Flower Bearers // Change Church Birthday Celebration // Pastor Charles Jenkins

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] while you're clapping come on let's celebrate his wife Pastor Shamika Daniels come on everybody you may have your seats my wife Dr tar Ross Jenkins is with me today and love to my brother Isaac and Dee and my brother Damon one of the greatest producers of our time and so many friends that are here change that's y'all ain't it [Applause] [Music] I said change [Music] happy Sunday I'm honored to be here today and I want to jump right in I want to mention really fast that I've got brand new music out I want you to go listen to gospel music changed my life gospel music changed my life and um I hope it changes yours I wrote a book called Seasons they got some of those out there I don't have time to talk about it um but I want to jump right in for our time together there's an amazing passage of scripture in Romans chapter number 13. verse number seven Romans chapter number 13 verse number seven and what I want to try to do today as I'm led by God to do so is to contextualize why days like this are important and I want to biblically frame for you why we're actually doing what we're doing today my little brother Teddy the chaplain for the Chicago Bears love to you but I want to frame it up for you and this in this amazing passage of scripture in Romans 13 7 it says give to everyone what you owe them if you owe taxes pay taxes if Revenue then Revenue if respect then respect if honor then honor another translation says give honor to whom honor is do for our time we have to share together everybody I want to use for a subject flower bearers flower bearers many of us at different moments in time we have seen people bearing flowers whether those at the airport that are waiting for their loved ones to get off the plane they are standing out waiting for their loved one to leave the secured area with great joy they're standing there holding flowers there's some of us at moments we've been in restaurants and we've seen people with flowers or maybe at a graduation or maybe at a dance recital we've seen someone holding flowers maybe maybe maybe between two two friends as one shares flowers it has been a tradition in our culture for some time to both bear and share flowers have often been shared to communicate love compassion appreciation gratitude or Thanksgiving flowers have often been used as tokens at moments when they're individuals who don't have the words to say to communicate their love and appreciation they share and present flowers for our time we have to share together the Apostle Paul seems to be pointing a finger at what it means to maybe not be a flower Bearer in a literal sense but in a metaphorical sense demonstrating a commitment to share tokens of Love appreciation and Thanksgiving to a person or people who matter to you who means something to you Paul seems to go down this list and say at points we all owe individuals or entities Paul says um in verse number 7 of chapter number 13 He says give to everyone what you owe them he says if it's taxes Lord have mercy then pay taxes he says if Revenue then Revenue translation bills Lord have mercy if you owe bills pay your bills then he said if respect then respect respect in this context seemed to suggest my posture my demeanor my disposition my attitude how I approach you how I treat you with with my with my Persona he said you owe that give that then he goes on to say if honor then give honor Now by definition everybody we many of us have our own perceived thoughts and Notions about what that word honor actually means but by definition that word honor it literally speaks to this idea and concept of assessing value assessing value it literally speaks to a price what I like about it is that word honor when you look at it it actually speaks to assessing weight it literally it literally means when you look to honor someone it means to assess their value and then to identify something that's valuable to you and give it to them to show them that they're valuable to you that word honor it literally means to assess their weight and then to attempt to show them that they mean that to you in context let me say it this say it this way there are some people in your life that are lightweights they don't mean that much they don't do that much to add much to your life there are some people in your life that are middleweights they add a little bit to your life bring a little value then there are other people who are heavyweights can I talk to some real people in the building and so in context while respect speaks to my demeanor my disposition my posture the word honor in this context it actually doesn't mean I show something it means I do something and so when I intend to honor you I'm looking to do something or give you something and listen I might not be able to meet you at the level of your value but what it means is at least I ought to try can I talk to some real people in the building um I I I I was watching Coming to America too anybody else here other than me coming to America too there's a moment in the movie that gripped me and grabbed me it is the moment when King jaffee Joe fur is laying in bed seemingly at the final moments of his life he speaks to his son the prince our King and he says to a King he says my funeral should be spectacular let's do it now he says listen to those words my funeral should be spectacular let's do it now man that thing gripped me as I thought about the fact that King Joffrey Joe first says I want to have my funeral While I'm Alive what it said to me is for so many people it is seemingly true that the greatest celebration of