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we are back on the convergence mod and today we are playing the frenzied class choosing the enchanted Remnant and let's hop into it they just dropped the new update for the convergence mod which is super cool I'm liking the look of these spells already the touch of frenzi and frenzy flare look kind of sick but yeah big update just came out for the convergence mod so I dropped what I was doing so we could check out the mod and due to that cuz I was in the middle of uh script writing I just have a feeling that the video that I was trying to get out by the end of the year just won't be ready uh due to recording this but I couldn't miss out on on the new convergence update I won't say much about the video I've been working on but it's a big one 1.6 tabt of of storage taken up currently and I'm just figuring out how I want to format it enough about that let's see what they changed so I'm going to leave the uh patch notes in the description they've added some new NPCs including me I am in the game which is super sick thank thank you guys they've reworked Stormville Castle Castle mourn and R lucaria so we'll have to check those out as well I'm getting way too ahead of myself here I'm just excited all right armor int and Faith by one increases casting speed and we should just start with all of our spells but yeah we have frenzied flare Touch of frenzied and the flame of frenzied so release a short range stream of bursting frenzy flame from the palm of your hand in front of you dealing damage and building Madness hold the continuously fire of the stream uh let's test that out right now on you guys how you guys doing okay that's kind of sick like okay oh wait did that gu just get frenzied and die I think that was the case unless he just actually died and I wasn't paying attention but this stuff it's cool I mean it does damage fast I you have to be right beside them but that's a cool spell then we have frenzied flare fire a small spiraling burst of frenzied flame towards foes dealing damage and building Madness this incantation can be used without delay so I assume this just like a quick spammy spell so boom boom actually let's test it on on you all right you want to follow me around here boom boom boom yep that's I mean it works works well shoots nice and quick a nice spammy spell I'm going to go gather all of our sacred tears golden seeds memory stones the usual stuff then we'll be right back uh this video might be a longer one just due to the the nature of of the update they've added quite a bit to my knowledge and I want to experience a lot of that so we'll be back shortly wait hold on what they in here they really redid the place I'm just here for the seed but that's going to be sick wait that's a cool change uh I was totally expecting a Remnant there but uh I guess not let's get out of here I wonder if this one's changed as well let us find out all right so this one this one was the same which is good I like my remnants ooh the the bull goat geve I believe that is a part of the new armor system so basically what they did uh to sum it up is they gave armor that isn't related to spells so it says if you do not have a weapon equipped with int and Faith scaling this item has the following effect and this one in particular has Ram through which is when you drink a blue flask you gain an effect that increases all Poise damage you deal by 20% and causes you to Sprint when you move your character with no stamina cost for 15 seconds so this is a cool way to buff the melee classes it makes melee a lot more more fun and I believe I don't have a good way of killing gra as I don't know if they have reworked frenzy and I'm not going to sit there and uh spam it just for it not to work so we are going to teleport over to the knights calve and take him out and then we'll go collect all of our great runes uh we'll probably want to throw on the clarifying horn charm so we don't get Madness ever then we'll throw on the ragon icon oh that was nice and quick first try he didn't even like fight back usually he's a lot more grumpy than that all right we'll go 20 Viger 16 M 1616 that seems good all right for weapons we have the ivory sickle in the Stormville Castle we have the noads K kage kage from the merchant in Mogan Palace we have the three finger blade in the yellow Annex ruins and Vikes warspear all right I I'll definitely pick the nomads weapon and the three-finger blade those seem pretty sick although they are in late game areas and then we have shimmering Rune of frenzy flame in the Impaler catacombs the glowing Rune locked behind vik The Shining Rune in the jail cave and the radiant Rune is heda's quest line and then for armor sets we have the frenzy Maiden set in the jail cave and the fingerprint set which is I think you kill Vie the second time mountain tops gives that set wait hold on they sell bleed weapons in the okay we'll take out Grail then I'm not going to pass up those free runes we'll take it Grail then we'll head over to our first fight yeah I also totally forgot to mention happy holidays for those who who celebrate Christmas uh let me know if you got anything sick in the comments below I'm very curious I did more uh gift giving than gift receiving this year but I still had a a very fun fun time all right we have taken out Grail we're going to get min 20 Vigor 25 and then we'll go 1818 all right now we'll head over to our first great run all right we are at the Impaler catacombs they have some not so friendly friends following us oh yeah another cool thing I have to thank you guys for is we hit the end of the year goal of 20K I honestly didn't expect that whatsoever because I I just I just can't fathom it like it doesn't make any sense to me uh I just sort of set it out there like hey it would be cool if I hit 20K by the end of the year but realistically never expected such a thing and and you guys freaking crushed it like we we hit 20K like I said it doesn't make any sense to me I just very fortunate and and thankful to you guys so I just wanted to to take a moment to thank everyone for the support and the great first year on YouTube this has been amazing we'll have an even better year next year which is crazy let's pull this switch real quick uh ignore me guys I'm just going to sneak through here oh yeah that also reminds me the grave glove War they uh changed it so it's now like the new stone system and makes more sense which is huge that really helps classes like The Necromancer being able to upgrade your summons a lot easier all right first boss we have the burial Watchdog frenzied is this guy even like in the actual game at all I don't recall ever encountering a frenzy Watchdog uh but I could just be uh a little silly here I think we'll stick to frenzy flare it's doing good damage and honestly I just don't want to get close to this thing oh yeah of course not I think he explodes frenzy I don't want to die I actually want to try out touch a frenzy this is going to be silly okay wait no he buffed his sword I I take it back I I don't want to do it okay okay we'll try it hold on let me let me just okay okay we got it here okay let's try it out oh yeah that melts that melts that's sick we're going to take some damage here potentially never mind oh Poise break let's get that off oh we we couldn't but we got him that wow that spell just melted him all right uh we do have the shimmering Rune of frenzy flame which gives us frenzy burst that's such a silly silly uh guy they got there mark of frenzy inescapable frenzy and deranged Fury we can equip all of this frenzy burst is just they shot out of the eyes we have Mark of frenzy causes your hands to a light with the yellow Flame of frenzy and then slam into the ground calling forth a large eruption of fire and leaves a large Mark of the three fingers on the ground in front of you oh is this sort of like the ash of War for for vik's weapon but as a spell an adaption of vik okay yeah that that that makes sense deranged Fury offensive enchantment increases melee damage you deal by 10% increases all absorption by 20% and reduces the stamina cost of attacks by 20% however you receive continuous Madness buildup for the duration okay well we have a Talisman to fix that and then we have inescapable frenzy which is the one where you you grip them all right now we have to head up to vik all right we'll throw on everything except for uh an escapable frenzy I maybe it'll be good against Vie but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to cheese him anyways so I I don't think it'll be much of a a problem hit us with the buff and let's go in here on the her tree Avatar cuzz they are very weak to the they're very weak to fire which is what frenzy damage