Freehand Quilting Ideas on a Longarm!

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/shouldhavezagged 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

They are free motion quilting the mane on a Rainbow Unicorn!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/smarterthanawaffle 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/smarterthanawaffle 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
hi friends and thank you for joining us on Linda's electric quilters on YouTube I'm here with Corey Pearson my 9 Linda V Taylor and we're doing a really fun magical project today tell us about what we're doing so this was a unicorn pattern that was pieced by one of my really good friends Joyce lundergan she is a fabulous designer for Statler patterns but I wanted something like this for a long time' so she pieced it sent it and said I can't wait to see what do you do with it you're so special what can I say so I thought you know I am coined as the styler kid but I thought we'd just do nothing but freehand on this one - okay let's do that I'd love to see some of your amazing designs I'd like to try some too but I know you said you had a really cool idea for the background so well I think that we need to do a magical feather because feathers are magical all right and so it needs to come in and kind of go in behind okay behind here and then we'll show how to bring it out yeah I have to see that so it you don't you can kind of it just looks like it's behind it just kind of flows with us yep so let's do that in constant okay so we'll just start all right all right so I think before we get started stitching I think it's be really good to explain why we use the type of batting's that we do okay so I just have this on a piece of muslin because we're actually gonna turn this into a pillow Oh it'll be a lot of fun so cuz you can make it even better so yeah I do a pillow on your lower arm which is great so it's just on some regular muslin but I've got Linda's choice as the bottom 100% cotton with scrim it's nice and heavy it gives it a nice flat look and then I've also got this is new from Hobbes they're Tuscany supreme cotton so it's a hundred percent cotton because it doesn't have a scrim but it's nice and thick yes so it gives it beautiful texture so this is nice and flat but it also kind of gives it that faux trapunto look do to this and then when I did the stitch in the ditch I use an omni one of their graves by superior and I did the dark gray because they're only most people they want to try to use the same color thread a master yes that's a four stitch in the ditch right but I saw it well I'm gonna use a darker gray to give each of these ribbons some shadowing naturally and so people are normally afraid to go for a contrasting thread when they're doing stitch in the ditch but if you do that it gives us some really nice shadowing it kind of separates everything apart so I thought that'd be a cool way you did a really great job stitch in the ditch too I try oh okay all right all right so what are we drawing up we're gonna come in with a feather and then come out the other side and so it's just seamless okay again I'm gonna I'm gonna use the chalk pencil it's just this pastel chalk pencil and it's it's easy to erase and it's hopefully I can see it on this gray but I kind of want to see where I'm going to come with this feather because I definitely want it to extend so that it's going to look like it's coming right out of the head here and then we'll come over here so I'm gonna get my stems in there like that and then I can put my feathers on it there we go [Applause] coming right up to your stitch in the ditch I'm just gonna skip over a little bit there come right back down so I have a nice skin and I don't care if that stem is exactly quarter of an inch it's more magical as it is exactly and then we'll start doing a feather and we are doing the stitching back on that feather like that you see how I come clear deep back inside makes such a pretty pretty feather the other thing you can do since we know we're going to echo it is actually to echo instead of stitching back on it okay now I'm going to I didn't like that last feather actually what I wanted to do was just come up to that line and stop oh and pick that little feather that's that okay it's unique all right yeah it's definitely unique so I'm going to come back by echoing and I'm doing deep echoes so I go right into that intersection like that and I might even put something in those feathers and they come back but let's get her other feather in first I'll move my other hand out boy this extra thick matting is just a dream loser I love the look that it's giving it and we just stopped like it's going to go like it's going underneath and I will pick that one there you do a lot of echoing on the feathers nobody can tell if you've done three or two you know what nobody cares as it turns out let's just come in and put some stems in these we want to make sure that they're like little curly curly stands mm-hmm I might even put a texture dot or two in there maybe not in every one but adding that little spinner little texture about really changes the look of the feather well it does it also kind of pounds it down through the middle so that it comes when it comes out it has a little bit more fullness right so the texture it changes the texture for sure it's awesome this time I won't come out as far because I am going to put an end on that feather but as I come over here all I need to do is come out with that first feather like that then trace it back and then over and they'll make these a little bit more magical are unicorns all girls or boys or are they both both they're both we're just gonna follow that line down again