Free yard sale broken lawn mower can we fix it?

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at a yard sale probably around 11 o'clock in a little later in the day and with a priest free pile in the free pile is this craftsman mower that says oil leak head gasket still runs what do you say we bring that home see if we can fix it free score let's go get this thing out of the truck I poured you anything he says it runs let's see if I can go fire it up and see what we get I think that one's the one to make it run I don't know if it has a choke automatic or not that started easy let's ask a bring it into garage so I guess if you leave it run long enough it'll start to really pumping out some smoke but let's go check the obvious things first sometimes that could be what our issue is let's go get a rag I'll wipe that off let's check the oil level sometimes people overfill them and they definitely cause an issue it's up about a little more than it should should be down I'm showing that should be the high but actually that is right there so it is overfilled by about a 3/4 of an inch let's will pop the air cleaner off see make sure the air cleaner a good tell would be if the air cleaner gets soaked with oil because it will push it out the breather hose hose and then generally it kind of fills up the air cleaner and then the oil gets pushed in through the intake and causes it sometimes it's pretty dry but we're looking for where the breather hose he even goes into the crankcase it's back here so it's down lower than what it should be let's um the filter is dry let's put it outside we leave it as it is I'll put a clamp on it we'll let it run we'll see what it does over time and let's just reconfirm what its issues is issues are issues is and very first thing we'll try doing this will take the oil level down to where it should be and see if that makes it go away but let's just duplicate what's happening make sure that we have a problem before we do anything all right back outside it goes I wouldn't say it's smoking a ton it's smoking a lot but it's not you know let's go perk some of that oil out of there and see if we get see if it will cure yourself no the problem is I'm gonna have to run it awhile after I do that because the exhaust system everything is kind of contaminated with oil so even once I do knock the level down I do suspect it to smoke for you know five five minutes or so Thank You a mess we can make we'll check that see how it looks see we're just a hair above the high mmm-hmm that's pretty it looks like it's almost we're down the high high spot so let's go white ball funny spilled on it fire it back up let it run a little bit see what the outcome is [Music] that's about ten minutes later and it seems like it's pretty much good except for what like I said the muffler was gonna be contaminated with Nick see what it shut off because he's just burning off the excess oil that's on the muffler itself to get underneath the blade looks decent like be bent down on that side we'll check that out a little bit definitely how it's been used for a while so I have a feeling either he checked the oil and it was on an angle and he overfilled it and just didn't catch it not sure I do know the muffler seems like it's backing off a little bit the hardware is loose on that yeah I've learned my lesson I'm not gonna touch that you see that the brackets flapping I'm gonna go bring it over to pressure wash we're gonna go knock all this crap off of it and now let's go through it a little bit better it also in the back of the truck we have a bagger system for it too so we'll look into that part of it I'll see what we have that cool down Porter you hit it with the pressure washer yes that would probably fit up between the handlebars think this part of the clips on to the handlebar frame now I am more concerned looking for Mouse holes which are very popular in our neck of the woods ones that have been sitting I don't see any that's a good sign don't know if it's missing any hardware I mean they would figure that out won't we get it on but let's get the rest of it serviced first [Music] blew most of that water off it looks fairly decent some of the black pink kind of came off the engine but has to be expected as far as how much oil was over filled by that's how much it was over by not a terrible amount but it's enough to cause its issues so I think for us to move forward I'm going to flip it back over on its side we're gonna get the rest of the oil out of it we're gonna while that's going on we're gonna look into the blade situation pull the plug on it seems to run fine we may or may not pull the float ball down on it it's not always the carburetor definitely blow the air cleaner out and we'll give it just a once-over and see what we have so let's get it on side gets rusty oil out of it and look into that bleed go ask me why don't you take the drain plug out of the bottom of it a lot of times the drain plug can be seized into the body or you have to remove a bunch of plastic to have access to it and you can get just as much out of it by flipping it on its side as you can trying to get the plug out of it see what we have on Amy's here so if you notice on this one that I do not see the drain plug it's probably underneath here this mission and your bolt to any event yeah we would have to remove all that and nothing says that we need to let's uh it's not gonna start but now let's you can't get that plug wire off in there and we are gonna eyeball right there where that blade is going bring over the other side actually looks pretty close let's throw a clamp on it [Applause] we're gonna use that for measuring we're gonna go call that one right at the edge of that yeah it's with him it's with an eighth of an inch actually think I'm gonna leave that alone it looked like the end of the one of the blade was kind of bent down to me that's got a slight taper down and then we'll say it has more they said I think I'm gonna leave that alone the edge actually feels quite good the hand is actually quite flying whatever I'm not even gonna bother God must have no rocks in his yard not like here yeah just actually just fine you should want it on the very face of it so you mean you've taken care of his machines but you took a little too good care of it a little too much oil so let's pop the air cleaner op I'm gonna blow that filament out the bowl you might as well take the bowl over welts on the angle that it is to see if it could pop the ball off you always want to flip up the deck so that the air cleaner faces up or up oil can go through the breather and soak your air filter take it out of the game well for one like if you sharpening the blade or doing what you're doing just go pull that flow ball out and see that's in there while we're here the jet doesn't look terribly dirty hopefully the o-ring doesn't go out of whack very clean actually actually it is the Welch plug fell out of it you guys see that plug in the bottom of it yeah supposed to be pushed up into the top of the carburetor that's floating around the bowl I'm sure we're gonna be able to get that back in there while it's on the machine let's see if we can get better get yourself some room Steele the vice grips paint on the float you know it's very clean that's it almost is depend and the gap it's hard to see it's gonna be up in that corner there so I gave you my breath to try to push that back into place here's a closer look at that you see how it's got a little bit of a curve to it I remember which way it goes I believe you go the bell faces kind of down