is at its core so we'll be doing a lot of damage to them but more importantly we are here for the portal that he is hiding that did so much damage okay I I forgot how good flame of frenzy just just is it's just so strong and without any like the drawbacks of the actual frenzy it's I can just I can just keep sending them out and good night friend uh now it's time for vik all right vik I'm going to introduce you to my good friend gravity I'm just going to get you to uh jump yep y just a little bit close wait no wait no not that one okay no that one's fine but I'm going need you to like yeah there we go you should fall with me that should have worked there we go what a super hard Rune hias flare howl of shabb mind melt and tendrils of Shri okay that's what okay we do have access to everything fires a small spiraling burst of frenzy flame towards foes that causes an explosion on impact ooh okay so we got a better version of flare howl of shabri Bri releases a maddening shriek that causes Madness build up in foes nearby and leaves the Caster with an effect which increases all fire damage you deal by 5% grants two FP recovery per second and grants an additional stamina recovery however you receive continuous magic buildup okay that is a crazy good buff mind melts fires a small projectile of frenzy at an enemy upon impact afflicts the target with a curse hey I love the curs Spells which deals continuous fire damage lowers the T the targets absorption by Two Fire by 20% lowers the target's attack powered by 10% reduces the target's ability to block and lowers Target's resistances by Madness by 50% the blocking thing is cool that's I don't know like I guess it' be for like the regular enemies with shields maybe Crucible Knights that' be funny on uh tendrils of shabri fires a series of arching streams of frenzy flame from your eyes that fly overhead and land upon enemies dealing damage and Madness builds up charging increases potency okay we got a lot of new toys to play with uh so we'll throw on the new flare throw on Howl we'll throw on mind melts we'll throw on the tendrils and we'll keep on Mark and frenzy burst yeah we'll do frenzy burst jail cave is our next destination all right we're going to quickly stop by EG to upgrade our seal then we'll get the other two runes for our class then explore all the new stuff and then just complete the game like like normal but that's how I think we're going to structure this one out all right so we'll level up our oh they take smithing Stones okay that's interesting boom boom all right so we're plus five not amazing but we'll take it all right we'll buff up here before we drop in okay we have the troll which is usually in front of volcano Manor we're going to hit him with oh my god he has range okay we hit him with the Mind thing I think frenzy burst will reach okay does good damage we'll test out hi do flare see how the range is ooh that explosion is kind of sick and it has such a a large radius for like I can sit way back here spam him with the little explosions okay I actually want to get close cuz I want to test out tendrils I just don't want to get one shot which is very likely oh my God he's still going oh that's unendurable frenzy right yeah that allows me to get close let's try with this oh that's all oh it shot on the roof there's so much up there okay so it's like a large overhead shot okay I need room to use that one is basically what I'm learning and hius flare is just better than uh burst I think the only reason why I would use that is cuz the charge up wow this one's going to be tough cuz if we get caught in like most of his frenzied attack we will just die I'm thinking cuz he just straight up two shots me so we're going to try to make sure that doesn't happen we're going to go grab some stuff to make this a little easier we're going to go grab this Enchanted Remnant so we can create the flame Drake Talisman and then we will go grab the new weapons to see if they be any any better than our spells so we'll turn this into the flame Drake Talisman all right so the weapon is in the yellow anex ruins it should just be in here there is the three-finger blade that thing looks really cool all right it is a curved great swword needs 15 strength 18 decks has shab's revenge as the ash of War which charge forward with the blade dragging behind you covered in frenzy Flame then sweep upwards send tendrils of frenzy in front of you follow up with a strong attack to LEAP into the air and plunge the blade down into the ground and pull it out causing a large maddening explosion slam and then wow okay we when we can actually wield this thing it's going to be strong all right uh the other weapon was in mgan Palace so we'll make her way over there next now we have to head over to the MN Palace which luckily is just right over here so we'll just head into here let's pop this so we'll have enough all right now this is going to be a quick operation hopefully cuz there's going to be guys spawning in here so I just need to that's cool he was like double runes uh hurry up yep I'm a customer uh that's what I wanted oh it didn't purchase no okay okay this time we got it uh yes I'm a customer uh give me that there we go get juked get me out of here we can equip this one uh succumb to Madness this is a a curved sword so it's slightly worse it seems succumb to Madness plunge the blade into your body unlocking the maddening Flames within and causing tendrils of frenzy to fly out in all directions when you pull it out it causes a large explosion increasing all fire damage you deal by 5% for 1 minute okay so this ashar does damage and it's a buff which is just super cool cuz you just shove it in get your Dam damage in holy that lasts a while and then we're buffed all right we'll level up our sword which does require somber Stones which we do have a good amount of and now we're 66 all right we're back we're going to see how this goes we're actually just going to get right underneath and use our ashore which just absolutely melted him but he just one shot Us in return okay got to be a little bit more careful about that actually think I know where when I want to use the when he goes for unendurable frenzy which I believe he's going for right now then oh wow yeah we eat those now now that he's down we'll use this oh my god dude that's too good oh Poise break oh I'm getting back in there oh we're hitting you with another one oh I don't care take all my HP finish him off okay I'm so glad that worked oh this sword's kind of good there is the frenzy Maiden set int and Faith by one increases casting speed by six and increases the damage of our incantations we're just going to throw it all on it's just it's just better look at us we look like haa now that one's so much better than I expected and now the last one is heda's quest line so I think before we do that we'll hit up Castle M all right let's pop this shining Rune of frenzy so we have three finger flare unendurable frenzy eye of frenzy and disintegration all right that's a little extreme the most expensive spell being 3131 fires multiple spiraling bursts of frenzy flame from the eyes that seek out foes dealing damage and building Madness charging increases the number of bursts produced okay un endurable frenzy I think that's just it's just what it is in base game they just gave it a funny new funny new art work and then they use the artwork on this one conjure an orb of frenzied flame that floats forward in front of you the orb fires tendrils of flame in all directions dealing damage and building and building Madness this incantation deals exceptional posture damage this sounds crazy 2929 I need that like now fires a small projectile of frenzy at an enemy upon impact afflicts the target with a curse which deals continuous fire damage and reduces fire absorption by 10% whereas our current one does does oh oh it lasts longer and but doesn't reduce attack power I mean yeah yeah I I get that okay hi's quest line is is just pick up a bunch of grapes and then go find her in the sewers and then she'll give us our our reward but we will be checking out the castles now I guess all right so they said they they made this like a legacy dungeon which is I'm very curious to see what's what's up immediately we got a big old door a no horse Zone and we're here uh this looks like new it little area okay okay we got our standard Mis begotten this door doesn't open immediately so we either need to find some switch or an alternate route this guy is tracking someone through the walls I assume it was me jump hits I wonder if they like hit items what's going on over here oh it's just empty space this is cool we have like a a side area here which just leads to an item got one of these little goobers