FREE Junked Suzuki ATV 80 From The Side Of The Road.

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so it is fall cleanup and there is piles in front of everybody's houses and cruising back to my house and I hit a couple of side roads this is a actually a cul-de-sac we were on deck rubella see a damn thing there's a coupla sack out there and up on top of the hill are these two machines and walking up on them just like a little baby Suzuki I'm at my light I got Rampton Beck doesn't roll I might be a little fun to get in truck but we're getting it in the truck and let's go see what this one is I know this is uki something watch to is to see about loading those suckers up as this is the four-wheeler that I grabbed from the recycle week as apartment about three or four months since that's happened there was a generator a snowblower and a four-wheeler we're also in that stash I've gone through those three pieces the other jet other four-wheeler rather which was the larger of the two machines that way we got to run but it just needs absolutely everything so jewelry's kind of out what I'm still gonna go do with that but I figure we'll go take some time we'll go and see what the story is with this I think it's a 90 Suzuki quad sport even we'll find out what it failed for and was thrown out or possibly if we can get it to run like it's just set up in a stand we're gonna start getting into it and see what happens so get that seat off so it looks like that right there I've literally done nothing to this so you and I are team everything pretty much for the first time definitely has some critters living in or had some critters living in it I do not see a kickstart on this anywhere it looks like it may be electric start only I'd like to be able to see if the engine actually turns the other one was stuck then we got it to go later on let's go I'm gonna go vacuum out some of that crap that's in there possibly maybe we'll pull the plug in on the cylinder and put a jumper pack on it see if it'll turn I got four bolts right here and either we could split it here or at the foot well I think we better off trying to get these easily pretty rusty now that the bottom ones are any better but just less of them we'll get those out of the way so you can get that whole skin right off of it going in dry those for us feeling anything they may be stuck thank you time for their rattler rattler oh yeah you're just gonna trip out of there I see another way we take that bolt and netball tout this bracket just go with the fender if they decide to play it's go see what they do good that want a crack off you think up here and that wanna go to awesome we'll go take them apart I'll go to the top take those off water pour off we shoot those pop world crap Pamela's loose loose [Music] right see you've seen further in that fuel lines are off the pet I was like they broke sure get that tank out of there next it's a two-stroke it's a premix oil tank probably goes down to a little pump motor single shock hey go straight to there let's get that gas tank off and see if we can go a little further in holding this on to in the front miles ago get all that crap out of the way or it's already been in there to call it screws out and almost like it's missing in the back to are already missing so I'm still holding the tank on we gotta pray take this all out of here do we need to can we access and we just taking stuff off of the sake of taking it off it doesn't have to come out anyway here's a plug right there these are take spray get these out of our way I can get to that plug and open that up a little bit of oil so you can get the engine to turn over I'll strangle one of these side covers off and get that one there's just hoping that we can get in somewhere so we can turn the crank yeah chased a bunch of hardware may have still more me not good thing about a plastic tank how the corrosion issues that front skin off of there he's got a huge air intake doesn't all this whole assembly right here and here so this this should be a fan down below blowing air across the top of the fins of the motor and then it looks like it exits some of it out to where the air box is you think it'd be an air filter in there with you might be where's the two separate things this is this is air coming in for the motor into the fan and around so you won't get this cover off and then there's an air cleaner probably in the lower half of it not sure yet weird let's get into here and if we get to the female galaxy probably use the fan to turn it maybe critters down there though see I don't think that was gonna turn over that's where the fan is hey let's gonna have a little bit of an issue what it's you eight coins I don't know if we can get this one off it looks like this has to come off first huh hard to say right take both of them off anyway it's gonna have a ton of crap on it that's even get that I know there okay so those those might be an issue or hardware hey I got all the top ones besides Devon out here got the other way up to take the spark plug out I really don't want to think that play out yet so I get a clean go here we go that's what I was hanging on though yeah that's a little full huh need to vacuum rid of all that crap I think it's a hair return I'm not gonna push my luck agate let's go clean this out get that plug out of there a little bit of oil in and see we can get her to free up