Freedom 101 | Summer School Part. 3 | Dr. Dharius Daniels

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well what's up everybody welcome back to class we are in summer school and i'm incredibly excited about the investment god's making into your life this entire summer i said it the first two weeks i'll say it again i know what you did last summer you did the same thing i did we were locked in the house but now we're going out and we're going up in jesus name and if you believe all of that drop some fire in that chat today it's going to be an incredible summer i'm we're getting better we're not just getting sunburned this summer we're getting better because of the sun this summer i'm not talking about the s-u-n i'm talking about the s-o-n we're getting better because of the sun this summer we will not get to next summer and look back on this summer with regret no days wasted no season wasted we're gonna look back next summer we're gonna look at this we're gonna look at this summer and be grateful for all that god did because we decided to go to summer school in jesus name and i'm really excited about our time together today this week one more time i've got a co-instructor tag team back again it's gonna be gonna be an incredible incredible conversation we're gonna do some some teaching today that i think is gonna add value to your life in an incredible way so we spend some time week one talking not exclusively but primarily to those that are dating week two we talked to those that were married week three we want to talk to everybody but specifically not exclusively we got to talk to the singles we need we need to have a conversation and we're gonna have a conversation around what i believe to be a kingdom priority god's desire and design for you my co-instructor today is my friend and my brother you know you've seen them on my podcast you've seen them all over the internet he is a leader he's an author he's a speaker he's a man of god he's a ramsay personality his name is anthony o'neal drop some fire in the chat for ayo [Music] man we're glad to have you with us today well i'm scared about this conversation today we're gonna have a good time it's gonna be great so listen um i want to read a scripture then i want to give you my topic here it is matthew chapter number six verse 33 says this but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well week one marriage 101 week two dating 101 week three freedom 101 freedom 101 family jesus makes a powerful proclamation here in matthew chapter 6 verdi verse 33 and it's a proclamation regarding priorities he he clearly proclaims the power of living a life where you're actually practicing your priorities and this is why i think this is essential and important it's because this your purpose requires prioritizing see one of the ways the enemy distracts us and disrupts us on the road and detours us from our destiny is not just by injecting the wrong things in our life but by influencing us to put the right things in the wrong place see a good thing can become a bad thing when you put that good thing in a bad place and jesus here clearly claims something he says listen we got to establish some priorities he says now listen there are things you're chasing the things that you're pursuing and he says this this is important because if you go up above matthew chapter 6 very verse 33 he's making a distinction between gentiles non-covenant people and god's covenant people and he's saying you're pro or you're pursuing things that the gentiles are pursuing in other words you got the same set of priorities as people do who don't have a relationship with your god so he says what i want you to do is to rearrange your priorities because your increase follows order if we set it in order god will send the increase so he says this is what i want you to do not seek only but seek first seek first the kingdom of god and its righteousness and all these things will be added unto you because your purpose and my purpose requires priorities and this principle applies to everyone in every state and season of life but for the purpose of this teaching presentation today we want to distill it down and make it relevant for and appropriate for those who are stewarding a single season and i'm getting ready to say it so that anthony doesn't have to say it i'm going to take some pastel privilege and say this i believe one of god's priorities for those who are stewarding the single season is not pursuing of a fiancee oh my but pursuing freedom because once a person pursues and possesses freedom then the relationship that they enter into becomes a relationship that complements them and not necessarily completes them you begin to freedom helps you choose from a place where your decisions are not influenced by desperation so you start picking who you want and not settling for who you think you need we need freedom and freedom is essential and important and anthony i know you've been speaking into this space a little bit and we need freedom in in a number of different areas but i just want you to jump in here and talk about the importance of freedom in general in stewarding the single season oh boy yes sir yes sir i'm gonna try not to get in trouble on your stage but you know here's the truth uh and i'm gonna say a story um a very quick story i think one of the problems that i had was stewarding my single season you see in the church we think stewarding is only about resources i met finances but students buy everything and i believe stewarding my single season is important because we know the number one reason for divorces within a marriage is because of what finances and so for me i'm like okay if i'm single and i desire marriage then this means i should be stewarding my finances well while i'm single so when i get married that will not be a problem and one of the biggest fears man one of the biggest fears i'ma respectfully say this is i am so fearful to tell my wife no because i told girlfriends yes somebody put some fire in that chat right there say it one more time for the people in the back i refuse at this season of my life to get married to find the best thing to find my favor and to tell my best think i'm sorry baby i can't and the reason is because before i found her i was impressing all of them and so for me one of my good friends you know and pastor mike he