French Drain. Downspout Drain, Moves Most Water, DIY, Tips and How To

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hey good morning Chuck Harris Apple drains today we are in a town called Apopka I always liked that name Apopka Florida a little suburb of Orlando and what we're doing here is we're putting in down spouts drains all gravity no sump pumps so there is actually places that you can do that and you can see how much higher I am then the street out here it's going to be a fairly deep excavation let's take a look at what we're doing so from back here on the back corner of the house you can see there's the front this is the back screened-in lanai pool I've got the downspout and it's picking up a great deal of water and several roofs come down altogether and come down this downspout also the pool channel drain which of course is right up there against the side of the house bad place for channel drain but that's where they install it is discharging over here so we're going to start our on line here and it's going to start you know about a shovel deep deep enough that we can pick up both the downspout and the channel drain we'll put a small catch basin or something there to pick that up light will come around the back side of the lanai and I'm actually walking uphill so we're digging through grade and if you look closely you can see it actually runs uphill as we come up about to the end of the lanai then it drops off dramatically so we need to make sure our line can run downhill or at least level and get that water to flow away from this area we're also going to do the front downspout you decided not to do there's another piece of the channel drain here channel Jaynes usually drain both directions that comes out here but he just wants to hold on that so we're gonna do another drain from over here by the front corner of the garage you can see how much of the upper roof comes down onto the lower roof put it into one downspout which is fine and then we're gonna send that out to the sidewalk to the pop-up one more area that will do is over here in the front same kind of thing a lot of water from the upper roofs and when they put so much water into an area that's trapped off by the sidewalk you see the sidewalk and the driveway it's all trapped this downspout becomes really important and they splashed it out and you see how much roof comes down all the upper comes down to the lower comes down and of course this area is washing away all the Maltz and it just floods dramatically no place for water to go so we'll go ahead and put him underground you know so we'll put him underground and bring it over and so why not we're right here let's hook that downspout up put a tee on it well tunnel the sidewalk and send out right out to the next sidewalk where we'll put a pop-up and let it discharge okay so just made pretty quick work here he's got the sod off on one side trench about half way it's done here where I'm standing it's there's a rise here it's gonna be pretty deep but it drops down dramatically quite quickly I mean see I'm over here by the sidewalk when it hasn't got that prepped and what I'm going to do is make a video of using the pressure washer to go underneath the sidewalk I think it's still faster to tunnel it but get so many comments about it let's go ahead and find out okay so I get a lot of comments about I should try to use a pressure washer okay so we're gonna do that right now but real quick you know I have this trench both sides we have to have a water for a place for water to drain and now we're going to try the pressure washer so far is taking about 20 minutes to get to this point [Music] [Music] okay so the pressure washer poked a hole as you can see you can see that little tiny tree root although that's huge when you're tunneling is in the way it won't cut that but we've only got you know a tiny hole to get through we're still gonna have to dig it out there's there's no other way so with the shovel in just a matter of just a couple of minutes you can see I've removed all the roots we have a nice huge hole going through there a lot faster guys and and you're not all covered in mud from the water using your pressure washer so the assessment of the pressure washer is that you know these little nozzles they were great it cut right through you know got underneath to walk in about I don't know three to five minutes somewhere in there it cannot cut a root and it only made a hole you know big enough for example to put an irrigation pipe through there remember we need a huge hole and what's needed is to find the adapter it's kind of like the jet truck that you see cleaning from manhole to manhole there's nozzles here in the front the jet in the front and that cuts through the stoppages that are in the sewer line and then they hydraulically pull it back but back here in the back there's little holes and now the water comes out this direction and that can clean it can clean up to a 48 inch pipe but we just need it to be six inches so either we need to make our own and that would be the drill pin holes around the bottom back half of this and then when you push it through you can pull it back and it'll pull out all the debris making a much wider hole timewise you know you know I don't need ten minutes to setup the pressure washer ten minutes to take it down put it all away I don't see any difference I think it's much faster to do it by hand but I do see applications for it so maybe that could answer some of the questions and comments that you guys gave me we're just about ready to lay pipe we've got 200 feet of four inch solid corrugated we're going to unroll those lay it down through our trench push it underneath the walk and when here at the end we'll adapt it with a small pop-up a great to allow that water to discharge looks like Joe's got a great trench going he did find an irrigation line as there always our big fear but oh yeah he's well underneath of that this lines ready to go all the way back and then over here on this downspout everything looks good chucks already got the trench dug we're gonna use a little grate pop up there at the end of the trench one more trench to dig so another great tip is unrolling your 100 foot roll of perforated you can see if one person acts like a spool and the other person pulls it it comes right out probably the best way to unroll it if you're doing it yourself you can lay it in the trench and try to unroll it but it's still kind of unruly this way you get a nice clean stretch