it's actually like huge this area it just keeps going I expected like some small area to be honest but so far it's it's doing doing well so far this area is pretty big the only thing I can complain about about this new area is a lot of the enemies are just walking into walls cuz look at this they're just constantly uh looking at them walls and when they're not looking at walls they're a threat but fortunately for me they like to look at walls and I don't know like how this is this how this area is scaled like is it how it's normally scaled we're supposed to go here early and like will the boss here reflect that or is this going to be like a whole is the boss going to be a lot harder than the the surrounding area I like how it it touches up on the beach here oh that's cool got jumped by like five frenzy guys is someone jumping on me oh my God that's cool okay I like it a nice little dock nice little somber Stone out here it's actually kind of peaceful I I like this area imagine we just see like the lock this monster or something shoot frenzy at us and we just we just disintegrate so far so good are we at like the main entrance now it looks like it oh we're taking constant damage from the the frenzy oh the door the door is damaging us wait hold on what do we what do we got here oh wait what is this the fight oh my gosh shabri Bri's chosen yes it is hello sir uh takes a mine melt I'm just going to keep my distance so I can gauge um your attacks we seem to be repping the same sword good kick jump hits oh you got some nice slashes on you jump hits uh that's okay sh's howl jump hits I got one of those too very telegraphed attacks I like it nothing crazy so far I'm assuming he resists frenzy by a lot but his Dam damage doesn't like his HP definitely like scaled for this area I don't know what he hit me with but that that looks sick okay so he has the same spells I do I should have expected that to be honest jump hit I want to get a little risky let's let's get in here um we'll let him do that and then we'll we'll hit him with this get our damage in okay he's he's sitting in it and he's got his ranged attacks oh wait this phase just has raining frenzy okay so he's a little bit more aggressive now I just kind of want to see what he does he does have a spinning attack dude they love their spinning attacks the mod creators oh my God he's kind of comboing me what else you got for me so just kicks we yeah that's that's cool he got some long combos which probably hurt a lot oh that was cool leading into the three finger pose I'm just very happy like whenever I experiencing new bosses is always so fun I just want to see everything this guy has to offer without engaging with him all right let's do this let's dance boom boom big kick all right one two okay boom boom boom okay that has some Merit to it let's get of that all right I imagine he probably does like crazy frenzy buildup jump hits Dodge through that sir I think I'm going to end you now oh wait no he has good frenzy resist now it seems or fire resist jum um pits oh we get a Poise break and we'll finish him off that's a fun little side boss now I I wish that would give you like wait frenzy flame seal that's just better than ours okay it does give you something related to the class that was going to be my one gripe I was going to be like darn it really sucks that they didn't give anything for the class but before I could even get it out we got something for the class well besides the fact of getting drained all of my healing that was cool uh I want to see what else this place has to offer Grace would have been wonderful after that okay so they have it sectioned off okay so if you go right you're getting the frenzied half where it's all frenzied enemies and it leads to the sh Bri guy that we just fought but if you go left then it's all like normal Castle M guys it's like all the all the Mis begot the one thing I am thankful for is that it wasn't matriarch level hard it was just like a normal boss which a little mix up a nice fresh experience I I do oh a Grace they do have Grace is in here there's just none on the right side we've made it on the other side of the door got some perfumers out here o a purple item what you hiding back here ooh a rune Arc okay we have a ladder goes up the tower here oh we got another guy walking into a wall what's all this this looks cool nothing special about it but it's cool wow they they really put a lot of effort into this this is a lot bigger than I expected because they were doing like three different Legacy dungeon reworkings I assumed that they were all going to be smaller changes but this is massive like if you have access to Elden ring on a computer definitely play this it's worth exploring I'm I'm not not going to be able to Showcase absolutely everything of course but this has like a good feeling to it oh can we open the door back to the beginning is that where this is going cuz I think we finally found the entrance to the actual castle okay yeah so it does loop around okay oh I see an item on the roof I I missed over here I also didn't explore the tower which I'm going to go do M this takes you right up the roof and a nice large somber Stone I'll take it all right let's go check out this Tower okay it heads up even further and even further got us some somber Stones we got some smithing Stones climbed up here for some somber stones and smithing Stones all right back down we go what huh [Music] uh why did that happen Al I see there's there's a boss immediately at at the top here am I not supposed to go up to go down uh what is that for science I'm going to jump down okay oh we're here again oh so there's two ways to access the boss fight we'll try to go back up and hopefully we don't die cuz I don't think we're supposed to go down that's cool that there's multiple ways to enter that that fight this time don't murder me I I'll Stand still and no we die uh uh huh I'm going to try to redownload the mod cuz it it just came out so it just says there was a major bug in Castle m in the initial release just redownload the mod so we're going to do that cuz I'm assuming that's what we're experiencing right now so hold on we'll be uh we'll be back all right we're back updated it and for some whatever reason my save didn't work so I had to restart so I temporarily gave myself access to the whole map teleported around grabbed what I needed and now we're back and this shouldn't kill me this time yeah we we would have died already right yeah we're here thank goodness I was so worried we were just uh Sandro hello uh take mind melt uh let me heal tendrils I'll just do like a light one first okay so that's what it does it shoots like a straight whole line I was very confused cuz I thought it was like an overshot this is sick this looks so cool but I thought it was more like a mortar situation he seems to be very stuck on this tree so I'm just going to abuse that fact uh sir I'm just going to ask you to unstuck yourself there we go don't know if that was the best idea but he's unstuck now oh this is such a good kiing spell like the turn instant cast just boom jump hits jump hits oh wa all right I'll stick to just just hitting you with them also I think they do get frenzy cuz he like acted weird when I hit him with one of them stop or anything but like yeah he like shook it off sort of like he's doing now but it was like a longer animation jump hits jump hits all right we need levels to use the other spells oh we got another memory Stone from that that's huge I like the the pre- boss this place looks different oh there's no ladder here anymore that's not great cuz I was banking on that I was just going to run by them all they simply moved the ladder from this side to this side and it threw me on off so much I guess we'll uh we'll head up the left ladder ah we unlocked a shortcut ah I love that they just gave that guy a a cross but just what I wanted Edgar oh wait there's a trying to see what's over here let's make just make the jump so we don't have to climb but that leads to like its own side area if I drop down to the left there but I want to see what's over here first okay we got an area down here this looks like it connects to uh what would usually be the normal way up like where Claymore is sort of like if it wraps this way then yes never mind what do we got going on over here we got a little bit of Parkour this is creative instead of just doing like normal stairs or another ladder got actually climb up here hey yeah okay it does loop over I wonder if Claymore is still here I don't see any reason why not oh there is no chest okay oh what is this we got the Claymore there it is we got iron armor is this a new starting area for someone so just classic Dark Souls sort of things