First Freight Misson!! - Survival Series Part 21 - Stormworks Version 1.0

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[Music] hello everyone my name is mistan jersey and welcome to my channel in this video we are back with the next episode of the survival series here in stormwix version one now in the last episode we managed to finish off building everything that we needed uh so in this episode we're going to be doing our first actual freight mission where we're going to be hauling a lot of these cargo containers all over the world of stormworks it's gonna be really quite fun i'm quite interested to get the whole long train with like eight or ten cars on it i get it all set up actually test out how it's all gonna work together so it's gonna be very interesting i think and a lot of fun at the same time so the first thing i actually want to do is actually just want to go and sleep and just get into daytime here so that i can see you can see and it's just it's a little bit easier to work with then we'll have a look at the carriages and see all actually the cargo containers and see what destinations we need i will then go and spawn in the entire train and start loading it up so it should be a lot of fun here great so it's just going to day time now and we're going to have a quick look at other car containers i want to see what destinations we have on this so we've got commodore terminal with nice and easy one we've got pvg this is up in the artix i won't be doing that today i don't think we've also got spy cake so that will be a nice easy one too we've got sawyer this will be a nice easy one sawyer nice easy one so that's like just over there um so yeah we've got some nice ones that we can do a mission with and i think this one is it's my gex or commodore i'm not too sure let's see this one's sawyer so it's like just over there cool so let's start spawning things in the first thing i want to do is i want to get rid of this flatbed and we're going to get the actual little loader and we're going to move that out the way for now so let's go and get electricity let's get everything else on so there is that perfect we've got that all set up handbrake off great and we should be able to just move cool okay so the next thing i think i wanted to do is if we're going to park this handbrake on and then take electricity off let's start spawning the train in i think i want to get the train and maybe two of the flat beds and then get that loaded pick up another two load more cargo pick another two load more cargo and we'll keep on doing that the reason why i only want to spawn two flatbeds is you kind of only fit two flatbeds on this little platform here so that's my idea at least so the first thing we're going to do is get the lights on in here and we're going to small the train in now i have made a few changes to the train i've done a little bit of painting um just a little bit of paint blocks so you guys know how to do paint blocks i didn't cover that um and yeah so we're gonna go and get inside there we should be able to flip this power on we should be able to get the all this on too and i am actually going to grab the radio i don't need it but just because i want to charge my flashlight that's why we're also gonna get two engines on just in case uh everything else looks good great so we can use the remote controller which i already got in my hands and we are simply just going to click on it and breaks off move forwards cool and take that off remote control off there goes our train we can now spawn in the next flatbed so i've spawned the flatbed and i'm going to take the handbrake off and then going to get the remote control on breaks off on the train reverse on the train let's bring the train in nice and slowly here get it connected there we go and now we can move the train out this is why i love the remote controller okay stop that there breaks on there remote controller off we can spawn the next flap head in okay just spawned it in i'm going to get the handbrake off on that back onto our remote controller breaks off on the train reverse on the train now and we're just going to reverse it directly onto this cool that's perfectly done now we can now take that off and we next need to actually move the train from here move it across get it to change its tracks and then bring it into reverse now in theory i think that is all set up yep so that's facing left that's good and i think this one's facing left so we shouldn't even need to get in the train we should be able to just stand here brakes off move forwards you should be able to do everything from here which is the whole point of this remote controller a little bit of brakes issues there but that's fine a little bit too much power going to it through the remote controller we could limit the remote controller considering we don't need really high speeds for the remote controller and i made it second turn i'm actually going to start slowing it down here oh breaks off bring it back a little bit i'm actually going to turn ourselves a little bit here keep on bringing it back breaks off and keep going keep going we should be able to fit two of these going okay stop there how much space do we have okay we can go a little bit back more that should be enough for us i think cool so i've got the brakes on the train now we're gonna let go of the remote controller the train is just going to sit there and sit idle if it needs battery it will turn its diesel engines on which is really cool i don't even have to worry about the thing running out of juice and now we can just start loading cargo now another cool reason of having this remote controller is that now i can perfectly align this so i don't have to really worry about getting it all in line and stuff i can just bring it across load it up and good to go so the first thing i want to do is let's go and get some more cargo so we're going to jump on here this one is being delivered to sawyer so we're going