Can You Beat ALL The Elden Ring Magic Challenges on ONE Save file?

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nine magic types one save file 66 hours of gameplay this is beating Elden ring with all magic types well almost all let's talk about it we chose magic types based on viability and if enemies were immune for example Scarlet rot is an amazing spell type but there are multiple enemies who are just straight up immune to it so we won't be using it at all based on that logic the nine magic types I chose are as follows holy fire friend flame death beastial lightning gravity black flame and glint Stone as for rules we are not allowed to visit rala to resp Stats at any point in the Run we must only use that Run's damage type to kill bosses so no non-spell damage to bosses and yes I specified bosses so I could choose Grail in every run everything that we collect will roll over into subsequent runs every new game cycle we must change our magic type starting with holy all right now that we got the rules out of the way grab your snack of choice and let's get into my suffering cuz this is going to be a long one because we're using holy first we chose the prophit class as it has the highest Faith stat and starts with a seal we un alive ourselves at the grafted zon head into the open world talk to melan for torrent then we collect our golden seeds sacred tears memory stones and decus halves once we were done collecting we cheesed the knights Calvary for some nice early game runes after that we go pick up the flail in limb grave so we could bleed cheese Grail once she was dead it was time to head all the way up to Altus as currently we don't have any holy damaging spells which you know is a problem in order to get our first damaging spell we need to complete corin's Quest we first speak to him at the round table which causes him to move to Altus we then go visit gold mask uh friend we then report back to Corin to inform him of the gold mask's existence he then heads over to gold mask with a updated shop which means he now sells The discus of Light incantation which will be our main source of damage and we don't have the levels all right time to go around and pick up some runes from these graveyards so we can afford to use the spell now it was time to grab another spell located in Altus this one is held by the golden beetle and gives us the protection of the earth tree we then pick up the golden order seal which gives us a 10% boost in Golden order incantations we scoop up the golden vow spell in Mount gmir and now it was time to take on marget all right let's see how much Dam oh this is going to take a while um I had to try to make it so it yeah hits twice I don't know if I have enough FP oh no it takes no FP never mind we're we're fine this is just going to take a long long long time for these fights in the first playthrough I will mainly be talking about my positioning and any strategies we will be using throughout the playthroughs in this fight we mainly are getting a feel for discus of light and trying to keep our distance to spam the great holy frisbees speaking of holy the reason why we chose holy as our starting magic is because it is usually deemed the worst magic type so if we can get this out of the way early then we should have an easier time with the rest of the run at least that's how it was supposed to go did it go that way we'll find out anyways my favorite thing with the frisbees is the fact that they have a chance to hit twice once on the initial hit and once when it comes back to you which is super cool oh we're so close I can't attack first cuz whenever I do wait okay that time he didn't but whenever I attack first he throws his knives yeah like that but he's usually quicker on it there we go oh this going to be a long challenge now it was time for godri unfortunately we'll be stuck with this disc for a while so we got to learn how to use it properly these thing's got really good range um when they're not hitting the the Tombstones look at that we're straight chilling and because godric has a bigger Arena we use spacing to deal the most amount of damage as most of his attacks are slower and have a wind up to them so we can stay a safe distance away hit him with the disc and most times it'll give him a nice double hit phase two is a similar story we initially Rush him to get our free damage in but after that initial damage we back to playing our distance with our disc although we can't get too far away due to the shorter range of the disc but that doesn't matter too much as godric is easy at the end of the day and we take him out with no problems so far so good we then head into R lucaria to get some new armor now we have enough levels to properly wield the golden order seal so we head over to EEG and level it up after that we head over to the purified ruins to pick up the two-finger heirloom which gives us plus five Faith now it was time to make our way over to redon we immed immediately start this fight by running backwards causing him to temporarily despawn which loses his bow aggro causing him to charge at us instead and in this fight we are going to be staying on Horseback as it was the most efficient way for me to deal damage without taking any in the process phase one was relatively easy as we took our dog redon for a walk around the arena until we got him into phase two with this phase we have to be a little bit more careful as he has some attacks that will just one shot us but we stay on Horseback and we throw some more frisbees until this happens oh my God please please please please oh my God we didn't get it yeah it didn't count so we do it all over again but this time finish the job let's go we then make our way underground quickly bully the mimic tier pick up the Finger Slayer blade and upgrade our seal even more now that we have the Finger Slayer blade we trade it to Ronnie for the inverted statue so we can head up the Divine Tower of leria this side quest was just so we can grab the Stargazer heirloom which gives us a plus five in intelligence we then head over to the Village of albaric to grab the first half of the H tree secret Medallion the reason we're picking this up is because in our first playthrough we want to open up the whole map so we can grab all of our spells we'll need for all of the other playthroughs speaking of spells we head over to the round table to speak to D then visit gank then revisit D and this time he want to sell stuff to us so we purchased the Litany of death let's go a new spell surely this thing isn't bad now it's time for the draconic tree Sentinel we buff up and start tossing frisbees we do a good amount of damage before he's even able to react to us after that initial attack though this is very much a classic DTS fight with us struggling to find openings to get hits in the best times for us to attack are after his lightning attack in phase two or when he charges at us just because the discus is so quick to fire off but overall we struggled quite a bit but eventually we do put the DTs to sleep now it's time to head into the capital and take on Godfrey due to his simple move set he shouldn't be much of a problem after we're buffed our FR do some good damage I did try Lany in this fight and wow it was horrible we stick to our discs and take out Godfrey now that Godfrey is