we got the Claymore the Zander iron armor so just very classic Dark Souls stuff there which I can appreciate now what who now where did I get shot from oh you oh that's horrible I'm not really down for uh what yall are doing I'm just going to sneak my way by cuz I'm trying to make it to the end all right okay we got more bad guys okay this just goes back down to here okay so they make you have to EXP experience everything sort of like they did with red M when they remade that wait does this just go here I just went up there for no reason I guess this to kill the shooty guy that's totally why I did it like what are they doing here do we even go down to the beach part anymore or is that just like cuz look at all this okay a chest of royalty glowing Rune of order okay I'm going to hope we get a Grace soon cuz I am uh does it want me to does it want me to parkour is that what it's asking of me right now I mean shoot we can parkour that is what it's asking of me oh gosh I'm not confident my uh Elden ring parkour abilities so far so good if that guy Snipes me I'll be very sad there's no there's no way he's okay he's not aiming at me good a graas we got two options here we can go um Castle side sort of thing or rocky area I think we'll do this side first yeah where does this go cuz this just looks like a dead end like straight up hey maybe that's like a shortcut or something back got a lot of bridges wait what no one's looking at me i' this makes me feel like I went the wrong way it feels like I should be coming up and not going down cuz nobody's looking at me how did I go so wrong we're going to follow this all the way to the bottom here wait this doesn't like go anywhere okay now I'm even more confused I guess we'll just go this way all right we'll head down the normal way and see oh gosh okay good thing we touched that ledge or else I think we might have just straight up died did they remove this grace of course they did oh hey friend golden seed in the chest I mean that's cool and that Gate's closed so are we not meant to fight the Miss begotten or is there like a a switch somewhere to open the gate place is now just infected with wait is that a legendary item back there okay oh my gosh okay guys I'm just going to I'm going to need bu both of you that's fine you're both behind me now I just need to get by one more okay let's not Corner me okay thank you what is this octopus head you give me what now increases decks in int by one and increases physical absorption by 10% 10% that's crazy good and it has like crazy good defenses look at that versus strike SL Pierce 20 I'm putting it on for the memes look look at this what oh yeah we we have to rock this what's over here what they what they do over here or is this just normal they just put two octopus over here so I noticed it that was not on my my bingo card uh let's head up this Tower oh oh it's Gina hey friends ow goodbye oh he jumped down oh oh silly Gino get back up here what's that do Ah that's a sick spell I mean you kind of knocked me upwards which just helps me not you so I'm just going to cheese you now thanks for the for The High Ground here oh oh he fights back oh my God he just broke the whole thing I didn't know you got it like that that I knew you're good at the game but God dang jump hits Hammer of virtue I need to play through the freaking fundamentals class again I cuz they moved all of the the things they gave us this as well so I wonder if this lets me in here at all or we're just that's just off limits but here's the lever okay that lever should open the the gate yeah all right gotcha here's the Mis begotten Warrior hello friend got a very big scary weapon but that's okay I have frenzy flame and it it staggers you so I actually want to try to get him with the ash of War so I'm going to bait him into some attacks hopefully jump there we go wait that's still connected darn it's been a while since I fought this guy all right now we should be good yeah ow ow oh chill chill chill chill he did so much damage oh this stunts him wait you get stunned by the flare oh buddy you can't move oh I I apologize but uh it's time to call it quits first Keystone of the forge there we go let's do storm Vil I definitely enjoyed that more than uh what they did with red M the new boss was cool and because it's meant to be like an early game area it makes sense for it to be easy but still like atic all right let's head into Stormville see what they've changed there and visit ourselves okay everyone has a grand entrance way now it's not just the M Castle I mean this one you can just sort of go around oh we got items up here a rune Arc that Rune Arc was always there I'm going to look so silly but I don't think it was the boys we still got the crossbow but this time you're funneled into it which isn't great we have some camps out here uh that's a cool little change for the entrance way oh oh we got more oh hello sir um I just wanted the grace that would it would usually be here a missed opportunity here like this should be a boss room and it's just the soldier of godric or maybe multiple of them I just feel like it fits so well here also there is so many of them the grace is still here that was a cool little lead into storm Veil oh I can probably equip new spells okay we have access to the three finger flare which we're going to try out it's the one that shoots multiple so that'll be interesting Let's uh let's try it out on let's try it out on marget hello friend here's some mind melts and let's hit you with the three finger flare got to charge up oh yeah I actually expected it to be a lot worse that is doing so much damage oh my gosh I'll take it he's already in phase two charge another one up now if we had Godfree icon it would go so crazy right now how's the the quick ones I mean that's still good damage it still takes quite a bit it seems better to just go for full charge just that damage difference is a little extreme but he also ran out of mind melt so that might have been why we'll find out though let's give him that again back up and now we'll see full charge up 1,00 now we'll do the the light one okay yeah that's that's still pretty solid damage and you just died was that a Madness prop isz that why it's doing so much damage we'll take it I realistically we don't need to go in here cuz we already have the the Keystone of the forge got to see what they did with the place let's craft with this Remnant we're going to up our fire damage and I'm going to explore this wa that's new okay so we're walled off here so I wonder if I can still go this way or if I'm forced into the main gate uh okay we can still go this way they just made it slightly more obnoxious and we can't go up the stairs no more oh there's new stairs over here but besides the moving stair oh my gosh we actually have to parkour here okay I was going to say besides the staircase we seem to be all good but uh no we are not all good all right we got the rusty key there's a Grace immediately inside of here that worries me I'm assuming this way is going to be blocked off yeah and we're going to be forced to use the the back route W no wao that was close oh my God they have ballistas up here okay that got him uh we to be extra careful cuz I don't want to get blown up dude the bridge just straight into him is horrifying ow we're fine we're fine just Spam Dodge it worked get off okay we still have the grace here oh I'm so used to just skipping everything and I probably shouldn't this time as far as the inside goes so far it's just been the same maybe more enemies so basically I learned that I was just going the wrong way cuz everything's locked over there so we got to go this way oh this is literally okay so that door is open that's good to know cuz yeah now we're behind this gate so this would lead up to godri I mean we have this wolf here that's not normal luckily we can just sort of blow him up goodbye Lion Man golden seed oh that door is locked we got some sort of we got a ladder into some stairs into some bridges okay I'm going to explore everything else before we uh oh hey here's Domo okay that hurts I'm sick of the Spells Necromancer burn death right dagger is that new death buildup it is new okay that's cool the dagger has a new Ash of War it seems like sudden death which just impales he's going straight for the neck that's kind of sick so that's two of the NPCs I believe there's four or five it feels so wrong scaling these rooftops oh do we go in this side route where we would normally like go to the optional area is that how this is going to work blade of Valor Champions evasion that is sad let's see so you do this and then and then that I mean cool dud they love their ballistas got two side side to side freak out of here oh it's