their life is during their death it's sad to me that as he said I want to have it now where I can see it enjoy it and hear it it seems to me the greatest words and the greatest stories about your life could be very well shared when you can't even hear it it reminds me of the very practical reality that people will be quicker to put flowers on you than they would patent flowers to you people will wait until you're gone to tell all of the wonderful stories about you on social media and hashtag you when you can't even read it I agree with King joffe let's do it now [Applause] celebrating now anybody that's been a blessing to you been good to you celebrate them now don't wait till they can't hear it can't see it don't wait until they stressed out to try to jump into a casket do it not Paul says give honor to whom Allah is do flower bearers flower bearers number one have a heart of appreciation and celebration flower bearings there's so many of you you've shown up for so many people and when you should have been reverenced or recognized you had to mod them absent flower bearers flower bearers have a head of appreciation and celebration [Music] um uh that the whole idea of of my head having appreciation and celebration it speaks to my mindset cognition how I think the Apostle Paul when he says give honor to whom honor is due he's saying that we should have a mindset that wants to honor somebody yeah uh uh uh a mindset I I I I think well about honoring people who have been a blessing to me first Corinthians 9 verses 1 through 4 the Apostle Paul is talking to the church in Corinth because there are people in the crowd at the church at Corinth not change but at the church of Corinth who don't even think Paul should be celebrated why should he be celebrated and Paul is actually defending why or having to have a conversation about why there should even be a celebration after all of his work his hard work and being present and showing up and going over and above and praying and loving and giving and strategizing and working and he's got to try to convince Corinth around why he should be celebrated around that same thought in first Timothy chapter 5 verses 17 through 18. he's having this conversation with with with with young Timothy and he says let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor watch this just because you're worthy doesn't mean people will actually do it that's why it says he's worthy of double honor you sitting next to somebody who's Worthy give him this message he says that worthy of double honor watch this especially they who labor in the word and in Doctrine he says let let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honor this is not for takers devil honor is not for Leeches it's for life it's not for drains it's for faucets those who are worthy of double honor it that that's not for slackers that's not for the slothful that's not for the lazy those who are worthy of double honor are the over achievers those who go over and above those who show up early and stay late those who who work overtime those who who go beyond what's expected and it says especially those who labor in the word of God I want to ask change a question has Dr Darius Daniels done a fantastic job leading the house of God leading the work of God Leading the People of God has he done a fantastic job sharing the word of God would you agree with me that he's the Michael Jordan of talking and teaching the word of God have you ever walked in on a Sunday and felt like he was reading your mail had been with you all week long how did you know I was going through that how did you know I needed that how did you know he was hanging out with God God gave him what he needed to give you and you walked in with your head down and walked out saying let's get ready to rumble devil I'm ready for you this week no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper and every tongue that rises up against me shall be struck down I'm ready but God used him I want to have that in my head when I come to a day like this I want to understand how I should be thinking I remember there was a deacon when I was in my mid-20s 20s when I was named a successor at Fellowship in Chicago I was 21 when I took over I took over I was 24. and the first year a thousand people joined next year a thousand people joined next year a thousand people joining just just an insane move of God so much work so much service so much love and I put up on the parking lot one day and this deacon said to me he said boy how you feeling today oh he he he was an older Deacon he was he was about a hundred and um close and he boy how you how you how you doing today I said dick I'm tired today I normally don't like to use those words but I'm tired today he said boy I don't know what you're tired for you don't do nothing but preaching on Sunday I said I do I do more than that he said boy you ain't got no nine to five I said dick you right I got a 24 7. I got a 24 7. and it was at that moment that I got the Epiphany three off of me the clarity of the morning that not even a deacon in the Lord's Church knew what I did and it was at that moment that I came to understand that it the Deacon that know what the pastor does then the average person has no idea yes the pastor is a spiritual leader and the pastor preaches and teaches and marries and buries and councils and yes uh the the man of God wins souls and edifies Believers but simultaneously the man of God is also um a non-profit management leader um while the church is God's spiritual institution according to Ephesians 3 the church is the tool that God uses to touch the world yes if you're a part of the Church of God you're a part of God's family and