or the spoon part of it faces down and what you do is you want to put a dent in the center of it and kind of expands it a little bit and holds it into place I believe it's that direction I'm not positive of that though yeah okay this one that's the case that's how we're gonna put it back in anyway know the fuel lines in front is hard to see but it's up in there and we're gonna try to get a tap on it hit it with it's happen I try for the top moment and try to hit it there's a punch put a little bit of a dent in it kind of came out of angle one more shot and hopefully and should stay in and even without it it'll run it's meant to stop it's a vent it goes to event for the carburetor but the idea is to allow so fuel doesn't splash you back up and out of the hole for guess if you're four-wheel and your mower so we are gonna go see if it got another seal for that ball I'm gonna go clean up some of the white crap that's just sitting on the end of the bowl right here and clean the pieces up put the bowl back out let's see if that float back on there it's nice as the float kind of grabs that the needle grabs onto the float so you don't have to try to wrestle with the whole thing yeah would you get that bolt back on there with the nut and that should be good in that clean that jet off too see unfortunately I did not have a new seal you would think I would because someone sent me 30 of last time I went through this sent me 30 of them and I ordered 30 of them so I have 60 of them something like that but there's two sizes guess what and I don't have that size either it's not very just cleaned off the old one and bolna is the the main jet also so I blew the main jet out made sure that was clear but it was running before so it wasn't like you're expecting a ton of crap in it should we get for that yeah what you want to do now all right pop the plug out it I'm sure that's got some somewhat oil fouls we'll clean that up and its back oh it's flat don't waste a lot of oil on it yet [Music] like I suspected to be somewhat black can't be too bad as it was running I'm not terrible we're gonna go clean that up real quick and put that back in see much of any buildup down on the inside of it let's go pop that air cleaner element back out of there we'll blow that off we use that to get some of the crap out of the way I'm gonna turn you towards the door so I'm not blowing it at the carburetor usually have a sock that you can remove and normally I do this outside but for video purposes that one's still nice here and then wherever I put the sock down we're gonna go blow that out we're together do that just because it's fun so that's all cleaned out we will fill it back up with oil we'll bring it back outside we'll fire it up make sure everything's okay maybe we'll jump on to the bagger setup we are right about at the top dot again should be good sometimes what happens you can put an oil and the size of the dipstick enclosure has is wet with oil so you can put the sticky and you kind of get a false reading so we'll run when we run it last thing we'll do is double check out one more time well the other thing we got to do is these are a little loose I'm gonna put up wrench on those see if they'll turn in if they don't I'm just gonna leave them alone but we'll give them a shot Stella walking catch sometimes when you see exhaust bolts loosened up it can be a indication that it got overheated at some point not necessarily but I see popular snowblowers and you see that snow blower you kidding even in the winter time to get Mouse nests in them and they're not cooling so baked someone I'm not gonna push my luck we'll call it right there bend those tabs back down [Music] we'll leave it at that let's go fire it back up Amy fly this a little bit because we had it on its side but we'll see come propel works go let it run for a minute make sure we're okay we'll give it to the job bagger all right let's go get into that bagging system I said what this is called this block off plate or a mulching plate and what it does is we need a pair of pliers what that does is it makes the grass go round and round cuts it up really fine little pieces strip it out and just redeposit it back in the law if you don't want to bag it that way like it stays on actually sometimes they're removable can't do this with you here yeah let's go see if we can wiggle this guy back under it and this is what the bag is gonna attach to I know you guys are not in the best of position to see we're gonna go put that back on there and I'm gonna go drip a little bit of oil back down on this nut before I put it back on do be down there what's the next time on that fight man as much it does have electric start an electric starter right there I do not see a battery he said he bought it new and I didn't have one you know whether that's the whole story or not I'm not sure but if we care - we could chase with the battery you know it hasn't another shoot - this can go off if you want to have it for our side discharge just goes on the same way but it kicks the grass to the side all right let's see you can get that bag set up on there and wrestle with that get you working up a little bit I think it slips down over the top before almost closed up I don't know if the bag that's something that latches it together or not do you see it sitting a little bit apart on the bottom it looks like it's on the outside maybe you should be on the inside yes I guess it just clips together we will fire it up see how that looks and maybe we'll shoot some hitting with some bleach to see if it'll go back to more of a white color see how well that pops up for us let's go I spray down with a little bit of bleach and see if that'll get whitened up and just the bleach one water mix I can just go spray they're all down let it set for a little bit and bring it back over to pressure washer on the machine because it helps kind of hold it fluffed out instead of trying to chase it around the ground with the fresh water it may or may not come back that's fine he's trying to dress it up a little bit that's it guys I'm happy with that it's a little bit more to do and go put some Lube on the wheels and check those pivots make sure they're okay area just the the deck height on it all that stuff does move free but I think we're in it for about $1 worth of oil and that's about it that's a good deal and now is worth it work let that gonna wrap it up in this quick little video on Google Saturday afternoon project from the free pile so to the next one I will see you guys later and just for the other extra stuff that came out from the yard sales I got out late so it wasn't much to be picked at but it was a GPS I guess I got lost real easy no I have two of them on the dash Oh one of them is exactly this is the one I normally use in that system is that copy of it that was five bucks at the art sale so I'll throw that in a different vehicle and not have to worry about trying to transfer the one I have all the time I believe they're the good guys so give them a good way when they fly by you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 661,828
Rating: 4.8945885 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, mower, free, craftsman lawn mower won't start, craftsman lawn mower, craftsman, yard sale, garage sale finds, tag tale, will it run, cold start, garbage picking, fix, repair, diy, eriens, john deere, murray, head gasket, service, start, smokes, save, mtd, ayp, wont run, runs rough
Id: uJnn9BwjkvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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