Cargo Handler Build Challenge Final - Part 1 - Stormworks

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[Music] hello everyone my name is mr n jersey and welcome to my channel in this video we are back with part one of the community build challenge now two weeks ago i challenged you to build the most epic cargo handler that you could do here in stormworks now with over 35 creations that were submitted for this challenge we now have the top 10 most voted for creations to be checking out in two videos now before we get started if you are enjoying these videos don't forget that like and subscribe button american little bell icons below for upcoming content as soon as it gets posted and while you're watching let me know your thoughts in the comments below and what else you'd like to see in my future videos as i said let's get straight into it and get started with this video and the first creation we're checking out was done by jvtt now this looks really cool obviously definitely like a construction type of crane you can see with a base with tracks and i'm guessing it rotates around that uh we have the big crane itself and then the lifting arm over there very cool uh let's go and jump in and let's see how this is going to work and if we complete the challenge or not i'm going to close the door if we have looks like some options here to turn some things start engines we got like drive mode and work mode got some lights and some connectors so we should be able to i'm guessing just drive this okay that's pretty cool now we also have what's up and down for the winch so let's see yep we can bring that up and down we can bring this there and we should be able to just bring it down let's see okay so we need to go back ever so slightly so let's go put in reverse okay get forward ever so slightly okay so that should be fine it looks like yeah the connectors are roughly around the right size can we move this left and right so we're going to put it into work mode and we should be able to then rotate the crane left yep we can can we bring the winch down cool and then we need the connectors also which are over there there we go so connectors are not connected we should be able to bring the winch okay that's up how do we go and tilt this so forearm winch on arm up okay so we got the arm up it's doing a good job so far yeah it was very clean actually um let's see let's bring it out of work mode and into drive mode see if we can just bring it here somewhere a little bit closer and we'll stop it there bring it back into work mode and then let's see if we can rotate this you can see the whole base is actually moving which is pretty cool we then should be able to bring it there and we can also ex uh let's see we should be able to retract the arm see there we go so the arms should be retracting now and let's see so arm out this kind of looks like it's not really moving out for some reason i'm up i'm done okay form out it's not wanting to go out a little bit that's fine we could just i guess we can just put it out of that mode rotate it and we could just drive it across there so let's see we can do that and then bring it to the left come on okay so we need to bring uh we need to do it separately so let's bring this and then we'll rotate the crane afterwards so bring this in line to where we want to be so yeah can we have a little more rights let's see apparently we've done the mission already but we haven't okay so that's fine and then we should be able to bring it oops okay so that should be fine let's bring it out of drive mode into work mode again we should now be able to rotate the cab there we go and then we can go and bring the winch down which should be there cool so there we go done don't know what's happening with the wide wasn't actually extending maybe it had too much weight on it possibly that's the only thing i can think of because you can see oh there we go now it's retracting so i don't know i don't know why it wasn't working earlier but yeah lovely little little creation definitely got managed to complete this challenge um so really cool let's go and move on to the next one and the next question we're checking out was submitted by a bar now this looks like a almost like a port crane of some sort you can see obviously it goes up and down and obviously it looks like it extends there so we spawned it over here a little bit nice and close so we don't actually have to drive it all the way here obviously he's got his wheels i'm not too sure why he's got some track pieces there but um interesting still let's go and jump up and we can actually start by looks like we have to go up and then across so i'm guessing ah this all extends okay so we have artboard lights generator deploy crane so let's go and deploy the crane so i think everything is now moving us up from correct yep you can see we are moving up here so let's go and get inside here so we'll jump inside and we'll close that we can actually watch ourselves go up here so yeah we are extending which is pretty cool so we'll just carry on extending for a bit it seems like we got a little bit of way still to extend so we're still going up here that's fine i'm guessing while i extend we can actually start doing things and understanding what's inside here so looks like we have winch up winch down uh we have we can change the connector size of the we can actually change the connector size which is pretty cool obviously quite useful okay we can also bring the winch down there we go nice we can actually move this whole thing just by wsad which is quite nice and easy we can move the cabin up and down so okay so we actually move this whole cabin forward okay that's pretty cool so let's go and bring ourselves in here so you can kind of see we're just gonna go almost above it here let's carry on going forward a bit and i think we'll stop there so let's go and do third person view here we'll move the cabin forward a bit more and then let's bring the winch down there we go that was actually oh we are still extending okay interesting let's go and bring the winch up and let's go and move our cab forward again okay so we're doing fine that's pretty cool and then we should be able to move the connector left and right yes we can look at that look how easy that is nice okay and when you're done and there we go nice creation i like that he's done a really great job i love the paint scheme on this uh the little the red and blue and the white looks absolutely incredible this is really nice creation really cool definitely did the job let's go and move on to the next one and moving on to the next creation we have the rainbow lifter and this was done by rainbow trinet now looks really cool i love the attention detail with the paint blocks uh looks like we've got something that goes and pulls out and this will go and lift up tons of actual weight blocks everywhere but it looks really cool let's go and see how this will actually perform and do this task i'm gonna jump in let's get the driver's seat closed ignition on we have arm tilt switch cockpit position okay so that actually goes and moves the cockpit completely forward okay quite interesting uh what else do we have so that's pretty much about it i think we should be able to just drive this yeah we can look at that that's pretty cool let's put the brakes on a bit and okay we'll stop it we're going a little bit too much so let's go back ever so slightly okay that should be good and then we have we need to actually change the let's put the brakes on we need to change the size of the group size up and down oops there we go okay that was connected pretty quickly actually uh we should then be able to go and do arm tilt okay so