dead we can loot his home giving us the golden order principia which we take over to everyone's favorite dog this allows us to purchase raton's ring of light hopefully this time we're not let down now it's time for our first real challenge morgot morgot has a 40% damage negation to you guessed it holy which means we're going to be struggling quite a bit yeah just look at that damage it's not great our only saving grace once again is the fact that the frisbees can double hit we have to play Super passive in this fight which is a lot more difficult as he is constantly rushing towards us meaning we had to focus on dodging first and attacking second he does have some attacks which are super easy to punish such as his sword summoning attack and and many of his slam down once we get him into phase two there seem to be more opportunities to attack as his two new sword moves where he runs at you with his blood flame attack or tries to scoop you up gave me much more time to attack which made it a little easier so we take our time and take out more God thankfully it only took a couple of tries which is what I wish I could say about some of the later bosses you had no healing that was so close we get gifted The worldy Medallion so we make our way over to the mountain top of the Giants along the way we pick up the flame Drake Talisman plus one before we take on the fire giant though we're going to stop at Castle soul for a few things first off we're going to pick up the cerillion Amber Medallion plus one then we're going to take on Nile because we want that secret Medallion half and he's guarding it we start out the fight with radon's ring of light to hit all three of the enemies for a good amount of damage we then start to kite and try to isolate the knights it doesn't work out how I wanted but we still take out the more aggressive double sword Knight and now we can just kite The Shield thing this Knight is a lot easier to deal with so he was no problem now that we have Commander Nile alone we can spam discus as he attacks very slowly leaving a lot of startup time with his bigger attacks giving us a lot of damage and it's not just his startup time his recovery time is just as long and allows us to get in free hits we repeat the cycle until we take our n we then pick up the second half of the secret Medallion and immediately head over to the concentrated snowfields while we're here we pick up the spell Drake Talisman plus two which will come in handy in a bit now one of the reasons why we are here is because one of our spells is hiding in the hollow tree so we light the flames and head over to the H tree now before we take on Loretta we're going to head back to Mount gmir to make our way over to the volcano as we need some much needed stones to level up our seal even further now the downside of this is we have to fight the Godin Noble we start out by rushing him to try to bait out attacks so we can get our damage in with discs the main attack that we want to bait out is the fireball attack because it always gives us a free attack but because the Godin Noble is still the noble Phase 2 is a different Beast well until I found out that I could do this now with this in mind I will actively try and get the noble stuck on any pillar or wall that I could which leads to his quick demise giving us access to this somber Stone 7 we then level up our seal to plus 9 and head back to the the H tree to take on Loretta first we buff up with the real MVP of this run golden vow and unfortunately in this fight there were no good uses for raton's rings of light so this is another mission for discus this fight can be tough but we're doing good damage of around 300 per hit and 600 if I get lucky with a double because the doubles aren't reliable in this fight because she loves to hippity hop on her horse but she does have a lot of opening so overall this fight was nice and easy only taking us two tries fights don't get any easier after that we hop down and use this stone sword key to gain access to Triple rings of light and finally we can make our way over to the fire giant this is a key boss in all of our runs if I struggled with the fire GI I was most likely going to struggle with the upcoming bosses but if I clear this fraud then I won't struggle with the other bosses discus again will be the carry of this fight and once we expose his ankle we are doing a fat 600 damage per hit and a lot of the time we're getting a double hit just due to the fact that the fire giant doesn't move a lot we just stick to his ankles and follow him around like a lost puppy until eventually we push him into phase two we use this time to buff up and toss even more discs but this time at his hands now that we don't have easy access to his ankles is a weak point we are doing no damage we mainly aim for the eye because if we can stay out of range of his hand attacks then we can hit the eye quite easily but whenever we couldn't hit the eye we were doing such little damage and he was doing so much damage back eventually we ended up playing it good enough enough to defeat the Fire giant but it took a while now it's time for the gods can Duo all right this is the this the one fight I was worried about so let's see how it goes and this Arena seems to have a lot of pillars you know what that means raton's rings of light are going to carry me not only does it do good damage alone but it can hit both of them which technically is like doubling the damage which is so good we even found out that we can throw discus through these pillars which I did not expect at all we target the big boy first because we can get get a lot of free damage in when we get him into phase two especially when he goes for his roll attack as when he's stuck on the pillar the Apostle gets very passive and doesn't want to interfere which makes it super easy to get all this damage in once we take out the first one we try to abuse the very easy openings of Fireball attacks Spas shifts and eventually when he summons his friends we then focus on the Apostle to take him out giving us a 1 V one with big boy which Nets us the most damage as he doesn't Dodge as much as the Apostle he brings the apostal back but luckily goes for his rolling attack which allows me to melt his HP down to zero giving me a final 1 V one situation with the Apostle not a favorable matchup but it was over for him when he decided to summon his friend back GG to the gods can Duo oh please oh oh okay now this portion of the video is where we're going to be collecting all of the spells for the other runs because we have all of the map opened and when we kill malikat that will delete Lindell replacing it with the Ashen Capital so we're going to go grab a everything now I'll leave a time stamp on screen if you don't want to watch me pick up so many items we start off with the dragon Crest Great Shield Talisman in the H tree which reduces physical damage by 20% now we're going to pick up our spells but do it in Magic type starting with frenzy flame we grab a howl of shabi from the madness Tower we take out this Scarab outside of the frenzy Village for frenzy burst we then head into Lindell sewers to take out Moog nothing special about this fight he's just in the way of more spells so I must take him out at at all costs and we do that rather quickly now that Moog is out of the