taught me something so relevant he said people will rather be impressive than impactful yeah and so my philosophy is now anthony how do you set yourself up now to be impactful in your marriage rather than just being impressive today and so i i'm sacrificing being impressive so when i find my wife i could be a good husband i could be a good steward over my family so this means from a money perspective i budget took you took a young lady out in the day pastor took a young lady out in the day y'all you're really about to get in trouble but go ahead god bless you y'all forgive me i'm here for it all right i'm not gonna say your name if you're watching i i love you um you know i love you don't like it but i love you anyways um i took a young lady out in a date man and and she she knew who i was and she looked at me and she said why are we eating at this restaurant now this is a restaurant where i'm spending i'm spending some good money and her philosophy was like well because you have the money we should be able to go here and my philosophy back to her was you ain't the one yet i have to steward this correctly once you become the one this is going to be normal and then we can go other places but i have to make sure that i i steward this well i live below my means not at my means but below my means so that way when i get to my wife when we have kids one of my biggest dreams is to take my children when they're 10 when they're 15 to israel so we can turn their bible into a real 3d aspect they can see it and so for me if i want that down the road i have to be able to tell myself no i got to be able to tell other people no strong because i want to be impactful with my money yes and so i think when it comes to stewardship we got to think about all aspects as as a single i think we do so much we want to have the latest and greatest stuff you see my clothes today man this cost me maybe 40 bucks i'm i shop at asos shoes with 20. pants was 15. polo was another 20 i was like i'm i'm i want to look good but i don't have to actually spend so much money looking good and so for me i think that's what you just said is so key and i'm gonna be quiet because we talk about money we'll be here for like another two three hours but i just think that's the number one thing is we have to steward our single season correctly especially around the areas of finances um my biggest thing that i tell people this is man define a why you said that before you said this and i preach it i stole this from him if you're why does it make you cry then the price of commitment will make you cry when i think about my family pastor areas when i think about my future i get emotional my mom and dad they don't i don't come from wealth you know but the average person is gonna leave their families with bills and with benefits and the benefits are only enough money to take care of the bills what happened to wealth what happened to legacy what happened to peace what happened to freedom what happened to joy all that was raw because i was trying to be impressive 20 years ago man put some fire in that chat god is speaking to us i'm good god all night listen to me as you were talking this is what i thought about you know you use the analogy and and of course you're speaking from your perspective and this sister's watching and you uh hopefully you you're seeing this from your perspective what's so powerful to me is and you said it's basically watch this the way i steward my now really determines some of the problems i have in my next come on yes sir so i can eliminate or or decrease uh some of the problems in my next season by stewarding this season properly and making sure watch this i'm pursuing freedom because freedom is going to do two things it's going to help me number one pursue my purpose right so it helps you position yourself to do what you're called to do not what you have to do so you live out a purpose not out of need and then secondly it not only helps you pursue your purpose it helps you choose the right person as i mentioned earlier you you choose someone watch this who compliments and who doesn't complete you got to be whole before yeah yeah you're not a half you're whole yes now now and anthony in we've been talking about this theme of freedom but this is your all this is your anointing and you went right there so let's let's have a conversation about it because it's i think this is an area god's speaking to us on and people really need to lock in and lean in here because there's not a lot of talk kingdom talk about how to position yourself with a degree of freedom in your single season specifically in the area of your resources yeah yeah yeah yeah one of the things that when it comes to freedom when we really step back mckenzie released a study uh in june right and inside of this study it says that there are nearly eight million african american families who have a net worth of ten thousand dollars or below out of that eight million half of them have negative net worth because of debt let me say this again 8 million families have a net worth of 10 000 or below and it's because of debt when we look at the debt uh and when you really break this down a lot of the debt was consumed when you really study it during their single season they're not stewarding things well they got the louis vuitton purse that cost a thousand dollars or more but don't have a thousand dollars in their bank account and so for me for if you really want that freedom freedom comes at the cost of telling yourself no freedom comes at the cost of saying you know what i don't need the louis bag today i can get it tomorrow but today i'm gonna get this walmart bag put a thousand dollars in this walmart bag and secure my future then i will get it in my future but today again we want to look like we have it we want the red bottoms we want the louie bags we want the jordans we want all this nice stuff that's cool i'm with it i like nice things as well but at what cost strong at what cost that's the thing that i'm trying to teach people we have a negative net worth we can flip that what are we doing with our money to become wealthy how are we being the most generous in our local church how we being the most generous in our local communities how are we being the most generous within our own families in our own homes it bothers me go ahead monday through friday we put