me oh hey hey friend nope oh you still went through with it no stay down jump hits can you do that I want to see if you jump hit that's that's just that's just a hit come on yeah jits all right goodbye good sir oh we get the storm callar armor and the storm stomp okay all right I guess it is time for godri I immediately Min melt three finger flare it just seems to be one of the better spells we have I want to get nice and close do a full charge Mark of frenzy oh yeah cook him up cook him up oh tendrils is probably great here I want wait let's see the range hold on back all the way up let charge it does it connect from here oh it goes so far that went like halfway up the wall I mean he moves every time I cast it but I could probably cast it to him from here oh we got blocked by the dragon dude it goes so far it's all the way up to the gravestone back there he's just hiding from me all right goodbye buddy wow that just face shifted him oh my God the madness proc CU he'll be here for a little bit we'll just give him the mark of frenzy really cook him up give him that good old M melt give him that tendril and then we'll start firing off these flares very happy with the reworking of Madness giving it its own procs and I'm very happy with these spells they're really really good we just need more levels to get more spells okay that unlocked us unendurable frenzy which is which is the same it's it's always a good spell cuz you especially without having actual frenzy flame you can just hold it as long as you have an FP bar for all right let's see how they reworked Ray lucaria I think I like the castle M changes more than I like storm Vil I like that it forces you to explore the whole area oh there's the ivory sickle actually I like them evenly cuz there wasn't much that really needed to be changed about storm Veil so it's it's nice that they went and had and did that anyways cuz it was already a legacy dungeon to begin with where where Castle M wasn't so that reworking is a lot more impressive all right let's head into the academy and see what's up another thing I liked was the fact that uh the new NPCs that they added they all like work towards their classes like they give you stuff for the classes okay we got blue people added crystals here and guys mining the crystals uh not more wall MPCs we have a Cristian over here should make quick work of him and while he's down we'll just cook him up ooh another blocked doorway out the window we go wait these aren't moving oh oh I see oh gosh we have to scale this okay we're heading downwards we have a little elevator over here okay uh I'm feeling a lot better about this video like At first like when the bug happened and I died and then my save for whatever reason didn't work I was so demotivated and then I went to bed woke up and now I'm I'm feeling it again cuz I was like great D the video's ruined but I'm having fun again and sometimes all you need is is a reset how do I get up here is it ah I see found our way up I'm not good enough for this don't think there's a Grace that right there I suck at parkour and eldering okay okay okay nice oh we're here no not the rock dude we were there okay we're going to jump on this Edge so we don't get pushed off by the Rocks this time all right we've made it oh we have an elevator here wait where's this going oh we have an elevator cuz the machine's off okay that makes a lot more sense I was confused on where the elevator was taking me and then it my brain started working oh those eye frames were beautiful all right so besides the detour everything else has been pretty syy parkour suck we still got blls in here give them the Mind melts and now we're going to hit the a Ash just to do a bajillion damage dude that thing's still way too strong and he's still melting in it oh I'm going to hit it again this ash war is so good another memory Stone which is huge let's craft the midnight heirloom that gives it access to both eye of frenzy and disintegration oh my God there's a dragon wait what oh that's her oh she freaking to me dude I just got rolled I assume that's uh that's Bri yeah there she is uh let's try out the wait hold on the eye of frenzy let's try the eye of frenzy on her okay that's what it does oh my god dude these other enemies getting in the way I don't like it I'll hit you with the flare no no dragon head for you jump hits oh it's over goodbye wait you got out I respect it nope no no not getting cooked again nope I hit you with the disintegration oh that does good raw damage like straight damage that was crazy that does such good damage okay I like disintegration and there is the glint Stone staff and I believe there's only one more MPC if this is just the same going up then I think we'll just leave here and take on the other bosses that door is closed so therefore it is not the same all right moonram goodbye the door is locked so I'm curious are we going to find a key over here cuz I don't think it's going to loot back that would be kind of cingo oh there's a Grace here hopefully they're just being generous with that and we won't need it oh gosh good thing we have range so we can take care of that guy no problem surely we're getting close jump hits pop Grand Library Key Well we found it all right we Ed the key let us in yeah there's that elevator I mean where already here we might as well take out rala I don't see why not okay we're hitting her with the disintegration I guess we'll just do the ash of War I don't see why not so you just sort of melt her down here not quite a one cycle wait it's putting in work she's getting chipped down still I didn't even realize her HP is getting drained she's basically already dead we'll send in the eye after her we'll just finish her off here all right let's get nice and close to little screaming at her oh my gosh we took so much damage there ow ow ow okay let's use our triple burst nice going for it again that damage is crazy jump hits jump hits bada bing bada boom Oh know where you think you're going we're almost done here you can't just start summoning stuff now jump oh you coward I smite you with disintegration you will now die for doing that yeah not allowed to hide from me now that we have killed ranala we're going to do hi's quest line so we grab this letter now she's dead which means she is right here now we can give her a grape grab this give her another Grape let me give you a little smooch here all right take care of that guy get that grape and then we give her another grape and tell her that their human eyes then we give her the final grape which we got from vik earlier now we can make our way into Lindell but more importantly the sewers oh yeah because it's another day Happy New Year's Eve or New Year's uh I'm hoping to get this out by New Year's Eve but my thumbnail guy might not be able to cook one up in time so that that's basically what it lies on cuz early in the morning we just have to kill bosses really hopefully MN doesn't doesn't give me a huge problem hello sir take that I forgot he resists everything oh this sucks maybe we get one of these wow that did so little damage in comparison to everyone else that I've hit it with that's horrible oh you want to leave trails I can leave trails I'm just going to start polluting your arena with frenzy flame so you're going to get Madness I don't think he can get Madness disintegration will be our hard carry cuz when we're out of FP it'll it'll put in the work boom boom get me out the corner all right as long as we don't choke we'll have it in the bag this is doing good enough damage uh-oh oh I just choked no don't kill me thank you for missing that that's very very much appreciated all right we're out of FP oh oh chill jump hit jump hit oh the curse got him right yeah cook him up wait yeah there we go nice I thought I ran out at the last second that would have been so unfortunate we have picked up so many remnants this play through level up Vigor to 30 mind to 25 and now we begin The Descent down and I already fell no I don't know why I struggle so much with this parkour stuff but I do not appreciate it sure give me that Lord's room just let me let me down freaking sick of that place I guess uh it's time to strip down let's embrace the fingers let's hug it out friend oh yeah that's the spot we are now complete it's time to get cooked oh melan hey there we go the radiant Rune of frenzy flame I of chaos chaos beam heart of chaos three fingers in brace and the apocalyptic flame that was quite a few spells eye of chaos conjure a large incarnation of the frenzied flame into the sky above the cter all enemies within a massive area take continuous damage and Madness buildup so we just straight up get one of those beaming eyes that are really really annoying to deal