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[Music] hello everyone my name is mr anjosi and welcome to my channel in this video we're going to be doing a little freight train mission where we're going to be transporting some cargo over from the commercial terminal all over the way over to the soil islands but before we get started if you are enjoying this videos don't forget that like and subscribe button and write a little bell icon to be over my upcoming content as soon as it gets posted and while you're watching let me know your thoughts in the comments below and what else you'd like to see any of my future videos so i said let's get straight into it and get started with this video and getting started we're going to be checking out these awesome little world cars and we've got a nice little mission that we're going to be doing today so we're going to be heading over from the komodo terminal all the way over to the soy islands and we're going to see how many of these cargo containers i can actually go and transport over there obviously the more i take the more money we're going to get from this and now we're checking out these awesome little well cars along with these locomotive and also we have one of the container handlers here now i think the base of it was built for one of my challenges and then i think the lifting arm has been a little bit reworked but you can see the lifting arm here that actually goes and folds out so let's start loading some containers now i don't know if that locomotive is going to be powerful enough to actually move all these containers but we're going to try our best and let's see if we can actually see if we can get some of these things loaded on we've got a key switch to start this and i think there's an unfold button yep so you can see it's got unfolded there so let's see if we can go and pick up some containers now this thing is really cool because it's so quick it literally is super powerful we can obviously bring it up here and let's go and see if we can just grab that first piece over here so we're just gonna start turning it i'll try to get it as straight as possible i think that should be fine let's go and bring it down okay you can see we can rotate the arm there in the front like so and then we can actually start bringing it down so i'm going to rotate it like that let's do a little bit of a reverse here put the brakes on and then let's start bringing it down so you can see there you can rotate it bring it down rotate it bring it down rotate it bring it down a little bit more and then we're going to put in forward modes and then let's angle it a little bit there we go and we just picked it up so let's go and see if we can lift this now so it should be able to just do that yep and then let's go just reverse ever so slightly don't mind don't mind the other crate there let's go and turn it and let's get loadering it on to onto the train so we're going to take a shortcut around here and let's see if we can load this first one onto one of the carriages here so i think that carriage the furthest one here will be perfect let's just see if we can get this lined up quite nicely and we'll go forwards a bit just make sure i clear it so you can see there good good good good okay that looks actually almost perfect so let's start dropping it down start angling it that way yeah that's fine drop it down what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to disconnect and hopefully it should go and get itself connected yep you can see there it's got itself connected which is perfect let's put this in reverse and let's go get another one cool so we got the spam on let's go and get some more so this container handler is really useful it's really nice and quick it's quite stable at the same time it's got loads of power on it let's see if we can just line ourselves up for the lock one or the low-key one let's do a little bit of a reverse here and a little bit forwards and let's see if we can just line ourselves up okay that looks fine for now so let's go and drop this again so we want to go up and down okay and then a little bit of reverse action cool and then let's drop it down a little more and then we should be able to put it in forwards modes and actually pick this up okay we might still why is unlock there we go now it's connected perfect he's actually got a camera on there i actually didn't realize that he had a camera on there that's pretty cool let's go and lift this up put in reverse mode here okay and forwards do probably want to bring that down a little bit okay and let's go and load that onto the next one here so we're going to try and get we got one two three four five left there but we should be able to get loaded on so let's load it on to the next area here okay so we are just loading the last container on i'm going to see if i can try and get it to fit into this last one here you've seen that some of the other ones have double stacked themselves for some reason i it just keeps on double stacking uh even if i place it in the right spot it will double stack itself so i'm a little bit disappointed like that i've you know i guess i guess these containers are designed to you know work the best they can with what we have here in game but it's unfortunate like when we're doing something like this where it just keeps on you know just jumping over across even if i place it down here like you can see i'm going to try and place this one down as best as i can on this cart and you'll see that once we place it down and i release the connectors here for some reason it just sometimes it just jumps it just jumps from the right one to the left one that's the container it's not the actual the train car at all the cargo or it's the actual containers themselves they've got like a built-in mechanism inside them uh that will go and lock onto different things with different timing so for example if the top ones are connected the bottom ones are not connected and the bottom ones connect the top ones on connector i don't know how it switches there it doesn't matter it is what it is um but this looks really cool doing kind of missions like this where you have to load all your cargo in i guess you can double stack them obviously see if we can fit any tunnels hopefully we don't have any tunnel issues um but yeah it looks absolutely amazing you can see everything is connected we are gonna jump in this cart and let's see if we can get everything working so i'm just gonna use the handle to jump in or try to at least there we go okay so we are in let's see what we have so i think i've been reusing this before it's not a control panel it's a light switch uh power really this is the safety system that you can turn on and off everything else i think is good we should be able to just make our way to the front cabin and let's see so we got master key we've got heater instrument lights headlights engine starter fuel pumps air compressor borne we don't need the c4 system brake lever is good throttle lever is good radio power we don't need actually i'm going to get that on just in case we need to change signals here to go out or we are facing right let's double check it does work doesn't look like so i'm guessing let's try 440 which should be the game frequency yep 440 is working perfect i'm happy with that uh what else do we have we have a set speed so we should in theory have everything connected here i'm just going to do a little bit of a test here and just go forwards ever so slightly put in the forwards modes there we are we are moving slowly get out of here wow look at that that looks awesome now we should be changing tracks here should be going to the right now there we go that looks incredible so we've got a little bit of a way to go of course we need to make our way through past the lighthouse past the refinery and then we're going to make a right turn and we're going to end up on the