to get another one for the sawyer so electricity on and break off and let's start loading this cool and there we go and i'm going to try and get it as close as possible which should be about there should be fine cool let's get our handbrake on and we're going to disconnect this now so we can just go to the back here turn that off happy days grab another people mover and carry on really so that was the first one loaded guys there's still quite a lot more i need to go and load up uh but let's see how this is gonna work and if it's gonna work is the main question i think to answer so let's get our handbrake on there we go and we're going to pretty much try and load both of these at the same time and i'll show you kind of like a little trick that i think i've got to load this so the first one what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to load this one first in there and then i'm going to bring it back and i'm going to load this one you'll see what i'm talking about in a few seconds cool so we've got that lined up what we're going to do now is we're going to throw the brakes on this we're also going to get the power on and we should be able to go and transport lock off we should be able to then do frame out and pick up the first one we're going to turn the connectors on there we have got one connected on that side for some reason which is weird why it's gone and connected that side but okay that looks better look at that that looks much better let's go and throw that on there we go that's all connected now we should be able to bring that up and we should be able to bring that in oh there we go let's get the transport lock on cool and let's just bring the train back a little bit more so stand over here brakes off bursts okay and we should be able to now push this out so we're going to do transport lock off we're going to do frame up frame out cool and in theory we should be able to go now and turn this on here there we go that should connect in a few seconds there we go and those are both fuel so they're quite heavy so it's going to be interesting to see how this handles it so we're going to frame up frame in i mean cool and that is not going and falling away i definitely do think i need to upgrade these rails i may put a higher gear on it because you can see it is struggling er struggling ever so slightly to get in there um but it does work which is good and i'm going to get the transport lock on so that should stop moving now there we go so that's all nice and locked away and there's the containers look at that man that's a nice look there so i'm gonna carry on getting the rest of the containers all lined up here we're gonna get them loaded up and then we'll head off for our first uh journey which will be quite exciting all right cool so the next thing i want to do is i think we're going to jump in the train here and we're going to load up the last i think there's only one more container that we actually need to load which is perfect because we need the container and we also need the actual vehicle uh so let's go and jump in the train now and before we do that actually i'm just going to go and spawn in the last carriage funnily enough so really exciting times now this one's actually going to have the actual mover on it so we can drive the car up onto it which is great so any handbrakes off on that we're gonna jump in the train and we're gonna start moving along i'm gonna have to change the signals too uh so we can come back here so i'm gonna open up the door jump up the ladder jump in the train and we shouldn't be able to head off so change tracks let's try and change see what's happening with the frequency here some reason it's not working maybe one of the composites got disconnected it's the only thing i can think of yeah it looks like one of the composites got disconnected keep on doing reverse i know the trains just on my left here should be coming to us any second now don't want to go too quickly and we could actually just turn okay breaks on should slowly just go and pick that up there we go cool okay so now we can actually move it out and then we can go and pick up the last little container now we can jump out of the remote controller although i think everything should be pretty straightforward so we're gonna go straight we're gonna change the signal and then bring it back here and pick up the last little pieces of containers so one container plus one of the people so i'll meet you guys back when we moved the train just over here cool so we just got the last train just arriving over here now uh we're gonna start loading it up so i'm gonna go and grab the last container which is just over there not the one for bvg i think the one for komodo uh we'll bring it up here and then i'll meet you guys back when it's time to load the actual vehicle and also the actual container i might go and sleep until it becomes daytime again cool so we're just bringing in the last container here i'm gonna go try and get it nice and lined up i will move the train a little bit forwards and then we will load the last piece of container and we'll also load the vehicle which will be pretty cool so we're just gonna jump out here it's a little bit dark still uh here in stormix but we should be able to go and disconnect this last piece here there we go cool so that is disconnected uh we can move our actual little vehicle out of the way too so there we go that should be fine perfect we just need to move the train ever so slightly a little bit more forward so we got this all on i'm gonna get the electricity on for this too i'm going to get the transport locks off i'm actually going to go and frame out it right now if i can so it hit there a little bit but that's fine let's just do frame inlet more there we go and then we'll bring it forwards here so channel on breaks off move forwards cool so that should be about fine we're going to take that off and let's go and push this out now so we're going to do frame