How The 8 Passengers YouTube Mom Ruby Franke DESTROYED Her Family

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[Music] foreign have you ever heard of the YouTube mom known as Ruby Frankie well after this video You're Gonna wish you had enough now Ruby run the eighth passengers YouTube channel which was giving out parenting advice she really was a giver and she's been accused of giving out a combination of multiple physical injuries to her children including torches starvation and malnutrition that jeopardizes life and the two women who've been charged are looking at 1 to 15 years in prison and defying of up to ten thousand dollars which is a drop in the ocean for this woman because she has been making a shitload of money out of prostituting her children out all over the Internet pretending to be Mary [ __ ] Poppins but let's Reserve judgment she might be innocent you know when there's a crime committed it's on the news in the interview the neighbors and the neighbors are like yeah I would never have thought you would never have seen that coming that's not one of these times this woman had two million YouTube subscribers doing family Vlogs cooking advice all of that [ __ ] and there was a lot of complaints throughout that time they're gonna get a privilege to eat dinner the privilege to eat dinner bare minimum we're talking here stuff that the cavemen probably took care of quite easily it's not a privilege at this point is it you [ __ ] [ __ ] what are you doing over there you take no texting look at this guy by the way like there's not a picket of fat on any of these things and I'm not saying kids should be fat before you get me on that one in the comments but come on like when you're a kid you usually have a little bit of chubs on you know I mean he looks like a 14 year old who's built like a 10 year old what are you doing over there you take no texting Rose here here I really like you it's one thing monitoring your kids phones for security reasons make sure you know no dangerous things are going on it's not there it's just mock him at the table at the good messages he sent these girls are you ever gonna have a close relationship with your son you're gonna just ridicule him for messaging girls and then he posts it on the internet just to give everyone else a good laugh number one Dad yeah certainly pick the good woman the only downside to giving your kids a flip phone is I swear I have to remember how to work it every time I go through it this is just them being [ __ ] it's we ain't even got started yet I saw you in my dreams last night so the dad's a bit of a dick but we'll get on to him because he's he's acting like he had nothing to do with all this what is the nature of your relationship with this individual these are moments I don't know if you know in Utah they're quite heavily religious there and they have quite strict rules and guidance around what young people can be doing together so I don't know if this is part of that but it ain't cool my bedroom was taken away for seven months and then you give it back like a couple weeks ago you can't take a bedroom away you take the things in the bedroom away what do you do barricade it I don't think our viewers know that they're sleeping on a bean bag I'm sleeping on a bean bag since October I'm gonna give my room back like two weeks ago oh I'll give you the reason why I lost my bedroom I think so and this is the reason you can't even remember the reason it was six months ago that I will cross a little bit too in the morning and told them that we're going to Disneyland and he has to pack see that is funny you lost your bedroom for six months for a practical joke and you gotta admit is a bit all neatly and then packed all his clothes in the suitcase and then he walked out the door and I'm like wrestling he's like what he's all happy has his sunglasses on it that is funny you know what right you can say right the fact that she dishes out such insane punishments for little things like that she loves this she loves punishing like it's a thrill for her she gets off on it sexually she probably goes to bed at night and flicks her being over how much misery she's inflicting on her children yeah I said it do you think it's funny because and then I walk out if you think it's funny then you that was seven months ago maybe you need longer without a bedroom oh oh she's talking her [ __ ] she's like oh you want some more there's plenty more where that came from we got more bean bags [ __ ] he didn't he didn't get anything he was sleeping on the floor in the family room so now that the initial awkward laughs have finished you can see him staring off into the distance just miserable because we're seeing one example of her punishments this kid has had a lifetime of them and he is [ __ ] fed up with it Abby we [Music] you may never get the phone back probably not she's just bragging about the way she keeps her kids in check and thinking that this makes her a great mother it's like people who become obsessed with losing weight like yeah good A little bit of discipline is a good thing it's not a competition no I don't know a friend you can play with friends no like I don't have friends I don't have friends either so both of her kids don't have friends I mean how come they what kind of social skills are they getting from these clumpets if you cut one more thing in my house I'm going to take the scissors look at me and I'm gonna cut its head off so what are you gonna do are you gonna cut anything else no we're dealing with [ __ ] pure evil yeah like imagine getting your rocks off to do another little kid you [ __ ] cruel [ __ ] I just got a text message uh from use teacher and she said that Eve did not pack a lunch today and can I bring a lunch over to the school her teacher is uncomfortable with her being hungry and not having a lunch let me foothy all thing I'm a little bit uncomfortable with your kids starving to death over there in the corner and we're talking about a six-year-old yeah wow I responded and just said Eve is responsible for making her lunches in the morning no why stop there you know what I mean when is she going to start paying