way we parkour our way down and pick up the inescapable frenzy we then head over to the yellow annx ruins to pick up the unendurable frenzy next we'll pick up all of our black flame spells starting in the Stormville Castle we go and pick up the godkin prayer book we then take the prayer book over to the turtle and we purchase the black flame spell as well as any other spells that were sitting in the shop we then speak to Gideon and inform him that we've been to the H tree and he gives us the black Flames protection we then make our way over to the Windmill Village to take out the godkin Apostle considering we' beat both of these absolute buffoons at once this lone soldier does not stand a singular chance and we take him out with our frisbees gifting us scouring black flame now we're going to collect the beastial Spells we just need to give gank nine death route oh my gosh nine you got to be kidding me all right let's do this all right now we just got to give these to grank and he only gives us half of the reward I honestly thought it was bugged or something I was unaware that he has to get mad at you then you got to teach him a little lesson smack him around a bit then he calms down and gives you the rest of your Rewards now it was time to grab some death sorceries we make our way over to leria to take out this death bird and we're very fortunate that Holy damage does so much damage to them giving us a nice and easy kill for the ancient death Rancor we then head into Stormville castle and take this little guy out for ranker call then we make our way over to the concentrated snowfields to take out another death right Bird this one was a lot stronger than the other one but we could easily avoid his attacks on Horseback making it a nice and easy kill giving us the explosive ghost flame a super strong spell now it was time for lightning spells we make our way underground and quickly take out the Dragon King Soldier and that gives us the frozen lightning spear we stop by the turtle to purchase some spells we then give lancs a visit we do this fight on Horseback and she doesn't seem to want to fight back as much as she just slowly crawls towards us but hey I'll take it that gives us lens Sax's glaive we then make our way down to the deep root depths and take on fi's Champions this is where triple rings of light shines the NPC characters simply cannot Dodge through triple rings of light making it a super easy fight we then head into fia's dream to take on Fortis a this fight was a little annoying but because we could Target the head of the Dragon which deals bonus damage it made it doable we just try and keep our distance Dodge any incoming lightning keep an eye out for the death blight and of course throw some more discs until we take out Fortis a we then duplicate his Remembrance in the consecrated snowfield and trade it in for both the lightning spere and the death Lightning Spell we then pick up Ron's armor while we're here as it'll be our transition armor until we can eclip Lionel's set and for safe measures we yink the lightning strike spell now it's time to gather the gravity spells starting in the war Dead's catacombs where we pick up the collapsing Stars we then visit Raya lucaria to bully the alabaster to get gravity well then we head over to the Royal grave ever jail to take out the Onyx Lord we make quick work with him with radon's ring and that gives us the meteorite spell we then enter the rot swamp and pick up the one and only rock sling now the last gravity spell is located in the consecrated snowfields in the yellow anex tunnels we just have to take out a cell we buff outside the arena and get to work throwing discus and aiming for the skull for that good bonus damage as per usual we keep our distance and be very cautious because we can die to any grab attack or meteor strike luckily the disc puts in the work doing good damage and double hitting quite a bit because Estelle just doesn't move much at all we eventually take him out giving us the final gravity spell meteorite of aelle now we're going to collect everyone's favorite Glenstone spells starting with grabbing the academy key give it to thops getting the irid emote using it in front of this statue which opens the Magical Door we then yoink the cannon and Hammer of haa we then grab this scroll and give it to Mr Turtle to purchase some more spells we then head over to the Waypoint ruins make quick work of the Mad pumpkin head and head into the shop to purchase a couple of spells we then grab the academy scroll and give it to Mr tur and purchase even more spells we wanted options for glint Stone we then make our way into the academy Crystal Cave deal with the two csans but we're not here for them we make our way up this elevator and grab the best spell of them all Terra Magicka the last of the spells that I'll be picking up is fire first we purchase catch flame and Fireball from the round table then we go grab flame grant me strength we then head into leria and take out Adon and triple rings did not disappoint in this fight making quick work of Adon for the the flame of the fell God we then pick up the fire monks prayer book and the Giants prayer book and guess what purchase more spells now we have acquired all of the spells that we will be using throughout all of the playthroughs that took a while let's get some damage boosting so we can finish this run we grab this gold mask right here which strengthens golden order incantations then we take out this her tree Avatar to get the holy troud and crack tier which boosts holy damage by 20% and now it's time for malth this fight will will be hard in every playthrough the death flame is just too good we start off by kiing the Beast clergymen this took a while to get down as we just have to dodge through all of the rocks and time our frisbees just right we don't do a lot of damage to the clergymen but because we can cast between his hits and not get punished for it we're fine for phase one beating out the beast cler in no time now it's time for the big dog in town for this we're going to be using triple rings of light and it's because they're so damn big they will always hit Malik when I was first trying this fight and and I use discus it would just miss 90% of the time he moves too much so it just wasn't worth it triple discs take a lot more FP but it's consistent damage I've learned Malik quite well so I was able to find the consistent openings until we run out of FP remember when I said it took more yeah it took a lot more than I expected so we're stuck finishing out malath with the single disc which we miss a lot of the time but it takes no FP to use so we finally get the job done and take out the big dog oh oh my god dude that took so long holy sucks so much now it was time for my secret weapon notice how we set holy spells and not golden order fundamentalist spells for this portion even though we've been solely using the golden order fundamental spells well it was for this moment we head over to the round table and cash in our malath remembrance for Black Blade this spell is so strong it will carry me no matter what and it does holy damage time to pay Gideon a visit and because he is's doing his silly little monologue we can just casually throw some frisbees yeah well that was easy on to Godfrey we hit the buff head in and toss