and a little bit of this [Music] so you get that plug out of it nice that it's an upright like too bad I said it's an operate so when you put oil in it kind of goes down all around although all the rings I'm getting at is Pistons going straight up but mike is leaning on this you put oil in it you know it gets oil to the very bottom of it this Kenny hits the piston runs to the side goes down around the rings all the way around that's kind of what you want it ain't coming out there yeah give it a good bit all right that's it for a second and we'll get on here we start rocking it back and forth let's think about getting its cover off it looks like this whole assembly has to come out of the way before we do that though so before we dig that far let's go see what happens here all right place your bets yeah let's move in gooey yeah once around we know we got it she must be fully automatic yeah I think you've got some crap to that's slowing down let's go through that that's not gonna be further you can walk crap to deal with that we're gonna go pop that plug back in I'm gonna go clean some more this crap out much let's go the other way it's a good sign anyway just went up over top dead center I think we made it all the way around nice good now we will clean up some more that crap we got it mm-hmm and go clean some more of that crap out of there unless you're this is kind of slowing us down we're still you know I'm the cylinder that slow hitter would have vacuum rotated around and unfortunately I broke that little bridge of plastic that was in between there so here there with some air so you could get some more crap out hold you delicious all right let's go around again plugged it back out it feels like it has much more drag than it should but I think on the other side of the engine there is going to be a CVT transmission I wonder if that belt is kind of dealing with them with some stuff me before yeah it just seems like when it goes over top dead center right there and then it rolls free it could be just a bunch of carbon and crap on to youth the Pistons coming all the way up and have smacking in some crap and going back down electric starter what do you think that thing's I didn't say don't see a kick on it anywhere so few much deducting that's how it you set up to run you can hear now there should be a CVT belt my guest inside this area let's go throw a battery pack on it I think it was 12 volts right is that battery 12 will throw a jumper pack on it and we'll hit the button just to see what happens maybe we'll get lucky maybe we got a key you could turn on and what do we got well I think it's gonna be like a run button and then should probably be a kill right here either you that killer headlight if it has a headlight yeah let's get some power back you up a little bit the hot side no sparks that's a good sign I see we get right that I hit a break huddle or something - nothing that's not a break switch over here nope still nothing here clicking yeah the CT the run kill switch was off yeah this needs to be in and will fire a power to a relay probably that one let's go see be nice if you see with the power boats and we probably put power right to the starter not worried about the switch stuff you see maybe this one right here let me go follow that through you can chase that one meet one of these two relays that's very good I turned it power back on again we'll figure out which ones clicking actually gets hi wrap off this ready back and go throw a tie wrap on that one so it takes out of the picture that's better no we got one more left hands that have to if you'd be able to which one of these is clicking it's this one but this one's the power going down to starter I'm gonna go take a Tesla so one of these are gonna be power in which is colors that can't even tell one of these should be power in on the heavy wire and the other one should be power a let's go get a test light well prove it well see if it's going through the switch up just going through the switch nuts down on the starter side if it's not it's at here at the switch you're one of these you lock you live all the time let's go see how we can get down on one side it said no that's yes okay so we need to see power coming out of this one when we hit the button and it is so it's not at the switch the switch is working we are downstream somewhere we have an issue you know to go chase that one that goes to here back probe that and see if we have any if you lost my hot lead over see if we got it there yeah you don't have any other way to start it unless we get this off here put a drill on it you know chase that see where it goes I'm guessing it might be right under the carb right here or it might be inside that where the belt is let's go get some crap out of the way so I'll have to clean some of the crap out that is this starter right there and it's the wire going to it I have a feeling it's gonna be the starter though not not a power thing I think it's gonna be just the fact that fact that I can't get on it I'm gonna pull that little jacket back here we go go get a test light quitting uh c-could you let's go get a test light on that there we'll hit the button see what happens see if you can see video right there at the button hand lost it lost something oh yeah let's go make sure my tie wrap didn't fall off can you loop its clicking yeah let me go right on the tab yeah so powers