of pipe when you get it all pulled apart go ahead and have the two guys stretch it so it stretches tight beautiful so the hundred-foot roll comes with three strings you got to pull those strings off remember this is we've got 200 plus feet to put in here and again if one person acts like a spool and the other person pulls it free just kind of like the linesman struck and the secret is to keep that spool keep your arms between it stay in the center and then one person just pulls it out you stretch it all the way out and there goes your hundred feet I also get a lot of comments about you know we should have the area marked you know guys we always have the area marked you can see it here here's the electric that's in red you can see the cable box over there you've got the orange markings and they run all along you know and through the yard you can see them going up but one of the things that you have to remember is that even though locators try to do their best job let's take a look right over here and you'll see they don't always locate the cable here is the homeowners cable can you see it she's going to get down there that's the homeowners cable right there it's not marked there is no marking they're going over to the box and as it comes across the yard you can see there is absolutely no marking but you should call and get these notated it protects yourself if you cut the line there's usually not any charge to repair it there's no gas here which is great one of the interesting things Florida does have gas a lot of people have natural gas this house does not the gas line is in yellow so here by the channel drain what we've done is we're going to put a 4-inch great and it's going to be at grade let's sink it down just a little bit it's going to pick up that channel drain which is right here if this comes across the ground and empties into it and then the downspout drain runs on out just taking all that water out and around the tooth stirs so we pulled that pipe underneath the wok we came out we put the pop-up discharge on it we say pop up it's just a 4-inch great I don't really care for popups they get clogged up you know the lid doesn't open things like that I prefer to use a great pop ups work okay but I think the great works much better and we've got it all laid coming back through we'll backfill this up and this side will be done you can see Chuck pulling that pipe over there get ready to do the front there's some two lines there that we need to do out front so again if you're doing it yourself things to remember number one you're going to be starting pretty deep because this drain is at the same level as that concrete of your patio that makes the line go deeper if it was just a downspout drain it could just start very shallow remember we were digging through grade in other words the line the hill your yards actually coming up so we have to make that good down to make it better and drain properly so you're going to be pretty deep when you start with a catch basin at the very beginning of your line that makes your line go deep keep that in mind you can see a couple tips for back filling you can definitely use a shovel but what I found is if you turn your rake upside down push it against your trench let your body do the work and you just shove it right over kind of like a bulldozer and depending on how high your mound is you could start right at the bottom but would the shovel or would it be able to push that much you'll have to test it and find out but save it a little bit of energy not a lot then you come back and this excess you can quickly pull it up to where you want goes pretty quick but again the secret is let your body do the work you know push with your legs and just push it so yeah I can't quite push that much soil if you can see that but I can push it from the top and come back second pass Oh a little tip for backfilling I always show you how to dig but you know really this is where all you energy all your energy goes is filling up the trench it's easy to dig but you're tired by this point so you can take the rake and you turn it upside down and then you can use your body weight to push it so it's like a bulldozer and you can see it just pushes it right over into the trench turn that rake upside down and just push it right into the trench then you can come back and break up that excess makes life a lot easier and it should only take you 20 minutes or so total time to backfill your trench remember this trench is about a hundred and what is 140 feet long this is a long trench but it goes real quick some places you have to use the shovel you'll had to do it back here you see the fence and you can't really push you can go off at an angle but you know had to use the shovel to cover it up either way but I think it takes a lot more energy to use the shovel and push it and the rake works really good so we've got this side backfill we'll do a little cleaning up and we're all done over here driveway side you can see we've got the pipe installed a little bit of soil on there to hold it in place we'll end up here at the sidewalk where we'll put the grate you can see the 90 and a grate over there we'll put that together and it'll just discharge right on top of the walk again a lot of markings out here in this yard people say we don't get it located of course we do you see power cable telephone they're all around the yard and so when you're all done when you're finished trenching and covering up use your blower blow off your excess and you're all done you see we just blow off a section over here so this is a great job for the do-it-yourselfer trying to give some special effects here do this job yourself material wise maybe I don't know maybe to $300 you pay a contractor to do it three or four thousand so definitely you can save some money if you do it yourself hey this is Chuck with Apple drainage reminding you to and if you believe you can do something guarantee you can do it have a great day [Music]
Channel: Apple Drains
Views: 58,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: French Drain, Corrugated Pipe, Downspout Drain, Roof Water, Gutter Drain, Apple Drains,, Drainage Contractor, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Florida, DIY French Drain, How to Install Corrugated Pipe, Yard Drain, Tunnel Side Walk, How to dig a trench, Trenching, pool drain, channel drain, French Drain Install
Id: JyxhJ5lBVQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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