tax the lazy little [ __ ] six years old I can't even imagine having to make my own lunch at six years old Jesus it would have just been a box full of sugar and milk and off to work I go and the saddest thing is is like I'm laughing now it just gets [ __ ] darker and darker hopefully nobody gives her food and nobody steps in and gives her a lunch hopefully no one looks after my kid this is just like the opposite of everything that you're supposed to say if something in the back in the back out you can pay cash for it so you learn the value of your items [Laughter] it's this loud's face that's just totally there like it's literally like who the [ __ ] is my mother Satan what the [ __ ] am I dealing with yeah or um you can give is so sick he's had enough he's absolutely I know he's like that's just why won't this [ __ ] just die Dad I'll let you take the conversation from here you can do an equivalent value chart to get it back and whatever isn't claimed by the end of the day he looking over his shoulder like he's Will Smith right now is this right am I doing it um is this okay that Dad needs a good [ __ ] hiding man big time I'm gonna go get dressed for football um you're gonna have to go find shorts oh oh garden and you are not going anywhere unless you pick up your junk if you've got crops drawn all around no so you see now I'm using bad language that's how bad of a mood I'm in you get your socks picked up and don't you leave your stuff out anymore right over there run and go pick him up and then give me 10 push-ups I really had it good I had it great honestly wow she's literally like some sort of drill instructor Forrest Gump got treated better than this Forest had a great mother your mama sure does care about your schooling boy shape your hands forward there you go one two down further bring your butt down she broke him and she missed preschool she slept in and she woke up she's like I'm ready so I said you know what preschool's over you sucked through it just to be clear that that's not her uh 26 year old daughter going for her job interview that's her six-year-old daughter going to Nursery you slept in [ __ ] sort yourself out the camera's rolling so I can't get she's terrifying helps keep me under control the fact that a woman was able to post this online for as long as she did if a man did this he'd have been locked up after a week she did this for years I've been a masterful manipulator I had manipulated using sex I've manipulated using external rewards I have wanted something and I'm going to get it no matter good cart a reference there from herself a year ago my daughter was saying her prayers Eve she was six years old at the time and she was saying her prayers and she said the cutest thing I thought it was so cute and I started laughing she said dear heavenly father please help me to survive and I thought it was so cute and it just took me off guard and I kind of giggled a little she's literally so oblivious to what the hell she's putting her children through that she isn't even seeing a cry for help in front of her she thinks that's cute I had a laugh she said it was funny seeing my any little baby daughter praying to God to survive my horrible parenting was funny you absolute [ __ ] I'll let that out there that's so after many of these crazy uploads the internet came after her they started reporting her to the police petitions were signed to try and get Social Services involved and she was defiant online who hate me who would like to cancel me who would um disappear off the face of the Earth and I'm not going anywhere well that's what she thought but also you can see there she's trying to get sympathy your actions have caused that and she takes no responsibility at all she did stop posting as much because she joined this business group called connections who were like giving advice out to women on how to parent their children and she became very close friends with a woman who's a psychologist and I used that term loosely called Jody Hildebrandt now Jody has actually been arrested with her which didn't really make sense at the start of like why is she also involved in the abuse of these kids who want her kids her niece who stayed over at her house has come forward the thing that Jody's so good at using what's there already because you have so much sin inside of you oh you you've kissed girls oh my God you are just Satan himself literally believed that Satan was working through me and she literally believed that Jesus was working through her and um that she was fighting Satan on a daily basis not just with me but also with her clients it's funny if if enough people paid me to tell them you're not your problem is ah you're gonna kick yourself yep Satan uh he's working through you man uh luckily for you Jesus is working through me so come on 100 quid we'll sort you out that's what we're dealing with here that she was on Earth every day watching fighting Satan every day must be knocked this is a Woman by the way who live with Jody for a whole year and she's seeing a punch and Satan's facing and I again I believed all of this so I was like wow like my aunt's powerful like like fighting Satan like yeah wow it's like Tyson and fury to be fair Fury would have duct Satan we all know that she had people reporting back to her anything and everything that I did the the amount of paranoia and fear that I had whereas like I I can't talk to anyone people saw me duct taped people saw that these things were going on no one did anything the reason the duct tape bit is important here is later on when this all unravels the kids were found with duct tape on them as well you wonder where I've been on my Vlogs you wonder why I left YouTube to save my kids no amount of money I and I'm telling you I was making Millions and I left it because my kids were being hurt with entitlement they were being hurt with people's advice and they didn't have a mother up the front saying I don't care what the world's opinion is this is the truth and this is where I stand and fortunately I had a chance I had them in my home long enough to do it and I'm not gonna lose them they're seeing truth they're accepting truth