come over here and just come out here like this okay follow that back this feather right here is going to be a princess feather alright has a tear out of it oh look at that and again we can put stems in them yeah all of that texture around the stand is just amazing whoo-hoo just do a nice little I'm gonna see that again you know that is my finger feather you know go all the way around and then come back I love that cool hard to do this with one hand sorry all right see that just kind of gives it a little puppy things here and there yeah maybe I'll pop some over there and then what are you gonna do around the outside so I'm thinking in the background I just want to do some straight line quilting that would be a very good contrast to the feather so you put in this beautiful feather that kind of continued behind the Unicorn and I really didn't want to take away from that feather so I decided let's just do some straight line quilting in the background and since we're doing this all freehand I decided that I needed some of your crosshatch circles in order to get that spacing to the correct way oh they're so good for spacing oh I love them so we're doing the 3/4 inch one okay and so it just goes right through the center there and then plops right down on it it's perfect right no I just love this so what I'm gonna do is I'm doing 10 stitches to the inch to kind of match what you were doing constant I didn't want to do anything more than that because it would really kind of confuse the quilting so I'm turning my channel lock off I'm gonna come down to where the top of this crosshatch circle is at the top of that last quilting line turn my channel lock back on do some single stitches and then start stitching and I am in regulated mode so we're going to go across this making my way down until I get to this piece of the unicorn I'm gonna stop it come over to where I need to continue bolting do a few ties and continue stitching on when I get to the end here I'll turn my channel lock off come down to where the top of that cross that circles at the top of the last line channel lock back on and then I'm gonna come this way slowly all you have to do is make sure that you're really on that line you know so that each time so that it's very easy eyes yeah and then I'll just come back and trim those threads on the top later oh yeah and at the back of it you don't have to worry about exactly because no one's gonna see it will be the hello hello so we're getting to your feather here so I'm gonna stop when I get to the feather move to where I need to do a few tie offs continue there's the feather again come over here use single stitches and start again beautiful it's gonna be amazing turn off that channel lock come down make sure my spacing is correct turn it back on and make my way back across won't stop right there and this one's actually gonna go all the way to here so I get that's right there we'll stop jump over a little bit stitch yeah we're just gonna do that all the way down and you could do this on a whole quilt oh yeah yeah that way you wouldn't even have to jump over it nope just go back and forth and I've seen a lot of them done that way so stop jump over a couple stitches and then start so changing will get to your feather jump star together alright so Linda and I are gonna start doing some fun freehand designs and I'm gonna go first because I'm gonna do ribbon candy okay really easy to do noticeable just alternate plane around so I'm just going to pull up my bobbin thread real quick and I am in constant speed 15 do some single stitches to lock it down let's do this I'm just going something back and forth and we're using a fantastico thread it has a nice little Sheen to it it also is rainbow as well so it kind of goes with all of these colors I'm just going back and forth good job Thanks that was perfect for that little spot and then we'll just have it anyone you can go to okay since this is a pink one I'm gonna use a piece of tape here and hopefully this is going in the middle looks like it is like that okay and then I'm gonna start okay I don't like that coming up so push that down I know it looks like I'm doing a feather happens if ever oh so fun this is good for sashings to come right down there now I'm going to move the foot the tape off and I'll come up the other direction then you can see I'm making arts oh that's so cute it look like I got it in the middle as much as I wanted but it's okay your turn alright I'm just gonna go ahead and do some swirls with a little bit of an echo to it so we'll come up here it's going in and out I'm not super perfect at freehand but I'm giving it a shot you don't have to be perfect at Breanna's quarry we you don't have to be perfect at all that's why three hands and get your free hand so it's your art my own never your turn okay all right this one is like use you you you you have to really keep it in the u-shape and follow the side like that and when we get to the middle we're not I can't even tell where the middle is I should have marked it but that's okay I think I'm getting there you're almost there yeah okay now I'm gonna do a beautiful little and will and that reverses my design and this makes such a nice even space you can put this on a really busy fabric quarry because it gives you texture yeah it shows up and I mean you could spend a lot of time doing really cool stuff on that but you wouldn't show up at all but this if this will show up because it's texture okay all right I think I'm gonna do kind of like a peacock feather let's see how this one turns out so start in there and then you build on top of it on that one belts and build on that don't let me miss a spot come any fellow down never any pressure no not at all not at all no pressure