I don't know who this is for there is no such thing as a perfect church and if it was you would mess it up when you join it because you ain't perfect you like I ain't perfect but it is the tool that God still chooses to use to touch the entire world and while it is a spiritual institution simultaneously it is a non-profit organization the non-profit sector is the third largest business sector in the United States of America and I know some people say well the church ain't nothing but a business it is God's business to do good in the earth and to be a blessing to people and serve people and while he's a spiritual leader he is also a non-profit management leader and he's got Management on his head and on his back all day long all day strong whether he's healed or home or on vacation he's a non-profit management leader and he's got administrative management staff management financial management Facilities Management Property Management curriculum Management program management crisis management conflict resolution management volunteer Management Systems management structural management organizational management problem solving management Social Services management Community engagement management [Applause] give them to him give them to him somebody holla give them to him [Applause] I want to have a head I want to understand and have the revelation not just for him but there's some people in your life that you might want to call when you get out of this service and say what's your cash out can I talk to some real people and what's your say or what's your VIN vote I'm buying you lunch today you've been good to me you've been a blessing to me you've encouraged me you've had my back when other people walked away you stuck by me you've been consistent in my [Applause] I want to have flower bearings have a head of appreciation and celebration give honor to whom honor is I think like that flower bearings have a heart a heart speaks to my emotions while head speaks to my mindset heart speaks to my motive well I had speaks to my thoughts heart speaks to my feelings why head speaks to how I think heart speaks to how I feel not only do I think this way about honoring I feel I feel I feel this way I feel the right way and that's what Paul is just trying to say Paul is saying I want you to have the right thoughts I want you to have the right feelings and when we think about when we think about this whole idea of my heart and how I feel there's amazing and amazing passage in second Corinthians 12 13-15 the Apostle Paul says he says how are you inferior to the other churches except I was never a burden to you he says forgive me for this wrong translation he says he says you're not as strong as other churches because I didn't teach y'all how to honor he said y'all would be a much stronger church but y'all not as strong as the other churches and here's what he comes back and says because I didn't teach all this it's my fault it's my bad forgive me for this wrong but then he comes back and I like this because verse number 14 he says now I am ready to visit you for the third time check it out he says I will not be a burden to you he says I'm not asking you for nothing I'm not asking you to give me anything he says because what I want is not your possessions I want you after all children should not have to save up for their parents but parents for their children so I will gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well if I love you more watch this will you love me less here's what he's actually saying he's saying I'm not asking you to give me nothing he's saying but at least you should have a heart at least you should want to be a blessing to the person that's been a blessing to you he says I'm not asking he says I'm not trying to stress you to give me nothing but no I'm gonna give you everything I got but just know that while I'm committed to giving you everything I got at least I want you to have the right heart in the process number one come on class head number two heart number three hand hand flower bearers have a head of appreciation and celebration flower bearers have a heart of appreciation and celebration flower bearers have a hand of appreciation and celebration watch this hand speaks to my movements while heart heart speaks to my motive head speaks to my mindset hand speaks to how I move uh hand speaks to my will my volition of my desires what I want to do yeah it's one thing to have the head speaks of my thoughts what I think another thing to have the heart uh speaks to how I feel it's another thing to speak to what I'm gonna do what you gonna do oh um when when I think about this whole idea and concept um uh there's an amazing passage in Luke 6 45 it says the good person out of the good Treasure of the heart produces good actually does something um hand speaks to actually back to the word honor demonstrating tangibly my mother return 80 this coming August and I said to my mother I said Mom we're going to throw you a big party we're gonna celebrate your life in a huge way she's I don't want it I don't want it I don't want it I'ma sit right here in this chair and knit and I'm not I said well we're gonna bring it to the house we're gonna set up the back backyard get a tent we're gonna get somebody to cook we're gonna get somebody with a net on their head and an apron and and we're gonna do some serious cooking for you and and we're gonna we're gonna see I don't want it I don't want it I don't want it so I thought about it for a couple days I said Mom called it back I said ma I said I know what we're gonna do we're gonna celebrate your birthday we're gonna take you to Vegas and uh we're gonna celebrate your life in Vegas I'm gonna