HQ Live - August 2019 - Stencils: Simplified!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to HQ live I'm Vicky Hoth and joining me today is Christina Whitney Kim Sandberg and Johnny barfi and we are the studio educators and we are going to talk about stencils you know you're a brand-new quilter and you are not really confident with getting your designs on to your quilt stencils are a really good tool to use to do that so we're gonna go through some each one of us are gonna talk about it and you're gonna learn how to use stencils well Christina we're gonna start we're gonna do all the things you know talk about all the things that it takes to start and why we would use a stencil and we have a lot of things sitting right here so first of all let's say I'm a really really beginner I just bought my machine and you know you can do this on a domestic machine on a sit down machine long arm and on a stand up long arm so you're not limited to any machine which is great the beginner beginner gets this what what would you say would be the first maybe design that I would use in quilting stipple but I can't do a stipple well we've got a stencil for you oh well look at that so this stencil has different sizes and you can stencil it onto your quilt and then just follow the path so I see right here there are different stencil types this is like a fabric this one's a little bit harder plastic okay and then right here with our golden threads paper you can actually make your own stencil and we'll have kim show us right now how to do that on a domestic sewing machine making your own stencils is actually really easy and we've got some really great tools here to be able to do that so I want to take this small stencil which is about three and a half inches and I want to turn it into an 8-inch stencil to fit inside my quilt block so I'm going to take and turn and I'm going to find the three and a half on the inside here and then I'm gonna line that up with the eight and then right here in this window it's gonna tell me that I need to enlarge by two hundred and thirty percent so I can really easily go to my copy machine enlarge it and make a perfect copy I don't have to guess and it turns out exactly the right size now what I'm going to do is I take this piece of paper I'm going to take this piece of paper and I am going to take a little bit of my golden threads paper and this is really great paper it's thin and light but it's really durable I'm gonna cut a sheet of it and put it right on top and you can see that I just took some painters tape and taped it down and then I'm just gonna stitch on my sewing machine without any thread in it and it will give me a nice line to be able to use my pounce pad through I lengthen my stitch and I put a bigger needle in my sewing machine and now I'm just going to go ahead and do some stitching and you don't have to be really fast while you're doing this as a matter of fact slower can be a little better and just follow that line and this is actually is really good practice for when you're going to be stitching out the design because you'll already have an idea of where your thread path is going to be so when I get done I go ahead and peel off the golden threads paper I can take this to my quilt lay it down use a little bit more of that painters tape take my pounce pad and just lightly wipe over the top of it and I'll have a perfect stencil to use wasn't that a neat technique that is I'm gonna have to try it right you can use anything any design you've got and you know what what what she did show is about the proportional scale so that you can take any design any size and you can make it the size you need for your quilt so if I have a little block but my stencil is too big I can make it fit the right size just like camp shout amazing is that awesome yes okay now I've got some quilts here and some different stencils when I started quilting I really depended on stencils and so I've got just this fun heart one which is a really really easy one to do it you may not think it is but it is and the nice thing about this sin so let's look what it gives me your corner the corner and so you can see on the quilt here how easy that is to just place that on there and then I went ahead and used this stencil and placed it in there and that was really easy to quilt to and it also has the corner corner it's really nice because sometimes you kind of get confused what do I do in a corner and if you don't have a stencil with a corner you can always just quilt it from one edge to the other and then fill it in the going down you know so you just don't have a corner you just have them they butt up against each other and with these corners you can flip it either way so you can do your left corner or your right corner that's right and one thing that's really interesting to watch for as you're purchasing stencils is biostats all that is content us and I know sometimes we find a stencil when we think I got to have it I know it's not continuous so a lot of the stencil makers will actually put on they'll turn that up so you can see it a guide or a path on how to quilt that out okay and I think we have in all of our stencils here let's just pull up one of our blocks here and you can see this as I look at that and I'm going to put this black behind it so you can really see it as I look at that I think how do where do I start how do I do that so with this stencil here's your start dot and this is continuous so as you start here at the top of this heart and you're going around and it is totally continuous I like the directions yes now one of the things that stencils do is it consistent yes right so that you have that path there it's consistent but what if I bobble a little bit the stencil markings going away nobody will ever know so when you give the quilt away it'll be perfect I don't get the sense of with it no that's right so it's unique right and if you bobble then maybe you should bobble every time you go around if you can bobble on Donets right okay so so when you're purchasing stencils we've got here let's pull