FreeCAD: Part 2 Model a 3D Mouse from 2D trace Sketcher and Curves Workbench Beginners Tutorial

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hi viewers and welcome back to the channel and welcome back to this two-part video tutorial of creating a mouse in freecad using the curse workbench now in part one we created this body here and this feature in part two this part we're creating the top and the mouse wheel we'll be creating this with a sweep across two rails and this part here using part design workbench to create these features along here if you haven't already looked at part one i suggest you do that because i'll teach you how to do this because we can't create this part here without creating the body first because we'll be extracting out edges from this body using tools in the curse workbench and using those as rails so i hope you're enjoying this modern two-parter and let's have a look how to do this if you like this video please hit like and also subscribe to the channel i also have a kofi site where you can actually donate to my contributions to the community and that's at ko hyphen ming0 so now we've got one something mouse down we're gonna look at doing the top we're gonna be using the sweep across two rails at the moment we've got ourselves into a bit of a state there's quite a lot in here i'm gonna introduce some groups in here so i'm gonna click on the document and right click and come in here and create a group what that's done if we look down to the bottom we see the group in here so i'm going to pull both the offset and the solid into a group just control click those and drag those in there this won't affect anything else if we look in here we can see the golden surface here and we can see the clone here as well which is inside and if we come in here and look at the offset we've got the approximate curve in here now this solid was created from that golden surface so we haven't got any problems there let's have a look for the rails as you can see it starts to get a bit confusing where everything is and that's the reason why we introduce a group to group these together so we're coming into a sweep and have a look inside we've got the ruled surface we've got the mix curve here and also that's available in the golden surface so you can see how those are shared across so that's the same object if i click on the mix curve and press the space bar to hide that and we have a look at the top you can see that mixed curve has hidden in there as well so click on this one and hide that and we come down and we can see they've got a relationship so anything we do in here will affect outside the group so this is exactly what we want now these are inside the group we've got some separation what's gone on before we can also rename this group if we so desire by just coming in right click and rename what i'm looking at is creating a mirror of this solid to the other side so we can create a space for our top of the mouse that goes in here now i'm just looking at this and i'm going to use this lip here the top of the mouse is going to fit inside here so we need to take out this part that runs around here that's edge 2 of the offset if you look down to the left so we're going to have to create a mirror either of the offset or the solid so i'm going to use the offset and create the mirror so i'm in the part i'm going to click on the mirroring and we're looking down here and we are on we want to mirror this over the yz plane you can see the y is coming towards us and the z is pointing up and we want to flip it over that plane so if we look at here this is the center line and it's projecting straight towards us and that's on the wise airplane and we want to flip that over that yz plane mirror that over the wipe yz plane so let's okay that and that's mirrored that across there and now we can take some lines from this now i'm going to take this inner line i'm going to use a join curve to join this up towards the other line here it's just going to hide this one so that one's gone and i'm also going to come into the draft and i'm just going to get rid of this gridding down the bottom let's get rid of that grid there we go that was there because we jumped into clone from the draft workbench let's go back to the curse workbench let's just strap this edge so on this edge here that runs all the way around and i want to join it up with this edge here now i could use a split curve or i could use that as one with a join curve now depending on the application we may have to change that to the split curve afterwards so i'm going to actually go for a split curve on that one click the split curve and because those are two separate parts we will get the split curve sitting there like so just bring that offset back and also we come into split curve and the offset mirror is going to be in there so we've got those two back i'm just going to show you what happens and hide that split and that split as well just pressing spacebar on those just going to show you what happens when we use the join curve so i'm going to click on this one and click on this one so i've clicked on those two inner edges and use the join curve and what's happened if i hide these two you can see we've got one continuous curve that goes all the way around that's in that shape that one there we don't want that we want the two splits so we're going to bring those back and the reason why is that we're going to create rails and profiles from this so the first thing i'm going to tackle is the end profiles we need a shape to do a sweep across two rails to end and begin with so this will be our beginning and this will be our end so we need to extract out this curve that goes around here and this curve that goes around here i'm going to use those at those two end points to do that i'm going to select one of the split curves so this one here we've got these values in here now that 50 is this point here that can be altered so we can come into that split curve and double click it and we can move this this is what we want we want to position this along here to create a profile that goes along here now i'm going to position this around about here so we've got this one coming along here and that's 76.72 so i can go into the split and double click it and that applies that to the split so i'm going to come in here and change this so i'm going to just round this down to 75 i'm also going to add another one in about 25 percent that means we get another one up here now that looks like it could be in the place i want it i'm actually happy