with I like that now I get to annoy the enemies with it chaos beam fires a Contin beam of frenzy flame from your eyes at the enemies dealing damage and building Madness hold to continue channeling the beam okay so we got like Comm Aur coming out of our eyeballs uh temporarily open a Gateway into the realm of the flame of frenzy bringing a small piece of its power into the world around you all enemies within a very large area around you take damage and and build Madness hold to keep the portal open oh okay uh grants immunity to Madness increase all fire damage you deal by 10% and causes Madness build up any enemy near you however lowers all absorption by 25% and lowers your total FP and stamina ooh don't know if we'll use it too much this effect never expires recast the spell to toggle the effect increase all non spell fire damage you deal by 10% increase all absorption by 30% and grants 20 HP Recovery per second however it lowers total FP by 75% this is the melee one this one just kind of sucks that it takes away your FP we'll make it work I guess now we'll make our way up to morgot all right we'll throw on the eye of chaos and we'll head straight up to sigure wa what are you doing here no no no no no no wo wo wo wo wait time out time out we got to take care of the garbage all right disintegration let's try the eye of chaos pop it up wait oh it's here oh it's cooking them oh my God what HP were we on hold on 3 HP that's crazy jump hits okay so this is more of like a nuisance towards the enemy cuz look at him I mean it's cool I'll give it that it just doesn't seem like super effective and just like dealing damage bo bo dude hius flare is just the hard carry of this run like I've been trying to like mix it up and use other things but nothing compares in damage like this one's good it's not as Swift like the other spell oh we're going for I of chaos again okay we only got hit once uh the only reason why eye of chaos is good is for the frenzy FRS all right I guess I'll just finish him oh he got a frenzy FR there as well which is nice the eye of chaos was like still there but it wasn't like making the noise cuz he was constantly going like he's constantly spazzing out so it was it was uh it was attacking him without audio which was funny okay we now have access to the chaos beam so we're going to try that one next all right let's try out the chaos beam hello morgot let me let me get my space all right that's fine all right chaos beam time oh my God that's insane dude I feel like freaking I feel like homelander just melting him dude what Poise break dude it Poise breaks every time I do it okay I want to attempt to Poise break again oh okay okay we've caused him to phase shift I wonder if we can just kill him with beam I mean I don't think we have enough FP but we can this seems to have range like crazy good range and it pois break consistently like look we're all the way back here he's not standing a singular chance and we only have one more FP pot so this is not great but oh come on oh we cancel him huge wow I guess we got to go in for melee now jump hits oh I didn't give him the debuff oh if I had if I gave him the debuff he probably just died there like overall oh that was so huge okay hold on this should be it cuz this does so much damage yeah wow and there is the fourth Keystone I've yet to pick up the the third the fifth or the second but there's the fourth this is just the homelander spell that's just how what I'm going to refer to it as from now on all right we have unlocked another spell the apocalyptic flames and we'll go test that bad boy out on Ron all right we're going to upgrade our frenzy flame seal we're missing a colossal and the final Stone let's see if we can actually use our other weapon I totally forgot about this thing so we need 15 18 ooh that's going to be tough I mean I want to give it a try so I could sell everything I have on me and see if I can get closer but that's a lot of levels all right so we have four levels and we need to get strength to 15 and decks to 18 I it's mainly the deck thing cuz strength we can twoand it or we could go for our final spells I mean the final spells are just Buffs so I could go on this side quest here yeah I think we'll go for it I don't see why not I want to experience it all all right Meteor Man we're going to give you a little smooch all right come here what I can't grab him this is a scam oh that's so upset thing I wanted to give him a smooch fine take the beam oh his Poise is too big for the beam uh we're going to sacrifice ourselves here a little bit for that eye of chaos and we're going to hope for some Madness Fox was that just raw damage oh dude it's so good uh let's actually try out uh what's that new spell apocalyptic flames and get my space all right oh my God okay I need wao oh my God she's getting cooked now I need to like do this right beside him hold on let's do this again so we have the initial bur and it comes out of the The Ether I can hold on to it this is cool it's very quick and chaotic sporadic dude I I just woke up I just woke up so I did not expect that also they really like hard nerfed Vigor like they said they were going to but every level only giving 20 Vigor has been so painful which I I'm indifferent about like I get wanting to have people use their levels towards all the cool new spells and whatnot but as someone who uses the same strategy in every run of just rush 40 Viger and then dump levels into everything else so I can survive everything I don't know how to feel it it makes me a little little sad but that's fine all right we're going to run back here I actually want to test out the the beam range I'm going to hit this buff here okay I just want to I want to see how far it goes okay not hitting I mean it would have been crazy if it did hit uh we can give him disintegration and I guess now we can hit him with the beam as he's lunging towards us which is kind of terrifying okay we got a nice proc there I actually want to get under him and use eye of chaos so we're going to do just that we'll pop chaos I do want to pop the apocalyptic Flames as well all right we're heading with the apocalyptic Flames let's see how okay good proc there dude it's such a large radius D because it's like such a large area where Dawn sword are just stuck in it for a long time which is huge we're not hit him with it again hit him with the eye of frenzy as well be a little Annoying they do crazy good pois damage I'm going try to go for some Poise breaks I don't know oh there it is nice uh I I didn't have anything to really utilize I guess this I should have used that was a little late on my end oh gosh let's not choke he should be very close to face shifting keep our distance apply disintegration hit him with a beam and he's gone wait the eye of frenzy looks sick going into the air what wait can I just do that hold on this might be new TCH can I just look up and cast it no it still goes like forward okay I was hoping I could just shoot it straight up that'd be sick dude he's doing the most right now oh nice proc into a Poise break all right um I guess I can just use flare dude flare is just so good wait no this is this is bad oh gosh okay uh hit him M of the air yeah get out of here I I should really put on a great Rune I I keep forgetting about it all right that was um the second Keystone of the forge a little late but better than never I think we go straight to mountain tops to take out fire giant mainly due to the fact that I want to get the fingerprint armor which which is also in mountain tops uh we're going to throw on our Mor God's Great rune for that extra mind and we're just going to put our levels into decks we're still going to go for that sword which I believe now we should have 18 decks yep just due to our our octopus helmet so we just need the 15 strength we'll head up to the mountain tops all right let's take out vik there we go got him oh my God that did so much damage if we had more stamina I think we just killed him hit him with a laser beam dude it tracks so well like it's not doing a crazy amount of damage but what's his counter play uh get it off there we go nice now he's stuck in the the beam that gives me good spacing as well guess I can just fire off some flares they have the explosion radius so I don't think he can dodge through them so that makes vik nice and easy I'm glad we got that grab off at the beginning that did so much with the debuff he probably died there all right the armor in in faith by one reduces weapon stamina cost by 2% and increases weapon fire damage okay so this is more if you want to use melee cuz you lose the casting speed but you gain the fire damage from weapons H I think we stick with our current stuff for now because we are going