some frisbees this first initial phase is very simple as base Godfrey has a lot of openings in his main attacks The Stomp is very easy to get out of and very easy to space out properly to get that damage in now where this fight gets a little difficult is when he goes into his Phase 2 where his stoms are no longer finable attacks and will spread throughout the whole Arena and because this was my main source of damage I had to learn new openings which I wasn't the best at but after a couple of tries I found out the most consistent damage is when he does the huge axe slam down and then he goes to step on it it always gave me an attack no matter what I also learned a few other openings but that was the main one I was focused on it was a tough first phase and now it's time for hu this section of the fight is very simple as we simply just have to run away from him and eventually he'll either do the whole ground and pound thing or he he'll just try to grab me which is just another opportunity to toss a frisbee at his big old forehead until we eventually take out h l before we take on the big boss we're going to head down to the MN Palace for this H tree Talisman so we take a little less damage in the overwhelming bullet hell disguised as a boss fight we also make a pit stop by the hidden Crystal tunnel in Celia to pick up the faithful canvas Talisman for a 4% boost in our incantation damage now it's time for the final boss the biggest boo of them all Mr ragon this is where the Black Blade will finally shine and put in the work we immediately brush ragon and hit him twice with the Black Blade and as you can see it does damage and the bonus thing about the Black Blade is the fact that the initial HP cut off just stays so ragon just loses a portion of HP for free from here we are looking for very specific openings because the spell has a longer animation the best times to get in hits were when he does his big ground pound SL slams either from the ground or in air either way works for me as long as we can get our hits in we wait till he's done doing the three slam downs and punish that attack as well and thank God this spell does the damage that it does or I would be toast if I tried this with just disc I would have given up as they just bounce off of him like I was hitting him with an actual frisbee on top of that he'll also just deflect them and overall this fight is not bad at all with the Black Blade and we take him out with little problem we also saved our wondrous physic for the Elden Beast for that extra damage boost we rush behind him with the Black Blade and we'll be using it for a majority of our damage we're able to start off the fight strong deleting his health with the Black Blade he has a lot of attacks which leave large openings like just look at that damage we abuse him with his many openings until he decides to pull out these damn Elden Stars these things suck to deal with every single time they slow us down but it's nothing that we can't deal with mainly because he decided to be nice this time around and keep his distance but usually I'm not this lucky and he'll be constantly throwing stuff at me while this star is chasing me down this fight comes down to the last FP pot and no Health Poots left but we do finish off the Elden Beast with the Black Blade finishing out the first run yeah that's right this is a tier lless video disguised as a challenge video and for reference S tier will be easy mode I don't have to think think just Spam spell and win a tier has great spells with good variety but I still have to pay attention to the game B tier is good spells but I have to lock in and really sweat it out C tier are mid spells and I am struggling to win D tier dog [ __ ] don't use these spells please for the love of God C tier it was underwhelming with only having a couple offensive options it was also difficult in new game not even ramping it up I struggled a lot just due to the fact that most bosses just resist holy so I just don't find it did that good all right let's get into the next run the fire run we un alive ourselves at the grafted zon head into the open wait a minute we've already done this all right time for marget now from this point forward in all of our playthroughs we're just going to be highlighting the difficult fights and when we have unique use cases for certain spells marget will also be our resident in testing grounds for our spells we end up testing out our o flame which does decent damage has the advantage of a super quick cast time we test out our Giant flame take the aka the big Fireball and it does great damage we test out the not so great flame Surge and I realized early on that it's not going to cut it for the Run we also try burn o flame which does great damage the only downside being the startup animation takes quite a while but it is worth it if you can get it off safely and we in fact finish Market off with this very spell onto godric we made quick work of this first phase using the fireball attack and in phase two we use a mix of Burno flame and catch flame to take up godric like I said from now on things are going to be a little bit more Speedy we got a lot of game to cover next on The Hit List is rala O flame ended up putting in the work for this fight in Phase One it does an overwhelming amount of damage going crazy on the Sleepy EP rala but in phase two it was even better due to its staggering potential anytime that we would stagger rala it would stop her from casting making my life easy and we end up cooking up rala giving us the Second Great Rune that I need to get into the capital speaking of the capital it's time for the draconic tree Sentinel this guy was a little tough as he does have fire resistance which makes it harder for us you know being fire but when in doubt Fireball it out and that's exactly what I did it was the hardest fight so far in this playthrough and that scares me for what's to come anyways we take out the draconic tree Sentinel and head into the capital with little to no problem and we make our way up to Godfrey which my Fireball just melted his small HP bar not much to say about this fight I didn't have to use any brain power 10 out of 10 fight nice and easy morgot yep you guessed it the fireball strikes again doing a a massive 800 damage per hit to morgot which is insane by the way it melted morgot HP as quick as a microwave Cooks up a Pop-Tart uh fun fact it takes 3 seconds to cook a Pop-Tart in the microwave if you didn't know now you know oh look he's dead time for a real challenge the fire giant now this one took a couple of hours he has a 50% damage negation to fire my damage is literally being haved here on the plus side we find a use case for a spell that we haven't used yet flame fall upon them what this spell does is throw a bunch of smaller fireballs and usually it would miss half of them being overall mid tier spell but in the case of the fire giant I can get close enough to his ankle to where every single little Fireball will connect and it does overall the most amount of damage out of all of our spells that I tested on the fire Giant WE abuse this in Phase One sticking to the ankle and throwing small balls until we get him into phase two for phase two we stick to the same spell and for the most part in this phase we're actually trying to Target the eyeball yet