with that so i've got those two in there what i can do is i can click on the split split curve now 75 and 25 percent can take that i've controlled to see that i've copied that gone over to this split curve and i can control v that in place so we have these splits here what we'll do now is take this curve and this curve create a join curve out of those so create that as one curve and we'll do the same for the other side and this is our beginning and end profiles now done that i'm going to create using the split curve coming round and just flipping in between just by moving the mouse you can see i'm selecting split curve there or the join curve there but you can hide and show those if you so desire so i want that one there and i'm going to create a join curve with that one so that's one rail and we're going to do the same over here and that's our second rail so we've got two routes i can take that split and i can press the space bar and get rid of it and same for the other side as well so this curve here let's press spacebar get rid of it i'm going to take those two rails and come over to the part and i'm going to create a ruled surface across them like so so that's created that one there so we've got the profile that runs along that tip there what we're going to need is another profile that creates the curvature goes up here now we did have a look at the side image we can see that we've got to create the height here and we'll come back to sketch four and bring that into view by pressing the spacebar we can see that follows that there let's get rid of the side image by just pressing the spacebar selected and pressing the spacebar we've now got the curve to attach to so i'm going to hide the ruled surface pressing the spacer on the raw surface see the raw surface is sitting there that's inside our group well it's not but we can actually move that inside that group once we've finished and what going to do is get this positioned just clicked on red gets positioned and i'm going to select the top part here holding down control so that's the top of that curve and still holding down ctrl select that one and we need to be in the curves workbench so we've selected all three points and we use the curve across there the freehand curve come down you see the freehand b spine there double click it and that's going across there so we don't need these rails anymore so we can click on that one hide it click on this one hide it and i'm going to bring back the ruled surface we're going to be using the join curves one at the top and the one at the bottom you can see them there and i'm gonna highlight those come into view and just bring up the width so you can see them there and we've got that one there and bring up the width for that so we've got those three we're going to select the rule surface and select the drawing curves which is best select from here this join curve and the freehand b spline and we're going to use the sweep profile across two rails that swept that across the two rails and you can see the profiles across there those dots look quite nice they're nice and even they're not overlapping if we come into that sweep and look at the data we can see we've got some rail samples so we can add this rail samples if we so desire now add more samples in there gives us a better surface but takes longer to process and we may have to tweak these when we create our surface across here to get the best effect that we want now i'm going to use the approximate points to nerf curve surface it's best to click off and then click back on suite to rails after you've done that sweep just to reset everything so now we've got that selected let's approximate that in those curves that's in there we can have a look around here so one of the points that you will really want to look at is where these two join here and that looks quite clean now if we offset this it sometimes shows up the problems that we might have in there if we've got any problems with joins or anything like that so let's just go to the offset it goes to part and the offset you can see we've got problems there you just have a look there so we've got a bit of a problem there it might be better within strewed but we're going to go for the offset first so let's fill that offset and okay that and we're going to come into the offset and look at the approximate curve and look at the continuity now the offset may break with continuity changes if that's the case we're going to have to go to something like an extrude or even do the same as what we did with the shell of the body and that's crate has a curves workbench solid in there so let's come and look at this so we've got c2 at the moment let's bring this continuity to g1 now if i press ctrl r or select off of the actual field and we can see that our offset has broken so i'm going to get rid of that offset and delete that offset and i'm going to use extrude so i'm going to screw this it's not going to take the normal because we're not co-planner there so if i apply that it's not on a plane so we can't actually do that all we need to do is determine where we want to destroy so i'm going to extrude along the z and i'm just going to go about two millimeters along there and we can make it symmetric and we'll create that as a solid as well but i'm going to leave that unchecked for the time being okay that see our issues are a lot better there and also be a lot faster to calculate this we can see we've got some problems coming you can see how that edge is disappearing there so let's go through the surfaces extrude and inside the extrude approximate curve let's change this surface in i've got g1 c0 let's click off hasn't done much c1 there's was a little change there just zoom in a bit more g1 a bit of a crease appeared c2 you can see there's a small change there g2 so it's basically going through these and seeing which one's the best for you so c3 and cn go back up to c2 and i'm going to come down change the degree maximum in so we're going to try free min on there and max about 10. see what that does for us so now we seem to be getting somewhere just checking the rest of the surface so i'm going to bring down the degrees let's try 9.5 i can't actually put points in there i found out so you can't put points in there so 14 so 20. so the highest we're going is 14 degrees there we have a bit of a crease there see some changes along the bottom as well just going down the degrees and pressing ctrl r you can see how that is changing as we go down so that's one degree we can see we've got more of a sharper