going into the starter just gonna stress we have to start digging we got to go down and out I wonder if that the drive comes is this way the drive comes this way do you want to take this cover off you want to go at the other side which one you think we should do first uh okay well I thought it can unbolt the pegs get this stuff out of our way start getting some of the covers off but unfortunately that goes right across almost looks like you got a unbolt the frame maybe lift the motor right up and have access to it not sure the carb I'm sure is beat so I think maybe won't be better off just getting all the airbox and stuff out of the way we will pull the carb back out of the way give us some access to make a look inside the cylinder also you know what nests are are up inside here and then the starter is right below there we'll get a better look at it maybe possibly we don't have to dig it all apart but I'm I can kind of guess in that the drive that there's a drive right in here go in this direction that is all bound up and locked up sorry about the background noise look at this it's on it looks like there was two screws that held this together at one time and something clicked I raps in it and I got this clamp loose and that one's loose wiggle something out of here it comes out of here sy Sears the air cleaner there was the air cleaner yeah that might not be great for the bottom in fiction day that's all the way down yes hopefully the throttle is not open and it kept everything out I think the throttles closed so that's good all right let's go go this crap out see if we can bolt that car we can see the starter a little bit better actually could probably miss out again soon let's get some elbow room also sticking to see I'm jumping from side to side let's go see the slide wants to come up mmm good actually looks fairly decent I was expecting much worse than that so this one I didn't get to get out all the way and the one on the other side it's notched so I think we just have to crack it loose and then we can get it to come out I say this lying off yet too nine miles long as he corrosion kind of sticking out of all them all three cracked loose the other side there might be a vent on the a bowl yet still connected now we're good each it's a little muddy there in the bottom float still mousse kind of alright so I think if you get that starter now we can see so there's the starter just like it's got three screws going around holding it to here I wonder again here's worth whatever it's driving into whatever the drivetrain is on this side is running oh yeah that'd be the magneto on that side might be I'll see you in a little part I guess we can try just taking all the screws out of this side I see if this cover will come this way again this is under the frame we could think the bolt out lift it up I'm not quite sure I wouldn't think they would make it terribly hard to get access let's go pop this awkward go see what's behind it that did not feel good I was rocking it back and forth to get it to free the threads up instead of just trying to go drive it one direction daddy that one looks like it goes front ones missing oh boy is literally live things crawling inside he's like I think it might have been a maggot or something I'm like kiddin he went that way let's leave this out the rest of that cover off and I shall lay in there you squeamish it all let's see we decided to move in oh yeah that would make it so it turns over slow huh here's the bill yeah that is a tad bit of a mess inside there I didn't wasn't expecting to see all that that would do it that wouldn't make it turn slow and so it looks like we got teeth yeah on the side here I'm gonna go hit it with a vacuum real quick get what I can out of it and we have to take that cover up we got to go in no matter what that's got to come off looks to be ants I want to see the ants are living in the air goes one make it a break for it yeah ants nest really saw something creeping around yeah so I'm both of the other side of the foot peg bar is able to swing down some that should be enough to get the cover off I don't know if that oil pump like how it connects with whatever's down there and drives off of it let's you can get that to lift up I also get a good idea what's what's what might be just like a piston or something like that fuel pump let's see we watch where it goes whatever what yeah we go find out what that wasn't where I wished I was a washer like a preload ring is that some sort of camp I guess believe that I can go chase these clean up the holes out first they are Allen clean the holes out first and we'll get those cracked out of there hopefully that'll pull away and possibly see what's going on the end of the starter all right there is a drain screw in there I don't know if that needs to come out or not let's go give her a couple taps hold money here you go get that drain screw out of it so different than the other ones I'm just excited ringing to me maybe it was but I don't see anything no probably stuck on it yeah locating pin no it is I think that the support for the back pulley is the cover map I mean you do to me it's running around that doesn't look too good turns at least that's a good time think I might see the end of the starter Drive we go get it back you can delete some of this crap out of here and let's revisit the front I'll clear it out a little bit so this