now is you take it season by season no matter what what goes on no matter what situation you're in or whatever no point stressing about the next season cuz that's completely different you focus on the season you focus you put everything into it and then the next season you're going and try and do it again but up until then you squeeze every last drop out of out of it and that's again probably something that there's so many lessons he's taught me but that's probably one of the biggest ones is he doesn't want the like he say to he doesn't want us to be the best team in the world doesn't want us to play the best football in the world he wants us to be the hardest team to beat that every team fears thinking to beat this team we have to do something very special and not even like a football in sense but how much we want to win yeah um is something the mentality is's instilled in us even now the young players that come through you can see it within two three sessions have just been around them and we're used to it because we get the same messes I've had the same messages kind of every day for seven years now so I'm kind of immune to it and it's just built in built in that I do I have that mentality and I got and I and I do things that that way and see new players coming in and young players coming through you can see within two three days how like did it like the intensity levels the aggression levels the desire just the the impact on them straight away like the intensity in them is just like running around like dogs just try trying to win the ball off anyone not scared of anyone tackling whoever they want and put enough foot in in there you probably not even had time to think about sort of like what next season likes because you You' got so much to think about this season but does it scare you a little bit the idea of a new voice one that you've not heard before I probably say I'm like sat on the fence on it because I think it'll be a completely different situation and it's like it's going to be weird to then to turn up to preseason or whatever and have to adopt new playing style yeah where has without anything getting said to me and I know the manager wants me to play yeah and I turn up first a Pras I know I'm to jump there I'm to press I'm to do this now it's like my my next preseason is going to be a completely different message and you're going to be sat on the edge of your own box low block playing like me L block don't go past the halfway land um so it's it's it's it's going to be it's going to be strange but I think I like the the idea of it's a new it'll be a new challenge for the for the team for the club um for the players do you think it's partly on you to make this transition work as much as it is for a new manager it's going to be tough for a new manager to come in and replace that giant of a figure that's been there isn't it I think um the way I look at it is of course the manager going to come in and change the way you play and and will it'll be a different kind of culture and different different messages but as players that the the mentality to win and the eagerness to win and not the pressure but kind of yeah the internal pressure with on ourselves and the demand to to to win things and to to be in a title race next season no matter who who the manager is that's what we expect from ourselves um of course results might not go our way whatever but as long as that mentality is there not that it doesn't matter who the manager is but as long as the dressing room is has got that desire that we're going to win we're trying to win things it's not a transition season the manager comes in and within his style of play is that winner mentality then that's how the transition needs to happen you're in a three horse title race with City and Arsenal I'm not to ask you about the other two teams because they'll do what they'll do but what gives you confidence that Liverpool can be the title winner at the end the season just because you've been you've been round you've been on this journey before I think experience is is a massive part of it I think obviously the other two teams will have experience from last season with with they had their own title race within themselves does the manager leaving in the passion and the emotion around Liverpool and what it's going to be like does that give you that edge do you think I think he will feed into that the further it goes like let say we get into May the start a m and it's still that tight then he'll start to feed into how it's going to how it could look how it could feel up until up until then it's like we just need to try and stay yeah he never says we we're trying to win the league we're going to win the league no does say noes doesn't speak about doesn't really speak about it's more we're going to get the most out of ourselves we're going to squeeze every drop of potential there there will be twists and turns no matter what I'm sure all three teams will try and win it we'll come close to kind of winning every single game they play now there will be twists and turns and we just hope that we're in in in in the best position no me you winning the Champions League was the best moment is there a competition between you both there was there was we we haven't we haven't done it in years now I've just recognized I think I'd be brilliant P CL cuz I could definitely go into Midfield and give it away for [Music] him right we've got this little game mhm so you're going to throw yeah a dart at the board if if it's a odd number you get a