this black paper up here again we've got two different stencils here two different sizes so different borders now if I only have this stencil I could use that proportional scale that Kim talked about and I could make it larger or you can purchase any size you know and put it in there but if I only had this one and didn't have a proportional scale to resize it and I wanted to place that in a border what what would we do let's pull up a quilt here let's just pull up this quilt and you can see I use the large one so it fit in there really nicely but what if I still have that size border it's too small what would you suggest well you could do this border that your stencil that you have and add on to it on the outside and polish it how would you say just we embellish well let's see we could go around do a loop here oh we've got an empty space right here let's add another loop down here fill in all those little gaps that you have so it totally fill it up mm-hmm improvise yep all right we're gonna talk a lot about how to take a stencil and Johnny's gonna talk about that how to take just a stencil and do that so let's move these aside though because we got to learn how to apply the stencils we'll just put those over there and oh we don't need these stencils we're really gonna back off a lot here well yeah let's leave the black for a minute and there are so many stencils out there I mean you're seeing what we have here and you can go online and and go to your quilt store and see what they have got go online and find this different stencil sources that you can you know or make your own from designs you have like Kim showed you how to do okay we're gonna leave that there and we'll just pull these aside lots of stuff going on here so here's that stencil I wanted to show you right there you can see that and I'm going to turn it over this layout of which way you can see this is where the needle punched down but when you're stitching or when you're putting that on you want to use the rough side up so that when you pounce or when you use your chalk bounce chalk you it will catch that chalk them to place it onto the fabric now I said something pounce else yeah so this is one of the items that we have to mark our quilt with it is the quilt pounce it's just a chalk so you want to make sure though it says pounce it doesn't mean you're gonna pounce it on your quilt while you're using it so you want to make sure that you pounce it you can pounce it on the bar on your leg wherever so what does pouncing do it gets the chalk that's inside down into the sponge area okay look at the difference yep I have a white which is a blue one yep so then you just take your stencil and you're gonna put it on to your fabric move these away for you sometimes if you have a larger stencil it might wiggle around so some tips that you could do would be to mist a light layer of water on it to hold it or a basting spray okay just to keep this thought the basting spray on here away from the quilt and then it'll just yeah or tape it I guess you could tape it totally tape it or if you have a smaller one you can just hold it so we already tapped our chalk we're just gonna rub it all the way over the stencil and you'll notice that it moved a little bit there and I show you helping you and if you run out of chalk you can just pounce it a little bit more but be careful don't put a lot of chalk on try and do as little amount as you can do now this this if I bounce that you're gonna see the chalk gets off but it did hold that pattern on there and then if I use a lint brush and brush that away there is still just a very slight very slight there and with your thread that would probably hide that but this is a wash away it is not an iron away now I do have one here that is an iron off and so let's do it again now you used the blue on here so I'm not gonna let you do it okay on here because it'll it'll pick up this will rub and pick up that blue then when you iron it off you're gonna permanently right right so let's take this this one here get rid of that you can yeah and you can see we've stitched it out and let's place this and use the white now we have a cream fabric so you're like wait a minute I can't see well if I put white on there but I have a tip and I'm actually gonna bring this fabric a little forward here so it was easier and I'm gonna help you out by holding oh that would be love here's your blue or your white just rub it over now we don't pounce we just rub make sure you got enough chalk in there now you're gonna say I can't see it a little bit of lune I there's no way I could really paint Lee see it now we're gonna show you a really fun tip we have attached to our machine a UV light and you can see it here so is this the new item that handi quilter just yeah with yes and I can faintly see that but if I turn my lights totally off which that wouldn't be very fair to the cameraman with it so we'd better leave those on but if I turned them off I couldn't see anything but if I turned on my UV turn it has a little switch here and as we go across here do you see how that makes that purple yep you can see it now to stitch so that's a really good tip to be able to use that and that's a nice feature all right what about these other tools oh these are some of my favorite tools this is probably my most used tool it's a blue marking pen it you can its water soluble so it will disappear when you spritz it with water the purple one is air soluble so it will just disappear over time so what Marko whole quote with that I would not mark it unless you're a really really fast quilter and then humid areas that would disappear fast yes so that was one that you kind of mark on the area that you're actually working on and then we've got the trace or tailors chalk you have the wheel so you can just write on there I don't know that you can see it on the camera because it's white on white maybe with the UV light you can see it over and see you can see a little bit there a little bit so that would be really good on dark fabrics okay and I know some people take the chalk