Dressage horse vs Jumping horse JUMP OFF! Who wins...

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hello everybody welcome back to my youtube channel so i i'm gonna jump today i've not jumped properly in forever if you watched my last video you will see that i popped over a couple on teddy but it wasn't really jumping i just leapt over a couple and because i forgot to wear my boots um so today i'm gonna jump but i'm gonna jump teddy and billy so teddy is my older show jumping horse he's you know he's done it all he's absolutely fantastic um billy is one of my dressage horses who loves to jump so i thought it could be fun today to jump them both on like a mini little course that i'm gonna set up in a second i'll show you and compare it like see who who's better or what they do differently i mean obviously teddy's gonna be better because he is a show jumper but i personally find billy a lot easier to control because as a dressage horse he is more used to the forward and backs the collection the he's more on my aids and obviously it looks a little bit nicer because he's more on the bit so i think it could be really fun to just put them side by side see how different they are if they're different what they do so that's what we're doing today we're going to jump i'm probably going to start with teddy might start with billy it depends but i need to lunge billy first because he has not jumped in probably two in a bit months so i'm brave but i'm not stupid we're gonna we're gonna maybe maybe lunch him first he typically does require a little bit of warming up and if he's not jumped in forever he normally leaps over the first few so maybe i don't really want to be on his back for that one so i'm going to lunge him over a few jumps and and then i'm pregnant i don't know i just i don't know who i'm going to do first we'll find out in a minute but i'm going to show you the arena and i'm gonna go and set up the jumps get them ready and then i'll show you the jumping so i hope you guys enjoy this video [Music] so first things first is to set up the jumps so when i say i'm going to do a course i do say that loosely because we don't really have that many jumps or poles so i kind of make do with what we have at the moment obviously jumping is still very new to me so i haven't felt the need to buy any new new bits yet um also jumps are expensive i don't know about you guys but i looked online and i was like whoa so anyway we might do with what we've got and i decided to do a little double um but then i realized that i didn't have enough poles i had enough for three jumps and then one pole so i was like whatever it can just be a placing pole it doesn't matter so i do take that down in a minute but i always start with crosses because it's just so much easier um it's good for the horse to warm up and like i said i haven't jumped properly in forever so your girl needs to start also i had to count the strides so i think this is right but i think it's eight so it's two for takeoff two for landing and four in the middle so i had to count eight strides and that's why i also left as a poll because i was like you know if it's not right it doesn't really matter because they can all control for a poll um a little one in the middle across the diagonal just so i could go around i had a bit of trouble with that little blog but whatever and also i don't know about you guys but it really stresses me out that the poles aren't matching um what can you do i dragged this in so i could get round the side because my horses are so silly when it comes to trying to move around it but hera my mum decided to zoom in very close um so i decided to start by lunging billy as i said previously i thought about it and then i decided lunge billy first get that kind of thing out of the way so i always lunge in a hat and gloves particularly as you could really get bad rope burn if you do it without gloves gloves always safest thing to do and always wear a hat because you are still working with horses so as you guys know unpredictable you just fit safety first so billy started out walking like honestly he was like a little zombie he was so chilled and just look at him i mean he's barely even walking he's at a snail's pace so i just let him walk around for a few minutes like and then asked him to trot but he was still pretty slow which is you know billy's quite a chilled horse so quite usual but i did think we're gonna have to liven this up if we want some if we want some jumps out of it um i did anticipate him being a little bit cheeky over the jumps just because he's not jumped in forever and i thought he loves it so much he's gonna just have a fit so i had to pick up the whip um because as you can see he wasn't going anywhere fast um i never tap the horse with the whip you just tap it behind them you make the snapping sound and that normally does the trick so he started cantering he was being really sweet super easy and just really chilled and then i think he heard a noise and freaked out i can't remember if it was here or a little bit later but yeah there we go he heard a noise and was like well hey and i was like okay here we go this is billy and he was he was like on springs after that so i tried to calm him down a little bit first and then i thought right let's lunge him over a couple of jumps you know safety first i don't want to be on the back of him if he's uh gonna fart around so i i warmed him up for a while canted him around and then decided to run with him and as you can see he leapt over that and had a little freak out afterwards um it's all good fun though he absolutely loves it and as you can see here another little spoon a little it's weird watching this because that is not billy is a horse he's a very well-behaved horse and would never do that with you on but just a little bit crazy on the lunge um so then i i counted and trusted him the other way i didn't film it all because you know it's boring um and then i was like oh you know what whatever he'll be fine i mean he hadn't jumped properly without without leaping but i thought whatever he's gonna be fine so hopped on give him a little walk around anyway make him make him get used to me on his back so i have a walk and normally like i always say i would walk around for 10 15 minutes but obviously he's already warm so i did get trotting fairly quickly um he was again so chilled so i had to pick up a whip because he was not going anywhere in a hurry um i'm just so funny so anyway chatted around and then got him ready to go over a couple of jumps but i'm i've put teddy up in the left-hand corner for comparison