football question if it's a even number you get nonf football question okay if you didn't make it as a football player what would you have been I'm very interested in like the mental side of things so I would say like sport psychology good where we go one more got 13 you want your football questions don't you question the best moment you've ever had in your career it's a simple one uh winning champions league wasn't my best moment what was your what was yours no I mean you winning the Champions League the best [Laughter] B what next one biggest phobia what you scared of cats maybe cats yeah you got pets I have a dog I have a dog but cat is just a different kind of we move on we'll not offend the cat lovers yeah 17 odd best friend in football I would say Club Robo Internationals probably Jude he's be unbelievable and the Rob oh oh my God is there a competition between you both on assists and the was the was we we haven't we haven't done it in years now but the was for about two or three years uh still on beating in it still be in it um but I always say it's about the quality of the assist as well he he can pass to some money here you te with one top bin or take on four players score and he'll claim the assist it's honestly I play 60 yard pass get the assist and they'll be like yeah that's a proper assist you play short pass so the quality of your assist a lot better yeah it's all quality of right next one 12 three dream guests to have round for dinner say Stevie G Zan and probably I would say yeah L as you can t i just like so I love 14 can't stop next start we're on again two if you could time travel which football era do you want to play in late 2000s I would say I yeah I love that era like Rooney Ronaldo tez you had Lampard drug bear you had like fabrigas with Vani you had Gerard Torres yeah like each team had their super like that was just incredible and then I love like probably the 9 to 11 Bara team I would have loved to have F we didn't no you guys beat us up yeah but I think like that that year was that's the one that I grew up watching and like that I was like 10 to 15 at that at that time and I was like that's what really dragged me into football man what would yours me um I thought I always think now in some ways I try travel I travel forward I I just CU every team when I watched the fullbacks it started to Mesmerize me and think what how would I have even survived no I say this how would have I how would I have even survived today not just watching you forget you you're a freak with the way you pass the ball but not watching porro at Spurs going to Midfield and doing what he does and a doggy and watch you know you see obviously what you know Stones is doing at the moment City playing in Midfield and Kyle's to TU in but then get back out again my job was really simple if my left back went forward I'm took him round if I go forward he's took him round if it's on my side I'm going out there and get into it just you quite s ball comes into me I've got a pass there to my right winger I've got a pass into my Striker I've got a pass to my central Midfield play and I got pass to my Center back and that's what I'm doing I'm serving 15 yards I might hit a ball into my strike that's my game my game's quite sort of methodical and what you're been asked to do now on the ball and the positions you've been asked to take up it's like degrees of difficulty are like here compared to the degrees of difficulty of what how I was asked to play the game so I would think I'd love to just be here now yeah just to see what it you'd like to see me here now well just see me I think everyone would like to see you go you won't be g off anymore I'm every right back wishes you were playing right now CU I look at you I think what I can't even relate to it the game what you've been asked to do how do you know when to be in there when you're when you're going forward as a team you're sometimes coming into that right Central Midfield when do you do you make that decision when to be there or when to be out wide to be how's that is that just a feeling or an instinct or is it something that's like a design both really so I think the the outline of it is like we work on it like the shell it's then within that you have freedom so it's like okay so we're always going to have four in the middle of the pitch at any given time whether four in whether it's the the the meld three and and the nine comes in and makes that four or a fullback comes in and makes that four was going to have that and then it's identifying where and when that is yeah maybe maybe W the center mid will drop back into the back three back into the into the back line that means people have got to get in there to get and then it and then does that it doesn't matter who it is so it's actually yeah it's just like seeing it and then going okay well he's gone there so I need to go there and it's not relating to say Mo's position well Mo comes in we're at a point where if it's switching out we need someone that's always wide so sometimes I might be wide Mo will be inside like second might go there yeah or it might be the the the right the right midfielder that goes out there it might be Harvey or Dom who goes out there and then I come in and do their job in there it just it does it it's just really flexible and the four that go in there that's obviously to keep possession of the ball but that also to prevent Counterattack going back the other way yeah so it's kind of like the well our whole game is based on counter press so the the good