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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hello everyone welcome back to another day another vlogmas another Christmas sleigh but today we have a cloudy special a lot of you know I don't ride cloudy anymore but that does not mean cloudy don't miss out on the Christmas fun my little cloudy boy today is gonna be free schooling for the first time in his life yeah we don't know how this is going to go we've actually never free schooled any of our ponies so we thought might as well just start off with the smallest and the mightiest so we've got the little clouds um he's just been bought in for the field and um he looks a bit gross so we're going to have we're going to give him a little groom down but because he's not in any work we just let him get like we just let him get like really dirty because he's not in work he doesn't need to be Immaculate um he doesn't do any shows um anymore he's just a really good fun Little Pony um the Harin and my cousin's ride but it's just typical today though we're deciding to do a cloudy special today and he's gotten absolutely filthy um he's not normally the diry actually um he's normally pretty clean he's quite a clean pony but today of course it's the Cloudy special so we've got to get filthy but it's fine it's all right isn't it um I know his man is like on both sides but I think it just looks really cute when it's on both sides so he can just be like disobeying the rules of the right man but I like it like this I also have to time him up because I'm trying to um brush him down and get him more looking tidy he starts like wandering around his stable and it's really difficult cuz he just like do he doesn't stand still basically and I tried to get from one side to the other but I'm brushing him and he just keeps on like running around around why is he got like one clipped patch on his neck um that's a little bit weird cloudy no oh I think it was um that he want to go get groomed and then he went to go get clipped and then something happened so he's only got like a one little tiny clipped patch on his neck so you just look a little bit little special but that's fine we all we're all about being unique right brush that for loock what have you got in here whole Bramble Bush he's eating his hay getting that energy filled up before the big moment so I don't actually think I've explained this if you if you don't know what free schooling is it's basically schooling schooling schooling is it's basically where you get your Pony and you basically just let them loose in the arena and you put some jumps out and you put you you put a jump out and you like put a a tunnel into the jump so you like funnel them into the jump and um you just like see how the high they can go basically um but since Cloud's not a little bit of work he has put on a little a little bit of a belly yes I'm sorry I might be offending you he's put a little bit of belly so we're going to hopefully this might be good give a bit of exercise oh you're so cute right look what any main DET tangular in here because you are you're pretty naughty clouds bum bum over pleas C boy okay right yeah you can be that way too if you want you don't want to eat no all right okay don't stand on M grooming bucket good boy standing on your tail cloudy you're standing on your tail I think I might have to trim the ends of cloudy's tail I know he's a native but he just stands on it and he keeps on pulling it out so I might have to just give it like a little natural trim so he doesn't keep standing on it he's pulling it all out he's not going to be sparkling clean but it shall do good boy time to pick out the little Hoops good boy good boy oh no and this one come on good boy yep I'm just picking out his feet time for the best bit of today's Vlog dressing the clouds to up right he's got this little some of you if you've been watching the channel for a long time you might recognize this outfit as it was actually popcorn's outfit from about 2 years ago now it must be um but it's going it's making good use cuz it's now Clowers is now going to wear it Deja Vu guys have you ever seen a Christmas Cloud this is adorable this is so cute I can't cope I don't know whether because I remember when Pon was wearing this he kept on like Bron cuz you don't like the bells so I don't know what cloud is going to be like I think the bells definitely activate spice mode it's something about the pony sense it just King they hear them Jingle Bells and they're like yep we're jingling we're jingling off off off and away he's got these little ribbons like the ribbons so I'm just going to tie it around around so they don't annoy him there we go and then he's got a little ear bonnet how cute is that cloudy I'll pop that on in a second but he's got some little booties oh my gosh this is adorable oh my God so cute this is just too much guys I can't cope I can't I I can't cope this is too cute oh my God oh my God right there's too much straw there walk on babes darling right I'm going to have to put these on once we get out of this table because it's too much straw he literally looks like he's just flew out the North Pole oh my God I can't cope we have got these little rain attachments but maybe we could like thread that how could we like give him more Jingle Bells how could we like make him more christmy time for the air Bonnet oh my God no oh it's my little elf this is too cute no oh and there's a little Jingle Bell on there as well sorry cloudy you you could be jingle bells ringing in your sleep no oh my wait where's this Bridal cloudy you good Elf or you naughty [Music] Elf oh my God cloudy you look ridiculous oh my God so this is the finished look um we are just setting up the like kind of run it's not completely finished yet um but it's looking pretty good so far we're going to do like a little double kind of thing um yes he's all done he's looking [Music] fabulous oh k [Music] he's quite spicy this is what I mean about the bells they they set something [Music] off [Music] cloudy good boy oh he's so adorable he's having a little warm up little lunge before we [Music] start good boy dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh over the hills we go PR it all the way right I think for the first time he goes down it I'll go down it with him and then we'll see how he is I might go down it with him the second time just so he actually knows what to do cuz I don't want him like being like uh what right we done good boy I tried to get all of like the christmy poles um like the poles there are like what the wings are like white and red it's like Hy canes [Music] good [Music] boy good [Music] boy good boy n oo and wo whoa he's a little bit excited [Music] oo oo good boy let's go my little elf steady good boy come [Laughter] on Cody forgot to put the tensil on the jumps come here cloudy nice O Come here it's hardz he's got like no rains no lead I can't grab onto him with [Music] [Music] anything he did it himself that time good boy we're