against the fire Giant and he naturally resists fire anyways which is so he's going to be tough I don't think melee is going to make that much much easier all right fire giant don't be too mean to me oh we should probably throw on the hold on flame Drake Talisman that'll probably be needed here already rolling that's crazy I didn't even make contact all right howl up sh Bri please don't squish me thank you a stressful and we haven't even touched him all right debuff in somewhere uh eye of chaos I want to see what it does to him ow wait that actually didn't do a lot eye of frenzy send it over pickle them ankles I guess we'll just use flare as main spell okay we get a nice Poise break we're going to get off the ash of War nice good damage I probably should have put on one of the like OG frenzy spell like unendurable because they would go so well into this angle here I mean this apocalyptic frenzy is really good as well it's just that direct damage which we kind of need right now I guess I could try a three finger flare up close if they all connect it could be huge oh my gosh was that a proc or is that just raw damage hold on let's charge it up again okay it was a proc I was going to say that's that's too good but that makes sense we can just use Good Old Reliable flare and make sure we stay on the debuff I actually want to see what the chaos beam does up close a face shift him that didn't look like it was doing a lot of damage but if I can get it like in his eyeball oh I'm not nice Poise break that's huge uh I'm going to use eye of chaos here hit him with the the debuff ah get out of there okay nice look at that that looks so pretty all right we're going to stab ourselves underneath him just hope we don't get landed on that went very well we'll summon another eye of chaos just don't oh gosh okay that didn't hurt a lot get that out of the way okay we have a a minor problem I am out of FP pots which kind of sucks as our sword is doing like 100 damage a hit if I if I'm lucky oh my God that frog okay never mind we're back in all right let's summon this right under him I actually want to go for this as well okay nice thanks for not landing on me that's very much appreciated uh but we are now out of FP until it Regent we're going to try to save FP for the disintegration spell as I feel like that's going to be where we're going to get all of our damage off for now we'll tickle them toes okay we now have enough FP this thing takes quite a bit of FP I wasn't I wasn't aware it was that much I mean it makes sense it is really good why did I do that I literally through for no reason I knew I didn't have pots wow should be able to just finish him here I'm going to get nice and close and use sword ashore dude this thing has just been a hard carry and the fact that it gives you a damage Boost after is ridiculous it's already so good at what it does and there is the fire giant all right now I think uh for our third Keystone I think we're going to take on melenia we'll make quick work of this boo there's no way I just did that I mean he died oh were we not in range is that why I popped up now I didn't know that was a a mechanic I didn't know it was related to your positioning in the Overworld all right let's head over to the Hal tree there we go all right we now can access the three-finger blade which had this ash for the that into the slam down which I think can be really good yeah we'll we'll test this sword out on Loretta um we'll just see if we can UPG it at all because that would be ideal all right we can get it up to plus five I mean not great but we'll make it work I guess if we're using melee right now we'll switch over to the the other uh armor set to just give this thing a chance to do well but of course we can't remove our our octopus helmets all right give Loretta the debuff uh we're going to immediately try the ash of War into the followup okay the explosion does some decent damage got a nice proc there jump hits that's some sizable damage that's nice for plus five jump hit I've seen many jump hits and very few plus FES are doing that sort of jump hit damage can we sneak in a beam is that something okay it doesn't cancel her so it's not really worth it cuz we are stuck in position for so long there I'll send an ey frenzy her way she was stationary there shooting so it got a lot of damage off well a lot for that thing jump hits into the ash of War to catch up get the followup nice uh-oh okay we make it out of there alive jump hits we jumped over her a little awkward um guess we'll do a three-finger flare okay do another light one dude it's doing so much damage wait what ow okay I have a lot of FP and not a lot of O HP so we're going to stick to hius flare just to get us some good damage I can play really safe using the flare go okay boom that missed that's unfortunate boom boom probably squeeze in a third oh huge proc oh it's over I think that just solidified your fate Loretta nice nice try oh can we grip melenia I feel like she's too tall for that I will try it four levels uh has to go to mind and endurance all right melenia let's tussle I'm going to back up for a sec give you that nice debuff and now we're going to see if I can can give you the inescapable frenzy I'm going for it oh no I don't think we can I don't I want to say that would have connected I mean I guess it makes sense to not change it to be stronger but it would have been it would have been super cool if I could grab some more people and make them look into my uh frenzied eyes but it makes sense uh all right chaos beam time let's see is she on the ground I'm having too much fun with that Dam beam oh the this just causes her to panic cuz she always likes to run when things are casted so now she just she doesn't know what to do cuz she's constantly getting attacked so she's just freaking out uh does flare like does the explosion Center on the ground no okay if it did that would be way too good what about triple flare would that Center on the ground no but it does like stagger her for a second there's her first water foul use one of these oh my god dude she's dancing she hits us with water foul once again we're going to send an eye of frenzy her way okay she moves too quick it's not as effective I do like having eye of chaos constantly casted even though it does take a while it's just she doesn't know how to act and I going to hit her with some flares oh I wonder if she's going to freak out during this getting Diggy with it then some more flares her way all right hold on let me let me cast thank you for participating I I really expected you to just to just rush me there I guess we can hit her with the Flames as well I'm going to finish her off with the beam Goodbye Oh I didn't even T test it the ash of War on her I really wanted to do that hold on uh okay we'll wait for this to to finish we'll give her this debuff all right does this like sent her up no and she sort of canceled me out of the second part jump hits send her into phase two all right chaos beam time nice good proc I think we this might just oh no oh I'm I'm cornered oh I'm so dead yep yep yep we put on more FP pods and this time I'm just going to laser beam uh melenia like this is it she's she's won't stand a chance that's my goal for her to just not be able to do anything just get beamed constantly until she dies okay oh god oh oh oh it's too strong she can't even react now she should be doing Yep this aonia okay we got tagged a little there but it doesn't matter cuz melenia is getting cooked oh we don't have the debuff on that damage is noticeably different I mean it don't matter she she's dead homelander prevails it's so cool just using beams coming out of your eyes to just incinerate the competition and that is the third Keystone of the forge all we need to do now is take out malth all right let's head over to Pham and right now I am using the sickle cuz it gives a 10% boost to incantations over both of the swords if I use a sword it'll be the one that has the stabby ash of War just because that damage on that thing is too good and this means this is the last I believe Believe video I think someone wanted me to do another melee class but this was the last video of covering just all of the convergence classes which means I want to do the run where I can only pick one spell from each class as a as a send off to this whole series that has taken months now but it's it's been a fun fun journey and I'm glad everyone has been enjoying it as much as I have and I I've gotten so many suggestions of video ideas I I'm clogged up for a while and I have some bigger ideas that I would like to to do I think that's going to be my main goal in 2024 to try to do videos that are bigger than than just me you know like maybe find some