edge there bring this up control r let's curve that edge off there so we can play with that to get the effect that you want so i'm going to stop playing with that for now i'm quite happy with that surface so i'm going to go back to the model and i'm going to highlight all of these and put them inside that group i'm just going to rename this group so this is where i was dealing with the top of the mouse it's a mouse top just gives us a bit of division between what we've been doing i'm going to bring back the offset i'm going to bring back the solid and we can see now that's fitting in there and we can have some bevels or chamfers along here if we so desire and what i'm going to do is that offset has been mirrored so we can come in have a look see what we've got in here which offset that's that offset we're doing the split curve sometimes it's quite hard to find where they've gone let's get rid of that sketch i'm gonna press spacebar on that sketch and we need to mirror this as well so this solid needs to be mirrored so i'm going to use a mirror on that and same it was along the yz plane okay that that's mirrored across there and we've got that in place so i'm going to tackle the mouse wall in here so we're going to start removing some material from here and this is for if i open up the top image just click on that and press spacebar and hide these i've actually got my group we're going to sort out this group as well because i've just added the solid and the offset to the group i really want to do parts of this mouse in those groups so this top in a specific group in here this feature and the body just separate them out like that at the moment i've just dumped a few things in there i haven't really thought about how to structure this project i'm going to come into my desktop let's get rid of that and let's get rid of this side so we're going to create this feature here so we need a split with a space for this mouse wheel and the mouse wall itself it's got some knurling on there that we're going to be doing and we're going to be using to take that out a tournament curse workbench called the trim face with projected curve and that's going to use a sketch and a projection to actually remove material from there first things first let's come in and sort these groupings out so we've just hidden the mouse top which as you can see has got a lot of other things in there and we've also got this solid mirror at the bottom and we've got a feature going around the outside which i've hidden as well so you can see how hard it is to actually find these bits and pieces that are in here so we've got our mouse top and create another grouping here that's added to the bottom and call this mouse body and we're going to place that mouse body in there so there's a solid mirror and also we need the solid as well that means when we click on that and press spacebar our top and part of the side disappears there which is our offset so that's create a mouse feature in here and rename this mouse feature and we're going to place the offset in there and this one what's this one this part of the offset mirror should be coming to the offset we've got approximate curve so it's not part of that so where is that one let's have a look so this was created should be a mirror of this offset and it's probably in no is it part of the mouse top so we've got this offset mirror there so that one there so that needs to go into the mouse feature so remember they have got dependencies on each other but we've kind of split them out so we can click on that mouse feature press the space bar and hide both of those and the same for the mouse body and the same from the mouse top like so it's actually quite awkward to take items out of here so i don't want this split curve in here i know it's part of you can see that's an approximate curve a split curve comes around here it's what i built this with i could leave it in there it's all part of that mouse feature but when i click on there you can see all those have been made visible so make that invisible make that one invisible click on that one and they come back so i'm going to take these out so on that one and that one and it's awkward because what you've got to do is go up to the top and you've got get yourself into basically in this corner here and sometimes it doesn't work and sometimes it does there we go so if you just hold it there for a while and you've got to drop this onto the mouse nurbs so the actual i've called mine project mouse nerves that's my document so you've got to drop it on there you see your mouse pointing changes with a move tool so you've got the move icon there and just drop it in there and there they are outside of mouse now so i'll just collapse that directory so i'm gonna press spacebar on that to hide those and now when i make that invisible that disappears that's great so we're gonna concentrate on mouse top and we've got our strewed and we've got the approximate curve that's in there and if we bring the extrude away and show you the approximate curve we may have to break these back out because i'm going to trace directly on this face here rather than the extrude i'm going to create a sketch and project that onto here so i'm going to go over to the sketcher skip work bench and we're going to create a sketch now because i've put my screen into a mode where i've increased the size of the font and increase the size of the icons on there my toolbars have moved about a bit so my new sketch is over here create a new sketch i'm going to fix this shortly because it's a bit of a pain and my section view has gone missing as well where's my section view now there it is so it's sitting there so i'm going to create a new sketch and we're looking down on the top don't want anything selected click on the top it's set top and new sketch now it's not going to attach to anything so x y plane should really set an offset so i'm going to bring this sketch up at the moment it's in here i'm just going to come into model i haven't hit close just come into model and come down to the sketch and we're looking at the placement space and we're looking at the position and we're looking at the zed so i'm looking at this handler here so that goes straight up and we're going to adjust that so it brings it above so we've got our sketch that's going to sit above here i'm going to hide the mouse top press spacebar on that and we need to also hide the approximate curve there so that's hidden and we're going to get a self-positioned and we're going to create a feature here and center it