like the way that we get told to players it's good up there to risk the ball cuz at times not that we're we're told to to lose it but it's not a bad thing to lose it because they then open their shape up yeah they start to think let's Counterattack we win it back quick and then that's when we kill them so it might not always be like the Man City way where the Ticky attacker and they break you down that's not that's not no one can really do it like them yeah ours is more we'll try our our probably risk it might lose it but they'll then expand trying to trying to get out us our six wins it back and then we our 55 at the back and then we're gone I've just recognized I think I'd be brilliant for ygen Klo because I could definitely go into Midfield and give it away for him I could definitely go into Midfield give it away and then you're all counter press it' be amazing that the messaging is at face at face you you would find it very strange because the mission is he doesn't care who goes yeah does doesn't care I can go and press the C like if we lose it you just jump Bas go it doesn't it does not matter that's the way we play it does like you don't think about your position at that point it's the people behind it that they got ad they've got to adjust and it's like probably the two Sixers that okay well he's gone there he's got like so say I've gone so trend's gone so it's either Endo or IU or Quanza whoever's kind of on that right side to then fill in if my wing is cheating a little bit I've seen you I've seen you with the with your with your Winger and you've jumped past your Winger and I'm watching thinking where the [ __ ] is he going he's jumped yeah and I'm thinking has he been told to jump that or has he just basically sort of felt that there's a jump on and it'll get played over you the odd time and you know it's we were never told to J you if You' got a Winger here that's your man and there's a man in there that is the least sort of danger the idea of jumping there and let's say he flicks it on past you or he just nips it around the corner no I I would never come out of my hole it's just a completely different way of thinking I mean it's unbel and I recognize that in the last couple of years that you obviously have been told to to jump past your wing I mean it's obvious sometimes and then obviously canate will come across or matp will come across yeah so our messaging is we you play against the ball not the man yeah so wherever the ball is so it's say a goal kick or their center backs got the ball I should be in between the Winger and the fullback yeah and the center back should be in between the striker and the Winger so if it goes over me I can get back if it goes there I'm gone and everyone's around like the back four should be on like a rope yeah yeah he goes like like you said when when your fullback the other fullback went forward you're back into it it's that but just probably a bit more aggressive well you you struggle at first with the home the oh the first like probably two three months of it is or preseason especially is like you've never seen anything like it is he just like a sort of animal like all around the pitch it's just like it doesn't it's just like you H you can't stop running it's not like in a in a in a bad no bad like punishment kind of way it's not it's not that it's like this is the way you play and it's we're going to beat them because they're going to get tired and we're not and your line is like that high is like I mean it makes me like wins a little bit I'm thinking what the spacing behind is unbelievable but to goalkeeper does a good job but like the messaging is we our back line has to be high because we need to make the pitch small because we're pressing them as much as we can if we stay back then the gaps are big yeah the other and then also flip it we can't we can't be high if you're not pressing so Center back's got the ball and got time we're High then that's that's just a stupid line yeah if we're high but he's got pressure and he there's no where to go we need to be there yeah so it's right next one I don't even know what I don't know what the question was it's a good question though good answer what question that was we're just talking about fullback right back it's just it's it's brilliant this was that your low point then last year would you say in your cre I've learned a lot from it which is which is good and I think that's helped me this season especially what you do is the and there's so much more I can go and achieve 18 I used to I used to play when I was younger I don't play Much Anymore doing very well I from what I what I see is when Rooney came in he was like it looked like he was a man he was everything then Ronaldo's coming and he was probably a little bit more frustrating a little bit more more needed to learn and wasn't the finished article at what point did like them scales then change and Ronaldo was the real deal and the best play in the world I think you're right um Rooney was almost like a man straight away from 2000 what would it been 2004 when he broke 2002 3 4 when he broke in and when he broke into the England team at sort of like 18 he was like the best player in the team straight away he was unbelievable he like his decision making his power his strength Ronaldo came he was like that quite scrawny not developed his body his decision making was erratic he would you know if he should have crossed it he dribbled if he should have dribbled he crossed it he always to be fair frustrated the players in the