some sponsorships to to fund certain videos like maybe some Mr beastes Style videos where it's like I get like 100 viewers or whatever the max is on seamless trap them in like the the pluda sex uh Arena Coliseum just keep spawning bosses and the last person to survive wins like ,000 or something something like along those lines I just want to do cool stuff so I want to try to make bigger projects I think that's my main goal for the next next year but I actually need this give me that yeah now I can upgrade my uh my swords to plus N I forgot to change my flasks back so hopefully flare can just carry me here that's going to be the main goal just just kite and and flare although we don't have a whole lot of endurance to to be getting away with kiing for too long so we just have to hope sier is is nice today okay getting good damage in it's just mainly the stamina management I just have to be not dumb and we got to make sure always have the debuff on boom boom boom boom boom got a little green with it but it paid off oh it's over okay maybe it's not over my fault now it's waa now it's over there we go let's uh put our flasks back to normal shall We yoink There we go+ 10 time for Malik uh does this reach I know it has range okay yes it does now does this reach it does all right uh this should just fake shift him if if it's going to Poise break him consistently let's see no oh y and jump hits oh that's a little silly um okay we're just going to we're going to FP here take that damage heal up I'm trying to get him into a position where I can use the ash of War so I want him to swing down here and then I can get this off oh he did the followup okay oh I'm so dead here oh wait he didn't do the the thingy okay that hurt a lot H get out of there gosh uh I think flare when in doubt flare it out oh no boom boom wait he doesn't have the debuff anymore oh I was oh God this is so bad oh this is so dumb of me oh it pois broke him wait get this off okay last heal flare H flare spam oh no okay we we got it oh I definitely should have put more heals 7 s just oh gosh okay hey we got him that's it's all that matters way too close wait this is is new right what are what are they cooking here what what's back here Elden Lord Crown I'm going to assume that's one of the like yeah okay yeah that's that's for the melee classes now this might be a missed opportunity I don't know if they've done this cuz I haven't looked into the magic or into the new armor system much but they definitely need like an overall passive for having like the full set that's got cuz they're all spread out so it it makes it worth going and getting the full set and maybe that would make them a bit too strong not too sure and now we have to listen to the sounds of flame sacrifice oursel because Melina is a little upset with me right now I'm sleeping on the couch but it is what it is the show must go on for this we're only going to have on the shabri howl how of shabri Bri all right give him the disintegration there we go uh okay we'll wait for that all right we're sending it oh my God he does so much wait don't kill me all right we're good jump hits one two nice one two back up jump hits jump hits into a Poise break so I can get this off and now I'm going to get greedy here but we're going for this oh don't kill me oh we one oh get out of that okay okay we're chill damn we can't keep getting away with this jump hits into another Poise break dude the ashar must do so much Poise damage wow actually made him look like easy and that's hard to do this guy is tough all right time to put all the fun magic spells back on all right time for Godfrey disintegration immediately uh will we get away with this this is a little questionable cuz usually he'll uh okay he's going to let me just assault him like this I mean personally I wouldn't take the disrespect but but uh you know you do you Godfree oh this is so bad yeah actually that was a strategic death so then we can get the the distance that we needed to be able to spam him with the chaos beam that's totally why we died there it was intentional all right and that that's my that's yep that's what happened look he's already face shift oh oh wow okay okay now this one we we can't we can't beam here I don't know why I even tried out of there hit him with a three finger twister y maybe a little bit of tendrils little throwback been a while since we've seen you but realistically it's it's just going to be hius flare doing most of the work or GPS oh don't one shot don't one shot don't one shot okay okay we eat those we can get away with the chaos beam though when he's doing that and only when he's doing that yeah this is definitely a flare angle back up one two three four oh into a proc that's going to cause him to phase shift we get two I could have got three get one in boom boom boom reapply that debuff that we were missing all right this should be it for horu boom goodbye sir all right now we'll have to switch over to melee temporarily for the ragon fight into ELD the Beast all right we'll apply it RP to all of my FP and let's hope we can kill this guy quick cuz I'm on a timer for for being able to toggle it as I don't have oh I should have just no I didn't use my runes oh gosh okay that makes this a little bit more stressful cuz I'm on a 3 Minute Timer as I don't have the proper stats for the the spell so I can't like toggle it is it 3 minutes is it longer I don't know jump or is it only 90 seconds I don't remember I didn't even get the debuff off before I toggled it oh I'm throwing so hard right now a nice Poise break though so we can utilize that into this which should be into the three sues yep there it is is and he's sitting in it which is huge boom boom get behind roll out the way I don't know if we're close enough for that to be doing a whole lot okay it still does decent amount jump okay and this should be it okay did we have enough time did we get it we got it let's go back to FP hit that rebuff hit the disintegration oh wait no I shouldn't be cancel it cancel it get out uh I guess we'll just use this while we're while we're nice and close dude that spreads such a wide radius uh we'll hit him with the apocalyptic Flames send an eye of frenzy his way no where you going buddy oh he's he's already doing Rings welcome back here is the eye of chaos I'm bringing it out and there is eye of frenzy as well know where you going can we get a Poise break no okay oh we're getting stabbed here o we're going for it we're going for the beam we get the proc we get the Poise break oh it canceled him okay that's huge oh wait no it didn't oh they still got off okay it canceled the ones that he never finished makes sense uh we mainly just use that Poise break to rebuff but that's fine uh-oh waa all right we're back and I'm going to play oh that was a huge fck okay I'm going to play a lot safer this time [Music] just due to the fact we almost got murdered I say that and I'm immediately going to go for the beam here as he does that the PO broke him that's huge okay we're going for another one oh we should hit him with the debuff let's get that lined up okay there we go hit him with the debuff get nice and close here get through that and we can hit him with yeah dude it's too good it's too good this damn sword needs to be nerfed that's crazy all right well that's been it for me that'll be the last convergence video for a bit as I I I'm working on some other projects um like I mentioned near the beginning have a big video coming out soon and then then I have some videos lined up some ideas and whatnot and thank you guys for all the support we like I mentioned earlier hit our goal of 20K which makes me super duper happy it's all you guys so thank you so much go download the convergence mod it's fun it's cool you can go kill me in it and call me a noob that's that's cool but yeah have a great New Year and I will see you guys in 2024 it's been Curtis the cactus guy or octopus man and I will see you later goodbye
Channel: CurtisTheCactus
Views: 154,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden ring, Convergence mod, Curtisthecactus, blood initiate class, elden ring mods, elden ring convergence mod, souls, modded, elden ring play through, elden ring challenge run, dark souls, souls likes, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, fromsoftware, curtisthecactus, ds, ds2, ER, ds3, souls-likes, best class convergence, frenzy flame convergence, frenzy flame class, frenzied zealot, convergence frenzy, new convergence update, 1.4 convergence, update, convergence update, new boss
Id: 0lWAQxD3zZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 29sec (4949 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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