out of this and put their pounce chalk in because that's the iron off chalk now there's two different types of pouts chalk there is an iron off and there's just a regular white pounce chalk so if you want the iron off it's really great to use but wash your stencils that they have blue on them yes so a lot of people will take this one and put the pounce chalk in it it's okay you know you can buy this chalk in different colors in pink and yellow and blue be really careful and test every time any time you mark a quilt test to make sure it goes away okay so we have got the basics and what what more basic is there than a feather so if you just would love to do feathers there's a stencil out there for you yeah and the great thing with this is you're following a line but it's giving you that hand-eye coordination you're getting used to that feel so that eventually you can do it without the stencil okay or if you can't then just mark it keep using the stencil all right well now let's move on and learn some more about different stencils we're gonna move over to Kim and have her show us something with something different hold on okay Kim you are gonna talk a lot about blocks yes and triangles triangles okay so for you today we are going to use the blue pounce so that you really see it on film I think we could probably use a white on this yeah if I were doing it and it would be fine I'll show you a marker or a marking pen now stencils you can always use the marking you know the water soluble or the dry race exactly so okay so today the blue just below you know that not always but today so tell me what you're going to do so I've got some blocks here that I've kind of stitched out a little bit for you and it's a square in a square this is a pretty common that we see and I've got some fun triangles here so let's talk about let's just look at some of these dangle and us they are luckily and once again these were ones that we were able to look at the the little drawing here on the pointer trace that out with my finger beforehand so that I would know that it was such a good tip trace that out not just this little thing figure out where you're gonna go and use the stencil and trace that out what a good tip that's always my little pre quilting mind I love it so I took this stencil here and I put it in this corner you can see how that fit really nicely here in this corner and then I actually took you guys so that you can all really see here this really nice tulip and I thought you know let's change that up a little okay I wanted to use it actually more as a square so I put you put it as a block as a block in the center here so you can see how I laid it down here and then I rotated it and it created this awesome almost a square motif inside a square once again now I could go back and do some fun filled in here maybe some cross hatching but I really love how it created a little secondary design here - I've got this fun little triangle and you still get your to look yep and so it just it looks really fun with it just by design so you think you're limited to a design like this design right here I could take that and flip it mm-hmm and then I've got a block you've got an entire square block yeah and it's a perfect feather I love it so there are lots of options to choose from depending if you're a feather girl or if you heard feather girl exactly oh we've we found all the feathers over here do you know all right one thing to point out on this one too you can see that this feather was a little small so I actually echoed around it and it actually showed that on it does show it on there but that way it fit perfectly in there so that's something you can always do - okay bit so as we go over to this one I could leave it like it is or I could even echo around there which it gets a kind of little loose but if I wanted to do an echo I could do the resize with my proportional scale exactly and resize that down and then put a little echo around it yes or maybe you could add some curls in that if you wanted so absolutely don't embellish yes the stencil itself you're not you're you know you're not limited right suggest the Samsung exactly exactly you can always just use this as a guideline and then go from there all right okay so tell me I want to see you stitch out a stencil okay so which did you hear like would you like one is should we do should we do that fun feather one that I did here okay I'm finding it I'm finding it there you go there it is I pull these aside right and let's do it in this corner right here okay let's bark that with let's mark it with the water soluable okay so what I'm gonna do because the echo I I don't really need that line there so I'm just gonna draw the inside part of the stencil so I'm just gonna really quickly so you're saying you don't need that echo you can freehand that yeah but if a quilter is not confident absolutely then mark it on it mark it every time so now I've got my feather on there perfect good okay go ahead and pull my machine over here let's do some quilting it's always a good day when I get so wait a minute wait a minute before we quilt don't you think we should finger trace it absolutely so I'm going to start here and I'm going to come down and come back to the center back to the center back to the center and then because I don't want to break my thread I will just have a little bit of a Travel stitch right there and I'm just gonna go and I'll go right around that well that's what you do ya know it's what you mean do this my little tie off and you don't have to follow that exact you know you can see that I will turn it away okay now I'm gonna come here and echo and use your hopping foot as a guide a little close on that side but you know what that's okay perfect do my tie off again and then look at that I'm pretty happy with that yes now that machine has an automatic tie off all you do is push that button yeah which is really nice it is it is it's one of my favorite features and now I could just spray that with some water and that blue pins gonna go away and everybody goes oh my gosh look at