middle cuz he go to cross it and they' make the run and then he turn back you you get down that line you just put it in he would never he was all over the place like and I actually lost faith with him CU not just that he wasn't he wasn't delivering an attacking sense but he actually he did didn't run back that much so he wasn't really helping as Becks when I played there before was always running back and doubling up so how always i' help yeah so it was quite frustrating and then I think it was around 2006 he scored that's when they knocked us out of the World Cup in Germany and he scored the penalty and he came back and all of a sudden his physique his body had changed and that season 2006 when we first won the league and went won the league for three years because of Mourinho and Wenger and he was that season just a transformation into this absolute machine strong I think he scored 35 40 goals was it kept at that level where they were both at that level probably 200 6 to 2009 when he left that was the best United Team I've ever seen because you had Rooney Ronaldo TZ up front and you had the gig skulls Carrick be it was unbelievable and the movement the speed the pow was frightening but the then sort of Cristiano went to Madrid carried on going that way and waza started to sort of W's career at 27 he played for like 10 11 years already yeah so they both sort of like you know Wayne was always have a shorter career but when they were both together 2006 to n they were brilliant and then after that Christiano started go like that um could you tell that was going to happen the body shapes were different I say that respectfully in terms of sort of wards that sort of square sort of strong shape was Cristiano had this like physique like a super middleweight boxer and he was in the gym every day for an hour before do his preactivation even back then when it was like it wasn't really the thing as much and he'd stay after and do all the sort of the ice Buffs the he had all the stuff in his house robotics too strong but he never took a chance with his professionalism at all was PR fair was it you know if you ask him he did yeah you know like to drink he likeed to go out a little bit and his body shape was different but they were both unbelievable players but Cristiano just went on and he's still going now you see I mean it's unbelievable but your body shape similar to cristianos I would say in the sense of when he first came in and you've also get you get stronger he's got stronger people now see you as a Midfield player just the way you play and way you're ending up with Liverpool do you see yourself as a Midfield player or do you still see yourself no I'm a right back um I prob still see myself as a right back I see myself who can probably play in both positions if needed needed um but I think my f is until I'm told otherwise but by by the gaffa then I'm I'm still right back I come inside and I play inside when we got the ball but you know essentially I'm on when you're writing the team Sheet I'm I'm right back you're by far I'd put you in the same category as Kevin De bruyne and David Beckham in terms of use of the ball I've never seen anything like it I don't know how you do it thank you I have no idea how you deliver the ball how you do from Deep from high up the pitch when you're in Midfield the passes you play and then I've always asked that little bit more from you defensive you know that and i' I've said that to you when you know when I've spoken to you something's changed it's felt like in the last six months have you made is there something changed in your mind about because to me the right defending right is the easiest bit what you're do is the hard bit um no everyone everyone always says that to me you know um that that the it's harder the stuff that I'm good at and the stuff that I excel at like the passing the vision everything like that um that's the hard part that's the things that people can't pick up it's that you can't Le it's just instinctive um but I think definitely over the last I think like I said in the summer I had a because of I think last season was a season I thought to myself I'm not going through that again and I feel like I I I should be able to control whether I have a good season I'm happy with our play but regardless of what people say know people might say I have a bad game there's times I'll come home and I'll think you know what I felt like I done my job I done what I was asked okay maybe never got assists or whatever but solid defensively done this that and the other but people won't won't talk about that but I thought as long as I I can say in myself that The Season's gone well um and I just I just thought I don't want to waste another another season were you suffering last season what do you think what what was in your mind last season I think it was just I think as as a player as a team um as a whole we kind of went through a rough a rough season and when people have such high expectations of you individually and as a as a team it's hard to then keep living up to them and it's the hardest demand ever um which is why I I have so much respect for you your like you and your team in that era and how to cons continuously keep winning and finding it and it's the it's the hardest I found that it's the hardest thing to do in football is to be distance we had bad Seasons as well though you know we had Seasons where we dropped to like you know well below our standard you just don't remember them sometimes at the end yeah but I I thought I I just