again because we throw so so many little Fireballs that a couple of them are bound to connect with his big old eye if we're unable to Target the eye we just get nice and close and pray it does enough until eventually we take out the fire giant I'm very glad to get this run out of the way early just for this fight alone as I knew it was going to be horrible from the start onto something a little bit easier the fraud skin Duo this fight was super underwhelm the fireball just did so much damage and they played nice this time making them a walk in the park which I will gladly take malth also did not beat the fraud allegations when we put him up against the resident carry the fireball it was just too much for the dog and took him out very very quickly so far fire is looking pretty good will Gideon beat the fraud allegations no the answer is no chidan does not beat the allegations and he loses very very quickly the fireball of Doom is just too much perhaps Godfrey will stand a chance uh spoilers he he did not him and hu both get owned by the fireball although I did get to use some more catch flame this time so that was cool but this fight went similar to the rest of them he was just getting owned by Fireball repeatedly until we we take them both out all right on to the final boss now this will be hard in most playthroughs if not all playthroughs because I have to learn openings for all the different types of spells for ragon o flame will be carrying us as it can punish all of the openings and it's so quick that it doesn't get parried by ragon doing a nice 600 damage per hit melts ragon and now it's time for the Elden Beast we open up with burn o flame on the Elden beast and we'll be trying to use this whenever we get the openings for it because the damage to FP ratio was incredible doing around 1,500 damage per cast I abuse this to finish off the Run taking out the Elden Beast with little to no struggles a tier although it sucked so much during the fire giant besides that it does fantastic there are a handful of viable spells big Fireball small Fireballs catch flame and Flame pillars they all do so well in their own rights I first tried most things with these spells and it was a lot of fun to use frenzi Flame the thought behind this was we just did fire and we have all of our wondrous physic Buffs and Talisman tuned towards fire might as well just keep using what is essentially fire so that's exactly what we do before we start marget we buff using howl of shabir which will be a buff that I will be using before every single fight we start off with unendurable frenzy which is the spell that we can hold on to the longest causing it to deal the most amount of damage and it's just a very overpowered spell the big downside though is the fact that we're stuck in place during the end animation of the spell where we spew frenzy all around us in a circle because of that we can't just Spam it willy-nilly but it will still be a hard carry one thing we also have to watch out for using all of these spells is frenzy buildup as we can just get frenzy flame and be stuck in the animation for like a good 5 Seconds the other spell we tested was frenzy burst which is a quick laser shot out of the eyes which does good damage and it has the best range out of all of the frenzy spells unfortunately marget did not last much longer and we end up taking him out time for godric godric was absolutely owned by the unendurable frenzy it just did so much damage to godric and on top of its crazy damage unendurable frenzy does a lot of Poise damage so we end up getting multiple Poise breaks throughout this fight which just causes us to snowball so much more damage that he doesn't last very long and is driven to Madness frenzy burst cleaned up rala the draconic tree Sentinel Gold free and morgot I honestly forgot that it went this crazy watching the footage back this thing just owned all of them onto the raid boss the fire giant we suffer from the same problem as last time the whole 50% damage negation thing on fire which still sucks a lot but it's nice to get these struggles out of the way early on in our new game plus Cycles we use flame of frenzy for the first time in this fight because it does the same thing that unendurable frenzy does but it does it a lot quicker and doesn't have the end animation we get nice and close to the ankle let it all out and it does some really solid damage I was honestly impressed we get him into phase 2 rather quickly and we just Spam it some more again this time we're just trying to hit that big old eye but a lot of the time we're just firing into his body and because the raw damage isn't even bad for 50% damage negation we end up taking him out a lot quicker than the last time which is fantastic the gods skin Duo this time around actually caused some troubles my main Saving Grace was the fact that unendurable frenzy hits through the big pillars and due to that I was able to get off the full spell uninterrupted and safely cast it it was super strong being able to do this and made the fight super easy and we take out the gods skin duo in no time if I didn't figure this out early on in the first playthrough I would be doomed malath was mostly the same from the fire run the main spell we used this time was the flame of frenzy which when timed right you can get the full impact off which does around 800 damage we quickly phase shift the Beast clergyman into maloth and get super lucky with a Poise break allowing us to get some massive damage right at the start we then look for the slam down openings to get in our flame of frenzy until we take out malath now we can use my favorite frenzy spell inescapable frenzy we give Gideon a good smooch to take him out I'm just happy we were able to use this spell at all Godfree was another one that I ended up struggling with we heavily rely on the frenzy burst in this fight as it is the only quick spell to deal with Godfree Stomps and horal as a whole we just kept our distance and owned with the frenzy burst which ended up taking them both out once again we meet ragon and yep it took a long time the main spell we're using during this fight is flame of frenzy as it does good damage has a perfect range and startup time so we can try to punish all of his attacks we stay behind him for the most part and we Spam The Flame of frenzy to take him out rather quickly for the Elden Beast we use the same spell for the same reasons we abuse the usual openings and this spell does wonders here as we're doing, 1500 per spell which melts the Elden BEAST's HP killing him with no troubles at all dude this is taking so long oh my God I'm just going to give a little insight here sorry to commentator Curtis I know this is all going to be postom we're 36 hours and we're only on run three yet again a tier fire damage is still good the only downsides are roughly the same the fire giant sucked all the Spells found their own use case and we strong in doing so it does suck that frenzy flame doesn't have a PVE proc like some of the other status effects but that's a whole other rant I believe a tier is fine right beside the fire onto new game plus three this time death sorceries I basically needed something easier after struggling with both fire spells so I used spells that inflict frostbite instead back to our resident testing grounds known as