FreeCAD : Add Knurling / Knurl / Grip / Texture to your surface for 3D Printing.

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hi viewers and welcome to the channel and welcome to another free catch tutorial today we're looking at knurling now knurling is a manufacturing process it's normally done on the lathe and we're looking at placing this pattern along this edge now there's different types of knurling we're just going to go for a simple crosshatch knurling on there now this is a quick process but it can take some time if you're on an older machine to recompute this is the reason why we do this last like with flips and chamfers so this is the finishing process it's the kind of thing that you'll add to your model during the last phase of refining that model so i hope you're enjoying the channel let's take a look at this technique if you like this video please hit like and also subscribe to the channel i also have a cofi site where you can actually donate to my contributions to the community and that's at ko hyphen mang0 so for this we're going to create a new document and from here we're going to jump into the part design so everything's going to be done in the part design for this one you can do this via the part but part design is much easier to do we're going to start with a new body and a new sketch and place it for now on the x y plane we're going to create a circle in here and constrain it to the center and also i'm going to give this some constraints so we're going to put a radius in there and i'm just going to go for six millimeters for this one i'm just going to zoom in and close that we're going to add some padding to this so just going to pad this out and again i'm just going to go for six millimeters but the dimensions are up to you so now we have this circle that's been padded now the important thing is that this seam here we will be using to mount that and playing across so i'm going to click on this line here this scene you can see that's called unnamedbody.pad.h1 and we're going to come up to the create a new datum plane that will place that datum plane basically on the bottom there but we need to place it along here let's do that we come down and rotate this around on the y-axis to 90 degrees i'll place that on there if we zoom out we can see that atom plane has been placed along there now we may have to click on the flip sides for this one because when we come to sketchup on this our sketch may be sitting behind the object so it'd be on this side but we'll have a look at that basically flip sides if i enable that and go back hit okay looking at the model that that i'm playing we come down and we've got map reverse and you can see that's set to true and that's what the flip size does it sets that to true if i place the sketchup on here and i'm going to connect it to the datum plane so just click on new sketch that and play you can see that's on the right side of that object if it was on the wrong side all we have to do is come into the datum plane and change the map reverse there or if we look at the sketch we've also got the same one here map reverse so you can either reverse the datum plane or reverse the sketch now we're in the sketch i'm going to come in and i'm going to sketch an angled line across here but first we need to know some parameters we already know the radius of this is six millimeters so we need to work out the circumference when we've worked out the circumference we can space the number of geometry across that and evenly space it across that surface now to calculate that we're going to use a simple formula and if you type in circumference of a circle you even get this solver here that google throws up which is quite handy now our radius was six millimeters and we can see that we get 37.7 there so we can take that and whatever we divide this by will give this the millimeter width of the geometry we need to create so i'm going to create an angled box an angled rectangle that we can remove material with so i'm going to come into here and just place that in there i'm going to divide it by first by 90 and see how much we get so that's 0.418 so that's make something on our object that's that size for that i'm going to make the slanted box set so this is just going to be basically a rectangle but i've got the auto constraints on and what we've done by escape out we've made two sides a vertical and the vertical and we just all to constrain that to this vertical line and we need to make these equal we need to make this one and lining here if we can see it so that's click on model click on the datum plane and hide it now i don't think we've actually got line in here yet no we can see if we put some side on there we can see no lines in there let's just create a line in there there now is a line in there we can see it's sitting there and we need to make this one and this one equal and also we need an angle across here an angle of constraint so that horizontal line and that line there let's put an angle on there we need to 45 degree angle but our angle has gone this way so 180 will be flat and can do in here you can do minus 45 so it's a simple calculator also you can do that in your head and we get 135 degrees now you can see this is all over the place at the moment so we need to connect up these points and make sure these two are connected up as well also we need some length so we need to create some length in here and we'll put some height in in the moment so let's create the length which we're going to use length this line and i'm going to set that to something like two millimeters now we can set this length here i can do it either front or the back it doesn't matter they're both the same let's click that line and place a vertical you can see it's been locked down now and we'll have a look at what we've got we've got 0.418 so let's try this 0.418 let's have a look what we've got so we've got this size now so everything if this was pocketed in here is it what we're looking for is it a bit too big or is it okay i'm actually going to go for that i've decided that that is fine let's pull these constraints out a bit so we can see what they are remember you can pull these off the line so you can see them so we know that we need to make 90 of those to fill the whole surface but we need spaces in in between so we just need to divide that by two so that would be 45 let's go back first thing we need to do is come out the sketcher let's close the sketchup get itself positioned and use the pocket can see how far that pocket's gone down which is a bit too far let's come over to our pocket parameters and place something in like 0.1 and have a look i'm happy with that that's okay that that pocket's there now and we can come up to the create a polar pattern feature also available from part design apply a pattern and we've got polar pattern there click on that it's going to ask for the axis that we want to do the pole pattern around so at the moment this is normal sketch axis so polar pattern will go around this way because this is where the sketch actually sits it sits on top so we need to change this to z because as that axis is this one here you can see it's saying z axis there and then we can adjust the occurrences so we go 20 on here we can see them all going around here so we need 45 as you can see they fit all the way around there and you've got spaces in between so that is our first pattern now we need to criss-cross the pattern there's a number of ways of doing this including mirroring the sketch you notice i started with this sketch not constrained to the center in the middle but constrained here so we can quickly easily mirror this over here if we so desire so we have the first part of our knurled surface around that object we need to make a criss-cross pattern now we can leave it like this if we so desired but i'm going to mirror the sketch over and crisscross that pattern along there