I just felt at the end of the season I just I just thought I've learned a lot from it which is which is good and I think that's helped me this season especially um but I just I just thought I'm not going through through that again last season I just didn't I didn't I didn't want to feel the way I felt at times and um likewise as a a team I want to I want to be I've said it before I want to be winning minimum on one one trophy a season what you like when you come home when it when it's not going well when you feel like how how do you carry football home with you are you able to switch off or are you somebody that when you have a game or difficult moment you carry it with you and you're like you know a little bit down both I would say a little bit of both yeah I think I respect the way I feel um and I embrace it for however long it needs it needs to take the more of a run that you're in the longer them you know you're in good form you have one bad game you don't even really think about it it's like bad game let me get back back to you four five six games where you haven't really a good game yeah um it lasts a lot longer um but I'm someone who just I I try as as best as I can to just keep a flat Baseline and whether good bad in between is don't get ahead of yourself and you know I've always believed in in keeping levelheaded you know me family and me friends around me as well will know but keep me on keep me Fe On The Floor did was that your low point then last year would you say in your career I would say so yeah I would say so I think from from the start it was kind of up from the start getting into the team then all of a sudden the next season I'm Champions League final going to a World Cup in me first full proper season as a first team player and then the next season winning the Champions League then the next season win the and it was just every season was just yeah and it was I I always thought that the would the would come that that point and a bit like you like you feel it in the acmy and whatever and even you know like I said so many good games you go like that and then you this that and the other um so I I was expecting it to come at some point um I think it came at the right time I think if it came too early in my career it was confidence and and you start to question yourself whereas know that that wasn't that wasn't the point had I understood what I'd achieved so far and I'm so proud of myself and how much work I put in but also understanding how much I'm not even hopefully not even halfway from your career and there's so much more I can go and Achieve and figuring that out figuring out what it is that I want to go go do and want to achieve and challenge myselfself put your to the Limit and have that Demand on on yourself to to have to perform we in we out what did you do in the summer that made you feel like Ry I'm not going to do it again but did you what did you do that means that you feel now obviously this season I've noticed a big you know your mentality at the start of the season your performance levels have always been high but this season I just felt there's a determination in you that was sort of like oh this is a different level this you know to the point where by up until your injury you're probably talking about being one player of the season in the whole league let alone just as a Defender I think I felt like a big sense of responsibility on myself up until now I kind of just gone with the flow kind of just every like I said everything been going upwards and upwards and upwards and naturally it just keeps getting better and you don't have to think about things too much you just enjoying your footy not thinking about it and and everything just keeps happening and then going with the flow almost a little bit Yeah and then it gets to the point when that flow kind of starts bringing you down and then I'm thinking okay well I need to take responsibility to make sure this doesn't keep going down and it and it it halts there and to to Fair the back end of last season I've really got a big um a good run of games good good run of form had the summer with with England um which kind of revitalize me as well give me that fresh New Hope of finding a place in the England team um and some really good chats with them with the manager and then yeah so I just felt a lot of responsibility like it's it's on you it's it's my career yeah what you can't just kind of let it just pass you by and if it's good it's good if it's bad it's bad it's like you you need to try and get a grip of it and get the power of whether it is good or whether it is bad and force it in that Direction so and then just just having a demand on myself I think the responsibility of of Nai and Club Vice Captain really com into it as well start get getting put into that role means you need to you need to step up you need to you need to perform people are looking up to you um you need to be a role model you need to be someone in in the changing room in around it that's driving standards um and I just felt responsible for that and I I like it I love the responsibility and crave it really did you speak to anybody else that help you about mean obviously your manager maybe or coaches but was there anybody did you see a psychology did you see anybody that you sort of like you know go and confiding or just do it all mainly yourself and through your coaching staff a lot of it was just yeah through with with the manager with the coaching staff with me family and they helped me through it as well no it wasn't