out great that looks good hopefully it's going to connect in the right place let's have a quick look if we need to disconnect it we can no that was perfect i'm happy with that uh electricity is on i don't know why the lights are not coming on the lights should be turning on there it's fine batteries are fine still cool okay let's go and get our actual little mover on there so handbrake's off i'm gonna turn this around get this loaded up cool and we're going to drive this up into here there we go turn that off spotlight sort of handbrakes on circuit breaker off jump out happy days look at that and now we can do frame up frame in sometimes it gets a little bit stuck let's try again sometimes that happens where it gets stuck as i said earlier we need to make it a little bit stronger so i found that if i need to fix that the easiest thing really is just literally to drop that connector uh then to come in here and literally lift it up a little more bring it in ever so slightly like that and then go and put the connectors back on so there we go that should now automatically connect to that there we go and then frame it just like that it got connected cool we're going to get it in we're going to get the secure containers transport lock off that should all go and lock everything and we're good to go fantastic power off gonna double check brakes are off power's off breaks off power off breaks off are off breaks off our off breaks off cool okay and we are set to go so we're gonna throw some throttle on fuel looks fine at the moment battery looks fine probably gonna actually turn that second engine off we don't need it the battery looks fine gonna head off here we're gonna keep on the left hand side which should take us to spy cakes and where else what is that there's the cloud yeah well let's increase our throat a little more more fantastic okay let's go and so we're going to follow the train line we're going to go past here past here we're going to carry on nice and straight nice and straight all the way along through until there we can don't have to worry about changing the tracks because we should keep left we do need to worry about the training tracks over here because we need to actually we know we don't because we're going to head over to there in any case and if we don't end up that direction we'll end up over there and that's fine too so i don't really care about that to be honest so what i'm going to do is i'm actually just going to go and set a waypoint for myself there going to throw that in over there and throw the order drive on and in theories we don't need to do anything because this train will drive all the way over there without me even worrying about it so there we go so i'm gonna head off over there and i'll meet you guys back when we get a little bit closer all right so we are actually just coming up to the terminal spy kicks that is the direction that the train tracks have taken us um i didn't bother even going off because we needed to go to both komodo and actual spy kicks i didn't really worry about it too much um so we're just coming up to that and when we get there what i'm thinking is to actually unhook the train and take the train into the workbench and i want to fix the signal issue that i'm currently having with it um so as i said i must have just not connected something or something got disconnected when i moved the mic controllers around uh to hide them so i'll fix that issue which means we can change the tracks inside the train which will be really helpful but i am really happy with this we're doing a decent speed uh fuel we've used about 2000 liters and we got tons of fuel left um so i'm really happy with that and we've pretty much been going full tilt um so yeah i'm really pretty happy with this i'm going to throw that on i'm actually going to throw the brakes on here and hopefully we will come to a stop very shortly and just come into there that's fine we haven't really come to a great stop but we're going to be putting this into the workbench in any case uh to fix it and just sort out the last couple issues that we've had with it but i thought that was a really good test run um but yeah i said i think this is a great place probably to end this episode off with it was a great test run uh we found out what the issues were uh the main issue was the track signaling wasn't working and for some reason the brakes didn't kick in at the end there so i need to have a look at that and kind of see what's going on um but relatively quick fixes i think i just need to bring it back into the workbench and we are at the workbench which is great uh we can obviously despawn all of this we can get the actual cargo unloaded uh bring it down into the dock get the money for it and yeah i said i think that's a great place to end this episode off with i hope you guys have enjoyed this uh obviously it does take a lot of time to do these videos especially these train ones uh where we've got a long miles to actually cover with the train itself um so i really do hope that you enjoy this and let me know your comments in the video description below what you enjoyed about this episode and maybe what you would like to see in future episodes and while they're down there don't forget that like and subscribe button hitting the like button really does help out the video and until next week we will see you [Music] there you
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 14,837
Rating: 4.9595447 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, top 5, creations, workshop, best, weekly, submissions, boat, ship, helicopter, arctic, search, rescue, mission, custom, popular, snow, showcase, ice, biome, guns, weapons, travel, fuel, fluid, auto pilot, distance, crane, lift, car, sink, sinking, tank, snowcat, jet, tanker, transport, heicopter, generator, power, electric, inf
Id: 0k3XODV56bQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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