just putting the jump up now oh that Grandpa's a bit far out I think he kind of knows what he's doing kind of right spin spin spin spin good [Music] boy right now off you [Music] go Cloud sters he's excited right go go go good [Music] Boye good [Music] boy that didn't really work so we had to take all of Cloud's little Christmas gear off um and he's now on the lead as well so I'm going to run with him because R I thought he'd also do some free schooling in his field like proper he was like on around around he got a bit excited he thought he might as well join in too um we don't want him to get an injury or anything so took all the bells off Roo has a total fomo that he wasn't in the Cloudy Christmas special he's on the lead now and he's been DJing gifi isn't that right he's like yeah I'm proud I'm happy brother the BS will do my head in I just um ignored this Bell patch my mom was testing if the clipper blades were blunt the other day um so they were yes they they were blunt thanks Mom you've made cloudy a bit bold this little section of his Skin's going to be a little bit chilly right let's go go go Cloud stre we're going to go down there and then up I talk cloudy a trick hold on I need this [Music] actually spin spin spin for leges good boy I'm going to do some running with him now and I've put the lead rope like this so if I need to let go of it or something it can just like go through his nose band so it's a bit safer um but I'm going to run with him through it warm up boy [Music] what good boy all [Music] right goodbye put them up a little bit now this is where my acrobatics skills come in oh you can't go over the jum can you just stay there question is can I jump that well that's finds out let need get a head start good boy oh God good boy I think Cloud's done at really well today we're going to go going to go put him in his stable going to get his little Christmas jammies on yeah he's like oh no no more Christmas stuff come [Music] on good boy right where are his Christmas jamas guys look at his little Christmas jamas we got these last year and he can wear them again finally he was wearing them like throughout the summer a bit wasn't he actually cuz it's just good little F but now he could actually wear it and be proud of wearing it because it's actually Christmas time it is so stinking cute I swear cloudy looks good in like every thing just a model he's an icon he's a legend and he is the moment he's going to have a little chillax now have some food he's also got his little Cloud little toy as well in there I've got my own stable toys with lamir I've got a cloud and a popcorn if you didn't know and this is this is actually quite dirty because cloudy loves playing with it um there's also a popcorn one popcorn's got one in his stable too and they absolutely love them there's also little raindrops on it too and he loves it he's got his little like selection here I think he enjoyed that little workout yes you did I'm going to go grab no Rollo now I'll be back in a minute but I've also got a little Christmas exercise sheet for Rollo 2 so he can have that on as well it's just here this is also from last year too I don't think did we get to use it last year yeah I think we did we did um but Roo's going to wear it today cuz it's Christmas right it's Rolo's turn La yeah actually's pretty clean under the rug I mean not not the rug but also I'm going to ride him so um I took my dress off and I put this little jumper on because oh I always forget them there we go muddy rug lovely right he should been Clips I'm not going to use a really hard brush on him oh he's so soft he's like a velvet it's not long till LaRon R we got to get practicing that's what we're going to be doing today a little bit of prep for London nice nice flat work session we might go over a couple little poles at the end re or just few out work he's have the double on oh yeah he's got like mud blocks in his man you making your own little Christmas bows are you excuse I'm using um a wet brush on Roo's M it feels like all of my hair brushes have just like been transformed into horse brushes like we we'll be at like shows and we like oh I can't find the horse hairbrush and we'll be like in a rush and we just be like yeah just use just use your use your human hair brush um and then they just kind of like go in the grooming kit and then just like turn into horse hair brushes but they actually really good for brushing ponies mans actually we also got a Dyson brush that's the best that is the best for brushing their mans that's really good how did that even end up as a horse hair brush with that as really good isn't it it gets the knots out really easily but it doesn't pull all the hair out which is nice that was a really expensive brush as well this is my Charles Owen custom helmet and this just gives off pure christmy Vibes but I feel like you can also wear it for like not Christmas too and this is custom as well so it's very sparkly it is very sparkly just like mine and Mom's hard desire we love Spark things don't we mom we do this is so cute and then I'm wearing my Christmas jump it might it may not be matching but it's the Christmas Vibes that count he's not going full- on fancy dress today but he will have a Christmas day another time won't you R he's like I want to sleep I don't care about Christmas don't want really saddle to get dirty so I'm just hosing my boots off sorry Ros sorry do you want a little manicure too is that what you wanted no okay oh it's a little bit chilly is it some want's excited I'm so excited okay really we can calm down okay we're just doing stretching to start with oh don't get my leg into the face fence please he's doing AR's walk he actually is isn't he holding on to me so tired what more can I do oh wantful Christmas Is You you baby right right we just we're not even going anywhere we're just going to be in the arena we can chill out a bit all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] good boy it is we literally finished just in time cuz it's like really dark outside now I'm really chuffed with that Roa had a very good workout that's just a hoofpick bucket really there's no food in there there's no food in there but I'm chuff with how good he went he was a really really good boy um considering we've been to like of show jumping shows that's an expensive Bridal and an expensive bit no so guys that is the end of our vlogmas video for today I hope you enjoyed it but make sure to check back tomorrow on the channel because there'll be a new Christmas theme Vlog again tomorrow vlogmas is going to be on every single day till December 25th but I hope you guys are loving the updates it's definitely keeping me and Mom very busy um but we are loving it yes oh it's start the itchy spot do you like that do you like that I hope you guys are all are loving the videos and I'll see you again [Music] tomorrow
Channel: Harlow and Family
Views: 173,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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