like I was in a really dark dark PL it wasn't performance level it's just yeah it's just like you're just not happy with the how you're playing and when it's when that's the biggest thing in your life it is it does get it does get on top here um and you're local lad and you feel it I think you feel it more when you're local I mean obviously the players that com to the club big club like Liverpool they feel it as well but when you're local you feel it more I think yeah 100% CU it's like you're engulfed in it you you if feel like you're in the center and everything's like surrounding you and it's that it gets on top of you but it's it's an it's an intense thing and it's something that that you know I'm sure you felt the same you love it because it makes it feel even more special when things are going well and um but you also got the sense of you're letting everyone down when you're not performing um which is difficult um but I think I think it's good for players not it's not good for players to go through it but it's important because like you said once you come out of it I I feel now whatever I go through now between now and the end of my career I'll be able to to handle it um whether good or bad I'll have the right mentality towards you I still remember to the day the first time I seen me name on the back or someone [ __ ] my group that I came through with no one really made it it was kind of just me you know what of those ones last year here we [Applause] go so talk to us about Liverpool in terms of sort of the city talk to a little bit about your charity as well um the city um intense yeah in a in a good way in like a loving wholesome like yeah you can see like just by people looking at you changing like someone's life really is it's incredible um I still remember to the day the first time I seen my name on the someone [ __ ] in the city center I was about 18 um just couldn't believe it could not believe it um and then now was just above and beyond now it's incredible and the charity work that you're doing yeah so charity is um the after Academy it's basically set up for kids who get released at 16 17 18 onwards who you know from Liverpool's Academy no just from any Academy any any Academy um and it's there to kind of support them in way give them apprenticeships give them you know placements where they can go work experience for a year or so and yeah get what they need to get and and hopefully then you know find something else cuz I I don't know what it was like for you but when I was in the academy the only thing was you need a football and if doesn't work you're a coach yeah you go and get your badges stay with the kind of things and I think see now likees yourself and the the media side of it there's so many more opportunities to go in and be a part of football that isn't just being a player or a coach and there's so many different avenues that are out there that we're just not taught about in The Academy it's interesting to say that because it's obvious that like the players that sort of get released at 18 their dreams are just completely shattered but when I was probably after I was 23 24 I became PFA union rep so every year I had to go in with the young players to see the manager which when he was releasing them as young Pros or app apprentices and sit there and listen to the manager tell them that they wouldn't be there anymore and obviously sometimes they get other clubs wouldn't they but some imagine if they don't get another club it's the ones that don't really um Z they don't really know where to go what to do and what are you just thinking that I mean obviously do you just feel the privilege and honor of doing what you're doing but you just is it someone that sort of you looked at that that you thought some you play with or someone that you were young a lot really cuz my group that I came through with no one really made it it was kind of just me and I was like we all sacrific so much and I sacrificed the exact same as 10 15 other Lads my age let alone Lads above and below me but they got rejected but they got rejected like M's worth I sit back now and think like i' do it all again cuz I'm ripping the reward from it but them Lads they're not kind of getting the reward from it and it's like okay well I've wasted all them years yeah and I've got nothing to show for it yeah I was part of the Lial Academy but what's that going to do for me now can't go and say can I have a job CU I was there you know so it's kind of giv them a chance to to to make something themselves right well look I've absolutely loved speaking to you today it's been amazing and have I missed anything out by the way you know what you know what I've always wanted to ask you here we go no no no this is like this is what was it like when when left United Jo it's interesting that everyone else was relieved no just something I always remember it was like when beex left buty left and Phil left and it was bad each time because we had literally been together for 10 years but I went round to the boss's house with Phil to see him on I think it was a Sunday night you g into everyone's meetings that night if you want me to come and see Jurgen or Gareth with you I'll sort out for you don't worry I can I can I can talk a good game get into Worlds me it's a good way of putting it no I was asked to come along and Phil was just like dreading this meeting with the manager I just said look you know so what was it was it I rang the boss up and said look me and Phil did he want to go or did the club he want