in labor friday saturday and sunday we give somebody else the fruit of our labor and come back home to our family broke but we went to wells fargo gave them some money which was another family we went to citibank we went to gucci we went to louis vuitton we went to the restaurants we went to the clubs we went out there to go monday through friday labor somebody else got the fruit of my labor and i refuse for that to happen for my family powerful my family will get the fruit of my labor after my family the kingdom well actually is the kingdom first god and then the family then after that the local community then after that i may give it to gucci i don't know yet but you and i hope people here's the thing this is this is why i think this is such kingdom revelation people will wrap their head around it because this is what i've learned in many christian spaces what we talk about is what the bible says about giving we don't talk about what the bible says about stewarding yes sir this isn't about giving yeah yeah this is about freedom yes sir and it's about the god using his word to uncover and expose that the enemy often uses the single season yes to ensnare and entangle people yes with chains that they carry for for the rest of their life oh you teaching good sir this is this is why i believe this is so significant it is what you're what you're tapping into yes it is you need to write down you need to have a clear vision a clear vision what what does success look like for you when it comes to freedom what what do you want and there's like four things that i really focus on within my personal life when it comes to success my spiritual walk my network who are my friends around me you know i came down here so i can spend time with you to get some wisdom from you yeah because we all know this man is way smarter than me and i put you to work we came i say hey we're about to preach together i'll work for this guy because you're strengthening me you're making me better you're holding me accountable to what my long-term goal to what god put me on earth to do so what is my network who's speaking into me who am i doing life with then who am i speaking into so that's network then your net worth you know if we can start figuring out okay how do we eliminate that how do we start giving god back not just 10 i believe in being generous and over and beyond that's right because the more i can give god then the more he's gonna give back to me and my family and so i want to be a multi-millionaire hey god i'm gonna say it here i want to be a billionaire brother so i could be generous to the church so i could be generous to my home and leave my kids with something so if i can focus on my spiritual walk my network my net worth and my mindset it bothers me it bothers me young people we know everything that happens on the the the reality shows hip-hop of atlanta whatever they call that but then we don't know what how to budget we we we know everything that's on the latest hip-hop we know what happened to ludoniz x on the bet awards but we don't know what's in our bank account and so what are we putting inside of our mind how are we stewarding our mind what are we doing there i tell everyone this mind your business definitely mind your business but your mind is a business it's your number one tool your number one asset so what are we putting inside of here spiritually friends what are we doing and so that way whatever we put us out of here it will come out i'm not against the reality shows the music i'm with it i'm totally there but i've learned i've so learned and you've inspired me to do this when he talked it just the oil comes out and it's because he's putting way more god books wisdom knowledge into inside of them and it just flows out i want that to be flowing out with us young people with the singles in life that is powerful and what you're speaking to is this freedom comes everybody head first yes sir you go to the next level head for wherever you go next level in any area starts here freedom starts head first and it takes mind shifts yes in order to do that yes now what i'd like to do here is i want to talk about practically matthew 6 33 what does it look like to practically prioritize right specifically in this area that we're talking about as it relates as it relates to resources and one of the things you what this is one of the things you said it's an area i had to have a mindset shift in because when you grow up in a space and your your only exposure to stewardship is just giving yes yeah then it's easy to have a mammon mindset when it comes to resources yes and not a kingdom mindset so you have an aversion to them and you feel like that if if you receive them it's going to corrupt your spirituality or if there's a desire for more that that means you're putting it ahead of god yes and i want us to kind of walk through practically because when i look at the scriptures i see kind of four kingdom priorities that i want people to talk to because i think these are the keys that unlock the door to freedom so that you can pursue purpose and so that you can choose a person that compliments you and and not necessarily complete you and the first is this you hit on it a little bit it's making it yes it's making it i've heard a lot in church about giving it but not a lot about making it right and the best i've heard on it is my pastor who talked about it a couple of weeks ago when he talked about what paul said when paul told believers in thessalonica he says if a man doesn't work he doesn't eat and his argument was this earning is ethical absolutely exploitation is unethical yes sir exploiting people is unethical but earning is ethical and that that that we should earn even if you say everything i earn i'm gonna give away that's up to you but earning is ethical talk about the um the the the importance of of earning yes well here here's the thing it's very important uh in that same mckenzie study we found that nearly uh 30 of uh white people and 42 percent of black people make less than 30 000 a year and it's because they feel as if they they don't deserve more and it goes back to what we said earlier we got to shift our mindset number one is when you can shift your mindset and know that you deserve more we are all sons and daughters of the king so we deserve way more number two is i mean from a practical