that beautiful feather you just quilted there are products that you can use I know you can buy a pan mm-hmm that has a it's an eraser pan right and there's also a spray that will take down that off as well so they work so I know those are options or just water or dabeh okay now we showed earlier about the stencil that you created right and I want you to pounce that on there and let's do some stitching so I would probably suggest with this flimsy paper which is great to use but I would probably tape it down yeah actually some tape would be a really good idea okay I'm just gonna use a couple of pieces of painters tape cuz I don't have to worry about that okay hurting my fabric at all or anything what did we ever do without it I don't know you know and home I have something that cute washi tape that I like to use sometimes too although I have a lot more painters tape hanging out it I think how did I shift it a little bit okay well guys at work we'll make it work I have a 13 year old daughter though that collects the washi tape so at my house alright let's go ahead and pounce this now we've got the rough side up right so it's going to help catch that and I'm gonna do one swipe and then because I want to make sure that this really marks well I'm going to take a second and I'm gonna pout and then I'm going to swipe again so don't be afraid to stop and pounce your pad a little bit get some more chalk in there oh I can see that I can see it good math yeah you're good Yong Yong is okay alright let's do some more quilting so again this is kind of hard to see this is kind of hard to see let's see if we can see the pattern here a little bit so we've got individual I think I'm gonna turn that into a spiral just for the ease of politicking Arase little crosshatch oh yeah we should wait and just do and then your feathers you've got your than their continuous they are continuous so is one of the things that I liked about this they come up and then they're continuous and then if you look at this design actually what it does to create that continuous look is we go back and do an echo all the way around the outside of that design okay alright that looks really good are we ready to go see how your quilty in it okay let's see how my quilting is today okay I'm gonna do my tire and if you're not quite accurate the pattern doesn't go the design doesn't go with it it exactly what I'm just gonna [Applause] so you're doing every other feather yeah that's the way that the design is actually set up so you have no retracing over the top and then oh my goodness that's such a good Matt isn't that kind of a fun in that design and then we're gonna come and do the inside part and you know what I think I'm just gonna go ahead and kind of go for a little bit of a spiral here okay do you think okay we would normally get that thread out of the way that's not real safe is it no it's not we should stop and well click that put that off okay now how are you gonna get back out you know what I think I'm just gonna go back out and make it a tighter spiral what do you think all right so now you're improvising from what the pattern I absolutely absolutely and then what I'm gonna do to come out here and create that outside I'm just gonna come out here and just go kind of like this and create that wreath around that feather it's beautiful and you can see here how I really am using that stencil quick tie off as more of a guideline yes rather than being exact right cuz I find everyone to know when they look at this that that was hand guided I stitched that so stencils are a guide so you can use the that it's like the bones and then you add the whole structure to it exactly so that you can add anything you want yeah just gives you those guidelines which is great Wow Kim there are so many ideas and I'd like that you can take the bones of something of that stencil just the outline part of it and improv yeah now let's move to Johnny because we've got some other ideas for doing this which is really fun to see sounds good well Johnny we've talked about improv about taking a stencil and adjusting it changing it to make something do new and you have been doing some artwork here all right yes I want to show what could be done with a couple of stencils that we had here and how to take them and use them in different ways so this is our original stencil and I traced it out here so this is the first one this is the just how it's made okay and I thought okay well we can take just different elements from that stencil and use it so this way I took the bare bones of it so a framework type yeah this whole framework and then you could just fit whatever you wanted into that you could do a fill in there you could do something from a triangle if you had one this is one I just took this wait wait hold on wait that's such a good idea do we have any triangles we have some triangles oh well maybe yeah there you go stick a feather in there stick a feather in each one of those okay yeah I took this fan element here and I just flipped it back and forth oh so I just did one one up right side up and then went upside down so you use the framework and then you just put the fan inside it yeah and then this one I did the same thing I said if you want to do like a straight line out of there on each one of those and I did something using it so if you're stitching this to make it if you're stitching this to make it continuous then you would probably start and I have to have the sound effects you know yeah yeah okay so that would be very continuous and if your struggle with these straight lines what would I do ruler yes I would use eggs and even especially with this but that gives you your framework yeah very good this is another way you could use it I just did one one way oh and I flipped into the other way and then what what would you do in here I could do a little motif I could do a spiral I could do a flower any a lot of things or some echoing around and makes a little squares exactly okay and then this one is a like a chevron so I just did the outlines of that original stencil okay all