marget we try out the ancient death ranor and this spell is very good because it will track the enemies for you allowing you to be able to run away while casting efficiently making it a very strong spell we end up spamming ancient death rancor to take out marget for godric we use Ancient death ranor to spam him down to phase two then we use the explosive ghost flame which deletes his HP and we throw some more skulls to take out godric and due to us doing no damage to rala we're just going to go take out on instead and because he's big and easy to hit while he's attacking explosive ghost flame shines here getting nice Frost procs and just snowballing damage until we take out Ron you know this class seems like the perfect one for a boss killing music montage let's do [Music] it [Music] these death sorceries have been super strong in comparison to everything else the frostbite on top of all of it is just chef's kiss this time patagon will be using explosive ghost flame for a majority of our damage making it the easiest ragon so far by a long shot the Elden Beast was also super simple we abuse the explosion and because it spreads over a large area there is a good chance that he'll just be chilling inside of ghost flames dealing a good amount of Chip damage which Stacks up rather quickly and because of this it causes us to melt the Elden Beast very quickly the only downside is not being able to give the Elden Beast frostbite luckily it does enough damage to where it doesn't truly need it I just would have liked it but yeah we end up taking out the Elden Beast with little to no problems and our first s tier this magic type is super strong frostbite is so overpowered and the Spells cover any enemy for the bigger guys or slow moving enemies use your explosions for the aggressive enemies oh you can just kite forever with ranker call without having to think because it auto tracks enemies the only downside is that there wasn't a huge Variety in spells but with everything dying super quickly even in New Game Plus 3 it doesn't really matter I had a lot of fun with the spells and I'm a big fan of ghost flame in general I think it is rather deserving all right next run Beast steal spells these spells are tough there are only a handful of spells I believe like five total and only like two or three of them are actually viable we got the main spell that we'll be using Stone of gank which is equivalent to a fireball spell we tried out a few other spells during marget but they just weren't cutting it maybe in the first run it would have been viable but at this point in the new game cycle all of these spells just kind of suck for damage we end up tossing stones to take out marget godric renala and the draconic tree Sentinel this one rock throw is single-handedly carrying this playthrough who knew that rocks to the face are super effective it made quick work of goldf free as well carried us through most of morot but I ended up finishing him with the claw it has low damage but it was just something different to use than just throwing the rock over and over again one of the saving Graces which I haven't been showcasing has been the beast's Vitality spell which recovers your HP over time which can be super clutch it allows me to put more pots into FP because I can passively regen HP during the fight with the spell but none of the other damaging spells compared to the stone the stone was just so good that it only took one try to take out the fire giant usually this dude takes a couple of tries minimum mostly because I suck but that's not here nor there all that matters is the rock took him out first try Godin Duo wasn't much of a challenge either mainly due to the fact that this spell flows so well into itself making it seem like you're throwing a flurry of rocks and it just overwhelms the Godin Duo and that's okay not everyone can beat the Rock malath was a different story shocker I know the beastial Spells don't work well against the Beast clergyman so it was a little more of a struggle as our damage was really low at a measly 300 damage per spell in comparison to everything that we've been using is really really bad so this one took a bit of time but nothing The Rock couldn't handle taking out malth Gideon however might as well have just been the final boss this time around usually we'd have a spell that just stuns the little guy and bada boom bada bing easy peasy this time we don't have a reliable way of doing that the Beast claw stuns him sure but the amount of stamina it costs to cast the spell is outrageous and we have to give up the stun lock chain just so we can recover stamina which just leads to him spamming us with spells until try number 18 where I got lucky and we killed him there was nothing different here I just got good RNG on what he wanted to do to me so that's pretty good I guess L the Gideon Godfrey was the same as the other guys just used the same openings and through rocks taking him out in no time poalo suffered the same fate and we took him out as well now ragon was a different story we're doing such little damage so naturally we have to use a lot of FP in this fight but I am bad so I usually have around seven healing pods I think the run that we beat him we only had like five to use which might not seem like a but when you're doing these fights over and over again it messes with you so much you're like okay I can take this hit because I know I have this wait there's no healing so it took a little bit to adjust to but we do get a good run after 3 hours yeah 3 hours of fighting the same boss over and over and over over again you can see why this video took so long to finish we take out ragon with the rock Elden Beast same strats we've been using thus far the big bonus for the Beast is the fact that we now do 500 damage a hit instead of our lousy 300 that ragon took and if we get lucky we might get a Poise break here and there which does allow us to melt his HP the alen Beast is a lot easier for me to fight than ragon just because he doesn't Parry so I didn't have too much trouble taking out the Elden Beast with little to no potions remaining whereas on I struggle a lot as for the rock B tier due to the overall lower damage against certain bosses and the fact that there were so few viable spells really made this one a onetick rock throw which which was fine because the bosses that it did excel at I owned so much it was so easy until it wasn't but that's besides the point B tier lightning time and oh what do these spells hit first we test out the ancient Lightning Spear and it does a good 800 damage already off to a good start the next spell we try out is the glaive does around the same damage then we try out this double spear even more damage the Frozen spear the same amount of damage but it can also proc frostbite and we finish marget off with the Glade all of these spells that I just used on marget are good and viable we're in for a good time this run we open up the godric fight with the death lightning and power 1,500 damage okay I see you let's see the ancient lightning stri what okay this run is wraps it's over who stands a chance spoiler alert nobody this spell is way too good it has a long startup time sure but look at that damage gric did not stand a singular chance what the [ __ ] and we're going to be giving everyone we can this