along this line so i'm going to use the slot because all that is is a slot there let's just have a look around that and that goes right away along there so it's i think we need a slot and basically a rectangle so let's give that a go start with rectangle and we're going to come in here and all the way up to there i'm not going to constrain this down it's best practices too but i'm looking at speed to do this so we're going to take this one and this one and this one and to a symmetry constraint across there i'm going to go to the center it doesn't really matter so center here i've gone further but that's fine i'm going to bring this off there and put a small constraint in here what do we want it's gonna be short let's bring this down a bit something like that and we'll just constrain that it's a millimeter let's go for two mil that's a bit big so one millimeter there we go so that's one millimeter there and also we're going to need a slot and attach it to that line where do we want it about there i didn't actually attach this yes it did so that's there and let's move this down and move the top down and just move this into position and we're going to put constraint across here because i need to know the width that's 7.9 so let's go for 8 millimeters because i've got to place a mouse wheel inside of here that's good that's in there it's not perfect but that's all i'm looking for at the moment i'm going to come in and i'm going to use the trim tool now and i'm going to trim across here to remove that and trim across here to remove that and also these ones as well let's trim down it's going to task goes close that's in position now i'm going to bring back my mouse top but i'm just going to bring back that approximate curve not the extrude and that's sitting on top of there ready to go i'm going to get myself positioned so i'm looking down from the top and we're going to come over to the curse workbench so that's sitting there and it's going to be projected onto that surface so we're now going to project this sketch onto this surface now to do that i need to select all the edges of that sketch i can't select that sketch and then ctrl select surface and use trim and face projector curve because it won't work also projection is important so i was looking down on the top here so this will project this down onto the surface what i need to do is let all this in here all these edges this is quite laborious if i've got a shape like this which has got many edges so i'm going to come out to edit and use the box selection to select those now there is a little gotcha with this one if i come out to view and select the panels in the selection view then if we just clear this selection a minute because that's selecting all those there we go let's clear down if i come in and try to select all of these with the box selection so edit box element selection like so then you can see we've only got two things in here which includes this face here i've just control clicked that face to get rid of it we need to select the edges so edit box element selection or using the shortcut and i'm going to come down and i'm just going to miss this bottom edge here so this bottom edge here and you can see we've got all the edges selected if we selected all those edges it selects the sketch and i'm going to control click the top of this to get rid of it so i've only got the edges selected in here and this is important i'm going to come in and select that bottom edge as well so i've selected that bottom edge so now we've got the edges selected now depending where i select in here if i control the slat in here to select the face that's highlighted that will select that face in that area and we'll trim out this part here so we'll be left with this but if i select outside control step outside then all of this will be removed so we're just going to make sure we're on top because we're projecting down and then select the trimmer facebook projector curve and that's removed that section from in there come in we can see how that's been placed there so that's the sketch there we don't need the sketch anymore so what's happened is we've created a new trim face i'm going to bring this strew back and have a look we need to delete this because nothing's actually applied to that extrude and if we scroll down to the bottom you'll see this trim face here so we need to extrude this trim face because it created a new face coming to the part and we're just going to hit the extrude again we're going to slap along the z-axis this one here and i made it symmetry symmetric last time and we're going to do two millimeters long there and hit ok so that's back to normal now with our section removed and i'm just going to hide this sketch here and the mouse feature if we go in here press spacebar that's okay we want the mouse top which is here bring that back see there's nothing in here at the moment that mouse top because i've removed the extrude so we need to place these inside there so let's get rid of our selection view just go with that hide that mouse feature and i might as well stick the sketch in there and the extrude can go in there as well so the astrud the trim face that was inside that our sketch which we no longer need so i might end up moving that out somewhere because if we're pressing spacebar on that that will appear but we'll just hide that for a second so that's created that section there and we'll come in and looking at the mouse body pressing spacebar on those groups we can see how that's being built up no longer need this top image until we come in and start doing the mouse will in here which i might do by freehand anyway because we know the width and we can measure the length so to model the mouse wheel that goes in here it's pretty simple i'm going to be using the part design to do this so i'm going to jump into the part design and create a body and create a sketch and we're going to place it along the z y plane this one here so we can click on that one and locate that so let's put it on the side there now if we go to the model because we've got these in folders i can click on the folder press spacebar and we can hide those and desktop so those are all gone we need this sketch to figure out what sizes we want but we're going to create the mouse wheel from a simple circle that goes in here and some padding so we're going to add a constraint against that so we're going to add a diameter constraint along there and i believe that the size was about 15 millimeters or 17 millimeters so i'm going to go 15. and we'll close