to do that it's quite simple we're going to come in and find that sketch that we used so it's this one here press the spacebar it's part of the polar pattern that's the pocket so if we look along here we can find our seam and we can see the sketch there as you can see the sketch and the polar pattern that is produced don't coincide and that's because of the depth we've actually removed from there we've only removed 0.1 of a millimeter along there if i remove more that will go deeper the reason why is because as you can see if we can just place that in that position you'll see we look this is a curved surface and this goes over that curved surface and we can see it ramping out of this surface here if we increase that depth then we would go up to this point here so it's up to you if you want to go all the way up we just increase the depth i'm going to leave that as it is we're going to take this sketch and i'm going to duplicate that sketch but i'm not going to use the edit duplicate tool which is here duplicate selection i'm going to mirror that sketch so it mirrors across this line here this is the reason why we've done it across this scene so let's go over to the sketchup tools now in the sketch tools we'll select the sketch go to sketch and go to mirror sketch now it's asking us for the access we're going to mirror over the x-axis the excess is pointing straight up at the moment let's okay that and that mirrors across there like so the trouble is we can't actually do anything with this yet because it's outside the body which is easy to solve so just collapse the tree view for the body and we'll just place the mirror sketch in there and also if we come into the part design and try to pocket that sketch so let's make sure it's selected first try to pocket that we can see that's not going to take if we hit ok same pocket result has multiple solids this is not supported at this time that's because if we look at our sketch what might be happening is that you see we've come in a bit there when these pockets it removes material so what might be happening is a little bit of the body is being missed at this point here causing the pocket to fail and creating two solids in there so we're going to come into the mirror sketch we're just going to adjust it a bit so at the moment it's over these points but it's not attached to them so i'm just going to pull this slightly over but you can see the constraints are gone because of the mirror so it's just control said that let's just use a vertical constraint on that and come in here and have a look see what we've got we can see that's sitting over there at the moment so what i'm going to do is just controls add that we've got a length on this from here to here and those are equal to each other and this sketch is mobile as you can see but we've lost the angle constraint on here because obviously our angle constraint can't come over i'm just going to nudge this slightly this way just off that point and perhaps place that on here with a point to an object constraint like so let me close that i'm going to try pocketing that now just click on the pocket we can see that has pocketed so that is our problem so now we know the problem we can cancel that pocket and come in and just adjust this and add some constraints in here so i'm going to take these two and just add our angle constraint back on it's 135 degrees close up let's try pocketing that so that's allowing our pocket and we can do this at 0.1 millimeters the same as the other now we've got our pockets in there we can go through and add the polar array around there so again in the part design click on that pocket and come up to the create a polar pattern feature now if we look at our model and look at the polar pattern in here and look at the data we can see the occurrences was 45 so we got to replicate that in here go out to tasks it's still open making sure we select the z-axis that runs along here so that axis there and change the occurrences to 45 and click off you can see that polar pattern has taken and we've got the knurling going around here obviously if we increase the depth we'll get a different effect depending on the pattern we want so the beginning of the demonstration the one that i showed you there had different depth and a different width also a different amount of currencies around the edge there we can see those are coming in there if we want to change those occurrences then we can come into the polar pattern and either change the occurrences here but we must remember that we're going to have to change the width of our geometry inside there we also can change it by the pocket so at the moment we're taking a length of 0.1 there if we change this to something like 0.2 and click off that will recalculate as you can see it's gone a lot deeper in there we've got a different look and fill and we'll just do the same to the other pocket as well and as you can see we've got something that more represents the demonstration piece that we showed at the beginning just by changing those depths there and we can come in and hide this sketch here just by pressing the spacebar now this is quite a processor intensive operation so this needs to be really done last the same as you would do fillets and chamfers in there so we can do that last one thing to remember though if we come into the sketch and come back out of it so if we change something in here obviously it's parametric so that will take an effect but even coming into the sketch and just closing it will cause it to recompute as you can see that took a little while to get out of there because we've recomputed not only the sketch but we've recomputed the polar pattern and the second polar pattern on top of that to stop that from happening we can put the project into mode to stop the reconfusion so to do that we come up to the main document the first master node in our tree view and we right click come down to skip recomputes that means we'll have to do the recompute manually so when i go into the sketch now and come in if i change anything in here and press close what happens you'll get a little tip by the side of the sketch saying that it needs to be recomputed and we can recompute that just by going to edit and refresh and the same if we came into something like this polar pattern here this mirror sketch i did the same in here and close that then we get a tip by there as well so now i can go to edit refresh the whole document will recompute and you can see those are full taken effect and we're back to where it was before to turn this off we just come into the project document there right click on it and just uncheck that skips recompute there so that's it that's how to make a nulled surface like so obviously you can use any pattern you want along there but the process is the same we can even use this side to create a null surface on so we're cutting into the object at different angles from this side so i hope you enjoyed that and please look out for some more tutorials during the week we're still doing our curved surface tutorials in there and we're going to start looking at animation as well in the future thanks a lot and i'll see you again if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to my site and also i have a kofi site where you can actually donate a few pence or a few pounds dollars or whatever your currency is and that's at ko hyphen ming0 and there you'll be able to help me fund my site and all the money that i actually get from any funds will actually get pushed back into the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing i'll see you next time
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions for FreeCAD
Views: 17,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, 3D Printer, 3D Printing, manufacturing, CAM, texturing
Id: RB9zNhkIsCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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