just I've Linda Taylor sitting right next to me no pressure that's just cuz you were a little boy when you met me see I know yeah you were an adult adults are not afraid the pressure is on I'm doing the freehand now when it comes to Statler you might feel a little pressure pressure I'm always excited to learn anything I consider myself to be a very user friendly Stadtwerke just figure it out even though there's probably lots of easier ways at the bottom here we go kind of feels like dueling freehand or something yeah you know that line up like that come back over and over ah it's my Holly something or other a few things I wanted to get out one of my books yeah probably all right good all right I'm just gonna do a sniffle now I'm losing okay design are actually sniffling is really good and a lot of people cannot do it simply because they haven't practiced right if you practice that you can do it just put some dots on a paper and stipple around them there was one of your videos and I know you think you've done so many so I don't expect you to remember it but you you were talking about sniffling you said there were only like two rules to sibling yeah so Russ don't know point and try not to get into a pattern unless you want it to be a pattern which is called pattern meandering so yeah there's an art to it mm-hmm oh this is turning out really nice now we're getting longer ones aren't we okay I have a good one for this one and it's similar to the one that I did over here but it's really tricky and it's kind of fun okay okay so I'm gonna start with a pinwheel this time and here like this with your use okay then if it's not looking like this then you're not doing the use all right now when I feel like I'm getting into the center it's just probably about right now yep and I'm gonna go 1 2 3 and then as I come back I'm gonna go this way and cross those ones in the middle and that reverse my direction it's not awesome the other thing you can do with this is make it dimensional as you get you know you could put your tape there and go a little wise a little while for half-inch and then a little while for a quarter-inch and then 8 as you get near to your pinwheel and then back out so it's pretty cool I use this so much that's it your turn no come on one more turn alright so I'm just going to do half of a feather so I will start here a little bit of a wider one there okay nice Oh doing puzzle yep that's cute and let this side just follow what I've done before on the other side there okay like that now I'm going to come across so cute you could make it a lot denser but you took a lot of our time just kidding that is cute isn't it note so we have these last few up here I think I have a design idea for this one but I think I want you to do it oh okay um but you know like if whenever you're saying things about uniforms there's always magic from the from there I think you should do stars in there cuz always on star magic oh but our stars yep like this regular across there are stars yeah oh okay another new thing of turrets and cost us and then in these we can figure it out as we go okay okay Corey once this stars all the way across so let's put some stars in can we follow this up here I think we can do this is that what you had in mind for a perfect feeling better than I had in mind oh that's always they're gonna get teeny look at that so cute that was a good idea unless everybody can do these stars yeah there we go okay okay I'm gonna do this little one in this one to Cory and then you get to do those how's that okay all right this one I'm just gonna do this very simple in there like that and this one I'm gonna come over and do as evenly as I can some nice little squirrels but you're good at those squirrels cuz you go in far enough so many people don't go in all the way in all the way in all the way and then I'm coming back and I'm doing a deep echo and all the way around here and then I'll swing back over and come back over and do a nickel on this other side and it looks cool yep now all right pressures on final one yes yeah it's your unicorn okay so I'm going to do some figure eights so I'll start here boy I really like this thread on there - oh it turned out I think so good for it I have one I have one okay go up the middle of it up the middle here uh-huh okay and then yeah stitch up okay now come over with the curve okay come down and you're gonna do a fern on both sides sometimes you want me to do one side then you did yeah okay all right he's got straight what I'm doing we're just having fun with our Rolly chairs actually like this I don't get up okay okay you're just gonna curve over like that so fun but I would go up again and come down because going up doing the fern mm-hmm I mean I've had 27 years practice and I still can't do it as well as I can when I come down so I just left that stem again yeah just give you some of those pins since you're such a youngster this habit and remember to follow down all of us and there you go I love a stem there you go you never want to come back perpendicular perfect just like that very good super fun quilting duo ready it was a lot of fun pointing out of a different free hand techniques hope you got a lot of good ideas make sure you give this video a thumbs up subscribe to our Channel and share this with your friends bye you you
Channel: Linda's Electric Quilters
Views: 105,420
Rating: 4.9183154 out of 5
Keywords: freehand, gammill, superior threads, hobbs batting, leq, rainbow, unicorn, quilting, longarm quilting, longarm machine quilting, freehand longarm quilting
Id: -KUJ11aHKbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 25sec (1705 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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