right so let's move on to the next step so stencil number two okay that's a feather we're back to feathers yeah and I like this I kind of saw this little heart in there too so that was the original one so on this one first I did just that original stencil they flipped upside down and did it upside you know it's makes a motif out of it makes a little motif you could do in the center okay I use did this one here wait let's go back here Oh what if I don't like this blank space here what would you do you could fill it in there you could do a stipple you can do straight lines oh okay all right any kind of the same thing with this one I took out them on this one I took out the middle part and I just left that inside so you could do a again I did straight lines in here or I did a crosshatch in this one Oh like a fish because you gave it a smile that was my a little mistake Wow that's okay then this for this one here I just flipped it back and forth to make it you could put it in a quarter order yes the same thing you could do you know what that would be really so you come to the corner and now we have to turn the corner and look how that fits in there to fit to make that corner happen yeah and this one has a corner on it but if you didn't want to use you know oh right it does this one has the corner on it if you didn't want to use that didn't have that much space maybe that's true really nice I like this I thought that's the way you could do it in a block and I just took it and I flipped it and you only used half yeah it's just half of it did the top half just this mm-hmm and then I just flipped it around and use the square and they could do the same thing in that square you could do a fill you could do a crosshatch okay I like that then I just thought this took the lines out you can do something like that we have got to take that and just use the line part of it and then I just use those lines to make a spine for your feather if you do if you're comfortable I'm comfortable doing the feather maybe but not comfortable drawing out that was spying for okay you could do make it first make a spine oh that's a versatile and very strong and then this is a little crown tiara little tiara for your princess quilt okay now the next one see if I can find that when he and Mike start there we go so this was a heart with a feather and it is the same thing I just traced it out this is just to trace out with a pen and this is without the crosshatch in between and you could do a fill in there you could do a feather this way if you wanted and then the same thing I didn't I just didn't use the top right I just the bottom this one is just the heart itself you'd if you wanted to use the heart okay this one here I just did a square of hearts so if you want to put all those hearts in the square height is this one yep just using that heart from that this one here I thought you could do is if you wanted to do a meander if you're gonna use it for a edge to edge you could just just end flub all right and then connect them with your thread and this one with that heart you could flip those hearts back and forth and make a border yeah and then this one here it was the I didn't want this one spine of the feather and I flipped it and use the other one okay I wanted to do some sort of border all right and I see there's a bonus design up here oh yeah I see you have a bonus design of the butterfly so this is a continuous border that we had with featured butterflies but if I just wanted to use just one motif out of that and put the use just the butterfly so that's what I did out here just use that butterfly and that bonus to this is that it gives you two sizes of butterflies Oh exactly this one I have two sizes and your corner yes so that works really well and this is one that is continuous it shows you how to make it continuous now I think when it's continuous there is actually two paths the little leaf here uh-huh and then the actual butterfly that leads it on and that's a good thing as you start to do designs on your own you can kind of follow the path on these and say well how did I travel from this butterfly to this butterfly and look how easy that was to get that trap yeah that's nice and I like this one too that you don't have to use both of these elements you could separate them out right if you didn't like that little feather or that little leaf you could do something else and there's an element just in itself and to do a little scholar yeah a nice way to travel too if you want to do like you can do your own flower here and your own flower mm-hmm Oh sky's the limit this guy's a little cool okay well I think you know you talked a lot about Phil's about fields and different things let's move on and have Kimen and Cristina talked to us about different fields with grids all right awesome well Cristina we've talked about motifs triangles borders containment line can't yes but now Johnny talked about a lot of fill areas that you can oh you can do this you can do that I think that's where we're going now yes so I use stencils a lot just as guidelines I don't necessarily follow the pattern of it but I do lots of grids so I got this new stencil it's a circle stencil and it has all of these different angles coming out so I already went ahead and pounced that so I'll take that off oh wow look at that and it's got the center point so this could be used for a lot of different things if you'd like to do rays you can stitch out right on the lines using a ruler right or if that's not enough you can fill in in between so like I said I just use it as a guideline I'm gonna stitch out using this ruler it's the petal pusher ruler so I'm going to grab this machine over here and just show you really quickly something that you can do with this I'm gonna pull up my thread let's move your thread out of the way and so you've got some ruler grip on there to hold that ruler in place yeah and I'm gonna do a tie off real quick okay love the tile okay I'm gonna but my ruler up against there okay and you got your foot on to always have the Surefoot anytime you do in