standpoint go get a job go get a job um it may not be your dream job but right now get a job job that will be the vehicle hopefully to get you to what you want to do go start a business entrepreneurship is that brings freedom that brings options so for me we got to shift the mindset say you know what i deserve more i can make more get you a practical job you know the number two is start a business i am a huge fan of all people especially if you're single with no kids man get you a job and have you assad hustle generate some money when you really break down six figures it's really not that hard when you really break it down it's about eight thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars a month it's 264 dollars a day if you really break it down and go at it day by day you can pull in the money you can go earn the money it's it's and it's it's so important for us to wrap our head around this yeah deuteronomy 8 says the lord our god who gives us power to get well now watch this earning is an idolatry okay idolatry is revealed in what do what will you do to get it come on man will you sacrifice kingdom principles will you will you rearrange kingdom priorities to get it that's idolatry and idolatry is also revealed in what we do uh to keep it yes sir yes sir will i not do with it what god says will i not steward it well but this is what the scripture says it is god who empowers us to earn for what purpose that he may establish his covenant that he may have it means that i made some promises to my people and i'm going to meet their needs and i'm going to meet those needs from heaven but i'm going to meet it through people on earth so in order for me to meet the needs and carry out that mission god's like i got to raise up people who have means and those that have means have a heart that is oriented toward obeying my promptings and my direction in terms of what you're supposed to do with it and this shifts god's people from being just intercessors who lift up prayers to being answers to those prayers yeah that come on somebody put in the chat make me an answer yes it means that when someone needs to go to college we don't have to pray about that we pray about miracles when somebody needs to go to college god can make us an answer to that prayer since we're going to handle that and i think it's important that we get kingdom minded in our single season in every season but what you just so aka what you just simply said was we need more christian millionaires i just want to put that out there that's all you're saying we need more christian millionaires so the church whatever air yes whatever billionaire thousand there yeah doesn't matter but i think if if we can focus on that in the homes then it takes the weight off of our pastors because they won't have to preach for giving because we would be the most generous piece of people because we have the money but pastor well we you you're not raising offer well because they just given it they're just you're not teaching about tithing because they're just giving it we don't need to teach about it because they're making it and they understand money is a tool to accomplish what god wants us really to accomplish 100 it is a tool 100 and we should we should lean into that and i and i want us to wrap our head around this truth also right and it's this whole idea of all right we want to earn so that we can be distribution channels watch this now not just to the church come on that's good because you can't change the world just giving to the church that's good there are people that are homeless that aren't in the church right and when you're so yes that that that that that first tenth yes that belongs to god offense that belonged to god but alms put you in a position where you choose what's going to be the need that exists in the world that stirs your heart and you're able to meet that need and god i i believe i i've never been more convicted about the importance of economic empowerment when i say the holy spirit convicted me as i was during covet when i saw when everybody was shut down and the the prayer requests and the things of that nature that came in from god's people who didn't know what they were going to do next week and i said how can i be a shepherd and see this and not start speaking to that when i know that is our greatest area of vulnerability right now man and the enemy wants to use that and we need to use these gifts and talents that god has given us so there there will be things that we would want to do in terms of serving people in new jersey and different things and especially early on in ministry we were younger and growing and we would go to corporations and say would you all help us so we were wanting to do things in the community but we were at the at the mercy of people who didn't have a kingdom heart saying yes and i said we're going to put our church in a position and i want to put myself in a position which is what i say i'm not i'm going to be a pastor i'm about to jump over here to be a spiritual entrepreneur too right so that we can put our church and myself in a position where when we want to help people come on we are not dependent on anybody else's yes but come on come on when god say yes we want to be able to say yes come on come on i mean i'm hearing more schools it bothers me when people need money they go to the to to the celebrities but they don't come to the church they go outside of the church when they really need money when they need new schools built when they need new highways built when they need help they come to the church for prayer but they don't come to the church for resources and i'm ready for the church to be leading the world because we have the most resources because our people are financially free they don't have any debt they have uh heirs whatever that is yeah and we can be the most generous not just to the church but to the world and and i'm tired of only seeing celebrities which i'm so grateful for them but i'm ready to see change church be uh the first church that people come to say we need help can y'all help and we're like yeah we can help powerful powerful and and the church is not just the institution the church is actually not a building we are the church we are god's people so and some people are getting this revelation man i'm telling it's light bulbs if it it's epiphanies god's