that to come out to task close so that's close there so we've got our circle there let's just double check what sizes we have so sketch 006 is in the mouse top and that should be our slot there so we've got an eight millimeter width along there and we're going to take a measurement across here so the height of that is 17.02 15 millimeters is going to be about right so i'm going to place that in there it's okay that so now we've got that body in there and that sketch i'm going to pad that and we're going to go for about five millimeters because we've got eight millimeter width and we want it symmetrical to plane it places it in the middle because we've got items that have been mirrored over the middle so symmetrical to plane this is the plane that we're drawing on it goes straight from the middle of this one now let's okay that now i've got a simple wheel we can put a hole in the side if we so desire to place a spindle through here but what we're going to do is create some indentations now for this i'm going to have to use a datum plane so i want this seam here because i can't sketch along here without using some kind of tool like a projection or sketch upon the curve in the curves workbench i'm just in the part design i don't need that it's a very simple sketch i need to place along here and all i need to do is take this feature here this edge and you can see same pad face free if i highlight that it's body dot pad dot edge one so that's an edge there now i'm gonna attach a datum plane against there so hit the correct datum plane and you can see pad edge one has been selected at the moment it's the wrong rotation so i'm going to come down and rotate it along the y axis so we're going to flip it around the y axis by 90 degrees so that now sits across there at the right place okay and i can sketch up on this now so i select the datum plane and make sure that we click the create a new sketch and now we can create a sketch on here but it's on the wrong side so let's close out here the sketch has been created down here but i need to reverse it so if i come out to map mode and we've got map reverse here let's just drop this down and set it to true so let's reverse it around the other way so when we come into the sketch now it's now sitting on the right side of that object i just want a simple slot in here so i'm going to come out to the slot and create a slot in here like so you can constrain this down if you so desire but i'm just going to go for that and get hit close and i'm going to pocket that into there by about 0.1 millimeter so we just created a little indentation on there i'm gonna take that pocket and then i'm gonna make a polar pattern around this object by clicking on the create a polar pattern feature and i got to pick the correct axis because at the moment we've got two occurrences i'll put this to six you can see they're going around here so we want it around if you have a look you see the x-axis goes through the center drop this down go to x-axis click off you can see them all going around there so we just need to increase this by something like 30 and there we go we've got that pattern going around there hit ok and that's done so i'm gonna click on this datum plane and hit the space bar and that's going around there and we can add some phillips or chamfers along here on both these sides to make this more like the current will we have and that's quite easy we just come into one side click it and add a fill it and i'm going to use a 0.5 millimeter radius and also add the other side like so hit okay same fail to create filler so let's join all point one hit okay and we can see we've got philip going around there now and we can double click that and change this to something like 0.3 okay that and there's our wheel there now that's a body we can bring the mouse feature back and the mouse body and also the mouse top see where that sits that's sitting inside at the moment and we've got this here which i can click on and press spacebar so click on that body right click transform and we're just going to place that in position like so and just move it now hit okay now that's in position we can see that's in there i might move it down a bit more but we'll get our whole idea of actually creating that in there we've got the bottom to create which i'm not going to go into i think you get the idea now we can just surface this button the same way i would bring these around a bit more look at the sketch and round off the sketch that comes into here so they connect up better so that's it we've created our mouse i've added some color to this so if i click on this one all i've done is come down to the view and i've come down to shade color and i've just added a bit of color to this including these here so we've just added red to the body and gray color to the top and sides and also this feature here we've just added a red color there so it's very simple to add the colors in there if you so desire i'll be looking at doing some more long format modeling tutorials in the future we're still carrying on with the curse workbench trying to get through all the tools in there and teaching you what they do but i've had requests for videos like this for modeling something from the ground up and it's been fun to do that and i would like to do some more of that it allows you to see what you can do with the workbench and also shows the power free cad when you get used to all the tools that are in there so again next week there will be another tutorial on the curse workbench and throughout the week i'll be dropping a few tutorials regarding other modeling techniques in the other workbenches not just the curse but free cad throughout thanks a lot for watching and i'll see you again soon if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to my site and also i have a kofi site where you can actually donate a few pence or a few pounds dollars whatever your currency is and that's at ko hyphen ming0 and there you'll be able to help me fund my site and all the money that i actually get from any funds will actually get pushed back into the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing i'll see you next time
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions
Views: 1,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, nurbs, nerbs, n.u.r.b.s, modelling, 2D, tracing, modeling, model, trace, free cad
Id: g1XAe4RDBk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 36sec (2796 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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