invite everybody to Vegas you say well since you're talking that way then let's go on and celebrate let's go on and have a good time I say Mom we gonna give you some money and let you enjoy yourself she said well let me know now have you made the reservations yet what hotel are we staying at she saw my hand [Applause] and it brought up the most Joy people who have been a blessing to us it ought to make us feel good to be a blessing back to them and not be shy about being extravagant I'm gonna I'm gonna blow your mind I'm gonna blow you up you've been so good to me I'm gonna celebrate you can I have my my glass and my picture um my glass can I have my glass in my picture thank you so much so so there's an amazing passage in Matthew 10 verses 40 through 42. I'm gonna paraphrase it for you it says if you give the prophet a righteous man or any of these little ones a glass of water you won't lose your reward um uh a prophet man or woman of God a righteous man just anybody who's or any of these little ones maybe somebody who's obscure that you might not pay so much attention to has done anything for you you won't lose your reward the prophet a righteous man or any of these little ones is a picture of a picture yeah the prophet the righteous man or any of these little ones those who pour into other people pour out their time part their talent pour out their treasure pour out their wisdom part that just poor poor poor poor here's what Jesus says don't worry about the little drops dropping on the floor they got a towel Jesus says those of us who have been pouring into if you come back to the one that's poured into you and pour back into them Jesus says I will personally make sure you don't lose your reward when he says you won't lose your reward what he's actually saying is you already have a reward I will make sure I will put a reward in place for the people who get their glass and go pour back into one that's poured let me close I was um when our music when our music first took off and my God is awesome record and all of those records started going around the world I started getting invited everywhere my church was very supportive and very excited about it so they were like go past her we got you and so I was going everywhere but I had a commitment to be present on Sundays with everything I had and so um there was one Saturday night I had a date no plane could get me back in time and so I had a really early flight on Sunday morning to get back to my eight o'clock service and so get to the airport everything's great smooth board the plane on the plane on my way to Chicago I'm on land at seven make it in time to get up at my eight o'clock while we're in the middle of the air the captain comes over the intercom and says ladies and gentlemen I have some news to share with you that's not so great of visibility towards Chicago is zero we're not going to be able to land in Chicago we're going to have to deviate from Chicago go to Indianapolis and land in Indianapolis the plane went off oh oh and people started speaking in known tones words that I cannot repeat for you on this morning people were saying all kind of stuff and all upset and so um uh we we're sitting there and so a few minutes later the captain comes back over the intercom and he says ladies and gentlemen uh of visibility is zero to planes shakes and drops and you oh oh and the captain says ladies and gentlemen we're going to attempt to land in Chicago even though visibility is zero you could hear a pin drop just like in the scripture when it talks about Jesus and he uttered not a word you didn't hear nobody say anything and so and so um the pilot gives gives the instructions you know prepare the plane for landing and so we're on the plane and everybody's just nervous in the service I go into intercession father God father God oh I almost started acting like that old Deacon this morning we come knee bin and body bowed and all right yeah so I'm I'm on the plane and so the plane lands boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom [Applause] me everybody around me looking at me like what's wrong with me me so people just start getting off the plane they getting they stuff just snatching it down just walking off the plane just grabbing their stuff just just getting get just getting off the plane just just getting their stuff down and just getting off the plane just just walking off the plane me I get my stuff get my stuff and I start walking towards the front of the plane and then I get to the cockpit and I leaned in I said I want to thank you for helping us to land safely thank you for getting us on the ground I want you to know I appreciate you and I'm very grateful to you I gotta go but I came to say to somebody today don't forget to lean in if he helps you land if he helps you go up helped you get through the storm help to get through low visibility you couldn't see it was too dark but God gave him a word to help you see your way if he enabled you to go to another level and land safely I came to say to somebody if you've been in Courage [Music] you've been impact you've got to do a regular relationship if the money was funny and your chains were strange foreign [Music] thank God while he's coming [Applause] one two three come on come on come on one two three if God has used him in any way one two three now somebody give God the biggest you've got foreign
Channel: Change Church TV
Views: 7,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Change Church, dharius daniels, church online, sunday service, praise and worship, Christians, lifechange
Id: gwbt1gm-G84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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