doing some incredible stuff man listen we y'all got me excited i've been preaching i'm up here sweating put some fire in that chat right now yeah so let's let's wrap up man we're almost out of time here so we talked about making it you hit the second one already you talked about managing it yes sir because that's stewardship uh you talked about moving it all right that first tenth that belongs to god we need distribution channels last but not least i want to toss this to you this last point kingdom priorities to be free gotta make it gotta manage it gotta move it number four multiply that's matthew 25 the parable of the talents a practical tip practical tip when it comes to multiplying very practical uh the number one thing is if you're working uh queued a lot utilize your your company's 401ks and here's a basic thing always go with the match then go with the roth ira i mean the roth 401k then the traditional match roth and then the traditional 401k that's how you flip it it's easy as a match compound interest over a period of time is going to build wealth utilize you also your uh your iras roth or traditional simple roth simply means it's going to grow tax free traditional means is going to grow with taxes you pay for it here's another thing we can do for our kids that we don't talk about when it comes to flipping the money we can open up a 529 for our kids college expenses and utilize the compound interest from that to help so our kids can go to college debt-free without racking up any debt because we did a study about a few years ago we learned we said about 11 000 millionaires and all of those millionaires oh not all of them but 80 of them said if we can do one thing different we would not have racked up student loan debt and so if we can set our kids up to avoid taking on student loans still send them off to college still support and promote education but help them avoid the debt part of that we're going to get them quicker to wealth so while we're building our wealth with businesses with home ownership and that's something i'm doing too i'm not really buying real estate i'm buying land when jesus left we can't make no more land so i'm buying land so that way i can pass that down to my kids so they can flip that part of the money but if we can utilize our 401ks our iras start a business uh capitalize on real estate and then help help our young people out by setting them up with a 529 or a custodial ira man that's how we're going to flip it from a very basic simple way now where are the i'm sure there are other places i'm just i'm going to ask you though i'm sure it's it's i imagine it's not uh not happening frequently but where on a sunday morning are you are you going to hear god speak to you in such practical ways to give you freedom i want you to embrace this moment i want you to receive everything that god is saying to you if you're in this it's like in single seasons we talk about everything but this yes now this applies to everybody in whatever season but it's weird we talk about everything but this and this is our this is many people's greatest area of vulnerability and i'm telling you pastorally i have seen people choose somebody they needed and not necessarily somebody they want it but we're just telling you i'm done these day those days are coming to an end god's getting ready to position you in a place of freedom where you're going to pursue your purpose because you're called to it not because you need to do it and the persons that come into your life your discernment is going to increase because it's going to be someone that you want that god sent as opposed to somebody you chased because you need it in jesus name i just speak that over you i want you to drop some fire in the chat for our co-instructor today anthony o'neil part of the dave ramsey family and i heard those principles those principles of principles that have impacted my life and the life of my my family my wife and i and i'm just believing god that it's going to impact your life in an ex exponential way i just want to pray over you man freedom some of you feel overwhelmed you feel entangled and ensnared you feel like i'm never going to get free some of you are sensing some of you are saying to yourself the whole i've dug for myself is so deep i'll never recover from this it's absolutely impossible but i want you to change the narrative and the story you are telling yourself no no no no i want you to break free from that limiting belief system that fixed mindset for the scripture says with man things be impossible but with god all things are possible you have an all things god who's getting ready to do all things in your life and i i want to tell you if he can set people free from drug addiction and alcoholism and all kind of compulsive and destructive behaviors you better believe he can set you free from chains that might ensnare you economically habits that may have you hung up he can do it and i believe he's going to do it for many of us that are watching so father in the name of jesus our deliverer our emancipator our liberator i pray that your people would have a unique appetite for freedom i pray that you will stir in them a holy discontent for chains and shackles that keep them bound i thank you father even for anthony and the ministry you've given him thank you for his boldness to speak into this area as a moses to this generation to set them free from the egypt of economic enslavement i just thank you for that and i pray that that anointing for freedom would be an anointing that removes burdens off of people and destroys yokes i ask your blessing that you received this prayer in jesus name amen one more time drop some fire in that chat
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 23,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, John gray, chad veach, chris durso, Levi lusko, rich Wilkerson jr, toure roberts, keion henderson, dr. jamal bryant, Craig groeschel, mike todd, carl lentz, ron carpenter, Robert madu, trent shelton, Eric the hip hop preacher thomas, Stephen chandler, dr. Matthew stevenson, Judah smith, devon franklin, dr. Tony evans, mike McClure jr, John maxwell, Joel osteen, Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Pastor Miles McPherson
Id: nGk9s-p8FrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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