rail system just to our right here and then we're going to carry along all the way through to sawyers now you can kind of see sawyer there in the background so we do have a little way to go but look at that that looks awesome okay so let's carry on for a bit and then i will meet you guys back when we're going a little bit further on okay so we're just coming up to the chemical storage which is just here on the left hand side so we're just going to let's go and see if we can blow the horn while we go past it let's let them know we're coming past and then we're going to be coming up to the first track switch that we need to go and do um so we're actually going to be heading right here and we're going to be taking another right you can see we're going over 100ks at the moment this little engine is really doing well so locomotive is really doing well and pulling all that weight i'm sure we could probably add much more and this would be absolutely fine to be honest uh so let's carry on going through i'm just going to keep an eye out so it looks like it's currently going right in terms of the tracks here so we don't need to actually be changing anything just yet we can kind of just cruise along at the moment and you can see we are going to hit a right here we're doing a decent speed now which is perfect we can kind of actually start melting down and see the container cars the back are turning ever so slightly it's going to keep an eye on the next tracks of signals i'm actually going to throw our throttle down a bit and we can check that that is pointing right so it is going towards the soy island which is perfect we're always coming up in section i'm gonna carry on straight and then if i'm correct it's pretty much a straight shoot all the way through now to the soy island so let's get our throttle all the way up and let's start building up a little more speed if we can and then yeah we're gonna do a nice straight shoot and i'll meet you guys back when we're just coming up to the soy islands so we're just making our final approach up here to the soil islands to the north terminal and you can see the north terminals just over there and a little bit of the distance and we have the next set of lights that we're going to be checking in a few seconds just to see if we are going left or right so let's get the binoculars out look at that that's something you could never do before version one is get the binoculars out and actually see what's going on in front of you uh that is awesome that you could do that um so i'm happy with the signals we obviously are going right uh if you were to go left you would go towards the airport or the air base down there uh which also has a little terminal but i don't think there's any cargo down there there's only cargo just to the right where you can obviously go and drop the cargo off there by the port and so we're going to do is we're actually going to start slowing ourselves down here because we are getting a little bit closer not too much in terms of speed we're going to drop but we're going to slowly start dropping our speed and then we'll drop the speed completely put our brakes on i don't know how long this is going to actually take to stop considering we do have a little bit of weight behind us with all this cargo and all the freight um but i think we hopefully should be fine we've got a little bit of a way to go you can obviously see the beautiful soy islands peaks just there in the background uh snow-capped peaks just up there and obviously the big forests here on the soil islands so the sun is setting by the way it's getting a little bit dark here and the islands it's funny how komodo is actually only there but we had to make this a long trip around to get there um and the obviously north up north is even further so we are getting a little bit close now you can see yep that signal is fine we are going to be going right and then right which is fine and we're going to go in there let's start dropping our speed off a bit let's see how much speed we are going to drop we're doing about 70 60 50 seems to be dropping speed quite quickly actually i was expecting it to have quite a bit of momentum here so we are going to pull up the throttle a bit just make sure we keep a good speed around 30 to 40 at the moment coming into the actual area over here we're going to be dropping off this cargo about 50 at the moment which is fine you can see we're still going right and then right which is perfect and then what i'm going to do is when i get to that light i think i'm going to kill the throttle so let's get rid of our throttle and we should be able to just coast in here we're going to keep an eye on our brake lever and just make sure we might have to throw that on but you can see here look at that you have such fun doing missions just transporting cargo around everywhere you just need a mission to obviously have a little cargo handler at all these different areas which can give it a little more throttle you can get a little mission set up to obviously spawn a clogger handler at all the different ports so when you arrive you always have a cargo handler waiting for you and you could just offload your car quickly load some more cargo up and then obviously you can see we've just got some rewards here we're delivering some cargo if it's going to bring shunters in ever so slightly into hanger number four here and obviously try and get as much space as we can to offload this cargo and let's go and kill our throttle let's get our brakes on perfect so we are stopped more or less rolls off breaks off engine off master key off engine off let's get our lights cable lights oops seems like the engine's decided to turn itself on tab lights heater lights engine starter fuel pumps and air compressors let's get that all off and there we go we've done a little mission we've brought this cargo through uh obviously whatever is needed to be delivered here has been delivered so this was let's see destination bbg freight terminal okay i actually haven't seen that terminal before i think they've added some new areas where you can drop this cargo off but most of it is soya yeah this is sawyer south spy cakes spikes okay this is quite cool they've added some more cargo areas um but yeah most their cargo has been delivered a nice cool little mission here um i enjoyed it i think it's a lot of fun i think you know you can do so many cool like role play missions now with this cargo that you have in game and you could even do this in career mode um which is really cool i would if i was doing career mode i would just build a huge train just load it up with as much cargo as i can and try and make as much money as i could in career mode using the trains but yeah let me know what you guys think of this video do you think you would like to see some more missions and some more videos on actually transporting cargo around here in stormworks and kind of maybe set up a little bit of a series on the best ways to get cargo from one place to the next point uh let me know in the description i'd love to hear your comments i will obviously leave some links for all of these things in the video description so if you want to check out some of these creations feel free to do so and as always i hope you have enjoyed this and follow us entertaining and informative as always and we'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 19,804
Rating: 4.9729366 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, top 5, creations, workshop, best, weekly, submissions, boat, ship, helicopter, arctic, search, rescue, mission, custom, popular, snow, showcase, ice, biome, guns, weapons, travel, fuel, fluid, auto pilot, distance, crane, lift, car, sink, sinking, tank, snowcat, jet, tanker, transport, heicopter, generator, power, electric, inf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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