ruler work and the ruler base all right okay so on this ruler it's got this registration mark coming right out of this point I'm gonna line that up with my stencil line how easy it can it be so then we'll go ahead and stitch that out pausing at the point coming around okay so now I want to do a whole bunch of them going around so I'm gonna rotate and I'm gonna go so my registration line is lined up on my next stencil line okay we're gonna stitch around so depending on how dance you want it will depend on how many of these you do yes okay so I could do it or I can do one more let's see we did one line so we'll skip over to the next line get it lined up I'm always coming back to the center lift that up for you yeah let's pull that out how nice and so when you're finished it would look like this so that one I did on every single one of the registration lines okay and if you chose to do it on every other one you would just have it less densely corrected that is such a great stencil so it's just a guideline to help you get what you need done Oh in the right place yes okay all right so it's my turn now I finally get to quote I have a step so let's let's break our thread here or cut our thread so that we I get I get to quilt and this is a basket weave that looks really confusing well this is what it looks like he had does that something but this is what it looks like when it's finished so it gives you you you stipple or put some kind of a feel in each one of these and then it leaves this the basket basket yeah up so it gives you that and we've actually used two layers of adding so this helps stand that up okay so confusing yes okay but it really isn't it there is an easy way to do this and so I've actually marked it with a water soluble pen okay and with this one I want to do I want to use a ruler if I can find that little ruler and I've got some I got my ruler base on I've got the handy grip on my ruler so it'll hold it in place as I'm using them now how to and by the way this is all continuous Oh excellent so you don't have to break your thread I don't have to break my thread so watch this happen so we're gonna go ahead and bring that ah and I'm actually gonna make this a little bit gonna go up to about 15 stitches per inch because I want to do stipple in here okay and I'm gonna put my crews up to about 200 because I want the machine to really work for me okay I need everything tensioned properly my side clamps on so that I have the best success so the first thing I need to do is is the straight line alright I'm ready to do my first straight line so I'm gonna go ahead and do that now as I stop there I'm in the middle of a straight line I cannot you know I can't do it but I can actually do some feel okay so I'm gonna go ahead and just do my stippling but I'm only stippling in half of a little thread there in half of that little box and look what it does it takes me to the start line excellent so then I do my straight line and now I do some fill and I'm actually gonna do this a little different on this one I'm gonna come right back to where that straight line is right there I'm gonna do a straight line so you just stop every time you get to another solid line right and so I've only got half of this done so how are you gonna fix that how am I gonna fix that well let's just go across here for now and I want to show you so if I'm here and I do and I've filled in this I'm gonna have my straight line because I would have done some around here and now look I am back to my feel fill that in and do any type of field you want and take me back to the straight line so then feel their trouble like the feel is my travel line but only half of it see once I do it it's all filled in you can't tell with that it was half or you know it all looks the same yeah and so then I would fill in again and I I forgot to draw a line there but I would feel in half of it and use the line to take me someplace else next and so on the edges it's a little bit more difficult and you may have to break your thread every once in a while to get around but once you get into the center it's just you know you're going to stitch here you're gonna do half of that it takes you over or let's see we're do half of that it'll take me over to here and then I'll take this line I'll do half of that it'll take me over to here and so you could get your whole background if this if you chose to put this in a background of a border or behind something with a motif in the middle of it you've got this all the way around in there and that once in a while you may find a travel path that you have to back stitch you know you have to stitch over the top of but for the most part it just travels and it looks so so fun when it's done because it gives you that that dimension to your basket I love it I know it is really fun okay I have one more okay let's see it the next one we'll move this aside everything aside there's those scissors is this I don't know what you'd call it I don't even know if it has a name on it it doesn't really have a name on it it just has a number diamonds Phil yeah very creative and so as I looked at that we got this upside down as I looked at that I thought how do I make this continuous because I don't want to have to re you know cut clip my threads so I figured it out okay let's see how you did it so I start here on this line and this is another one you definitely have to use your ruler with so we're going to go ahead and stitch my first line and instead of taking in the second line just right up here you can't even see it because the hopping foots there I'm going to skip that one and let's tighten this up just a little bit here so that I have some tension on things I'm going to move up to that line and then I'm gonna come over and down thank you and then I'm going to just there's some retracing here that I can live with that over and down and then I'm going up and doing the very same thing skip that line that's line there okay I'm going to move up down a little bit of retracing right there to catch that line up over keeping my line straight and now I