treatment boys we have found the carry of this run time to Smite bosses rala gone draconic tree Well he kind of resists my attack so it wasn't as good as it could have been but still gone Gold free gone more Gone Gone the fire Giant you guessed it gone yeah even you Gods gond Doo your pillars are your downfall Gone malth Gone Gideon even though he whooped me a couple of times and hurt my feelings gone now Godfree and horu not as easily removed although bonus points for being able to Showcase this little guy the Lightning Spear it's a super quick cast when it needs to be and it fits perfectly for what we needed in this battle as well as still doing good damage the lightning spells are honestly impressive through and through Godfree doesn't stand much of a chance and neither did horal loom for the final boss our savior is the ice lightning just because the lightning travels through the ground which means it cannot be parried plus it gives frostbike which fortunately for us ragon isn't immune to so it just absolutely melts him not much of a problem there now for the Elden beasts we go back to the good all reliable ancient dragon lightning strike to murder the giant fish and it does amazingly taking him out s tier there was a lot of variety with the spell type and the Damage it did was probably the best throughout this whole challenge lightning spells clear your favorite don't care it's they clear lightning stier gravity for the Spells we have the big hitter in the meteor of a stealth that we use in the start of the marget fight and it puts in the work as for our main spell it's going to be the original go of spells rockling I've seen this spell carry so many players in their casual playthroughs we end up finishing off marget with the meteorite of aelle we open godric the same way we did with marget and we rain down the meteorites upon him until he phase shifted but we use rockling in this phase to close it out this is going to be a whole lot more rocks to the face I am rala we feed some rocks to take her out the only problem with her is that she's so lanky and not big enough for the whole Rock sling spell so there's a chance that out of the three rocks we throw one will just miss which makes it take a little bit longer but besides that nothing special here rala not a problem we take her out just fine time for another rock Montage draconic tree Sentinel more like rocks to the face goldf free also got the same treatment morgot uh a little tougher because he loves to be so aggressive but after a couple of attempts of figuring out my timings with him he was taken out as well the fire giant this guy was a lot more tough he took a couple of tries but this is where meteorite of AEL really shines and look at it it's doing a majority of the damage first phase is mostly rockling on the ankle but once we get to phase 2 It's All or Nothing with the meteorites and we take out the fire giant now I was hoping I could use the pillars to my advantage with meteorite against the godkin duo but we were not that fortunate it actually blocks the incoming meteorites so the best call to action was more rockling and it worked wonders as per usual taking them out clean malath wasn't that bad this time around because well rockling is just super strong and that's all it comes down to it carries yet again Gideon was easy peasy as rockling it just stuns him so as long as we're constantly casting there's nothing he can do so that's exactly what we do taking him out surprisingly we actually have to switch up spells for Godfrey this time around because of the the tight openings and the longer startup animation of rockling it isn't viable during the stomp phase so we have to rely on collapsing Stars this is only used on Godfree though as for horal Lou rockling was perfectly fine making it a little bit challenging having to learn how collapsing Stars even function but once we got the hang of it it was over for him now the final boss also required collapsing Stars it really thrived in these final fights the reason it works so well against ragon is because if I'm right beside him all of the stars will just spawn inside of his body dealing the most optimal amount of damage which made ragon a little bit easier as he couldn't Parry us it still took a long time don't get me wrong and I often just quit out if I thought a run was going to end badly so I could preserve my Rune arcs which I have a limited Supply but we took him out eventually and that's all that matters for the Elden Beast Rox Ling came back and clutched it up the Elden Beast had some opportunities for meteorite but for the most part I I just wasn't risking it cuz it took me so long to get past ragon whenever we fought Elden Beast I would to play it as safe as possible and this fight came down to the wire just watch this oh oh you can't make that up last last bit of FP oh my God that's that's wild a tier this was strong but not lightning or death strong the only drawback was the limited amount of spells but honestly the ones that they have work so well that it didn't really matter that there were only a couple a lot of the fights were quicker than most playthroughs which I can appreciate I love gravity black flame I was sick of struggling I wanted an easy playthrough and nothing else is quite as brainless as black flame just look at the damage this Fireball is doing to marget I don't even have to say much about it this [ __ ] is busted it clears marget godrick gets the same treatment I think all bosses just lose to this Fireball because it's based off of a percentage of their health and scales with it rather than raw damage that's what I was told so I hope it's right but yeah godric stood no chance and dies W rala gets fried just as quickly as the rest nobody stands a chance and the spell doesn't even need to be fully charged to be good just watch as it melts the draconic tree sentinel's Health it even melts the ghost the Ghostbusters got nothing on black flame it makes them look like they don't know what they're doing out here look at it all right I'm running out of things to say Here music [Music] montage yeah that's right I got them all easy peasy no one can touch the black flame instant s tier brainless activity the only other spell I used was black Flame's protection to give me some defense here and there but besides that it was the fireball just putting down everyone like some dogs s tier now for the final run let's take it back to everyone's first Glenstone sorceries the OG spell spam the spell type that dominates them all with the amount of damn spells you are given that are Glenstone like there are so many and as for spells we'll be using quite a few the main buff we'll be using is Terra Maga and we'll be using a variety of comet Shard spells to find out which ones do the most damage as there are quite a few and against marget we try out Loretta's Mastery which is a pretty good spell if I do say so myself glint Stone Comet Shard is also very good and ends up taking out marget for the final time challenge is so over dude like this stuff's so good it's going to feel so good to finally finish this for we end up testing out a few more spells like the comet itself and and great Glenstone Shard just seeing which ones do the most damage as it's been a while since I've used these spells we phase shift super quickly and