it to go so Phil was in a role where I'm trying to think like it he was playing 25 30 Games a season but when the big no matter how well he played he felt when the big game came along he might miss out and like someone had come back in and he felt like he wasn't going to be sort of like and and he he'd done that for like seven or eight years he felt and in the end he just said no I want to be number one I want to play I want to play every single week OB when and and David Moyes had um had come in for him and he just said and the manager said no I want you to stay I want you to carry on doing what you're doing and he just said to the boss no and I said well Phil said it um I just need to play every week boss I need to feel like I'm you on the team Sheet um and I respected it um but I didn't I didn't like it I I I want just to all stay together um like when Nikki left he was on preseason so and he felt exactly the same way Newcastle came in for him and he went home from preseason T and it felt like it felt like someone had sort of like passed you know what I mean it was like it was horrible like the buty left our tour we were in preseason in America and it's horrible I mean have you had that feeling when someone that you I mean I Jordan maybe left or yeah probably probably him though because that was that was a surprise obious come back from preseason and it's just like yeah starts getting into talks and that it's a bit different now because it's like it's all over Twitter it's all over yeah it's like you know like a move kind of happening before it even starts no it was tough if you think you're going to be together forever you've been together I think we'd won I think we won six titles together all of us like up to 25 26 and then like them three left within three or four years and then me Giggs see and SKS he stayed I stayed till was 36 SKS it till his 38 and GS it till he was 40 so they stayed for a couple years after me um but yeah it was it wasn't great when they left what what what part of the game do you love most game day I think the whole game day it's like that these times now yeah he missed that bit it's just like but you know that that to me is the difference between you and me I would no panic's not the right word I wouldn't Panic about game day just overthinking yeah and it was like because for me as a right back was I going to win my team the game no very rare scor seven goals in six I can only actually lose my team the game you know what I mean that's my mentality so I played 600 games United thinking that actually most weeks the likelihood is that I'm not going to win my team name no one's going to say Gary Neville was the best player on the pitch day if we win but if I give a goal away that's that was my mentality I played my whole career like that was you play your career with the freedom of thinking I'm going to influence this game in a positive way because of the way you play yeah and that's a complete different Rooney was like that I remember game day quarterfinal 2004 first tournament I are you all right thinking that he'd be a little bit he went I can't wait for tonight I went I'm glad someone car I played against Ronaldo and Figo wow because they were swapping Wings they played for Ronaldo and Figo played for Portugal and they swapping wings and I knew I was having one of them Cristiano prer went against Ash at left back and I had Figo did you did you find that difficult like if you put come against a teammate on International level yeah I played against Cristiano a couple of times where he came over to my side it'd be tough I don't think he enjoyed it either though I don't think he enjoyed he's rubbing his no but at the time he was quite young and I was quite experienced and I wasn't phased by him at that time cuz I played with against him every day I said he the best players I played against we're in training Giggs Ronaldo Rooney I was playing some every day I felt I felt that when I first came when I first came in I was against sadio and coutinho you're playing as coutinho man every day you playing as players better than that most weeks how good was Man by the way his runs in Oh my he would have caused me a massive trou same he's the one player that that I played that always saw I'm thankful I never play he he call me night he would been my worst nightmare he was he was a perfect he was a perfect attacker you know yeah he had he had everything yeah the movement was unbelievable with him as an athlete though was yeah Pro probably like in the end similar to like Ronaldo I would say like he had the jump he could get up he was fast he could not finishing probably wasn't the same but he could finish both feet he was just a threat at all times for everyone right we should do a podcast of recall the right backs brilliant amazing that thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Overlap
Views: 929,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sky Sports, Sport, Football, Premier League, Champions League, Manchester United, Gary Neville, MNF, Monday Night Football, Jamie Carragher, the overlap, overlap, g nev, nev, overlap interview, interview, Stick to Football, Ian Wright, Jill Scott, Roy Keane, The Overlap on tour, trent, taa, Alexander arnold, trent alexander arnold, liverpool, liverpool fc, Jurgen klopp, klopp, trent interview, trent corner, trent goal, ronaldo, messi, Gary Neville interview, trent right back
Id: 1dh1qU1ReeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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