they're loving truth and so this is my passion is to invite you to stand in truth and put your opinions to the side for a minute because your kids are the target of distortion that is just absolute nonsense isn't it this is her talking about the external forces at work and she has to protect her children from sin and all of this mimo should just beaten them up starving them abusing them where no I don't have any friends no iPad's no TV that was a little clip there just stumbled on that one where we're at it of her little boy and you can see he can't even make eye contact he can't even like lift his head up and speak with confidence because she's just withering him away from an early age so all of this is obviously just the tip of the iceberg like she by her own admission behaves better on camera but on August 30th a neighbor near Jody hildebrand's house had to make a call to the police tell me exactly what's happened I just had a 12 year old boy show up here at my front door asking for help and he's uh said he just came from a neighbor's house and we know there's been problems at this neighbor's house he's emaciated he's got tape around his legs he's hungry and he's thirsty he asked us to call the police are the neighbors out of their home or is anybody looking for him that you can see uh no we are homes are far enough away uh I'm not sure her name is Jody Hildebrand his ankles are taped up and he won't tell us why he has duct taped around each ankle I think he's been he's going to change his name he's obviously covered in wounds you can hear in his voice just even looking at this little kid is breaking him up inside because we're talking open wounds marks on him he's thirsty he's starving he's been taped like he has been tortured he is a prisoner who's escaped he is not just a child anymore both women were then arrested having been in the home at the time making videos for this [ __ ] website they've got imagine the fact that they were probably recording advice videos for women on how to discipline your children well the 12 year old is escaping out the window the mother's sisters have even come forward to the news and said we were kept as far away from those kids as possible we knew it was weird we just couldn't get involved because we were told you're not welcome Child Protective Services also had been notified multiple times about this over the years and they failed these kids they've actually postponed the bail hearing because there's so much evidence on them because this woman was bragging about what a great mother she was she's actually snitched on herself so much I guess you could say that if you're ever wanting to know how not to be a criminal don't snitch on yourself online and then don't make courses about it because you will end up in jail so since all this uh the cops have obviously found all the other children recognize that this has been an issue throughout her parenting among all the children and luckily they've apprehended us she ain't got her kids anymore she's behind bars now the question I asked earlier was where the hell is the dad in all of this well you can ask his lawyer because he's not talking sounds innocent am I right he's uh busy he's struggling uh trying to make sense out of what's happened to him in the last 13 months and uh kind of coming out of a fog just a hazy fog which I've not got a great recollection of so in other words he was completely taken off guard by these allegations completely shocked absolutely shocked chocolate did nothing sooner literally they're your kids you're in all the videos bro she hadn't reached out to him for months and months and months before that she reached out to him when it was an emergency knowing she could rely on him to help his kids sorry we're hearing now that they had no contact for months and months apparently right they were separated I read for 13 months so they weren't living with each other how much was he seeing the kids uh almost not at all actually not at all so this is your defense you separated with a you didn't see the kids at all and she was just allowed to do whatever she wanted and you weren't on the wiser why is that because she told him it was better that they needed to work on their marriage and needed to keep their family together but that everything was better off with him not in the home we need to work on our marriage by having nothing to do with each other we wouldn't keep our family together by never seeing you well this makes sense why were they separated what was the catalyst oh I probably shouldn't go into that that's that's pretty private yeah that's private these [ __ ] are all over the news for abusing children privacy went out the window a while ago this whole defense of his that she's just manipulated him and he was a defenseless little animal who just helplessly couldn't see his children all that time when we've seen him in the videos perpetuating the same kind of behavior that she was and now all of a sudden he had no idea and he wasn't even there and you know it was best for the kids if I'm just not there conveniently to exonerate himself it just doesn't add up man it's [ __ ] he's actually more pathetic than her so that's where we're at now in the case it is ongoing and I'm gonna follow this one because I really hate this woman let me know what your theories are in the comments you little investigative journalists out there uh hit that like button stay subscribe to the true Geordie YouTube channel for more and I'll see us on the next one
Channel: True Geordie
Views: 98,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ruby franke, 8 passengers, social media, jodi hildebrandt, ruby franke utah, ruby franke youtube, ruby franke court hearing, ruby franke jodi hildebrandt, ruby franke 911 call, 8 passengers abuse, 8 passengers chad, social media addiction, crime, utah, eight passengers, cps, mom influencer, family vlog, kevin franke, True Geordie, True News, true crime, Documentary, Crime documentary
Id: 5HNCixEtUP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 30sec (1170 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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