so we're gonna talk through it so as you can see teddy goes up a little bit more forward but both jumps look pretty similar there uh billy has much better flying changes than teddy i can't get teddies very well and that's not to say you can can't do that he can he's just as a show jumper flying james who kind of wings it in so i still need to get used to that but so far they look pretty similar poodling along teddy just jumps it with ease whereas billy gets more excited but both of them look pretty similar i would say side by side they're fairly equal right now um like i said i prefer billy's flying changes but i prefer teddy striding because i never know with billy if he's gonna take off soon or late but as you just saw there he knocked over the tiny cross pole so i would say teddy wins that round or maybe actually it's equal billy's changes are better but teddy's knocked nothing down so i don't know um so yeah then i rode with him again i put this middle jump up a little bit and look how cute he is but he jumps so funny like he brings his legs up and forward rather than rather than tucks them up and he kind of his body's like a long frame like throws himself over um anyway give him a little bath after because he was sweating like crazy billy jumped as you can see he was pretty fresh um on the lunge so i knew to lunge him i do know my horse quite well so i knew he was probably after not been jumping in a while because he loves it so much that he was probably going to be a little bit excited so got all his high jinks off on the lunge and then as you can see under saddle he was an absolute angel super cute so i decided i'm not gonna go too high today i think that would be silly i think just get back into it small training jumps get the horses back into it get them back fit it's not really fair to not jump in two months and get back on and like trying to be jumping them super high because they're not fit for that either so yeah that's billy done i'm just gonna get teddy ready on to the next um and now it's teddy's turn look how beautiful he looks so one two three like magic don't you guys wish it was that easy to tack up hi daisy cute little dog um yeah i wish it was that easy to tackle but look at his new trim so teddy is super bad with the clippers so we only clipped half off because he was getting very very sweaty but i think he looks cool i think he looks like he's got his racing stripes i mean obviously and it clips to a video where he's walking very slowly um but anyway i think he looks cool so like i always say older horse gets a good walk i mean any horse gets a good walk but teddy gets a really good walk really good stretch trot on a canter i haven't filmed it all this time because i filmed it in previous videos and i was trying to keep to the point of uh jumping today but yeah i always have a little chat around and teddy felt great today he was just he was fresh like you can see his little ears perk up because he loves to jump so he saw them and he was like hey i can't wait to go so i didn't do too much round i i canted him and i did some transitions um always liked to do those transitions but today his counter felt so much better i think he was just fresh and ready to go so as you can see like he looks good you know you never lose it he's an old guy but he looks good okay he's not that old um so anyway get straight stuck in obviously i haven't filmed every section of this but i try and show as much as i can um without boring you all to death so we're gonna go into the first jump and with teddy i have to hold him back a little bit it's very forward but then really nice easy jump it's like a canter stride for him he just finds it so easy um i do normally when i go around a corner i have to try really hard to hold him back because he just runs i think he's being trained you know to cut tight edges and to just go but i have to hold him back and get him good nice little jump i mean these were too easy for him so we put them up really quick um i do really like jumping straights with him and like i said i didn't do anything crazy because he was puffing quite hard after like half a session so i just want to build up his fitness again and i don't think he needs to do anything crazy um but as you'll see in a second we put it up a bit higher and he just he gives you that sense of security as you go over jump you just pop over and you feel like okay i could take this i could go higher and higher and higher he's amazing just easy easy light work with him whereas billy kind of throws his whole body at it and i think billy's almost a little bit like he has no regard for himself going over a jump he just wants to jump it so he'd fling himself over anything but that's not always the most sensible whereas teddy knows his job he he knows what he's doing he did knock that one slightly though which is not like him someone's getting a little lazy or maybe i need to put my leg on more you know either way and that one he jumped um kind of long so he normally jumps very short but you know always throws in the odd the odd surprise which we love keeps me focused um he was helping me out there by landing on the right leg too that was you know super helpful but yeah this is just teddy so out of the two i think for jumping teddy is much better but for the canter and trot in between the jumps i much prefer riding billy because billy can do a quick chat jumping done as you can see both horses adore jumping but both have very very different styles billy likes to throw himself over with his legs long in front and just kind of get so excited and energetic per jump and i think what he lacks in skill he makes up for enthusiasm and as teddy teddy also loves to jump like his eyes perk up when he sees them but he is obviously a lot um so he has a lot better technique he is a jumping horse always has been so you know he tucks up those legs he knows what he's doing his only fault for me is the fact he runs around the corners because he just can't wait to get to the next one so sometimes quite hard to hold back and i don't want to let him like barrel through the jump because then i could be a bit dangerous so that is both my jumping boys um very different very unique both of them but very sweet so i enjoyed that today nice easy jump and i hope you guys enjoyed this video i'd really appreciate it if you could like and subscribe and i will see you next time
Channel: Erin Williams
Views: 169,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 59Wbp1LvdPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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