move on to the next one and I do the same thing but I probably should have stopped there and then done you know created you know coming down the line there yeah but there it is now where's this stencil so this is a full stencil that you could do every one of those or you could do just that diamond across as a border and then just leave that open or put something let me show you something are you going to embellish I'm going to embellish so here I've got these going across my border and then right in here I would add these cute little petals petals okay now I think it's time to bring him back I'm going out to see what she's got cuz she's got some fun ideas let's go see what she's gonna do okay well Kim now we've talked about the fields and we have some different stencils that we can show how to put fills in and actually feel grids right and I've got a couple of things here so using this stencil right here mm-hmm is a great way to mark yeah and then use your straight line to put a background fill yeah and you can see this this is an embroidered design and it's really fun to do just a simple like crosshatch it really wanted to pop okay but you have something that well first of all let's let's bring up your pillow here so this was a grid that was marked out and it was actually a one-inch grid and instead of stitching on every line I stitched the top line and then I did a quarter inch down and I just went across and I used my channel locks on my machine but I laid my grid out with a stencil first so then I knew where to stitch and it turned out really cool it is such a fun pillow I don't know we are gonna have to make some it work okay so so we've got the Cross grid right but you've done something different with your cross grid to add more texture yes yes so I took this this diamond crosshatch and I have square it's just a square yes it's not a dime you're right but it's set on the diamond okay yes but you're exactly right and what I've done is I've laid it out here and you can see that I as I came down I used tribal lines to go back and forth because this would be like on the edge of my right but um I have added some fill in here so it makes these ones pop and one way to make sure you remember which squares to fill because you can forget is to just take and put a little dot inside the ones thank you no way like the everybody exactly okay that way I know okay I want to put fills in those specific dots or in those specific stacker board look when you're finished exactly okay really fun background I'm gonna put some dots here and I want you to fill these okay I know these are filled but it's hard for the camera to see so I want you to use a darker thread okay and just go and fill those and what the type of fill are you using so I'm just gonna use a straight line that's gonna go back and forth it's like a really tight zig zag and I'm just gonna go right up to the edges of it okay I'm going to I have switched my machine over - it's in manual mode and I am going to just do a really nice tight stitch filling that in so I'm gonna do my tie off and then I'm just gonna go ahead and just start zigzagging back and forth with your straight lines like that going up and down they're really easy to keep straight exactly oh and look and I'm just gonna come right there to the center yep and I'm just gonna travel I'm just gonna go back and forth and just fill that in really pack that fabric down and I can kind of travel along that line to come down to this other one and then I'm just gonna go ahead and do some more fill back and forth back and forth fill that all the way in over to this one do you like using your glide foot for doing this I do because it makes it so easy to see what I'm doing and I don't have to worry about catching any edges or anything either hey so let's go ahead and pull that aside and I've got some nice fill there so I've got unquoted parts and in the quilted parts it's really going to pop and give some dimension to my quilting that is great a great way to do that so you could do that straight line you could do stippling yes any type of little wiggle in there that you want even like a scribble looks really good in there so you've used that and then there are other so if you don't have the cross hatch one right how would you take this and do the same thing so I could take this one and chalk it out this way and then I would just rotate it and chalk it the other way to give myself okay I hope you wanted angled and you would chalk it this way absolutely it that way okay alright so there are different types so we're showing plastic and that that's what about an inch and a half yeah little writer part yeah so what if I wanted a two-inch you could always take painters tape and put on top of one of these and create your own stencil okay customizing marking and some different types yes lines but plastic versus this yeah did I hear fabric you type winds absolutely and these ones are really great if you have say that you wanted to do stars in a border and you knew you wanted to do a star here and then do a star here you can even use this to mark out so that you have a consistent spacing as you're holding the cross see yeah right okay so I just want to have you mark this with okay chalk and to show how easy that is because so I'm just gonna swipe straight across put a little pressure on that and it gives your license you don't need them very dark because I don't see yeah I can see that and then look how easy they disappear just brushes right off when you're done which is great okay well let's move on to Christina and she has some good tips on some other right I know some more grids all right well Christina you have some grids here some ideas to use for the grid different than what Kim has so let's see what you've got okay well on Kim's she actually stitched on the grid and then filled in the lines yes okay so right here I've got a grid already marked out I'm not gonna stitch that marking I'm gonna fill with in doing a continuous curve okay so I've done a little section here so let's pull up our thread so continuous