that should be enough for us to clear and then i'm guessing we can get brakes off and move this we should be able to just rotate ourselves here so far so good we're definitely going to clear that i like how it turns uses all four wheels so it turns you really quickly in a very sharp corner there let's go and stop there oops stop stop stop stop stop okay and let's get the brakes on we should be able to extend the crane so crane extend bring extend you can see it's slowly extending yep there we go so let's go and just bring it down now okay and we should be able to bring the winch can bring oh we can't bring the winch down so we need to get the arm tilt down [Music] and then we should be able to release the connectors arm tilt up yeah good job that was really quite quick and easy nice and smooth i was slightly worried about it there tipping over but um yeah it did its job it looks really cool i love the design on this one um yeah it looks really classy um definitely a nice creation it's got it feels like it's sliding ever so slightly could be wrong um but yeah a really cool creation great job on that one let's go and move on to the next creation and moving on to the next creation we have from robo rail now this looks like definitely the smallest of them um so i'm going to be very interested to see how this one handles it seems like we've got a ton of weight blocks here at the back a little engine in here and some winches so i'm very interested to see how this is going to work so it's giant java seat we got disconnect uh just for looks okay we have a starter um throttle crane up crane down parking brake reverse okay so we should be able to just drive it okay interesting oh okay um we should be able to can we turn it okay let's put it in reverse okay let's bring it out of reverse i feel like it's just wobbling a lot okay let's go and bring it over here oops the crane up okay that works pretty straightforward can we where are we okay so we need to move to the level to the left maybe we can do just bring it down a bit so let's go and put in reverse okay can we break it it feels like we're sliding some reason i don't know why you can see the back there it feels definitely feels like we're starting a bit but that's fine we're over this now which is great we can just put it into reverse ever so slightly can we put the connectors on because where's the switch for the connectors uh disconnect okay so i guess the connectors are working so [Music] bring the crane down and then we sh are we in reverse there we are there's a crane down okay so we're connected that's fine i'm happy with that let's put it out of reverse let's bring the crane up come on crane up oh there we go so the crane is up as wheels are very yeah so it's pretty much it's using and it looks like it's using its body to actually counterweight it in theory um smart enough let's go and oh is it going to clear is the question that doesn't look like it's high enough can we bring the crane higher oh okay so that i don't know if that clears it uh let's go and see can we yeah it does it just it just clears it oh my and crane down and we can release the connectors um that is that was on the limits that was definitely on the limit there of what this little thing could do but what a cool creation um i don't know what's up with the tires like just sliding all over the place um parking brake on but um yeah definitely a cool little creation let's go and move on to the next one and moving on to the last creation for part one uh we have a creation that was submitted here by the brilliant shadow this is the tbs and it looks huge um but also really cool at the same time so let's go and jump on and let's see how this thing works so it seems like we got a huge cockpit here which is quite interesting let's go up to the small ladder and let's get on the door climb on top uh let's go in here so we got some equipment we have crouch to descend like i don't know what that does i don't know where that goes either but okay let's go and get through here so we have a driver's seat with uh fuel gas okay depth okay warning lights interior lights spotlight headlights position seats send okay so position seats like she's moving us and rotating us that's pretty cool i like that center rotation okay a low gear engine on and we should be able to just go and move this now often correct oh yeah we can log yeah okay it's quite quick for loki um okay let's bring it for this thing is huge okay slowly slowly okay let's go and let's just let's just stop it here um so how do we actually control the stuff so switch controls and then we should be able to up and down will extend okay what about to bring it down so main arm up and down okay so i get that is there any winches or anything guess not but then how hmm if there's no winches unless there's some hidden ones somewhere but i don't see them because then in theory how are you meant to get past that cabin then yes extend yeah i guess you would have to just extend it okay so let's switch the controls and then i guess go backwards quite a bit switch the controls again and then extend and we'll just keep on extending here so that's as far as we can extend and we can't go any more down from that huh so we can move this up and down we can move it left and right which is you know fair enough then we have left oh there we go that makes more sense now so you can actually go and extend that down that's what i was looking for cool okay so we can go and just angle this up here let's go and switch controls and try and position this okay i think a little more forward and that should be fine let's switch the controls again and then that's as low and i can get lower okay let's extend the arm or can we okay so we've extended as much as we can so we need to push it forward ever so slightly there we go okay so now that we've got that we could i guess move forward a bit cool let's go back to our controls can we go left or right you can do that can't actually move i don't think this is actually rotationable let's see so bring it up there we go so we can bring that so then we can bring that up switch controls again just get used to switching on controls and there we go and let's go and move that a little bit and then we should be able to do that bring that down drop it and then release the connectors done bring this up yeah nice and easy it's very very smooth um the controls are a little bit sensitive for the tracks but besides that it did it didn't even jitter when we had to move this but just the share size of this i think um but yeah it's really cool i think this is a really cool creation at the same time just like all the other ones um but yeah that concludes the first five of the top 10 most photo 4 creations for this challenge um be sure to keep an eye out for the next video coming of the next five top 10 creations very shortly and as always i hope you have enjoyed this and fun as entertaining and informative as always and we'll see you in the next [Music] foreign
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 15,851
Rating: 4.9728355 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, update, news, major, next, island, map, area, snow, mountain, land, friday, improvements, thumbnail, screens, monitors, radio, camera, lua, code, script, laser, distance, shark, megalodon, attack, bug, electric, battery, winch, cable, fuel, space, space engineers, seats, car, racing, pipes, rails, sonar, radar, new, audio, link, BASE, spawn, new game, game, wedges, slope, winches, connector, rope, logic, node, train, high speed, 125, network, rail, CHALLENGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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