looks like it's gonna be the Bendix and it goes into this gear or to crank it over to start it for channels it looks like this is all enclosed I was hoping them grab like the end of the starter actually may still be able to a that's the gear right there I can get it yeah that's good brushes on the motive sometimes you can get it to turn get I said what can make contact again let's take an air gun we'll go blow some of that out of there because I think it's probably packed right around the backside of this this housing - and possibly maybe we'll spread put some fluid in there and let it soak yeah we can air get in there there's some that crap out and it goes it stops it hits like a wall looks like it's just moving up and down on the the threat of the Bendix out here a physic how it kicks it out I think I'm just kind of sliding on that I don't think I'm turning on the motor that's what the issue is let's go see what it will take to unbolt that that seemed to be further than Shea got it go shoot some fluid I think we're seized right here not saying the rest of the starter could be totally bummed out but I think that's definitely worried an issue isn't gonna hurt us at all let's go take care of that all right let's go see blanks there hold on you can get that there we go I love bleed a little bit of a circus there I can get on it and see thing and turn it actually forgot to turn this because we got it in a starter a pennant huh I just pop out or do the turn just popped out that was getting somewhere so I need to go please Louisiana right so we got a little time taking with Justin freaks and then it just locks right up I think I'm gonna go try putting a little bit of some something-something on the crank and see if we can influence a little bit but I'm not gonna try killing it just gonna give her a little cuz I want to break the starter and what's the sense let's go see what happens and it's definitely a dead stop I kill it break that I just been scratching it yeah ain't any work let's go buck the switch see if we get anything yeah still nothing I think we're gonna have to unfortunately pull the whole drivetrain out to get that starter out though I know if you can go maybe take this whole bolt out it's got three screws coming in from that side I don't see easy access to them either yeah so there's one right over there I'm in there and then the bottom one I wonder something else splits further apart to get to that we can look it up but there's no fun in that let's figure it out on our own hopefully my look is this out if we can't other this is down I've enough room to get this cover out of voice if you pop that off and still not be able to see anything but least that'll be out of our way isn't one that has a net on the back soon ground wire right didn't do much for us but we ran I wonder if we could get this cover off there's a nut on the backside of it we can just spin it with drill and check for spark and all that kind of happy stuff yeah bypass the starter take her own I see if we get these guys out of here think about first half the battle the other one looks a little more cruddy though yeah hopefully the thread goes the right way I think it does that we can spin it cool let's go get a drill set up I got a drill set up let's see right away you know I think everything is still turned on that was on this key switches on and one on the handlebars give it a spin spark is the other thing that we're really concerned about so go alright it didn't at first then it came back let's go dribble some fuel in the carb side so that the oil can get set a little bit of the bottom end and we'll let it kind of go feed its way through it see if it'll light off for us and this is extra oily might be a little too oily a little shot to the bottom in and we'll give a little just a little squirt for the top end hopefully just rag out of control try spinning that tire we're gonna find out let's go back to the jumper pack off there a little bit yeah that one got me good I think what happened is maybe the crankcase is full of water or has a bunch of water in it I see all this out of here not quite sure where it came from I took the plug out and the plug also is just nothing but water so hydro locks on it and eat her yeah it's done some damage to my thumb let's just say that let's go see if again we have to plug out let's go CP it may have blown a hole out in the case right there let's see it puffing air doing that along with that whatever that water is you know [Applause] [Applause] that's the base gasket it might have blown the base gasket out gotta go investigate that guys I think I'm going to cut this one here but I ask you a question why do you think he was kicking back like it did this is further ahead in the video I have the answer but see you guys been writing it down below why he was doing what it was doing have some fun all right does the next one I'll see you hopefully it's enough room to clear the jug [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 283,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, mustie1 new videos, mustie1 will it run, suzuki atv 90, suzuki 4 wheeler, 2 stroke, engine save, Quadsport Z90, suzuki 90 atv 2 stroke, SUZUKI LT80
Id: 2ZV1zgjOhl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 43sec (2803 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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