curve means that you don't gonna break your thread when you get to the end you're gonna just correct and use these lines as your guidelines just okay yep so let's make sure that we're out of manual mode okay so I'm going to go make a little curve come back to that point little curve come back to the point continuing all the way across and being human it's not gonna be perfect then I'm gonna cut it insistant yep I'm gonna actually just kind of hit that blind come around come around just doing this kind of a spiral motion for us serpentine uh-huh pause here at the top and come back the opposite direction aiming for the little dog yep notice I say aiming and not necessarily fitting okay okay so then you do all of these back and forth and then when you get to the bottom you go up and down yes so let's pretend like this is my bottom liner here okay so I'm just gonna come across pause there and then I'm going to come up and down bump over again up and back down perfect and we've mentioned this earlier these lines are gonna be gone when we're done and that gives cell rate texture yep and you won't see the little bobbles that you have as much okay so great and you could use any size of a stencil this is a one inch but you could go to that half inch and have a finer grid on there yes a good feel yeah and if you don't have a half inch stencil you can just do two bumps in there hitting your midsection you're good if you're good or you can even take a ruler and draw the eyes okay okay okay go ahead I didn't say if we want to go bigger and again you only have a one inch stencil right Kim touched on this earlier you can use painters tape and tape off every other line so that when you mark it out you end up with the two inch grid oh now okay I see so that's what you've done here mm-hmm all right so that gives you the the larger continue if you want to do that in there that's that's a good idea for any type of stencil is to hide some of the design and yet and then use the rest of it to stencils or to draw on correct yeah if you want to simplify take away some of the stuff on the stencil oh you can add too good idea okay let's go ahead and break that thread or pull up the thread I'm gonna pull up that bobbin thread and clip it off and then we're gonna move on to another stencil over here it's a clamshell this one I've already stitched out a lot of it so this one I actually did follow the stencil and again it's not perfect the lines will go away like we mentioned earlier sometimes you want to simplify on this one I wanted to embellish a little bit so I added some teardrops in there little swirls spiky things and you can do pretty much anything you want to make it little our and is that pretty easy to do can I try it you can go for it I want to just try the basic the basic clamshell and see how easy that is - okay oh my gosh yes add a little curl at a teardrop oh I could just have fun with this it really is easy and this is similar to doing a pantograph where you don't want to go so fast that you lose control right you don't want to go too slow where you're not getting those nice curves so I mind you comfortable speed for you whoops I kind of bobbled on that it's okay and the whole scheme of things yep that was really easy it is Wow that's that was really surprised at how follow the line you don't have to think about it and that's the nice thing about there are so many stencils out there and we just you know follow those lines and then the stencil goes away the markings come off and you have a beautiful quilt so speaking of beautiful quilts you have this beautiful quilt here and you've done a lot of background quilting in it so with this one tell me how you did this okay so I wanted to have a background that I didn't want it to go into the applique I was going to just draw the lines but with the appliques it's really hard to get the line even on both sides of the applique so using a stencil I can get those lines down there and I don't have to worry about Oh am I even on both sides so we and this is a diamond an actual real diamond look so if you come here then you traveled and then you cut travel back travel so you're never going over the top of your design yes and you can use I always stitch down along the edge of my appliques and so that becomes my traveling line if I need to get to a different section I can just travel along there or in the ditch I know you don't want us to show this but this is exactly what that the clamshell and it went around a little ghost shape so it not an applique but yes and then different stencils like this that have wavy lines all sort of do this is kind of your design here of the continuous curve yet there is a section crosshatch right here and awesome pebbles no stencils not there's another one with lines so did you shift your rule your stencil do the first one and then shift it or did you use maybe the hopping foot as a guide I usually just use the hopping foot or a marking on my ruler okay so you only have to mark it once and then just yes okay I'll look at the fun things oh look at this one you put that grid in there and then you add little lines between yep Wow lots of fun wow so many stencils how do we decide it depends on your quilt it depends on on how much fill you want in your quilt and it depends a lot also on your ability but stencils help you gain confidence helps you become a better quilter so enjoy using stencils they're out there there's go to your retailer ask your retailer to carry stencils to bring in stencils for you you can go to your local quilt shops you can go you can find them all over so enjoy using stencils join us next month for another HQ live and have fun quilting you [Music] you
Channel: Handi Quilter
Views: 55,048
Rating: 4.8995214 out of 5
Keywords: Handi Quilter, Longarm, Sewing, Quilting, Quilts, Free-motion Quilting, Finishing Quilts, quilter, longarm quilt, quilting tips
Id: AzQgsJki1Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 24sec (3684 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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