go in with the gavl although it's a little underwhelming at this point in the game and Comet Shard can just carry us through the rest of the fight now because we're using Glenstone rala is off the table as we are not struggling like that so we head over to Ron we start out with our Loretta bow shot as we start most fights off like this because you're easily able to get it off at the beginning of the fight without getting punished for it although the brunt of the the work is being carried by Glenstone Comet Shard which takes out Ron for the final time we then proceed to make the draconic treel look like a joke and do a good amount of his HP before he even looks in my direction laughable how easy Glenstone is it makes me feel like a god after all the struggling I've been through Glenstone Comet Shard also sits down Godfrey and honestly I kind of feel bad for the guy as he just got bullied eight times in this video and for what existing anyways morgot time for morgot we entered the arena and immediately quit out so we can have a good spawn and so we're not right next to him and that's all we need he never even makes it to us he just dies from our super strong spell spam which is crazy the fire giant wasn't even a challenge this time around now in retrospect I should have just grabbed kazur and beamed everyone but I was kind of lazy and at this point I didn't not want to go grab any more items I just wanted to murder everything that's mid- making me struggle and that's exactly what I did we set up our buff near his ankle and spam him out of phase one and get a majority of our damage in when he's doing his startup attack in phase two making him very very easy and we finish him off with a nice strong bow shot now I don't know if floretta's sorcery is technically considered Glenstone or not but like it's blue and that was my qualification for the spells like if it's blue it's got to be Glenstone so if I'm wrong for using this my be I'm sure common Shard would have done the job just fine on its own I just wanted to spice things up a bit not even the gods gind Duo could slow us down in our reign of terror the comet Shard is too strong we can just kite around the pillars get them on their own and dwindle them down to nothingness killing the gods can do ah it feels so good to finally roll everyone back to back to back nobody stands a chance Glenstone gang on top it runs through the Beast and malath with no struggling I actually had my bubble for most of this fight which allowed me to play a lot more Reckless giving me an easy Victory Gideon is also laughable just because gavl of haa sits him down and I can just go to Pound Town hammering away on the floor and keeping him down like the dog he is but unfortunately he ends up getting out of it and we have to finish him off with Comet Shard but yeah it was fun while it lasted Godfrey at this point is dead L and will one-hot me with some of his attacks even though I have around 250 levels total and invested like a solid 50 or 60 into Vigor it doesn't matter he will just one-hot me after realizing this I play a little bit more careful but stick with the tried and true Glenstone Comet Shard and when we get to hu it becomes even easier as this bozo takes 1,000 damage per Comet Shard that's a lot of damage not much else to say at the end of the day we're just better here we are the boss fight of all boss fights the final fight of this video to slay ragon and the elen Beast one last time can we do it was it worth it all the pain suffering probably not but here goes nothing we got owned a lot but we finally had it down to a strat we'd summon teram Maga at the beginning and the main goal is to stay within the buff and bait ragon over to us so we can fight on top of it so we can still get our boosted attacks off for the first half of the ragon fight from there we go for our regular openings with Comet Shard because it's all we need to carry us to the end we are only using fully charged Comet shards for maximum damage to take out ragon now it's time for the Elden Beast the last boss in my way to finally finish this video which has been taking me way too long to finish by the way but those aren't important details we're here what matters is winning and proving that we can do it Comet Shard is still our go-to to this fight I tried a couple other spells along the way but none of them could compare with the damage to FP ratio and factoring in the cast speed this batt was just Superior of course the Elden Beast wasn't going to make this easy for me throwing everything he had at me trying to shut me down but I won't quit that easy we must persevere and finish what we started no matter what obstacle is thrown our way we will finish this and come out Victorious it is the only option and we finally do it yes oh it's finally done oh my gosh we are done it's dead we did it at long last and I think uh other Curtis has something he would like to say this this challenge haunts me and I just finished it I'm already like been so bad I've been a lot of fun too to to try all the things that I've I haven't had much experience with here's my final levels 244 level 60 Viger 63 mind 52 strength 25 decks 68 intelligence 63 faith and 16 Arcane we have collected a plethora of dragon great Claws and scepter of the all knowing and I thank you for watching if you made it here I don't know how exactly we're going to format this video but hopefully it's not too long 66 hours that's crazy s tier what can I say the Glenstone sorceries excelled in every category they did amazingly especially considering we're on New Game Plus 8 at this point which means the bosses are as hard as they're going to get and it just doesn't matter the Spells still cut through their buttery HP bar destroying everything in its path if you made it this far be sure to leave some feedback on this video as it's my first time trying something like this and I experimented quite a bit so it would be greatly appreciated if you could let me know what I could change about this style of video all right that will be it beating Elden ring with all spell types if if you guys didn't enjoy make sure to subscribe I I would appreciate it uh this video took a long time very sorry about that it was it was a mix of things delaying the video but uh it's here I hope you guys did enjoy it took a long time to make and I want to start making like bigger projects like this cuz they make me it makes me feel good inside I just want to entertain at the end of the day and if I can do that I'm happy so thank you guys for watching be sure to subscribe and I'll see you in the next one it's been Curtis the cactus later
Channel: CurtisTheCactus
Views: 296,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, Elden ring, Curtisthecactus, souls, modded, elden ring play through, elden ring challenge run, dark souls, souls likes, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, fromsoftware, curtisthecactus, ds, ds2, ER, ds3, souls-likes, elden ring magic challenge run, all magic types in one run, elden ring magic challenge, Can You Beat All The Elden Ring Magic Challenge Runs on ONE save file?, Can You Beat All ELDEN RING Magic Challenges On One Character?, elden ring all magic types
Id: 9NVckV6lUGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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